New South Wales Bills

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                                   New South Wales

Appropriation Bill 2014

Explanatory note
This explanatory note relates to this Bill as introduced into Parliament.
The following Bills are cognate with this Bill:
Appropriation (Parliament) Bill 2014
Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2014
State Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment (Budget Measures) Bill 2014

Overview of Bill
The object of this Bill is to appropriate from the Consolidated Fund various sums of money
required during the 2014-15 financial year for the recurrent services and capital works and
services of the Government, including:
(a) the principal departments, and
(b) various special offices.
The Consolidated Fund largely comprises receipts from, and payments out of, taxes, fines, some
regulatory fees, Commonwealth grants and income from Crown assets.
The Bill for the 2014-15 financial year contains an additional appropriation which allocates
revenue raised in connection with gaming machine taxes to the Minister for Health and Minister
for Medical Research for spending on health related services.
The Bill for the 2014-15 financial year contains provision for transfer payments from the
Commonwealth to non-Government schools and local government.
The Bill provides for appropriation for the whole of the 2014-15 financial year.

Appropriation Bill 2014 [NSW]
Explanatory note

Outline of provisions
Part 1       Preliminary
Clause 1 sets out the name (also called the short title) of the proposed Act.
Clause 2 provides for the commencement of the proposed Act on the date of assent to the
proposed Act.
Clause 3 interprets a reference to the financial year to which the proposed Act relates.
Clause 4 is an interpretive provision relating to expenses and capital expenditure information
included in the proposed Act.

Part 2       Appropriation (Departments)
Part 2 (clauses 5-17) provides for the appropriations for the recurrent services and capital works
and services of the specified departments for the financial year of 2014-15. The amounts
appropriated are:
(a) $50,891,952,000 for recurrent services, and
(b) $5,563,281,000 for capital works and services.

Part 3       Additional appropriation for health related services
Part 3 (clauses 18 and 19) makes an additional appropriation of $267,100,000 to the Minister for
Health and Minister for Medical Research, with this being part of the revenue raised from gaming
machine taxes.

Part 4       Appropriation (Special Offices)
Part 4 (clauses 20-30) provides for the appropriations for the recurrent services and capital works
and services of the specified offices for the financial year of 2014-15. The amounts appropriated
(a) $330,432,000 for recurrent services, and
(b) $19,190,000 for capital works and services.

Part 5       General
Part 5 (clauses 31-35) contains a provision for Commonwealth transfer payments and provides
for general matters related to the appropriations set out in the proposed Act.
Clause 31 provides for transfer payments of $3,563,100,000 from the Commonwealth to
non-Government schools and local government.
Clause 32 enables the Treasurer to authorise payment for a purpose, in excess of the sum
appropriated for the purpose, in specified circumstances. Clause 33 allows this function to be
delegated by the Treasurer.
Clause 34 allows the Treasurer to apply an appropriation differently in the event that
responsibility for a service or function is transferred.
Clause 35 allows a Minister to table a Budget Paper in the Legislative Assembly by presenting it
to the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, if the Legislative Assembly is not sitting when the
Budget Paper is sought to be tabled.

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                                                                                  First print

                                         New South Wales

Appropriation Bill 2014

Part 1         Preliminary
                   1   Name of Act                                                        2
                   2   Commencement                                                       2
                   3   Interpretation                                                     2
                   4   Expenses and capital expenditure information                       2

Part 2         Appropriation (Departments)
               Division 1       General appropriation
                   5   General appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2014-15 for
                       recurrent services (Departments)                                   3
                   6   General appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2014-15 for
                       capital works and services (Departments)                           3

               Division 2       Education and Communities
                   7   Department of Education and Communities                             3

               Division 3       Family and Community Services
                   8   Department of Family and Community Services                        4

               Division 4       Health
                   9   Ministry of Health                                                  5

Appropriation Bill 2014 [NSW]


             Division 5         Planning and Environment
              10    Department of Planning and Environment                             6

             Division 6         Police and Justice
              11    Department of Police and Justice                                   7

             Division 7         Premier and Cabinet
              12    Department of Premier and Cabinet                                  8

             Division 8         Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure
                                and Services
              13    Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure
                    and Services                                                       9

             Division 9         Transport
              14    Transport for NSW                                                 10

             Division 10        Treasury and Finance
              15    The Treasury                                                      10
              16    Crown Finance Entity                                              11
              17    Advance to the Treasurer                                          11

