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Issued by the Authority of the Minister for Transport
Protection of the Sea (Shipping Levy) Act 1991
Protection of the Sea (Shipping Levy) Regulations (Amendment)
The Protection of the Sea Levy is paid by commercial ships using Australian ports. The levy, which is estimated to raise $3.2m in 1994-95 and $3.3m in 1995-96, funds the activities of the National Plan to Combat Pollution of the Sea by Oil (Natplan).
Section 6 of the Protection of the Sea (Shipping Levy) Act 1981 (the Act) provides that the rate of levy, in respect of ships in Australian ports, is the rate prescribed per ton of the tonnage of the ship. Section 9 of the Act provides that the GovernorGeneral may make regulations for the purposes of section 6.
On 1 October 1993, the levy was raised from 2.2 to 4 cants per ton. The increase resulted from adoption of recommendations of the Review of the Natplan to fund an equipment procurement program. This program is now largely completed and there is now a need to reduce the levy rate to maintain a balance between funds raised and operational expenditure. On 29 December 1994 the levy was reduced from 4 cents per ton to 3.5 cents per ton.
Subregulation 3(1) of the Protection of the Sea (Shipping Levy) Regulations currently provides that the rate of levy is 3.5 cents per ton. The proposed regulation will reduce the amount of levy to 3.3 cents per ton commencing on 1 July 1995. It is estimated that the lower charges will save the shipping industry about $0.15m per annum.
Details of the proposed regulations are:
Proposed regulation 1 provides that the regulations will commence on 1 July 1995.
Proposed regulation 2 provides that the regulations are amended as provided for in proposed regulation 3.
Proposed regulation 3 provides that the rate of levy will be reduced from 3.5 cents to 3.3 cents per ton of the tonnage of the ship.