- (1)
- For paragraph 41FH (1) (a) of the Act and subject to
subregulation (2), an application for any of the following kinds of medical
devices to be included in the Register is prescribed:
- (a)
- a medical device
(other than a condom) that is a barrier indicated for contraception or
prevention of the transmission of disease in the course of penile penetration
during sexual intercourse;
- (b)
- a medical device that is an implantable contraceptive device;
- (c)
- a medical device that is an implantable breast prosthesis containing
material of fluid consistency (other than water only or a saline solution
- (d)
- a medical device of a kind described in subclause 5.3 (2) of Schedule
Subclause 5.3 (2) of Schedule 2 applies to a medical device that is
specifically intended by the manufacturer to be used for disinfecting another
medical device.
- (e)
- a Class AIMD medical device;
- (f)
- a medical device that is a prosthetic heart valve;
- (g)
- a medical device that is an implantable intra-ocular lens;
- (h)
- a medical device that is an intra-ocular visco-elastic fluid;
- (i)
- a Class III medical device that has not been assessed under the EC Mutual
Recognition Agreement or the EFTA Mutual Recognition Agreement.
- (2)
- Subregulation (1) does not apply to an application for a kind of medical
device to be included in the Register if a conformity assessment certificate
has been issued, and has not been suspended or revoked, in respect of the kind
of medical device.
(3) For this regulation:
- (a)
- a medical device is
assessed under the EC Mutual Recognition Agreement if the device is assessed
by a conformity assessment body designated by the European Community; and
- (b)
- a medical device is assessed under the EFTA Mutual Recognition Agreement
if the device is assessed by a conformity assessment body designated by the
European Free Trade Association.