New South Wales Bills

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                                New South Wales

Appropriation Bill 2013


Part 1         Preliminary
                   1   Name of Act                                               2
                   2   Commencement                                              2
                   3   Interpretation                                            2
                   4   Expenses and capital expenditure information              2

Part 2         Appropriation (Departments)
               Division 1       General appropriation
                   5   General appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2013-14
                       for recurrent services (Departments)                      3
                   6   General appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2013-14
                       for capital works and services (Departments)              3

               Division 2       Attorney General and Justice
                   7   Department of Attorney General and Justice                4

Appropriation Bill 2013


              Division 3      Education and Communities
                8    Department of Education and Communities                       5

              Division 4      Family and Community Services
                9    Department of Family and Community Services                   6

              Division 5      Finance and Services
               10    Department of Finance and Services                            8

              Division 6      Health
               11    Ministry of Health                                            9

              Division 7      Premier and Cabinet
               12    Department of Premier and Cabinet                            10

              Division 8      Planning and Infrastructure
               13    Department of Planning and Infrastructure                    11

              Division 9      Trade and Investment, Regional
                              Infrastructure and Services
               14    Department of Trade and Investment, Regional
                     Infrastructure and Services                                  12

              Division 10     Transport
               15    Transport for NSW                                            13

              Division 11     Treasury
               16    The Treasury                                                 14
               17    Crown Finance Entity                                         15
               18    Advance to the Treasurer                                     15

Part 3        Additional appropriation for health related
               19    Additional appropriation from Consolidated Fund
                     2013-14 for recurrent services                               16
               20    Special appropriation to Minister for Health and Minister
                     for Medical Research--additional revenue from gaming
                     machine taxes                                                16

Part 4        Appropriation (Special Offices)
              Division 1      General appropriation
               21    Appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2013-14 for
                     recurrent services (Special Offices)                         17

Contents page 2
Appropriation Bill 2013


               22    Appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2013-14 for
                     capital works and services (Special Offices)                 17

              Division 2      Special Offices
               23    Judicial Commission of New South Wales                       18
               24    Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions                18
               25    Independent Commission Against Corruption                    19
               26    Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal                  20
               27    New South Wales Electoral Commission                         20
               28    Ombudsman's Office                                           21
               29    Police Integrity Commission                                  22
               30    Public Service Commission                                    22

Part 5        General
               31    Appropriation for Commonwealth transfer payments             24
               32    Variation of authorised payments from Consolidated
                     Fund                                                         24
               33    Appointment of person to carry out the functions of the
                     Treasurer under section 32                                   25
               34    Delayed restructures                                         25
               35    Tabling of Budget Papers                                     25

                                                                      Contents page 3
                            New South Wales

Appropriation Bill 2013
No     , 2013

A Bill for

An Act to appropriate out of the Consolidated Fund sums for the recurrent services
and capital works and services of the Government for the year 2013-14.

See also the Appropriation (Parliament) Bill 2013 and the State Revenue and Other



