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New South Wales Appropriation Bill 2020 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary 1 Name of Act 5 2 Commencement 5 3 Definitions 5 Part 2 Appropriations--Departments Division 1 Customer Service 4 Department of Customer Service 6 5 Digital Restart Fund 6 6 Rental Bond Interest Account 6 Division 2 Education 7 Department of Education 6 Division 3 Health 8 Ministry of Health 7 Division 4 Planning, Industry and Environment 9 Department of Planning, Industry and Environment 7 Appropriation Bill 2020 [NSW] Contents Page Division 5 Premier and Cabinet 10 Department of Premier and Cabinet 8 Division 6 Regional NSW 11 Regional NSW 8 Division 7 Stronger Communities 12 Department of Communities and Justice 9 Division 8 Transport 13 Transport for NSW 9 Division 9 Treasury 14 The Treasury 10 15 Crown Finance Entity 10 16 Appropriation to Treasurer for NSW Generations Fund 11 17 Appropriation to Treasurer for Snowy Hydro Legacy Fund 11 18 Appropriation to Treasurer for State contingencies 11 19 Special appropriation to Treasurer for COVID-19 related expenses and inflation 11 Part 3 Additional appropriation for health related services 20 Special appropriation to Minister for Health and Medical Research-- additional revenue from gaming machine taxes 12 Part 4 Appropriations--Special Offices 21 Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal 13 22 Judicial Commission of New South Wales 13 23 Office of the Children's Guardian 13 24 Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 13 25 Independent Commission Against Corruption 14 26 Law Enforcement Conduct Commission 14 27 New South Wales Electoral Commission 14 28 Ombudsman's Office 14 29 Public Service Commission 15 Part 5 Commonwealth transfer payments 30 Appropriation for Commonwealth transfer payments 16 Part 6 Variations to authorised payments 31 Payments not to be in excess of sums specified 17 32 Variations--exigencies of government and appropriations insufficient for purpose 17 33 Variations--State contingencies 17 34 Variations--COVID-19 pandemic and inflation 17 35 Treasurer must not increase fixed salary or wages 18 36 Part does not apply to sums appropriated by another Act 18 37 Treasurer is to inform Auditor-General of authorisations 18 Page 2 Appropriation Bill 2020 [NSW] Contents Page Part 7 General 38 Appointment of person to carry out functions of Treasurer under Part 6 19 39 Appointment of accountable authority to identify surplus 19 40 Budget related information 19 41 Payments authorised on lapse of appropriation 19 Part 8 Budget variations for the year 2019-20 42 Payments made during 2019-20 under section 4.13 of Government Sector Finance Act 2018 20 43 Operation of budget variations and validation of expenditure 20 Schedule 1 Payments during 2019-20 21 Page 3 I certify that this public bill, which originated in the Legislative Assembly, has finally passed the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales. Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Legislative Assembly, Sydney, , 2020 New South Wales Appropriation Bill 2020 Act No , 2020 An Act to appropriate out of the Consolidated Fund sums for the services of the Government for the year 2020-21 and to make an additional appropriation to give effect to budget variations for the year 2019-20. See also the Appropriation (Parliament) Act 2020 and the Payroll Tax Amendment Act 2020. I have examined this bill and find it to correspond in all respects with the bill as finally passed by both Houses. Assistant Speaker of the Legislative Assembly. Appropriation Bill 2020 [NSW] Part 1 Preliminary The Legislature of New South Wales enacts-- Part 1 Preliminary 1 Name of Act This Act is the Appropriation Act 2020. 2 Commencement This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act. 3 Definitions In this Act-- services includes the following-- (a) recurrent services, (b) capital works and services, (c) repayment of debt. 2019-20 means the year from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020. 