New South Wales Bills

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                        New South Wales

Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment
Bill 2006


           1   Name of Act                                            2
           2   Commencement                                           2
           3   Amendment of Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 No 42     2
           4   Amendment of other Acts                                2
           5   Repeal of Act                                          2
  Schedule 1   Amendment of Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983           3
  Schedule 2   Amendment of other Acts                               87
I certify that this PUBLIC BILL, which originated in the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY,
has finally passed the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL and the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY of

                                               Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
                                               Legislative Assembly,
                                               Sydney,                     , 2006

                            New South Wales

Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment
Bill 2006
Act No      , 2006

An Act to amend the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 with respect to the
constitution, functions and governance of Aboriginal Land Councils, the provision
of community benefits by those Councils and investment by and business enterprises
of those Councils; and for other purposes.

I have examined this Bill, and find it to correspond in all respects with the Bill
as finally passed by both Houses.

                          Chairman of Committees of the Legislative Assembly.
Clause 1          Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment Bill 2006

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:
 1    Name of Act
               This Act is the Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment Act 2006.
 2    Commencement
               This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.
 3    Amendment of Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 No 42
               The Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 is amended as set out in
               Schedule 1.
 4    Amendment of other Acts
               The Acts specified in Schedule 2 are amended as set out in that
 5    Repeal of Act
         (1)   This Act is repealed on the day following the day on which all of the
               provisions of this Act have commenced.
         (2)   The repeal of this Act does not, because of the operation of section 30
               of the Interpretation Act 1987, affect any amendment made by this Act.

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Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment Bill 2006

Amendment of Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983                            Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendment of Aboriginal Land Rights
                       Act 1983
                                                                           (Section 3)
[1]   The whole Act (except Schedule 4)
      Omit "Pecuniary Interest Tribunal" wherever occurring (except where
      elsewhere specifically referred to in this Schedule).
      Insert instead "Pecuniary Interest and Disciplinary Tribunal".
[2]   Section 3 Purpose of Act
      Insert ", and the management of land and other assets and investments," after
      "land" in section 3 (d).
[3]   Section 3 (e)
      Insert after section 3 (d):
                     (e) to provide for the provision of community benefit schemes
                           by or on behalf of those Councils.
[4]   Section 4 Definitions
      Omit ", a Regional Aboriginal Land Council" from the definition of
      Aboriginal Land Council in section 4 (1).
[5]   Section 4 (1), definition of "Alternate Representative"
      Omit the definition.
[6]   Section 4 (1)
      Insert in alphabetical order:
                    Board means a Board of a Local Aboriginal Land Council.
                    Board member means a member of a Board of a Local
                    Aboriginal Land Council.
                    community benefit means a benefit or service provided for the
                    benefit of Aboriginal persons, and may include, but is not limited
                    to, the following:
                     (a) funeral funds,
                    (b) residential accommodation,
                     (c) education and training,
                    (d) scholarships and other assistance for education and
                     (e) cultural activities,

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                Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment Bill 2006

Schedule 1      Amendment of Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983

                     (f) child care,
                    (g) aged care services.
                    community benefits scheme means a scheme for the provision of
                    community benefits.
                    community, land and business plan means a plan prepared and
                    approved under Division 6 of Part 5 or Division 5 of Part 7.
                    Region means a Region specified in Schedule 5.
 [7]   Section 4 (1), definition of "officer"
       Omit the definition. Insert instead:
                   officer of an Aboriginal Land Council means a Board member or
                   the Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson of the New South Wales
                   Aboriginal Land Council.
 [8]   Section 4 (1), definition of "Pecuniary Interest Tribunal"
       Omit the definition. Insert instead:
                   Pecuniary Interest and Disciplinary Tribunal means the
                   Aboriginal Land Councils Pecuniary Interest and Disciplinary
                   Tribunal established under Division 3 of Part 10.
 [9]   Section 4 (1), definitions of "Regional Aboriginal Land Council" and
       "Regional Aboriginal Land Council area"
       Omit the definitions.
[10]   Section 4 (1), definition of "satisfactory audited financial statements and
       Omit "or Regional".
[11]   Section 4 (1), definition of "satisfactory audited financial statements and
       Omit "under the criteria".
       Insert instead "in accordance with the requirements".
[12]   Section 36 Claims to Crown lands
       Omit ", a Regional Aboriginal Land Council" from section 36 (14).
[13]   Section 36 (15)
       Omit "Stamp duty under the Stamp Duties Act 1920 shall not be".
       Insert instead "Duty under the Duties Act 1997 is not".

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Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment Bill 2006

Amendment of Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983                            Schedule 1

[14]   Section 37 Aboriginal lands in travelling stock reserves
       Omit "Stamp duty under the Stamp Duties Act 1920 shall not be" from section
       37 (8).
       Insert instead "Duty under the Duties Act 1997 is not".
[15]   Section 40A Transfer of land from one Council to another
       Omit "Stamp duty under the Stamp Duties Act 1920" from section 40A (3).
       Insert instead "Duty under the Duties Act 1997".
[16]   Section 40D Sale etc of land by Local Aboriginal Land Council
       Omit "Secretary of the Local Aboriginal Land Council and certifying that the
       disposal by the Council" from section 40D (2).
       Insert instead "Chairperson of the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council
       and certifying that the disposal by the Local Aboriginal Land Council".
[17]   Section 42A
       Insert after section 42:
       42A   Unlawful land dealings
              (1)   A person must not deal with land, or enter into a transaction or
                    arrangement to deal with land, vested in an Aboriginal Land
                    Council knowing that the dealing is not authorised or permitted
                    by this Act.
                    Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.
              (2)   In this section:
                    deal with land means sell, purchase, exchange, mortgage or
                    otherwise dispose of land or lease or grant or release an easement
                    over land.
[18]   Part 5, Division 1A
       Omit section 52. Insert instead:

       Division 1A         Functions of Local Aboriginal Land Councils
        52   Functions of Local Aboriginal Land Councils
              (1)   A Local Aboriginal Land Council has the functions conferred or
                    imposed on it by or under this or any other Act.

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Schedule 1     Amendment of Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983

             (2)   Land acquisition
                   A Local Aboriginal Land Council has the following functions in
                   relation to the acquisition of land and related matters:
                    (a) in accordance with this Act and the regulations, to acquire
                          land and to use, manage, control, hold or dispose of, or
                          otherwise deal with, land vested in or acquired by the
                   (b) functions relating to the acquisition of land and any other
                          functions conferred on it by or under Part 4A of the NPW
                    (c) to submit proposals for the listing in Schedule 14 to the
                          NPW Act of lands of cultural significance to Aboriginal
                          persons that are reserved under the NPW Act,
                   (d) to negotiate the lease by the Council or by the Council and
                          one or more other Aboriginal Land Councils of lands to
                          which section 36A applies to the Minister administering
                          the NPW Act,
                    (e) when exercising its functions with respect to land that is
                          the subject of a lease, or proposed lease, under Part 4A of
                          the NPW Act, to act in the best interests of the Aboriginal
                          owners of the land concerned,
                    (f) to make written applications to the New South Wales
                          Aboriginal Land Council for the acquisition by the New
                          South Wales Aboriginal Land Council of land on behalf of,
                          or to be vested in, the Local Aboriginal Land Council,
                   (g) to make claims to Crown lands.
             (3)   Land use and management
                   A Local Aboriginal Land Council has the following functions in
                   relation to land use and management:
                    (a) to consider applications to prospect or mine for minerals
                          on the Council's land and to make recommendations to the
                          New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council in respect of
                          such applications,
                   (b) to protect the interests of Aboriginal persons in its area in
                          relation to the acquisition, management, use, control and
                          disposal of its land.
             (4)   Aboriginal culture and heritage
                   A Local Aboriginal Land Council has the following functions in
                   relation to Aboriginal culture and heritage:

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Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment Bill 2006

Amendment of Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983                           Schedule 1

                    (a)   to take action to protect the culture and heritage of
                          Aboriginal persons in the Council's area, subject to any
                          other law,
                    (b)   to promote awareness in the community of the culture and
                          heritage of Aboriginal persons in the Council's area.
             (5)    Financial stewardship
                    A Local Aboriginal Land Council has the following functions in
                    relation to financial management and business planning:
                     (a) to prepare and implement, in accordance with this Act, a
                           community, land and business plan,
                    (b) to manage, in accordance with this Act and consistently
                           with its community, land and business plan, the investment
                           of any assets of the Council,
                     (c) to facilitate business enterprises, in accordance with this
                           Act and the regulations and consistently with its
                           community, land and business plan.
             (6)    Other functions prescribed by regulations
                    A Local Aboriginal Land Council has any other functions
                    prescribed by the regulations.
     52A     Community benefits schemes
             (1)    A Local Aboriginal Land Council may, in accordance with an
                    approval of the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council:
                    (a) directly or indirectly, provide community benefits under
                          community benefits schemes, and
                    (b) without limiting paragraph (a), provide, acquire, construct,
                          upgrade or extend residential accommodation for
                          Aboriginal persons in its area.
             (2)    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council must not
                    approve a community benefits scheme of a Local Aboriginal
                    Land Council unless it is satisfied that:
                    (a) the proposed scheme complies with this Act and the
                          regulations, and
                    (b) the proposed scheme is consistent with any applicable
                          policy of the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council,
                    (c) the proposed scheme is consistent with the community,
                          land and business plan of the Local Aboriginal Land
                          Council, and

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Schedule 1     Amendment of Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983

                   (d)   the proposed scheme is fair and equitable and will be
                         administered in a way that is responsible and transparent,
                   (e)   the proposed scheme is not likely to prevent the Local
                         Aboriginal Land Council from being able to meet its debts
                         as and when they fall due, and
                   (f)   the need for the proposed benefits is not otherwise being
                         adequately met.
             (3)   A Local Aboriginal Land Council must ensure that any
                   community benefits scheme under which community benefits are
                   provided by it or on its behalf:
                   (a) complies with this Act and the regulations, and
                   (b) is consistent with any applicable policy of the New South
                         Wales Aboriginal Land Council, and
                   (c) is consistent with the community, land and business plan
                         of the Local Aboriginal Land Council.
             (4)   A Local Aboriginal Land Council may provide community
                   benefits under a community benefits scheme to persons within
                   the areas of other Local Aboriginal Land Councils and may
                   provide community benefits in conjunction with one or more
                   other Aboriginal Land Councils.
     52B     Social housing schemes
             (1)   This section applies to a community benefits scheme in relation
                   to the acquisition and provision by or on behalf of a Local
                   Aboriginal Land Council of residential accommodation for
                   Aboriginal persons in its area and to the construction, upgrading
                   and extension of any such accommodation (a social housing
             (2)   The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council must not
                   approve a social housing scheme under section 52A unless:
                   (a) it is satisfied that the income (including any subsidies and
                         grants) from any existing social housing scheme provided
                         by or on behalf of the Local Aboriginal Land Council or of
                         the proposed scheme is or will be sufficient to meet all the
                         expenses of the scheme concerned, including long term
                         maintenance requirements, and
                   (b) it has considered the likely impact of the proposed scheme
                         on the overall financial situation of the Local Aboriginal
                         Land Council.

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Amendment of Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983                               Schedule 1

             (3)    A Local Aboriginal Land Council may provide a social housing
                    scheme by using the services of another body or agency, or with
                    the assistance of another body or agency, approved by the New
                    South Wales Aboriginal Land Council either generally or in
                    relation to a particular social housing scheme.
             (4)    Section 40B (2) applies to a lease by a Local Aboriginal Land
                    Council (whether or not for a period exceeding 3 years), if the
                    lease is for the purposes of the provision or management of a
                    social housing scheme.
     52C     Trusts
             (1)    A Local Aboriginal Land Council may, with the approval of the
                    New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council, establish, or
                    participate in the establishment of, a trust for the purpose of
                    providing a community benefits scheme.
             (2)    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council must not give an
                    approval for the purposes of this section unless it is of the opinion
                    that the proposed action by the Local Aboriginal Land Council:
                     (a) complies with this Act and the regulations, and
                    (b) is consistent with any applicable policy of the New South
                           Wales Aboriginal Land Council, and
                     (c) is consistent with the community, land and business plan
                           of the Local Aboriginal Land Council, and
                    (d) is not likely to prevent the Local Aboriginal Land Council
                           from being able to meet its debts as and when they fall due.
             (3)    Regulations may be made for or with respect to financial and
                    reporting obligations for trusts established by Local Aboriginal
                    Land Councils.
     52D     Duty of Aboriginal Land Council not to transfer land or other
             assets to Council members, Board members, staff or consultants
             (1)    A Local Aboriginal Land Council must ensure that no part of the
                    income or property of the Council is transferred directly or
                    indirectly by way of dividend or bonus or otherwise by way of
                    profit to members of the Council, Board members or any member
                    of staff of, or consultant to, the Council.
             (2)    Nothing in this section prevents:
                    (a) the provision of a benefit in good faith to a Council
                          member, Board member, member of staff or consultant in
                          accordance with this Act, or

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Schedule 1     Amendment of Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983

                   (b)   the payment in good faith of remuneration to any such
                         member, Board member, member of staff or consultant.
     52E     Delegation of functions by Local Aboriginal Land Councils
             (1)   A Local Aboriginal Land Council may, by resolution, delegate to
                   any person or body the exercise of any of the functions of the
                   Council, other than the following:
                   (a) the acquisition of land and the use, management, control,
                         holding or disposal of, or otherwise dealing with, land
                         vested in or acquired by the Council,
                   (b) any function under this or any other Act that is expressly
                         required to be exercised by resolution of the voting
                         members of the Council.
             (2)   Each Local Aboriginal Land Council must, once every year,
                   review all its delegations.
     52F     Rules of Local Aboriginal Land Councils
             (1)   The purpose of this section is to provide rules for Local
                   Aboriginal Land Councils relating to those Councils' functions
                   and operations.
             (2)   The rules prescribed by the regulations as model rules are the
                   rules for a Local Aboriginal Land Council.
             (3)   However, a Local Aboriginal Land Council may prepare its own
                   rules and submit them to the Registrar for approval.
             (4)   On approval by the Registrar, the rules prepared by a Local
                   Aboriginal Land Council, to the extent that they are not
                   inconsistent with this Act or the regulations, become the rules of
                   the Council to the exclusion of the model rules.
             (5)   A Local Aboriginal Land Council's rules may, with the approval
                   of the Registrar, be amended, repealed or replaced from time to
             (6)   A Local Aboriginal Land Council may appeal to the Court
                   against the Registrar's refusal to approve of rules or to approve
                   of an amendment, a repeal or a replacement of its rules.
             (7)   On the hearing of an appeal under subsection (6), the Court may
                   direct the Registrar to approve of rules, or an amendment, a
                   repeal or a replacement of rules, specified in the direction.

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Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment Bill 2006

Amendment of Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983                            Schedule 1

       52G    Functions to be exercised by Council resolution
                    The following functions are to be exercised, in accordance with
                    this Act, by resolution of the voting members of a Local
                    Aboriginal Land Council:
                     (a) acceptance of persons as qualified for membership,
                    (b) delegation of functions of the Council,
                     (c) approval of the rules and code of conduct of the Council
                          and any amendment to or repeal or replacement of those
                          rules or that code,
                    (d) approval of the community, land and business plan of the
                          Council and any changes to the plan,
                     (e) approval of dealings with land,
                     (f) receipt of the annual budget and the financial statements of
                          the Council,
                    (g) election of Board members,
                    (h) suspension of members from attending or voting at
                          meetings of the Council,
                      (i) approval of requests to change the name of the Council's
                          area or for the amalgamation or dissolution of the Council,
                          or its re-allocation to another Region.
       52H    Meetings of Local Aboriginal Land Councils
                    Part 1 of Schedule 3 has effect.
[19]   Section 54 Local Aboriginal Land Council membership rolls
       Omit "Secretary" from section 54 (1). Insert instead "chief executive officer".
[20]   Section 54 (2)-(2B)
       Omit section 54 (2). Insert instead:
              (2)   The chief executive officer of a Local Aboriginal Land Council
                    must list on the membership roll for the area of the Council the
                    names and addresses of those persons who are qualified for
             (2A)   A person is qualified for membership if:
                    (a) the person is an adult Aboriginal person who resides
                          within the area of the Local Aboriginal Land Council
                          concerned and is accepted as being qualified on that basis
                          to be a member by a meeting of the Council, or

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Schedule 1       Amendment of Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983

                    (b)     the person is an adult Aboriginal person who has a
                            sufficient association with the area of the Local Aboriginal
                            Land Council concerned (as determined by the voting
                            members of the Council at a meeting of the Council) and
                            is accepted as being qualified on that basis to be a member
                            by a meeting of the Council, or
                    (c)     the person is an Aboriginal owner in relation to land within
                            the area of the Local Aboriginal Land Council concerned
                            and has made a written application for membership in
                            accordance with subsection (3).
             (2B)   The membership roll must indicate whether a member is a person
                    who is included on the roll because of residence or association, or
                    as an Aboriginal owner, and must indicate the basis for that
[21]   Section 54 (3) (a)-(b1)
       Omit the paragraphs. Insert instead:
                    (a) declares that the person is eligible for inclusion on the
                         membership roll, and
                    (b) sets out the grounds (other than acceptance as being
                         qualified at a meeting) on which the person is qualified for
                         inclusion on the membership roll, and
                  (b1) sets out the basis on which the person asserts his or her
                         Aboriginal descent and, if the application declares that the
                         person has a sufficient association with that Council's
                         area, the basis of that association, and
[22]   Section 54 (3) (c)
       Omit "Chief Executive Officer of the New South Wales Aboriginal Land
       Insert instead "Registrar".
[23]   Section 55 Aboriginal persons may be members of more than one Local
       Aboriginal Land Council
       Omit section 55 (3). Insert instead:
              (3)   The Local Aboriginal Land Council in relation to which the
                    person has voting rights is to be the Council nominated by the
                    person or, if the person has not made a nomination, the Council
                    for the area within which the person resides.

