New South Wales Bills

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                                New South Wales

Appropriation Bill 2008


Part 1           Preliminary
                  1   Name of Act                                                    2
                  2   Commencement                                                   2
                  3   Interpretation                                                 2

Part 2           Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund
                 Division 1    Appropriations for the year 2008-09
                  4   General appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2008-09
                      for recurrent services                                         3
                  5   General appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2008-09
                      for capital works and services                                 3
                  6   Premier, and Minister for Citizenship                          4
                  7   Deputy Premier, Minister for Transport, and Minister for
                      Finance                                                        4
                  8   Minister for Ageing, and Minister for Disability Services      5

Appropriation Bill 2008


                9    Attorney General, and Minister for Justice                       6
               10    Minister for Climate Change and the Environment, Minister
                     for Women, Minister for Science and Medical Research,
                     and Minister Assisting the Minister for Health (Cancer)          7
               11    Minister for Community Services                                  7
               12    Minister for Education and Training, Minister for Industrial
                     Relations, Minister for the Central Coast, and Minister
                     Assisting the Minister for Finance                               8
               13    Minister for Emergency Services, and Minister for Water          9
               14    Minister for Fair Trading, Minister for Youth, and Minister
                     for Volunteering                                                 9
               15    Minister for Gaming and Racing, and Minister for Sport
                     and Recreation                                                  10
               16    Minister for Health                                             10
               17    Minister for Housing, and Minister for Tourism                  11
               18    Minister for Juvenile Justice, Minister for Western Sydney,
                     and Minister Assisting the Premier on Citizenship               11
               19    Minister for Lands, Minister for Rural Affairs, and Minister
                     for Regional Development                                        12
               20    Minister for Local Government, Minister for Aboriginal
                     Affairs, and Minister Assisting the Minister for Health
                     (Mental Health)                                                 13
               21    Minister for Planning, Minister for Redfern Waterloo, and
                     Minister for the Arts                                           13
               22    Minister for Police, and Minister for the Illawarra             14
               23    Minister for Primary Industries, Minister for Energy,
                     Minister for Mineral Resources, and Minister for State
                     Development                                                     15
               24    Minister for Roads, and Minister for Commerce                   16
               25    Treasurer, Minister for Infrastructure, and Minister for the
                     Hunter                                                          16

              Division 2      Budget variations for the year 2007-08
               26    General appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2007-08            17

              Division 3      Budget variations for the year 2006-07
               27    Adjustment of "Advance to the Treasurer", 2006-07               17
               28    Payments made during 2006-07 under section 22 of the
                     Public Finance and Audit Act 1983                               17

Part 3        Additional appropriation for health related services
               29    Additional appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2008-09
                     for recurrent services                                          18
               30    Special appropriation to Minister for Health--additional
                     revenue from gaming machine taxes                               18

Contents page 2
Appropriation Bill 2008


Part 4        General
               31    Variation of authorised payments from Consolidated Fund    19
               32    Appointment of person to carry out the functions of the
                     Treasurer under section 31                                 19
               33    Delayed restructures                                       20
               34    Operation of budget variations                             20
               35    Tabling of Budget Papers                                   20

Schedule 1           Payments during 2007-2008                                  22
Schedule 2           Payments during 2006-2007                                  23

                                                                   Contents page 3
                                 New South Wales

Appropriation Bill 2008
No      , 2008

A Bill for

An Act to appropriate out of the Consolidated Fund sums for the recurrent services
and capital works and services of the Government for the year 2008-09 and to make
additional appropriations to give effect to budget variations for the years 2007-08
and 2006-07.

See also the Appropriation (Parliament) Bill 2008, the Appropriation (Special Offices) Bill 2008
and the State Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment (Budget) Bill 2008.
Clause 1          Appropriation Bill 2008

Part 1            Preliminary

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                             1

Part 1         Preliminary                                                             2

  1      Name of Act                                                                   3

               This Act is the Appropriation Act 2008.                                 4

  2      Commencement                                                                  5

               This Act commences or is taken to have commenced on 1 July 2008.        6

  3      Interpretation                                                                7

               In this Act:                                                            8
                (a) a reference to the year 2006-07 is a reference to the year from    9
                      1 July 2006 to 30 June 2007, and                                10
               (b) a reference to the year 2007-08 is a reference to the year from    11
                      1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008, and                                12
                (c) a reference to the year 2008-09 is a reference to the year from   13
                      1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009.                                    14

Page 2
Appropriation Bill 2008                                                    Clause 4

Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund                                Part 2

Part 2        Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund                                    1

Division 1           Appropriations for the year 2008-09                                     2

  4    General appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2008-09 for recurrent                    3
       services                                                                              4

