New South Wales Bills

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                    New South Wales

Appropriation (Special Offices)
Bill 2007


       1   Name of Act                                                 2
       2   Commencement                                                2
       3   Interpretation                                              2
       4   Appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2007-08 for
           recurrent services of certain offices                       2
       5   Appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2007-08 for
           capital works and services of certain offices               2
       6   Premier                                                     3
       7   Attorney General                                            3
       8   Variation of authorised payments from Consolidated Fund     4
       9   Appointment of person to carry out the functions of the
           Treasurer under section 8                                   4
I certify that this public bill, which originated in the Legislative Assembly, has
finally passed the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of New
South Wales.

                                                Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
                                                Legislative Assembly,
                                                Sydney,                     , 2007

                             New South Wales

Appropriation (Special Offices)
Bill 2007
Act No      , 2007

An Act to appropriate out of the Consolidated Fund sums for the recurrent services
and capital works and services of certain offices for the year 2007-08.

I have examined this bill and find it to correspond in all respects with the bill as
finally passed by both Houses.

                                   Assistant Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.
Clause 1          Appropriation (Special Offices) Bill 2007

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:
 1    Name of Act
               This Act is the Appropriation (Special Offices) Act 2007.
 2    Commencement
               This Act commences or is taken to have commenced on 1 July 2007.
 3    Interpretation
         (1)   In this Act, a reference to the year 2007-08 is a reference to the year
               from 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008.
         (2)   A reference in the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 to an or the
               Appropriation Act includes a reference to this Act.
 4    Appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2007-08 for recurrent services of
      certain offices
         (1)   Out of the Consolidated Fund there are hereby appropriated the sums
               identified in sections 6 and 7, as the sums appropriated by this Act for
               recurrent services, which sums may be issued and applied for or towards
               the several uses and purposes expressed in those sections for recurrent
               services for the year 2007-08.
         (2)   The total sum appropriated out of the Consolidated Fund for recurrent
               services for the year 2007-08, in accordance with the provisions of
               sections 6 and 7, is the sum of $144,492,000.
         (3)   Any amounts expended for recurrent services under section 25 of the
               Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 or any Supply Act on or after 1 July
               2007 and before the date of assent to this Act are taken to have been
               expended out of such of the sums for recurrent services set out in
               sections 6 and 7, as may be determined by the Treasurer.
 5    Appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2007-08 for capital works and
      services of certain offices
         (1)   Out of the Consolidated Fund there are hereby appropriated the sums
               identified in sections 6 and 7, as the sums appropriated by this Act for
               capital works and services, which sums may be issued and applied for
               or towards the several uses and purposes expressed in those sections for
               capital works and services for the year 2007-08.
         (2)   The total sum appropriated out of the Consolidated Fund for capital
               works and services for the year 2007-08, in accordance with the
               provisions of sections 6 and 7, is the sum of $5,169,000.
         (3)   Any amounts expended for capital works and services under section 25
               of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 or any Supply Act on or after

Page 2
Appropriation (Special Offices) Bill 2007                               Clause 6

              1 July 2007 and before the date of assent to this Act are taken to have
              been expended out of such of the sums for capital works and services
              set out in sections 6 and 7, as may be determined by the Treasurer.
  6    Premier
       (1)    RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $61,626,000 is hereby
              appropriated to the Premier for the recurrent services of the following:

                01.     Independent Commission Against Corruption             16,239
                02.     Ombudsman's Office                                    20,176
                03.     New South Wales Electoral Commission                   25,211
                        Total, Recurrent Services                             61,626

       (2)    CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $3,867,000 is
              hereby appropriated to the Premier for the capital works and services of
              the following:

                01.     Independent Commission Against Corruption               1,167
                02.     Ombudsman's Office                                         300
                03.     New South Wales Electoral Commission                    2,400
                        Total, Capital Works and Services                       3,867

  7    Attorney General
       (1)    RECURRENT SERVICES: The sum of $82,866,000 is hereby
              appropriated to the Attorney General for the recurrent services of the

                01.     Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions         82,866
                        Total, Recurrent Services                             82,866

                                                                              Page 3
Clause 8          Appropriation (Special Offices) Bill 2007

         (2)   CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES: The sum of $1,302,000 is
               hereby appropriated to the Attorney General for the capital works and
               services of the following:

                01.     Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions             1,302
                        Total, Capital Works and Services                         1,302

 8    Variation of authorised payments from Consolidated Fund
         (1)   In this section, purpose means a purpose specified in section 6 or 7 in
               relation to a Minister to which a sum is appropriated for recurrent
               services or for capital works and services.
         (2)   Payment of a sum appropriated under section 6 or 7 for a purpose may
               not be made in excess of the sum specified for the purpose, except as
               provided by this section or Division 4 of Part 2 of the Public Finance
               and Audit Act 1983.
         (3)   If the exigencies of government so require, the Treasurer may authorise
               the payment of a sum in excess of the amount specified for a purpose,
               but only if an equivalent sum is not paid out for another purpose,
               whether the other purpose is specified in relation to the same or a
               different Minister, subject to subsection (4).
         (4)   A sum appropriated for recurrent services may only be paid out for
               recurrent services and a sum appropriated for capital works and services
               may only be paid out for capital works and services.
         (5)   This section does not apply to sums appropriated by another Act.
         (6)   This section does not enable the Treasurer to authorise the payment of
               a sum in augmentation of, or as an addition to, any salary or wages the
               amount of which has been fixed by law.
         (7)   The Treasurer is to inform the Auditor-General of every authorisation
               given under this section.
         (8)   An authorisation under this section may be given before or after the
               relevant payment is made.
 9    Appointment of person to carry out the functions of the Treasurer under
      section 8
         (1)   The Treasurer may appoint a person to carry out the Treasurer's
               functions under section 8.

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Appropriation (Special Offices) Bill 2007                                Clause 9

       (2)    Any such appointment is subject to such conditions (if any) as the
              Treasurer determines.
       (3)    The Treasurer may revoke any such appointment at any time.
       (4)    A person appointed under this section has, in place of the Treasurer, the
              Treasurer's function under section 8 (7) of informing the
              Auditor-General of every authorisation given by the person under
              section 8.

                                                                               Page 5


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