New South Wales Bills

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                                  New South Wales

Alcoholic Beverages Advertising
Prohibition Bill 2012


Part 1         Preliminary
                    1   Name of Act                                  2
                    2   Commencement                                 2
                    3   Act binds the Crown                          2
                    4   Purposes of the Act                          2
                    5   Definitions                                  2

Part 2         Offences relating to promotion of alcoholic beverages
                    6   Certain advertising prohibited               5
                    7   Competitions                                 7
                    8   Free samples                                 7
                    9   Prohibition of sponsorships                  8
                   10   Exemptions                                   9

Alcoholic Beverages Advertising Prohibition Bill 2012


Part 3        Reintroduction of local option
               11    Request to declare local option area                 10
               12    Declaration of local option area                     10
               13    Rescission of declaration                            11
               14    When declaration or rescission has effect            11
               15    Duration of declaration                              11
               16    Prohibitions applicable to local option areas        11

Part 4        Alcohol Advertising Prohibition Committee
               17    Alcohol Advertising Prohibition Committee            13
               18    Functions of Committee                               13
               19    Responsibility of Minister                           13
               20    Provision of assistance to Committee                 14

Part 5        Enforcement
               21    Removal of certain advertisements                    15
               22    Power of entry                                       16
               23    Intimidation or obstruction of authorised officer    16
               24    Consent required for prosecutions                    16
               25    Penalties                                            16
               26    Proceedings for offences                             16
               27    Offences by bodies corporate                         17

Part 6        General
               28    Certain civil proceedings barred                     18
               29    Regulations                                          18
               30    Warnings                                             18
               31    Review of Act                                        19

Schedule 1           Provisions relating to Alcohol Advertising
                     Prohibition Committee                                20

Contents page 2
                            New South Wales

Alcoholic Beverages Advertising
Prohibition Bill 2012
No     , 2012

A Bill for

An Act to prohibit the advertising of alcoholic beverages and related trade marks,
brand names and logos; and for other purposes.
Clause 1          Alcoholic Beverages Advertising Prohibition Bill 2012

Part 1            Preliminary

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                                 1

Part 1         Preliminary                                                                 2

  1      Name of Act                                                                       3

               This Act is the Alcoholic Beverages Advertising Prohibition Act 2012.       4

  2      Commencement                                                                      5

               This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.                       6

  3      Act binds the Crown                                                               7

               This Act binds the Crown in right of New South Wales and, in so far as      8
               the legislative power of Parliament permits, the Crown in all its other     9
               capacities.                                                                10

  4      Purposes of the Act                                                              11

               The purposes of this Act are:                                              12
               (a) to discourage alcohol consumption by:                                  13
                      (i) persuading young people not to drink and not to abuse           14
                           alcoholic beverages, and                                       15
                     (ii) limiting exposure of young people and children to               16
                           persuasion to drink alcoholic beverages, and                   17
                    (iii) encouraging drinkers of other beverages not to start            18
                           drinking alcoholic beverages, and                              19
                    (iv) assisting those who wish to limit or give up alcohol             20
                           consumption, and                                               21
               (b) to reduce alcohol-related:                                             22
                      (i) domestic violence, and                                          23
                     (ii) deaths, and                                                     24
                    (iii) road accidents, and                                             25
                    (iv) crimes and violence, and                                         26
               (c) to prevent alcohol-related illness (such as cirrhosis of the liver),   27
                     and                                                                  28
               (d) to reduce the harmful impact of alcohol in the workplace and in        29
                     industry generally.                                                  30

  5      Definitions                                                                      31

         (1)   In this Act:                                                               32
               alcohol advertisement means writing, still or moving picture, sign,        33
               symbol or other visual image or message or audible message, or a           34

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Alcoholic Beverages Advertising Prohibition Bill 2012                      Clause 5

Preliminary                                                                Part 1

