(see r 1.6)
Form 1 Document title
(see r 2.1)
In the Supreme Court
of the Australian
Capital Territory
No of [ year ]
In the matter of [ full name of corporation
to which the proceeding relates and, if applicable, the words `(in
liquidation)', `(receiver appointed)', `(receiver and manager appointed)',
`(controller acting)', or `(under administration)' ]
ACN or ARBN: [ insert
AB (and others)
[ list, in a schedule, any
further plaintiffs ]
CD (and others)
[ list, in a schedule,
any further defendants ]
Form 2 Originating process
(see r 2.2)
[ Title ]
This application is made under *section/*regulation
[ number ] of the *Corporations Act/*ASIC Act/*Corporations Regulations.
State briefly the nature of the proceeding, eg application for winding-up on
ground of insolvency or complaint about a receiver .]
On the facts stated in
the supporting affidavit(s), the plaintiff claims:
Signature of plaintiff or
plaintiff's legal practitioner
This application
will be heard by the Supreme Court at Knowles Place, Canberra
City at *am/*pm on
TO: [ name and address of each
defendant (if any) ]
If you or your legal practitioner do not appear before
the Court at that time, the application may be dealt with, and an order made,
in your absence. As soon after that time as the business of the Court will
allow, any of the following may happen:
(a) the application may be heard and
final relief given;
(b) directions may be given for the future conduct of the
(c) any interlocutory application may be heard.
Before appearing
before the Court, you must file a notice of appearance, in the prescribed
form, in the Registry and serve a copy of it on the plaintiff.
Note Unless
the Court otherwise orders, a defendant that is a corporation must be
represented at a hearing by a legal practitioner. It may be represented at a
hearing by a director of the corporation only if the Court gives leave.
[Complete this section if
this originating process is seeking an order that a company be wound up in
insolvency on the ground that the company has failed to comply with a
statutory demand (see Corporations Act, section 459Q.]
[Set out particulars
of service of the statutory demand on the company and of the failure to comply
with the demand.]
[Attach to this originating process a copy of the statutory
demand and, if the demand has been varied by an order made under the
Corporations Act, section 459H (4) because of a dispute or offsetting
claim, a copy of the order made under that subsection.]
[The affidavit in
support of this originating process must:
(a) verify service of the demand on
the company; and
(b) verify the failure of the company to comply with the
demand; and
(c) state whether and, if so, to what extent the debt, or each of
the debts, to which the demand relates is still due and payable at the date
when the affidavit is made.]
Note 1 In an application for winding-up in
insolvency on the ground that the company has failed to comply with a
statutory demand, the applicant should consider completing form 2, pt C as
shown in sch 3 (Notes to these rules).
Note 2 An example of the affidavit in
support of an application for winding-up in insolvency for failure to comply
with a statutory demand is shown in sch 3 (Notes to these rules).
Date of filing: [ date of filing to be entered by Registrar ]
originating process is filed by [ name ] for the plaintiff.
plaintiff's address for service is [ address of plaintiff's legal practitioner
or of plaintiff ].
*It is not intended to serve a copy of this originating process on any person.
*It is intended to serve a copy of this originating process on each defendant
and on any person listed below:
[name of defendant and any other person on
whom a copy of the originating process is to be served]
[Complete the
following section if the time for service has been shortened]
The time by
which a copy of this originating process is to be served has been shortened by
order made by [ name of Judge or other Court officer ] on [ date ] to [ time
and date ].
* Omit if not applicable
Form 3 Interlocutory process
(see r 2.2)
[ Title ]
*This interlocutory application is made under *section/*regulation [ number ]
of the *Corporations Act/*ASIC Act/*Corporations Regulations.
On the facts
stated in the supporting affidavit(s), the applicant, [ name ], applies for
the following interlocutory relief:
Signature of
applicant making this application
or applicant's legal practitioner
interlocutory application will be heard by the Supreme Court at Knowles
Place, Canberra City at *am/*pm on
TO: [ name and address of each
respondent to this interlocutory process (if any). If applicable, also state
the respondent's address for service .]
If you or your legal practitioner do
not appear before the Court at that time, the application may be dealt with,
and an order made, in your absence.
Before appearing before the Court, you
must, except if you have already done so or you are the plaintiff in this
proceeding, file a notice of appearance, in the prescribed form, in the
Registry and serve a copy of it on the plaintiff in the originating process.
Note Unless the Court otherwise orders, a respondent that is a corporation
must be represented at a hearing by a legal practitioner. It may be
represented at a hearing by a director of the corporation only if the Court
grants leave.
This interlocutory process is filed by [ name ] for
the applicant.