2020-21 means the year from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021. Page 5 Appropriation Bill 2020 [NSW] Part 2 Appropriations--Departments Part 2 Appropriations--Departments Note. The total amount appropriated out of the Consolidated Fund for services for the year 2020-21 in accordance with this Part is $103,213,970,000. Division 1 Customer Service 4 Department of Customer Service This Act appropriates the sum of $1,426,426,000 to the Minister for Customer Service out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Department of Customer Service for the year 2020-21. Note. The appropriation will fund services, disaggregated across State outcomes as follows-- Capital Expenses expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Fair, secure and efficient 828,474 56,012 markets 02 Excellence in customer 647,196 108,579 service 03 Digital leadership and 544,742 31,567 innovation in government services 04 Cluster grants and others 763,486 -- 5 Digital Restart Fund This Act appropriates the sum of $413,000,000 to the Minister for Customer Service out of the Consolidated Fund for payment into the Digital Restart Fund established under the Digital Restart Fund Act 2020. 6 Rental Bond Interest Account This Act appropriates the sum of $62,038,000 to the Minister for Customer Service out of the Consolidated Fund for payment into the Rental Bond Interest Account established under the Residential Tenancies Act 2010. Division 2 Education 7 Department of Education This Act appropriates the sum of $20,025,812,000 to the Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Department of Education for the year 2020-21. Note. The appropriation will fund services, disaggregated across State outcomes as follows-- Capital Expenses expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Educational foundations 16,498,232 2,472,344 for success 02 Skilled and employable 2,423,187 16,886 workforce Page 6 Appropriation Bill 2020 [NSW] Part 2 Appropriations--Departments Capital Expenses expenditure $,000 $,000 03 Best start in life for young 667,845 -- children 04 Cluster grants and others 58,778 -- Division 3 Health 8 Ministry of Health This Act appropriates the sum of $15,296,171,000 to the Minister for Health and Medical Research out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Ministry of Health for the year 2020-21. Note. The appropriations under this section and Part 3 will fund services, disaggregated across State outcomes as follows-- Capital Expenses expenditure $,000 $,000 01 People receive high 14,211,216 1,942,929 quality, safe care in our hospitals 02 People can access care 6,410,651 471,434 out of hospital settings to manage their health and wellbeing 03 People receive timely 3,461,193 408,093 emergency care 04 Keeping people healthy 1,281,621 20,019 through prevention and health promotion 05 Our people and systems 1,032,743 15,974 are continuously improving to deliver the best health outcomes and experiences 06 Cluster grants 27,645 -- Division 4 Planning, Industry and Environment 9 Department of Planning, Industry and Environment This Act appropriates the sum of $3,680,784,000 to the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for the year 2020-21. Note. The appropriation will fund services, disaggregated across State outcomes as follows-- Page 7 Appropriation Bill 2020 [NSW] Part 2 Appropriations--Departments Capital Expenses expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Connecting communities 1,807,175 305,037 to resilient and sustainable energy and local environments 02 Create a strong and 1,243,850 58,206 liveable NSW 03 Maximise community 1,103,400 151,815 benefit from government land and property 04 Sustainable, secure and 721,727 37,433 healthy water resources and services 05 Cluster grants and others 619,879 -- Division 5 Premier and Cabinet 10 Department of Premier and Cabinet This Act appropriates the sum of $3,342,301,000 to the Premier out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Department of Premier and Cabinet for the year 2020-21. Note. The appropriation will fund services, disaggregated across State outcomes as follows-- Capital Expenses expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Excellence in arts, culture 603,704 466,515 and heritage 02 Effective and coordinated 233,355 5,889 government 03 Empowering Aboriginal 60,054 94 communities 04 Accountable and 455 -- responsible government 05 Cluster grants and others 2,288,127 -- Division 6 Regional NSW 11 Regional NSW This Act appropriates the sum of $1,420,162,000 to the Deputy Premier, Minister for Regional New South Wales, Industry and Trade out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of Regional NSW for the year 2020-21. Note. The appropriation will fund services, disaggregated across State outcomes as follows-- Page 8 Appropriation Bill 2020 [NSW] Part 2 Appropriations--Departments Capital Expenses expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Stronger and cohesive 1,273,338 130,399 regional communities and economies 02 Stronger primary 410,586 61,051 industries 03 Mineral and petroleum 106,401 1,067 industries generating prosperity safely 04 Cluster grants and others 392,394 -- Division 7 Stronger