       (1)    Out of the Consolidated Fund there are hereby appropriated the sums            5
              identified in sections 6 to 25, inclusive, as the sums appropriated by this    6
              Act for recurrent services, which sums may be issued and applied for or        7
              towards the several uses and purposes expressed in those sections for          8
              the recurrent services of the Government for the year 2008-09.                 9

       (2)    The total sum appropriated out of the Consolidated Fund for the               10
              recurrent services of the Government for the year 2008-09, in                 11
              accordance with the provisions of sections 6 to 25, inclusive, is the sum     12
              of $40,463,358,000.                                                           13

       (3)    Any amounts expended for recurrent services under section 25 of the           14
              Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 or any Supply Act on or after 1 July        15
              2008 and before the date of assent to this Act are taken to have been         16
              expended out of such of the sums for recurrent services set out in            17
              sections 6 to 25, inclusive, as may be determined by the Treasurer.           18

  5    General appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2008-09 for capital                     19
       works and services                                                                   20

       (1)    Out of the Consolidated Fund there are hereby appropriated the sums           21
              identified in sections 6 to 25, inclusive, as the sums appropriated by this   22
              Act for capital works and services, which sums may be issued and              23
              applied for or towards the several uses and purposes expressed in those       24
              sections for capital works and services for the year 2008-09.                 25

       (2)    The total sum appropriated out of the Consolidated Fund for capital           26
              works and services for the year 2008-09, in accordance with the               27
              provisions of sections 6 to 25, inclusive, is the sum of $4,132,597,000.      28

       (3)    Any amounts expended for capital works and services under section 25          29
              of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 or any Supply Act on or after        30
              1 July 2008 and before the date of assent to this Act are taken to have       31
              been expended out of such of the sums for capital works and services          32
              set out in sections 6 to 25, inclusive, as may be determined by the           33
              Treasurer.                                                                    34

                                                                                Page 3
Clause 6          Appropriation Bill 2008

Part 2            Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund

  6      Premier, and Minister for Citizenship                                             1
         (1)   RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $241,744,000 is hereby                       2
               appropriated to the Premier, and Minister for Citizenship for the           3
               recurrent services of the following:                                        4

                01.     Department of Premier and Cabinet                     209,368
                02.     Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of New     16,151
                        South Wales
                03.     Natural Resources Commission                             4,499
                04.     Community Relations Commission of New South            11,726
                        Total, Recurrent Services                             241,744

         (2)   CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $2,573,000 is                        5
               hereby appropriated to the Premier, and Minister for Citizenship for the    6
               capital works and services of the following:                                7

                01.     Department of Premier and Cabinet                        2,318
                02.     Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of New        180
                        South Wales
                03.     Community Relations Commission of New South                 75
                        Total, Capital Works and Services                        2,573

  7      Deputy Premier, Minister for Transport, and Minister for Finance                  8

         (1)   RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $3,748,899,000 is hereby                     9
               appropriated to the Deputy Premier, Minister for Transport, and            10
               Minister for Finance for the recurrent services of the following:          11

                01.     World Youth Day Co-ordination Authority                55,278
                02.     Ministry of Transport                                3,675,897

Page 4
Appropriation Bill 2008                                                    Clause 8

Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund                                Part 2

                03.       Independent Transport Safety and Reliability              15,632
                04.       Office of Transport Safety Investigations                  2,092
                          Total, Recurrent Services                           3,748,899

       (2)    CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $1,725,000 is                            1
              hereby appropriated to the Deputy Premier, Minister for Transport, and          2
              Minister for Finance for the capital works and services of the following:       3

                01.       World Youth Day Co-ordination Authority                      30
                02.       Ministry of Transport                                      1,595
                03.       Independent Transport Safety and Reliability                100
                          Total, Capital Works and Services                          1,725

  8    Minister for Ageing, and Minister for Disability Services                              4

       (1)    RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $1,935,451,000 is hereby                         5
              appropriated to the Minister for Ageing, and Minister for Disability            6
              Services for the recurrent services of the following:                           7

                01.       Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care      1,935,451
                          Total, Recurrent Services                           1,935,451

       (2)    CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $115,231,000 is                          8
              hereby appropriated to the Minister for Ageing, and Minister for                9
              Disability Services for the capital works and services of the following:       10

                                                                                Page 5
Clause 9          Appropriation Bill 2008

Part 2            Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund

                01.     Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care       115,231
                        Total, Capital Works and Services                    115,231

  9      Attorney General, and Minister for Justice                                     1

         (1)   RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $1,281,307,000 is hereby                  2
               appropriated to the Attorney General, and Minister for Justice for the   3
               recurrent services of the following:                                     4