Part 3       Additional appropriation for health related services
              18    Additional appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2014-15 for
                    recurrent services                                                12
              19    Special appropriation to Minister for Health and Minister for
                    Medical Research--additional revenue from gaming machine
                    taxes                                                             12

Part 4       Appropriation (Special Offices)
             Division 1         General appropriation
              20    Appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2014-15 for recurrent
                    services (Special Offices)                                        13
              21    Appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2014-15 for capital works
                    and services (Special Offices)                                    13

             Division 2         Special Offices
              22    Judicial Commission of New South Wales                            13
              23    Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions                     14
              24    Office of the Children's Guardian                                 14
              25    Independent Commission Against Corruption                         15
              26    Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal                       15
              27    New South Wales Electoral Commission                              16
              28    Ombudsman's Office                                                16
              29    Police Integrity Commission                                       17
              30    Public Service Commission                                         17

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Appropriation Bill 2014 [NSW]


Part 5       General
              31    Appropriation for Commonwealth transfer payments                   18
              32    Variation of authorised payments from Consolidated Fund            18
              33    Appointment of person to carry out functions of Treasurer under
                    section 32                                                         18
              34    Delayed restructures                                               19
              35    Tabling of Budget Papers                                           19

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                                       New South Wales

Appropriation Bill 2014

No      , 2014

A Bill for
An Act to appropriate out of the Consolidated Fund sums for the recurrent services and capital
works and services of the Government for the year 2014-15.

See also the Appropriation (Parliament) Bill 2014, the Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2014 and the
State Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment (Budget Measures) Bill 2014.
Appropriation Bill 2014 [NSW]
Part 1 Preliminary

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:

Part 1         Preliminary
  1   Name of Act
               This Act is the Appropriation Act 2014.
  2   Commencement
               This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.
  3   Interpretation
               In this Act, a reference to the year 2014-15 is a reference to the year from 1 July 2014
               to 30 June 2015.
  4   Expenses and capital expenditure information
         (1)   A note included in this Act that is described as "expenses" sets out the expenses for
               the recurrent services of the body for whose recurrent services an appropriation is
               made by this Act, disaggregated across the relevant service groups.
         (2)   A note included in this Act that is described as "capital expenditure" sets out the
               expenditure on capital works and services of the body for whose capital works and
               services an appropriation is made by this Act, disaggregated across the relevant
               service groups.
         (3)   A note referred to in subsection (1) or (2) is included for information only and does
               not form part of this Act.

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Appropriation Bill 2014 [NSW]
Part 2 Appropriation (Departments)

Part 2         Appropriation (Departments)
Division 1           General appropriation
  5   General appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2014-15 for recurrent services
         (1)   Out of the Consolidated Fund there are hereby appropriated the sums identified in
               sections 7-17, as sums appropriated by this Act for recurrent services, which sums
               may be issued and applied for or towards the several uses and purposes expressed in
               those sections for recurrent services for the year 2014-15.
         (2)   The total sum appropriated out of the Consolidated Fund for recurrent services for
               the year 2014-15 in accordance with the provisions of sections 7-17 is the sum of
         (3)   Any amounts expended for recurrent services under section 25 of the Public Finance
               and Audit Act 1983 or any Supply Act on or after 1 July 2014 and before the date of
               assent to this Act are taken to have been expended out of such of the sums for
               recurrent services set out in sections 7-17, as may be determined by the Treasurer.
               This subsection applies only if this Act is assented to after 1 July 2014.
  6   General appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2014-15 for capital works and
      services (Departments)
         (1)   Out of the Consolidated Fund there are hereby appropriated the sums identified in
               sections 7-17, as sums appropriated by this Act for capital works and services, which
               sums may be issued and applied for or towards the several uses and purposes
               expressed in those sections for capital works and services for the year 2014-15.
         (2)   The total sum appropriated out of the Consolidated Fund for capital works and
               services for the year 2014-15 in accordance with the provisions of sections 7-17 is
               the sum of $5,563,281,000.
         (3)   Any amounts expended for capital works and services under section 25 of the Public
               Finance and Audit Act 1983 or any Supply Act on or after 1 July 2014 and before the
               date of assent to this Act are taken to have been expended out of such of the sums for
               capital works and services set out in sections 7-17, as may be determined by the
               Treasurer. This subsection applies only if this Act is assented to after 1 July 2014.

