New South Wales Bills

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                       New South Wales

Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill


Part 1   Preliminary
          1   Name of Act                                                2
          2   Commencement                                               2

Part 2   Budget variations 2003-2004
          3   Adjustment of "Advance to the Treasurer", 2003-2004        3
          4   Payments made during 2003-2004 under section 22 of the
              Public Finance and Audit Act 1983                          3
          5   General appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2003-2004     3

Part 3   Budget variations 2002-2003
          6   Adjustment of "Advance to the Treasurer", 2002-2003        4
          7   Payments made during 2002-2003 under section 22 of the
              Public Finance and Audit Act 1983                          4
Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004


Part 4        General
                8    Additional appropriations     5
                9    Operation of Act              5
               10    Validation of expenditure     5
               11    References to agencies        5

Schedule 1           Payments during 2003-2004     7
Schedule 2           Payments during 2002-2003    35

Contents page 2
I certify that this PUBLIC BILL, which originated in the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY,
has finally passed the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL and the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY of

                                               Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
                                               Legislative Assembly,
                                               Sydney,                     , 2004

                            New South Wales

Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill

Act No , 2004

An Act to appropriate additional amounts out of the Consolidated Fund for the
years 2003-2004 and 2002-2003 for the purpose of giving effect to certain
Budget variations required by the exigencies of Government.

I have examined this Bill, and find it to correspond in all respects with the Bill
as finally passed by both Houses.

                          Chairman of Committees of the Legislative Assembly.
Clause 1        Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004

Part 1          Preliminary

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:

Part 1          Preliminary
  1      Name of Act
              This Act is the Appropriation (Budget Variations) Act 2004.
  2      Commencement
              This Act commences on the date of assent.

Page 2
Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004                          Clause 3

Budget variations 2003-2004                                          Part 2

Part 2           Budget variations 2003-2004
  3    Adjustment of "Advance to the Treasurer", 2003-2004
              The sum of $290,523,000 is hereby appropriated out of the
              Consolidated Fund in adjustment of the vote "Advance to the
              Treasurer", 2003-2004, for supplementary charges made during the
              year 2003-2004 in the amounts specified in Column 1 of Schedule 1
              for recurrent services, and capital works and services, specified
              opposite those amounts in Schedule 1.
  4    Payments made during 2003-2004 under section 22 of the Public
       Finance and Audit Act 1983
       (1)    The sum of $177,399,000, being the total of the sums specified in
              Column 2 of Schedule 1, and made in anticipation of appropriation
              by Parliament under section 22 (1) of the Public Finance and Audit
              Act 1983, is hereby appropriated out of the Consolidated Fund to
              provide for the payments for recurrent services, and capital works
              and services, required for the exigencies of Government during the
              year 2003-2004 specified opposite those sums in Schedule 1.
       (2)    Section 22 (2) of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 does not
              apply to the sums to which this section applies.
  5    General appropriation from Consolidated Fund 2003-2004
       (1)    Out of the Consolidated Fund there are hereby appropriated the
              sums specified in Column 3 of Schedule 1, to the Minister specified
              in relation to those sums, for recurrent services, which sums may be
              issued and applied for or towards the several uses and purposes of
              the Government for the year 2003-2004 specified opposite those
              sums in Schedule 1.
       (2)    The total sum appropriated out of the Consolidated Fund in
              accordance with the provisions of this section and Schedule 1 is the
              sum of $135,300,000.

                                                                          Page 3
Clause 6          Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004

Part 3            Budget variations 2002-2003

Part 3            Budget variations 2002-2003
  6      Adjustment of "Advance to the Treasurer", 2002-2003
               The sum of $186,255,000 is hereby appropriated out of the
               Consolidated Fund in adjustment of the vote "Advance to the
               Treasurer", 2002-2003, for supplementary charges made during the
               year 2002-2003 in the amounts specified in Column 1 of Schedule 2
               for recurrent services, and capital works and services, specified in
               relation to those amounts in Schedule 2.
  7      Payments made during 2002-2003 under section 22 of the Public
         Finance and Audit Act 1983
         (1)   The sum of $779,774,000, being the total of the sums specified in
               Column 2 of Schedule 2, and made in anticipation of appropriation
               by Parliament under section 22 (1) of the Public Finance and Audit
               Act 1983, is hereby appropriated out of the Consolidated Fund to
               provide for the payments for recurrent services, and capital works
               and services, required for the exigencies of Government during the
               year 2002-2003 specified opposite those sums in Schedule 2.
         (2)   Section 22 (2) of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 does not
               apply to the sums to which this section applies.

