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Issued by the Authority of the Minister for Primary Industries and Energy
Cattle Transaction Levy Act 1990
Cattle Transaction Levy Regulations (Amendment)
The Cattle Transaction Levy Act 1990 (the Act) imposes a levy on the sale of cattle and bobby calves, their delivery to a processor other than by reason of sale to the processor and the slaughter or export of cattle on which a levy has not previously been paid. The levy consists of four components, which raise funds for the following purposes:
(a) financing of the Australian Meat and Live-stock Corporation (AMLC);
(b) financing of the Meat Research Corporation (MRC);
(c) financing of bovine disease eradication; and
(d) financing of the National Residue Survey (NRS). From 1 July, 1993 this component will be removed and replaced by a levy imposed under the National Residue Survey (Cattle Transactions) Levy Act 1992.
These regulations will implement a reduction in the rate of the levy for bovine disease eradication. As a result of the success of the Brucellosis and Tuberculosis Eradication Campaign, which has made the transition from an active to a monitoring phase, and the level of reserves in the National Cattle Disease Eradication Trust Account, the Cattle Council of Australia has recommended a decrease in the rate of the disease eradication component. The Minister for Primary Industries and Energy has accepted this recommendation. The reduction will have effect from 1 July 1993.
The present and proposed operative rates of levy and the prescribed maximum rates are as follows:
Cattle AMLC MRC Disease eradication NRS Total Bobby calves AMLC MRC Disease eradication NRS Total
rates (per head) $2.58 $0.78 $0.52 $0.12 $4.00 $0.57 $0.17 $0.00 $0.12 $0.86
rates $2.58 $0.78 $0.46 (a) $3.82 $0.57 $0.17 $0.00 (a) $0.74
Prescribed maximum rates $6.00 $2.00 $4.00 (a) $1.40 $0.40 $0.20 (a)
(a) From 1 July 1993 the NRS component of the levy will be removed and replaced by a levy imposed under the National Residue Survey (Cattle Transactions) Levy Act 1992.