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New South Wales Appropriation Bill 2017 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary 1 Name of Act 2 2 Commencement 2 3 Interpretation 2 Part 2 Appropriation (Departments) Division 1 Education 4 Department of Education 3 Division 2 Family and Community Services 5 Department of Family and Community Services 3 Division 3 Finance, Services and Innovation 6 Department of Finance, Services and Innovation 4 Division 4 Health 7 Ministry of Health 4 Division 5 Industry 8 Department of Industry 5 Appropriation Bill 2017 [NSW] Contents Page Division 6 Justice 9 Department of Justice 5 Division 7 Planning and Environment 10 Department of Planning and Environment 6 Division 8 Premier and Cabinet 11 Department of Premier and Cabinet 6 Division 9 Transport 12 Transport for NSW 7 Division 10 Treasury 13 The Treasury 7 14 Crown Finance Entity 7 15 Advance to the Treasurer 8 Part 3 Additional appropriation for health related services 16 Special appropriation to Minister for Health--additional revenue from gaming machine taxes 9 Part 4 Appropriation (Special Offices) 17 Judicial Commission of New South Wales 10 18 Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 10 19 Office of the Children's Guardian 10 20 Independent Commission Against Corruption 10 21 Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal 11 22 Law Enforcement Conduct Commission 11 23 New South Wales Electoral Commission 11 24 Ombudsman's Office 11 25 Public Service Commission 12 Part 5 Commonwealth transfer payments 26 Appropriation for Commonwealth transfer payments 13 Part 6 General 27 Variation of authorised payments from Consolidated Fund 14 28 Appointment of person to carry out functions of Treasurer under section 27 14 29 Delayed restructures 14 30 Budget related information 15 31 Payments authorised on lapse of appropriation 15 Part 7 Budget variations for the year 2015-16 32 Adjustment of "Advance to the Treasurer", 2015-16 16 33 Operation of budget variations and validation of expenditure 16 Schedule 1 Payments during 2015-16 17 Page 2 I certify that this public bill, which originated in the Legislative Assembly, has finally passed the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales. Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Legislative Assembly, Sydney, , 2017 New South Wales Appropriation Bill 2017 Act No , 2017 An Act to appropriate out of the Consolidated Fund sums for the services of the Government for the year 2017-18 and to make additional appropriations to give effect to budget variations for the year 2015-16. See also the Appropriation (Parliament) Act 2017, the State Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment (Budget Measures) Act 2017 and the Emergency Services Levy Act 2017. I have examined this bill and find it to correspond in all respects with the bill as finally passed by both Houses. Assistant Speaker of the Legislative Assembly. Appropriation Bill 2017 [NSW] Part 1 Preliminary The Legislature of New South Wales enacts: Part 1 Preliminary 1 Name of Act This Act is the Appropriation Act 2017. 2 Commencement This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act. 3 Interpretation In this Act: (a) a reference to services for which this Act makes an appropriation includes a reference to the following: (i) recurrent services, (ii) capital works and services, (iii) repayment of debt, and (b) a reference to the year 2015-16 is a reference to the year from 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016, and (c) a reference to the year 2017-18 is a reference to the year from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018. Page 2 Appropriation Bill 2017 [NSW] Part 2 Appropriation (Departments) Part 2 Appropriation (Departments) Note. The total amount appropriated out of the Consolidated Fund for services for the year 2017-18 in accordance with this Part is $74,067,860,000. Division 1 Education 4 Department of Education This Act appropriates the sum of $13,905,309,000 to the Minister for Education out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Department of Education for the year 2017-18. Note: The appropriation will fund services, disaggregated as follows: Expenses Capital expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Early childhood education 435,353 -- 02 Government schools 13,010,659 809,088 03 Non-government schools 1,245,230 -- 04 Aboriginal affairs 48,618 -- 05 Cluster grants 115,169 -- Division 2 Family and Community Services 5 Department of Family and Community Services This Act appropriates the sum of $6,295,054,000 to the Minister for Family and Community Services out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Department of Family and Community Services for the year 2017-18. Note: The appropriation will fund services, disaggregated as follows: Expenses Capital expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Targeted support to improve 1,107,534 54,255 lives and realise potential 02 Ongoing support to break 1,871,401 18,661 disadvantage 03 Empowerment for independent 311,943 721 living 04 Accommodation supports for 1,972,738 44,862 people with disability 05 Social and economic supports 1,352,238 4,671 for people with disability 06 Cluster grants and other 17,120 -- adjustments Page 3 Appropriation Bill 2017 [NSW] Part 2 Appropriation (Departments) Division 3 Finance, Services and Innovation 6 Department of Finance, Services and Innovation This Act appropriates the sum of $1,119,502,000 to the Minister for Finance, Services and Property out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation for the year 2017-18. Note: The appropriation will fund services, disaggregated as follows: Expenses Capital expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Property and advisory 168,876 19,747 02 Customer services 2 -- 03 Revenue administration 469,758 