              combination of two or more of them, that gives publicity to or otherwise       1
              promotes or is intended to promote:                                            2
               (a) the purchase or use of an alcoholic beverage, or                          3
              (b) the trademark or brand name, or part of a trademark or brand               4
                     name, of an alcoholic beverage.                                         5
              alcoholic beverage means spirit, wine or beer (or any other beverage)          6
              which contains the drug alcohol and which is designed for human                7
              consumption.                                                                   8
              authorised officer means:                                                      9
               (a) a health surveyor appointed by the council of a local government         10
                     area, or                                                               11
              (b) a person authorised as an officer for the purposes of this Act by         12
                     an order made by the Director-General of the Ministry of Health.       13
              book includes any printed material in any language.                           14
              brand name includes any part of a brand name.                                 15
              newspaper includes a copy of any magazine, journal or periodical or           16
              any other publication copies of which contain:                                17
               (a) news, information or reports of events, or                               18
              (b) remarks, observations or comments about any news, information             19
                     or events or about any other matter of interest to the public or to    20
                     any section of the public,                                             21
              which are printed in any language and published at regular or irregular       22
              intervals.                                                                    23
              package, in relation to an alcoholic beverage, means a package:               24
               (a) in which the alcoholic beverage is packed by a manufacturer, and         25
              (b) which is in contact with the alcoholic beverage.                          26
              premises includes any place.                                                  27
              public place includes a place to which the public or a section of the         28
              public ordinarily has access, whether or not by payment or by invitation.     29
              racing includes horse racing and pacing, dog racing and motor car and         30
              motorcycle racing.                                                            31
              relevant day means the fifth anniversary of the day on which the Bill for     32
              this Act was introduced into the Legislative Council.                         33
              sell includes:                                                                34
               (a) barter or exchange, or                                                   35
              (b) offer or expose for sale, barter or exchange, or                          36
               (c) supply, or offer to supply, in circumstances in which the supplier       37
                     derives, or would derive, a direct or indirect pecuniary benefit, or   38

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Clause 5          Alcoholic Beverages Advertising Prohibition Bill 2012

Part 1            Preliminary

               (d)   supply or offer to supply gratuitously but with a view to gaining    1
                     or maintaining custom or otherwise with a view to commercial         2
                     gain.                                                                3
               sponsorship includes:                                                      4
                (a) scholarship, prize, gift or other benefit, or                         5
               (b) financial arrangement (other than a genuine contract of                6
                     employment or a genuine contract for services) for the direction,    7
                     promotion or publicity of one or more of the matters referred to     8
                     in section 9 (1) (a) or (b) through the medium of sporting, arts,    9
                     youth, educational or other like activities.                        10
               sport includes recreational and other activities but does not include     11
               racing.                                                                   12
               telecommunication medium includes radio and television.                   13

         (2)   Notes included in this Act do not form part of this Act.                  14

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Alcoholic Beverages Advertising Prohibition Bill 2012                      Clause 6

Offences relating to promotion of alcoholic beverages                      Part 2

Part 2        Offences relating to promotion of alcoholic                                    1
              beverages                                                                      2

  6    Certain advertising prohibited                                                        3

       (1)    A person who in New South Wales for any direct or indirect benefit             4
              displays an alcohol advertisement, so that it can be seen or heard from        5
              a public place, commits an offence.                                            6

       (2)    An individual who broadcasts or transmits an alcohol advertisement by          7
              the use of any telecommunication medium commits an offence if, as a            8
              consequence, there is a financial or other material benefit (either direct     9
              or indirect):                                                                 10
               (a) to the owner of the radio or television station concerned or any         11
                     company that controls the use of the medium, or                        12
              (b) to any employee of the owner or any such company, or                      13
               (c) to any other individual associated with the owner, any such              14
                     company or any such employee.                                          15

       (3)    A person who, after 3 months from the commencement of this Act, in            16
              New South Wales:                                                              17
               (a) distributes to the public any unsolicited article, or                    18
              (b) sells, hires or supplies for any direct or indirect benefit any article   19
                    to any person (other than a person, or the employee of a person,        20
                    who is a manufacturer, distributor or retailer of an alcoholic          21
                    beverage),                                                              22
              that constitutes or contains an alcohol advertisement commits an              23
              offence.                                                                      24

       (4)    This section does not apply in relation to anything done before the           25
              relevant day, or before such earlier day as may be prescribed by the          26
              regulations (either generally or in a particular case or class of cases),     27
              under a contract or arrangement entered into before the day on which          28
              the Bill for this Act was introduced into the Legislative Council.            29

       (5)    This section does not apply in relation to:                                   30
              (a) an alcohol advertisement in or on a newspaper or book printed or          31
                    published outside New South Wales, the sole or main purpose of          32
                    which newspaper or book is not the promotion or publicising of          33
                    the purchase or use of an alcoholic beverage or a trademark or          34
                    brand name of an alcoholic beverage, or                                 35
              (b) an alcohol advertisement in or on a package or carton containing          36
                    an alcoholic beverage, or                                               37

                                                                                Page 5
Clause 6          Alcoholic Beverages Advertising Prohibition Bill 2012

Part 2            Offences relating to promotion of alcoholic beverages

               (c)   an alcohol advertisement that is displayed inside a shop or other       1
                     retail outlet where alcoholic beverages are offered or exposed for      2
                     sale, that is directly adjacent to a place where all or any of those    3
                     alcoholic beverages are offered or exposed for sale and that            4
                     complies with the regulations, or                                       5
               (d)   an invoice, statement, order, letterhead, business card, cheque,        6
                     manual or other document that is ordinarily used in the course of       7
                     the business of a manufacturer or distributor of an alcoholic           8
                     beverage, or                                                            9
               (e)   anything to which this section does not apply by virtue of an          10
                     exemption granted under section 10.                                    11