Page 4
Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004                             Clause 8

General                                                                 Part 4

Part 4           General
  8    Additional appropriations
              The sums appropriated by this Act are in addition to any other sums
              that may have been appropriated.
  9    Operation of Act
       (1)    This Act is to be construed as if it formed part of the annual
              Appropriation Act or Acts for the financial year relevant to the
              appropriation concerned and to have effect as if this Act had
              commenced at the start of the financial year relevant to the
       (2)    This Act is an Appropriation Act for the purposes of section 21A of
              the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.
       (3)    The issue and payment before the date of assent to this Act out of
              the Consolidated Fund of the whole or any part of the sums
              appropriated by this Act is validated. This subsection applies
              whether this Act is assented to during or after the year 2002-2003
              or 2003-2004.
10     Validation of expenditure
       (1)    To the extent (if any) to which it may be necessary to do so, the
              expenditure of any sum to which this Act applies before the date of
              assent to this Act:
              (a) is taken to have been validly approved at the time it was
                    approved, or was purported to have been approved, and
              (b) is taken to have been validly made at the time it was made, or
                    purported to have been made,
              and thereafter to be, and to have been at all relevant times, validly
              approved and made.
       (2)    This section does not authorise the appropriation or expenditure of
              any sum specified in Column 3 of Schedule 1 before the date of
              assent to this Act.
11     References to agencies
              A reference to an agency in Schedule 1 or 2 includes a reference to
              an agency that was a predecessor to the agency concerned and
              responsible for the recurrent services, or capital works and services,
              specified in relation to the agency in Schedule 1 or 2 in the financial

                                                                             Page 5
Clause 11      Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004

Part 4         General

            year concerned, and in respect of whom the payment specified in
            relation to those recurrent services, or capital works and services,
            was approved or made.

Page 6
Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004

Payments during 2003-2004                                                 Schedule 1

Schedule 1 Payments during 2003-2004
                                                                  (Sections 3, 4 and 5)

                                                 Column 1     Column 2     Column 3
                                                Treasurer's       s. 22      Further
                                                  Advance     PF&A Act        approp
                                                   Amount      Amount        Amount
                                                     $,000       $,000          $,000



      Department of Agriculture

      Drought relief measures                                    10,680

      Technical and further education courses          167

      Total Department of Agriculture                  167       10,680

      Rural Assistance Authority

      Drought assistance package                                  4,100

      Total Rural Assistance Authority                            4,100

      TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES                        167       14,780

                                                                               Page 7
                Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004

Schedule 1      Payments during 2003-2004

                                                 Column 1      Column 2    Column 3
                                               Treasurer's         s. 22    Further
                                                 Advance       PF&A Act      approp
                                                  Amount        Amount      Amount
                                                    $,000         $,000        $,000


     Department of Agriculture

     Technical College buildings                       1,580

     Total Department of Agriculture                   1,580

     TOTAL--CAPITAL WORKS AND                          1,580

     TOTAL--MINISTER FOR                               1,747      14,780



     Attorney General's Department

     Additional core legal work undertaken             3,400         600
     by the Crown Solicitor's Office

     Additional operational funding                    6,000

     Statutory and Other Offices                       3,819
     Remuneration Tribunal determination

     Total Attorney General's Department             13,219          600

Page 8
Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004

Payments during 2003-2004                                                Schedule 1

                                                Column 1     Column 2     Column 3
                                               Treasurer's       s. 22      Further
                                                 Advance     PF&A Act        approp
                                                  Amount      Amount        Amount
                                                    $,000       $,000          $,000

      Department of Environment and

      Acquiring 4 Asian elephants from               1,000
      Thailand for Taronga Zoo

      Funding for the Jenolan Caves Reserve           240
      Trust due to salary increase under the
      Crown Employees Award

      Total Department of Environment and            1,240

      Office of the Director of Public

      Additional operational funding                 8,612

      Statutory and Other Offices                     532
      Remuneration Tribunal determination

      Total Office of the Director of Public         9,144

      TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES                     23,603         600


      Department of Environment and

      Stabilisation works on roads in the                        1,830
      Kosciuszko National Park

      Total Department of Environment and                        1,830

                                                                              Page 9
                Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004

Schedule 1      Payments during 2003-2004

                                                 Column 1      Column 2    Column 3
                                               Treasurer's         s. 22    Further
                                                 Advance       PF&A Act      approp
                                                  Amount        Amount      Amount
                                                    $,000         $,000        $,000

     Office of the Director of Public

     Additional accommodation                          2,000

     Total Office of the Director of Public            2,000

     TOTAL--CAPITAL WORKS AND                          2,000       1,830

     TOTAL--ATTORNEY GENERAL                         25,603        2,430



     Department of Ageing, Disability and
     Home Care

     Additional funding for increased                60,000
     disability services

     Upgrade finance and staffing computer             3,420

     Total Department of Ageing, Disability          63,420
     and Home Care

Page 10
Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004

Payments during 2003-2004                                                  Schedule 1