egislation Amendment (Budget Measures) Bill 2013. Clause 1 Appropriation Bill 2013 Part 1 Preliminary The Legislature of New South Wales enacts: Part 1 Preliminary 1 Name of Act This Act is the Appropriation Act 2013. 2 Commencement This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act. 3 Interpretation In this Act, a reference to the year 2013-14 is a reference to the year from 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014. 4 Expenses and capital expenditure information (1) A note included in this Act that is described as "expenses" sets out the expenses for the recurrent services of the body for which an appropriation is made by this Act, disaggregated across the relevant service groups. (2) A note included in this Act that is described as "capital expenditure" sets out the expenditure on capital works and services of the body for which an appropriation is made by this Act, disaggregated across the relevant service groups. (3) A note referred to in subsection (1) or (2) is included for information only and does not form part of this Act. Page 2 Appropriation Bill 2013 Clause 5 Appropriation (Departments) Part 2 Part 2 Appropriation (Departments) Division 1 General appropriation 5 General appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2013-14 for recurrent services (Departments) (1) Out of the Consolidated Fund there are hereby appropriated the sums identified in sections 7-18, as sums appropriated by this Act for recurrent services, which sums may be issued and applied for or towards the several uses and purposes expressed in those sections for recurrent services for the year 2013-14. (2) The total sum appropriated out of the Consolidated Fund for recurrent services for the year 2013-14 in accordance with the provisions of sections 7-18 is the sum of $48,154,291,000. (3) Any amounts expended for recurrent services under section 25 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 or any Supply Act on or after 1 July 2013 and before the date of assent to this Act are taken to have been expended out of such of the sums for recurrent services set out in sections 7-18, as may be determined by the Treasurer. This subsection applies only if this Act is assented to after 1 July 2013. 6 General appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2013-14 for capital works and services (Departments) (1) Out of the Consolidated Fund there are hereby appropriated the sums identified in sections 7-18, as sums appropriated by this Act for capital works and services, which sums may be issued and applied for or towards the several uses and purposes expressed in those sections for capital works and services for the year 2013-14. (2) The total sum appropriated out of the Consolidated Fund for capital works and services for the year 2013-14 in accordance with the provisions of sections 7-18 is the sum of $4,623,803,000. (3) Any amounts expended for capital works and services under section 25 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 or any Supply Act on or after 1 July 2013 and before the date of assent to this Act are taken to have been expended out of such of the sums for capital works and services set out in sections 7-18, as may be determined by the Treasurer. This subsection applies only if this Act is assented to after 1 July 2013. Page 3 Clause 7 Appropriation Bill 2013 Part 2 Appropriation (Departments) Division 2 Attorney General and Justice 7 Department of Attorney General and Justice (1) Recurrent appropriation The sum of $5,110,669,000 is appropriated to the Attorney General and Minister for Justice for the recurrent services of the Department of Attorney General and Justice. Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $5,649,315,000, disaggregated as follows: $,000 01 Legal Policy and Regulatory Services 57,657 02 Court Services 435,952 03 Court Support Services 88,839 04 Crime Prevention and Community Services 121,928 05 Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages 27,487 06 Crown Solicitor's Office 69,436 07 Business and Personnel Services 64,370 08 Custody Management 753,872 09 Supervision of Offenders in the Community 201,787 10 Offenders Program 101,352 11 Community Based Services 67,563 12 Juvenile Custodial Services 129,886 13 Cluster Grant Funding 3,529,186 Total 5,649,315 (2) Capital appropriation The sum of $214,667,000 is appropriated to the Attorney General and Minister for Justice for the capital works and services of the Department of Attorney General and Justice. Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of $210,535,000, disaggregated as follows: $,000 01 Legal Policy and Regulatory Services 1,318 02 Court Services 157,819 Page 4 Appropriation Bill 2013 Clause 8 Appropriation (Departments) Part 2 $,000 03 Court Support Services 3,037 04 Crime Prevention and Community Services 2,088 05 Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages 551 06 Crown Solicitor's Office 666 07 Custody Management 29,395 08 Supervision of Offenders in the Community 4,073 09 Offenders Program 5,718 10 Community Based Services 1,052 11 Juvenile Custodial Services 4,818 Total 210,535 Division 3 Education and Communities 8 Department of Education and Communities (1) Recurrent appropriation The sum of $11,992,000,000 is appropriated to the Minister for Education for the recurrent services of the Department of Education and Communities. Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $14,224,845,000, disaggregated as follows: $,000 01 Early Childhood Education Services 301,410 02 Primary Education Services in Government Schools 5,411,613 03 Secondary Education Services in Government 4,833,049 Schools 04 Non-Government Schools 994,532 05 TAFE NSW 1,842,896 06 Vocational Education and Training 447,406 07 Sport and Recreation Services 129,929 08 Promoting Social and Economic Opportunities with 20,866 Aboriginal People 09 Citizenship and Communities 58,105 Page 5 Clause 9 Appropriation Bill 2013 Part 2 Appropriation (Departments) $,000 10 Personnel Services 30,973 11 Cluster Grant Funding 154,066 Total 14,224,845 (2) Capital appropriation The sum of $510,939,000 is appropriated to the Minister for Education for the capital works and services of the Department of Education and Communities. Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of $537,796,000, disaggregated as follows: $,000 01 Early Childhood Education Services 500 02 Primary Education Services in Government Schools 269,498 03 Secondary Education Services in Government Schools 150,752 04 TAFE NSW 107,099 05 Sport and Recreation Services 8,393 06 Promoting Social and Economic Opportunities with 84 Aboriginal People 07 Citizenship and Communities 1,470 Total 537,796 Division 4 Family and Community Services 9 Department of Family and Community Services (1) Recurrent appropriation The sum of $4,901,593,000 is appropriated to the Minister for Family and Community Services and Minister for Women for the recurrent services of the Department of Family and Community Services. Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $5,178,602,000, disaggregated as follows: $,000 01 Community Support for People with a Disability, their 781,362 Family and Carers Page 6 Appropriation Bill 2013 Clause 9 Appropriation (Departments) Part 2 $,000 02 Short-term Interventions for People with a Disability, 392,598 their Family and Carers 03 Supported Accommodation for People with a 1,506,763 Disability 04 Targeted Earlier Intervention for Vulnerable Children, 245,798 Young People and Families 05 Statutory Child Protection 445,601 06 Out-of-Home Care for Vulnerable Children and 798,917 Young People 07 Social Housing Assistance and Tenancy Support 755,634 08 Homelessness Services 251,929 Total 5,178,602 (2) Capital appropriation The sum of $168,919,000 is appropriated to the Minister for Family and Community Services and Minister for Women for the capital works and services of the Department of Family and Community Services. Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of $172,749,000, disaggregated as follows: $,000 01 Community Support for People with a Disability, 5,005 their Family and Carers 02 Short-term Interventions for People with a Disability, 5,704 their Family and Carers 03 Supported Accommodation for People with a 132,540 Disability 04 Targeted Earlier Intervention for Vulnerable 4,232 Children, Young People and Families 05 Statutory Child Protection 6,620 06 Out-of-Home Care for Vulnerable Children and 11,656 Young People 07 Social Housing Assistance and Tenancy Support 6,992 Total 172,749 Page 7 Clause 10 Appropriation Bill 2013 Part 2 Appropriation (Departments) Division 5 Finance and Services 10 Department of Finance and Services (1) Recurrent appropriation The sum of $390,018,000 is appropriated to the Minister for Finance and Services and Minister for the Illawarra for the recurrent services of the Department of Finance and Services. Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $1,483,943,000, disaggregated as follows: $,000 01 Finance, Policy and Strategy 257,036 02 Government Services 355,689 03 State Revenue 241,709 04 Fair Trading 154,349 05 Public Works 164,788 06 Land and Property Information 169,329 07 Personnel Services 141,043 Total 1,483,943 (2) Capital appropriation The sum of $28,442,000 is appropriated to the Minister for Finance and Services and Minister for the Illawarra for the capital works and services of the Department of Finance and Services. Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of $343,693,000, disaggregated as follows: $,000 01 Finance, Policy and Strategy 6,872 02 Government Services 291,495 03 State Revenue 11,081 04 Fair Trading 9,258 05 Public Works 3,987 06 Land and Property Information 21,000 Total 343,693 Page 8 Appropriation Bill 2013 Clause 11 Appropriation (Departments) Part 2 Division 6 Health 11 Ministry of Health (1) Recurrent appropriation The sum of $9,484,173,000 is appropriated to the Minister for Health and Minister for Medical Research for the recurrent services of the Ministry of Health. Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation and the appropriation under section 20 will fund expenses of $17,871,118,000, disaggregated as follows: $,000 01 Population Health Services 554,693 02 Primary and Community Based Services 907,551 03 Aboriginal Health Services 85,686 04 Outpatient Services 2,339,483 05 Emergency Services 2,330,184 06 Inpatient Hospital Services 8,016,959 07 Mental Health Services 1,445,200 08 Rehabilitation and Extended Care Services 1,641,133 09 Teaching and Research 528,315 10 Cluster Grant Funding 21,914 Total 17,871,118 (2) Capital appropriation The sum of $965,159,000 is appropriated to the Minister for Health and Minister for Medical Research for the capital works and services of the Ministry of Health. Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of $1,166,759,000, disaggregated as follows: $,000 01 Primary and Community Based Services 33,392 02 Outpatient Services 139,122 03 Emergency Services 247,565 04 Inpatient Hospital Services 654,933 05 Mental Health Services 69,943 Page 9 Clause 12 Appropriation Bill 2013 Part 2 Appropriation (Departments) $,000 06 Rehabilitation and Extended Care Services 21,782 07 Teaching and Research 22 Total 1,166,759 Division 7 Premier and Cabinet 12 Department of Premier and Cabinet (1) Recurrent appropriation The sum of $1,133,541,000 is appropriated to the Premier and Minister for Western Sydney for the recurrent services of the Department of Premier and Cabinet. Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $1,856,139,000, disaggregated as follows: $,000 01 NSW 2021 Plan Leadership and Support 10,030 02 Delivery and Implementation Group 17,234 03 Services and Capabilities Improvement 6,962 04 Policy Support 30,952 05 Administrative Support for Government 142,390 06 Communications and Advertising 13,710 07 Capacity Building, Oversight and Provision of 41,126 Advice for Local Government 08 Pensioner Rebate Scheme 76,000 09 Companion Animals Program 6,326 10 Service NSW 93,509 11 National Parks and Wildlife 485,942 12 Regional Operations and Heritage 550,777 13 Policy and Science 63,441 14 Personnel Services 55,837 15 Cluster Grant Funding 261,903 Total 1,856,139 Page 10 Appropriation Bill 2013 Clause 13 Appropriation (Departments) Part 2 (2) Capital appropriation The sum of $84,668,000 is appropriated to the Premier and Minister for Western Sydney for the capital works and services of the Department of Premier and Cabinet. Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of $98,904,000, disaggregated as follows: $,000 01 NSW 2021 Plan Leadership and Support 210 02 Services and Capabilities Improvement 600 03 Policy Support 735 04 Administrative Support for Government 10,033 05 Capacity Building, Oversight and Provision of 145 Advice for Local Government 06 Service NSW 34,439 07 National Parks and Wildlife 39,671 08 Regional Operations and Heritage 5,818 09 Policy and Science 7,253 Total 98,904 Division 8 Planning and Infrastructure 13 Department of Planning and Infrastructure (1) Recurrent appropriation The sum of $196,853,000 is appropriated to the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure and Minister Assisting the Premier on Infrastructure NSW for the recurrent services of the Department of Planning and Infrastructure. Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $328,845,000, disaggregated as follows: $,000 01 Planning Strategies, Housing and Infrastructure 127,023 02 Planning Operations and Regional Delivery 124,186 03 Development Assessment, Systems and Approvals 49,179 Page 11 Clause 14 Appropriation Bill 2013 Part 2 Appropriation (Departments) $,000 04 Personnel Services 28,457 Total 328,845 (2) Capital appropriation The sum of $4,870,000 is appropriated to the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure and Minister Assisting the Premier on Infrastructure NSW for the capital works and services of the Department of Planning and Infrastructure. Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of $5,518,000, disaggregated as follows: $,000 01 Planning Strategies, Housing and Infrastructure 775 02 Planning Operations and Regional Delivery 3,813 03 Development Assessment, Systems and Approvals 930 Total 5,518 Division 9 Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services 14 Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services (1) Recurrent appropriation The sum of $1,561,695,000 is appropriated to the Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment and Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services for the recurrent services of the Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services. Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $2,408,320,000, disaggregated as follows: $,000 01 Industry Innovation and Investment 281,145 02 Resources and Energy 385,299 03 Primary Industries 1,053,674 04 Personnel Services 223,549 Page 12 Appropriation Bill 2013 Clause 15 Appropriation (Departments) Part 2 $,000 05 Cluster Grant Funding 464,653 Total 2,408,320 (2) Capital appropriation The sum of $41,670,000 is appropriated to the Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment and Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services for the capital works and services of the Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services. Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of $50,416,000, disaggregated as follows: $,000 01 Industry Innovation and Investment 11,292 02 Resources and Energy 1,351 03 Primary Industries 37,233 04 Cluster Grant Funding 540 Total 50,416 Division 10 Transport 15 Transport for NSW (1) Recurrent appropriation The sum of $8,080,774,000 is appropriated to the Minister for Transport for the recurrent services of Transport for NSW. Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $11,328,459,000, disaggregated as follows: $,000 01 Asset Maintenance 2,980,283 02 Services and Operations 3,246,202 03 Growth and Improvement 5,084,181 04 Cluster Grant Funding 17,793 Total 11,328,459 Page 13 Clause 16 Appropriation Bill 2013 Part 2 Appropriation (Departments) (2) Capital appropriation The sum of $2,342,962,000 is appropriated to the Minister for Transport for the capital works and services of Transport for NSW. Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of $2,618,765,000, disaggregated as follows: $,000 01 Asset Maintenance 67,000 02 Services and Operations 55,980 03 Growth and Improvement 2,495,785 Total 2,618,765 (3) A reference in this section to Transport for NSW includes a reference to the Department of Transport. Division 11 Treasury 16 The Treasury (1) Recurrent appropriation The sum of $74,439,000 is appropriated to the Treasurer and Minister for Industrial Relations for the recurrent services of The Treasury. Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $91,391,000, as follows: $,000 01 State Resource Management 91,391 (2) Capital appropriation The sum of $2,445,000 is appropriated to the Treasurer and Minister for Industrial Relations for the capital works and services of The Treasury. Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of $2,445,000, as follows: $,000 01 State Resource Management 2,445 Page 14 Appropriation Bill 2013 Clause 17 Appropriation (Departments) Part 2 17 Crown Finance Entity (1) Recurrent appropriation The sum of $5,078,536,000 is appropriated to the Treasurer and Minister for Industrial Relations for the recurrent services of the Crown Finance Entity. Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $4,336,097,000, disaggregated as follows: $,000 01 Debt Liability Management 1,601,342 02 Superannuation Liability Management 487,709 03 Central Financial Services 2,247,046 Total 4,336,097 (2) Capital appropriation The sum of $229,062,000 is appropriated to the Treasurer and Minister for Industrial Relations for the capital works and services of the Crown Finance Entity. Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of $20,500,000, as follows: $,000 01 Central Financial Services 20,500 18 Advance to the Treasurer (1) Recurrent appropriation The sum of $150,000,000 is appropriated to the Treasurer and Minister for Industrial Relations for the recurrent services of the Advance to the Treasurer. (2) Capital appropriation The sum of $30,000,000 is appropriated to the Treasurer and Minister for Industrial Relations for the capital works and services of the Advance to the Treasurer. Page 15 Clause 19 Appropriation Bill 2013 Part 3 Additional appropriation for health related services Part 3 Additional appropriation for health related services 19 Additional appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2013-14 for recurrent services (1) Out of the Consolidated Fund there is appropriated the sum identified in section 20, to the Minister specified in relation to that sum, for recurrent services, which sum may be issued and applied for or towards the uses and purposes expressed in that section for the recurrent services of the Government for the year 2013-14. (2) The sum appropriated by this Part is in addition to any other sum appropriated by this Act for recurrent services. (3) Any amounts expended for recurrent services under section 25 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 or any Supply Act on or after 1 July 2013 and before the date of assent to this Act are taken to have been expended out of such of the sum for recurrent services set out in section 20 as may be determined by the Treasurer. This subsection applies only if this Act is assented to after 1 July 2013. 20 Special appropriation to Minister for Health and Minister for Medical Research--additional revenue from gaming machine taxes The sum of $254,300,000 is appropriated to the Minister for Health and Minister for Medical Research for the recurrent services of the Ministry of Health. Page 16 Appropriation Bill 2013 Clause 21 Appropriation (Special Offices) Part 4 Part 4 Appropriation (Special Offices) Division 1 General appropriation 21 Appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2013-14 for recurrent services (Special Offices) (1) Out of the Consolidated Fund there are hereby appropriated the sums identified in sections 23-30, as sums appropriated by this Act for recurrent services, which sums may be issued and applied for or towards the several uses and purposes expressed in those sections for recurrent services for the year 2013-14. (2) The total sum appropriated out of the Consolidated Fund for recurrent services for the year 2013-14 in accordance with the provisions of sections 23-30 is the sum of $265,262,000. (3) Any amounts expended for recurrent services under section 25 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 or any Supply Act on or after 1 July 2013 and before the date of assent to this Act are taken to have been expended out of such of the sums for recurrent services set out in sections 23-30, as may be determined by the Treasurer. This subsection applies only if this Act is assented to after 1 July 2013. 22 Appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2013-14 for capital works and services (Special Offices) (1) Out of the Consolidated Fund there are hereby appropriated the sums identified in sections 23-30, as sums appropriated by this Act for capital works and services, which sums may be issued and applied for or towards the several uses and purposes expressed in those sections for capital works and services for the year 2013-14. (2) The total sum appropriated out of the Consolidated Fund for capital works and services for the year 2013-14 in accordance with the provisions of sections 23-30 is the sum of $23,507,000. (3) Any amounts expended for capital works and services under section 25 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 or any Supply Act on or after 1 July 2013 and before the date of assent to this Act are taken to have been expended out of such of the sums for capital works and services set out in sections 23-30, as may be determined by the Treasurer. This subsection applies only if this Act is assented to after 1 July 2013. Page 17 Clause 23 Appropriation Bill 2013 Part 4 Appropriation (Special Offices) Division 2 Special Offices 23 Judicial Commission of New South Wales (1) Recurrent appropriation The sum of $4,996,000 is appropriated to the Attorney General and Minister for Justice for the recurrent services of the Judicial Commission of New South Wales. Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $6,121,000, as follows: $,000 01 Education, Sentencing and Complaints 6,121 (2) Capital appropriation The sum of $150,000 is appropriated to the Attorney General and Minister for Justice for the capital works and services of the Judicial Commission of New South Wales. Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of $150,000, as follows: $,000 01 Education, Sentencing and Complaints 150 24 Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (1) Recurrent appropriation The sum of $104,215,000 is appropriated to the Attorney General and Minister for Justice for the recurrent services of the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $115,082,000, disaggregated as follows: $,000 01 Prosecutions 107,124 02 Victim and Witness Assistance 7,958 Total 115,082 Page 18 Appropriation Bill 2013 Clause 25 Appropriation (Special Offices) Part 4 (2) Capital appropriation The sum of $2,884,000 is appropriated to the Attorney General and Minister for Justice for the capital works and services of the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of $2,884,000, disaggregated as follows: $,000 01 Prosecutions 2,739 02 Victim and Witness Assistance 145 Total 2,884 25 Independent Commission Against Corruption (1) Recurrent appropriation The sum of $21,150,000 is appropriated to the Premier and Minister for Western Sydney for the recurrent services of the Independent Commission Against Corruption. Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $24,291,000, as follows: $,000 01 Corruption Investigation, Prevention, Research and 24,291 Education (2) Capital appropriation The sum of $9,614,000 is appropriated to the Premier and Minister for Western Sydney for the capital works and services of the Independent Commission Against Corruption. Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of $10,644,000, as follows: $,000 01 Corruption Investigation, Prevention, Research and 10,644 Education Page 19 Clause 26 Appropriation Bill 2013 Part 4 Appropriation (Special Offices) 26 Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (1) Recurrent appropriation The sum of $24,442,000 is appropriated to the Premier and Minister for Western Sydney for the recurrent services of the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal. Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $26,891,000, as follows: $,000 01 Utilities Pricing, Regulation and Analysis and Policy 26,891 Work (2) Capital appropriation The sum of $180,000 is appropriated to the Premier and Minister for Western Sydney for the capital works and services of the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal. Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of $180,000, as follows: $,000 01 Utilities Pricing, Regulation and Analysis and Policy 180 Work 27 New South Wales Electoral Commission (1) Recurrent appropriation The sum of $35,849,000 is appropriated to the Premier and Minister for Western Sydney for the recurrent services of the New South Wales Electoral Commission. Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $40,086,000, as follows: $,000 01 Conduct and Management of Elections 40,086 Page 20 Appropriation Bill 2013 Clause 28 Appropriation (Special Offices) Part 4 (2) Capital appropriation The sum of $6,175,000 is appropriated to the Premier and Minister for Western Sydney for the capital works and services of the New South Wales Electoral Commission. Note (capital expenditure):This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of $6,175,000, as follows: $,000 01 Conduct and Management of Elections 6,175 28 Ombudsman's Office (1) Recurrent appropriation The sum of $23,669,000 is appropriated to the Premier and Minister for Western Sydney for the recurrent services of the Ombudsman's Office. Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $25,879,000, as follows: $,000 01 Complaint Resolution, Investigation, Oversight and 25,879 Scrutiny (2) Capital appropriation The sum of $1,364,000 is appropriated to the Premier and Minister for Western Sydney for the capital works and services of the Ombudsman's Office. Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of $1,364,000, as follows: $,000 01 Complaint Resolution, Investigation, Oversight and 1,364 Scrutiny Page 21 Clause 29 Appropriation Bill 2013 Part 4 Appropriation (Special Offices) 29 Police Integrity Commission (1) Recurrent appropriation The sum of $17,980,000 is appropriated to the Premier and Minister for Western Sydney for the recurrent services of the Police Integrity Commission. Note (expenses):This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $20,249,000, as follows: $,000 01 Investigations, Research and Complaint Management 20,249 (2) Capital appropriation The sum of $1,790,000 is appropriated to the Premier and Minister for Western Sydney for the capital works and services of the Police Integrity Commission. Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of $1,790,000, as follows: $,000 01 Investigations, Research and Complaint Management 1,790 30 Public Service Commission (1) Recurrent appropriation The sum of $32,961,000 is appropriated to the Premier and Minister for Western Sydney for the recurrent services of the Public Service Commission. Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $35,571,000, as follows: $,000 01 Services and Capabilities Improvement 35,571 Page 22 Appropriation Bill 2013 Clause 30 Appropriation (Special Offices) Part 4 (2) Capital appropriation The sum of $1,350,000 is appropriated to the Premier and Minister for Western Sydney for the capital works and services of the Public Service Commission. Note (capital expenditure):This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of $1,350,000, as follows: $,000 01 Services and Capabilities Improvement 1,350 Page 23 Clause 31 Appropriation Bill 2013 Part 5 General Part 5 General 31 Appropriation for Commonwealth transfer payments (1) Out of the Consolidated Fund there is appropriated the sum of $3,068,300,000 to the Treasurer, for Commonwealth transfer payments to non-Government schools and local government for recurrent services for the year 2013-14. (2) The sum appropriated by this section is in addition to any other sum appropriated by this Act. (3) The sum appropriated by this section is subject to section 26 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983. 32 Variation of authorised payments from Consolidated Fund (1) In this section, purpose means any purpose for which a sum is appropriated under this Act for recurrent services or for capital works and services. (2) Payment of a sum appropriated under this Act for a purpose may not be made in excess of the sum specified for the purpose, except as provided by this section or Division 4 of Part 2 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983. (3) If the exigencies of government so require, the Treasurer may authorise the payment of a sum in excess of the sum (or total sum) specified for a purpose, but only if an equivalent sum is not paid out for another purpose, whether the other purpose is specified in relation to the same or a different Minister, subject to subsections (4)-(7). (4) A sum appropriated for recurrent services may only be paid out for recurrent services and a sum appropriated for capital works and services may only be paid out for capital works and services. (5) The sum appropriated under Part 3 may only be paid out for the purposes specified in Part 3. (6) The total sum appropriated under Part 4 may only be paid out for the purposes specified in Part 4. (7) The sum appropriated under section 31 may only be paid out for the purposes specified in section 31. (8) This section does not apply to sums appropriated by another Act. (9) This section does not enable the Treasurer to authorise the payment of a sum in augmentation of, or as an addition to, any salary or wages the amount of which has been fixed by law. Page 24 Appropriation Bill 2013 Clause 33 General Part 5 (10) The Treasurer is to inform the Auditor-General of every authorisation given under this section. (11) An authorisation under this section may be given before or after the relevant payment is made. 33 Appointment of person to carry out the functions of the Treasurer under section 32 (1) The Treasurer may appoint a person to carry out the Treasurer's functions under section 32. (2) Any such appointment is subject to such conditions (if any) as the Treasurer determines. (3) The Treasurer may revoke any such appointment at any time. (4) A person appointed under this section has, in place of the Treasurer, the Treasurer's function under section 32 (10) of informing the Auditor-General of every authorisation given by the person under section 32. 34 Delayed restructures (1) Without limiting section 32, if the responsibility for a service or function for which an appropriation is made in this Act is transferred on or after the date of assent to this Act because of the determination made before that date by the Premier to create new ministries, or to change or abolish existing ministries, and consequently to create, restructure or abolish any authority, the appropriation does not lapse and may be issued and applied, in accordance with such determination as may be made by the Treasurer, for or towards the service or function the responsibility for which is transferred. (2) Section 24 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 does not apply to or in respect of an appropriation, service or function to which this section applies. 35 Tabling of Budget Papers (1) If the Legislative Assembly is not sitting at the time when a Budget Paper for the year 2013-14 is sought to be tabled in the Legislative Assembly, a Minister may, for the purpose of complying with section 27AB of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983, present the Budget Paper to the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly to be dealt with in accordance with section 63C of that Act. (2) Section 63C of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 applies in relation to a Budget Paper that is presented to the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly under this section in the same way as it applies to Page 25 Clause 35 Appropriation Bill 2013 Part 5 General a report presented to the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly under a provision of that Act. Page 26


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