Communities 12 Department of Communities and Justice This Act appropriates the sum of $16,671,184,000 to the Attorney General, and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Department of Communities and Justice for the year 2020-21. Note. The appropriation will fund services, disaggregated across State outcomes as follows-- Capital Expenses expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Active and inclusive 3,497,189 9,363 communities 02 Reduce reoffending 2,556,890 405,055 03 Children and families 2,538,512 19,439 thrive 04 Efficient and effective 1,134,497 109,809 legal system 05 People have a safe and 1,018,176 7,878 affordable place to live 06 Cluster grants 6,285,946 -- Division 8 Transport 13 Transport for NSW (1) This Act appropriates the sum of $20,343,553,000 to the Minister for Transport and Roads out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of Transport for NSW for the year 2020-21. Note. The appropriation will fund services, disaggregated across State outcomes as follows-- Capital Expenses expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Connecting our 9,273,288 1,679,975 customers' whole lives Page 9 Appropriation Bill 2020 [NSW] Part 2 Appropriations--Departments Capital Expenses expenditure $,000 $,000 02 Sustainable transport 459,571 6,295,084 systems and solutions supporting economic activity 03 Successful places for 1,067,085 86,420 communities 04 Cluster grants and others 10,811,648 -- (2) A reference in this section to Transport for NSW includes a reference to the Department of Transport. Division 9 Treasury 14 The Treasury This Act appropriates the sum of $1,855,379,000 to the Treasurer out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of The Treasury for the year 2020-21. Note. The appropriation will fund services, disaggregated across State outcomes as follows-- Capital Expenses expenditure $,000 $,000 01 A strong resilient and 1,252,809 21,465 diverse economy 02 A sustainable fiscal 240,178 6,215 environment enabling delivery of outcomes 03 Stewardship of the public 56,622 1,861 sector performance and financial system 04 Cluster grants 215,394 -- 15 Crown Finance Entity This Act appropriates the sum of $13,070,885,000 to the Treasurer out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Crown Finance Entity for the year 2020-21. Note. The appropriation will fund services for the following State outcome-- Capital Expenses expenditure $,000 $,000 01 A sustainable fiscal 9,719,987 -- environment enabling delivery of outcomes Page 10 Appropriation Bill 2020 [NSW] Part 2 Appropriations--Departments 16 Appropriation to Treasurer for NSW Generations Fund This Act appropriates the sum of $2,017,094,000 to the Treasurer out of the Consolidated Fund for payment into the NSW Generations (Debt Retirement) Fund established under the NSW Generations Funds Act 2018. 17 Appropriation to Treasurer for Snowy Hydro Legacy Fund This Act appropriates the sum of $2,000,000,000 to the Treasurer out of the Consolidated Fund for payment into the Snowy Hydro Legacy Fund established under the Snowy Hydro Legacy Fund Act 2018. 18 Appropriation to Treasurer for State contingencies This Act appropriates the sum of $120,000,000 to the Treasurer out of the Consolidated Fund for State contingencies for the year 2020-21. 19 Special appropriation to Treasurer for COVID-19 related expenses and inflation This Act appropriates the sum of $1,469,181,000 to the Treasurer out of the Consolidated Fund for the following expenditure that is not otherwise covered by an appropriation under this Act or the Appropriation (Parliament) Act 2020 for the year 2020-21-- (a) expenditure related to the COVID-19 pandemic, (b) expenditure related to inflation. Page 11 Appropriation Bill 2020 [NSW] Part 3 Additional appropriation for health related services Part 3 Additional appropriation for health related services 20 Special appropriation to Minister for Health and Medical Research--additional revenue from gaming machine taxes (1) This Act appropriates the sum of $443,832,137 to the Minister for Health and Medical Research out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Ministry of Health for the year 2020-21. (2) The sum appropriated is in addition to any other sum appropriated by this Act. Page 12 Appropriation Bill 2020 [NSW] Part 4 Appropriations--Special Offices Part 4 Appropriations--Special Offices Note. The total amount appropriated out of the Consolidated Fund for services for the year 2020-21 in accordance with this Part is $497,588,000. 