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Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 322
Issued under the authority of the Minister for Transport and Regional Services
Civil Aviation (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 2)
Subsection 98(1) of the Civil Aviation Act 1988 (the Act) provides, in part, that the Governor-General may make regulations, not inconsistent with the Act, prescribing matters required or permitted by the Act, or necessary or convenient for carrying out or giving effect to the Act.
Under paragraph 98(3)(u) of the Act, the power to make regulations includes the power to make regulations prescribing fees, either by specifying amounts or by prescribing a method of calculation, for services, applications or requests, or the doing of anything under the Act, the regulations or the Civil Aviation Orders (the CAOs).
The Civil Aviation (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2005 (the new Fees Regulations) amend the Civil Aviation (Fees) Regulations 1995 (the old Fees Regulations) to revise and extend the list of services for which fees may be charged by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA), and to increase the level of existing fees. This is required as part of CASA’s move to full cost recovery for its services in line with the Australian Government’s policy on cost recovery.
Cost recovery policies
The Australian Government has adopted a formal cost recovery policy that focuses on the direction Government agencies should take to improve the consistency, transparency and accountability of Australian Government cost recovery arrangements, and to promote the efficient allocation of resources.
For the purposes of this policy, cost recovery broadly encompasses fees and charges related to the provision of government goods and services (including regulation) to the private and other non-government sectors of the economy.
The government has issued Commonwealth Cost Recovery Guidelines for Information and Regulatory Agencies. These guidelines apply to all Australian Government agencies/authorities and have been developed to assist the design and implementation of the policy. Agencies/authorities are responsible for reviewing all cost recovery arrangements against these guidelines.
Response to cost recovery policies
CASA's functions under the Act include the provision of safety regulatory services to the aviation industry. CASA already had some cost recovery arrangements in place in respect of these regulatory services.
Twelve different services were specified under the old Fees Regulations and fees were charged at either a fixed rate for particular services, or at an hourly rate based on the number of hours taken to provide the service. These services were charged across a range of segments in the aviation industry, but predominantly to licence and certificate holders.
In accordance with the Australian Government’s cost recovery policy, CASA has undertaken a rigorous cost recovery review involving examination of its operating costs and review of its activity levels to identify efficiencies and contain costs.
CASA’s Long Term Funding Strategy (LTFS) for financial self-sustainability provides for an increase in revenue from cost recovery from 1 January 2006, to be achieved by expanding the number of services for which CASA may charge a fee to the aviation industry on a cost recovery basis.
To assist with implementing the LTFS, CASA embarked on a significant consultation and communication program with the aviation industry (see further details below). To ensure adequate time for the consultation process, the full cost recovery implementation program will be phased in over a three-year period commencing 1 January 2006. The new Fees Regulations represent the first phase of this process.
In developing the new Fees Regulations, CASA undertook a cost modelling analysis to calculate the true cost of CASA activities. The fixed and hourly fees charged by the new Fees Regulations reflect the calculations and outcome of this analysis. The Regulations now have 24 service categories covering a total of 187 fee items (including the items currently specified). Details of this process appear in the Cost Recovery Impact Statement (CRIS) mentioned below.
Some CASA services will attract a cost recovery fixed fee amount (fixed fees). In general terms, these fees are based on the usual length of time taken by CASA to complete the relevant service at an hourly rate of $130.
Most other CASA services will attract a cost recovery hourly rate (HR) of $130 per hour. This rate is unchanged from that in the old Fees Regulations.
However, in a case in which the interests of the safety of air navigation require that the service is provided by a senior CASA officer, or an officer with particular experience or qualifications, the cost recovery fee would be $150 per hour. This is necessary to recover the cost of the more senior or experienced person required by the circumstances.
The new Fees Regulations are a legislative instrument for the purposes of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003 (the LIA).
Consistent with section 17 of the LIA, CASA embarked on a detailed program of consultation which involved a number of components, including preliminary advice from the Aviation Safety Forum in November 2004; an industry forum in Brisbane in August 2005; a second industry forum in Melbourne in September 2005; emails sent to industry contacts inviting feedback on the proposals; and a consultation paper and draft fee schedule on the CASA website for comment in October 2005.