                                                  Column 1     Column 2     Column 3

                                                 Treasurer's       s. 22      Further
                                                   Advance     PF&A Act        approp
                                                    Amount      Amount        Amount
                                                      $,000       $,000          $,000

      Department of Community Services

      Upgrade staffing computer system                 2,080

      Increased cost of services to high-needs                                  25,000
      children in Out-of-Home Care

      Total Department of Community                    2,080                    25,000

      TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES                       65,500                    25,000

      TOTAL--MINISTER FOR                             65,500                    25,000



      Department of Education and

      Additional Commonwealth funding                 20,139

      Insurance premium adjustment                    12,099

      Revised expenditures--targetted                 24,800
      programs adjustments

                                                                              Page 11
               Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004

Schedule 1     Payments during 2003-2004

                                                Column 1     Column 2    Column 3
                                              Treasurer's        s. 22    Further
                                                Advance      PF&A Act      approp
                                                 Amount       Amount      Amount
                                                   $,000        $,000        $,000

     Total Department of Education and              57,038

     TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES                      57,038

     TOTAL--MINISTER FOR                            57,038

Page 12
Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004

Payments during 2003-2004                                               Schedule 1

                                               Column 1     Column 2     Column 3
                                              Treasurer's       s. 22      Further
                                                Advance     PF&A Act        approp
                                                 Amount      Amount        Amount
                                                   $,000       $,000          $,000



      Department of Energy, Utilities and

      Drought Emergency Water Cartage                225

      Total Department of Energy, Utilities          225
      and Sustainability

      TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES                      225

      TOTAL--MINISTER FOR                            225

                                                                           Page 13
                Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004

Schedule 1      Payments during 2003-2004

                                                 Column 1      Column 2    Column 3
                                                Treasurer's        s. 22    Further
                                                  Advance      PF&A Act      approp
                                                   Amount       Amount      Amount
                                                     $,000        $,000        $,000



     Department of Gaming and Racing

     Inquiries into the conduct of registered            300

     Total Department of Gaming and                      300

     TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES                           300


     Department of Gaming and Racing

     Complete Information Technology                     750

     Total Department of Gaming and                      750

     TOTAL--CAPITAL WORKS AND                            750

     TOTAL--MINISTER FOR                               1,050

Page 14
Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004

Payments during 2003-2004                                                Schedule 1

                                                Column 1     Column 2     Column 3

                                               Treasurer's       s. 22      Further
                                                 Advance     PF&A Act        approp
                                                  Amount      Amount        Amount
                                                    $,000       $,000          $,000



      Department of Health

      Continuation of rescue services by the         3,000
      Ambulance Service

      Exemption of Ambulance Service user              56
      fees for Rugby World Cup

      Nurses 3.5% award increase                                38,500

      Total Department of Health                     3,056      38,500

      TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES                      3,056      38,500

      TOTAL--MINISTER FOR                            3,056      38,500



      Department of Infrastructure,
      Planning and Natural Resources

      Building accreditation unit--expansion         1,282
      of unit and extra staff

                                                                            Page 15
                Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004

Schedule 1      Payments during 2003-2004

                                                 Column 1      Column 2    Column 3

                                               Treasurer's         s. 22    Further
                                                 Advance       PF&A Act      approp
                                                  Amount        Amount      Amount
                                                    $,000         $,000        $,000

     Subsidise Wild Dog Destruction Board                            913
     rates due to drought

     Total Department of Infrastructure,               1,282         913
     Planning and Natural Resources

     Heritage Office

     Assist St Patrick's Cathedral                       200
     Parramatta in the refurbishment of
     Murphy House

     Total Heritage Office                               200

     TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES                         1,482         913


     Department of Infrastructure,
     Planning and Natural Resources

     Acquisition of coastal land--Red Rock             2,200

     Natural resources management projects             1,088

Page 16
Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004

Payments during 2003-2004                                               Schedule 1

                                               Column 1     Column 2     Column 3
                                              Treasurer's       s. 22      Further
                                                Advance     PF&A Act        approp
                                                 Amount      Amount        Amount
                                                   $,000       $,000          $,000

      Transport development projects                1,982

      Total Department of Infrastructure,           5,270
      Planning and Natural Resources

      TOTAL--CAPITAL WORKS AND                      5,270

      TOTAL--MINISTER FOR                           6,752         913



      The Legislature

      Additional Parliamentary Committees            641

      Total The Legislature                          641

      TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES                      641