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Amendment of Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983                              Schedule 1

[24]   Section 55 (4) (a)
       Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                    (a) in elections for Board members, or
[25]   Section 55 (4), note
       Omit the note.
[26]   Section 55 (4A)
       Insert after section 55 (4):
            (4A)    A voting member of a Local Aboriginal Land Council is not
                    entitled to vote in elections for Board members if:
                    (a) the member has not attended at least 2 meetings of the
                           Council in the preceding 12 months as a voting member, or
                    (b) the member is suspended from membership of the Council
                           or Board.
[27]   Section 55 (5)
       Insert "or a member referred to in subsection (4A)" after "Council".
[28]   Section 56 Nomination of voting area
       Omit "Chief Executive Officer of the New South Wales Aboriginal Land
       Council" wherever occurring.
       Insert instead "Registrar".
[29]   Section 56 (3) and (5)
       Omit "Chief Executive Officer" where secondly occurring in section 56 (3)
       and where occurring in section 56 (5).
       Insert instead "Registrar".
[30]   Section 56 (4)
       Omit the subsection. Insert instead:
              (4)   If a nomination is not made within the time required under
                    subsection (3), the Local Aboriginal Land Council in relation to
                    which the person has voting rights is to be the Council for the area
                    within which the person resides.
[31]   Section 56 (5)
       Omit "or of a determination".
       Insert instead "or of a failure to make a nomination".

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Schedule 1       Amendment of Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983

[32]   Section 56 (5)
       Omit "Secretary of the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council".
       Insert instead "Registrar".
[33]   Section 56 (5) and (6)
       Omit "Secretary" where secondly occurring in section 56 (5) and where
       occurring in section 56 (6).
       Insert instead "chief executive officer".
[34]   Section 57 Suspension of members from attending Council meetings
       Omit "an officer or Regional or Alternate Representative" from section 57 (1).
       Insert instead "a Board member".
[35]   Section 57 (1), note
       Omit the note.
[36]   Section 57 (4)
       Omit "Secretary". Insert instead "chief executive officer".
[37]   Section 57 (4)
       Omit "Chief Executive Officer of the New South Wales Aboriginal Land
       Insert instead "Registrar".
[38]   Section 58 Removal of person's name from membership roll
       Omit "Secretary". Insert instead "chief executive officer".
[39]   Section 58 (d)
       Insert at the end of section 58 (c):
                            , or
                      (d) the chief executive officer is satisfied, after making
                            reasonable inquiries, that the residential address of the
                            person is unknown.

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Amendment of Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983                              Schedule 1

[40]   Section 59
       Omit the section. Insert instead:
       59    Updating and consolidation of membership rolls
              (1)   The chief executive officer of each Local Aboriginal Land
                    Council must:
                    (a) within such period as may be prescribed by the regulations,
                         send a copy of the Council's membership roll, certified as
                         correct by the chief executive officer, to the Registrar, and
                    (b) advise the Registrar in writing of any changes to the
                         membership roll that have occurred since a copy was last
                         sent to the Registrar.
              (2)   The chief executive officer of a Local Aboriginal Land Council
                    is to ensure, so far as practicable, that the membership roll of the
                    Council is kept up to date.
              (3)   The Registrar is to compile and maintain a consolidated roll of all
                    members of Local Aboriginal Land Councils.
              (4)   The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council must, at the
                    request of the Registrar, pay to the Registrar a contribution, of an
                    amount approved by the Minister, for the cost of the exercise of
                    the Registrar's functions under this section.
[41]   Part 5, Division 3
       Omit Divisions 3 and 4 of Part 5. Insert instead:

       Division 3           Boards of Local Aboriginal Land Councils
       61    Local Aboriginal Land Councils to have Boards
              (1)   Each Local Aboriginal Land Council is to have a Board
                    consisting of not less than 5, and not more than 10, members.
              (2)   The number of Board members for each Local Aboriginal Land
                    Council is to be determined in accordance with the regulations.
              (3)   Part 2 of Schedule 3 has effect with respect to the procedure of
                    Boards of Local Aboriginal Land Councils.
              (4)   The regulations may prescribe additional requirements with
                    respect to meetings.

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Schedule 1     Amendment of Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983

      62     Functions of Boards of Local Aboriginal Land Councils
                   A Board of a Local Aboriginal Land Council has the following
                    (a) to direct and control the affairs of the Council, in
                         accordance with this Act and the regulations and
                         consistently with the community, land and business plan of
                         the Council,
                   (b) to facilitate communication between the Council's
                         members and the New South Wales Aboriginal Land
                    (c) to review the performance of the Council in the exercise of
                         its functions and the achievement of its objectives,
                   (d) any other functions conferred on the Board by or under this
      63     Board members
             (1)   The Board members are to be elected at every second annual
                   meeting of a Local Aboriginal Land Council.
             (2)   A person is not qualified to stand and be elected as a Board
                   member of a Local Aboriginal Land Council:
                   (a) unless the person is a voting member of the Council, or
                   (b) if the person is suspended or disqualified from holding
                        office as a Board member or is suspended or disqualified
                        from membership of the Council.
             (3)   The term of office of a Board member commences on the Board
                   member's election and ends on the election of the next Board at
                   the second annual meeting of the Council following the
                   member's election.
             (4)   A Board member is entitled to be paid such travelling and other
                   allowances as the Minister may from time to time determine in
                   respect of the member.
             (5)   A Board member is eligible for re-election, subject to this Act.
             (6)   The Electoral Commissioner for New South Wales, or a person
                   employed in the office of and nominated by the Electoral
                   Commissioner, is to be the returning officer for an election.
             (7)   Elections for Board members are to be conducted in accordance
                   with the regulations.

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Amendment of Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983                               Schedule 1

       64    Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson
             (1)    A Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of the Board of a Local
                    Aboriginal Land Council are to be elected from among the Board
                    members at the first meeting of the Board after its election.
             (2)    The Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of a Board have the
                    functions conferred on the Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson
                    by or under this Act.
             (3)    In the absence of the Chairperson of a Board, the Deputy
                     (a) is, if available, to act in the place of the Chairperson, and
                    (b) while so acting, has all the functions of the Chairperson
                          and is taken to be the Chairperson of the Board.
             (4)    If a Chairperson of a Board becomes a councillor, the person
                    ceases to be the Chairperson and a new Chairperson is to be
             (5)    Elections for Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson are to be
                    conducted in accordance with the regulations.
       65    Training for Board members
             (1)    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council must arrange
                    training in relation to the matters prescribed by the regulations for
                    each member elected for the first time to a Board of a Local
                    Aboriginal Land Council.
             (2)    The training is to be provided not later than 6 months after the
                    date of election of a Board member.
             (3)    A Board member must not refuse or fail to undergo training
                    provided under this section when required to do so by the New
                    South Wales Aboriginal Land Council.
             (4)    If a Board member refuses or fails to undergo training provided
                    under this section when required to do so by the New South
                    Wales Aboriginal Land Council, the Board member is, on written
                    notice being given to the Board member by the Council,
                    suspended from office as a Board member until the person
                    undergoes the training.
             (5)    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council may:
                    (a) exempt a Board member wholly or partly from the
                         requirement to undergo training provided under this
                         section, if the Council is satisfied that the Board member
                         already has sufficient expertise, skills and experience to
                         carry out his or her functions as a Board member, or

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Schedule 1      Amendment of Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983

                   (b)    extend the period within which training is to be provided
                          to a Board member under this section.
      66     Grounds for disqualification from office
             (1)   A person is disqualified from holding office as a Board member
                   of a Local Aboriginal Land Council if the person:
                    (a) has a conviction in New South Wales or elsewhere for an
                         offence relating to the management of a corporation, that
                         was recorded within the last 5 years, or
                    (b) has a conviction for an offence under this Act that was
                         recorded within the last 5 years, or
                    (c) has a conviction in New South Wales for any other offence
                         that is punishable by imprisonment for 12 months or more
                         or is convicted elsewhere than in New South Wales of an
                         offence that, if committed in New South Wales, would be
                         an offence so punishable that was recorded within the last
                         5 years, or
                    (d) ceases to be a voting member of the Council, or
                    (e) becomes a councillor of the New South Wales Aboriginal
                         Land Council, or
                     (f) is a mentally incapacitated person, or
                    (g) is or becomes bankrupt, applies to take the benefit of any
                         law for the relief of bankrupt or insolvent debtors,
                         compounds with his or her creditors or makes an
                         assignment of his or her remuneration for their benefit, or
                    (h) is or was a director or person concerned in the management
                         of a body corporate that is the subject of a winding up order
                         or for which a controller or administrator has been
                         appointed under the Corporations Act 2001 of the
                         Commonwealth during the last 3 years, or
                     (i) is disqualified from holding office in or being concerned in
                         the management of a corporation under any law of this or
                         any other State or Territory or the Commonwealth, or
                     (j) is an employee of, or a consultant to, the Council, or
                    (k) was, on 2 or more occasions before an administrator was
                         appointed to the Council, an officer of the Council, or
                     (l) fails, without a reasonable excuse, for a period of 3 months
                         or more to comply with a written requirement by the New
                         South Wales Aboriginal Land Council to undergo training
                         under section 65, or
                   (m) is disqualified from holding office as a councillor.

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             (2)    The Registrar may determine that an offence committed by a
                    person should be ignored for the purposes of this section because
                    of the time that has passed since the offence was committed or
                    because of the triviality of the acts or omissions giving rise to the
             (3)    The Registrar may determine that a person is not disqualified on
                    the ground set out in subsection (1) (k) if the Registrar is satisfied
                    that it is appropriate in the circumstances that the person not be
                    disqualified on that ground.
       67    Vacancy in office
                    A person who is a Board member of a Local Aboriginal Land
                    Council vacates office if the person:
                    (a) dies, or
                    (b) is absent from 2 consecutive meetings of the Board or the
                          Council of which reasonable notice has been given to the
                          person personally or by post, except on leave granted by
                          the Board or unless the person is excused by the Board for
                          having been absent from those meetings, or
                    (c) completes a term of office and is not re-elected, or
                    (d) resigns the office by instrument in writing addressed to the
                          Council, or
                    (e) becomes disqualified from holding office as a Board
                          member under this Act.
       68    Casual vacancy
                    A person is to be appointed in accordance with the regulations to
                    fill a casual vacancy in the office of a Board member for the
                    remainder of the term of office.
       69    ADT may declare particular offices of Local Aboriginal Land
             Council vacant (cf section 329 of Local Government Act 1993)
             (1)    Any person may apply to the Administrative Decisions Tribunal
                    for an order declaring that a particular office of a Board member
                    of a Local Aboriginal Land Council has become vacant under this
             (2)    The Tribunal may award costs under section 88 of the
                    Administrative Decisions Tribunal Act 1997 in respect of
                    proceedings commenced by an application made under this

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        70   Appeals to Supreme Court against order (cf section 330 of Local
             Government Act 1993)
              (1)   A person whose office has been declared vacant by order of the
                    Administrative Decisions Tribunal may appeal against the order,
                    on a question of law, to the Supreme Court.
              (2)   Such an appeal may not be made more than 28 days after the date
                    on which the order is made.
        71   Effect of order declaring vacancy (cf section 331 of Local Government
             Act 1993)
                    An order declaring a vacancy in an office made by the
                    Administrative Decisions Tribunal under this Division takes
                    (a) if no appeal to the Supreme Court is made against the
                            order, at the end of the period during which such an appeal
                            may be made, or
                    (b) if such an appeal is made within that period and the order
                            is confirmed on appeal, when the order is confirmed, or
                    (c) if, within that period, the person against whom the order is
                            made serves on the Chief Executive Officer of the New
                            South Wales Aboriginal Land Council written notice of
                            intention not to appeal against the order, when the notice is
        72   Delegation by Boards
              (1)   A Board may delegate to any person or body any of the functions
                    of the Board other than this power of delegation and any matter
                    under this Act or the regulations that also requires the approval of
                    the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council.
              (2)   A Board must, once every year and immediately after an election
                    of the Board, review all its delegations.
[42]   Sections 78A-78C
       Insert after section 78:
       78A   Chief executive officer
              (1)   A Local Aboriginal Land Council must employ a member of staff
                    to exercise the functions of the chief executive officer of the
                    Council for the purposes of this Act.

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             (2)    The chief executive officer has the following particular
                     (a) the day-to-day management of the Council's affairs,
                    (b) the exercise of such functions of the Board as are delegated
                          by the Board to the chief executive officer,
                     (c) the appointment of staff in accordance with the approval of
                          the Board,
                    (d) the direction and dismissal of members of staff,
                     (e) such other functions as may be conferred or imposed on
                          the chief executive officer by or under this or any other
     78B     Certain persons must not be employed as chief executive officers
             (1)    The following persons must not be or continue to be employed as
                    the chief executive officer of a Local Aboriginal Land Council:
                     (a) a person who is a Board member of the Council or a
                    (b) a person who has a conviction in New South Wales or
                           elsewhere for an offence relating to the management of a
                           corporation that was recorded within the last 5 years,
                     (c) a person who has a conviction in New South Wales for an
                           offence that is punishable by imprisonment for 12 months
                           or more or is convicted elsewhere than in New South
                           Wales of an offence that, if committed in New South
                           Wales, would be an offence so punishable, that was
                           recorded within the last 5 years,
                    (d) a person who is disqualified from holding office in or
                           being concerned in the management of a corporation under
                           any law of this or any other State or Territory or the
                     (e) a person who has an interest in, or is an employee of or
                           concerned in the management of, a corporation that
                           receives a benefit from the Council,
                     (f) a person who is already engaged as a consultant to the
                    (g) a person who is a member of staff of the New South Wales
                           Aboriginal Land Council,
                    (h) a person who has been dismissed on the recommendation
                           of the Pecuniary Interest and Disciplinary Tribunal within
                           the last 5 years,

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                     (i)   a person who is disqualified under this Act from being a
                           Board member or a councillor (other than on the grounds
                           of employment by the Council or ceasing to be a voting
                           member of a Local Aboriginal Land Council).
              (2)   The Registrar may determine that an offence committed by a
                    person should be ignored for the purposes of this section because
                    of the time that has passed since the offence was committed or
                    because of the triviality of the acts or omissions giving rise to the
       78C   Filling of vacancy in position of chief executive officer
              (1)   If a vacancy occurs in the position of chief executive officer, the
                    Local Aboriginal Land Council must immediately appoint a
                    person under section 78A to the vacant position or appoint a
                    person to act in the vacant position.
              (2)   A vacancy occurs in the position of chief executive officer if the
                    chief executive officer:
                    (a) dies, or
                    (b) completes the term of his or her contract and is not
                           re-appointed, or
                    (c) resigns from the position, or
                    (d) becomes a mentally incapacitated person and is removed
                           from the position by the Council because of that mental
                           incapacity, or
                    (e) is removed from the position on a ground set out in section
                           78B or for any other reason.
[43]   Section 79A
       Insert after section 79:
       79A   Advertising vacancies
              (1)   If it is proposed to make an appointment to a vacant position in
                    the staff of a Local Aboriginal Land Council, the chief executive
                    officer must advertise the vacancy in the manner prescribed by
                    the regulations.
              (2)   The chief executive officer need not advertise a vacant position
                    in the circumstances prescribed by the regulations.