CASA received over 60 responses to its website cost recovery papers. All responses from the consultation program were considered and taken into account in deciding on the final list of chargeable services and appropriate fees for them.
Office of Regulation Review
The Office of Regulation Review has assessed that the preparation of a Regulation Impact Statement is not required for the new Fees Regulations. CASA has, however, prepared and certified a CRIS in accordance with Financial Management Guidelines. The CRIS is available on the CASA website.
Details of fees
Details of the new Fees Regulations are in Attachment 1. Specific details of CASA services and fees are in Attachment 3. The descriptions of fees under the old Fees Regulations have been redrafted for clarity and the fees are now set out under revised headings.
For comparison purposes, the table in Attachment 2 contains a cross-referencing of the item numbers of services for which fees were paid under the old Fees Regulations with the item numbers in the new Fees Regulations. For consistency in presentation, the descriptions of the services under the old Fees Regulations have been redrafted in the new Fees Regulations.
Apart from these cross-referenced items, all other items mentioned in Attachment 3 refer to CASA services for which fees become chargeable for the first time under the new Fees Regulations.
The Regulations commence on 1 January 2006.
Details of the Civil Aviation (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 2)
Regulation 1 names the Regulations as the Civil Aviation (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 2) (the new Fees Regulations).
Regulation 2 provides that the Regulations commence on 1 January 2006.
Regulation 3 provides that Schedule 1 amends the Civil Aviation (Fees) Regulations 1995 (the old Fees Regulations).
Regulation 4 is a transitional provision. Subregulation 4 (2) provides that if, under the old Fees Regulations, a fixed fee was payable, and the person applied for the service and tendered payment of the old fee before 1 January 2006, no additional fee is payable under the new Fees Regulations even if the service is not provided before 1 January 2006.
Subregulation 4 (3) provides that if, under the old Fees Regulations, an hourly rate was payable, and the person applied for the service before 1 January 2006 and received from CASA its written estimate of the amount of the fees payable, and the service is not completed before 1 January 2006, that service must continue to be charged for at that hourly rate until the end of 31 March 2006.
Subregulation 4 (4) provides that if, under the new Fees Regulations, a fee is payable that was not payable under the old Fees Regulations, and the person applied for the service before 1 January 2006, a fee is payable under the new Fees Regulations only to the extent that the service is provided on or after 1 January 2006.
Item [1] substitutes new regulations 3 and 4.
New regulation 3 provides explanations for shorthand references to the civil aviation legislation.
It also provides that words used in the new Fees Regulations have the same meaning as they would have in the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 (CAR 1988) or the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR 1998).
New regulation 4 provides the formulas for calculating the fees for a service specified in an item in Schedule 1. The items generally describe the regulatory service in terms of the “processing and assessment of an application” for a particular outcome sought by an applicant.
The fixed fee for a service specified in an item of Schedule 1 is the fee specified for that item.
The hourly rate for a service in an item which includes the abbreviation ‘HR” will be either $150 per hour in a case in which the interests of the safety of air navigations require that the service be provided by a senior CASA officer, or an officer with particular experience or qualifications, or $130 per hour.
A Note explains that in general terms, a service in general aviation is likely to be charged for at a fee of $130 per hour, and a service provided by an air transport Flying Operations Inspector at $150 per hour.
New subregulation 4 (3) provides that if the time spent on a service is not a whole number of quarter-hours the total time is to be rounded down to the next lower number of quarter-hours.
New subregulation 4 (4) provides that where CASA has processed and considered an application for something, a similar fee is payable for processing and consideration of an application for its renewal or variation.
New subregulation 4 (5) provides that the charges for renewal or variation mentioned in subregulation 4 (4) do not include a minor and merely formal change such as the recording of a change of postal address.
New subregulation 4 (6) provides that where CASA incurs reasonable travelling and related expenses in order to provide the service, those reasonable expenses constitute an additional fee.
New subregulation 4 (7) provides that if the provision of a service by CASA requires CASA to pay a fee or charge there is an additional fee for the service equal to that fee or charge.
New regulation 4A provides that if a CASA officer is appointed as an authorised person or a delegate of CASA for any purpose other than his or her official duties, he or she must pay the fee specified in the relevant item for the appointment or the delegation.