Division 2           Education and Communities
  7   Department of Education and Communities
         (1)   Recurrent appropriation
               The sum of $12,432,057,000 is appropriated to the Minister for Education for the
               recurrent services of the Department of Education and Communities.
               Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $14,209,582,000,
               disaggregated as follows:

               01     Early Childhood Education Services                                    361,093
               02     Primary Education Services in Government Schools                    5,683,165
               03     Secondary Education Services in Government Schools                  4,994,007
               04     Non-Government Schools                                              1,038,942
               05     Vocational Education and Training                                     635,287

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Appropriation Bill 2014 [NSW]
Part 2 Appropriation (Departments)

               06     Sport and Recreation Services                                          116,965
               07     Aboriginal Affairs                                                      18,413
               08     Citizenship and Communities                                             63,494
               09     Personnel Services                                                      31,676
               10     Cluster Grant Funding                                                1,266,540
                      Total                                                               14,209,582

         (2)   Capital appropriation
               The sum of $381,329,000 is appropriated to the Minister for Education for the capital
               works and services of the Department of Education and Communities.
               Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of
               $404,808,000, disaggregated as follows:

               01     Primary Education Services in Government Schools                       235,595
               02     Secondary Education Services in Government Schools                     163,526
               03     Sport and Recreation Services                                             5,593
               04     Aboriginal Affairs                                                          84
               05     Citizenship and Communities                                                 10
                      Total                                                                  404,808

Division 3           Family and Community Services
  8   Department of Family and Community Services
         (1)   Recurrent appropriation
               The sum of $5,095,683,000 is appropriated to the Minister for Family and
               Community Services for the recurrent services of the Department of Family and
               Community Services.
               Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $5,529,615,000,
               disaggregated as follows:

               01     Community Support for People with Disability, their Family             853,407
                      and Carers
               02     Short-term Interventions for People with Disability, their             408,420
                      Family and Carers
               03     Supported Accommodation for People with Disability                   1,630,570
               04     Targeted Earlier Intervention for Vulnerable Children, Young           257,658
                      People and Families
               05     Statutory Child Protection                                             451,091
               06     Out-of-Home Care for Vulnerable Children and Young People              851,986

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Appropriation Bill 2014 [NSW]
Part 2 Appropriation (Departments)

               07     Social Housing Assistance and Tenancy Support                            811,060
               08     Homelessness Services                                                    265,423
                      Total                                                                  5,529,615

         (2)   Capital appropriation
               The sum of $229,316,000 is appropriated to the Minister for Family and Community
               Services for the capital works and services of the Department of Family and
               Community Services.
               Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of
               $259,965,000, disaggregated as follows:

               01     Community Support for People with Disability, their Family                 9,291
                      and Carers
               02     Short-term Interventions for People with Disability, their                11,076
                      Family and Carers
               03     Supported Accommodation for People with Disability                       182,960
               04     Targeted Earlier Intervention for Vulnerable Children, Young               4,080
                      People and Families
               05     Statutory Child Protection                                                15,966
               06     Out-of-Home Care for Vulnerable Children and Young People                 21,802
               07     Social Housing Assistance and Tenancy Support                             12,487
               08     Homelessness Services                                                      2,303
                      Total                                                                    259,965

Division 4           Health
  9   Ministry of Health
         (1)   Recurrent appropriation
               The sum of $9,761,234,000 is appropriated to the Minister for Health and Minister
               for Medical Research for the recurrent services of the Ministry of Health.
               Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation and the appropriation under section 19 will
               fund expenses of $18,717,055,000, disaggregated as follows:

               01     Population Health Services                                               543,888
               02     Primary and Community Based Services                                     848,445
               03     Aboriginal Health Services                                                90,025
               04     Outpatient Services                                                    2,569,636
               05     Emergency Services                                                     2,481,292
               06     Inpatient Hospital Services                                            8,355,583
               07     Mental Health Services                                                 1,625,187
               08     Rehabilitation and Extended Care Services                              1,527,369

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Appropriation Bill 2014 [NSW]
Part 2 Appropriation (Departments)

               09     Teaching and Research                                                  654,543
               10     Cluster Grant Funding                                                   21,087
                      Total                                                               18,717,055