                                                                           Page 17
                Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004

Schedule 1      Payments during 2003-2004

                                                 Column 1      Column 2    Column 3
                                               Treasurer's         s. 22    Further
                                                 Advance       PF&A Act      approp
                                                  Amount        Amount      Amount
                                                    $,000         $,000        $,000


     The Legislature

     Financial information system upgrade                809

     Total The Legislature                               809

     TOTAL--CAPITAL WORKS AND                            809

     TOTAL--THE LEGISLATURE                            1,450



     Ministry for Police

     Establish a Recovered Assets Pool to              1,000
     fund police investigations and

     Total Ministry for Police                         1,000

     NSW Police

     Additional support services for                   2,043
     Taskforce Gain

     Additional telecommunication costs                   75

     Computer system upgrades                        10,204

Page 18
Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004

Payments during 2003-2004                                               Schedule 1

                                               Column 1     Column 2     Column 3
                                              Treasurer's       s. 22      Further
                                                Advance     PF&A Act        approp
                                                 Amount      Amount        Amount
                                                   $,000       $,000          $,000

      Funding for extra police officers                                      38,300

      Operating costs for new counter-               785
      terrorism helicopter

      Rugby World Cup security                      2,154

      Supplementary policing trial                    20

      Total NSW Police                             15,281                    38,300

      TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES                    16,281                    38,300


      Ministry for Police

      Office accommodation                           550

      Total Ministry for Police                      550

      NSW Police

      Computer system upgrades                     21,849

      Handgun Buyback                               1,040

                                                                           Page 19
                Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004

Schedule 1      Payments during 2003-2004

                                                 Column 1      Column 2    Column 3
                                               Treasurer's         s. 22    Further
                                                 Advance       PF&A Act      approp
                                                  Amount        Amount      Amount
                                                    $,000         $,000        $,000

     Purchase of counter-terrorism                     2,574

     Total NSW Police                                25,463

     TOTAL--CAPITAL WORKS AND                        26,013

     TOTAL--MINISTER FOR POLICE                      42,294                   38,300



     Art Gallery of New South Wales

     Partial reinstatement of reduction in               138
     other operating expenses

     Total Art Gallery of New South Wales                138

     Australian Museum

     Partial reinstatement of reduction in                47
     other operating expenses

     Total Australian Museum                              47

Page 20
Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004

Payments during 2003-2004                                                 Schedule 1

                                                 Column 1     Column 2     Column 3
                                                Treasurer's       s. 22      Further
                                                  Advance     PF&A Act        approp
                                                   Amount      Amount        Amount
                                                     $,000       $,000          $,000

      Cabinet Office

      Contribution to the Ministerial Council          123
      on Drug Strategy

      Total Cabinet Office                             123

      Historic Houses Trust of New South

      Partial reinstatement of reduction in             28
      other operating expenses

      Total Historic Houses Trust of New                28
      South Wales

      Independent Pricing and Regulatory

      Audit of retailer compliance with                 71
      licence requirements relating to the
      Electricity Tariff Equalisation Fund

      Total Independent Pricing and                     71
      Regulatory Tribunal

      Ministry for the Arts

      Additional Sydney Opera House                   4,261       9,032

      Assistance to the Sydney Theatre                2,500
      Company to establish actors ensemble

      Maintenance of the Sydney Theatre at            2,000
      Walsh Bay

                                                                             Page 21
                 Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004

Schedule 1       Payments during 2003-2004

                                                  Column 1      Column 2    Column 3
                                                Treasurer's         s. 22    Further
                                                  Advance       PF&A Act      approp
                                                   Amount        Amount      Amount
                                                     $,000         $,000        $,000

     The Sydney Festival                                  300

     Total Ministry for the Arts                        9,061       9,032

     Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences

     Partial reinstatement of reduction in                145
     other operating expenses

     Total Museum of Applied Arts and                     145

     New South Wales Film and Television

     Additional funding for production                  1,100

     Partial reinstatement of reduction in                 10
     other operating expenses

     Total New South Wales Film and                     1,110
     Television Office

     Parliamentary Counsel's Office

     Additional operational funding                       412

     Total Parliamentary Counsel's Office                 412

     Premier's Department

     Accommodation and staffing for                       833
     ministerial offices in the Hunter,
     Central Coast and Illawarra

Page 22
Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004

Payments during 2003-2004                                                Schedule 1

                                                Column 1     Column 2     Column 3
                                               Treasurer's       s. 22      Further
                                                 Advance     PF&A Act        approp
                                                  Amount      Amount        Amount
                                                    $,000       $,000          $,000