New regulation 4B provides that nothing in new regulation 4 or Schedule 1 prevents CASA from providing consultancy services to a person under paragraph 9 (3) (f) of the Act on such terms as are agreed between CASA and the other person.
New regulation 4C provides that nothing in new regulation 4 or Schedule 1 prevents CASA from setting a reasonable price for goods that it offers for sale in the course of performing its functions.
Item 2 replaces Schedule 1 to the old Fees Regulations with a new Schedule 1. New Schedule 1 lists by item the services for which CASA will charge the fees that are mentioned for each item.
New Schedule 1 contains, under appropriate headings, the services for which fees will be charged. It includes, in redrafted form and under the same headings, the services for which fees are already being charged, along with the services for which fees are being charged for the first time. It contains for each service the appropriate fixed fee or hourly rate that, subject to the transitional provisions in section 4, is charged from 1 January 2006.
Attachment 2 contains a cross-referencing of the item numbers of services for which fees were paid under the old Fees Regulations with the item numbers in the new Fees Regulations.
The detail for each service and fee is set out in Attachment 3.
Old fee item number |
New item number |
1.1 |
9.6, 9.8 |
1.2 |
9.9, 9.10 |
2.1. |
9.1 |
2.2. |
13.1 |
2.3 |
2.1, 9.3, 9.4, 9.15, 9.16 |
2.4 |
2.1 |
3.1 |
3.1 |
3.2 |
3.4 |
3.3 |
3.5 |
3.4 |
3.2, 3.3 |
3.5 |
3.7 |
3.6 |
Not included |
4.1 |
18.2, 18.6 |
4.2 |
18.8 |
5.1 |
6.1 |
6.1 |
2.13 |
6.2 |
2.14 |
7.1 |
2.2, 2.3, 2.4 |
7.2 |
2.15 |
7.3 |
2.16, 2.17 |
7.4 |
2.6 |
7.5 |
2.5 |
8.1 |
2.7 |
8.2 |
Not included (see provision for renewals new subsection 4 (4)) |
8.3 |
2.9, 2.10, 2.11, 2.12 |
9.1 |
5.13 |
9.2 |
5.14 |
9.3 |
5.15 |
9.4 |
5.16 |
9.5 |
5.17 |
9.6 |
5.26 |
9.7 |
5.19 |
9.8 |
5.18 |
10.1 |
5.20 |
10.2 |
5.21 |
10.3 |
5.22 |
10.4 |
5.27 |
10.5 |
5.9, 5.10, 5.11, 5.12 |
10.6 |
5.28 |
10.7 |
5.23 |
10.8 |
5.24 |
10.9 |
5.25 |
11.1 |
4.1 |
12.1 |
Not included (see mention of consultancy in new section 4A) |
12.2 |
8.13 |
Details for Each Service and Fee
Part 1 Appointments and delegations
Item |
Service |
Fee |
1.1 |
Appointment of a person (not an officer of CASA) as an authorised person for CAR — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
1.2 |
Appointment of a person (not an officer of CASA) as a delegate of CASA for CAR — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
1.3 |
Appointment of a person as an authorised person (not an officer of CASA) for CASR — processing and consideration of |
HR |
1.4 |
Appointment of a person (not an officer of CASA) as a delegate of CASA for CASR — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
Part 2 Certificates of approval, aircraft maintenance engineer licences, airworthiness authorities and aircraft welding authorities
Item |
Service |
Fee |
2.1 |
Issue of a certificate of approval — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
2.2 |
Examination in a core or specific group subject to qualify for an aircraft maintenance engineer licence |
$130.00 |
2.3 |
Examination in a part of a specific type subject to qualify for an aircraft maintenance engineer licence |
$260.00 |
2.4 |
Examination in a technical competency category to qualify for an aircraft maintenance engineer licence |
$130.00 |
2.5 |
The re-marking of a core or specific group subject examination script in a LAME examination |
$130.00 |
2.6 |
The critique of an essay, or a multiple-choice answer paper, in a LAME examination |
HR |
2.7 |
Issue of an aircraft maintenance engineer licence — processing of application |
$65.00 |
2.8 |
Issue of a rating on an aircraft maintenance engineer licence based on the applicant’s practical experience, per category — consideration of application |
$520.00 |
2.9 |
Issue of a second or subsequent rating within a category on an aircraft maintenance engineer licence based on a schedule of experience — consideration of application |
$130.00 |
2.10 |
Issue of a rating on an aircraft maintenance engineer licence based on practical consolidation training or an accelerated training program — consideration of application |
$260.00 |
2.11 |
Issue of a rating on an aircraft maintenance engineer licence based on the applicant’s overseas aircraft maintenance engineer licence — consideration of application |
$260.00 |
2.12 |
Variation or renewal of a licence or rating referred to in any of items 2.7 to 2.11 |
HR |
2.13 |
Issue of an airworthiness authority — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
2.14 |
Issue of an aircraft welding authority — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
2.15 |
Written examination to qualify for a non-destructive testing authority |
$260.00 |
2.16 |
Oral or practical examination to qualify for a non-destructive testing authority |
HR |
2.17 |
Examination to qualify for a welding authority or weight control authority |
HR |
Part 3 Maintenance
Item |
Service |
Fee |
3.1 |
Approval of an aircraft component, or of the repair, or the design of a modification, of an aircraft or aircraft component — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
3.2 |
Approval of a permissible unserviceability — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