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[44]   Part 5, Divisions 6 and 7
       Omit the Divisions. Insert instead:

       Division 6         Community, land and business plans
       82    Community, land and business plans
             (1)    A Local Aboriginal Land Council must prepare and implement a
                    community, land and business plan.
             (2)    A Local Aboriginal Land Council preparing a community, land
                    and business plan must consult with the following persons:
                    (a) members of the Council,
                    (b) persons who have a cultural association with the land
                          within the Council's area,
                    (c) any other persons required to be consulted by the
                          regulations or a policy of the New South Wales Aboriginal
                          Land Council.
             (3)    A Local Aboriginal Land Council may amend a community, land
                    and business plan.
             (4)    The provisions of this Division apply to any proposed
                    amendment in the same way as they apply to the preparation and
                    approval of a plan.
             (5)    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council may exempt a
                    Local Aboriginal Land Council wholly or partly from the
                    requirement to prepare a community, land and business plan, if
                    the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council is satisfied that,
                    having regard to the limited operations of the Local Aboriginal
                    Land Council, compliance is not appropriate.
             (6)    For the purposes of this section, a person has a cultural
                    association with land if the person is an Aboriginal owner in
                    relation to land within the area of the Local Aboriginal Land
                    Council concerned or is a person of a class prescribed by the
                    regulations for the purposes of this subsection.
       83    Matters covered by plans
             (1)    A community, land and business plan of a Local Aboriginal Land
                    Council must contain the following matters:
                    (a) the objectives and strategy of the Council for the
                         acquisition, management and development of land and
                         other assets,

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                   (b)   the objectives and strategy of the Council for the provision
                         and management of community benefits schemes,
                   (c)   the objectives and strategy of the Council for carrying out
                         business enterprises and investment,
                   (d)   the objectives and strategy of the Council in relation to
                         Aboriginal culture and heritage,
                   (e)   if the plan contains particular proposals related to the
                         strategies in paragraph (a), (b) or (c), strategies for the
                         development or acquisition of human resources and skills
                         to implement the proposals,
                   (f)   timelines for the achievement of proposed strategies and
                         proposals in the plan,
                   (g)   particulars of the assets and liabilities of the Council,
                   (h)   any matter required to be included by a policy of the New
                         South Wales Aboriginal Land Council,
                   (i)   any other matter prescribed by the regulations.
             (2)   A community, land and business plan must contain the following
                   matters in relation to land:
                   (a) the identity of, and particulars of any encumbrance
                         affecting, any parcel of land of the Council,
                   (b) the particulars of any other interest in land of the Council,
                   (c) whether, and what, land is subject to the restriction
                         contained in section 40AA or to Part 4A of the NPW Act,
                   (d) any conditions affecting land of the Council under section
                         36 or 39,
                   (e) any other matters prescribed by the regulations.
      84     Approval of community, land and business plans
             (1)   A community, land and business plan is adopted by a Local
                   Aboriginal Land Council if it is approved by a meeting of the
                   members of the Council, of which not less than 14 days notice
                   was given.
             (2)   A Local Aboriginal Land Council must submit a proposed
                   community, land and business plan to the New South Wales
                   Aboriginal Land Council not less than 28 days before any such
             (3)   A Local Aboriginal Land Council must make available to its
                   members, on request, for a period of not less than 14 days before
                   any such meeting and at the meeting, a summary of the proposed
                   community, land and business plan or a copy of the plan.

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             (4)    The summary is to contain the matters prescribed by the
             (5)    More than one meeting may be called to enable approval of a
                    community, land and business plan.
             (6)    A community, land and business plan approved by a Local
                    Aboriginal Land Council takes effect when it is approved by the
                    New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council.
             (7)    A community, land and business plan has effect for the period
                    (not exceeding 5 years) specified in the plan or until it is replaced,
                    whichever occurs first.
             (8)    Failure to comply with a requirement of this Division for the
                    preparation or approval of a community, land or business plan
                    does not affect the validity of the plan.
       85    Approval of plan by New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council
             (1)    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council must not
                    approve a community, land and business plan unless it is satisfied
                    that the plan complies with this Act and the regulations and is
                    consistent with any applicable policy of the Council.
             (2)    If a Local Aboriginal Land Council is not able to reach agreement
                    on a proposed community, land and business plan within 3
                    months after it is first proposed for approval at a meeting of the
                    Council, the Chairperson of the Board may refer the proposed
                    plan to the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council.
             (3)    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council may amend or
                    replace a proposed community, land and business plan referred to
                    it under subsection (2) and may refer the amended or replaced
                    plan to the Local Aboriginal Land Council for approval.
       86    Administration may follow plan failure
             (1)    A failure by a Local Aboriginal Land Council to approve the
                    same or another proposed community, land and business plan
                    after a plan is referred to it by the New South Wales Aboriginal
                    Land Council under section 85 (3) is, for the purposes of section
                    222 (1) (e), a substantial breach of the requirements of this Act.
             (2)    A substantial failure by a Local Aboriginal Land Council to
                    comply with its community, land and business plan is, for the
                    purposes of section 222 (1) (e), a substantial breach of the
                    requirements of this Act.
                    Note. The effect of a substantial breach is that an administrator may be
                    appointed for the Local Aboriginal Land Council.

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      Division 7          Changes to Local Aboriginal Land Councils
                          and areas of Local Aboriginal Land Councils
      87     Changes to Local Aboriginal Land Council areas
             (1)   The Minister may, by order published in the Gazette, do any one
                   or more of the following:
                   (a) change the name of a Local Aboriginal Land Council area,
                   (b) change the boundaries of a Local Aboriginal Land Council
                   (c) amalgamate 2 or more Local Aboriginal Land Council
                         areas and constitute the amalgamated area as a Local
                         Aboriginal Land Council area,
                   (d) without limiting paragraph (b) or (c), include the whole of
                         the area of a Local Aboriginal Land Council within the
                         area of one or more other Local Aboriginal Land Councils,
                   (e) dissolve a Local Aboriginal Land Council.
             (2)   If the Minister makes an order under subsection (1) (b), (c), (d) or
                   (e), the Minister may, in the same order, specify the Councils to
                   which members of existing Councils affected by the order may
                   (with the members' consent) be allocated, or a method of
                   determining the allocation of members (with the members'
             (3)   The Minister may make an order under subsection (1) only if the
                   order concerned is permitted or required by or under this Act or
                   the regulations.
             (4)   The regulations may make provision of a savings or transitional
                   nature consequent on the making of orders under this section,
                   including (but not limited to) construing references to Local
                   Aboriginal Land Council areas and Councils and elections for
                   Boards of new Local Aboriginal Land Councils.
      88     Effect of dissolution
                   On the day an order dissolving a Local Aboriginal Land Council
                   takes effect, the Council ceases to exist and the Board members
                   of the Council cease to hold office.
      89     Transfer of assets, rights and liabilities
             (1)   If the Minister makes an order under section 87 (1), the Minister
                   may, after consulting with the New South Wales Aboriginal Land
                   Council, by order in writing, direct that all or part of the assets,

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                    rights and liabilities be transferred to an Aboriginal Land Council
                    specified in the order.
             (2)    An order under this section may be subject to specified terms and
             (3)    More than one order may be made in respect of the same assets,
                    rights and liabilities following the making of an order referred to
                    in subsection (1).
             (4)    Schedule 3A has effect with respect to the transfer of assets,
                    rights and liabilities under this section.
             (5)    Words and expressions used in this section have the same
                    meanings as they have in Schedule 3A.
             (6)    Despite any other provision of this section, lands vested in a
                    Local Aboriginal Land Council under Part 4A of the NPW Act
                    vest in accordance with that Part.
                    Note. Part 4A of the NPW Act deals with lands reserved or dedicated
                    under that Act that are vested in an Aboriginal Land Council or Councils
                    and are leased by that Council or Councils to the Minister administering
                    that Act.

       90    Voluntary changes
             (1)    The Minister may make an order under section 87 in relation to a
                    Local Aboriginal Land Council area or a Local Aboriginal Land
                    Council on application made by an Aboriginal Land Council or a
                    person in accordance with the regulations.
             (2)    For the purposes of this section, regulations may be made for or
                    with respect to the following matters:
                    (a) the persons who may apply for an order under section 87,
                    (b) applications for the making of an order,
                    (c) procedures for approval of applications,
                    (d) the making of recommendations to the Minister with
                           respect to proposals to change Local Aboriginal Land
                           Council areas,
                    (e) determination of applications,
                     (f) the functions of the Registrar in relation to applications,
                    (g) the lodging of objections against the refusal of
                    (h) the reference to the Court of any such objections and the
                           hearing and determination of any such objections.

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      91     Changes on initiative of Minister
             (1)   The Minister may make an order under section 87 in relation to a
                   Local Aboriginal Land Council area or a Local Aboriginal Land
                   Council if the Minister is satisfied that the Council:
                   (a) has less than 50 voting members, or
                   (b) has less than 3% of the potential members who reside in its
                         area, as determined from the most recent available
                         Australian census data, or
                   (c) has a membership that is in significant decline, or
                   (d) has not, for a period of not less than 3 months, been able to
                         elect the required number of Board members, or
                   (e) cannot pay its debts as and when they fall due, or
                    (f) has had qualified audits or has failed to provide complete
                         financial statements for any 3 of the last 5 years, or
                   (g) has had an administrator appointed under this Act for any
                         3 of the last 5 years, or
                   (h) is the subject of a report by an investigator or administrator
                         under this Act, the New South Wales Aboriginal Land
                         Council or the Local Aboriginal Land Council that has
                         found that the Local Aboriginal Land Council has ceased
                         to function.
             (2)   The Minister may take action on a ground specified subsection
                   (1) (a)-(f) on the basis of a report by the Registrar.
             (3)   The Minister may not make an order on a ground specified in
                   subsection (1):
                   (a) in the case of an order amalgamating one or more Local
                         Aboriginal Land Councils--except with the consent of the
                         Councils, or
                   (b) in the case of an order including the area of a dissolved
                         Local Aboriginal Land Council in the area of one or more
                         other Councils--except with the consent of those other
      92     Objections to Minister's changes
             (1)   Before taking action on a ground under section 91, the Minister
                   must notify the following persons of the proposed action and of
                   their rights under this section:
                    (a) the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council,
                   (b) the Board of any Local Aboriginal Land Council affected,

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                      (c)   the members of any such Council,
                      (d)   any investigator appointed to investigate the affairs of any
                            such Council,
                      (e)   any administrator of any such Council.
                (2)   A person notified of a proposed action may make submissions,
                      within 21 days of being notified, to the Minister about the
                      proposed action.
                (3)   Before determining whether to take the action, the Minister must
                      consider any submissions received under this section.
[45]   Part 6
       Omit the Part. Insert instead:

       Part 6         Regions
       93       Regions
                (1)   The Region for a Local Aboriginal Land Council is the Region
                      specified for the Council in Schedule 5.
                (2)   The Governor may, by order published in the Gazette, amend or
                      substitute Schedule 5.
                (3)   An order that has the effect of changing the area of a Region may
                      not be made except on the recommendation of the Minister.
                (4)   The Minister must not make a recommendation unless the
                      Minister is satisfied that any Local Aboriginal Land Council
                      affected, and the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council,
                      consent to the change of Region.
                (5)   Subsection (4) does not apply if the change results from an order
                      made under section 87.
                (6)   The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council or a Local
                      Aboriginal Land Council may at any time request the Minister to
                      change the name of a Region or the Council areas included in the
                (7)   Regulations may be made for or with respect to elections for
                      councillors and other matters consequential on changes to
[46]   Part 7, Division 1, heading
       Omit "and functions".

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[47]   Part 7, Divisions 2-5
       Omit section 106 and Divisions 2-8 of Part 7. Insert instead:

       Division 2         Functions of New South Wales Aboriginal
                          Land Council
       106   Functions of New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council
             (1)    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council has the functions
                    conferred or imposed on it by or under this or any other Act.
             (2)    Land acquisition
                    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council has the
                    following functions in relation to the acquisition of land and
                    related matters:
                     (a) in accordance with this Act and the regulations, to acquire
                           land on its own behalf or on behalf of or to be vested in a
                           Local Aboriginal Land Council and to use, manage,
                           control, hold, transfer to a Local Aboriginal Land Council
                           or dispose of, or otherwise deal with, land vested in or
                           acquired by the Council,
                    (b) functions relating to the acquisition of land and any other
                           functions conferred on it by or under Part 4A of the NPW
                     (c) to submit proposals for the listing in Schedule 14 to the
                           NPW Act of lands of cultural significance to Aboriginal
                           persons that are reserved under the NPW Act,
                    (d) to negotiate the lease by the Council or by the Council and
                           one or more other Aboriginal Land Councils of lands to
                           which section 36A applies to the Minister administering
                           the NPW Act,
                     (e) when exercising its functions with respect to land that is
                           the subject of a lease, or proposed lease, under Part 4A of
                           the NPW Act, to act in the best interests of the Aboriginal
                           owners of the land,
                     (f) to make claims to Crown lands, either on its own behalf or,
                           if requested by a Local Aboriginal Land Council, on behalf
                           of that Council,
                    (g) to compile and maintain a register of all land held by Local
                           Aboriginal Land Councils and to make the information
                           available on request to the members of the Council

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             (3)    Oversight of Local Aboriginal Land Councils
                    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council has the
                    following functions in relation to Local Aboriginal Land
                     (a) with the agreement of a Local Aboriginal Land Council, to
                          manage any of the affairs of the Council,
                    (b) to assist Local Aboriginal Land Councils in complying
                          with this Act in respect of the establishment and keeping
                          of accounts and the preparation and submission of budgets
                          and financial reports,
                     (c) to assist Local Aboriginal Land Councils in the preparation
                          and implementation of community, land and business
                    (d) to approve community, land and business plans of Local
                          Aboriginal Land Councils,
                     (e) to assist Local Aboriginal Land Councils in conducting
                          elections in accordance with this Act for Board members,
                     (f) to determine and approve or disapprove of the terms and
                          conditions of agreements proposed by Local Aboriginal
                          Land Councils to allow mining or mineral exploration on
                    (g) to mediate, conciliate and arbitrate disputes relating to the
                          operation of this Act or the regulations between Aboriginal
                          Land Councils, between those Councils and individuals
                          and between individual members of those Councils and to
                          refer such disputes to the Registrar or independent
                          mediators, conciliators and arbitrators.
             (4)    Policy and advice
                    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council has the
                    following functions in relation to policy and advice:
                     (a) to advise the Minister on matters relating to Aboriginal
                          land rights,
                    (b) to prepare and implement policies relating to its functions
                          under this Act and the functions of Local Aboriginal Land
                          Councils under this Act.
             (5)    Administration of statutory accounts
                    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council is to administer
                    the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council Account and the
                    Mining Royalties Account established under this Act.

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             (6)   Native title
                   The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council is to exercise the
                   functions conferred or imposed, by the Commonwealth Native
                   Title Act, on a representative Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander
                   body (within the meaning of that Act) if the Council is
                   determined to be such a body by the relevant Commonwealth
                   Minister under that Act.
             (7)   Aboriginal culture and heritage
                   The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council has the
                   following functions in relation to Aboriginal culture and heritage:
                    (a) to take action to protect the culture and heritage of
                         Aboriginal persons in New South Wales, subject to any
                         other law,
                   (b) to promote awareness in the community of the culture and
                         heritage of Aboriginal persons in New South Wales.
             (8)   Financial stewardship
                   The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council has the
                   following functions in relation to financial management and
                   business planning:
                    (a) to prepare and implement policies relating to community,
                         land and business plans required to be adopted by
                         Aboriginal Land Councils,
                   (b) to prepare and implement, in accordance with this Act, a
                         community, land and business plan,
                    (c) to manage, in accordance with this Act, the investment of
                         any assets of the Council,
                   (d) to facilitate business enterprises, in accordance with this
                    (e) to grant funds for the payment of the costs and expenses of
                         Local Aboriginal Land Councils (whether under funding
                         agreements with Local Aboriginal Land Councils or
             (9)   Other functions prescribed by regulations
                   The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council has any other
                   functions prescribed by the regulations.

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      107    Training
             (1)    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council is to provide or
                    arrange training, in accordance with the regulations, for the
                    purpose of developing the capacity of the following persons to
                    exercise functions under this Act or the regulations:
                    (a) councillors,
                    (b) Board members,
                    (c) members of staff of Aboriginal Land Councils.
             (2)    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council is to prepare and
                    implement a capacity development plan for the purposes of
                    carrying out its functions under this section.
             (3)    Regulations may be made for or with respect to requirements for
                    a capacity development plan.
      108    Community benefits schemes
             (1)    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council has the
                    following functions in relation to community benefits schemes:
                     (a) directly or indirectly, to provide community benefits under
                          community benefits schemes,
                    (b) to supervise the community benefits schemes of Local
                          Aboriginal Land Councils,
                     (c) to consider and approve the provision of community
                          benefits schemes by or on behalf of Local Aboriginal Land
                    (d) to make grants or lend money to, or invest money for or on
                          behalf of, Aboriginal persons,
                     (e) without limiting paragraph (a), to provide, acquire,
                          construct, upgrade or extend residential accommodation
                          for Aboriginal persons in the State,
                     (f) without limiting paragraph (a), with the approval of the
                          Minister, to make grants or lend money to a funeral
                          benefits scheme established for the benefit of Aboriginal
                    (g) to maintain a register of approvals by the Council of
                          community benefits schemes and to notify the Minister of
                          any such approvals.
             (2)    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council must ensure that
                    any community benefits scheme under which community
                    benefits are provided by it or on its behalf:

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                   (a)   complies with this Act and the regulations, and
                   (b)   is consistent with any applicable policy of the Council, and
                   (c)   is consistent with the community, land and business plan
                         of the Council, and
                   (d)   is fair and equitable and administered in a responsible and
                         transparent way, and
                   (e)   will not prevent the Council from being able to meet its
                         debts as and when they fall due.
             (3)   The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council may provide
                   community benefits under a community benefits scheme to
                   Aboriginal persons within the area of one or more Local
                   Aboriginal Land Councils and may provide community benefits
                   in conjunction with one or more Local Aboriginal Land Councils.
     109     Social housing schemes
             (1)   This section applies to a community benefits scheme in relation
                   to the acquisition and provision by or on behalf of the New South
                   Wales Aboriginal Land Council of residential accommodation
                   for Aboriginal persons and to the construction, upgrading and
                   extension of any such accommodation (a social housing
             (2)   The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council may provide
                   benefits under a social housing scheme by using the services of
                   another body or agency, or with the assistance of another body or
             (3)   The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council must not provide
                   benefits under a social housing scheme unless:
                   (a) before the scheme commenced, it considered the likely
                         impact of the scheme on the Council's overall financial
                         position, and
                   (b) it is satisfied that the Council will be able to meet all the
                         expenses of the scheme, including long term maintenance
     110     Increased membership of Local Aboriginal Land Councils
             (1)   The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council must use its best
                   endeavours to increase the total number of voting members of
                   Local Aboriginal Land Councils in the State by not less than 3%
                   per annum, for the 5 year period commencing at the beginning of
                   the first financial year after the commencement of this section.