         (2)   Capital appropriation
               The sum of $1,029,015,000 is appropriated to the Minister for Health and Minister
               for Medical Research for the capital works and services of the Ministry of Health.
               Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of
               $1,169,943,000, disaggregated as follows:

               01     Population Health Services                                              16,739
               02     Primary and Community Based Services                                    57,855
               03     Aboriginal Health Services                                                2,989
               04     Outpatient Services                                                    163,528
               05     Emergency Services                                                     180,253
               06     Inpatient Hospital Services                                            525,923
               07     Mental Health Services                                                 101,632
               08     Rehabilitation and Extended Care Services                               77,557
               09     Teaching and Research                                                   43,467
                      Total                                                                1,169,943

Division 5           Planning and Environment
10    Department of Planning and Environment
         (1)   Recurrent appropriation
               The sum of $1,153,403,000 is appropriated to the Minister for Planning and Minister
               for Women for the recurrent services of the Department of Planning and
               Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $1,308,160,000,
               disaggregated as follows:

               01     Planning Strategies, Housing and Infrastructure                        129,095
               02     Planning Operations and Regional Delivery                               71,428
               03     Development Assessment, Systems and Approvals                           54,986
               04     Personnel Services                                                      32,785
               05     Cluster Grant Funding                                                1,019,866
                      Total                                                                1,308,160

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Appropriation Bill 2014 [NSW]
Part 2 Appropriation (Departments)

         (2)   Capital appropriation
               The sum of $21,667,000 is appropriated to the Minister for Planning and Minister for
               Women for the capital works and services of the Department of Planning and
               Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of
               $22,315,000, disaggregated as follows:

               01     Planning Strategies, Housing and Infrastructure                            271
               02     Planning Operations and Regional Delivery                                  270
               03     Development Assessment, Systems and Approvals                           21,774
                      Total                                                                   22,315

Division 6           Police and Justice
11    Department of Police and Justice
         (1)   Recurrent appropriation
               The sum of $5,256,142,000 is appropriated to the Attorney General and Minister for
               Justice for the recurrent services of the Department of Police and Justice.
               Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $5,802,324,000,
               disaggregated as follows:

               01     Legal Policy and Regulatory Services                                   107,968
               02     Court Services                                                         523,305
               03     Court Support Services                                                  86,156
               04     Crime Prevention and Community Services                                118,247
               05     Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages                                27,299
               06     Business and Personnel Services                                         65,758
               07     Custody Management                                                     789,504
               08     Supervision of Offenders in the Community                              160,498
               09     Offenders Program                                                      141,075
               10     Community Based Services                                                67,783
               11     Juvenile Custodial Services                                            131,861
               12     Cluster Grant Funding                                                3,582,870
                      Total                                                                5,802,324

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Appropriation Bill 2014 [NSW]
Part 2 Appropriation (Departments)

         (2)   Capital appropriation
               The sum of $276,421,000 is appropriated to the Attorney General and Minister for
               Justice for the capital works and services of the Department of Police and Justice.
               Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of
               $281,581,000, disaggregated as follows:

               01     Legal Policy and Regulatory Services                                      6,057
               02     Court Services                                                         210,968
               03     Court Support Services                                                  15,300
               04     Crime Prevention and Community Services                                   6,773
               05     Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages                                  7,850
               06     Custody Management                                                      22,586
               07     Supervision of Offenders in the Community                                 5,411
               08     Offenders Program                                                         4,757
               09     Community Based Services                                                   509
               10     Juvenile Custodial Services                                               1,370
                      Total                                                                  281,581

Division 7           Premier and Cabinet
12    Department of Premier and Cabinet
         (1)   Recurrent appropriation
               The sum of $518,966,000 is appropriated to the Premier, Minister for Infrastructure
               and Minister for Western Sydney for the recurrent services of the Department of
               Premier and Cabinet.
               Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $548,168,000,
               disaggregated as follows:

               01     Policy Support                                                          43,888
               02     Administrative Support for Government                                  123,992
               03     Protocol and Special Events                                             32,257
               04     Cluster Grant Funding                                                  348,031
                      Total                                                                  548,168

         (2)   Capital appropriation
               The sum of $4,010,000 is appropriated to the Premier, Minister for Infrastructure and
               Minister for Western Sydney for the capital works and services of the Department of
               Premier and Cabinet.
               Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of
               $6,556,000, disaggregated as follows:

               01     Policy Support                                                             600

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Appropriation Bill 2014 [NSW]
Part 2 Appropriation (Departments)