3.3 |
Approval of a minimum equipment list — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
3.4 |
Approval of a system of maintenance or a maintenance control manual — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
3.5 |
Approval of a maintenance schedule — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
3.6 |
Authorisation for a person to carry out maintenance — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
3.7 |
Approval of a system of certification of completion of maintenance for an Australian aircraft in Australian territory — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
3.8 |
Authorisation of a person to certify maintenance on an Australian aircraft overseas — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
3.9 |
Approval of instructions on how maintenance is to be carried out |
HR |
3.10 |
Grant of an exemption from, or variation of, a requirement under regulation 42ZR of CAR — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
3.11 |
Approval of a person’s appointment as a maintenance controller — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
3.12 |
Approval for the use of an alternative to a log book or a section of a log book — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
Part 4 Flight manuals
Item |
Service |
Fee |
4.1 |
Preparing a flight manual, part of a flight manual, or an alteration of a flight manual |
HR |
Part 5 Qualifications of flight crew
Item |
Service |
Fee |
5.1 |
Issue of a flight radiotelephone operator licence — processing and consideration of application |
$65.00 |
5.2 |
Issue of a student pilot licence — processing and consideration of application |
$65.00 |
5.3 |
Issue of a restricted flight engineer licence — processing and consideration of application |
$130.00 |
5.4 |
Approval of a pilot to give flying training — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
5.5 |
Approval to give conversion training — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
5.6 |
Appointment as an airship instructor — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
5.7 |
Grant of an exemption from any of the requirements of regulation 5.42 of CAR in relation to a flight test — processing and consideration of application |
$65.00 |
5.8 |
Approval of a person’s appointment as the chief flying instructor of a flying school — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
5.9 |
Issue of a certificate of validation for private operations, and the first rating or endorsement on such a certificate — processing and consideration of application |
$260.00 |
5.10 |
Issue of a certificate of validation for commercial operations, and the first rating or endorsement on such a certificate — processing and consideration of application |
$260.00 |
5.11 |
Issue of a rating on a certificate of validation (other than the first rating on the certificate) — processing and consideration of application |
$260.00 |
5.12 |
Issue of an aircraft endorsement on a certificate of validation (other than the first endorsement on the certificate) — processing and consideration of application |
$260.00 |
5.13 |
Private pilot licence examination |
$65.00 |
5.14 |
Commercial pilot licence examination, per subject |
$65.00 |
5.15 |
Air transport pilot licence examination, per subject |
$65.00 |
5.16 |
Student flight engineer licence examination, per subject |
$65.00 |
5.17 |
Examination for a rating |
$65.00 |
5.18 |
The re-assessment of a flight crew examination result |
$130.00 |
5.19 |
Flight test for a flight crew licence, rating or endorsement |
HR |
5.20 |
Issue of a private pilot licence and a flight radiotelephone operator licence — processing and consideration of application |
$65.00 |
5.21 |
Issue of a commercial pilot licence and a flight radiotelephone operator licence) — processing and consideration of application |
$130.00 |
5.22 |
Issue of an air transport pilot licence (including a flight radiotelephone operator licence) — processing and consideration of application |
$130.00 |
5.23 |
Issue of a flight crew rating — processing and consideration of application |
$130.00 |
5.24 |
Issue of an aircraft endorsement on a flight crew licence — processing and consideration of application |
$130.00 |
5.25 |
Issue of an aircraft endorsement on the basis of an overseas endorsement — processing and consideration of application |
$130.00 |
5.26 |
Examination for qualification as a check flight engineer |
HR |
5.27 |
Issue of a flight engineer licence — processing and consideration of application |
$130.00 |
5.28 |
Issue of a special pilot licence — processing and consideration of application |
$260.00 |
5.29 |
Endorsement on a special pilot licence — processing and consideration of application |
$130.00 |
5.30 |
Approval to conduct an emergency procedures proficiency test — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
5.31 |
Application to be approved as proficient to conduct sling load operation training — processing and consideration of application and assessment of demonstration of proficiency |
HR |
5.32 |
Issue of a mustering approval — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
5.33 |
Application to be approved as proficient to conduct winching or rappelling operation training — processing and consideration of application and assessment of demonstration of proficiency |