         (6)   When 18 months has expired after the commencement of this Act,               12
               subsection (5) (e) does not apply to an alcohol advertisement that is        13
               visible from a public place, regardless of when the advertisement was        14
               first displayed.                                                             15

         (7)   In any proceedings for an offence under subsection (1) it is presumed        16
               that, if there is present in the relevant alcohol advertisement:             17
                (a) the name of a person who manufactures or distributes any                18
                       alcoholic beverage, or                                               19
               (b) a trademark of which a person who manufactures or distributes            20
                       any alcoholic beverage is the registered proprietor or the           21
                       registered user, within the meaning of the Trade Marks Act 1995      22
                       of the Commonwealth, or                                              23
                (c) a brand name used by a person who manufactures or distributes           24
                       any alcoholic beverage,                                              25
               the person displayed that alcohol advertisement for a direct or indirect     26
               benefit, unless the contrary is proved.                                      27

         (8)   In any proceedings for an offence under this section, if the thing that is   28
               alleged to constitute an alcohol advertisement contains the trademark or     29
               brand name of an alcoholic beverage, it is presumed to be designed to        30
               promote or publicise the alcoholic beverage to which it relates unless       31
               the contrary is proved.                                                      32

         (9)   Any contract for the doing of anything prohibited by this section (being     33
               a contract that purports to have been entered into after the Bill for this   34
               Act was introduced into the Legislative Council) is void, whether or not     35
               doing that thing constituted an offence when the contract purports to        36
               have been entered into.                                                      37

Page 6
Alcoholic Beverages Advertising Prohibition Bill 2012                     Clause 7

Offences relating to promotion of alcoholic beverages                     Part 2

  7    Competitions                                                                         1
       (1)    A person who, after 3 months from the commencement of this Act, in            2
              connection with the sale of an alcoholic beverage or for the purpose of       3
              promoting the sale of an alcoholic beverage:                                  4
              (a) supplies (whether it is sent from inside or outside New South             5
                    Wales) to the purchaser, or any other person (not being a               6
                    purchaser or other person who is, or is the employee of, a              7
                    manufacturer, distributor or retailer of an alcoholic beverage) in      8
                    New South Wales:                                                        9
                     (i) a prize, gift or other benefit, or                                10
                    (ii) a stamp, coupon, token, voucher, ticket or other thing by         11
                          virtue of which the purchaser or any other person may            12
                          become entitled to, or may qualify for, a prize, gift or other   13
                          benefit (whether that entitlement or qualification is            14
                          absolute or conditional), or                                     15
              (b) conducts (whether from inside or outside New South Wales) a              16
                    scheme:                                                                17
                     (i) prescribed to be a scheme to promote the sale of an               18
                          alcoholic beverage or to promote drinking alcoholic              19
                          beverages generally, and                                         20
                    (ii) the whole or any part of which is implemented in New              21
                          South Wales,                                                     22
              commits an offence.                                                          23

       (2)    It is a defence in proceedings for an offence under subsection (1) to        24
              prove that the benefit or thing supplied, or participation in the relevant   25
              scheme, was only incidentally connected with the purchase of an              26
              alcoholic beverage and that equal opportunity to receive that benefit or     27
              thing, or to participate in that scheme, and to buy beverages other than     28
              alcoholic beverages, was afforded generally to persons who purchased         29
              beverages, whether or not they were alcoholic beverages.                     30

  8    Free samples                                                                        31

       (1)    A person who, for the purpose of inducing or promoting the sale of an        32
              alcoholic beverage, offers, gives or distributes to another person (not      33
              being a person who is, or is the employee of, a manufacturer, distributor    34
              or retailer of an alcoholic beverage) a free sample of an alcoholic          35
              beverage commits an offence.                                                 36

       (2)    This section does not apply to alcoholic beverages which are free            37
              samples offered, given or distributed at the actual geographical location    38
              where the beverages were made, being the winery or the vineyard (in the      39
              case of wine) and the brewery (in the case of beer).                         40

                                                                               Page 7
Clause 9          Alcoholic Beverages Advertising Prohibition Bill 2012

Part 2            Offences relating to promotion of alcoholic beverages

  9      Prohibition of sponsorships                                                         1
         (1)   A person who promotes or publicises, or agrees to promote or publicise,       2
               in New South Wales:                                                           3
                (a) an alcoholic beverage or a trademark or brand name, or part of a         4
                     trademark or brand name, of an alcoholic beverage, or                   5
               (b) the name or interests of a manufacturer or distributor of an              6
                     alcoholic beverage (whether or not that manufacturer or                 7
                     distributor also manufactures or distributes a beverage other than      8
                     the alcoholic beverage) in association directly or indirectly with      9
                     the alcoholic beverage,                                                10
               under a contract, or an arrangement (whether or not legally binding)         11
               under which a sponsorship is provided or to be provided by another           12
               person, commits an offence.                                                  13

