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Issued by the Authority of the Minister for Transport and Regional Development
Air Navigation Act 1920
Air Navigation (Aerodrome Flight Corridors) Regulations (Amendment)
Subsection 26(1) of the Air Navigation Act 1920 (the Act) empowers the Governor-General to make regulations in relation to air navigation, being regulations with respect to trade and commerce with other countries and among the States [paragraph 26(1)(d)] and any other matter with respect to which the Parliament has power to make laws [paragraph 26(1)(e)].
Paragraph 26(2)(e) of the Act provides that, without limiting the generality of the above, regulations may be made in relation to the establishment, maintenance, operation and use of aerodromes.
The Air Navigation (Aerodrome Flight Corridors) Regulations (the Regulations) establish designated flight corridors in respect of the parallel north-south runways at Sydney (Kingsford Smith) Airport (the Airport) within which jet aircraft must fly when landing at, or taking off from, the Airport.
The Air Navigation (Aerodrome Flight Corridors) Regulations (Amendment) amends the Regulations to repeal Flight Corridors B, D and F, the three flight corridors to the north of the Airport. As a result, jet aircraft landing from or taking off to the north of the Airport will no longer be required to adhere to flight corridors which, in effect, concentrate movements over a small number of suburbs immediately to the north of the Airport. Abolition of the northern flight corridors will contribute to spreading the noise burden more equitably.
Regulation 1 provides that the Regulations are amended as set out in the Amendment.
Regulation 2 repeals items 2, 4 and 6 of the Schedule to the Regulations, which represent Flight Corridors B, D and F.
The regulations commence on Gazettal.