This section applies to a registered scheme
subject to the provisions of the scheme's constitution.
The quorum for a meeting of a registered scheme's members is 2
members and the quorum must be present at all times during the meeting.
In determining whether a quorum is present, count individuals
attending as proxies or body corporate representatives. However, if a member
has appointed more than 1 proxy or representative, count only 1 of them. If an
individual is attending both as a member and as a proxy or body corporate
representative, count them only once.
Note 1: For rights to appoint proxies, see section 252V.
Note 2: For body corporate representatives, see section 253B.
A meeting of the scheme's members that does
not have a quorum present within 30 minutes after the time for the start of
the meeting set out in the notice of meeting is adjourned to the date, time
and place the responsible entity specifies. If the responsible entity does not
specify 1 or more of those things, the meeting is adjourned to:
if the date is not
specifiedthe same day in the next week; and
if the time is not specifiedthe same time; and
if the place is not specifiedthe same place.
If no quorum is present at the resumed
meeting within 30 minutes after the time for the start of the meeting, the
meeting is dissolved.