         (2)   A person who provides or agrees to provide a sponsorship under a             14
               contract or arrangement of a kind referred to in subsection (1) commits      15
               an offence.                                                                  16

         (3)   For the purposes of subsection (1) (b), the name or interests of a           17
               manufacturer or distributor of an alcoholic beverage are taken to be in      18
               association directly or indirectly with the alcoholic beverage if that       19
               name or those interests are commonly associated by members of the            20
               public in New South Wales with the alcoholic beverage.                       21

         (4)   This section does not apply in relation to:                                  22
               (a) anything done before the relevant day or before such earlier day         23
                     as may be prescribed by the regulations either generally or in a       24
                     particular case or class of cases, under a contract entered into       25
                     before the day on which the Bill for this Act was introduced into      26
                     the Legislative Council, or                                            27
               (b) anything to which this section does not apply by virtue of an            28
                     exemption granted under section 10.                                    29

         (5)   Nothing in subsection (1) or (2) applies to the giving of, or an agreement   30
               to give, a scholarship by a manufacturer or distributor of an alcoholic      31
               beverage to an employee, or a member of the family of an employee, of        32
               the manufacturer or distributor.                                             33

         (6)   Any contract for the doing of anything prohibited by this section (being     34
               a contract that purports to have been entered into after the Bill for this   35
               Act was introduced into the Legislative Council) is void, whether or not     36
               doing that thing constituted an offence when the contract purports to        37
               have been entered into.                                                      38

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Alcoholic Beverages Advertising Prohibition Bill 2012                     Clause 10

Offences relating to promotion of alcoholic beverages                     Part 2

10     Exemptions                                                                           1
       (1)    The Minister may, by notice published in the Gazette before the relevant      2
              day:                                                                          3
              (a) exempt a person or class of persons either wholly or in part from         4
                   the operation of section 6 or 9 subject to such conditions (if any)      5
                   as are set out in that notice or prescribed for the purposes of this     6
                   paragraph, or                                                            7
              (b) amend or revoke an exemption granted under this section.                  8

       (2)    An exemption may be granted under this section only:                          9
              (a) after consultation between the Minister and the appropriate              10
                   Minister, and having regard to the nature and background of the         11
                   event, function or series concerned and to the purposes of this         12
                   Act, to facilitate the promotion and conduct of:                        13
                     (i) a sporting, racing or arts event or function, or                  14
                    (ii) a series of sporting, racing or arts events or functions,         15
                   of national or international significance, or                           16
              (b) in any case of significant hardship to persons other than                17
                   manufacturers or wholesalers of alcohol.                                18

       (3)    The appropriate Minister is:                                                 19
              (a) in relation to an exemption to facilitate the promotion and              20
                    conduct of a sporting or racing event or function or a series of       21
                    such events or functions, the Minister for Tourism, Major Events,      22
                    Hospitality and Racing, or                                             23
              (b) in relation to an exemption to facilitate the promotion and              24
                    conduct of an arts event or function or a series of such events or     25
                    functions, the Minister for the Arts.                                  26

       (4)    The Minister must, when deciding whether or not to grant an exemption        27
              under this section for the purpose referred to in subsection (2) (a), have   28
              regard to:                                                                   29
               (a) any substantial connection between the relevant event or function       30
                    or series of events or functions and other significant events or       31
                    functions outside the State, and                                       32
              (b) any reasonable efforts that have been made to obtain sufficient          33
                    financial or other support for the relevant event or function or       34
                    series of events or functions from sources other than the              35
                    advertising of alcoholic beverages to render the exemption             36
                    unnecessary.                                                           37

       (5)    An exemption granted under this section has no effect after the relevant     38
              day.                                                                         39

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Clause 11         Alcoholic Beverages Advertising Prohibition Bill 2012

Part 3            Reintroduction of local option

Part 3         Reintroduction of local option                                                  1

11       Request to declare local option area                                                  2

         (1)   Anyone can request the Minister to declare a specified area to be a local       3
               option area. Streets and other landmarks can be used to describe the            4
               boundaries of such an area.                                                     5

         (2)   The request is not effective unless it is accompanied by a petition             6
               supporting the declaration of the area that the Minister is satisfied:          7
               (a) clearly described the boundaries of the specified area, the                 8
                     grounds on which the request was made and the effect of                   9
                     declaring that area to be a local option area, and                       10
               (b) was signed (within a period of not more than 6 successive                  11
                     months) by not less than 10% of such of the people who reside in         12
                     that area as are each entitled to vote in an election of a member of     13
                     the Legislative Assembly for the electorate that includes his or         14
                     her place of residence, and                                              15
               (c) contains, so that they may be easily read, the surname and the             16
                     given name or given names (or the surname and the initials of the        17
                     given name or given names) of, the residential address of, and the       18
                     date on which the petition was signed by, each signatory, and            19
               (d) specifies whether the declaration sought is a declaration of               20
                     general application or a declaration limited to specified hours or       21
                     other periods of time.                                                   22