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             (2)    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council is to include in
                    its annual report a report on the steps taken to meet the target
                    established under this section.
      111    Trusts
             (1)    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council may establish,
                    or participate in the establishment of, a trust for the purpose of
                    providing a community benefits scheme.
             (2)    Regulations may be made for or with respect to financial and
                    reporting obligations of trusts established by the New South
                    Wales Aboriginal Land Council.
      112    Duty of New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council not to transfer
             land or other assets to councillors, staff or consultants
             (1)    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council must ensure that
                    no part of the income or property of the Council is transferred
                    directly or indirectly by way of dividend or bonus or otherwise by
                    way of profit to councillors or any member of staff of, or
                    consultant to, the Council.
             (2)    Nothing in this section prevents:
                    (a) the provision of a benefit in good faith to a councillor,
                          member of staff or consultant in accordance with this Act,
                    (b) the payment in good faith of remuneration to any such
                          councillor, member of staff or consultant.
      113    Policies relating to Aboriginal Land Council functions
             (1)    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council may prepare and
                    implement policies about the following matters:
                     (a) the contents, preparation and approval of community, land
                         and business plans of Local Aboriginal Land Councils,
                    (b) land dealings by Aboriginal Land Councils, including
                         assessment and approval of land dealings,
                     (c) business enterprises and investments of Aboriginal Land
                         Councils, including assessment and approval of business
                         enterprises and investments,
                    (d) the provision of training to members of staff, Board
                         members and councillors,
                     (e) community benefits schemes,
                     (f) financial and reporting requirements for Aboriginal Land

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                      (g)   fees for assessments conducted by the Council,
                      (h)   any other matters prescribed by the regulations.
             (2)      Without limiting subsection (1), a policy relating to community
                      benefits schemes that provide residential accommodation is to
                      include criteria for determining applications for approval that
                      have been determined after consultation with the Aboriginal
                      Housing Office.
             (3)      The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council must review all
                      of its policies every 5 years.
             (4)      The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council must make
                      copies of its policies publicly available.
     114     Procedure for making policies
             (1)      Before the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council adopts a
                      policy it must:
                      (a) refer the policy to each Local Aboriginal Land Council for
                            comment, and
                      (b) consider any submissions made by any Local Aboriginal
                            Land Council within 30 days of the referral of the policy,
                      (c) obtain the approval of the Minister to the policy.
             (2)      A policy takes effect on its publication in the Gazette or on a later
                      day specified in the policy.
             (3)      A policy may be amended or revoked in the same way as a policy
                      may be made.
     115     New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council may give other
             Councils directions regarding certain matters
             (1)      The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council may give
                      directions to Local Aboriginal Land Councils with respect to the
                       (a) the form, contents and method of preparation of
                             community, land and business plans,
                      (b) the keeping of records (including records relating to land
                             and other assets),
                       (c) any other matters prescribed by the regulations.
             (2)      A Local Aboriginal Land Council must comply with a direction
                      given under this section.

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             (3)    A direction must not be inconsistent with this Act or the
                    regulations or any applicable policy of the New South Wales
                    Aboriginal Land Council.
      116    Delegation by New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council
             (1)    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council may delegate to
                    the Chief Executive Officer or any other person or body (not
                    including another member of staff of the Council) any of the
                    functions of the Council, other than the following:
                     (a) the administration of the New South Wales Aboriginal
                          Land Council Account and the Mining Royalties Account
                          established under this Act,
                    (b) the granting of funds for the payment of the costs and
                          expenses of Local Aboriginal Land Councils and advisory
                          committees of the Council,
                     (c) the acquisition of land on the Council's behalf, or on
                          behalf of a Local Aboriginal Land Council, and the
                          transfer of such land to a Local Aboriginal Land Council
                          and the use, management, control, holding or disposal of,
                          or otherwise dealing with, land vested in or acquired by the
                    (d) the negotiation of the acquisition by the Council, or by one
                          or more Local Aboriginal Land Councils, of land of
                          cultural significance to Aboriginal persons that is listed in
                          Schedule 14 to the NPW Act and the lease of that land to
                          the Minister administering that Act,
                     (e) the negotiation of the lease by the Council, or by one or
                          more Local Aboriginal Land Councils, of land to which
                          section 36A applies to the Minister administering the NPW
                     (f) the determination and approval of terms and conditions of
                          agreements proposed by Local Aboriginal Land Councils
                          to allow mining or mineral exploration on land,
                    (g) approval of community, land and business plans,
                    (h) advising the Minister on matters relating to Aboriginal
                          land rights,
                      (i) this power of delegation,
                      (j) any function under this or any other Act that is expressly
                          required to be exercised by resolution of the Council.
             (2)    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council must, once
                    every year, review all of its delegations.

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     117     Rules of the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council
             (1)   The purpose of this section is to provide rules for the New South
                   Wales Aboriginal Land Council relating to the Council's
                   functions and operations.
             (2)   The rules prescribed by the regulations as model rules are the
                   rules for the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council.
             (3)   However, the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council may
                   prepare its own rules and submit them to the Registrar for
             (4)   On approval by the Registrar, the rules prepared by the New
                   South Wales Aboriginal Land Council, to the extent that they are
                   not inconsistent with this Act or the regulations, become the rules
                   of the Council to the exclusion of the model rules.
             (5)   The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council's rules may,
                   with the approval of the Registrar, be amended, repealed or
                   replaced from time to time.
             (6)   The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council may appeal to
                   the Court against the Registrar's refusal to approve of rules or to
                   approve of an amendment, a repeal or a replacement of its rules.
             (7)   On the hearing of an appeal under subsection (6), the Court may
                   direct the Registrar to approve of rules, or an amendment, a
                   repeal or a replacement of rules, specified in the direction.
     118     Advisory committees
             (1)   The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council may from time
                   time appoint such advisory committees as the Council considers
                   appropriate for the purpose of advising the Council, carrying out
                   consultations with Aboriginal persons or facilitating discussion
                   about issues arising under this Act.
             (2)   An advisory committee has such functions as the Council may
                   from time to time determine in respect of it.
             (3)   An advisory committee consists of such persons appointed by the
                   Council as the Council thinks fit.
             (4)   A committee member holds office for such period as is specified
                   in the instrument of appointment of the committee member, but
                   any such appointment may be terminated by the Council at any
             (5)   One of the committee members, in and by the instrument of
                   appointment of the committee member, is to be appointed as
                   chairperson of the committee.

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             (6)    The procedure for the calling of meetings of an advisory
                    committee and for the conduct of business at those meetings is to
                    be as determined by the Council or (subject to any determination
                    of the Council) by the committee.
             (7)    A committee member is entitled to be paid such travelling and
                    other allowances as the Minister may from time to time
                    determine in respect of the committee member.
      119    Approvals
             (1)    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council may impose
                    conditions on any approval given by the Council under this Act.
             (2)    Without limiting subsection (1), an approval may impose a time
                    within which a condition must be complied with.
             (3)    A Local Aboriginal Land Council must comply with the
                    conditions of an approval given to the Council by the New South
                    Wales Aboriginal Land Council.
             (4)    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council may revoke an
                    approval given by the Council under this Act.

      Division 3          Councillors of NSW Aboriginal Land Council
      120    Membership of New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council
             (1)    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council is to consist of
                    an Aboriginal councillor elected for each Region.
             (2)    The councillors (other than the Chairperson of the Council) are to
                    be full-time.
             (3)    Subject to this Act, a councillor holds office for a period
                    beginning on the councillor's election and expiring:
                    (a) on the councillor's election for another term, or
                    (b) on the election of the councillor's successor.
             (4)    A councillor is eligible (if otherwise qualified) for re-election.
             (5)    A councillor is entitled to be paid remuneration in accordance
                    with the Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Act 1975.
             (6)    A councillor is entitled to be paid such travelling and other
                    allowances as the Minister may from time to time determine in
                    respect of the councillor.
             (7)    Part 3 of Schedule 3 has effect. The regulations may prescribe
                    additional requirements for or with respect to meetings.

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     121     Election of councillors
             (1)   Each councillor is to be elected in the manner specified in this
                   Division to represent a Region.
             (2)   The regulations may make provision for or with respect to the
                   election of councillors.
             (3)   The Electoral Commissioner for New South Wales, or a person
                   employed in the office of and nominated by the Electoral
                   Commissioner, is to be the returning officer for elections of
             (4)   A person is not qualified to stand for election, or to be elected, as
                   a councillor representing a Region unless the person is a voting
                   member of a Local Aboriginal Land Council the area of which is
                   within the Region.
             (5)   A person is entitled to vote at an election for a councillor to
                   represent a Region if the person is a voting member of a Local
                   Aboriginal Land Council the area of which is within the Region.
             (6)   A person is only entitled to cast his or her vote in respect of the
                   Local Aboriginal Land Council area in which the person has
                   voting rights.
     122     Timing of elections
             (1)   Elections of all councillors are to be held:
                   (a) not sooner than 3 years and 9 months, and
                   (b) not later than 4 years and 3 months,
                   after the previous election of all councillors.
             (2)   The Minister, in consultation with the New South Wales
                   Aboriginal Land Council, is in accordance with this section to
                   determine a date for the election of all councillors and is to notify
                   the returning officer of that date.
     123     Declaration of election
                   If the returning officer for an election of councillors is advised by
                   a regional electoral officer that the result of the counting of votes
                   is that a candidate has been elected, the returning officer must
                   immediately publicly declare the candidate elected as a

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      124    Councillors pending determination of disputed return
             (1)    Section 123 applies even if the election of the candidate (or of any
                    other candidate in the election) is the subject of an application
                    under section 125 disputing the validity of the election of the
             (2)    A candidate who is publicly declared elected as a councillor by
                    the returning officer holds that office until the determination of
                    any proceedings disputing the validity of the election of the
             (3)    A candidate referred to in subsection (2) is taken to hold office,
                    and is competent to carry out all the functions and duties of a duly
                    elected councillor, from the date on which the returning officer
                    declares the candidate elected, until:
                    (a) the Court hearing an application under section 125
                           disputing the validity of the election of the candidate
                           determines otherwise, or
                    (b) the term of office of the councillor expires or becomes
                    whichever is the earlier.
             (4)    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council in which a
                    candidate referred to in subsection (2) holds office is not
                    invalidly constituted for that reason.
      125    Method of disputing elections and returns
             (1)    The validity of an election for a councillor to represent a Region,
                    or of any return or statement showing the voting in any such
                    election, may be disputed by an application to the Court, and not
             (2)    Any person may make an application to the Court under this
                    section within 28 days after the returning officer has publicly
                    declared the result of the election that is the subject of the
             (3)    In determining an application under this section, the Court has the
                    same powers as are conferred by section 161 of the
                    Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Act 1912 on the Court
                    of Disputed Returns.
             (4)    The returning officer is entitled to be represented at the hearing
                    of an application under this section.

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     126     Procedure
             (1)   The procedure of the Court on an application under section 125
                   is to be determined by rules of Court, or in the absence of rules of
                   Court, by the Court or a Judge of the Court.
             (2)   The Court is not bound by the rules or practice of evidence and
                   can inform itself on any matter in such manner as it considers
             (3)   Despite section 125 (3), the Court may make an order for costs in
                   respect of an application under section 125 only if the Court is
                   satisfied that there are exceptional circumstances that warrant the
                   making of such an order.
     127     Immaterial errors not to invalidate election
             (1)   An election of councillors of the New South Wales Aboriginal
                   Land Council, or any return or statement showing the voting in
                   an election, is not invalid because of:
                    (a) any delay in taking the votes of the electors or in making
                          any statement or return, or
                   (b) the absence of any officer, or
                    (c) the error or omission of any officer,
                   that could not have affected the result of the election.
             (2)   If a person was prevented from voting in an election because of
                   the absence of any officer, or the error or omission of any officer,
                   the Court must not admit any evidence of the way the person
                   intended to vote in order to determine whether or not the absence,
                   error or omission could have affected the result of the election.
     128     Decisions to be final
             (1)   A decision of the Court in respect of an application under section
                   125 is final and conclusive and without appeal, and is not to be
                   questioned in any way.
             (2)   Section 58 of the Land and Environment Court Act 1979 does not
                   apply to any such decision of the Court.
     129     Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson
             (1)   The councillors of the New South Wales Aboriginal Land
                   Council are to elect a Chairperson and a Deputy Chairperson at
                   the first meeting of the Council following the election of

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             (2)    The Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson are to hold office for a
                    term of 2 years and are eligible (if otherwise qualified) for
             (3)    The Deputy Chairperson is to act in the office of Chairperson
                    during the illness or absence of the Chairperson, and the Deputy
                    Chairperson while so acting, has and may exercise all the
                    functions of the Chairperson and is taken to be the Chairperson.
      130    Role of councillors of NSW Aboriginal Land Council
             (1)    The role of a councillor is, as a member of the governing body of
                    the Council:
                     (a) to direct and control the affairs of the Council in
                          accordance with this Act, and
                    (b) to participate in the allocation of the Council's resources
                          for the benefit of Aboriginal people, and
                     (c) to participate in the creation and review of the Council's
                          policies and objectives, and
                    (d) to review the performance of the Council in the exercise of
                          its functions and the achievement of its objectives.
             (2)    The role of a councillor is, in addition:
                    (a) to represent the interests and respond to the concerns of
                          Local Aboriginal Land Council members, and
                    (b) to facilitate communication between the Local Aboriginal
                          Land Council members and the New South Wales
                          Aboriginal Land Council.
      131    Training for councillors
             (1)    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council must arrange
                    training in relation to the matters prescribed by the regulations for
                    each councillor elected for the first time to the Council.
             (2)    The training is to be provided not later than 6 months after the
                    date of election of the councillor.
             (3)    A councillor must not refuse or fail to undergo training provided
                    under this section when required to do so by the New South
                    Wales Aboriginal Land Council.
             (4)    If a councillor refuses or fails to undergo training provided under
                    this section when required to do so by the New South Wales
                    Aboriginal Land Council, the councillor is, on written notice
                    being given to the councillor by the Council, suspended from
                    office as a councillor until the person undergoes the training.

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             (5)   The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council may:
                   (a) exempt a councillor wholly or partly from the requirement
                        to undergo training provided under this section, if the
                        Council is satisfied that the councillor already has
                        sufficient expertise, skills and experience to carry out his
                        or her functions as a councillor, or
                   (b) extend the period within which training is to be provided
                        to a councillor under this section.