                01.     Attorney General's Department                        414,979
                02.     Judicial Commission of New South Wales                 4,278
                03.     Legal Aid Commission of New South Wales               88,945
                04.     Department of Corrective Services                    773,105
                        Total, Recurrent Services                          1,281,307

         (2)   CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $149,540,000 is                   5
               hereby appropriated to the Attorney General, and Minister for Justice    6
               for the capital works and services of the following:                     7

                01.     Attorney General's Department                         48,013
                02.     Judicial Commission of New South Wales                  150
                03.     Legal Aid Commission of New South Wales                3,600
                04.     Department of Corrective Services                     97,777
                        Total, Capital Works and Services                    149,540

Page 6
Appropriation Bill 2008                                                  Clause 10

Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund                              Part 2

10     Minister for Climate Change and the Environment, Minister for Women,                 1
       Minister for Science and Medical Research, and Minister Assisting the                2
       Minister for Health (Cancer)                                                         3

       (1)    RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $742,720,000 is hereby                         4
              appropriated to the Minister for Climate Change and the Environment,          5
              Minister for Women, Minister for Science and Medical Research, and            6
              Minister Assisting the Minister for Health (Cancer) for the recurrent         7
              services of the following:                                                    8

                01.       Department of Environment and Climate Change        635,945
                02.       Environmental Trust                                     88,695
                03.       Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust                  18,080
                          Total, Recurrent Services                           742,720

       (2)    CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $84,558,000 is                         9
              hereby appropriated to the Minister for Climate Change and the               10
              Environment, Minister for Women, Minister for Science and Medical            11
              Research, and Minister Assisting the Minister for Health (Cancer) for        12
              the capital works and services of the following:                             13

                01.       Department of Environment and Climate Change            81,923
                02.       Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust                   2,635
                          Total, Capital Works and Services                       84,558

11     Minister for Community Services                                                     14

       (1)    RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $1,299,456,000 is hereby                      15
              appropriated to the Minister for Community Services for the recurrent        16
              services of the following:                                                   17

                01.       Department of Community Services                  1,299,456
                          Total, Recurrent Services                         1,299,456

                                                                              Page 7
Clause 12         Appropriation Bill 2008

Part 2            Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund

         (2)   CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $21,256,000 is                     1
               hereby appropriated to the Minister for Community Services for the        2
               capital works and services of the following:                              3

                01.     Department of Community Services                      21,256
                        Total, Capital Works and Services                     21,256

12       Minister for Education and Training, Minister for Industrial Relations,         4
         Minister for the Central Coast, and Minister Assisting the Minister for         5
         Finance                                                                         6

         (1)   RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $9,292,504,000 is hereby                   7
               appropriated to the Minister for Education and Training, Minister for     8
               Industrial Relations, Minister for the Central Coast, and Minister        9
               Assisting the Minister for Finance for the recurrent services of the     10
               following:                                                               11

                01.     Department of Education and Training               9,197,631
                02.     Office of the Board of Studies                        94,873
                        Total, Recurrent Services                          9,292,504

         (2)   CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $672,353,000 is                   12
               hereby appropriated to the Minister for Education and Training,          13
               Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for the Central Coast, and   14
               Minister Assisting the Minister for Finance for the capital works and    15
               services of the following:                                               16

                01.     Department of Education and Training                 670,753
                02.     Office of the Board of Studies                         1,600
                        Total, Capital Works and Services                    672,353

Page 8
Appropriation Bill 2008                                                 Clause 13

Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund                             Part 2

13     Minister for Emergency Services, and Minister for Water                             1
       (1)    RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $594,504,000 is hereby                        2
              appropriated to the Minister for Emergency Services, and Minister for        3
              Water for the recurrent services of the following:                           4

                01.       New South Wales Fire Brigades                      508,576
                02.       Department of Rural Fire Service                       45,332
                03.       State Emergency Service                                40,596
                          Total, Recurrent Services                          594,504

       (2)    CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $15,695,000 is                        5
              hereby appropriated to the Minister for Emergency Services, and              6
              Minister for Water for the capital works and services of the following:      7

                01.       New South Wales Fire Brigades                          12,271
                02.       Department of Rural Fire Service                         310
                03.       State Emergency Service                                 3,114
                          Total, Capital Works and Services                      15,695

14     Minister for Fair Trading, Minister for Youth, and Minister for                     8
       Volunteering                                                                        9

       (1)    RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $11,685,000 is hereby                        10
              appropriated to the Minister for Fair Trading, Minister for Youth, and      11
              Minister for Volunteering for the recurrent services of the following:      12

                01.       Office for Children                                    11,685
                          Total, Recurrent Services                              11,685