21,563 04 Regulation 360,273 31,041 05 ICT, digital and innovation 163,699 17,404 06 Government services 187,719 9,606 07 Personnel services 140,960 -- 08 Cluster grants and other 434,626 -- adjustments Division 4 Health 7 Ministry of Health This Act appropriates the sum of $11,821,392,000 to the Minister for Health out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Ministry of Health for the year 2017- 18. Note: The appropriations under this section and section 16 will fund services, disaggregated as follows: Expenses Capital expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Acute health services 15,273,470 1,182,311 02 Sub-acute health services 1,245,923 125,324 03 Mental health 1,898,457 22,486 04 Small rural hospitals and specialist 625,868 89,291 hospitals 05 Community health care services 792,224 7,046 06 Public health 814,672 312 07 Health and medical research 82,102 10,000 08 Ambulance emergency services 892,237 109,429 09 Cluster grants and other adjustments 25,904 -- Page 4 Appropriation Bill 2017 [NSW] Part 2 Appropriation (Departments) Division 5 Industry 8 Department of Industry This Act appropriates the sum of $2,956,988,000 to the Minister for Primary Industries out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Department of Industry for the year 2017-18. Note: The appropriation will fund services, disaggregated as follows: Expenses Capital expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Sustaining the conditions for economic 935,001 47,131 development 02 Support for new and expanding businesses 98,645 500 to create jobs in NSW 03 Skills development for employment 1,438,371 -- 04 Sustainable use of and access to natural 176,103 15,806 resources 05 Risks managed for natural resources, 185,103 24,023 farming and food 06 Cluster grants 551,343 -- Division 6 Justice 9 Department of Justice This Act appropriates the sum of $8,603,412,000 to the Attorney General out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Department of Justice for the year 2017- 18. Note: The appropriation will fund services, disaggregated as follows: Expenses Capital expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Courts 622,661 34,713 02 Emergency services 159,579 164 03 Justice services 432,123 67,873 04 Offender management and rehabilitation 1,817,727 1,477,552 05 Cluster grants 4,643,598 -- Page 5 Appropriation Bill 2017 [NSW] Part 2 Appropriation (Departments) Division 7 Planning and Environment 10 Department of Planning and Environment This Act appropriates the sum of $2,449,562,000 to the Minister for Planning out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Department of Planning and Environment for the year 2017-18. Note: The appropriation will fund services, disaggregated as follows: Expenses Capital expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Creating prosperous and sustainable 351,676 8,486 regions 02 Arts and culture 242,610 111,175 03 Driving economic, social, environment 87,908 487 outcomes through balanced decision making 04 Supporting a contemporary planning 77,252 17,999 system 05 Sustainable and regulated use and access 101,361 901 to mineral resources 06 Sustainable use, security and access to 461,739 -- diverse and reliable energy and water resource 07 Cluster grants and other adjustments 1,435,813 -- Division 8 Premier and Cabinet 11 Department of Premier and Cabinet This Act appropriates the sum of $395,846,000 to the Premier out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Department of Premier and Cabinet for the year 2017-18. Note: The appropriation will fund services, disaggregated as follows: Expenses Capital expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Policy, coordination and advice 81,723 3,225 02 Enabling effective government 103,021 3,713 03 Economy, infrastructure and community 40,641 -- 04 Accountability, efficiency and 2,488 -- effectiveness 05 Supporting major projects and initiatives 29,728 4,000 06 Cluster grants and other adjustments 154,924 -- Page 6 Appropriation Bill 2017 [NSW] Part 2 Appropriation (Departments) Division 9 Transport 12 Transport for NSW (1) This Act appropriates the sum of $12,761,708,000 to the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of Transport for NSW for the year 2017-18. Note: The appropriation will fund services, disaggregated as follows: Expenses Capital expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Transport--Cluster grants and personnel 5,862,728 -- services 02 Public transport asset maintenance 89,868 134,114 03 Public transport growth and improvement -- 2,534,258 04 Public transport services 2,907,312 35,617 05 Roads, maritime and freight growth and -- 8,300 improvement 06 Roads, maritime and freight asset 106,678 85,741 maintenance 07 Transport access and coordination 197,817 27,751 08 Transport safety 89,712 -- 09 Cluster grants and other adjustments 7,745,017 -- (2) A reference in this section to Transport for NSW includes a reference to the Department of Transport. Division 10 Treasury 13 The Treasury This Act appropriates the sum of $117,919,000 to the Treasurer out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of The Treasury for the year 2017-18. Note: The appropriation will fund services, as follows: Expenses Capital expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Analysis, advice and delivery 135,614 14,650 14 Crown Finance Entity This Act appropriates the sum of $13,521,168,000 to the Treasurer out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Crown Finance Entity for the year 2017- 18. Note: The appropriation will fund services, as follows: Expenses Capital expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Optimise State's balance sheet 8,875,739 500 Page 7 Appropriation Bill 2017 [NSW] Part 2 Appropriation (Departments) 15 Advance to the Treasurer This Act appropriates the sum of $120,000,000 to the Treasurer out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Advance to the Treasurer for the year 2017-18. Page 8 Appropriation Bill 2017 [NSW] Part 3 Additional appropriation for health related services Part 3 Additional appropriation for health related services 16 Special appropriation to Minister for Health--additional revenue from gaming machine taxes (1) This Act appropriates the sum of $358,072,252 to the Minister for Health out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Ministry of Health for the year 2017-18. (2) The sum appropriated is in addition to any other sum appropriated by this Act. Page 9 Appropriation Bill 2017 [NSW] Part 4 Appropriation (Special Offices) Part 4 Appropriation (Special Offices) Note. The total amount appropriated out of the Consolidated Fund for services for the year 2017-18 in accordance with this Part is $376,451,000. 