HR |
5.34 |
Approval of a pilot to conduct direct supervision as an approved agricultural (helicopter) pilot — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
5.35 |
Processing and assessment of an application for an exemption from compliance with CAO (a) — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
Part 6 Air operator certification
Item |
Service |
Fee |
6.1 |
Issue of an AOC or an operating certificate — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
Part 7 Radio systems for use in, or in connection with, aircraft
Item |
Service |
Fee |
7.1 |
Issue of an aircraft radiotelephone operator certificate of proficiency — processing and consideration of application |
$65.00 |
Part 8 Aircraft operations generally
Item |
Service |
Fee |
8.1 |
Authorisation for low flying or acrobatic flying over a training area — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
8.2 |
Permit to carry a firearm on an aircraft — processing and consideration of application |
$390.00 |
8.3 |
Permit to discharge a firearm from an aircraft — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
8.4 |
Permission for an aircraft to tow something — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
8.5 |
Approval to drop articles from an aircraft in flight, or a supplementary permission — processing and consideration of application |
$390.00 |
8.6 |
Permit to undertake low level aerobatics — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
8.7 |
Approval to fly over a regatta, race meeting or public gathering — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
8.8 |
Permission to fly lower than the prescribed height — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
8.9 |
Issue of a formation flying approval — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
8.10 |
Permission to fly an aircraft at night under V.F.R. lower than the prescribed height — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
8.11 |
RVSM airworthiness approval — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
8.12 |
RVSM operational approval — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
8.13 |
Assessment of a training program or training course for maintenance personnel |
HR |
8.14 |
Approval of a body as a training and checking organisation — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
8.15 |
Grant of an exemption from a requirement for a route qualification to act as pilot in command of an RPT service — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
8.16 |
Authorisation for a person to occupy a control seat — processing and consideration of application |
$130.00 |
8.17 |
Approval for a person who does not hold a pilot’s licence to taxi an aircraft — processing and consideration of application |
$130.00 |
8.18 |
Approval for a person who does not hold a pilot’s licence to start and run aircraft engines — processing and consideration of application |
$65.00 |
8.19 |
Exemption from minimum runway width instructions — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
8.20 |
Permit to carry a person on or in part of an aircraft not designed for passengers — processing and consideration of application |
$390.00 |
8.21 |
Permit to carry a person on an aircraft’s wings, or, undercarriage, or part not designed for accommodation of crew or passengers; or on anything attached to the aircraft — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
8.22 |
Directions for a type of safety harness to be worn in place of a seat belt — processing and consideration of application |
$390.00 |
8.23 |
Approval of operation with an exit or passageway that is not kept free from obstruction — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
8.24 |
Permit to carry animals on an aircraft — processing and consideration of application |
$260.00 |
8.25 |
Approval to carry a person in a seat with dual controls on an RPT operation — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
8.26 |
Approval of an RNP operation — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
8.27 |
Approval for the conduct of an air display — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
8.28 |
Grant of an exemption against flight and duty time limits — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
8.29 |
Approval of a person as a check pilot or a training and checking manager — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
8.30 |
Approval to enter into a charter substitution arrangement — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
8.31 |
Approval of a person’s appointment as chief pilot — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
8.32 |
Permission to employ a pilot who does not have the relevant qualifications set out in CAO 82.3 appendix 4 if the operator has established a satisfactory course of training — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
8.33 |
Permission to fly manned balloons and hot air airships in private operations for recreational purposes otherwise than in accordance with CAO — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
Part 9 Aircraft certification and related matters
Item |
Service |
Fee |
9.1 |
Issue of a type certificate, a supplemental type certificate or a type acceptance certificate — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