                                                                             Page 9
Clause 15         Appropriation Bill 2008

Part 2            Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund

         (2)   CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $99,000 is hereby                     1
               appropriated to the Minister for Fair Trading, Minister for Youth, and       2
               Minister for Volunteering for the capital works and services of the          3
               following:                                                                   4

                01.     Office for Children                                         99
                        Total, Capital Works and Services                           99

15       Minister for Gaming and Racing, and Minister for Sport and Recreation              5

         (1)   RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $6,558,000 is hereby                          6
               appropriated to the Minister for Gaming and Racing, and Minister for         7
               Sport and Recreation for the recurrent services of the following:            8

                01.     Casino, Liquor and Gaming Control Authority               6,558
                        Total, Recurrent Services                                 6,558

         (2)   CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $70,000 is hereby                     9
               appropriated to the Minister for Gaming and Racing, and Minister for        10
               Sport and Recreation for the capital works and services of the              11
               following:                                                                  12

                01.     Casino, Liquor and Gaming Control Authority                 70
                        Total, Capital Works and Services                           70

16       Minister for Health                                                               13

         (1)   RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $10,626,351,000 is hereby                    14
               appropriated to the Minister for Health for the recurrent services of the   15
               following:                                                                  16

                01.     Department of Health                                10,616,608

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Appropriation Bill 2008                                                   Clause 17

Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund                               Part 2

                02.       Health Care Complaints Commission                        9,743
                          Total, Recurrent Services                         10,626,351

       (2)    CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $436,252,000 is                        1
              hereby appropriated to the Minister for Health for the capital works and      2
              services of the following:                                                    3

                01.       Department of Health                                 436,061
                02.       Health Care Complaints Commission                          191
                          Total, Capital Works and Services                    436,252

17     Minister for Housing, and Minister for Tourism                                       4

              RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $582,718,000 is hereby                         5
              appropriated to the Minister for Housing, and Minister for Tourism for        6
              the recurrent services of the following:                                      7

                01.       Payments to other Government bodies under the        582,718
                          control of the Minister for Housing
                          Total, Recurrent Services                            582,718

18     Minister for Juvenile Justice, Minister for Western Sydney, and Minister             8
       Assisting the Premier on Citizenship                                                 9

       (1)    RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $150,954,000 is hereby                        10
              appropriated to the Minister for Juvenile Justice, Minister for Western      11
              Sydney, and Minister Assisting the Premier on Citizenship for the            12
              recurrent services of the following:                                         13

                                                                              Page 11
Clause 19         Appropriation Bill 2008

Part 2            Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund

                01.     Department of Juvenile Justice                       150,954
                        Total, Recurrent Services                            150,954

         (2)   CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $16,394,000 is                      1
               hereby appropriated to the Minister for Juvenile Justice, Minister for     2
               Western Sydney, and Minister Assisting the Premier on Citizenship for      3
               the capital works and services of the following:                           4

                01.     Department of Juvenile Justice                         16,394
                        Total, Capital Works and Services                      16,394

19       Minister for Lands, Minister for Rural Affairs, and Minister for Regional        5
         Development                                                                      6

         (1)   RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $62,971,000 is hereby                       7
               appropriated to the Minister for Lands, Minister for Rural Affairs, and    8
               Minister for Regional Development for the recurrent services of the        9
               following:                                                                10

                01.     Department of Lands                                    62,971
                        Total, Recurrent Services                              62,971

         (2)   CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $628,000 is hereby                 11
               appropriated to the Minister for Lands, Minister for Rural Affairs, and   12
               Minister for Regional Development for the capital works and services      13
               of the following:                                                         14

                01.     Department of Lands                                      628
                        Total, Capital Works and Services                        628

Page 12
Appropriation Bill 2008                                                  Clause 20

Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund                              Part 2

20     Minister for Local Government, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, and                  1
       Minister Assisting the Minister for Health (Mental Health)                           2

       (1)    RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $109,949,000 is hereby                         3
              appropriated to the Minister for Local Government, Minister for               4
              Aboriginal Affairs, and Minister Assisting the Minister for Health            5
              (Mental Health) for the recurrent services of the following:                  6

                01.       Department of Local Government                          85,667
                02.       Department of Aboriginal Affairs                        24,282
                          Total, Recurrent Services                           109,949

       (2)    CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $230,000 is hereby                     7
              appropriated to the Minister for Local Government, Minister for               8
              Aboriginal Affairs, and Minister Assisting the Minister for Health            9
              (Mental Health) for the capital works and services of the following:         10

                01.       Department of Local Government                            150
                02.       Department of Aboriginal Affairs                           80
                          Total, Capital Works and Services                         230