      Division 4          Removal from office
     132     Grounds for disqualification from office
             (1)   A person is disqualified from holding office as a councillor of the
                   New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council if the person:
                   (a) has a conviction in New South Wales or elsewhere for an
                         offence relating to the management of a corporation that
                         was recorded within the last 5 years, or
                   (b) has a conviction for an offence under this Act that was
                         recorded within the last 5 years, or
                   (c) has a conviction in New South Wales for any other offence
                         that is punishable by imprisonment for 12 months or more
                         or is convicted elsewhere than in New South Wales of an
                         offence that, if committed in New South Wales, would be
                         an offence so punishable that was recorded within the last
                         5 years, or
                   (d) is a mentally incapacitated person, or
                   (e) is or becomes bankrupt, applies to take the benefit of any
                         law for the relief of bankrupt or insolvent debtors,
                         compounds with his or her creditors or makes an
                         assignment of his or her remuneration for their benefit, or
                    (f) is or was a director or person concerned in the management
                         of a body corporate that is the subject of a winding up order
                         or for which a controller or administrator has been
                         appointed under the Corporations Act 2001 of the
                         Commonwealth during the previous 3 years, or
                   (g) is disqualified from holding office in or being concerned in
                         the management of a corporation under any law of this or
                         any other State or Territory or the Commonwealth, or
                   (h) is an employee of, or a consultant to, the Council, or
                    (i) in the case of a councillor, engages in other paid
                         employment, or

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                    (j)    was, on 2 or more occasions before an administrator was
                           appointed to the Council, an officer of the Council, or
                    (k)    fails, without a reasonable excuse, for a period of 3 months
                           or more to comply with a written requirement by the
                           Council to undergo training under section 125, or
                    (l)    is disqualified from being a Board member, other than on
                           the ground that the person is a councillor.
             (2)    The Registrar may determine that an offence committed by a
                    person should be ignored for the purposes of this section because
                    of the time that has passed since the offence was committed or
                    because of the triviality of the acts or omissions giving rise to the
             (3)    The Registrar may determine that a person is not disqualified on
                    the ground set out in subsection (1) (j) if the Registrar is satisfied
                    that it is appropriate in the circumstances that the person not be
                    disqualified on that ground.
      133    Vacancy in office
                    A person who is a councillor of the New South Wales Aboriginal
                    Land Council vacates office if the person:
                    (a) dies, or
                    (b) is absent from 2 consecutive meetings of the Council of
                          which reasonable notice has been given to the person
                          personally or by post, except on leave granted by the
                          Council or unless the person is excused by the Council for
                          having been absent from those meetings, or
                    (c) completes a term of office and is not re-elected, or
                    (d) resigns the office by instrument in writing addressed to the
                          Council, or
                    (e) becomes disqualified from holding office as a councillor
                          under this Act, or
                     (f) represents a Region the area of which is changed.
      134    Casual vacancy
                    A person is to be appointed in accordance with the regulations to
                    fill a casual vacancy in the office of a councillor for the remainder
                    of the term of office.

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     135     ADT may declare particular offices of New South Wales Aboriginal
             Land Council vacant (cf section 329 of Local Government Act 1993)
             (1)      Any person may apply to the Administrative Decisions Tribunal
                      for an order declaring that a particular office of a councillor has
                      become vacant under this Act.
             (2)      The Tribunal may award costs under section 88 of the
                      Administrative Decisions Tribunal Act 1997 in respect of
                      proceedings commenced by an application made under this
     136     Appeals to Supreme Court against order (cf section 330 of Local
             Government Act 1993)
             (1)      A person whose office has been declared vacant by order of the
                      Administrative Decisions Tribunal may appeal against the order,
                      on a question of law, to the Supreme Court.
             (2)      Such an appeal may not be made more than 28 days after the date
                      on which the order is made.
     137     Effect of order declaring vacancy (cf section 331 of Local Government
             Act 1993)
                      An order declaring a vacancy in an office made by the
                      Administrative Decisions Tribunal under this Division takes
                      (a) if no appeal to the Supreme Court is made against the
                              order, at the end of the period during which such an appeal
                              may be made, or
                      (b) if such an appeal is made within that period and the order
                              is confirmed on appeal, when the order is confirmed, or
                      (c) if, within that period, the person against whom the order is
                              made serves on the Chief Executive Officer of the New
                              South Wales Aboriginal Land Council written notice of
                              intention not to appeal against the order, when the notice is

      Division 5            Community, land and business plans
    137A     Community, land and business plans
             (1)      The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council must prepare
                      and implement a community, land and business plan.
             (2)      The Council when preparing a community, land and business
                      plan must consult with the following persons:

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                    (a)   persons who have a cultural association with land within
                          the State,
                    (b)   any other persons required to be consulted by the
                          regulations or a policy of the Council.
             (3)    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council may amend a
                    community, land and business plan.
             (4)    The provisions of this Division apply to any proposed
                    amendment in the same way as they apply to the preparation and
                    approval of a plan.
             (5)    For the purposes of this section, a person has a cultural
                    association with land if the person is an Aboriginal owner or a
                    person of a class prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of
                    this subsection.
    137B     Matters covered by plans
             (1)    A community, land and business plan of the New South Wales
                    Aboriginal Land Council must contain the following matters:
                    (a) the objectives and strategy of the Council for the
                          acquisition, management and development of land and
                          other assets,
                    (b) the objectives and strategy of the Council for the provision
                          and management of community benefits schemes,
                    (c) the objectives and strategy of the Council for carrying out
                          business enterprises and investment,
                    (d) the objectives and strategy of the Council in relation to
                          Aboriginal culture and heritage,
                    (e) if the plan contains particular proposals related to the
                          strategies in paragraph (a), (b) or (c), strategies for the
                          development or acquisition of human resources and skills
                          to implement the proposals,
                     (f) timelines for the achievement of proposed strategies and
                          proposals in the plan,
                    (g) particulars of the assets and liabilities of the Council,
                    (h) any matter required to be included by a policy of the
                     (i) any other matter prescribed by the regulations.
             (2)    A community, land and business plan must contain the following
                    matters in relation to land:

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                   (a)    the identity, and particulars of any encumbrance affecting,
                          any parcel of land of the Council,
                   (b)    the particulars of any other interest in land of the Council,
                   (c)    whether, and what, land is subject to the restriction
                          contained in section 40AA or to Part 4A of the NPW Act,
                   (d)    any conditions affecting land of the Council under section
                          36 or 39,
                   (e)    any other matters prescribed by the regulations.
    137C     Approval of community, land and business plans
             (1)   A community, land and business plan is adopted by the New
                   South Wales Aboriginal Land Council if it is approved by a
                   meeting of the Council, of which not less than 14 days notice was
             (2)   The Chief Executive Officer of the New South Wales Aboriginal
                   Land Council must make available to its councillors, on request,
                   for a period of not less than 14 days before any such meeting and
                   at the meeting, a summary of the proposed community, land and
                   business plan or a copy of the plan.
             (3)   The summary is to contain the matters prescribed by the
             (4)   More than one meeting may be called to enable approval of a
                   community, land and business plan.
             (5)   The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council must not
                   approve a community, land and business plan unless it is satisfied
                   that the plan complies with this Act and the regulations and is
                   consistent with any applicable policy of the Council.
             (6)   A community, land and business plan takes effect when it is
                   approved by the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council.
             (7)   A community, land and business plan has effect for the period
                   (not exceeding 5 years) specified in the plan or until it is replaced,
                   whichever occurs first.
             (8)   Failure to comply with a requirement of this Division for the
                   preparation or approval of a community, land or business plan
                   does not affect the validity of the plan.
    137D     Administration may follow plan failure
             (1)   A failure by the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council to
                   approve a proposed community, land and business plan within 3
                   months after the plan is first referred to a meeting of the Council

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                     for approval is, for the purposes of section 223, a ground that
                     justifies the appointment of an administrator (without any
                     requirement for a report referred to in section 223 (3)).
               (2)   A substantial failure by the New South Wales Aboriginal Land
                     Council to comply with its community, land and business plan is,
                     for the purposes of section 223, a ground that justifies the
                     appointment of an administrator (without any requirement for a
                     report referred to in section 223 (3)).
[48]    Section 138A
        Insert after section 138:
       138A   Certain persons must not be employed as Chief Executive Officer
               (1)   The following persons must not be or continue to be employed as
                     the Chief Executive Officer of the New South Wales Aboriginal
                     Land Council:
                      (a) a person who is a Board member or a councillor,
                     (b) a person who has a conviction in New South Wales or
                           elsewhere for an offence relating to the management of a
                           corporation that was recorded within the last 5 years,
                      (c) a person who has a conviction in New South Wales for any
                           offence that is punishable by imprisonment for 12 months
                           or more or is convicted elsewhere than in New South
                           Wales of an offence that, if committed in New South
                           Wales, would be an offence so punishable that was
                           recorded within the last 5 years,
                     (d) a person who is disqualified from holding office in or
                           being concerned in the management of a corporation under
                           any law of this or any other State or Territory or the
                      (e) a person who has an interest in, or is an employee of or
                           concerned in the management of, a corporation that
                           receives a benefit from the Council,
                      (f) a person who is already engaged as a consultant to the
                     (g) a person who is a member of staff of a Local Aboriginal
                           Land Council,
                     (h) a person who has been dismissed on the recommendation
                           of the Pecuniary Interest and Disciplinary Tribunal within
                           the last 5 years,

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                      (i)   a person who is disqualified under this Act from being a
                            Board member or a councillor (other than on the grounds
                            of employment by the Council or ceasing to be a voting
                            member of a Local Aboriginal Land Council).
               (2)   The Registrar may determine that an offence committed by a
                     person should be ignored for the purposes of this section because
                     of the time that has passed since the offence was committed or
                     because of the triviality of the acts or omissions giving rise to the
[49]    Section 141 Filling of vacancy in position of Chief Executive Officer
        Omit section 141 (2) (e). Insert instead:
                     (e) becomes a person who is not eligible to continue to be
                           employed on a ground referred to in section 138A, or
[50]    Section 141A
        Insert after section 141:
       141A   Delegations by Chief Executive Officer
               (1)   The Chief Executive Officer may delegate to any person or body
                     any of the functions of the Chief Executive Officer, other than
                     this power of delegation.
               (2)   The Chief Executive Officer may sub-delegate a function
                     delegated to the Chief Executive Officer by the New South Wales
                     Aboriginal Land Council to any person or body (including
                     another member of staff of the Council).
[51]    Section 142 Staff organisation structure
        Omit section 142 (1) (a) (ii).
[52]    Section 143A
        Insert after section 143:
       143A   Vacancies to be advertised
               (1)   If it is proposed to make an appointment to a vacant position in
                     the staff of the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council, the
                     Chief Executive Officer must advertise the vacancy in the
                     manner prescribed by the regulations.
               (2)   The Chief Executive Officer need not advertise a vacant position
                     if the Registrar approves.

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[53]   Part 7, Division 11
       Omit the Division.
[54]   Section 149 NSW Aboriginal Land Council Account
       Omit "Regional Aboriginal Land Councils" from section 149 (3) (a).
       Insert instead "advisory committees".
[55]   Section 149 (4) (a)
       Omit "the councillors and".
[56]   Section 149 (4) (b) and (c)
       Omit section 149 (4) (b). Insert instead:
                    (b) the cost of the election of councillors (including the costs
                          incurred by the Electoral Commissioner for New South
                          Wales), and
                    (c) the payment of amounts for travelling and other
                          allowances to Board members and remuneration and
                          allowances to councillors.
[57]   Section 151 Regional Aboriginal Land Council Accounts
       Omit the section.
[58]   Section 153 Local Aboriginal Land Councils to keep accounts
       Omit "and each Regional Aboriginal Land Council" from section 153 (1).
[59]   Section 153 (2A)
       Insert after section 153 (2):
            (2A)    Section 41BA of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 applies
                    to financial statements required to be prepared under this section
                    in the same way that it applies to financial reports required to be
                    prepared under that Act.
[60]   Section 153 (4)
       Omit "10 weeks". Insert instead "6 weeks".
[61]   Section 154 Regulations may set requirements to judge satisfactory
       financial statements
       Omit "criteria by which".
       Insert instead "the requirements that must be met by audited financial
       statements and other documents".

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[62]   Section 154
       Omit "or Regional".
[63]   Section 155 Local Aboriginal Land Councils may request special auditor
       Omit "or Regional" wherever occurring.
[64]   Section 158 Budget of Local Aboriginal Land Councils
       Omit "and Regional" from section 158 (1).
[65]   Section 158 (2)
       Omit "or Regional".
[66]   Section 158 (3)
       Omit the subsection. Insert instead:
              (3)      The budget prepared and submitted under this section is to
                       include details of a Council's proposed operations, including
                       operations to be funded by persons or bodies other than the New
                       South Wales Aboriginal Land Council, and is to contain any
                       matters prescribed by the regulations.
[67]   Section 159
       Omit the section. Insert instead:
       159   Quarterly and six monthly reports by New South Wales Aboriginal
             Land Council
              (1)      The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council must, if directed
                       to do so by the Minister, prepare and submit to the Minister
                       within 10 weeks after the end of each quarter of each financial
                       year a report specifying:
                        (a) the amounts of funds granted during the quarter by that
                              Council to Local Aboriginal Land Councils and the
                              purposes for which the funds were granted, and
                       (b) whether the Local Aboriginal Land Councils concerned
                              have complied with the financial obligations imposed by
                              this Part in relation to those grants.
              (2)      The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council must prepare
                       and submit to the Minister within 10 weeks after the end of each
                       6-month period ending on 30 June and 31 December in each year
                       a report specifying:

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                    (a)   the amounts of funds granted during the 6-month period by
                          that Council to Local Aboriginal Land Councils and the
                          purposes for which the funds were granted, and
                    (b)   whether the Local Aboriginal Land Councils concerned
                          have complied with the financial obligations imposed by
                          this Part in relation to those grants.
             (3)    The regulations may prescribe the form and content of such
[68]   Section 160 NSW Aboriginal Land Council may give other Councils
       directions regarding accounting
       Omit "and Regional" from section 160 (1).
[69]   Section 160 (1) (b)
       Omit "and quarterly reports".
[70]   Section 160 (2)
       Omit "or Regional".
[71]   Sections 161 and 165 (c)
       Omit "and Regional" wherever occurring.
[72]   Part 8, Division 3, heading
       Omit "and Regional".
[73]   Section 162 Funding agreements
       Omit "or Regional" wherever occurring in section 162 (1) and (2).
[74]   Section 163 Cessation of funding
       Omit "or Regional" wherever occurring.
[75]   Section 165 Functions of Registrar
       Omit "Regional Aboriginal Land Council areas and the changing of names of
       Regional Aboriginal Land Councils" from section 165 (e).
       Insert instead "Regions and the changing of names of Regions".
[76]   Section 165 (g)
       Omit "administration of Aboriginal Land Councils".
       Insert instead "operation of this Act and the regulations".

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[77]    Section 165 (h)
        Insert ", misbehaviour by councillors, Board members and members of staff
        of, and consultants to, Aboriginal Land Councils" after "pecuniary interests".
[78]    Section 165 (h1)
        Insert after section 165 (h):
                     (h1) at the request of the Minister, to provide to the Minister
                             information as to the operations of an Aboriginal Land
[79]    Section 165A
        Insert after section 165:
       165A   Delegation
                     The Registrar may delegate the exercise of any function of the
                     Registrar under this Act (other than this power of delegation) to:
                     (a) any member of staff of the Department of Aboriginal
                           Affairs, or
                     (b) any person, or any class of persons, authorised for the
                           purposes of this section by the regulations.
[80]    Section 176 Conduct of councillors, Board members and staff of
        Aboriginal Land Councils
        Omit section 176 (1). Insert instead:
               (1)   Every councillor, Board member and member of staff of an
                     Aboriginal Land Council or an advisory committee, must:
                     (a) act honestly and exercise a reasonable degree of care and
                          diligence in carrying out his or her functions under this or
                          any other Act, and
                     (b) act for a proper purpose in carrying out his or her functions
                          under this or any other Act, and
                     (c) not use his or her office or position for personal advantage,
                     (d) not use his or her office or position to the detriment of an
                          Aboriginal Land Council.
[81]    Section 177 Codes of conduct
        Omit "and Regional" from section 177 (1).

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[82]    Section 177 (5) (a)
        Omit "an officer or Regional or Alternate Representative".
        Insert instead "a Board member".
[83]    Section 177 (5) (b)
        Omit the paragraph.
[84]    Section 178 Establishment of Pecuniary Interest and Disciplinary
        Omit "Aboriginal Land Councils Pecuniary Interest Tribunal".
        Insert instead "Aboriginal Land Councils Pecuniary Interest and Disciplinary
[85]    Part 10, Division 3A
        Insert after Division 3:

        Division 3A         Misbehaviour
       181A   Interpretation (cf section 440F of Local Government Act 1993)
               (1)   In this Division:
                     member of staff means a member of staff of, or a consultant to,
                     an Aboriginal Land Council.
                     misbehaviour of a person means any of the following:
                      (a) a contravention by the person of this Act or the regulations,
                     (b) a failure by the person to comply with an applicable code
                            of conduct,
                      (c) if the person is a councillor or a Board member--an act of
                            disorder committed by a councillor at a meeting of the
                            New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council or by a Board
                            member at a meeting of the Board or of the Local
                            Aboriginal Land Council,
                     but does not include a contravention of the disclosure
                     requirements of Division 4.
               (2)   A reference in this Division to misbehaviour or an incident of
                     misbehaviour includes a reference to misbehaviour that consists
                     of an omission or failure to do something.