21 Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal This Act appropriates the sum of $28,474,000 to the Minister for Customer Service out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal for the year 2020-21. Note. The appropriation will fund services for the following State outcome-- Capital Expenses expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Fair, secure and efficient 31,023 180 markets 22 Judicial Commission of New South Wales This Act appropriates the sum of $5,260,000 to the Attorney General, and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Judicial Commission of New South Wales for the year 2020-21. Note. The appropriation will fund services for the following State outcome-- Capital Expenses expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Efficient and effective 6,663 150 legal system 23 Office of the Children's Guardian This Act appropriates the sum of $26,109,000 to the Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Office of the Children's Guardian for the year 2020-21. Note. The appropriation will fund services for the following State outcome-- Capital Expenses expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Children and families 56,129 2,429 thrive 24 Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions This Act appropriates the sum of $162,215,000 to the Attorney General, and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions for the year 2020-21. Note. The appropriation will fund services for the following State outcome-- Page 13 Appropriation Bill 2020 [NSW] Part 4 Appropriations--Special Offices Capital Expenses expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Efficient and effective 174,023 12,257 legal system 25 Independent Commission Against Corruption This Act appropriates the sum of $30,814,000 to the Premier out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Independent Commission Against Corruption for the year 2020-21. Note. The appropriation will fund services for the following State outcome-- Capital Expenses expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Accountable and 30,879 1,370 responsible government 26 Law Enforcement Conduct Commission This Act appropriates the sum of $22,736,000 to the Premier out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission for the year 2020-21. Note. The appropriation will fund services for the following State outcome-- Capital Expenses expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Accountable and 23,602 1,200 responsible government 27 New South Wales Electoral Commission This Act appropriates the sum of $161,916,000 to the Premier out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the New South Wales Electoral Commission for the year 2020-21. Note. The appropriation will fund services for the following State outcome-- Capital Expenses expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Accountable and 156,861 11,364 responsible government 28 Ombudsman's Office This Act appropriates the sum of $26,457,000 to the Premier out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Ombudsman's Office for the year 2020-21. Note. The appropriation will fund services for the following State outcome-- Page 14 Appropriation Bill 2020 [NSW] Part 4 Appropriations--Special Offices Capital Expenses expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Accountable and 27,709 1,315 responsible government 29 Public Service Commission This Act appropriates the sum of $33,607,000 to the Premier out of the Consolidated Fund for the services of the Public Service Commission for the year 2020-21. Note. The appropriation will fund services for the following State outcome-- Capital Expenses expenditure $,000 $,000 01 Accountable and 41,619 278 responsible government Page 15 Appropriation Bill 2020 [NSW] Part 5 Commonwealth transfer payments Part 5 Commonwealth transfer payments 30 Appropriation for Commonwealth transfer payments (1) This Act appropriates the sum of $4,311,000,000 to the Treasurer out of the Consolidated Fund, for Commonwealth transfer payments to non-government schools and local government for services for the year 2020-21. (2) The sum appropriated is in addition to any other sum appropriated by this Act. (3) The sum appropriated is subject to section 4.11 of the Government Sector Finance Act 2018. Page 16 Appropriation Bill 2020 [NSW] Part 6 Variations to authorised payments Part 6 Variations to authorised payments 31 Payments not to be in excess of sums specified (1) Payment of a sum must not be made from the Consolidated Fund for a purpose for the year 2020-21 if the sum is more than the sum appropriated for the purpose by this Act or the Appropriation (Parliament) Act 2020. (2) Subsection (1) does not limit a payment authorised by-- (a) this Part, or (b) Part 4 of the Government Sector Finance Act 2018. 