21     Minister for Planning, Minister for Redfern Waterloo, and Minister for the          11
       Arts                                                                                12

       (1)    RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $476,397,000 is hereby                        13
              appropriated to the Minister for Planning, Minister for Redfern              14
              Waterloo, and Minister for the Arts for the recurrent services of the        15
              following:                                                                   16

                01.       Department of Planning                                  65,365
                02.       Department of the Arts, Sport and Recreation        374,438
                03.       Sydney Olympic Park Authority                           36,594
                          Total, Recurrent Services                           476,397

                                                                             Page 13
Clause 22         Appropriation Bill 2008

Part 2            Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund

         (2)   CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $35,304,000 is                        1
               hereby appropriated to the Minister for Planning, Minister for Redfern       2
               Waterloo, and Minister for the Arts for the capital works and services of    3
               the following:                                                               4

                 01.    Department of Planning                                    3,164
                 02.    Department of the Arts, Sport and Recreation            25,329
                 03.    Sydney Olympic Park Authority                             6,811
                        Total, Capital Works and Services                       35,304

22       Minister for Police, and Minister for the Illawarra                                5

         (1)   RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $2,077,542,000 is hereby                      6
               appropriated to the Minister for Police, and Minister for the Illawarra      7
               for the recurrent services of the following:                                 8

                 01.    Ministry for Police                                       7,101
                 02.    NSW Police Force                                     2,040,348
                 03.    New South Wales Crime Commission                        12,802
                 04.    Police Integrity Commission                             17,291
                        Total, Recurrent Services                            2,077,542

         (2)   CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $140,087,000 is                       9
               hereby appropriated to the Minister for Police, and Minister for the        10
               Illawarra for the capital works and services of the following:              11

                 01.    Ministry for Police                                         69
                 02.    NSW Police Force                                       136,667

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Appropriation Bill 2008                                                  Clause 23

Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund                              Part 2

                03.       New South Wales Crime Commission                         1,561
                04.       Police Integrity Commission                              1,790
                          Total, Capital Works and Services                   140,087

23     Minister for Primary Industries, Minister for Energy, Minister for Mineral           1
       Resources, and Minister for State Development                                        2

       (1)    RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $970,008,000 is hereby                         3
              appropriated to the Minister for Primary Industries, Minister for             4
              Energy, Minister for Mineral Resources, and Minister for State                5
              Development for the recurrent services of the following:                      6

                01.       Department of Primary Industries                    237,614
                02.       New South Wales Rural Assistance Authority          173,509
                03.       Department of Water and Energy                      388,133
                04.       Department of State and Regional Development        170,752
                          Total, Recurrent Services                           970,008

       (2)    CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $19,941,000 is                         7
              hereby appropriated to the Minister for Primary Industries, Minister for      8
              Energy, Minister for Mineral Resources, and Minister for State                9
              Development for the capital works and services of the following:             10

                01.       Department of Primary Industries                        10,019
                02.       New South Wales Rural Assistance Authority                 50
                03.       Department of Water and Energy                           8,798
                04.       Department of State and Regional Development             1,074
                          Total, Capital Works and Services                       19,941

                                                                             Page 15
Clause 24         Appropriation Bill 2008

Part 2            Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund

24       Minister for Roads, and Minister for Commerce                                     1
         (1)   RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $1,689,167,000 is hereby                     2
               appropriated to the Minister for Roads, and Minister for Commerce for       3
               the recurrent services of the following:                                    4

                01.     Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales       1,536,128
                02.     Department of Commerce                                153,039
                        Total, Recurrent Services                            1,689,167

         (2)   CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $2,126,463,000 is                    5
               hereby appropriated to the Minister for Roads, and Minister for             6
               Commerce for the capital works and services of the following:               7

                01.     Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales       2,115,154
                02.     Department of Commerce                                 11,309
                        Total, Capital Works and Services                    2,126,463

25       Treasurer, Minister for Infrastructure, and Minister for the Hunter               8

         (1)   RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $4,352,473,000 is hereby                     9
               appropriated to the Treasurer, Minister for Infrastructure, and Minister   10
               for the Hunter for the recurrent services of the following:                11

                01.     Treasury                                              150,904
                02.     Crown Finance Entity                                 3,901,569
                03.     Advance to the Treasurer                              300,000
                        Total, Recurrent Services                            4,352,473

         (2)   CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $294,198,000 is                     12
               hereby appropriated to the Treasurer, Minister for Infrastructure, and     13
               Minister for the Hunter for the capital works and services of the          14
               following:                                                                 15

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Appropriation Bill 2008                                                  Clause 26

Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund                              Part 2

                01.       Treasury                                                8,556
                02.       Crown Finance Entity                                185,642
                03.       Advance to the Treasurer                            100,000
                          Total, Capital Works and Services                   294,198