17 Judicial Commission of New South Wales This Act appropriates the sum of $5,486,000 to the Attorney General out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Judicial Commission of New South Wales for the year 2017-18. Note: The appropriation will fund services, as follows: Expenses Capital expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Courts 6,785 150 18 Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions This Act appropriates the sum of $126,983,000 to the Attorney General out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions for the year 2017-18. Note: The appropriation will fund services, as follows: Expenses Capital expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Courts 148,425 4,618 19 Office of the Children's Guardian This Act appropriates the sum of $17,750,000 to the Minister for Family and Community Services out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Office of the Children's Guardian for the year 2017-18. Note: The appropriation will fund services, as follows: Expenses Capital expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Other cluster entities 33,777 189 20 Independent Commission Against Corruption This Act appropriates the sum of $21,357,000 to the Premier out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Independent Commission Against Corruption for the year 2017-18. Note: The appropriation will fund services, as follows: Expenses Capital expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Accountability, efficiency and 23,297 1,260 effectiveness Page 10 Appropriation Bill 2017 [NSW] Part 4 Appropriation (Special Offices) 21 Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal This Act appropriates the sum of $31,987,000 to the Premier out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal for the year 2017-18. Note: The appropriation will fund services, as follows: Expenses Capital expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Accountability, efficiency and 33,200 1,530 effectiveness 22 Law Enforcement Conduct Commission This Act appropriates the sum of $21,195,000 to the Minister for Police out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission for the year 2017-18. Note: The appropriation will fund services, as follows: Expenses Capital expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Law enforcement--Police 22,085 1,200 23 New South Wales Electoral Commission This Act appropriates the sum of $81,772,000 to the Premier out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the New South Wales Electoral Commission for the year 2017-18. Note: The appropriation will fund services, as follows: Expenses Capital expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Accountability, efficiency and 73,193 12,884 effectiveness 24 Ombudsman's Office This Act appropriates the sum of $34,255,000 to the Premier out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Ombudsman's Office for the year 2017-18. Note: The appropriation will fund services, as follows: Expenses Capital expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Accountability, efficiency and 37,325 3,152 effectiveness Page 11 Appropriation Bill 2017 [NSW] Part 4 Appropriation (Special Offices) 25 Public Service Commission This Act appropriates the sum of $35,666,000 to the Premier out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Public Service Commission for the year 2017-18. Note: The appropriation will fund services, as follows: Expenses Capital expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Accountability, efficiency and 38,784 3,044 effectiveness Page 12 Appropriation Bill 2017 [NSW] Part 5 Commonwealth transfer payments Part 5 Commonwealth transfer payments 26 Appropriation for Commonwealth transfer payments (1) This Act appropriates the sum of $4,018,190,000 to the Treasurer out of the Consolidated Fund, for Commonwealth transfer payments to non-Government schools and local government for services for the year 2017-18. (2) The sum appropriated is in addition to any other sum appropriated by this Act. (3) The sum appropriated is subject to section 26 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983. Page 13 Appropriation Bill 2017 [NSW] Part 6 General Part 6 General 27 Variation of authorised payments from Consolidated Fund (1) Payment of a sum appropriated by this Act for a purpose may not be made in excess of the sum specified for the purpose, except as provided by this section or Division 4 of Part 2 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983. (2) If the exigencies of government so require, the Treasurer may authorise the payment of a sum in excess of the sum specified for a purpose, but only if an equivalent sum is not paid out for another purpose, whether the other purpose is specified in relation to the same or a different Minister, subject to subsections (3)-(5). (3) The sum appropriated under Part 3 may only be paid out for the purpose specified in Part 3. (4) The sums appropriated under Part 4 may only be paid out for