The applicant's address for service is [ address of
applicant's legal practitioner or of applicant ].
*It is not intended to serve a copy of this interlocutory process on any
*It is intended to serve a copy of this interlocutory process on each
respondent and on any person listed below:
[ name of respondent and any other
person on whom a copy of the interlocutory process is to be served ]
[Complete the following section if the time for service has been shortened]
The time by which a copy of this interlocutory process is to be served has
been shortened by order made by [ name of Judge or other Court officer ] on [
date ] to [ time and date ].
* Omit if not applicable
Form 4 Notice of appearance
(see r 2.9)
[ Title ]
Notice is given that [ state full
name and address ], [ briefly state your interest in the proceeding, eg a
creditor for $ (amount), or a contributory, of the corporation ] intends to
appear before the Court at the hearing of the application to be heard on [
date ] and, if applicable, to
*oppose/*support the application.
Note Unless the Court otherwise orders, a
defendant or respondent that is a corporation must be represented at a hearing
by a legal practitioner. It may be represented at a hearing by a director of
the corporation only if the Court grants leave.
[Complete this section only if you are opposing an application to
wind up a company]
The grounds on which I oppose the application for
winding-up are:
[This section must be completed]
address for service of the person giving this notice is [ address of person's
legal practitioner or of person ].
Signature of person giving notice
or of
person's legal practitioner
* Omit if not applicable
Form 5 Notice of intervention by the commission
(see r 2.10)
[ Title ]
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission,
whose address for service is [ address ], intervenes in this proceeding.
Signed on behalf of the Commission
Name of signatory: [ name ].
Capacity of signatory: [ capacity ].
Form 6 Notice of hearing to approve compromise or arrangement
(see r 3.4)
To all the creditors and members
of [ name of company ].
Take notice that at 10 am (or as soon after that time
as the business of the
Court will allow) on , the Supreme
Court at Knowles Place, Canberra City will hear an application by [ name of
plaintiff ] seeking the approval of a compromise or arrangement between the
company and its *members/*creditors as proposed by a resolution passed by the
meeting of the *members/*creditors of the company held on [ date ].
this section if applicable]
The proposed compromise or arrangement as passed
by the meeting was amended from the form of compromise or arrangement
previously sent to you in the following respects:
[Set out the details of any
amendment made at the meeting]
If you wish to oppose the approval of the
compromise or arrangement, you must file and serve on the plaintiff a notice
of appearance, in the prescribed form, together with any affidavit on which
you wish to rely at the hearing. The notice of appearance and affidavit must
be served on the plaintiff at its address for service at least 1 day before
the date fixed for the hearing of the application.
[This section must be
The address for service of the plaintiff is [ address of
plaintiff's legal practitioner or of plaintiff ].
Name of person giving
notice or of person's legal practitioner [ name ]
* Omit if not applicable
Form 7 Affidavit accompanying statutory demand
r 5.2)
[ Name of creditor(s) ]
[ Name of debtor company ]
Debtor company
I, [ name ] of [ address and occupation ], *say on
oath/*affirm [ or *make oath and say/*solemnly and sincerely declare and
1 I am [ state deponent's relationship to the creditor(s), eg, `the
creditor', `(name), one of the creditors', `a director of the creditor',
`a director of (name), one of the creditors' ] in relation to *a debt of
$[ amount ]/*debts totalling $[ amount ] owed by [ name of debtor company ] to
*it/*them relating to [ state nature of debt, or debts, ensuring that what is
stated corresponds with the description of the debt, or debts, to be given in
the proposed statutory demand, with which this affidavit is to be served on
the debtor company ].
2 [ If the deponent is not the creditor, state the
facts entitling the deponent to make the affidavit, eg `I am authorised by the
creditor(s) to make this affidavit on its/their behalf ].
3 [ State the
source of the deponent's knowledge of the matters stated in the affidavit in
relation to the debt or each of the debts, eg `I am the person who, on behalf
of the creditor(s), had the dealings with the debtor company that gave rise to
the debt', `I have inspected the business records of the creditor in relation
to the debtor company's account with the creditor' ].
4 *The debt/*The total
of the amounts of the debts, mentioned in paragraph 1 of this affidavit, is
due and payable by the debtor company.
5 I believe that there is no genuine
dispute about the existence or amount of the *debt/*any of the debts.
*Sworn/*affirmed at: [ place of swearing or affirmation ] on [ date ]
*Sworn/*affirmed by the deponent at: [ place of swearing or affirmation ]
this day of [month] [year]
Signature of deponent
Before me:
Signature and designation of
person before
whom deponent
swears or affirms affidavit
* Omit if not applicable
Note The form of this affidavit may be changed to
comply with the form of affidavit used in a particular State or
Territorysee r 2.6.
