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New South Wales Appropriation Bill 2009 Explanatory note This explanatory note relates to this Bill as introduced into Parliament. The following Bills are cognate with this Bill: · Appropriation (Parliament) Bill 2009 · Appropriation (Special Offices) Bill 2009 · State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 Overview of Bill The object of this Bill is to appropriate various sums of money required for the recurrent services and capital works and services of the Government during the 2009-2010 financial year. The Bill relates to appropriations from the Consolidated Fund--the principal account of the Government for General Government transactions. The Consolidated Fund could be considered as the "public purse" and largely comprises receipts from, and payments out of, taxes, fines, some regulatory fees, Commonwealth grants and income from Crown assets. The Bill for the 2009-2010 year contains an additional appropriation, which allocates revenue raised in connection with changes to gaming machine taxes to the Minister for Health for spending on health related services. b2009-048-04.d11 Appropriation Bill 2009 Explanatory note Outline of provisions Part 1 (clauses 1-3) provides for the name of the proposed Act (also referred to as the short title), commencement on 1 July 2009, and interpretation of references to the financial year to which the proposed Act relates. Part 2 (clauses 4-25) provides for the appropriations for the financial year of 2009-2010. The amounts appropriated for the 2009-2010 financial year are: (a) $44,989,326,000 for recurrent services, and (b) $6,540,252,000 for capital works and services. Part 3 (clauses 26 and 27) makes an additional appropriation to the Minister for Health, with this being part of the revenue raised from gaming machine taxes. Part 4 (clauses 28-31) provides for general matters related to the appropriations set out in the proposed Act. Clause 28 enables the Treasurer to authorise payment for a purpose, in excess of the sum appropriated for the purpose, in specified circumstances. Clause 29 allows this function to be delegated by the Treasurer. Clause 30 allows the Treasurer to apply an appropriation differently in the event that responsibility for a service or function is transferred. Clause 31 allows a Minister to table a Budget Paper in the Legislative Assembly by presenting it to the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, if the Legislative Assembly is not sitting when the Budget Paper is sought to be tabled. Explanatory note page 2 First print New South Wales Appropriation Bill 2009 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary 1 Name of Act 2 2 Commencement 2 3 Interpretation 2 Part 2 Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund 4 General appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2009-10 for recurrent services 3 5 General appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2009-10 for capital works and services 3 6 Premier, and Minister for the Arts 4 7 Deputy Premier, Minister for Climate Change and the Environment, and Minister for Commerce 5 8 Minister for Ageing, Minister for Disability Services, and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs 6 9 Attorney General, and Minister for Industrial Relations 6 b2009-048-04.d11 Appropriation Bill 2009 Contents Page 10 Minister for Community Services 7 11 Minister for Corrective Services, Minister for Public Sector Reform, and Special Minister of State 8 12 Minister for Education and Training, and Minister for Women 8 13 Minister for Emergency Services, and Minister for Small Business 9 14 Minister for Fair Trading, Minister for Citizenship, and Minister Assisting the Premier on the Arts 10 15 Minister for Gaming and Racing, and Minister for Sport and Recreation 10 16 Minister for Health, and Minister for the Central Coast 11 17 Minister for Housing, and Minister for Western Sydney 12 18 Minister for Juvenile Justice, Minister for Volunteering, Minister for Youth, and Minister Assisting the Premier on Veterans' Affairs 12 19 Minister for Local Government, and Minister Assisting the Minister for Health (Mental Health) 13 20 Minister for Planning, and Minister for Redfern Waterloo 13 21 Minister for Police, Minister for Lands, and Minister for Rural Affairs 14 22 Minister for Primary Industries, Minister for Energy, Minister for Mineral Resources, and Minister for State Development 15 23 Minister for Roads 16 24 Minister for Transport, and Minister for the Illawarra 17 25 Treasurer 17 Part 3 Additional appropriation for health related services 26 Additional appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2009-10 for recurrent services 19 27 Special appropriation to Minister for Health--additional revenue from gaming machine taxes 19 Part 4 General 28 Variation of authorised payments from Consolidated Fund 20 29 Appointment of person to carry out the functions of the Treasurer under section 28 20 30 Delayed restructures 21 31 Tabling of Budget Papers 21 Contents page 2 New South Wales Appropriation Bill 2009 No , 2009 A Bill for An Act to appropriate out of the Consolidated Fund sums for the recurrent services and capital works and services of the Government for the year 2009-10. See also the Appropriation (Parliament) Bill 2009, the Appropriation (Special Offices) Bill 2009 and the State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2009. Clause 1 Appropriation Bill 2009 Part 1 Preliminary The Legislature of New South Wales enacts: 1 Part 1 Preliminary 2 1 Name of Act 3 This Act is the Appropriation Act 2009. 