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    181B     Formal censure for misbehaviour (cf section 440G of Local Government
             Act 1993)
             (1)   The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council may by
                   resolution at a meeting formally censure a councillor or a
                   member of staff of the Council for misbehaviour.
             (2)   A Local Aboriginal Land Council or a Board of a Council may
                   by resolution at a meeting formally censure a Board member or
                   member of staff of the Council for misbehaviour.
             (3)   A formal censure resolution may be passed only if the Council or
                   Board is satisfied that the person has misbehaved on one or more
             (4)   The Council or Board must specify in the formal censure motion
                   the grounds on which it is satisfied that the person should be
    181C     Process for initiating suspension or other action (cf section 440H of
             Local Government Act 1993)
             (1)   The process for the suspension of, or taking action against, a
                   person is initiated by:
                   (a) a request made by the New South Wales Aboriginal Land
                         Council or Local Aboriginal Land Council or Board by
                         resolution communicated to the Registrar, in which the
                         Council or Board states its belief that grounds may exist
                         that warrant a councillor's or Board member's expulsion
                         or action being taken against a member of staff of the
                         Council concerned, or
                   (b) a request made by the Registrar to the Council or Board for
                         a report from the Council or Board in relation to a
                         councillor's or Board member's or member of staff's
                         alleged misbehaviour, or
                   (c) a report made by the Ombudsman in which the
                         Ombudsman states that the Ombudsman is satisfied that
                         grounds exist that warrant the councillor's or Board
                         member's suspension or action being taken against a
                         member of staff, or
                   (d) a report made by the Independent Commission Against
                         Corruption in which the Commission recommends that
                         consideration be given to suspending a councillor or Board
                         member or taking action against a member of staff under
                         this Division.

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             (2)    The Council or Board must make a report to the Registrar
                    requested under subsection (1) (b) before the date specified in the
                    Registrar's request or any later date allowed by the Registrar.
             (3)    This section authorises such requests and reports to be made, and
                    a reference in this section to a report made by the Independent
                    Commission Against Corruption or the Ombudsman is a
                    reference to a report made to the Registrar under the authority of
                    this subsection or under any other provisions of this or any other
             (4)    Nothing in this section affects any function under any other
                    provision of this or any other Act that authorises the making of a
                    report or recommendation concerning suspension of a councillor
                    or Board member or taking action against a member of staff.
    181D     Grounds on which a person may be suspended or action taken
              (cf section 440I of Local Government Act 1993)
             (1)    The grounds on which a councillor or Board member may be
                    suspended from office or action taken against a member of staff
                    under this Division are as follows:
                    (a) the person's behaviour has:
                           (i) been disruptive over a period, and
                          (ii) involved more than one incident of misbehaviour
                                 during that period,
                          and the pattern of behaviour during that period is of such a
                          sufficiently serious nature as to warrant the person's
                          suspension or the action being taken,
                    (b) the person's behaviour has involved one incident of
                          misbehaviour that is of such a nature as to warrant the
                          person's suspension or the action being taken.
             (2)    The process for the suspension of or taking other action against a
                    person cannot be initiated by a request made by an Aboriginal
                    Land Council or a Board unless:
                    (a) where subsection (1) (a) applies--the person has:
                           (i) on 2 or more occasions been formally censured for
                                incidents of misbehaviour that occurred during the
                                period concerned, or
                          (ii) in the case of a councillor or Board member--on at
                                least one occasion been expelled from a meeting of
                                the Council or Board for an incident of
                                misbehaviour during the period concerned, or

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                   (b)    where subsection (1) (b) applies--the person has:
                           (i) been formally censured for the incident of
                                misbehaviour concerned, or
                          (ii) in the case of a councillor or Board member--been
                                expelled from a meeting of the Council or Board for
                                the incident of misbehaviour concerned.
             (3)   Subsection (2) does not affect the Registrar's power to initiate the
                   process for the suspension of a person or to take action against a
                   member of staff.
             (4)   Furthermore, subsection (2) does not prevent the Registrar from
                   initiating the process for the suspension of a person as a result of
                   a request or report referred to in section 181C.
    181E     How requests and reports are to be dealt with (cf section 440J of
             Local Government Act 1993)
             (1)   The Registrar may conduct an investigation into any or all of the
                   matters raised by or connected with a request or report referred to
                   in section 181C or authorise an investigator referred to in section
                   216 to conduct such an investigation and to prepare a report into
                   those matters.
             (2)   The conduct of an investigation by the Registrar or the
                   preparation of a report by an investigator is a prerequisite to a
                   decision by the Registrar to suspend the councillor or Board
                   member from office or take action against a member of staff, but
                   is not necessary if the Independent Commission Against
                   Corruption or the Ombudsman states in a report that the
                   Commission or Ombudsman is satisfied that grounds exist that
                   warrant the person's suspension or action being taken.
    181F     Suspension by Registrar for misbehaviour (cf section 440K of Local
             Government Act 1993)
             (1)   The Registrar may by order in writing suspend a councillor or
                   Board member from office for a period not exceeding 3 months:
                   (a) if the Registrar has conducted an investigation or
                         considered an investigator's report into the matters
                         concerned and is satisfied that grounds exist that warrant
                         the person's suspension, or
                   (b) if the Independent Commission Against Corruption or the
                         Ombudsman states in a report that the Commission or
                         Ombudsman is satisfied that grounds exist that warrant the
                         councillor's or Board member's suspension.

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             (2)     A copy of the order must be served on the councillor or Board
             (3)     A councillor or Board member, while suspended from office
                     under this section:
                     (a) is not entitled to exercise any functions of the office, and
                     (b) is not entitled to any fee or other remuneration to which he
                           or she would otherwise be entitled as the holder of the
    181G     When suspension order takes effect (cf section 440L of Local
             Government Act 1993)
                     The period of suspension under an order made by the Registrar
                     commences on the date 7 days after the service of the order on the
                     councillor or Board member or the date specified in the order for
                     the commencement of the period of suspension, whichever is the
    181H     Appeals against suspension (cf section 440M of Local Government Act
             (1)     A councillor or Board member against whom an order of
                     suspension is made by the Registrar may appeal against the order
                     to the Pecuniary Interest and Disciplinary Tribunal.
             (2)     Such an appeal may not be made more than 28 days after the date
                     the order was served on the councillor.
             (3)     The Tribunal may stay the order of suspension until such time as
                     the Tribunal determines the appeal.
             (4)     The Tribunal may:
                     (a) confirm the order, or
                     (b) quash the order, or
                     (c) amend the order consistently with the powers of the
             (5)     If the order is quashed, any fee or other remuneration withheld is
                     payable to the councillor or Board member.
             (6)     If the order is amended, the order as amended has effect as if it
                     had been made in that form by the Registrar.
             (7)     The regulations may make provision for or with respect to the
                     making, hearing and determination of appeals under this section.

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     181I    Actions by Registrar against members of staff for misbehaviour
             (1)      The Registrar may take action under this section in relation to a
                      member of staff:
                      (a) if the Registrar has conducted an investigation or
                           considered an investigator's report into the matters
                           concerned and is satisfied that grounds exist that warrant
                           the action, or
                      (b) if the Independent Commission Against Corruption or the
                           Ombudsman states in a report that the Commission or
                           Ombudsman is satisfied that grounds exist that warrant the
                           taking of action.
             (2)      The Registrar may:
                      (a) counsel the member of staff, or
                      (b) reprimand the member of staff, or
                      (c) recommend that the Council take disciplinary action
                           against the member of staff (including counselling or
                           reprimanding the member of staff), or
                      (d) recommend dismissal of the member of staff.
    181J     Appeals against action against members of staff
             (1)      A member of staff against whom a decision is made by the
                      Registrar to take action may appeal against the decision to the
                      Pecuniary Interest and Disciplinary Tribunal.
             (2)      Such an appeal may not be made more than 28 days after the date
                      notice of the decision was served on the member of staff.
             (3)      The Tribunal may stay the decision until such time as the
                      Tribunal determines the appeal.
             (4)      The Tribunal may:
                      (a) confirm the decision, or
                      (b) quash the decision, or
                      (c) amend the decision consistently with the powers of the
             (5)      If the decision is amended, the decision as amended has effect as
                      if it had been made in that form by the Registrar.
             (6)      The regulations may make provision for or with respect to the
                      making, hearing and determination of appeals under this section.

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    181K     Referral of matters to Pecuniary Interest and Disciplinary Tribunal
             (cf section 440N of Local Government Act 1993)
             (1)    The Registrar may refer a matter that is the subject of a request or
                    report referred to in section 181C for consideration by the
                    Pecuniary Interest and Disciplinary Tribunal instead of
                    suspending the councillor or Board member or taking action
                    against the member of staff concerned under this Division.
             (2)    However, a matter that is the subject of a request by an
                    Aboriginal Land Council or Board may not be referred to the
                    Tribunal unless the councillor or Board member concerned has
                    previously been suspended or dealt with under this Division for
             (3)    The conduct of an investigation on the preparation and
                    consideration of an investigator's report is not a prerequisite to a
                    decision by the Registrar to refer a matter to the Tribunal, but the
                    Registrar may take into consideration any such investigation or
                    any investigator's report if one is prepared.
             (4)    A matter is referred to the Tribunal under this section by means
                    of a report presented to the Tribunal by the Registrar. A report
                    may contain or be accompanied by such material and
                    observations as the Registrar thinks fit.
             (5)    The regulations may make provision for or with respect to the
                    reference of matters to the Tribunal under this section.
    181L     Alternatives to suspension or referral to Pecuniary Interest and
             Disciplinary Tribunal (cf section 440O of Local Government Act 1993)
             (1)    The Registrar may, after conducting an investigation or
                    considering a request or report made under section 181C and any
                    relevant investigation or investigator's report prepared under
                    section 181E, decide to take no further action on the request or
                    report, whether or not an investigation or a report by an
                    investigator has been authorised, started or completed, if satisfied
                    that no further action is warranted.
             (2)    The Registrar may, at any time, exercise the power to issue a
                    compliance direction to a councillor or Board member or member
                    of staff under this Act.
             (3)    The Registrar may, instead of suspending a councillor or Board
                    member from office under this Division or taking action in
                    relation to a member of staff or referring the matter to the
                    Pecuniary Interest and Disciplinary Tribunal, refer the matter to
                    the Aboriginal Land Council or Board of a Local Aboriginal
                    Land Council with recommendations as to how the Council or

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                      Board might resolve the matter, by alternative dispute resolution
                      or otherwise.
   181M      Expenses to be borne by Aboriginal Land Councils (cf section 440P
             of Local Government Act 1993)
             (1)      The Registrar may recover the reasonable expenses incurred by
                      or in respect of the Registrar considering and dealing with a
                      request made under section 181C, including the expenses of any
                      investigation by the Registrar or an investigator and
                      investigator's report into the matters raised by or connected with
                      the request.
             (2)      The Registrar may make a determination of the amount of the
                      expenses referred to in subsection (1) and serve a notice requiring
                      the amount so determined to be paid in recovery of the
                      Registrar's expenses on:
                       (a) in the case of a councillor or a member of its staff--the
                            New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council, or
                      (b) in the case of a Board member or a member of its staff--
                            the Local Aboriginal Land Council.
             (3)      An amount equal to the expenses as so determined is payable to
                      the Registrar as a debt by the Council concerned, except as
                      determined by the Minister.
             (4)      The Council may apply to the Administrative Decisions Tribunal
                      for a review of whether any part of the expenses so determined
                      are not reasonable expenses.
             (5)      The Registrar must give effect to any decision of that Tribunal on
                      a review of the determination of the amount of the expenses.
             (6)      A reference in this section to expenses incurred includes a
                      reference to remuneration paid to the investigator.
    181N     Reasons to be given (cf section 440Q of Local Government Act 1993)
             (1)      The Registrar is required to prepare a written statement of
                      reasons for:
                       (a) imposing or deciding not to impose a period of suspension
                            or taking or deciding not to take action in relation to a
                            member of staff, or
                      (b) referring a matter to the Pecuniary Interest and
                            Disciplinary Tribunal.
             (2)      The statement of reasons is to be provided to the councillor,
                      Board member or member of staff concerned.

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       181O   Other proceedings or actions not affected
                     Nothing in this Division affects or limits any proceedings or other
                     action that may be taken in respect of a councillor, Board member
                     or member of staff.
[86]    Part 10, Division 5, Subdivisions 1 and 2, headings
        Omit the headings.
[87]    Part 10, Division 6, heading
        Insert after section 197:

        Division 6           Proceedings before the Pecuniary Interest
                             and Disciplinary Tribunal

        Subdivision 1          Proceedings relating to pecuniary interest
[88]    Part 10, Division 6, Subdivision 2
        Insert after section 199:

        Subdivision 2          Proceedings relating to misbehaviour
       199A   Pecuniary Interest and Disciplinary Tribunal to decide whether or
              not to conduct proceedings into a referred matter relating to
              misbehaviour (cf section 470A of Local Government Act 1993)
               (1)   After considering a report presented to it under section 181K in
                     relation to a referred matter, the Pecuniary Interest and
                     Disciplinary Tribunal may decide to conduct proceedings into the
               (2)   If the Pecuniary Interest and Disciplinary Tribunal decides not to
                     conduct proceedings into a referred matter, it must provide a
                     written statement of its decision, and the reasons for its decision:
                      (a) to the person to whom the report relates, and
                     (b) to the Council or Board concerned, and
                      (c) to the Registrar.
               (3)   To avoid doubt, a decision by the Pecuniary Interest and
                     Disciplinary Tribunal not to conduct proceedings is not a
                     decision to which section 213 or 214 applies.
               (4)   The Registrar is to be a party to any proceedings conducted by the
                     Pecuniary Interest and Disciplinary Tribunal into a referred

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Schedule 1        Amendment of Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983

       199B   Circumstances in which Pecuniary Interest and Disciplinary
              Tribunal may dispense with hearing (cf section 470B of Local
              Government Act 1993)
               (1)   After considering a report presented to it under section 181K and
                     any other document or other material lodged with or provided to
                     the Tribunal in relation to the report, the Pecuniary Interest and
                     Disciplinary Tribunal may determine the proceedings without a
                     hearing if:
                      (a) the Registrar and the person to whom the report relates
                            have agreed that the proceedings may be determined
                            without a hearing, and
                     (b) there are no material facts in dispute between the Registrar
                            and person, and
                      (c) in the opinion of the Tribunal, public interest
                            considerations do not require a hearing.
               (2)   To avoid doubt, a decision by the Pecuniary Interest and
                     Disciplinary Tribunal to determine proceedings in a referred
                     matter without a hearing is not a decision to which section 213 or
                     214 applies.
                     Note. Section 213 requires the Pecuniary Interest and Disciplinary
                     Tribunal to inform certain parties of decisions in proceedings before it.

        Subdivision 3          General provisions
[89]    Section 209 Release of information
        Insert "in the case of a complaint--" before "direct" in section 209 (1) (b).
[90]    Section 209 (1) (c)
        Insert at the end of section 209 (1) (b):
                             , or
                       (c) in the case of proceedings in relation to a matter referred to
                             the Tribunal under section 181K--direct that all or any of
                             the following matters are not to be published:
                              (i) the name and address of any witness,
                             (ii) the name and address of the person to whom the
                                    referred matter relates,
                            (iii) any specified evidence,
                            (iv) the subject-matter of the referred matter.
[91]    Section 209 (3) (b)
        Insert ", or the person to whom the referred matter relates" after "made".

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[92]    Section 211 Decision of Pecuniary Interest and Disciplinary Tribunal--
        interest matters
        Omit "holding office in an Aboriginal Land Council" from section 211 (1) (d).
        Insert instead "holding office as a councillor or a Board member".
[93]    Section 211A
        Insert after section 211:
       211A   Decision of Pecuniary Interest and Disciplinary Tribunal--
              misbehaviour matters
               (1)   This section applies where a matter has been referred to the
                     Pecuniary Interest and Disciplinary Tribunal under section 181K.
               (2)   The Tribunal may, if it finds that the behaviour concerned of a
                     councillor or Board member warrants action under this section:
                     (a) counsel the councillor or Board member, or
                     (b) reprimand the councillor or Board member, or
                     (c) suspend the councillor or Board member from office for a
                           period not exceeding 6 months, or
                     (d) if the referral relates to a councillor who is an officer of the
                           New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council, remove the
                           councillor from that office, or
                     (e) disqualify the councillor or Board member from holding
                           office as a councillor or Board member for a period not
                           exceeding 5 years.
               (3)   The Tribunal may, if it finds that the behaviour concerned of a
                     member of staff of an Aboriginal Land Council warrants action
                     under this section:
                     (a) counsel the member of staff, or
                     (b) reprimand the member of staff, or
                     (c) recommend that the Council take specified disciplinary
                           action against the member of staff (including counselling
                           or reprimanding the member of staff), or
                     (d) recommend the dismissal of the member of staff, or
                     (e) disqualify the member of staff from holding office in an
                           Aboriginal Land Council for a period not exceeding
                           5 years.
               (4)   In this section, member of staff has the same meaning as it has in
                     Division 3A.