         (3)   An area for the purposes of a declaration under this Part may consist of       23
               (but is not limited to) a local government area or a ward of such an area.     24

         (4)   If such an area consists of part of a ward only, subsection (2) (b) requires   25
               the signature of not less than 10% of all the people who reside in the         26
               whole of the ward and who are qualified to vote as referred to in that         27
               paragraph.                                                                     28

12       Declaration of local option area                                                     29

         (1)   The Minister must declare a local option area in accordance with such a        30
               request if the Minister agrees with the council of each local government       31
               area the whole or any part of which comprises or is included in the            32
               proposed local option area that any of the following situations apply:         33
                (a) there are widespread problems with youth which are related to             34
                      alcohol being consumed in the proposed local option area,               35
               (b) there is widespread alcohol-related crime in that area,                    36
                (c) there is widespread alcohol abuse in that area,                           37

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Alcoholic Beverages Advertising Prohibition Bill 2012                        Clause 13

Reintroduction of local option                                               Part 3

               (d)    there are widespread alcohol-related illnesses, accidents or              1
                      deaths in that area.                                                      2

       (2)    For the period of 4 months before a local option area is declared under           3
              this Part, notice of intention to declare the area (containing details of the     4
              proposed declaration) must be given at not less than monthly intervals            5
              in at least one local newspaper and at least one other newspaper                  6
              circulated throughout the area.                                                   7

13     Rescission of declaration                                                                8

       (1)    The Minister may rescind the declaration of a local option area, or any           9
              such declaration in so far as it relates to part of a local option area, but     10
              only in accordance with an agreement for rescission made between the             11
              Minister and the council of the local government area that constitutes           12
              that area or the part of that area.                                              13

       (2)    Such an agreement may not be made:                                               14
              (a) until 6 months have expired after the declaration of the local               15
                    option area concerned, or                                                  16
              (b) until 6 months after the last occasion (if any) on which the                 17
                    Minister or the council concerned unsuccessfully requested the             18
                    other of them to agree to the rescission.                                  19

       (3)    If the declaration of a local option area is rescinded in so far as it relates   20
              to part of the area, the local option area is taken to consist only of that      21
              part.                                                                            22

14     When declaration or rescission has effect                                               23

              The declaration of a local option area, and any rescission of such a             24
              declaration, have effect only when notice of the declaration or                  25
              rescission has been published in the Gazette.                                    26

15     Duration of declaration                                                                 27

       (1)    A declaration of a local option area must specify the nominal period for         28
              which the declaration will be in force unless it is sooner rescinded.            29

       (2)    The nominal period must commence at least one month after                        30
              publication of the declaration in the Gazette and be a period of not less        31
              than 3 years nor more than 5 years.                                              32

       (3)    A declaration of a local option area has effect only until the nominal           33
              period specified in the declaration expires or until it is rescinded,            34
              whichever occurs first.                                                          35

16     Prohibitions applicable to local option areas                                           36

       (1)    A person commits an offence if the person:                                       37

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Clause 16         Alcoholic Beverages Advertising Prohibition Bill 2012

Part 3            Reintroduction of local option

               (a)   buys, sells or (for any direct or indirect material benefit to the       1
                     person delivering) delivers any quantity of an alcoholic beverage,       2
                     or                                                                       3
               (b) consumes any alcoholic beverage in a public place,                         4
               within any local option area declared under this Part while the                5
               declaration is in force.                                                       6
               Maximum penalty: 1 penalty unit.                                               7

         (2)   If the declaration is expressed to be limited to specified hours or other      8
               periods of time, the declaration is taken not to be in force at any other      9
               time for the purposes of subsection (1).                                      10

         (3)   If a person is convicted of an offence under this section of buying,          11
               selling or delivering a quantity of an alcoholic beverage, the beverage       12
               and any bottle, keg, barrel, cask or other container in which it is           13
               contained:                                                                    14
                (a) are forfeited to the Crown, and                                          15
               (b) may be seized by an authorised officer or any police officer, and         16
                (c) are to be disposed of as the Minister directs.                           17

         (4)   After notice of the declaration of a local option area has been published     18
               in the Gazette and before the declaration commences to be in force, the       19
               average monthly quantity of any kind of alcoholic beverage sold from          20
               premises within that area that are (or are required to be) licensed for the   21
               purpose under the Liquor Act 2007 is not to exceed the average monthly        22
               quantity of that kind of liquor sold per month for the 12 months before       23
               the notice was published.                                                     24

         (5)   The regulations may provide for the making, keeping and inspection of         25
               records of sales of alcoholic beverages for the purpose of ensuring that      26
               subsection (4) is complied with.                                              27