32 Variations--exigencies of government and appropriations insufficient for purpose (1) The Treasurer may authorise the payment of a sum appropriated by this Act for a purpose that is more than the sum specified for the purpose if-- (a) the Treasurer is of the opinion that the exigencies of government require the payment, and (b) an equivalent sum is not paid out for another purpose, whether the other purpose is specified in relation to the same or a different Minister. (2) The Treasurer may authorise the payment of a sum appropriated by this Act for a purpose that is more than the sum specified for the purpose if-- (a) the Treasurer is of the opinion that the sum appropriated for the purpose is insufficient to enable the purpose to be effectively and efficiently carried out, and (b) an equivalent sum is identified as surplus to another purpose by the Minister in relation to whom the other purpose is specified, whether the other purpose is specified in relation to the same or a different Minister, and (c) the equivalent sum is not paid out for the other purpose. (3) The Treasurer must not, under this section, authorise the payment of a sum appropriated under a Part of this Act to be paid out for a purpose other than a purpose specified in that Part. 33 Variations--State contingencies The Treasurer may authorise the payment of a sum appropriated for a purpose by this Act or the Appropriation (Parliament) Act 2020 that is more than the sum specified for the purpose if-- (a) the Treasurer is of the opinion that the additional sum is reasonably necessary because of a State contingency, and (b) an equivalent sum is not paid out from the sum appropriated to the Treasurer by section 18. 34 Variations--COVID-19 pandemic and inflation (1) The Treasurer may authorise the payment of a sum appropriated for a purpose by this Act or the Appropriation (Parliament) Act 2020 that is more than the sum specified for the purpose if-- (a) the Treasurer is of the opinion that the additional sum is reasonably necessary because of expenditure related to the COVID-19 pandemic or inflation, and (b) an equivalent sum is not paid out from the sum appropriated to the Treasurer by section 19. Page 17 Appropriation Bill 2020 [NSW] Part 6 Variations to authorised payments 35 Treasurer must not increase fixed salary or wages The Treasurer must not authorise the payment of a sum under this Part that increases salary or wages if the amount of the salary or wages is fixed by law. 36 Part does not apply to sums appropriated by another Act This Part does not apply to sums appropriated by another Act except as otherwise provided in this Part. 37 Treasurer is to inform Auditor-General of authorisations (1) The Treasurer is to inform the Auditor-General of every authorisation given under this Part. (2) An authorisation under this Part may be given before or after the payment is made. Page 18 Appropriation Bill 2020 [NSW] Part 7 General Part 7 General 38 Appointment of person to carry out functions of Treasurer under Part 6 (1) The Treasurer may appoint a person to carry out the Treasurer's functions under Part 6. (2) The appointment is subject to the conditions, if any, that the Treasurer decides. (3) The Treasurer may revoke the appointment at any time. (4) A person appointed under this section has, in place of the Treasurer, the Treasurer's function under section 37 of informing the Auditor-General of every authorisation given by the person under Part 6. 39 Appointment of accountable authority to identify surplus (1) A Minister may appoint the accountable authority for a GSF agency for which the Minister is the responsible Minister to carry out the Minister's functions under section 32(2)(b). (2) The appointment is subject to the conditions, if any, that the Minister determines. (3) The Minister may revoke the appointment at any time. (4) In this section-- accountable authority, for a GSF agency, has the same meaning as in the Government Sector Finance Act 2018. GSF agency has the same meaning as in the Government Sector Finance Act 2018. 40 Budget related information (1) Budget related information-- (a) does not form part of this Act, and (b) does not affect the application of any amount appropriated by this Act. (2) In this section-- budget related information means-- (a) notes included in this Act relating to expenses and capital expenditure, and (b) Budget Papers of the Government tabled in Parliament in connection with the Bill for this Act. this Act includes the Appropriation (Parliament) Act 2020. 