Form 8 Consent of liquidator/provisional liquidator
(see r 5.5, r 6.1)
[ Title ]
I, [ name ], of [ address ], an official
liquidator, consent to be appointed by the Court and to act as the
*liquidator/*provisional liquidator of [ name of company ].
I am not aware of
any conflict of interest or duty that would make it improper for me to act as
*liquidator/*provisional liquidator of the company.
The hourly rates
currently charged in relation to work done as the
*liquidator/*provisional liquidator by me, and by my partners and employees
who may perform work in this administration, are set out below or in the
schedule attached to this consent.
I acknowledge that my appointment by the
Court does not constitute an express or implied approval by the Court of these
hourly rates.
Signature of official liquidator
* Omit if not applicable
[ description of hourly rate(s )]
Form 9 Notice of application for winding-up order
(see r 5.6)
In the Supreme Court
of the Australian Capital Territory
No of [ year ]
[ Name of company ]
[ ACN of company to which proceeding relates ]
1 A proceeding for the
winding-up of [ name of company ] was commenced by the plaintiff, [ name of
plaintiff ], on [ date of filing of originating process ] and will be heard by
the Supreme Court at Knowles Place, Canberra City at 10 am (or as soon after
that time as the business of the Court will
allow) on . Copies of documents filed may be
obtained from the plaintiff's address for service.
2 The plaintiff's address
for service is [ address of plaintiff's legal practitioner or of plaintiff ].
3 Any person intending to appear at the hearing must file a notice of
appearance, in accordance with the prescribed form, together with any
affidavit on which the person intends to rely, and serve a copy of the notice
and any affidavit on the plaintiff at the plaintiff's address for service at
least 3 days before the date fixed for the hearing.
Name of plaintiff
or plaintiff's legal practitioner: [ name ].
* Omit if not applicable
Form 10 Notice of application for winding-up order by substituted plaintiff
(see r 5.10)
In the Supreme Court
of the
Australian Capital Territory
No of [ year ]
[ Name of company ]
of company to which proceeding relates ]
1 [ Name of substituted plaintiff ],
who was, by order of the Supreme Court, substituted as a plaintiff, will apply
to the Court at 10 am (or as soon after that time as the business of the Court
will allow) on
at Knowles Place, Canberra City for an order that the company be wound up.
The address for service of the substituted plaintiff is [ address of
substituted plaintiff's legal practitioner or of substituted plaintiff ].
Any person intending to appear at the hearing must file a notice of
appearance, in accordance with the prescribed form, together with any
affidavit on which the person intends to rely, and serve a copy of the notice
and any affidavit on the substituted plaintiff at its address for service at
least 3 days before the date fixed for the hearing.
Name of
substituted plaintiff or substituted plaintiff's legal practitioner: [ name ]
* Omit if not applicable
Form 11 Notice of winding-up order and of appointment of liquidator
(see r 5.11)
In the Supreme Court
of the
Australian Capital Territory
No of [ year ]
In the matter of [ name of
company to which the proceeding relates ]
ACN: [ ACN of company to which
proceeding relates ]
On [date], the Supreme Court in Proceeding No of [year],
ordered the winding-up of [ name of company ] and I was appointed as
liquidator of the company.
Name and address of liquidator: [ name and
address ].
Form 12 Notice of appointment of provisional liquidator
(see r 6.2)
In the Supreme Court
of the Australian Capital
No of [ year ]
In the matter of [ name of company to which the
proceeding relates ]
ACN: [ ACN of company to which proceeding relates ]
On [date], in Proceeding No of [year], heard by the Supreme
Court, I was appointed as the provisional liquidator of the company.
Name and address of provisional liquidator: [ name and address ].
Form 13 Notice by creditor or contributory of objection to release of liquidator
(see r 7.6)
[ Title ]
[ Name of creditor/contributory ] of [
address of creditor/contributory ], a creditor of [ name of company ] for $ [
amount ], or a contributory of [ name of company ] holding [ number ] shares
in the company, objects to the grant of a release to [ name of liquidator ] of
[ address of liquidator ], who is the liquidator of [ name of company ], on
the following grounds:
[ set out the grounds on which the objection is made ]
Signature of objector or
objector's legal practitioner
Name of
objector or objector's legal practitioner: [ name ].
The objector's address
for service is [ address of objector or objector's legal practitioner ].