               02     Administrative Support for Government                                     5,756
               03     Protocol and Special Events                                                200
                      Total                                                                     6,556

Division 8           Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services
13    Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services
         (1)   Recurrent appropriation
               The sum of $1,657,216,000 is appropriated to the Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade
               and Investment, Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services, Minister for
               Tourism and Major Events, Minister for Small Business and Minister for the North
               Coast for the recurrent services of the Department of Trade and Investment, Regional
               Infrastructure and Services.
               Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $2,361,057,000,
               disaggregated as follows:

               01     Industry, Innovation, Hospitality and the Arts                         284,219
               02     Resources and Energy                                                   363,370
               03     Primary Industries                                                     951,481
               04     Personnel Services                                                      65,239
               05     Cluster Grant Funding                                                  696,748
                      Total                                                                2,361,057

         (2)   Capital appropriation
               The sum of $37,966,000 is appropriated to the Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade
               and Investment, Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services, Minister for
               Tourism and Major Events, Minister for Small Business and Minister for the North
               Coast for the capital works and services of the Department of Trade and Investment,
               Regional Infrastructure and Services.
               Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of
               $56,823,000, disaggregated as follows:

               01     Industry, Innovation, Hospitality and the Arts                            8,943
               02     Resources and Energy                                                      3,958
               03     Primary Industries                                                      43,922
                      Total                                                                   56,823

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Appropriation Bill 2014 [NSW]
Part 2 Appropriation (Departments)

Division 9         Transport
14    Transport for NSW
      (1)    Recurrent appropriation
             The sum of $8,908,368,000 is appropriated to the Minister for Transport and
             Minister for the Hunter for the recurrent services of Transport for NSW.
             Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $12,971,758,000,
             disaggregated as follows:

             01     Asset Maintenance                                                    2,941,049
             02     Services and Operations                                              4,664,155
             03     Growth and Improvement                                               5,362,276
             04     Cluster Grant Funding                                                     4,278
                    Total                                                               12,971,758

      (2)    Capital appropriation
             The sum of $2,658,393,000 is appropriated to the Minister for Transport and
             Minister for the Hunter for the capital works and services of Transport for NSW.
             Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of
             $2,963,305,000, disaggregated as follows:

             01     Asset Maintenance                                                      189,800
             02     Services and Operations                                                 92,585
             03     Growth and Improvement                                               2,680,920
                    Total                                                                2,963,305

      (3)    A reference in this section to Transport for NSW includes a reference to the
             Department of Transport.

Division 10        Treasury and Finance
15    The Treasury
      (1)    Recurrent appropriation
             The sum of $567,073,000 is appropriated to the Treasurer and Minister for Industrial
             Relations for the recurrent services of The Treasury.
             Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $594,218,000,
             disaggregated as follows:

             01     State Resource Management                                              113,642
             02     Cluster Grant Funding                                                  480,576
                    Total                                                                  594,218

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Appropriation Bill 2014 [NSW]
Part 2 Appropriation (Departments)

      (2)    Capital appropriation
             The sum of $17,982,000 is appropriated to the Treasurer and Minister for Industrial
             Relations for the capital works and services of The Treasury.
             Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of
             $27,284,000, as follows:

             01     State Resource Management                                               27,284

16    Crown Finance Entity
      (1)    Recurrent appropriation
             The sum of $5,391,810,000 is appropriated to the Treasurer and Minister for
             Industrial Relations for the recurrent services of the Crown Finance Entity.
             Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $5,679,571,000,
             disaggregated as follows:

             01     Debt Liability Management                                            1,691,748
             02     Superannuation Liability Management                                  1,982,613
             03     Central Financial Services                                           2,005,210
                    Total                                                                5,679,571

      (2)    Capital appropriation
             The sum of $887,182,000 is appropriated to the Treasurer and Minister for Industrial
             Relations for the capital works and services of the Crown Finance Entity.
             Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of
             $7,500,000, as follows:

             01     Central Financial Services                                                7,500

17    Advance to the Treasurer
      (1)    Recurrent appropriation
             The sum of $150,000,000 is appropriated to the Treasurer and Minister for Industrial
             Relations for the recurrent services of the Advance to the Treasurer.
      (2)    Capital appropriation
             The sum of $20,000,000 is appropriated to the Treasurer and Minister for Industrial
             Relations for the capital works and services of the Advance to the Treasurer.