4 2 Commencement 5 This Act commences or is taken to have commenced on 1 July 2009. 6 3 Interpretation 7 In this Act, a reference to the year 2009-10 is a reference to the year 8 from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010. 9 Page 2 Appropriation Bill 2009 Clause 4 Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund Part 2 Part 2 Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund 1 4 General appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2009-10 for recurrent 2 services 3 (1) Out of the Consolidated Fund there are hereby appropriated the sums 4 identified in sections 6 to 25, inclusive, as the sums appropriated by this 5 Act for recurrent services, which sums may be issued and applied for or 6 towards the several uses and purposes expressed in those sections for 7 the recurrent services of the Government for the year 2009-10. 8 (2) The total sum appropriated out of the Consolidated Fund for the 9 recurrent services of the Government for the year 2009-10, in 10 accordance with the provisions of sections 6 to 25, inclusive, is the sum 11 of $44,989,326,000. 12 (3) Any amounts expended for recurrent services under section 25 of the 13 Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 or any Supply Act on or after 1 July 14 2009 and before the date of assent to this Act are taken to have been 15 expended out of such of the sums for recurrent services set out in 16 sections 6 to 25, inclusive, as may be determined by the Treasurer. 17 5 General appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2009-10 for capital 18 works and services 19 (1) Out of the Consolidated Fund there are hereby appropriated the sums 20 identified in sections 6 to 25, inclusive, as the sums appropriated by this 21 Act for capital works and services, which sums may be issued and 22 applied for or towards the several uses and purposes expressed in those 23 sections for capital works and services for the year 2009-10. 24 (2) The total sum appropriated out of the Consolidated Fund for capital 25 works and services for the year 2009-10, in accordance with the 26 provisions of sections 6 to 25, inclusive, is the sum of $6,540,252,000. 27 (3) Any amounts expended for capital works and services under section 25 28 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 or any Supply Act on or after 29 1 July 2009 and before the date of assent to this Act are taken to have 30 been expended out of such of the sums for capital works and services 31 set out in sections 6 to 25, inclusive, as may be determined by the 32 Treasurer. 33 Page 3 Clause 6 Appropriation Bill 2009 Part 2 Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund 6 Premier, and Minister for the Arts 1 (1) RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $682,014,000 is hereby 2 appropriated to the Premier, and Minister for the Arts for the recurrent 3 services of the following: 4 $,000 01. Department of Premier and Cabinet 267,439 02. Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of New 16,322 South Wales 03. Natural Resources Commission 4,548 04. Department of the Arts, Sport and Recreation 393,705 Total, Recurrent Services 682,014 (2) CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $21,322,000 is 5 hereby appropriated to the Premier, and Minister for the Arts for the 6 capital works and services of the following: 7 $,000 01. Department of Premier and Cabinet 3,552 02. Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of New 180 South Wales 03. Natural Resources Commission 309 04. Department of the Arts, Sport and Recreation 17,281 Total, Capital Works and Services 21,322 Page 4 Appropriation Bill 2009 Clause 7 Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund Part 2 7 Deputy Premier, Minister for Climate Change and the Environment, and 1 Minister for Commerce 2 (1) RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $837,354,000 is hereby 3 appropriated to the Deputy Premier, Minister for Climate Change and 4 the Environment, and Minister for Commerce for the recurrent services 5 of the following: 6 $,000 01. Department of Environment and Climate Change 570,220 02. Environmental Trust 94,588 03. Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust 19,090 04. Department of Commerce 153,456 Total, Recurrent Services 837,354 (2) CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $47,816,000 is 7 hereby appropriated to the Deputy Premier, Minister for Climate 8 Change and the Environment, and Minister for Commerce for the 9 capital works and services of the following: 10 $,000 01. Department of Environment and Climate Change 41,562 02. Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust 2,860 03. Department of Commerce 3,394 Total, Capital Works and Services 47,816 Page 5 Clause 8 Appropriation Bill 2009 Part 2 Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund 8 Minister for Ageing, Minister for Disability Services, and Minister for 1 Aboriginal Affairs 2 (1) RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $2,198,176,000 is hereby 3 appropriated to the Minister for Ageing, Minister for Disability 4 Services, and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs for the recurrent services 5 of the following: 6 $,000 01. Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care 2,172,123 02. Department of Aboriginal Affairs 26,053 Total, Recurrent Services 2,198,176 (2) CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $145,510,000 is 7 hereby appropriated to the Minister for Ageing, Minister for Disability 8 Services, and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs for the capital works and 9 services of the following: 10 $,000 01. Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care 145,370 02. Department of Aboriginal Affairs 140 Total, Capital Works and Services 145,510 9 Attorney General, and Minister for Industrial Relations 11 (1) RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $561,950,000 is hereby 12 appropriated to the Attorney General, and Minister for Industrial 13 Relations for the recurrent services of the following: 14 $,000 01. Attorney General's Department 414,130 02. Judicial Commission of New South Wales 4,323 03. Legal Aid Commission of New South Wales 143,497 Total, Recurrent Services 561,950 Page 6 Appropriation Bill 2009 Clause 10 Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund Part 2 (2) CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $45,627,000 is 1 hereby appropriated to the Attorney General, and Minister for Industrial 2 Relations for the capital works and services of the following: 3 $,000 01. Attorney General's Department 41,877 02. Judicial Commission of New South Wales 150 03. Legal Aid Commission of New South Wales 3,600 Total, Capital Works and Services 45,627 10 Minister for Community Services 4 (1) RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $1,512,147,000 is hereby 5 appropriated to the Minister for Community Services for the recurrent 6 services of the following: 7 $,000 01. Department of Community Services 1,512,147 Total, Recurrent Services 1,512,147 (2) CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $26,378,000 is 8 hereby appropriated to the Minister for Community Services for the 9 capital works and services of the following: 10 $,000 01. Department of Community Services 26,378 Total, Capital Works and Services 26,378 Page 7 Clause 11 Appropriation Bill 2009 Part 2 Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund 11 Minister for Corrective Services, Minister for Public Sector Reform, and 1 Special Minister of State 2 (1) RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $804,690,000 is hereby 3 appropriated to the Minister for Corrective Services, Minister for Public 4 Sector Reform, and Special Minister of State for the recurrent services 5 of the following: 6 $,000 01. Department of Corrective Services 804,690 Total, Recurrent Services 804,690 (2) CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $130,245,000 is 7 hereby appropriated to the Minister for Corrective Services, Minister 8 for Public Sector Reform, and Special Minister of State for the capital 9 works and services of the following: 10 $,000 01. Department of Corrective Services 130,245 Total, Capital Works and Services 130,245 12 Minister for Education and Training, and Minister for Women 11 (1) RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $10,029,317,000 is hereby 12 appropriated to the Minister for Education and Training, and Minister 13 for Women for the recurrent services of the following: 14 $,000 01. Department of Education and Training 9,933,258 02. Office of the Board of Studies 96,059 Total, Recurrent Services 10,029,317 Page 8 Appropriation Bill 2009 Clause 13 Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund Part 2 (2) CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $2,532,980,000 is 1 hereby appropriated to the Minister for Education and Training, and 2 Minister for Women for the capital works and services of the following: 3 $,000 01. Department of Education and Training 2,532,549 02. Office of the Board of Studies 431 Total, Capital Works and Services 2,532,980 13 Minister for Emergency Services, and Minister for Small Business 4 (1) RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $129,554,000 is hereby 5 appropriated to the Minister for Emergency Services, and Minister for 6 Small Business for the recurrent services of the following: 7 $,000 01. New South Wales Fire Brigades 71,196 02. Department of Rural Fire Service 51,165 03. State Emergency Service 7,193 Total, Recurrent Services 129,554 (2) CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $7,161,000 is 8 hereby appropriated to the Minister for Emergency Services, and 9 Minister for Small Business for the capital works and services of the 10 following: 11 $,000 01. New South Wales Fire Brigades 6,424 02. Department of Rural Fire Service 310 03. State Emergency Service 427 Total, Capital Works and Services 7,161 Page 9 Clause 14 Appropriation Bill 2009 Part 2 Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund 14 Minister for Fair Trading, Minister for Citizenship, and Minister Assisting 1 the Premier on the Arts 2 (1) RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $11,944,000 is hereby 3 appropriated to the Minister for Fair Trading, Minister for Citizenship, 4 and Minister Assisting the Premier on the Arts for the recurrent services 5 of the following: 6 $,000 01. Community Relations Commission of New South 11,944 Wales Total, Recurrent Services 11,944 (2) CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $35,000 is hereby 7 appropriated to the Minister for Fair Trading, Minister for Citizenship, 8 and Minister Assisting the Premier on the Arts for the capital works and 9 services of the following: 10 $,000 01. Community Relations Commission of New South 35 Wales Total, Capital Works and Services 35 15 Minister for Gaming and Racing, and Minister for Sport and Recreation 11 (1) RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $7,057,000 is hereby 12 appropriated to the Minister for Gaming and Racing, and Minister for 13 Sport and Recreation for the recurrent services of the following: 14 $,000 01. Casino, Liquor and Gaming Control Authority 7,057 Total, Recurrent Services 7,057 Page 10 Appropriation Bill 2009 Clause 16 Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund Part 2 (2) CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $70,000 is hereby 1 appropriated to the Minister for Gaming and Racing, and Minister for 2 Sport and Recreation for the capital works and services of the 3 following: 4 $,000 01. Casino, Liquor and Gaming Control Authority 70 Total, Capital Works and Services 70 16 Minister for Health, and Minister for the Central Coast 5 (1) RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $11,475,154,000 is hereby 6 appropriated to the Minister for Health, and Minister for the Central 7 Coast for the recurrent services of the following: 8 $,000 01. Department of Health 11,465,281 02. Health Care Complaints Commission 9,873 Total, Recurrent Services 11,475,154 (2) CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $405,446,000 is 9 hereby appropriated to the Minister for Health, and Minister for the 10 Central Coast for the capital works and services of the following: 11 $,000 01. Department of Health 405,446 Total, Capital Works and Services 405,446 Page 11 Clause 17 Appropriation Bill 2009 Part 2 Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund 17 Minister for Housing, and Minister for Western Sydney 1 RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $1,944,817,000 is hereby 2 appropriated to the Minister for Housing, and Minister for Western 3 Sydney for the recurrent services of the following: 4 $,000 01. Payments to other Government bodies under the 1,944,817 control of the Minister for Housing Total, Recurrent Services 1,944,817 18 Minister for Juvenile Justice, Minister for Volunteering, Minister for 5 Youth, and Minister Assisting the Premier on Veterans' Affairs 6 (1) RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $166,505,000 is hereby 7 appropriated to the Minister for Juvenile Justice, Minister for 8 Volunteering, Minister for Youth, and Minister Assisting the Premier 9 on Veterans' Affairs for the recurrent services of the following: 10 $,000 01. Department of Juvenile Justice 152,036 02. Office for Children 14,469 Total, Recurrent Services 166,505 (2) CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $24,560,000 is 11 hereby appropriated to the Minister for Juvenile Justice, Minister for 12 Volunteering, Minister for Youth, and Minister Assisting the Premier 13 on Veterans' Affairs for the capital works and services of the following: 14 $,000 01. Department of Juvenile Justice 23,397 02. Office for Children 1,163 Total, Capital Works and Services 24,560 Page 12 Appropriation Bill 2009 Clause 19 Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund Part 2 19 Minister for Local Government, and Minister Assisting the Minister for 1 Health (Mental Health) 2 (1) RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $85,765,000 is hereby 3 appropriated to the Minister for Local Government, and Minister 4 Assisting the Minister for Health (Mental Health) for the recurrent 5 services of the following: 6 $,000 01. Department of Local Government 85,765 Total, Recurrent Services 85,765 (2) CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $150,000 is hereby 7 appropriated to the Minister for Local Government, and Minister 8 Assisting the Minister for Health (Mental Health) for the capital works 9 and services of the following: 10 $,000 01. Department of Local Government 150 Total, Capital Works and Services 150 20 Minister for Planning, and Minister for Redfern Waterloo 11 (1) RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $107,057,000 is hereby 12 appropriated to the Minister for Planning, and Minister for Redfern 13 Waterloo for the recurrent services of the following: 14 $,000 01. Department of Planning 72,861 02. Sydney Olympic Park Authority 34,196 Total, Recurrent Services 107,057 Page 13 Clause 21 Appropriation Bill 2009 Part 2 Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund (2) CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $9,975,000 is 1 hereby appropriated to the Minister for Planning, and Minister for 2 Redfern Waterloo for the capital works and services of the following: 3 $,000 01. Department of Planning 3,164 