Division 2            Budget variations for the year 2007-08                               1

26     General appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2007-08                                2

       (1)    Out of the Consolidated Fund there is hereby appropriated the sum            3
              specified in Column 1 of Schedule 1, to the Minister specified in            4
              relation to that sum, for recurrent services, which sum may be issued        5
              and applied for or towards the use and purpose of the Government for         6
              the year 2007-08 specified opposite that sum in Schedule 1.                  7

       (2)    The total sum appropriated out of the Consolidated Fund in accordance        8
              with the provisions of this section and Schedule 1 is the sum of             9
              $250,000,000.                                                               10

Division 3            Budget variations for the year 2006-07                              11

27     Adjustment of "Advance to the Treasurer", 2006-07                                  12

              The sum of $120,068,000 is hereby appropriated out of the                   13
              Consolidated Fund in adjustment of the vote "Advance to the                 14
              Treasurer", 2006-07, for supplementary charges made during the year         15
              2006-07 in the amounts specified in Column 1 of Schedule 2 for              16
              recurrent services, and capital works and services, specified in relation   17
              to those amounts in Schedule 2.                                             18

28     Payments made during 2006-07 under section 22 of the Public Finance                19
       and Audit Act 1983                                                                 20

              The sum of $9,596,000, being the total of the sums specified in             21
              Column 2 of Schedule 2, and made in anticipation of appropriation by        22
              Parliament under section 22 (1) of the Public Finance and Audit Act         23
              1983, is hereby appropriated out of the Consolidated Fund to provide        24
              for the payments for recurrent services required for the exigencies of      25
              Government during the year 2006-07 specified opposite those sums in         26
              Schedule 2.                                                                 27

                                                                             Page 17
Clause 29         Appropriation Bill 2008

Part 3            Additional appropriation for health related services

Part 3         Additional appropriation for health related                                     1
               services                                                                        2

29       Additional appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2008-09 for recurrent                 3
         services                                                                              4

         (1)   Out of the Consolidated Fund there is hereby appropriated the sum               5
               identified in section 30, to the Minister specified in relation to that sum,    6
               for recurrent services, which sum may be issued and applied for or              7
               towards the use and purpose expressed in that section for the recurrent         8
               services of the Government for the year 2008-09.                                9

         (2)   The total sum appropriated out of the Consolidated Fund in accordance          10
               with the provisions of this Part is the sum of $210,000,000.                   11

         (3)   The sum appropriated by this Part is in addition to any other sum              12
               appropriated by this Act for recurrent services.                               13

         (4)   Any amounts expended for recurrent services under section 25 of the            14
               Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 or any Supply Act on or after 1 July         15
               2008 and before the date of assent to this Act are taken to have been          16
               expended out of such of the sum for recurrent services set out in section      17
               30 as may be determined by the Treasurer.                                      18

30       Special appropriation to Minister for Health--additional revenue from                19
         gaming machine taxes                                                                 20

               RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $210,000,000 is hereby                          21
               appropriated to the Minister for Health for the recurrent services of the      22
               following:                                                                     23

                01.     Department of Health                                      210,000
                        Total, Recurrent Services                                 210,000

Note. This Part allocates additional revenue raised in connection with changes to gaming      24
machine taxes to the Minister for Health for spending on recurrent health related services.   25

Page 18
Appropriation Bill 2008                                                   Clause 31

General                                                                   Part 4

Part 4        General                                                                       1

31     Variation of authorised payments from Consolidated Fund                              2

       (1)    In this section, purpose means a purpose specified in Part 2 or 3 in          3
              relation to a Minister to which a sum is appropriated for recurrent           4
              services or for capital works and services.                                   5

       (2)    Payment of a sum appropriated under Part 2 or 3 for a purpose may not         6
              be made in excess of the sum specified for the purpose or, if the same        7
              purpose is specified in Parts 2 and 3, the total sum specified for that       8
              purpose, except as provided by this section or Division 4 of Part 2 of the    9
              Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.                                           10

       (3)    If the exigencies of government so require, the Treasurer may authorise      11
              the payment of a sum in excess of the sum or total sum specified for a       12
              purpose, but only if an equivalent sum is not paid out for another           13
              purpose, whether the other purpose is specified in relation to the same      14
              or a different Minister, subject to subsections (4) and (5).                 15

       (4)    A sum appropriated for recurrent services may only be paid out for           16
              recurrent services and a sum appropriated for capital works and services     17
              may only be paid out for capital works and services.                         18

       (5)    A sum appropriated under Part 3 may only be paid out for a purpose           19
              specified in Part 3.                                                         20