         (6)   If any quantity of an alcoholic beverage is sold in contravention of this     28
               section at any premises licensed under the Liquor Act 2007, any licence       29
               for the premises granted under that Act is taken to be cancelled.             30

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Alcoholic Beverages Advertising Prohibition Bill 2012                   Clause 17

Alcohol Advertising Prohibition Committee                               Part 4

Part 4        Alcohol Advertising Prohibition Committee                                  1

17     Alcohol Advertising Prohibition Committee                                         2

       (1)    The Alcohol Advertising Prohibition Committee is established.              3

       (2)    The Committee is to consist of 5 members appointed by the Minister, of     4
              whom:                                                                      5
              (a) 1 is to be appointed as Chairperson, and                               6
              (b) 3 are to be appointed on the nomination of the Director-General        7
                   of the Ministry of Health, and                                        8
              (c) 1 is to be a person nominated by the Chief Executive Officer of        9
                   the Outdoor Advertising Association of Australia.                    10

       (3)    Schedule 1 sets out provisions with respect to the members and            11
              meetings of the Committee.                                                12

18     Functions of Committee                                                           13

       (1)    The Alcohol Advertising Prohibition Committee is to prepare and           14
              submit to the Minister a code which provides for the regular and          15
              progressive stages in accordance with which advertisements to which       16
              section 6 applies should be removed or obscured and sponsorships to       17
              which section 9 applies should be terminated.                             18

       (2)    The code is to provide for the removal or obscuring of advertisements     19
              and the termination of sponsorships by the relevant day.                  20

       (3)    The Committee's initial advice concerning the provisions of the code is   21
              to be given within 3 months after the commencement of this section.       22

       (4)    The Committee has such other advisory functions as the Minister may       23
              determine.                                                                24

19     Responsibility of Minister                                                       25

       (1)    The Minister is required to recommend to the Governor the making of       26
              regulations which will ensure:                                            27
               (a) the removal or obscuring of advertisements to which section 6        28
                    applies, and                                                        29
              (b) the termination of sponsorships to which section 9 applies,           30
              by regular and progressive stages.                                        31

       (2)    The Minister, in making any recommendation under this section, must       32
              consider any code submitted and any advice given by the Alcohol           33
              Advertising Prohibition Committee.                                        34

       (3)    This section does not apply to an advertisement or sponsorship which is   35
              the subject of an exemption under section 10.                             36

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Clause 20        Alcoholic Beverages Advertising Prohibition Bill 2012

Part 4           Alcohol Advertising Prohibition Committee

20       Provision of assistance to Committee                                             1
              For the purpose of the exercise of its functions, the Director-General of   2
              the Ministry of Health is to provide the Alcohol Advertising Prohibition    3
              Committee with such assistance as it may reasonably require.                4

Page 14
Alcoholic Beverages Advertising Prohibition Bill 2012                     Clause 21

Enforcement                                                               Part 5

Part 5        Enforcement                                                                   1

21     Removal of certain advertisements                                                    2

       (1)    This section applies to an alcohol advertisement:                             3
              (a) if the advertisement was placed or displayed in contravention of          4
                    this Act or the regulations, or                                         5
              (b) after the relevant day or such earlier day as may be prescribed by        6
                    the regulations either generally or in a particular case or class of    7
                    cases, whether or not the advertisement was placed or displayed         8
                    in contravention of this Act or the regulations.                        9

       (2)    If an alcohol advertisement is situated in a public place or on any          10
              premises from which it can be seen from a public place, the Local Court      11
              may order:                                                                   12
               (a) that the advertisement be removed or obscured by an authorised          13
                    officer, and                                                           14
              (b) if any person has been convicted of an offence against this Act or       15
                    the regulations relating to the placing or displaying of the           16
                    advertisement, that the person pay the reasonable costs incurred       17
                    by the authorised officer in removing or obscuring the                 18
                    advertisement.                                                         19

       (3)    Subsection (2) does not apply to an advertisement that is displayed          20
              inside a shop or other retail outlet where alcoholic beverages are offered   21
              or exposed for sale and that complies with the regulations.                  22

       (4)    An authorised officer does not commit a civil wrong and is not liable for    23
              damages for anything done or omitted to be done while removing or            24
              obscuring an alcohol advertisement with reasonable care under the            25
              authority of such an order.                                                  26

       (5)    Any alcohol advertisement in the form of an article that is removed in       27
              accordance with such an order is taken to be the property of such person     28
              as is specified in the order.                                                29

       (6)    If any costs are payable under such an order, they may be recovered in       30
              a court of competent jurisdiction as a debt due to the Crown or a council,   31
              as the case requires.                                                        32

       (7)    This section does not apply to an alcohol advertisement while it may be      33
              lawfully displayed in accordance with an exemption provided by this          34
              Act or the regulations.                                                      35