02. Sydney Olympic Park Authority 6,811 Total, Capital Works and Services 9,975 21 Minister for Police, Minister for Lands, and Minister for Rural Affairs 4 (1) RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $2,237,453,000 is hereby 5 appropriated to the Minister for Police, Minister for Lands, and Minister 6 for Rural Affairs for the recurrent services of the following: 7 $,000 01. Ministry for Police 7,163 02. NSW Police Force 2,131,973 03. New South Wales Crime Commission 15,372 04. Police Integrity Commission 17,780 05. Department of Lands 65,165 Total, Recurrent Services 2,237,453 Page 14 Appropriation Bill 2009 Clause 22 Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund Part 2 (2) CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $140,645,000 is 1 hereby appropriated to the Minister for Police, Minister for Lands, and 2 Minister for Rural Affairs for the capital works and services of the 3 following: 4 $,000 01. Ministry for Police 69 02. NSW Police Force 136,831 03. New South Wales Crime Commission 1,561 04. Police Integrity Commission 1,790 05. Department of Lands 394 Total, Capital Works and Services 140,645 22 Minister for Primary Industries, Minister for Energy, Minister for Mineral 5 Resources, and Minister for State Development 6 (1) RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $1,228,127,000 is hereby 7 appropriated to the Minister for Primary Industries, Minister for 8 Energy, Minister for Mineral Resources, and Minister for State 9 Development for the recurrent services of the following: 10 $,000 01. Department of Primary Industries 234,078 02. New South Wales Rural Assistance Authority 258,954 03. Department of Water and Energy 480,869 04. Department of State and Regional Development 254,226 Total, Recurrent Services 1,228,127 Page 15 Clause 23 Appropriation Bill 2009 Part 2 Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund (2) CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $37,438,000 is 1 hereby appropriated to the Minister for Primary Industries, Minister for 2 Energy, Minister for Mineral Resources, and Minister for State 3 Development for the capital works and services of the following: 4 $,000 01. Department of Primary Industries 30,860 02. New South Wales Rural Assistance Authority 50 03. Department of Water and Energy 6,049 04. Department of State and Regional Development 479 Total, Capital Works and Services 37,438 23 Minister for Roads 5 (1) RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $1,563,835,000 is hereby 6 appropriated to the Minister for Roads for the recurrent services of the 7 following: 8 $,000 01. Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales 1,563,835 Total, Recurrent Services 1,563,835 (2) CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $2,456,187,000 is 9 hereby appropriated to the Minister for Roads for the capital works and 10 services of the following: 11 $,000 01. Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales 2,456,187 Total, Capital Works and Services 2,456,187 Page 16 Appropriation Bill 2009 Clause 24 Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund Part 2 24 Minister for Transport, and Minister for the Illawarra 1 (1) RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $4,364,122,000 is hereby 2 appropriated to the Minister for Transport, and Minister for the 3 Illawarra for the recurrent services of the following: 4 $,000 01. Ministry of Transport 4,346,222 02. Independent Transport Safety and Reliability 15,785 Regulator 03. Office of Transport Safety Investigations 2,115 Total, Recurrent Services 4,364,122 (2) CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $14,743,000 is 5 hereby appropriated to the Minister for Transport, and Minister for the 6 Illawarra for the capital works and services of the following: 7 $,000 01. Ministry of Transport 14,723 02. Office of Transport Safety Investigations 20 Total, Capital Works and Services 14,743 25 Treasurer 8 (1) RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $5,042,288,000 is hereby 9 appropriated to the Treasurer for the recurrent services of the following: 10 $,000 01. Treasury 175,844 02. Crown Finance Entity 4,566,444 03. Advance to the Treasurer 300,000 Total, Recurrent Services 5,042,288 Page 17 Clause 25 Appropriation Bill 2009 Part 2 Appropriations out of the Consolidated Fund (2) CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $493,964,000 is 1 hereby appropriated to the Treasurer for the capital works and services 2 of the following: 3 $,000 01. Treasury 9,461 02. Crown Finance Entity 344,503 03. Advance to the Treasurer 140,000 Total, Capital Works and Services 493,964 Page 18 Appropriation Bill 2009 Clause 26 Additional appropriation for health related services Part 3 Part 3 Additional appropriation for health related 1 services 2 26 Additional appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2009-10 for recurrent 3 services 4 (1) Out of the Consolidated Fund there is hereby appropriated the sum 5 identified in section 27, to the Minister specified in relation to that sum, 6 for recurrent services, which sum may be issued and applied for or 7 towards the use and purpose expressed in that section for the recurrent 8 services of the Government for the year 2009-10. 