(1) A VET Regulator is authorised to collect a student identifier from a registered training organisation, and use the student identifier, to enable the organisation to comply with its reporting obligations under the VET standards.
(2) A VET Regulator is authorised to use or disclose a student identifier for the purposes of section 14 of the Act (request to verify or give a student identifier).
(3) A VET Regulator is authorised to collect, use or disclose a student identifier for the purpose of performing its functions under the following as in force from time to time:
(a) its constituent legislation (see subsection (4));
(b) the Standards for VET Regulators made under subsection 189(1) of the NVETR Act;
(c) the Australian Quality Training Framework Essential Conditions and Standards for Initial Registration , or any equivalent document prepared by a relevant Ministerial Council;
(d) the Australian Quality Training Framework Essential Conditions and Standards for Continuing Registration , or any equivalent document prepared by a relevant Ministerial Council.
(4) For subsection (3), constituent legislation for a VET Regulator means:
(a) for the National VET Regulator--the NVETR Act; or
(b) for the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority--the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic.); or
(c) for the Training Accreditation Council--the Vocational Education and Training Act 1996 (WA).
(5) A VET Regulator is authorised to collect, use or disclose a student identifier for the purpose of assisting the Registrar to identify, investigate and resolve a problem that has occurred in relation to the assignment of student identifiers.
(6) A VET Regulator is authorised to disclose an individual's identifier to NCVER for the purposes of meeting the VET Regulator's obligations under the VET standards.