This legislation has been repealed.
(1) In a proceeding under this Act or the Registration and Accountability of Organisations Schedule:
(a) the procedure of the Commission is, subject to this Act, the Registration and Accountability of Organisations Schedule and the Rules of the Commission, within the discretion of the Commission; and
(b) the Commission is not bound to act in a formal manner and is not bound by any rules of evidence, but may inform itself on any matter in such manner as it considers just; and
(c) the Commission must act according to equity, good conscience and the substantial merits of the case, without regard to technicalities and legal forms.
(2) The Commission may determine the periods that are reasonably necessary for the fair and adequate presentation of the respective cases of the parties to the proceeding and require that the cases be presented within the respective periods.
(3) The Commission may require evidence or argument to be presented in writing, and may decide the matters on which it will hear oral evidence or argument.
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