9 (2) The total sum appropriated out of the Consolidated Fund in accordance 10 with the provisions of this Part is the sum of $236,000,000. 11 (3) The sum appropriated by this Part is in addition to any other sum 12 appropriated by this Act for recurrent services. 13 (4) Any amounts expended for recurrent services under section 25 of the 14 Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 or any Supply Act on or after 1 July 15 2009 and before the date of assent to this Act are taken to have been 16 expended out of such of the sum for recurrent services set out in section 17 27 as may be determined by the Treasurer. 18 27 Special appropriation to Minister for Health--additional revenue from 19 gaming machine taxes 20 RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $236,000,000 is hereby 21 appropriated to the Minister for Health for the recurrent services of the 22 following: 23 $,000 01. Department of Health 236,000 Total, Recurrent Services 236,000 Note. This Part allocates additional revenue raised in connection with changes to gaming 24 machine taxes to the Minister for Health for spending on recurrent health related services. 25 Page 19 Clause 28 Appropriation Bill 2009 Part 4 General Part 4 General 1 28 Variation of authorised payments from Consolidated Fund 2 (1) In this section, purpose means a purpose specified in Part 2 or 3 in 3 relation to a Minister to which a sum is appropriated for recurrent 4 services or for capital works and services. 5 (2) Payment of a sum appropriated under Part 2 or 3 for a purpose may not 6 be made in excess of the sum specified for the purpose or, if the same 7 purpose is specified in Parts 2 and 3, the total sum specified for that 8 purpose, except as provided by this section or Division 4 of Part 2 of the 9 Public Finance and Audit Act 1983. 10 (3) If the exigencies of government so require, the Treasurer may authorise 11 the payment of a sum in excess of the sum or total sum specified for a 12 purpose, but only if an equivalent sum is not paid out for another 13 purpose, whether the other purpose is specified in relation to the same 14 or a different Minister, subject to subsections (4) and (5). 15 (4) A sum appropriated for recurrent services may only be paid out for 16 recurrent services and a sum appropriated for capital works and services 17 may only be paid out for capital works and services. 18 (5) A sum appropriated under Part 3 may only be paid out for a purpose 19 specified in Part 3. 20 (6) This section does not apply to sums appropriated by another Act. 21 (7) This section does not enable the Treasurer to authorise the payment of 22 a sum in augmentation of, or as an addition to, any salary or wages the 23 amount of which has been fixed by law. 24 (8) The Treasurer is to inform the Auditor-General of every authorisation 25 given under this section. 26 (9) An authorisation under this section may be given before or after the 27 relevant payment is made. 28 29 Appointment of person to carry out the functions of the Treasurer under 29 section 28 30 (1) The Treasurer may appoint a person to carry out the Treasurer's 31 functions under section 28. 32 (2) Any such appointment is subject to such conditions (if any) as the 33 Treasurer determines. 34 (3) The Treasurer may revoke any such appointment at any time. 35 Page 20 Appropriation Bill 2009 Clause 30 General Part 4 (4) A person appointed under this section has, in place of the Treasurer, the 1 Treasurer's function under section 28 (8) of informing the 2 Auditor-General of every authorisation given by the person under 3 section 28. 4 30 Delayed restructures 5 (1) Without limiting section 28, if the responsibility for a service or 6 function for which an appropriation is made in this Act is transferred on 7 or after 1 July 2009 because of the determination made before that date 8 by the Premier to create new ministries, or to change or abolish existing 9 ministries, and consequently to create, restructure or abolish any 10 authority, the appropriation does not lapse and may be issued and 11 applied, in accordance with such determination as may be made by the 12 Treasurer, for or towards the service or function the responsibility for 13 which is transferred. 14 (2) Section 24 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 does not apply to 15 or in respect of an appropriation, service or function to which this 16 section applies. 17 31 Tabling of Budget Papers 18 (1) If the Legislative Assembly is not sitting at the time when a Budget 19 Paper for the year 2009-10 is sought to be tabled in the Legislative 20 Assembly, a Minister may, for the purpose of complying with section 21 27AB of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983, present the Budget 22 Paper to the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly to be dealt with in 23 accordance with section 63C of that Act. 24 (2) Section 63C of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 applies in 25 relation to a Budget Paper that is presented to the Clerk of the 26 Legislative Assembly under this section in the same way as it applies to 27 a report presented to the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly under a 28 provision of that Act. 29 Page 21
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