(1) The Registrar of Trade Marks must send each party a written notice that:
(a) gives the name and address of the other party; and
(b) invites the party to file evidence relevant to whether the Registrar of Trade Marks should:
(i) decide the ground of objection is or is not made out; or
(ii) recommend to the Geographical Indications Committee that the proposed GI be determined despite the objection having been made out; and
(c) states that any evidence must be filed in the period of 3 months from the date of the notice.
(2) The Registrar of Trade Marks must not send the notices until:
(a) the Registrar of Trade Marks has notified the Geographical Indications Committee of the objection under section 64; and
(b) the person who made the objection has paid the fee prescribed by section 74 for dealing with the objection.