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Clause 22         Alcoholic Beverages Advertising Prohibition Bill 2012

Part 5            Enforcement

22       Power of entry                                                                      1
         (1)   An authorised officer may enter any premises to remove or obscure an          2
               alcohol advertisement under the authority of an order made by the Local       3
               Court.                                                                        4

         (2)   This section does not allow the entry of any premises or part of premises     5
               used as a dwelling.                                                           6

23       Intimidation or obstruction of authorised officer                                   7

               A person must not in any way intimidate or obstruct an authorised             8
               officer who is removing or obscuring an alcohol advertisement under           9
               the authority of an order made by the Local Court or who is attempting       10
               to do so.                                                                    11
               Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units for a first offence or 100 penalty         12
               units for a second or subsequent offence.                                    13

24       Consent required for prosecutions                                                  14

               Proceedings for an offence against this Act are not to be commenced          15
               without the consent in writing of the Director-General of the Ministry       16
               of Health or a person authorised by him or her in writing for the purpose    17
               of this section.                                                             18

25       Penalties                                                                          19

         (1)   A person who commits an offence under section 6 (1), (2) or (3), 7 (1),      20
               8 (1), 9 (1) or (2) or 30 (1) is liable:                                     21
               (a) in the case of an individual, to a penalty of not more than:             22
                       (i) 50 penalty units for a first offence, or                         23
                      (ii) 100 penalty units for a second or subsequent offence, or         24
               (b) in the case of a body corporate, to a penalty of not more than:          25
                       (i) 200 penalty units for a first offence, or                        26
                      (ii) 400 penalty units for a second or subsequent offence.            27

         (2)   If a continuing state of affairs is created by an offence referred to in     28
               subsection (1), the offender is liable to a penalty of not more than:        29
                (a) 50 penalty units in the case of an individual, or                       30
               (b) 200 penalty units in the case of a body corporate,                       31
               in respect of each day on which that offence continues, in addition to the   32
               penalty specified in that subsection.                                        33

26       Proceedings for offences                                                           34

         (1)   Proceedings for an offence against this Act or the regulations may be        35
               disposed of in a summary manner before the Local Court.                      36

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Alcoholic Beverages Advertising Prohibition Bill 2012                     Clause 27

Enforcement                                                               Part 5

       (2)    An offence against this Act may be dealt with as an indictable offence,       1
              but only if the prosecutor proposes that the offence be so dealt with.        2

       (3)    If proceedings for an offence against this Act or the regulations are         3
              disposed of in a summary manner before the Local Court, the maximum           4
              penalty that may be imposed is 100 penalty units, or the maximum              5
              penalty for the offence (whichever is the lesser), despite any other          6
              provision of this Act.                                                        7

       (4)    If proceedings for such an offence are taken on indictment, the               8
              maximum penalty that may be imposed is the maximum penalty for the            9
              offence.                                                                     10

       (5)    Proceedings for such an offence may be commenced at any time within          11
              12 months after the date on which the offence is alleged to have been        12
              committed.                                                                   13

27     Offences by bodies corporate                                                        14

       (1)    When a body corporate commits an offence under this Act or the               15
              regulations, every officer of the body corporate commits the same            16
              offence unless he or she proves that:                                        17
               (a) the offence was committed without his or her consent or                 18
                    connivance, and                                                        19
              (b) he or she exercised all such due diligence to prevent the                20
                    commission of that offence as he or she ought to have exercised,       21
                    having regard to the nature of his or her functions in that capacity   22
                    and to all the circumstances.                                          23

       (2)    In subsection (1):                                                           24
              officer, in relation to a body corporate, means:                             25
               (a) a director, secretary or executive officer of the body corporate, or    26
              (b) a receiver, or receiver and manager, of property of the body             27
                     corporate, or any other authorised person who enters into             28
                     possession or assumes control of property of the body corporate       29
                     for the purpose of enforcing any charge, or                           30
               (c) an official manager or a deputy official manager of the body            31
                     corporate, or                                                         32
              (d) a liquidator of the body corporate, or                                   33
               (e) a trustee or other person administering a compromise or                 34
                     arrangement made between the body corporate and another               35
                     person or other persons,                                              36
              and includes any other person, by whatever name called and whether or        37
              not a director of the body corporate, who is concerned, or takes part, in    38
              the management of the body corporate.                                        39

                                                                              Page 17
Clause 28         Alcoholic Beverages Advertising Prohibition Bill 2012

Part 6            General

Part 6         General                                                                       1

28       Certain civil proceedings barred                                                    2

               An action at law or in equity does not lie against a person for:              3
               (a) the omission to do any thing the doing of which, or                       4
               (b) the doing of any thing the omission to do which,                          5
               would constitute an offence under this Act.                                   6