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 [94]    Section 213 Pecuniary Interest and Disciplinary Tribunal to provide
         details of its decisions
         Insert "(or to the relevant Aboriginal Land Council in the case of a matter that
         has been referred to the Tribunal under section 181K)" after "initial
         complaint" in section 213 (1).
 [95]    Section 214 Appeals to Supreme Court
         Insert ", other than a decision of the Tribunal determining an appeal to the
         Tribunal under section 181H," after "proceeding" where secondly occurring
         in section 214 (1).
 [96]    Section 216 Appointment of investigator into Aboriginal Land Councils
         Omit "or Regional" wherever occurring in section 216 (2) and (5).
 [97]    Section 216 (2)
         Insert "or on the recommendation of the Registrar with the approval of that
         Council" after "New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council".
 [98]    Section 220 Minister may extend term of office of investigator
         Omit "or Regional" from section 220 (2).
 [99]    Section 221 Minister may remove an investigator
         Omit "or Regional" from section 221 (2).
[100]    Section 221A
         Insert after section 221:
        221A   Provision of information to Registrar and New South Wales
               Aboriginal Land Council
                (1)   The Chairperson of an Aboriginal Land Council and any other
                      person who has possession or control of any records of the
                      Council must, if required to do so by the Registrar, provide the
                      Registrar with:
                      (a) access to such of the records as relate to the operations of
                            the Council requested by the Registrar, and
                      (b) information that the Chairperson or other person is able to
                            give in relation to those records and operations, and
                      (c) authorities or orders on bankers and others that relate to
                            those records or operations and that the Chairperson or
                            other person is able to provide.
                      Maximum penalty (subsection (1)): 10 penalty units.

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              (2)    The Chairperson of a Local Aboriginal Land Council and any
                     other person who has possession or control of any records of the
                     Council of the Council must, if required to do so by the New
                     South Wales Aboriginal Land Council, provide the Council with:
                     (a) access to such of the records as relate to the operations of
                            the Local Aboriginal Land Council requested by the New
                            South Wales Aboriginal Land Council, and
                     (b) information that the Chairperson or other person is able to
                            give in relation to those records and operations, and
                     (c) authorities or orders on bankers and others that relate to
                            those records or operations and that the Chairperson or
                            other person is able to provide.
                     Maximum penalty (subsection (2)): 10 penalty units.
              (3)    If a record:
                      (a) is not in writing, or
                     (b) is not written in the English language, or
                      (c) is not decipherable on sight,
                     a requirement to provide access to the record is not complied with
                     unless access is provided to a statement, written in the English
                     language and decipherable on sight, that contains all the
                     information in the record.
[101]   Section 222 Administrators--Local Aboriginal Land Councils
        Omit "or Regional" from section 222 (1).
[102]   Section 222 (1) (d)
        Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                     (d) if the Minister is of the opinion, on the receipt of a report
                          by an investigator appointed in accordance with Division
                          1, or otherwise, that the funds or other property of the
                          Council have not been properly applied or managed, or
[103]   Section 222 (4)
        Omit the subsection. Insert instead:
              (4)    The administrator has, during the period of his or her
                     appointment, to the exclusion of the Council:
                     (a) all, or such part as is specified in the administrator's
                           instrument of appointment, of the functions of the Board of
                           the Council conferred or imposed by or under this Act, and

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                       (b)   the functions of the Council and the members of the
                             Council exercised by resolution of the members of the
                             Council that are prescribed by the regulations (except as
                             provided by the administrator's instrument of
[104]    Section 222 (5)
         Omit "or Regional".
[105]    Section 222 (7)
         Insert after section 222 (6):
                (7)   Without limiting subsection (6), the regulations may:
                      (a) specify functions that the administrator must not exercise,
                           except on a resolution of members of the Council, and
                      (b) specify functions of the Board of the Council that the
                           administrator must not exercise, except on a resolution of
                           members of the Council.
[106]    Sections 223A and 223B
         Insert after section 223:
        223A   Notice of appointment of administrator
                (1)   The Minister may, before appointing an administrator of an
                      Aboriginal Land Council under this Division, give not less than
                      14 days notice in writing of the appointment to:
                      (a) in the case of a Local Aboriginal Land Council--each
                            Board member and the New South Wales Aboriginal Land
                            Council, and
                      (b) in the case of the New South Wales Aboriginal Land
                            Council--each councillor.
                (2)   The Minister must, before appointing an administrator, take into
                      account any written representations received from any person or
                      body to whom notice was given under this section.
        223B   Interim actions pending appointment of administrator
                (1)   The Minister may, by notice in writing to an Aboriginal Land
                      Council, take any of the following actions, pending the
                      appointment of an administrator of the Council:
                      (a) prohibit the Council from exercising certain specified
                            functions or taking specified actions, except with the
                            approval of the Minister, for a specified period,

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                      (b)   appoint a person to act as an interim administrator of the
                            Council, with specified functions, for a specified period
                            (not exceeding 3 months).
               (2)    A notice under this section ceases to have effect if an
                      administrator is appointed under this Division or if the Minister
                      decides not to appoint an administrator under this Division.
               (3)    The Minister must notify the Aboriginal Land Council in writing
                      if the Minister decides not to appoint an administrator.
               (4)    The Minister may revoke or vary a notice given under this
               (5)    An Aboriginal Land Council must not fail to comply with a
                      notice given under this section.
[107]   Section 225 Certain persons ineligible to be administrators
        Omit section 225 (b). Insert instead:
                     (b) a Board member,
[108]   Section 226 Removal of office holders on appointment of administrator
        Omit "or Regional Aboriginal Land Council, the officers of the Council" from
        section 226 (1).
        Insert instead "Aboriginal Land Council, the Board members of the Council".
[109]   Section 226
        Omit "at the time and in the manner specified by the regulations" wherever
        Insert instead ", in the manner specified by the regulations, so as to enable
        vacancies to be filled at the conclusion of the administrator's term of office".
[110]   Section 229 Administrator to report monthly
        Omit "or Regional" from section 229 (1) wherever occurring.
[111]   Section 231 Minister may extend term of office of administrator
        Omit "or Regional" from section 231 (2).
[112]   Section 231 (3)
        Insert after section 231 (2):
               (3)    The Minister may, by further instrument of appointment, vary the
                      functions of the Council that may be exercised by an
                      administrator during the extension of the administrator's term of

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[113]   Section 232 Minister may remove administrator
        Omit "or Regional" from section 232 (2).
[114]   Part 11, Division 3, heading
        Omit "dissolution of Aboriginal Land Councils".
        Insert instead "assistance to Local Aboriginal Land Councils".
[115]   Section 234
        Omit the section. Insert instead:
        234   Appointment of advisors
               (1)    The Minister may, on the recommendation of the New South
                      Wales Aboriginal Land Council or the Registrar, appoint an
                      advisor to the Board of a Local Aboriginal Land Council, if the
                      Minister is of the opinion that the Council is in danger of failing.
               (2)    An advisor is to be appointed from a list of persons jointly
                      prepared by the Director-General and the New South Wales
                      Aboriginal Land Council.
               (3)    Notice of the appointment of an advisor is to be published in the
               (4)    An advisor is to be appointed for a term specified by the Minister
                      in the advisor's instrument of appointment.
               (5)    An advisor has, subject to any limitations specified in the
                      advisor's instrument of appointment, the following functions:
                      (a) to advise and assist the Board of the Local Aboriginal Land
                            Council and the Council in the exercise of their functions,
                      (b) to report to the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council
                            and the Minister, when requested to do so by that Council
                            or the Minister or at the advisor's discretion, as to the
                            operations of the Local Aboriginal Land Council.
               (6)    The appointment of an advisor ceases to have effect if an
                      administrator is appointed for the Local Aboriginal Land
[116]   Section 238 Application of Part
        Omit "administration of an Aboriginal Land Council" from section 238 (1).
        Insert instead "operation of this Act or the regulations".

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[117]    Section 238 (2) (a)
         Insert "or the regulations" after "this Act".
[118]    Section 238 (2) (b)
         Insert "or the regulations" after "Part 12)".
[119]    Section 238, note
         Omit the note.
[120]    Section 242 Exclusion of personal liability
         Omit "Local or Regional Aboriginal Land Council" from section 242 (1) (b).
         Insert instead "Local Aboriginal Land Council or Board member or chief
         executive officer of a Local Aboriginal Land Council".
[121]    Section 242 (1) (b1) and (b2)
         Insert after section 242 (1) (b):
                      (b1) a member of an advisory committee,
                      (b2) an advisor to a Local Aboriginal Land Council,
[122]    Section 242 (1)
         Insert "advisor," after "member,".
[123]    Section 246 Proof of certain matters not required
         Omit "member of a Local or Regional Aboriginal Land Council" from section
         246 (c).
         Insert instead "Board member".
[124]    Section 246 (d)
         Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                      (d) the holding of office by a person as an officer of the New
                           South Wales Aboriginal Land Council or as the
                           Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson of a Board, or
[125]    Section 249A
         Insert after section 249:
        249A   Offences by corporations
                (1)   If a corporation contravenes, whether by act or omission, any
                      provision of this Act or the regulations, each person who is a
                      director of the corporation or who is concerned in the

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                     management of the corporation is taken to have contravened the
                     same provision if the person knowingly authorised or permitted
                     the contravention.
               (2)   A person may be proceeded against and convicted under a
                     provision pursuant to subsection (1) whether or not the
                     corporation has been proceeded against or has been convicted
                     under the provision.
               (3)   Nothing in this section affects any liability imposed on a
                     corporation for an offence committed by the corporation under
                     this Act or the regulations.
[126]   Section 250 Establishment of new Local Aboriginal Land Councils
        Omit "Council" from section 250 (1) (c). Insert instead "Board".
[127]   Section 250 (1) (d)
        Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                     (d) at the first meeting of the Council, the members are to elect
                          the Board of the Council.
[128]   Section 250 (2) (a) (ii)
        Omit the subparagraph. Insert instead:
                          (ii) have a sufficient association with that area or are
                                 Aboriginal owners of land in that area, and
[129]   Section 251 Establishment of new Regional Aboriginal Land Councils
        Omit the section.
[130]   Section 252 Regulations
        Omit "and Regional Aboriginal Land Council areas" from section 252 (2) (a).
[131]   Section 252 (2) (b)-(e)
        Omit the paragraphs.
[132]   Section 252 (2) (g)
        Omit the paragraph.
[133]   Section 252 (3)
        Omit "subsection (2) (a) or (b) may apply to the matters referred to in those
        Insert instead "subsection (2) (a) may apply to the matters referred to in that

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[134]    Section 252 (3)
         Omit "or Regional Aboriginal Land Council areas".
[135]    Section 252A
         Insert after section 252:
        252A   Review of Act
                (1)   The Minister is to review this Act to determine whether the policy
                      objectives of the Act remain valid and whether the terms of the
                      Act remain appropriate for securing those objectives.
                (2)   The review is to be undertaken as soon as possible after the period
                      of 5 years from the date of assent to the Aboriginal Land Rights
                      Amendment Act 2006 and as soon as possible after the end of
                      every period of 5 years thereafter.
                (3)   A report on the outcome of a review is to be tabled in each House
                      of Parliament within 12 months after the end of the period of 5
[136]    Schedule 3
         Insert after Schedule 2:

         Schedule 3             Procedure of Boards and Councils
                                                        (Sections 52H, 61 (3) and 120 (7))

         Part 1       Procedure of Local Aboriginal Land
           1   Frequency of meetings
                (1)   Subject to subclause (2), a Local Aboriginal Land Council is to
                      hold meetings at such time as the Board of the Council
                (2)   A Council must:
                      (a) hold not less than 3 ordinary meetings a year, at intervals
                           of not more than 4 calendar months, and
                      (b) hold annual meetings at the times, or within the periods,
                           prescribed by the regulations.

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          2   General procedure
                    The procedure for the calling of meetings of a Local Aboriginal
                    Land Council and for the conduct of business at those meetings
                    is, subject to this Act and the regulations, to be as determined by
                    the Council.
          3   Quorum
                    The quorum for a meeting of a Local Aboriginal Land Council is
                    10 per cent of the total number of voting members of the Council.
          4   Presiding member
              (1)   The Chairperson of the Board (or, in the absence of the
                    Chairperson, the Deputy Chairperson of the Board, or in the
                    absence of both the Chairperson and the Deputy Chairperson, a
                    person elected by the members of the Local Aboriginal Land
                    Council who are present at a meeting of the Council) is to preside
                    at a meeting of the Council.
              (2)   The presiding member has a deliberative vote and, in the event of
                    an equality of votes, has a second or casting vote.
              (3)   If an administrator is appointed to the Council, the administrator
                    is to preside at meetings of the Council.
          5   Voting
              (1)   A decision supported by a majority of the votes cast at a meeting
                    of a Local Aboriginal Land Council at which a quorum is present
                    is the decision of the Council.
              (2)   The attendance of each person who is a voting member at a
                    meeting of the Council is to be recorded on the membership roll.
          6   Minutes
              (1)   The Local Aboriginal Land Council must cause minutes to be
                    kept of the proceedings of each meeting of the Council.
              (2)   The minutes are to include a record of the following:
                    (a) motions put to the meeting,
                    (b) amendments to such motions,
                    (c) the names of the movers and seconders of those motions
                         and amendments,
                    (d) the resolutions passed by the meeting.

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      Part 2        Procedure of Boards of Local Aboriginal
                    Land Councils
        1    Frequency of meetings
             (1)    A Board must meet at intervals not longer than every 2 calendar
             (2)    The Chairperson may, at the request of a majority of the members
                    of the Board, call a meeting of the Board at any time.
        2    General procedure
                    The procedure for the calling of meetings of the Board and for the
                    conduct of business at those meetings is, subject to this Act and
                    the regulations, to be as determined by the Board.
        3    Quorum
                    The quorum for a meeting of the Board is a majority of its
                    members for the time being.
        4    Presiding member
             (1)    The Chairperson (or, in the absence of the Chairperson, the
                    Deputy Chairperson, or in the absence of both the Chairperson
                    and the Deputy Chairperson, a person elected by the members of
                    the Board who are present at a meeting of the Board) is to preside
                    at a meeting of the Board.
             (2)    The presiding member has a deliberative vote and, in the event of
                    an equality of votes, has a second or casting vote.
        5    Voting
                    A decision supported by a majority of the votes cast at a meeting
                    of the Board at which a quorum is present is the decision of the
        6    Transaction of business by telephone
             (1)    The Board may, if it thinks fit, transact any of its business at a
                    meeting at which members (or some members) participate by
                    telephone, closed-circuit television or other means, but only if
                    any member who speaks on a matter before the meeting can be
                    heard by the other members.
             (2)    For the purposes of a meeting held in accordance with
                    subclause (1), the presiding member and each Board member
                    have the same voting rights as they have at an ordinary meeting
                    of the Board.

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              (3)   A resolution approved under subclause (1) is, subject to the
                    regulations, to be recorded in the minutes of the meetings of the
              (4)   Papers may be circulated among the Board members for the
                    purposes of subclause (1) by facsimile or other transmission of
                    the information in the papers concerned.
          7   Authentication of documents
                    Any document requiring authentication by the Board is
                    sufficiently authenticated if it is signed by:
                    (a) the Board member who presided at the meeting that dealt
                           with the proceedings with respect to which the document
                           was prepared, or
                    (b) in the absence of that Board member, any other member
                           who was present at that meeting.
          8   First meeting
                    The chief executive officer of the Council or, if there is no chief
                    executive officer, the Registrar may call the first meeting of the
                    Board in such manner as he or she thinks fit.
          9   Minutes
              (1)   The Board must cause minutes to be kept of the proceedings of
                    each meeting of the Board.
              (2)   The minutes are to include a record of the following:
                    (a) motions put to the meeting,
                    (b) amendments to such motions,
                    (c) the names of the movers and seconders of those motions
                         and amendments,
                    (d) the resolutions passed by the meeting.

      Part 3        Procedure of New South Wales Aboriginal
                    Land Council
          1   Frequency of meetings
              (1)   The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council is to hold its first
                    meeting after each election of all councillors in accordance with
                    the regulations at a time (being a time as soon as practicable after
                    the election) and place arranged by the Registrar.