      Adjustment of remuneration package               70

      ANZAC Memorial                                  409

      Austeel Project--costs carried over             627
      from 2002/2003

      Austeel Project--costs of land                 9,252       7,129
      purchase, financial, economic and
      technical studies and legal advice

      Australia and New Zealand School of             250
      Government funding

      Commission of Inquiry into                                 2,000
      Campbelltown and Camden Hospitals

      Governor Macquarie Tower Security               578

      Kosciuszko (Snowy) bush fire recovery           400

      Major Events Board                             1,500

      Total Premier's Department                    13,919       9,129

      State Electoral Office

      Redistribution of electoral boundaries         1,895

      Total State Electoral Office                   1,895

      State Library of New South Wales

      Administration of a whole-of-                   302
      government on-line Australian Bureau
      of Statistics subscription licence

                                                                            Page 23
                Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004

Schedule 1      Payments during 2003-2004

                                                 Column 1      Column 2    Column 3

                                               Treasurer's         s. 22    Further
                                                 Advance       PF&A Act      approp
                                                  Amount        Amount      Amount
                                                    $,000         $,000        $,000

     Partial reinstatement of reduction in                98
     other operating expenses

     Total State Library of New South Wales              400

     State Records Authority

     Partial reinstatement of reduction in                25
     other operating expenses

     Total State Records Authority                        25

     TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES                       27,374       18,161


     Art Gallery of New South Wales

     Fire safety upgrade                               1,298

     Total Art Gallery of New South Wales              1,298

     Australian Museum

     Upgrade facilities                                1,457

     Total Australian Museum                           1,457

     Ministry for the Arts

     Essential maintenance at Walsh Bay                1,000

     Walsh Bay Redevelopment project                   2,043

     Total Ministry for the Arts                       3,043

Page 24
Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004

Payments during 2003-2004                                                Schedule 1

                                                Column 1     Column 2     Column 3

                                               Treasurer's       s. 22      Further
                                                 Advance     PF&A Act        approp
                                                  Amount      Amount        Amount
                                                    $,000       $,000          $,000

      Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences

      Castle Hill storage facility                   3,195

      Total Museum of Applied Arts and               3,195

      Premier's Department

      Accommodation and staffing for                  180
      ministerial offices in the Hunter,
      Central Coast and Illawarra

      Upgrade accommodation to meet                   495
      security and occupational health and
      safety requirements

      Total Premier's Department                      675

      State Electoral Office

      Redistribution of electoral boundaries           26

      Total State Electoral Office                     26

      TOTAL--CAPITAL WORKS AND                       9,694

      TOTAL--PREMIER, MINISTER                      37,068      18,161

                                                                            Page 25
                Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004

Schedule 1      Payments during 2003-2004

                                                 Column 1      Column 2    Column 3
                                               Treasurer's         s. 22    Further
                                                 Advance       PF&A Act      approp
                                                  Amount        Amount      Amount
                                                    $,000         $,000        $,000