29       Regulations                                                                         7

         (1)   The Governor may make regulations prescribing all matters that are            8
               required or permitted by this Act to be prescribed, or are necessary or       9
               convenient to be prescribed for giving effect to the purposes of this Act,   10
               and, in particular:                                                          11
                (a) prescribing the labelling of packages containing alcoholic              12
                      beverages, including the position of labels on packages and the       13
                      size, colour, style and nature of labels or labelling, and            14
               (b) prescribing the size, colour, style, position and nature of alcohol      15
                      advertisements displayed inside shops and other retail outlets        16
                      where alcoholic beverages are offered or exposed for sale, and        17
                      any statements or warnings to be included in those alcohol            18
                      advertisements, and                                                   19
                (c) prescribing the duty of persons packing, or causing other persons       20
                      to pack, specified alcoholic beverages prepared for drinking to       21
                      label those alcoholic beverages in a specified manner, and            22
               (d) prohibiting the sale of packages containing specified alcoholic          23
                      beverages prepared for drinking unless those packages are             24
                      labelled in a specified manner, and                                   25
                (e) exempting persons from any of the requirements made by                  26
                      section 16, but only in specified circumstances and where the         27
                      quantity of alcoholic beverage concerned does not exceed that         28
                      specified in relation to those circumstances, and                     29
                (f) creating offences and providing in respect of any such offence a        30
                      penalty not exceeding 10 penalty units.                               31

         (2)   In this section, specified means specified in regulations made under this    32
               section.                                                                     33

30       Warnings                                                                           34

         (1)   The producer of an alcoholic beverage commits an offence if a warning        35
               prescribed by the regulations is not displayed, in accordance with the       36
               regulations, on the packaging in which the alcoholic beverage is sold or     37
               supplied by the producer.                                                    38

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Alcoholic Beverages Advertising Prohibition Bill 2012                      Clause 31

General                                                                    Part 6

       (2)    The warning must give information about the harmful effects of alcohol       1
              consumption.                                                                 2
              Note. The following are examples of warnings that may be prescribed:         3
              (a)    alcohol consumption can be harmful to your health and can cause:      4
                       (i)  cirrhosis of the liver, and                                    5
                      (ii)  permanent brain damage,                                        6
              (b)    alcohol consumption often leads to deaths on the road.                7

31     Review of Act                                                                       8

       (1)    Within a period of 12 months commencing on the third anniversary of          9
              the day on which this Act commenced, the Minister must cause an             10
              investigation and review to be conducted and a report prepared,             11
              concerning the operation of this Act.                                       12

       (2)    The Minister must cause a copy of the report referred to in                 13
              subsection (1) to be laid before each House of Parliament as soon as is     14
              practicable after the completion of that report.                            15

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                Alcoholic Beverages Advertising Prohibition Bill 2012

Schedule 1      Provisions relating to Alcohol Advertising Prohibition Committee

Schedule 1             Provisions relating to Alcohol                                          1
                       Advertising Prohibition Committee                                       2

                                                                           (Section 17 (3))    3

 1    Nominations                                                                              4

      (1)    A nomination of a member of the Committee must:                                   5
             (a) be submitted in writing to the Minister at the request of the                 6
                  Minister, and                                                                7
             (b) be in respect of a person who is prepared to be a member.                     8

      (2)    If a person does not submit a nomination within 30 days after the                 9
             making of the relevant request, the Minister may appoint a person to be          10
             the member concerned to represent the interests of the person or body            11
             in default until the relevant nomination is submitted.                           12

 2    Term of office                                                                          13

             A member has such term of office, not exceeding 4 years, as may be               14
             specified by the Minister in the instrument appointing the member.               15

 3    Quorum                                                                                  16

             Three members constitute a quorum for a meeting of the Committee.                17

 4    Presiding member                                                                        18

      (1)    The Chairperson is to preside at each meeting of the Committee at                19
             which the Chairperson is present.                                                20

      (2)    In the absence of the Chairperson from a meeting of the Committee, the           21
             members present are to select from among their number a member to                22
             preside at the meeting.                                                          23

 5    Decisions of Committee                                                                  24

      (1)    A decision supported by the votes of the majority of the members                 25
             present and voting at a meeting of the Committee is the decision of the          26
             Committee.                                                                       27

      (2)    Each member present at a meeting of the Committee is entitled to one             28
             vote on a matter arising for determination at the meeting.                       29

 6    Calling of first meeting                                                                30

             The Minister is to call the first meeting of the Committee in such               31
             manner as the Minister thinks fit.                                               32

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Alcoholic Beverages Advertising Prohibition Bill 2012

Provisions relating to Alcohol Advertising Prohibition Committee    Schedule 1

  7    Procedure                                                                    1
              The Committee is to decide its own procedure for the conduct of its   2
              meetings, except as provided by this Schedule.                        3

                                                                        Page 21


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