       (6)    This section does not apply to sums appropriated by another Act.             21

       (7)    This section does not enable the Treasurer to authorise the payment of       22
              a sum in augmentation of, or as an addition to, any salary or wages the      23
              amount of which has been fixed by law.                                       24

       (8)    The Treasurer is to inform the Auditor-General of every authorisation        25
              given under this section.                                                    26

       (9)    An authorisation under this section may be given before or after the         27
              relevant payment is made.                                                    28

32     Appointment of person to carry out the functions of the Treasurer under             29
       section 31                                                                          30

       (1)    The Treasurer may appoint a person to carry out the Treasurer's              31
              functions under section 31.                                                  32

       (2)    Any such appointment is subject to such conditions (if any) as the           33
              Treasurer determines.                                                        34

       (3)    The Treasurer may revoke any such appointment at any time.                   35

                                                                              Page 19
Clause 33         Appropriation Bill 2008

Part 4            General

         (4)   A person appointed under this section has, in place of the Treasurer, the    1
               Treasurer's function under section 31 (8) of informing the                   2
               Auditor-General of every authorisation given by the person under             3
               section 31.                                                                  4

33       Delayed restructures                                                               5

         (1)   Without limiting section 31, if the responsibility for a service or          6
               function for which an appropriation is made in this Act is transferred       7
               after 1 July 2008 because of the determination made before that date by      8
               the Premier to create new ministries, or to change or abolish existing       9
               ministries, and consequently to create, restructure or abolish any          10
               authority, the appropriation does not lapse and may be issued and           11
               applied, in accordance with such determination as may be made by the        12
               Treasurer, for or towards the service or function the responsibility for    13
               which is transferred.                                                       14

         (2)   Section 24 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 does not apply to       15
               or in respect of an appropriation, service or function to which this        16
               section applies.                                                            17

34       Operation of budget variations                                                    18

         (1)   Division 2 of Part 2 and Schedule 1 are to be construed as if they formed   19
               part of the annual Appropriation Act for the year 2007-08 and to have       20
               effect as if this Act had commenced at the start of that year.              21

         (2)   Division 3 of Part 2 and Schedule 2 are to be construed as if they formed   22
               part of the annual Appropriation Act for the year 2006-07 and to have       23
               effect as if this Act had commenced at the start of that year.              24

         (3)   The issue and payment before the date of assent to this Act out of the      25
               Consolidated Fund of the whole or any part of the sums appropriated by      26
               Division 3 of Part 2 is validated.                                          27

         (4)   This section does not authorise the expenditure of any sum appropriated     28
               by Division 2 of Part 2 before the date of assent to this Act.              29

         (5)   This section applies whether this Act is assented to during or after the    30
               year in respect of which the relevant budget variations apply.              31

35       Tabling of Budget Papers                                                          32

         (1)   If the Legislative Assembly is not sitting at the time when a Budget        33
               Paper for the year 2008-09 is sought to be tabled in the Legislative        34
               Assembly, a Minister may, for the purpose of complying with section         35
               27AB of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983, present the Budget           36
               Paper to the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly to be dealt with in          37
               accordance with section 63C of that Act.                                    38

Page 20
Appropriation Bill 2008                                                 Clause 35

General                                                                 Part 4

       (2)    Section 63C of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 applies in            1
              relation to a Budget Paper that is presented to the Clerk of the           2
              Legislative Assembly under this section in the same way as it applies to   3
              a report presented to the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly under a        4
              provision of that Act.                                                     5

                                                                            Page 21
                Appropriation Bill 2008

Schedule 1      Payments during 2007-2008

Schedule 1             Payments during 2007-2008                   1

                                                    (Section 26)   2

                                                    Column 1
      Crown Finance Entity
      Further rail grants for debt repayment           250,000
      Total Crown Finance Entity                       250,000
      TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES                        250,000

      SERVICES                                         250,000
      TOTAL--ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION                  250,000

Page 22
Appropriation Bill 2008

Payments during 2006-2007                                                Schedule 2

Schedule 2                Payments during 2006-2007                                       1

                                                                   (Sections 27 and 28)   2

                                                            Column 1       Column 2
                                                           Treasurer's   s. 22 PF&A
                                                              Advance            Act
                                                               Amount        Amount
                                                                 $,000         $,000
          Premier's Department
          Grant to Lee Kernaghan to stage a concert for
          drought affected communities                            150
          Grant to the ANZAC War Memorial Trust to
          fund upgrade works to the War Memorial                 3,542
          Total Premier's Department                             3,692
          Department of State and Regional
          Grant to National Centre for HIV Epidemiology
          and Clinical Research                                  1,500
          Total Department of State and Regional
          Development                                            1,500
          TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES                              5,192
          Premier's Department
          Expenses associated with the transition to the
          new Ministry                                            530
          Total Premier's Department                              530
          SERVICES                                                530
          FOR CITIZENSHIP                                        5,722