MINISTER FOR ROADS AND MINISTER FOR HOUSING RECURRENT SERVICES Roads and Traffic Authority Adjustments to settlements for Western 853 City Orbital and Cross City Tunnel Waiver of user charges for the Rugby 190 World Cup Total Roads and Traffic Authority 1,043 TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES 1,043 TOTAL--MINISTER FOR ROADS 1,043 AND MINISTER FOR HOUSING M MINISTER FOR RURAL AFFAIRS, MINISTER FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND MINISTER FOR EMERGENCY SERVICES RECURRENT SERVICES Department of Local Government Implement the Structural Reform of 1,012 Local Government Page 26 Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004 Payments during 2003-2004 Schedule 1 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Treasurer's s. 22 Further Advance PF&A Act approp Amount Amount Amount $,000 $,000 $,000 Public Inquiry into Liverpool City 600 Council Total Department of Local Government 1,012 600 Department of Rural Fire Service Expanded Natural Disaster Secretariat 266 Natural Disaster Mitigation Program 1,600 Total Department of Rural Fire Service 1,866 New South Wales Fire Brigades Operating costs for new counter- 785 terrorism helicopter Total New South Wales Fire Brigades 785 TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES 3,663 600 TOTAL--MINISTER FOR RURAL 3,663 600 AFFAIRS, MINISTER FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND MINISTER FOR EMERGENCY SERVICES Page 27 Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004 Schedule 1 Payments during 2003-2004 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Treasurer's s. 22 Further Advance PF&A Act approp Amount Amount Amount $,000 $,000 $,000 N SPECIAL MINISTER OF STATE, MINISTER FOR COMMERCE, MINISTER FOR INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS AND MINISTER FOR THE CENTRAL COAST RECURRENT SERVICES Department of Commerce Funding to accelerate the Government 13,400 On-line Licensing project Total Department of Commerce 13,400 TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES 13,400 TOTAL--SPECIAL MINISTER OF 13,400 STATE, MINISTER FOR COMMERCE, MINISTER FOR INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS AND MINISTER FOR THE CENTRAL COAST O MINISTER FOR TOURISM AND SPORT AND RECREATION AND MINISTER FOR WOMEN RECURRENT SERVICES Department of Tourism, Sport and Recreation Capital Assistance Program 1,500 Page 28 Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004 Payments during 2003-2004 Schedule 1 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Treasurer's s. 22 Further Advance PF&A Act approp Amount Amount Amount $,000 $,000 $,000 Contamination and additional 2,958 insurance costs at Western Sydney International Dragway Partial reinstatement of reduction in 211 other operating expenses Schools beach education program 30 Wollongong Sportsground Trust 100 operational subsidy Total Department of Tourism, Sport and 4,799 Recreation Sydney Olympic Park Authority Contribution to the Rugby World Cup 60 Total Sydney Olympic Park Authority 60 TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES 4,859 Page 29 Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004 Schedule 1 Payments during 2003-2004 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Treasurer's s. 22 Further Advance PF&A Act approp Amount Amount Amount $,000 $,000 $,000 CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES Department of Tourism, Sport and Recreation Completion of the Western Sydney 10,337 International Dragway Total Department of Tourism, Sport and 10,337 Recreation TOTAL--CAPITAL WORKS AND 10,337 SERVICES TOTAL--MINISTER FOR 15,196 TOURISM AND SPORT AND RECREATION AND MINISTER FOR WOMEN P MINISTER FOR TRANSPORT SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR THE HUNTER RECURRENT SERVICES Independent Transport Safety and Reliability Regulator Creation of Independent Transport 6,796 Safety and Reliability Regulator Total Independent Transport Safety and 6,796 Reliability Regulator Page 30 Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004 Payments during 2003-2004 Schedule 1 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Treasurer's s. 22 Further Advance PF&A Act approp Amount Amount Amount $,000 $,000 $,000 Ministry of Transport Appraisal of the Australian Rail Track 2,700 Corporation proposal to lease rail freight corridors Inquiry by Justice McInerney into 920 Waterfall rail accident Major events transportation 3,000 Ministerial Inquiry into sustainable 550 public passenger transport NSW contribution to the National 771 Transport Commission Operating subsidy to Rail Corporation 52,000 New South Wales Unsworth review of bus services 691 Total Ministry of Transport 8,632 52,000 TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES 15,428 52,000 TOTAL--MINISTER FOR 15,428 52,000 TRANSPORT SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR THE HUNTER Page 31 Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004 Schedule 1 Payments during 2003-2004 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Treasurer's s. 22 Further Advance PF&A Act approp Amount Amount Amount $,000 $,000 $,000 Q TREASURER AND MINISTER FOR STATE DEVELOPMENT RECURRENT SERVICES Crown Finance Entity Additional payment of interest on 27,025 balances invested with the Treasury Banking System Natural Disaster Relief 32,000 Total Crown Finance Entity 59,025 Department of State and Regional Development Business Drought Assistance program 5,000 Total Department of State and Regional 5,000 Development The Treasury Additional spending by Infringement 4,341 Processing Bureau to overcome processing delays Compensation to clients of the 12,500 Infringement Processing Bureau due to statute