Form 14 Affidavit in support of application for order for payment of call
(see r 7.8)
[ Title ]
I, [ name ] of [ address ], liquidator, *say
on oath/*affirm [ or *make oath and say/*solemnly and sincerely declare and
1 I am the liquidator of [ name of company ] (the company ).
2 On [date] I made a call of $ [amount] per share on all the
contributories of the company [ or specify the class of contributories on whom
the call was made ]. *Annexed/*Exhibited and marked A is a copy of the notice
of the call. Each contributory whose name is shown in the schedule marked B
was duly served with notice of the call in the form annexed or exhibited and
marked A.
3 Each contributory of the company whose name is set out in column
2 of the schedule marked B has not paid, or caused to be paid, to me the
amount specified opposite the contributory's name in column 5 of the schedule,
which is due from that contributory under the call.
4 The amount set out
opposite the name of each contributory in column 6 of the schedule is an
estimate of the amount due by that contributory in relation to the costs of
applying for and giving effect to the order for payment of the call. The
estimate of the amounts so due by the several contributories has been reached
by apportioning the costs among the contributories who have not paid the call
according to the liability of the respective contributories to contribute.
The amount set out opposite the name of each contributory in column 7 of the
schedule is the total of the amount due by that contributory in relation to
the call as set out in column 5 and the amount due in relation to costs as set
out in column 6.
*Sworn/*affirmed at: [ place of swearing or affirmation ] on [ date ]
*Sworn/*affirmed by the deponent at: [ place of swearing or affirmation ]
this day of [month] [year]
Signature of deponent
Before me:
Signature and designation of
person before
whom deponent
swears or affirms affidavit
* Omit if not applicable
Note The form of this affidavit may be changed to
comply with the form of affidavit used in a particular State or
Territorysee r 2.6.
column 1 | column 2 | column 3 |
column 4 | column 5 | column 6 | column 7 |
number on list of contributories |
name | address | character in which included in the list | unpaid amount of call | proportion of costs of application | total amount payable |
Form 15 Notice of application for leave to distribute a surplus
(see r 7.9)
In the Supreme Court
of the Australian Capital Territory
No of [ year ]
the matter of [ name of company to which the proceeding relates ]
of company to which proceeding relates ]
On at , the
will hear an application by the liquidator of [ name
of company] in Proceeding No of [year] for leave to distribute a
surplus in relation to the liquidation of the company.
Any person intending
to appear at the hearing must file a notice of appearance, in accordance with
the prescribed form, together with any affidavit on which the person intends
to rely, and serve a copy of the notice and affidavit on the liquidator at the
address shown below at least 3 days before the date fixed for the hearing.
Name of liquidator: [ name ].
The liquidator's address for service is [
address ].
Signature of liquidator
Form 16 Notice of intention to apply for remuneration
(see rr 9.1-9.5)
IN THE MATTER OF [ company name ]
ACN: [ ACN of company to which proceeding relates ]
TO: [ name and address of
person to whom notice is given ]
Take notice that, not less than 21 days
after this notice is served on you, I, [ name and address ], the
*provisional liquidator/*special manager
of the company, intend to apply to the Court to determine my remuneration.
you object to my application, you must, within 21 days after being served with
this notice, serve on me a notice of objection stating the grounds of
objection to the remuneration claimed.
Signature of
*provisional liquidator/*special manager
* Omit if not applicable
Form 17 Summons for examination
(see r 11.3)
Title ]
To: [ name and address of person to be examined
You are summoned under the Corporations Act, *section 596A/
*section 596B to:
(a) attend before at Knowles Place,
Canberra City at 10 am on , and
from day-to-day until excused by the Court, to be examined on oath or
affirmation about the examinable affairs of [ name of corporation ]; and
*to produce at the examination the following books [ specify
booksinclude in a schedule if necessary ].
The Court may order that the questions put to you
and the answers given by you at the examination are to be recorded in writing
and signed by you.
If you do not attend the examination in accordance with
this summons, without reasonable cause, you may be arrested and imprisoned
without further notice.
This summons is issued at the request of [ name ]
whose address for service is [ address of person's legal practitioner or of
person ].
* Omit if not applicable
Form 18 Summons for appearance in relation to registration of transfer of interests
(see r 12.2)
[ Title ]
[ name and address ]
You are required to appear before the Supreme Court at
Knowles Place, Canberra
City at 10 am on and show
cause why the document(s) specified in the schedule should not be *delivered
up/*produced at the office of [ name of company ] at [ address of company ]
within [ period as ordered ], as required by the attached notice.
The address
for service of the person applying for this summons is [ address of person's
legal practitioner or of person ].
* Omit if not applicable
[ description of document(s) ]