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Appropriation Bill 2014 [NSW]
Part 3 Additional appropriation for health related services

Part 3        Additional appropriation for health related services
18     Additional appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2014-15 for recurrent services
       (1)    Out of the Consolidated Fund there is appropriated the sum identified in section 19,
              to the Minister specified in relation to that sum, for recurrent services, which sum
              may be issued and applied for or towards the uses and purposes expressed in that
              section for the recurrent services of the Government for the year 2014-15.
       (2)    The sum appropriated by this Part is in addition to any other sum appropriated by this
              Act for recurrent services.
       (3)    Any amounts expended for recurrent services under section 25 of the Public Finance
              and Audit Act 1983 or any Supply Act on or after 1 July 2014 and before the date of
              assent to this Act are taken to have been expended out of such of the sum for recurrent
              services set out in section 19, as may be determined by the Treasurer. This subsection
              applies only if this Act is assented to after 1 July 2014.
19     Special appropriation to Minister for Health and Minister for Medical Research--
       additional revenue from gaming machine taxes
              The sum of $267,100,000 is appropriated to the Minister for Health and Minister for
              Medical Research for the recurrent services of the Ministry of Health.

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Appropriation Bill 2014 [NSW]
Part 4 Appropriation (Special Offices)

Part 4        Appropriation (Special Offices)
Division 1           General appropriation
20     Appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2014-15 for recurrent services (Special
       (1)    Out of the Consolidated Fund there are hereby appropriated the sums identified in
              sections 22-30, as sums appropriated by this Act for recurrent services, which sums
              may be issued and applied for or towards the several uses and purposes expressed in
              those sections for recurrent services for the year 2014-15.
       (2)    The total sum appropriated out of the Consolidated Fund for recurrent services for
              the year 2014-15 in accordance with the provisions of sections 22-30 is the sum of
       (3)    Any amounts expended for recurrent services under section 25 of the Public Finance
              and Audit Act 1983 or any Supply Act on or after 1 July 2014 and before the date of
              assent to this Act are taken to have been expended out of such of the sums for
              recurrent services set out in sections 22-30, as may be determined by the Treasurer.
              This subsection applies only if this Act is assented to after 1 July 2014.
21     Appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2014-15 for capital works and services
       (Special Offices)
       (1)    Out of the Consolidated Fund there are hereby appropriated the sums identified in
              sections 22-30, as sums appropriated by this Act for capital works and services,
              which sums may be issued and applied for or towards the several uses and purposes
              expressed in those sections for capital works and services for the year 2014-15.
       (2)    The total sum appropriated out of the Consolidated Fund for capital works and
              services for the year 2014-15 in accordance with the provisions of sections 22-30 is
              the sum of $19,190,000.
       (3)    Any amounts expended for capital works and services under section 25 of the Public
              Finance and Audit Act 1983 or any Supply Act on or after 1 July 2014 and before the
              date of assent to this Act are taken to have been expended out of such of the sums for
              capital works and services set out in sections 22-30, as may be determined by the
              Treasurer. This subsection applies only if this Act is assented to after 1 July 2014.

Division 2           Special Offices
22     Judicial Commission of New South Wales
       (1)    Recurrent appropriation
              The sum of $4,914,000 is appropriated to the Attorney General and Minister for
              Justice for the recurrent services of the Judicial Commission of New South Wales.
              Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $6,115,000, as follows:

              01     Education, Sentencing and Complaints                                          6,115

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Appropriation Bill 2014 [NSW]
Part 4 Appropriation (Special Offices)

       (2)    Capital appropriation
              The sum of $150,000 is appropriated to the Attorney General and Minister for Justice
              for the capital works and services of the Judicial Commission of New South Wales.
              Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of
              $150,000, as follows:

              01     Education, Sentencing and Complaints                                            150

23     Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
       (1)    Recurrent appropriation
              The sum of $106,688,000 is appropriated to the Attorney General and Minister for
              Justice for the recurrent services of the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.
              Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $117,860,000,
              disaggregated as follows:

              01     Prosecutions                                                                109,883
              02     Victim and Witness Assistance                                                 7,977
                     Total                                                                       117,860

       (2)    Capital appropriation
              The sum of $1,368,000 is appropriated to the Attorney General and Minister for
              Justice for the capital works and services of the Office of the Director of Public
              Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of
              $1,368,000, disaggregated as follows:

              01     Prosecutions                                                                  1,300
              02     Victim and Witness Assistance                                                    68
                     Total                                                                         1,368

24     Office of the Children's Guardian
       (1)    Recurrent appropriation
              The sum of $10,079,000 is appropriated to the Minister for Family and Community
              Services for the recurrent services of the Office of the Children's Guardian.
              Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $24,162,000, as follows:

              01     Office of the Children's Guardian                                            24,162

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Appropriation Bill 2014 [NSW]
Part 4 Appropriation (Special Offices)

       (2)    Capital appropriation
              The sum of $1,373,000 is appropriated to the Minister for Family and Community
              Services for the capital works and services of the Office of the Children's Guardian.
              Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of
              $1,860,000, as follows:

              01     Office of the Children's Guardian                                             1,860

25     Independent Commission Against Corruption
       (1)    Recurrent appropriation
              The sum of $20,822,000 is appropriated to the Premier, Minister for Infrastructure
              and Minister for Western Sydney for the recurrent services of the Independent
              Commission Against Corruption.
              Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $26,983,000, as follows:

              01     Corruption Investigation, Prevention, Research and Education                 26,983

       (2)    Capital appropriation
              The sum of $6,274,000 is appropriated to the Premier, Minister for Infrastructure and
              Minister for Western Sydney for the capital works and services of the Independent
              Commission Against Corruption.
              Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of
              $7,304,000, as follows:

              01     Corruption Investigation, Prevention, Research and Education                  7,304

26     Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal
       (1)    Recurrent appropriation
              The sum of $26,597,000 is appropriated to the Premier, Minister for Infrastructure
              and Minister for Western Sydney for the recurrent services of the Independent
              Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal.
              Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $30,756,000, as follows:

              01     Utilities Pricing, Regulation and Analysis and Policy Work                   30,756

       (2)    Capital appropriation
              The sum of $180,000 is appropriated to the Premier, Minister for Infrastructure and
              Minister for Western Sydney for the capital works and services of the Independent
              Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal.
              Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of
              $180,000, as follows:

              01     Utilities Pricing, Regulation and Analysis and Policy Work                      180

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Appropriation Bill 2014 [NSW]
Part 4 Appropriation (Special Offices)

27     New South Wales Electoral Commission
       (1)    Recurrent appropriation
              The sum of $86,017,000 is appropriated to the Premier, Minister for Infrastructure
              and Minister for Western Sydney for the recurrent services of the New South Wales
              Electoral Commission.
              Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $92,228,000, as follows:

              01     Conduct and Management of Elections                                          92,228

       (2)    Capital appropriation
              The sum of $7,465,000 is appropriated to the Premier, Minister for Infrastructure and
              Minister for Western Sydney for the capital works and services of the New South
              Wales Electoral Commission.
              Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of
              $7,465,000, as follows:

              01     Conduct and Management of Elections                                           7,465

28     Ombudsman's Office
       (1)    Recurrent appropriation
              The sum of $24,369,000 is appropriated to the Premier, Minister for Infrastructure
              and Minister for Western Sydney for the recurrent services of the Ombudsman's
              Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $29,488,000, as follows:

              01     Complaint Resolution, Investigation, Oversight and Scrutiny                  29,488

       (2)    Capital appropriation
              The sum of $350,000 is appropriated to the Premier, Minister for Infrastructure and
              Minister for Western Sydney for the capital works and services of the Ombudsman's
              Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of
              $350,000, as follows:

              01     Complaint Resolution, Investigation, Oversight and Scrutiny                     350

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Appropriation Bill 2014 [NSW]
Part 4 Appropriation (Special Offices)

29     Police Integrity Commission
       (1)    Recurrent appropriation
              The sum of $18,075,000 is appropriated to the Premier, Minister for Infrastructure
              and Minister for Western Sydney for the recurrent services of the Police Integrity
              Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $20,230,000, as follows:

              01     Investigations, Research and Complaint Management                            20,230

       (2)    Capital appropriation
              The sum of $1,200,000 is appropriated to the Premier, Minister for Infrastructure and
              Minister for Western Sydney for the capital works and services of the Police Integrity
              Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of
              $1,200,000, as follows:

              01     Investigations, Research and Complaint Management                             1,200

30     Public Service Commission
       (1)    Recurrent appropriation
              The sum of $32,871,000 is appropriated to the Premier, Minister for Infrastructure
              and Minister for Western Sydney for the recurrent services of the Public Service
              Note (expenses): This recurrent appropriation will fund expenses of $35,268,000, as follows:

              01     Services and Capabilities Improvement                                        35,268

       (2)    Capital appropriation
              The sum of $830,000 is appropriated to the Premier, Minister for Infrastructure and
              Minister for Western Sydney for the capital works and services of the Public Service
              Note (capital expenditure): This capital appropriation will fund capital expenditure of
              $830,000, as follows:

              01     Services and Capabilities Improvement                                           830

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Appropriation Bill 2014 [NSW]
Part 5 General

Part 5       General
31    Appropriation for Commonwealth transfer payments
       (1)   Out of the Consolidated Fund there is appropriated the sum of $3,563,100,000 to the
             Treasurer, for Commonwealth transfer payments to non-Government schools and
             local government for recurrent services for the year 2014-15.
       (2)   The sum appropriated by this section is in addition to any other sum appropriated by
             this Act.
       (3)   The sum appropriated by this section is subject to section 26 of the Public Finance
             and Audit Act 1983.
32    Variation of authorised payments from Consolidated Fund
       (1)   In this section, purpose means any purpose for which a sum is appropriated under
             this Act for recurrent services or for capital works and services.
       (2)   Payment of a sum appropriated under this Act for a purpose may not be made in
             excess of the sum specified for the purpose, except as provided by this section or
             Division 4 of Part 2 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
       (3)   If the exigencies of government so require, the Treasurer may authorise the payment
             of a sum in excess of the sum (or total sum) specified for a purpose, but only if an
             equivalent sum is not paid out for another purpose, whether the other purpose is
             specified in relation to the same or a different Minister, subject to
             subsections (4)-(7).
       (4)   A sum appropriated for recurrent services may only be paid out for recurrent services
             and a sum appropriated for capital works and services may only be paid out for
             capital works and services.
       (5)   The sum appropriated under Part 3 may only be paid out for the purposes specified
             in Part 3.
       (6)   The total sum appropriated under Part 4 may only be paid out for the purposes
             specified in Part 4.
       (7)   The sum appropriated under section 31 may only be paid out for the purposes
             specified in section 31.
       (8)   This section does not apply to sums appropriated by another Act.
       (9)   This section does not enable the Treasurer to authorise the payment of a sum in
             augmentation of, or as an addition to, any salary or wages the amount of which has
             been fixed by law.
     (10)    The Treasurer is to inform the Auditor-General of every authorisation given under
             this section.
     (11)    An authorisation under this section may be given before or after the relevant payment
             is made.
33    Appointment of person to carry out functions of Treasurer under section 32
       (1)   The Treasurer may appoint a person to carry out the Treasurer's functions under
             section 32.
       (2)   Any such appointment is subject to such conditions (if any) as the Treasurer
       (3)   The Treasurer may revoke any such appointment at any time.

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Appropriation Bill 2014 [NSW]
Part 5 General

       (4)   A person appointed under this section has, in place of the Treasurer, the Treasurer's
             function under section 32 (10) of informing the Auditor-General of every
             authorisation given by the person under section 32.
34    Delayed restructures
       (1)   Without limiting section 32, if the responsibility for a service or function for which
             an appropriation is made in this Act is transferred on or after the date the Bill for this
             Act is introduced in the Legislative Assembly because of the determination made
             before 1 July 2014 by the Premier to create new ministries, or to change or abolish
             existing ministries, and consequently to create, restructure or abolish any authority,
             the appropriation does not lapse and may be issued and applied, in accordance with
             such determination as may be made by the Treasurer, for or towards the service or
             function the responsibility for which is transferred.
       (2)   Section 24 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 does not apply to or in respect
             of an appropriation, service or function to which this section applies.
35    Tabling of Budget Papers
       (1)   If the Legislative Assembly is not sitting at the time when a Budget Paper for the
             year 2014-15 is sought to be tabled in the Legislative Assembly, a Minister may, for
             the purpose of complying with section 27AB of the Public Finance and Audit
             Act 1983, present the Budget Paper to the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly to be
             dealt with in accordance with section 63C of that Act.
       (2)   Section 63C of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 applies in relation to a Budget
             Paper that is presented to the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly under this section in
             the same way as it applies to a report presented to the Clerk of the Legislative
             Assembly under a provision of that Act.

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