9.2 |
Approval of a change in a type design — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
9.3 |
Issue of a production certificate — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
9.4 |
Approval of a production inspection system — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
9.5 |
Approval of a change or changes in a quality system — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
9.6 |
Certificate of airworthiness — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
9.7 |
Provisional or special certificate of airworthiness — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
9.8 |
Export airworthiness approval — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
9.9 |
Validation of a foreign certificate of airworthiness — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
9.10 |
Validation of a foreign export certificate of airworthiness — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
9.11 |
Issue of an experimental certificate — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
9.12 |
Replacement of a certificate of airworthiness that has been lost or destroyed — processing and consideration of application |
$130.00 |
9.13 |
Issue of a special flight permit — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
9.14 |
Issue of a delegation option authorisation — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
9.15 |
Issue of an APMA — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
9.16 |
Issue of an ATSO authorisation — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
Part 10 Airworthiness directives
Item |
Service |
Fee |
10.1 |
Grant of an exclusion from the operation of an airworthiness directive — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
10.2 |
Review of the operation of an airworthiness directive — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
Part 11 Display of nationality and registration marks and aircraft registration identification plates
Item |
Service |
Fee |
11.1 |
Giving a direction about where markings are to be placed on an aircraft with a special configuration |
$260.00 |
11.2 |
Approval of the removal of, or a change to, the markings on an aircraft registration identification plate — processing and consideration of application |
$260.00 |
Part 12 Registration of aircraft and related matters
Item |
Service |
Fee |
12.1 |
Registration of an aircraft — processing and consideration of application |
$130.00 |
12.2 |
Recording an aircraft’s registered operator, or a change in an aircraft’s registered operator |
$65.00 |
12.3 |
Recording the transfer of the ownership of an aircraft |
$130.00 |
12.4 |
Replacement of a certificate of registration that has been lost, stolen or destroyed |
$130.00 |
12.5 |
Reservation of a registration mark |
$65.00 |
12.6 |
Change of a registration mark — processing and consideration of application |
$130.00 |
12.7 |
Giving a direction about the location of an aircraft registration identification plate |
$260.00 |
12.8 |
Assignment of a dealer’s mark — processing and consideration of application |
$130.00 |
12.9 |
Replacement of a certificate of assignment of a dealer’s mark |
$65.00 |
12.10 |
Revocation of the assignment of a dealer’s mark — processing and consideration of application |
$65.00 |
Part 13 Synthetic training devices
Item |
Service |
Fee |
13.1 |
Initial evaluation and qualification of a synthetic flight trainer — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
13.2 |
Recurrent evaluation of a qualified flight simulator or qualified flight training device |
HR |
13.3 |
Approval of a person as the user of a qualified flight simulator or qualified flight training device in a training and checking program — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
13.4 |
Special evaluation of a flight simulator or qualified flight training device regarding proposed modifications |
HR |
13.5 |
Special evaluation of a qualified flight simulator or qualified flight training device regarding its reactivation |
HR |
13.6 |
Approval of plan of transfer of flight simulator or qualified flight training device on change of operator — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
Part 14 Air traffic services personnel licensing
Item |
Service |
Fee |
14.1 |
Issue of an air traffic controller licence — processing and consideration of application |
$65.00 |
14.2 |
Issue of a rating on an air traffic controller licence — processing and consideration of application |
$65.00 |
14.3 |
Replacement of an air traffic controller licence that has been lost, stolen or destroyed |
$65.00 |
Part 15 Medical
Item |
Service |
Fee |
15.1 |
Issue of a class 1 medical certificate — processing and consideration of application |
$130.00 |
15.2 |
Renewal of a class 1 medical certificate — processing and consideration of application |
$130.00 |
15.3 |
Issue of a class 2 medical certificate — processing and consideration of application |
$130.00 |
15.4 |
Renewal of a class 2 medical certificate — processing and consideration of application |
$130.00 |
15.5 |
Issue of a class 3 medical certificate — processing and consideration of application |
$130.00 |
15.6 |
Renewal of a class 3 medical certificate — processing and consideration of application |
$130.00 |
Part 16 Dangerous goods
Item |
Service |