barring on some infringements First Home Owner Grant Scheme-- 20,000 additional funding to meet a higher than expected number of grant applications Page 32 Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004 Payments during 2003-2004 Schedule 1 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Treasurer's s. 22 Further Advance PF&A Act approp Amount Amount Amount $,000 $,000 $,000 Grain freight rebate scheme 10 Total The Treasury 10 16,841 20,000 TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES 10 80,866 20,000 CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES Crown Finance Entity Drought assistance--additional loans 16,000 under the Special Conservation Scheme Total Crown Finance Entity 16,000 The Treasury Upgrade of systems at the Infringement 5,149 Processing Bureau Total The Treasury 5,149 TOTAL--CAPITAL WORKS AND 21,149 SERVICES TOTAL--TREASURER AND 10 102,015 20,000 MINISTER FOR STATE DEVELOPMENT Page 33 Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004 Schedule 1 Payments during 2003-2004 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Treasurer's s. 22 Further Advance PF&A Act approp Amount Amount Amount $,000 $,000 $,000 TREASURER'S ADVANCE FOR 234,070 RECURRENT SERVICES TREASURER'S ADVANCE FOR 56,453 CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES TOTAL--TREASURER'S 290,523 ADVANCE SECTION 22 FOR RECURRENT 154,420 SERVICES SECTION 22 FOR CAPITAL 22,979 WORKS AND SERVICES TOTAL--SECTION 22 177,399 ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS 135,300 FOR RECURRENT SERVICES TOTAL--ADDITIONAL 135,300 APPROPRIATIONS Page 34 Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004 Payments during 2002-2003 Schedule 2 Schedule 2 Payments during 2002-2003 (Sections 6 and 7) Column 1 Column 2 Treasurer's s. 22 Advance PF&A Act Amount Amount $,000 $,000 A MINISTER FOR AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES RECURRENT SERVICES Department of Agriculture Rural Lands Protection Boards--Information 23 Technology Strategic Plan Total Department of Agriculture 23 TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES 23 TOTAL--MINISTER FOR AGRICULTURE AND 23 FISHERIES B ATTORNEY GENERAL AND MINISTER FOR THE ENVIRONMENT RECURRENT SERVICES Attorney General's Department Additional Legal works undertaken by the Crown 1,732 Solicitor's Office Additional operational funding 1,250 Waterfall Train Accident Inquiry 3,700 Page 35 Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004 Schedule 2 Payments during 2002-2003 Column 1 Column 2 Treasurer's s. 22 Advance PF&A Act Amount Amount $,000 $,000 Waterfall, Gretley and Glenbrook Inquiries 2,366 Total Attorney General's Department 3,616 5,432 Legal Aid Commission of New South Wales Establishment of a regional office at Dubbo 500 Total Legal Aid Commission of New South Wales 500 Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Tribunal 1,006 determination Total Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 1,006 Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust Managing the 2002 New Years Eve celebrations 198 Total Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust 198 TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES 5,320 5,432 Page 36 Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004 Payments during 2002-2003 Schedule 2 Column 1 Column 2 Treasurer's s. 22 Advance PF&A Act Amount Amount $,000 $,000 CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES Legal Aid Commission of New South Wales Establishment of regional office at Dubbo 385 Total Legal Aid Commission of New South Wales 385 TOTAL--CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES 385 TOTAL--ATTORNEY GENERAL AND 5,705 5,432 MINISTER FOR THE ENVIRONMENT C MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGEING, MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR YOUTH RECURRENT SERVICES Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care Increase in Commonwealth funding under the 9,173 Disability Agreement (CSTDA) Page 37 Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004 Schedule 2 Payments during 2002-2003 Column 1 Column 2 Treasurer's s. 22 Advance PF&A Act Amount Amount $,000 $,000 Payment for shared services arrangements 29,008 Total Department of Ageing, Disability and Home 38,181 Care TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES 38,181 TOTAL--MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY 38,181 SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGEING, MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR YOUTH D MINISTER FOR EDUCATION AND TRAINING AND MINISTER FOR ABORIGINAL AFFAIRS RECURRENT SERVICES Department of Education and Training Additional Commonwealth funding 21,427 Increased school maintenance 6,000 Purchase of plant and equipment under $5000 13,000 Total Department of Education and Training 40,427 Page 38 Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004 Payments during 2002-2003 Schedule 2 Column 1 Column 2 Treasurer's s. 22 Advance PF&A Act Amount Amount $,000 $,000 Office of the Board of Studies Increased number of students sitting for the HSC 812 Total Office of the Board of Studies 812 TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES 41,239 TOTAL--MINISTER FOR EDUCATION AND 41,239 TRAINING AND MINISTER FOR ABORIGINAL AFFAIRS E MINISTER FOR ENERGY AND UTILITIES AND MINISTER FOR SCIENCE AND MEDICAL RESEARCH RECURRENT SERVICES Payments for Water and Sewerage Assistance Additional social programs provided by Sydney and 3,629 Hunter Water Total Payments for Water and Sewerage Assistance 3,629 TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES 3,629 TOTAL--MINISTER FOR ENERGY AND 3,629 UTILITIES AND MINISTER FOR SCIENCE AND MEDICAL