41 Payments authorised on lapse of appropriation An amount is taken to have been expended out of a sum appropriated for a purpose by this Act if the amount-- (a) was paid for the purpose out of the Consolidated Fund under section 4.10 of the Government Sector Finance Act 2018, and (b) was paid on or after 1 July 2020 and before the date of assent to this Act. Page 19 Appropriation Bill 2020 [NSW] Part 8 Budget variations for the year 2019-20 Part 8 Budget variations for the year 2019-20 42 Payments made during 2019-20 under section 4.13 of Government Sector Finance Act 2018 (1) This Act appropriates the sum of $5,235,633,000 out of the Consolidated Fund for the exigencies of Government during the year 2019-20-- (a) being the total of the sums specified in Schedule 1 to provide for the payments specified in relation to those sums, and (b) made in anticipation of appropriation by Parliament under section 4.13 of the Government Sector Finance Act 2018. (2) The sum appropriated is in addition to any other sums that may have been appropriated to the Treasurer for the year 2019-20. 43 Operation of budget variations and validation of expenditure (1) This Act, to the extent that it appropriates an amount for, and gives effect to, the budget variations for the year 2019-20, is to be construed as if it-- (a) formed part of the annual Appropriation Act for the year 2019-20, and (b) commenced at the start of that year. (2) The following are validated, despite occurring before the date of assent to this Act-- (a) the payment out of the Consolidated Fund of a sum appropriated under this Part, (b) the approval of the expenditure of a sum appropriated under this Part, (c) the expenditure of a sum appropriated under this Part. (3) This section applies to part of a sum appropriated under this Act in the same way as it applies to the whole of the sum. Page 20 Appropriation Bill 2020 [NSW] Schedule 1 Payments during 2019-20 Schedule 1 Payments during 2019-20 section 42 Payments made under section 4.13 of the Government Sector Finance Act 2018 Amount $,000 Attorney General, and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence Department of Communities and Justice Bushfire response 872,000 COVID-19 response 123,658 Total--Department of Communities and Justice 995,658 Total--Attorney General, and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic 995,658 Violence Minister for Customer Service Department of Customer Service COVID-19 response 318,592 Total--Department of Customer Service 318,592 Total--Minister for Customer Service 318,592 Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning Department of Education COVID-19 response 98,400 Bushfire response 5,000 Total--Department of Education 103,400 Total--Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning 103,400 Minister for Health and Medical Research Ministry of Health COVID-19 response 859,800 Total--Ministry of Health 859,800 Total--Minister for Health and Medical Research 859,800 Minister for Planning and Public Spaces Department of Planning, Industry and Environment COVID-19 response 180,770 Digital access improvement to planning services across NSW 2,500 Total--Department of Planning, Industry and Environment 183,270 Page 21 Appropriation Bill 2020 [NSW] Schedule 1 Payments during 2019-20 Payments made under section 4.13 of the Government Sector Finance Act 2018 Amount $,000 Total--Minister for Planning and Public Spaces 183,270 Deputy Premier, Minister for Regional New South Wales, Industry and Trade Regional NSW COVID-19 response 4,700 Bushfire response 3,000 Total--Regional NSW 7,700 Total--Deputy Premier, Minister for Regional NSW, Industry and Trade 7,700 Minister for Transport and Roads Transport for NSW COVID-19 response 128,810 Total--Transport for NSW 128,810 Total--Minister for Transport and Roads 128,810 Premier Department of Premier and Cabinet Bushfire response 349,000 COVID-19 response 4,800 Total--Department of Premier and Cabinet 353,800 Ombudsman's Office COVID-19 response 303 Total--Ombudsman's Office 303 Total--Premier 354,103 Treasurer Appropriation to the Treasurer for State contingencies COVID-19 response 1,485,300 Total--Appropriation to the Treasurer for State contingencies 1,485,300 Crown Finance Entity Bushfire response 46,000 COVID-19 response 2,000 Page 22 Appropriation Bill 2020 [NSW] Schedule 1 Payments during 2019-20 Payments made under section 4.13 of the Government Sector Finance Act 2018 Amount $,000 Total--Crown Finance Entity 48,000 Treasury COVID-19 response 751,000 Total--Treasury 751,000 Total--Treasurer 2,284,300 Total--all payments 5,235,633 Page 23
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