Fee |
16.1 |
Approval of a dangerous goods training course for employees — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
16.2 |
Grant of an exclusion under Part 92 of CASR — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
16.3 |
Grant of a permission under s 23 of the Act — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
16.4 |
Approval to give instruction as part of an approved training course — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
16.5 |
Grant of an exclusion under regulation 92.080 of CASR (that is, from compliance with the requirements about dangerous goods statements) — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
Part 17 Unmanned aircraft and rockets
Item |
Service |
Fee |
17.1 |
Approval of an area for the purposes of operation of unmanned aircraft or rockets — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
17.2 |
Approval to operate unmanned aircraft near a non-controlled aerodrome — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
17.3 |
Approval to release small balloons — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
17.4 |
Approval of operation of a large UAV — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
17.5 |
Certification of a person as an UAV controller — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
17.6 |
Certification of a person as a UAV operator — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
17.7 |
Permission to launch a rocket near an aerodrome — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
17.8 |
Approval of the use, in a firework display, of a projectile capable of reaching more than 400 feet above ground level — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
17.9 |
Approval to operate a firework display in or near a non controlled aerodrome — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
Part 18 Aerodromes
Item |
Service |
Fee |
18.1 |
Grant of the exemption of an aerodrome from compliance with Part 139 or standards in MOS Part 139 — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
18.2 |
Certification of an aerodrome — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
18.3 |
Temporary certification of an aerodrome — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
18.4 |
Approval of an aerodrome lighting system not specified in MOS Part 139 — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
18.5 |
Approval of the extension of the period for conducting an emergency exercise — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
18.6 |
Registration of an aerodrome — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
18.7 |
Approval of a person to conduct aerodrome safety inspections — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
18.8 |
The annual obstacle survey of an aerodrome |
HR |
18.9 |
Certification of an air/ground radio service — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
18.10 |
Certification of an air/ground radio service operator — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
18.11 |
Certification of a person or an organisation as an ARFFS provider — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
Part 19 Air traffic service training providers
Item |
Service |
Fee |
19.1 |
Approval as an ATS training provider — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
Part 20 Aeronautical telecommunication service and radionavigation service providers
Item |
Service |
Fee |
20.1 |
Approval as a service provider — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
Part 21 Air traffic service providers
Item |
Service |
Fee |
21.1 |
Approval as an ATS provider — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
Part 22 Instrument flight procedure design
Item |
Service |
Fee |
22.1 |
Issue of a procedure design certificate — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
22.2 |
Validation of a terminal instrument flight procedure — processing and assessment of an application for the validation, and the provision of a pilot for the validation |
HR |
22.3 |
Approval of a person’s appointment as chief designer — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
22.4 |
Approval of a training course to qualify as a qualified designer — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
22.5 |
Issue of a procedure design authorisation — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
Part 23 Exemptions
Item |
Service |
Fee |
23.1 |
Grant of an exemption from a provision of CAR for which no other fee is specified in this Schedule — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
23.2 |
Grant of an exemption from a provision of CASR for which no other fee is specified in this Schedule — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
23.3 |
Grant of an exemption, under a provision of the Civil Aviation Orders not elsewhere mentioned in this Schedule, from a provision of those Orders — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
Part 24 Other miscellaneous services
Item |
Service |
Fee |
24.1 |
Approval (under the Civil Aviation (Buildings Control) Regulations 1988) to construct a building or structure — processing and consideration of application |
HR |
24.2 |
Copying (otherwise than under the Freedom of Information Act 1982) or replacing a document not otherwise mentioned in this Schedule that was issued by CASA |
HR |