RESEARCH Page 39 Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004 Schedule 2 Payments during 2002-2003 Column 1 Column 2 Treasurer's s. 22 Advance PF&A Act Amount Amount $,000 $,000 F MINISTER FOR INFRASTRUCTURE AND PLANNING AND MINISTER FOR NATURAL RESOURCES RECURRENT SERVICES Heritage Office Review of the fee structure 100 Shortfall in grant funding 1,400 Total Heritage Office 1,500 TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES 1,500 TOTAL--MINISTER FOR INFRASTRUCTURE 1,500 AND PLANNING AND MINISTER FOR NATURAL RESOURCES G THE LEGISLATURE RECURRENT SERVICES The Legislature Former Members ex-gratia legal fees 49 Page 40 Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004 Payments during 2002-2003 Schedule 2 Column 1 Column 2 Treasurer's s. 22 Advance PF&A Act Amount Amount $,000 $,000 Members staff redundancies and internal restructure 1,135 following the March 2003 election Total The Legislature 1,184 TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES 1,184 TOTAL--THE LEGISLATURE 1,184 H MINISTER FOR POLICE RECURRENT SERVICES NSW Police Additional counter-terrorism measures 2,368 Additional police officers 3,200 Education services and training for new police recruits 6,455 World Trade Organisation meeting security 2,380 Processing of fines from additional fixed digital speed 3,149 cameras Total NSW Police 15,184 2,368 TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES 15,184 2,368 Page 41 Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004 Schedule 2 Payments during 2002-2003 Column 1 Column 2 Treasurer's s. 22 Advance PF&A Act Amount Amount $,000 $,000 CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES New South Wales Crime Commission Additional accommodation 2,800 Total New South Wales Crime Commission 2,800 TOTAL--CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES 2,800 TOTAL--MINISTER FOR POLICE 15,184 5,168 I PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP RECURRENT SERVICES Cabinet Office Albury--Wodonga project costs 304 Total Cabinet Office 304 Independent Commission Against Corruption Additional operational funding 234 Total Independent Commission Against Corruption 234 Page 42 Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004 Payments during 2002-2003 Schedule 2 Column 1 Column 2 Treasurer's s. 22 Advance PF&A Act Amount Amount $,000 $,000 Ministry for the Arts Additional Sydney Opera House security 1,600 Total Ministry for the Arts 1,600 TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES 2,138 CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES Premier's Department Australia Day Council relocation 350 Corporate services for Ministers and replace failing 850 equipment Total Premier's Department 1,200 TOTAL--CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES 1,200 TOTAL--PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE 3,338 ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP Page 43 Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004 Schedule 2 Payments during 2002-2003 Column 1 Column 2 Treasurer's s. 22 Advance PF&A Act Amount Amount $,000 $,000 J MINISTER FOR TOURISM AND SPORT AND RECREATION AND MINISTER FOR WOMEN RECURRENT SERVICES Department for Women Additional operational funding 500 Total Department for Women 500 TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES 500 TOTAL--MINISTER FOR TOURISM AND 500 SPORT AND RECREATION AND MINISTER FOR WOMEN K MINISTER FOR TRANSPORT SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR THE HUNTER RECURRENT SERVICES Ministry of Transport State Rail Authority--additional contribution towards 47,291 operating costs State Transit Authority--additional Community 25,000 Service Obligation payments Total Ministry of Transport 72,291 TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES 72,291 Page 44 Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004 Payments during 2002-2003 Schedule 2 Column 1 Column 2 Treasurer's s. 22 Advance PF&A Act Amount Amount $,000 $,000 CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES Ministry of Transport Encourage access to public transport services-- 3,481 financed by parking space levy Total Ministry of Transport 3,481 TOTAL--CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES 3,481 TOTAL--MINISTER FOR TRANSPORT 75,772 SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR THE HUNTER L TREASURER AND MINISTER FOR STATE DEVELOPMENT RECURRENT SERVICES Crown Finance Entity Payment of additional claims associated with failed 1,894 insurer HIH Total Crown Finance Entity 1,894 The Treasury Increased First Home Owner Grant Scheme 4,384 applications Total The Treasury 4,384 TOTAL--RECURRENT SERVICES 6,278 Page 45 Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004 Schedule 2 Payments during 2002-2003 Column 1 Column 2 Treasurer's s. 22 Advance PF&A Act Amount Amount $,000 $,000 CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES Crown Finance Entity Additional contribution to the General Government 700,000 Liability Management Fund Early debt repayments of Co-operative loans 62,896 Total Crown Finance Entity 762,896 TOTAL--CAPITAL WORKS AND SERVICES 762,896 TOTAL--TREASURER AND MINISTER FOR 769,174 STATE DEVELOPMENT TREASURER'S ADVANCE FOR RECURRENT 181,189 SERVICES TREASURER'S ADVANCE FOR CAPITAL 5,066 WORKS AND SERVICES TOTAL--TREASURER'S ADVANCE 186,255 Page 46 Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill 2004 Payments during 2002-2003 Schedule 2 Column 1 Column 2 Treasurer's s. 22 Advance PF&A Act Amount Amount $,000 $,000 SECTION 22 FOR RECURRENT SERVICES 14,078 SECTION 22 FOR CAPITAL WORKS AND 765,696 SERVICES TOTAL--SECTION 22 779,774 Page 47


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