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             (2)    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council must hold
                    ordinary meetings at least once every 3 calendar months.
             (3)    The Chairperson must call an extraordinary meeting of the
                    Council if requested to do so by a majority of the councillors for
                    the time being.
             (4)    The Chairperson may call an extraordinary meeting of the
                    Council at any time.
        2    General procedure
                    The procedure for the calling of meetings of the New South
                    Wales Aboriginal Land Council and for the conduct of business
                    at those meetings is, subject to this Act and the regulations, to be
                    as determined by the Council.
        3    Quorum
                    The quorum for a meeting of the New South Wales Aboriginal
                    Land Council is a majority of the councillors constituting the
                    Council for the time being.
        4    Presiding member
             (1)    The Chairperson of the New South Wales Aboriginal Land
                    Council (or, in the absence of the Chairperson or Deputy
                    Chairperson, a person elected by the members of the Council who
                    are present at a meeting of the Council) is to preside at a meeting
                    of the Council.
             (2)    The presiding member has a deliberative vote and, in the event of
                    an equality of votes, has a second or casting vote.
             (3)    If an administrator is appointed to the Council, the administrator
                    is to preside at meetings of the Council.
        5    Voting
                    A decision supported by a majority of the votes cast at a meeting
                    of the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council at which a
                    quorum is present is the decision of the Council.
        6    Minutes
             (1)    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council must cause
                    minutes to be kept of the proceedings of each meeting of the
             (2)    The minutes are to include a record of the following:
                    (a) motions put to the meeting,

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                     (b)     amendments to such motions,
                     (c)     the names of the movers and seconders of those motions
                             and amendments,
                     (d)     the resolutions passed by the meeting.
[137]   Schedule 3A
        Insert before Schedule 4:

        Schedule 3A            Transfer of assets, rights and
                                                                          (Section 89 (6))
           1   Definitions
                     In this Schedule:
                     assets means any legal or equitable estate or interest (whether
                     present or future and whether vested or contingent) in real or
                     personal property of any description (including money), and
                     includes securities, choses in action and documents.
                     instrument means an instrument (other than this Act) that
                     creates, modifies or extinguishes rights or liabilities (or would do
                     so if lodged, filed or registered in accordance with any law), and
                     includes any judgment, order or process of a court.
                     liabilities means any liabilities, debts or obligations (whether
                     present or future and whether vested or contingent).
                     transfer order means an order made under section 89.
           2   Vesting of undertaking in transferee
                     When any assets, rights or liabilities are transferred by a transfer
                     order, the following provisions have effect (subject to the order):
                     (a) those assets of the transferor vest in the transferee by virtue
                            of this Schedule and without the need for any conveyance,
                            transfer, assignment or assurance,
                     (b) those rights and liabilities of the transferor become by
                            virtue of this Schedule the rights and liabilities of the
                     (c) all proceedings relating to those assets, rights or liabilities
                            commenced before the transfer by or against the transferor
                            or a predecessor of the transferor and pending immediately
                            before the transfer are taken to be proceedings pending by
                            or against the transferee,

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                    (d)   any act, matter or thing done or omitted to be done in
                          relation to those assets, rights or liabilities before the
                          transfer by, to or in respect of the transferor is (to the extent
                          that that act, matter or thing has any force or effect) taken
                          to have been done or omitted by, to or in respect of the
                    (e)   a reference in any Act, in any instrument made under any
                          Act or in any document of any kind to the transferor or a
                          predecessor of the transferor is (to the extent that it relates
                          to those assets, rights or liabilities but subject to
                          regulations or other provisions under Schedule 4), to be
                          read as, or as including, a reference to the transferee.
        3    Operation of Schedule
             (1)    The operation of this Schedule is not to be regarded:
                    (a) as a breach of contract or confidence or otherwise as a civil
                          wrong, or
                    (b) as a breach of any contractual provision prohibiting,
                          restricting or regulating the assignment or transfer of
                          assets, rights or liabilities, or
                    (c) as giving rise to any remedy by a party to an instrument, or
                          as causing or permitting the termination of any instrument,
                          because of a change in the beneficial or legal ownership of
                          any asset, right or liability.
             (2)    The operation of this Schedule is not to be regarded as an event
                    of default under any contract or other instrument.
             (3)    No attornment to the transferee by a lessee from the transferor is
             (4)    The operation of this Schedule includes the making of a transfer
        4    Date of vesting
                    A transfer order takes effect on the date specified in the order.
        5    Consideration for vesting
             (1)    A transfer order may specify the consideration on which the order
                    is made and the value or values at which the assets, rights or
                    liabilities are transferred.
             (2)    The consideration and value or values cannot exceed the
                    optimised deprival value of those assets, rights or liabilities.

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               (3)   In this clause, optimised deprival value means a value
                     determined by the application of the Guidelines on Accounting
                     Policy for Valuation of Government Trading Enterprises
                     prepared by the Steering Committee on National Performance
                     Monitoring of Government Trading Enterprises, agreed on by the
                     Commonwealth and States and published in October 1994.
           6   Duties
                     Duty under the Duties Act 1997 is not chargeable in respect of:
                     (a) the transfer of assets, rights and liabilities to a person by a
                           transfer order, or
                     (b) anything certified by the Minister as having been done in
                           consequence of such a transfer (for example, the transfer or
                           registration of an interest in land).
           7   Transfer of interest in land
               (1)   A transfer order may transfer an interest in respect of land vested
                     in the transferor without transferring the whole of the interests of
                     the transferor in that land.
               (2)   If the interest transferred is not a separate interest, the order
                     operates to create the interest transferred in such terms as are
                     specified in the order.
               (3)   This clause does not limit any other provision of this Schedule.
           8   Determinations of Minister for purposes of orders
                     For the purposes of any transfer order, a determination by the
                     Minister as to which entity to which any assets, rights or
                     liabilities relate is conclusive.
           9   Confirmation of vesting
               (1)   The Minister may, by notice in writing, confirm a transfer of
                     particular assets, rights and liabilities by operation of this
               (2)   Such a notice is conclusive evidence of that transfer.
[138]   Schedule 4 Savings, transitional and other provisions
        Insert at the end of clause 1A (1):
                      Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment Act 2006

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 Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment Bill 2006

 Amendment of Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983                             Schedule 1

[139]   Schedule 4, Part 7
        Insert after Part 6:

        Part 7        Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment Act
        40     Definition
                      In this Part:
                      amending Act means the Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment Act
        41     Existing officers of Local Aboriginal Land Councils
               (1)    A person who was an officer of a Local Aboriginal Land Council
                      immediately before the commencement of Division 3 of Part 5 of
                      the Act, as inserted by the amending Act, ceases to hold office on
                      that commencement.
               (2)    An officer of a Local Aboriginal Land Council is not entitled to
                      any remuneration or compensation because of the loss of office.
               (3)    Nothing in this clause prevents a former officer of a Local
                      Aboriginal Land Council from seeking election as a Board
        42     First elections of Boards of Local Aboriginal Land Councils
               (1)    For the purpose of enabling Boards of Local Aboriginal Land
                      Councils to be constituted on or after the commencement of
                      Division 3 of Part 5 of the Act, as inserted by the amending Act,
                      regulations may be made, elections for Board members may be
                      held and any other act, matter or thing may be done before that
                      commencement as if the whole of the amending Act, and any
                      regulations relating to the elections, commenced on the date of
                      assent to that Act.
               (2)    If elections for Board members are not held in accordance with
                      this Act, as amended by the amending Act, before the term of
                      office of the current officers of the Local Aboriginal Land
                      Council, or of an administrator of the Council, expires, the term
                      of office of the officers or administrator, as the case may be, is
                      extended until the Board members are elected.
               (3)    Nothing in this clause prevents the appointment of an
                      administrator from being revoked in accordance with this Act or
                      an administrator from being appointed for a Council.

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               Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment Bill 2006

Schedule 1     Amendment of Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983

      43     First meetings
             (1)   For the purpose of enabling councillors to be elected on or after
                   the commencement of Part 6 of the Act, as inserted by the
                   amending Act, regulations may be made, elections for
                   councillors may be held and any other act, matter or thing may be
                   done before that commencement as if the whole of the amending
                   Act, and any regulations relating to the elections, commenced on
                   the date of assent to that Act.
             (2)   If elections for councillors are not held in accordance with this
                   Act, as amended by the amending Act, before the term of office
                   of the administrator of the New South Wales Aboriginal Land
                   Council expires, the term of office of the administrator is
                   extended until the councillors are elected.
             (3)   Nothing in this clause prevents the appointment of the
                   administrator from being revoked in accordance with this Act.
      44     Regional Aboriginal Land Councils
             (1)   A Regional Aboriginal Land Council constituted under this Act
                   immediately before the commencement of Part 6, as inserted by
                   the amending Act, ceases to exist on that commencement and the
                   officers of the Council cease to hold office.
             (2)   An officer of the Council is not entitled to any remuneration or
                   compensation because of the loss of the office.
      45     Existing social housing
             (1)   This clause applies to residential accommodation provided by
                   Local Aboriginal Land Councils to Aboriginal persons that was
                   provided immediately before the commencement of this clause
                   (an existing social housing scheme).
             (2)   A Local Aboriginal Land Council must not operate an existing
                   social housing scheme, after 18 months after the commencement
                   of this clause, except in accordance with an approval of the New
                   South Wales Aboriginal Land Council.
             (3)   The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council must not
                   approve an existing social housing scheme unless it is satisfied
                    (a) the scheme complies with this Act and the regulations, and
                   (b) the scheme is consistent with any applicable policy of the
                         New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council, and

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Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment Bill 2006

Amendment of Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983                           Schedule 1

                    (c)   the scheme is consistent with the community, land and
                          business plan (if any) of the Local Aboriginal Land
                          Council, and
                    (d)   the scheme is fair and equitable and will be administered
                          in a responsible and transparent way, and
                    (e)   the income (including any subsidies and grants) from the
                          existing social housing scheme is or will be sufficient to
                          meet all the expenses of the scheme, including long term
                          maintenance requirements, and
                    (f)   it has considered the impact of the scheme on the overall
                          financial position of the Local Aboriginal Land Council.
             (4)    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council may impose
                    conditions on an approval under this clause.
             (5)    Without limiting subclause (4), the New South Wales Aboriginal
                    Land Council may make it a condition of an approval under this
                    clause that the Local Aboriginal Land Council operate the
                    existing social housing scheme by using the services of another
                    body or agency, or with the assistance of another body or agency,
                    approved by the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council.
             (6)    A Local Aboriginal Land Council that fails to obtain the approval
                    of the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council to operate an
                    existing social housing scheme under this clause may, with the
                    approval of that Council, enter into an agreement or other
                    arrangement with another body or agency for that body or agency
                    to operate the existing social housing scheme.
       46    Other existing community benefits
             (1)    This section applies to a community benefits scheme (other than
                    an existing social housing scheme) under which community
                    benefits were provided by Local Aboriginal Land Councils to
                    Aboriginal persons immediately before the commencement of
                    this clause (an existing community benefits scheme).
             (2)    A Local Aboriginal Land Council may continue to operate an
                    existing community benefits scheme despite any other provision
                    of this Act.
             (3)    The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council may review an
                    existing community benefits scheme, to determine whether or
                    (a) it is fair and equitable and is administered in a responsible
                           and transparent way, or

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               Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment Bill 2006

Schedule 1     Amendment of Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983

                   (b)   it is likely to prevent the Local Aboriginal Land Council
                         from being able to meet its debts as and when they fall due.
             (4)   On a review, the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council may
                   impose conditions on the provision of an existing community
                   benefits scheme by a Local Aboriginal Land Council.
             (5)   Any such condition is to be consistent with any applicable policy
                   of the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council.
             (6)   A Local Aboriginal Land Council must comply with any
                   conditions imposed on it after a review under this clause.
      47     Preparation of community, land and business plans
             (1)   Despite any other provision of this Act, a Local Aboriginal Land
                   Council is to prepare and adopt a community, land and business
                   plan, in accordance with this Act, not later than 18 months after
                   the commencement of Division 6 of Part 5.
             (2)   The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council may extend the
                   period within which a Local Aboriginal Land Council is to
                   prepare and adopt a plan, and may waive the requirement wholly
                   or partially in an appropriate case.
             (3)   Despite any other provision of this Act, the New South Wales
                   Aboriginal Land Council is to prepare and adopt a community,
                   land and business plan, in accordance with this Act, not later than
                   18 months after the commencement of Division 5 of Part 7.
             (4)   The Minister may extend the period within which the New South
                   Wales Aboriginal Land Council is to prepare and adopt a plan.
      48     References to Aboriginal Land Councils Pecuniary Interest
                   A reference in any Act, instrument or other document to the
                   Aboriginal Land Councils Pecuniary Interest Tribunal is taken to
                   be a reference to the Aboriginal Land Councils Pecuniary Interest
                   and Disciplinary Tribunal.

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 Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment Bill 2006

 Amendment of Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983                         Schedule 1

[140]   Schedule 5
        Insert after Schedule 4:

        Schedule 5             Regions
                                                                     (Section 93 (1))
        Central Region
                     The Central Region consists of the following Local Aboriginal
                     Land Council areas:
                     Dubbo, Gilgandra, Mudgee, Narromine, Nyngan, Quambone,
                     Trangie, Warren Macquarie, Weilwan, Wellington.
        Central Coast Region
                     The Central Coast Region consists of the following Local
                     Aboriginal Land Council areas:
                     Birpai, Bowraville, Bunyah, Coffs Harbour, Forster, Karuah,
                     Kempsey, Nambucca, Purfleet/Taree, Stuart Island Tribal Elders
                     Descendants, Thunggutti, Unkya.
        Northern Region
                     The Northern Region consists of the following Local Aboriginal
                     Land Council areas:
                     Amaroo, Anaiwan, Armidale, Ashford, Coonabarabran, Dorrigo
                     Plateau, Glen Innes, Guyra, Moombahlene, Nungaroo, Red
                     Chief, Tamworth, Walhallow, Wanaruah.
        North Coast Region
                     The North Coast Region consists of the following Local
                     Aboriginal Land Council areas:
                     Baryugil, Birrigan Gargle, Bogal, Casino, Grafton-Ngerrie,
                     Gugin Gudduba, Jali, Jana Ngalee, Jubullum, Muli Muli,
                     Ngulingah, Tweed Byron, Yaegl.
        North Western Region
                     The North Western Region consists of the following Local
                     Aboriginal Land Council areas:
                     Baradine, Brewarrina, Collarenabri, Coonamble, Goodooga,
                     Lightning Ridge, Moree, Mungindi, Murrawari, Narrabri, Nulla
                     Nulla, Pilliga, Toomelah, Walgett, Wee Waa, Weilmoringle.

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              Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment Bill 2006

Schedule 1    Amendment of Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983

      South Coast Region
                 The South Coast Region consists of the following Local
                 Aboriginal Land Council areas:
                 Batemans Bay, Bega, Bodalla, Cobowra, Eden, Illawarra,
                 Jerrinja, Merrimans, Mogo, Ngunnawal, Nowra, Ulladulla,
      Sydney and Newcastle Region
                 The Sydney and Newcastle Region consists of the following
                 Local Aboriginal Land Council areas:
                 Awabakal, Bahtaba, Darkingjung, Deerubbin, Gandangara,
                 Koompahtoo, La Perouse, Metropolitan, Mindaribba, Tharawal,
      Western Region
                 The Western Region consists of the following Local Aboriginal
                 Land Council areas:
                 Balranald, Broken Hill, Cobar, Dareton, Ivanhoe, Menindee,
                 Mutawintji, Tibooburra, Wanaaring, Wilcannia, Winbar.
      Wiradjuri Region
                 The Wiradjuri Region consists of the following Local Aboriginal
                 Land Council areas:
                 Albury and District, Bathurst, Brungle/Tumut, Condobolin,
                 Cowra, Cummergunja, Deniliquin, Griffith, Hay, Leeton and
                 District, Moama, Murrin Bridge, Narrandera, Onerwal, Orange,
                 Peak Hill, Pejar, Wagga Wagga, Wamba Wamba, West
                 Wyalong, Young.

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Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment Bill 2006

Amendment of other Acts                                                    Schedule 2

Schedule 2             Amendment of other Acts
                                                                              (Section 4)

2.1 Crimes Act 1900 No 40
      Section 249A Definitions
      Insert at the end of paragraph (e) of the definition of agent:
                           , and
                      (f) a councillor within the meaning of the Aboriginal Land
                           Rights Act 1983 (and in this case a reference in this Part to
                           the agent's principal is a reference to the New South Wales
                           Aboriginal Land Council), and
                     (g) a Board member of a Local Aboriginal Land Council
                           within the meaning of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act
                           1983 (and in this case a reference in this Part to the agent's
                           principal is a reference to the Local Aboriginal Land

2.2 Defamation Act 2005 No 77
[1]   Schedule 1 Additional publications to which absolute privilege applies
      Omit "Aboriginal Land Councils Pecuniary Interest Tribunal" wherever
      occurring in clause 31.
      Insert instead "Aboriginal Land Councils Pecuniary Interest and Disciplinary
[2]   Schedule 2 Additional kinds of public documents
      Omit "Aboriginal Land Councils Pecuniary Interest Tribunal" from clause 6.
      Insert instead "Aboriginal Land Councils Pecuniary Interest and Disciplinary
[3]   Schedule 3 Additional proceedings of public concern
      Omit "Aboriginal Land Councils Pecuniary Interest Tribunal" from clause 16.
      Insert instead "Aboriginal Land Councils Pecuniary Interest and Disciplinary

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                Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment Bill 2006

Schedule 2         Amendment of other Acts

2.3 Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988
    No 35
      Section 74D
      Insert after section 74C:
     74D     Reports relating to Aboriginal Land Councils
             (1)      The Commission is authorised to include in a report under section
                      74 a recommendation that consideration be given to:
                      (a) the suspension of a councillor or Board member from
                             office under Division 3A of Part 10 of the Aboriginal Land
                             Rights Act 1983, or
                      (b) the taking of action against a member of staff of an
                             Aboriginal Land Council under that Division.
             (2)      The Commission is not to make a recommendation under this
                      section unless the Commission is of the opinion that prompt
                      action is required in the public interest.
             (3)      This section does not limit any other recommendation that the
                      Commission is authorised to include in a report under section 74
                      in relation to a councillor, Board member or member of staff.
             (4)      This section extends to a report in relation to a matter that has
                      been the subject of an investigation conducted before the
                      commencement of this section.

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