the purposes specified in Part 4. (5) The sum appropriated under Part 5 may only be paid out for the purpose specified in Part 5. (6) This section does not apply to sums appropriated by another Act. (7) This section does not enable the Treasurer to authorise the payment of a sum in augmentation of, or as an addition to, any salary or wages the amount of which has been fixed by law. (8) The Treasurer is to inform the Auditor-General of every authorisation given under this section. (9) An authorisation under this section may be given before or after the relevant payment is made. 28 Appointment of person to carry out functions of Treasurer under section 27 (1) The Treasurer may appoint a person to carry out the Treasurer's functions under section 27. (2) Any such appointment is subject to such conditions (if any) as the Treasurer determines. (3) The Treasurer may revoke any such appointment at any time. (4) A person appointed under this section has, in place of the Treasurer, the Treasurer's function under section 27 (8) of informing the Auditor-General of every authorisation given by the person under section 27. 29 Delayed restructures (1) Without limiting section 27, if the responsibility for a service for which an appropriation is made in this Act is transferred on or after the date the Bill for this Act is introduced in the Legislative Assembly because of the determination made before 1 July 2017 by the Premier to create new ministries, or to change or abolish existing ministries, and consequently to create, restructure or abolish any authority, the appropriation does not lapse and may be applied, in accordance with such determination as may be made by the Treasurer, for or towards the service the responsibility for which is transferred. (2) Section 24 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 does not apply to or in respect of an appropriation or service to which this section applies. Page 14 Appropriation Bill 2017 [NSW] Part 6 General 30 Budget related information (1) In this section: budget related information means: (a) notes included in this Act relating to expenses and capital expenditure, and (b) Budget Papers of the Government tabled in Parliament in connection with the Bill for this Act. this Act includes the Appropriation (Parliament) Act 2017. (2) Budget related information: (a) does not form part of this Act, and (b) does not affect the application of any amount appropriated by this Act. 31 Payments authorised on lapse of appropriation (1) This section applies only if this Act is assented to after 1 July 2017. (2) Any amounts expended for services under section 25 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 or any Supply Act on or after 1 July 2017 and before the date of assent to this Act for a purpose for which a sum is appropriated by this Act are taken to have been expended out of such of the sums for services set out in this Act, as may be determined by the Treasurer. Page 15 Appropriation Bill 2017 [NSW] Part 7 Budget variations for the year 2015-16 Part 7 Budget variations for the year 2015-16 32 Adjustment of "Advance to the Treasurer", 2015-16 (1) This Act appropriates the sum of $47,209,000 out of the Consolidated Fund in adjustment of the amount appropriated for the services of the "Advance to the Treasurer", 2015-16, for supplementary charges made during the year 2015-16 in the amounts specified in Column 1 of Schedule 1 for the recurrent services specified opposite those amounts in Schedule 1. Accordingly, the amount so appropriated is reduced by the amount appropriated by this section. (2) The sum appropriated is in addition to any other sums that may have been appropriated, subject to the adjustment of the amount appropriated for the services of the "Advance to the Treasurer", 2015-16. 33 Operation of budget variations and validation of expenditure (1) This Act, to the extent that it appropriates an amount for, and otherwise gives effect to, the budget variations for the year 2015-16, is to be construed as if it formed part of the annual Appropriation Act for the year 2015-16 and to have effect as if it had commenced at the start of that year. (2) The payment before the date of assent to this Act out of the Consolidated Fund of the whole or any part of the sum appropriated under section 32 is validated. This subsection applies despite this Act being assented to after the year 2015-16. (3) To the extent (if any) to which it may be necessary to do so, the expenditure of the whole or any part of the sum appropriated under section 32 before the date of assent to this Act: (a) is taken to have been validly approved at the time it was approved, or was purported to have been approved, and (b) is taken to have been validly made at the time it was made, or purported to have been made, and is taken thereafter to be, and to have been at all relevant times, validly approved and made. Page 16 Appropriation Bill 2017 [NSW] Schedule 1 Payments during 2015-16 Schedule 1 Payments during 2015-16 (Section 32) Column 1 Treasurer's Advance Amount $,000 TREASURER RECURRENT SERVICES Department of Education Additional Funding for the National Art School 2,825 Total Department of Education 2,825 Department of Family and Community Services Funding for the procurement and ongoing commissioning costs for the Social and 13,784 Affordable Housing Fund Total Department of Family and Community Services 13,784 Department of Finance, Services and Innovation Funding for the Jobs Action Plan 30,000 Total Department of Finance, Services and Innovation 30,000 Department of Premier and Cabinet Funding for the Safe Shooting Program 600 Total Department of Premier and Cabinet 600 TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES 47,209 TREASURER'S ADVANCE FOR RECURRENT SERVICES 47,209 TOTAL--TREASURER'S ADVANCE 47,209 Page 17
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