                                                                             Page 23
                 Appropriation Bill 2008

Schedule 2       Payments during 2006-2007

                                                           Column 1      Column 2
                                                          Treasurer's   s. 22 PF&A
                                                             Advance            Act
                                                              Amount        Amount
                                                                $,000         $,000
          World Youth Day Co-ordination Authority
          Funding for this newly established authority          2,230
          Total World Youth Day Co-ordination Authority         2,230
          TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES                             2,230
          World Youth Day Co-ordination Authority
          Office fit out costs associated with the
          establishment of this new authority                    770
          Total World Youth Day Co-ordination Authority          770
          SERVICES                                               770
          FINANCE                                               3,000

          Department of Education and Training
          Additional school salary costs due to higher
          than forecast number of government school
          students                                             39,000
          Additional recurrent funding for expensing of
          items previously budgeted to be capitalised           3,400

Page 24
Appropriation Bill 2008

Payments during 2006-2007                                                 Schedule 2

                                                             Column 1      Column 2
                                                            Treasurer's   s. 22 PF&A
                                                               Advance            Act
                                                                Amount        Amount
                                                                  $,000         $,000
          Total Department of Education and Training             42,400
          TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES                              42,400
          Department of Education and Training
          Capital funding for the Behaviour Schools
          Program                                                 2,354
          Total Department of Education and Training              2,354
          SERVICES                                                2,354
          AND TRAINING                                           44,754

          Department of Water and Energy
          Funding for the Central Tablelands pipeline and
          pumping station to provide a supplementary
          water source during the drought                         2,250
          Total Department of Water and Energy                    2,250
          TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES                               2,250
          WATERWAYS                                               2,250

          Department of Health

                                                                             Page 25
                 Appropriation Bill 2008

Schedule 2       Payments during 2006-2007

                                                        Column 1      Column 2
                                                       Treasurer's   s. 22 PF&A
                                                          Advance            Act
                                                           Amount        Amount
                                                             $,000         $,000
          Funding commitment to Schizophrenia
          Fellowship of NSW                                    10
          Total Department of Health                           10
          TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES                            10
          TOTAL--MINISTER FOR HEALTH                           10

          Department of Primary Industries
          Drought assistance measures                                      9,596
          Total Department of Primary Industries                           9,596
          TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES                                        9,596
          New South Wales Rural Assistance Authority
          Office fit out costs associated with the
          administration of the Exceptional
          Circumstances (Drought Relief) scheme                10
          Total New South Wales Rural Assistance
          Authority                                            10
          SERVICES                                             10
          MINERAL RESOURCES                                    10          9,596

Page 26
Appropriation Bill 2008

Payments during 2006-2007                                                   Schedule 2

                                                               Column 1      Column 2
                                                              Treasurer's   s. 22 PF&A
                                                                 Advance            Act
                                                                  Amount        Amount
                                                                    $,000         $,000
          NSW Police
          Training costs of additional Police recruits              6,000
          Voluntary redundancy and salary maintenance
          costs for displaced civilian administrative staff         3,757
          Total NSW Police                                          9,757
          TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES                                 9,757
          NSW Police
          New information management and technology
          projects                                                 24,630
          Total NSW Police                                         24,630
          SERVICES                                                 24,630
          TOTAL--MINISTER FOR POLICE                               34,387

          Roads and Traffic Authority
          Grants to local councils for the upgrade of
          timber bridges in rural and regional areas               20,000
          Total Roads and Traffic Authority                        20,000
          TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES                                20,000
          TOTAL--MINISTER FOR ROADS                                20,000

                                                                               Page 27
                 Appropriation Bill 2008

Schedule 2       Payments during 2006-2007

                                                             Column 1      Column 2
                                                            Treasurer's   s. 22 PF&A
                                                               Advance            Act
                                                                Amount        Amount
                                                                  $,000         $,000
          The Legislature
          Members' electorate office rental costs                  700
          Members' entitlements and other mandated
          expenses                                                6,440
          Staffing expenses associated with transition of
          administration                                          2,795
          Total The Legislature                                   9,935
          TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES                               9,935
          TOTAL--THE LEGISLATURE                                  9,935

          RECURRENT SERVICES                                     91,774
          WORKS AND SERVICES                                     28,294
          TOTAL--TREASURER'S ADVANCE                            120,068

          SERVICES                                                              9,596
          TOTAL--SECTION 22                                                     9,596

Page 28


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