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                                     New South Wales

Bail (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013

Explanatory note
This explanatory note relates to this Bill as introduced into Parliament.

Overview of Bill
The objects of this Bill are as follows:
(a) to amend the Bail Act 2013:
      (i)    to make it clear that a bail authority can decide who is an acceptable person to
             provide security for the grant of bail (in the same way as the bail authority can decide
             who is an acceptable person to give a character acknowledgment), and
      (ii) to expand the regulation-making powers conferred by the Act, and
      (iii) to make other minor changes of a statute law revision nature,
(b) to make amendments to other legislation as a consequence of the enactment of that Act and
      the repeal of the Bail Act 1978.

Outline of provisions
Clause 1 sets out the name (also called the short title) of the proposed Act.
Clause 2 provides for the commencement of the proposed Act on a day or days to be appointed
by proclamation.

Schedule 1             Amendment of Bail Act 2013 No 26
Schedule 1 [1] and [2] make it clear that a bail authority, or an officer or court to whom a bail
acknowledgment is given, has power to decide which person or persons, or class or description of
persons, is an acceptable person to enter into a bail security agreement. A bail security agreement

Bail (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013 [NSW]
Explanatory note

is an agreement under which a person agrees to forfeit a specified amount of money if a person
granted bail fails to appear before a court in accordance with his or her bail acknowledgment. The
amendments ensure that the powers of a bail authority to decide who is an acceptable person to
provide bail security mirror the powers of a bail authority to decide who is an acceptable person
to give a character acknowledgment. This is consistent with current practice under the
Bail Act 1978.
Schedule 1 [3] corrects a reference to an offence.
Schedule 1 [4] makes it clear that it is not necessary for a prosecutor to make a detention
application to a court (an application for the refusal or revocation of bail in respect of a person) in
order to oppose a release application (an application for the grant of bail) made by the accused
Schedule 1 [5] amends a provision that lists the powers of the Local Court and authorised justices
to hear bail applications, to make it clear that an authorised justice has power to hear a variation
application in relation to bail conditions imposed by a court if the bail conditions are reviewable
by a justice, as contemplated by section 52 of the Bail Act 2013.
Schedule 1 [6] permits a court to put in place a process that ensures that consideration is given to
the return of bail money if an accused person is convicted or acquitted of an offence. This replaces
a requirement that the court itself give consideration to the return of bail money when an accused
person is convicted or acquitted of an offence. Accordingly, the amendment will permit a court to
deal with the matter by referring it to a registrar or other court officer for consideration.
Schedule 1 [7] permits the regulations to make further provision for the return of bail money and
bail security.
Schedule 1 [8] permits the regulations to make provision for the forms to be used for the purposes
of the Bail Act 2013.

Schedule 2              Amendment of other Acts
Schedule 2 amends the Acts specified in that Schedule as a consequence of the enactment of the
Bail Act 2013 and the repeal of the Bail Act 1978.
The amendments continue the existing practice of permitting a bail decision to be made in respect
of certain persons who are taken into State custody and are not charged with an offence (for
example, a witness who fails to appear in proceedings before a court or a coroner, or a person who
fails to provide a name and address to an enforcement officer). In such a case, the Bail Act 2013
will apply to the person in custody as if the person were accused of an offence. The amendments
also make it clear who is permitted to make a bail decision in such cases and otherwise modify the
operation of the Bail Act 2013 to accommodate a non-offence situation (as contemplated by
clause 2 of Schedule 1 to the Act). See Schedule 2.2 [2], 2.8, 2.15 [4], [9] and [11], 2.23, 2.24,
2.27 and 2.29.
The Evidence Act 1995 states that the Evidence Act 1995 applies to proceedings relating to bail.
An amendment to that Act makes it clear that the application of that Act is subject to certain
provisions of the Bail Act 2013 that require bail decisions to be made having regard to any credible
or trustworthy evidence or information, and for decisions to be made on the balance of
probabilities. See Schedule 2.18 [1].
An amendment to the Intoxicated Persons (Sobering Up Centres Trial) Act 2013 makes it clear
that a police officer is not required to make a bail decision in respect of an intoxicated person while
the person is detained under that Act. See Schedule 2.21.
The other amendments in Schedule 2 update references to the Bail Act 1978 and to specific
provisions of, or terminology used in, that Act, to reflect the appropriate provisions and
terminology of the Bail Act 2013.

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                                                      First print

                                  New South Wales

Bail (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013

              1    Name of Act                                2
              2    Commencement                               2
     Schedule 1    Amendment of Bail Act 2013 No 26           3
     Schedule 2    Amendment of other Acts                    4

                                 New South Wales

Bail (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013

No     , 2013

A Bill for
An Act to make miscellaneous amendments to legislation as a consequence of the enactment of
the Bail Act 2013 and the repeal of the Bail Act 1978; to make minor amendments to the
Bail Act 2013; and for other purposes.
Bail (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013 [NSW]

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                          1

 1    Name of Act                                                                   2

             This Act is the Bail (Consequential Amendments) Act 2013.              3

 2    Commencement                                                                  4

             This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.   5

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Bail (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Bail Act 2013 No 26

Schedule 1             Amendment of Bail Act 2013 No 26                                                         1

[1]   Section 26 Bail conditions can require security to be provided                                            2

      Insert "acceptable" before "persons" in section 26 (2) (a).                                               3

[2]   Section 26 (4)                                                                                            4

      Omit "whether".                                                                                           5

      Insert instead "which person or persons, or class or description of persons, is an acceptable             6
      person and what".                                                                                         7

[3]   Section 33 Bail acknowledgment to be given on grant of bail                                               8

      Omit "for the offence for which bail is granted" from section 33 (4) (a).                                 9

      Insert instead "for that offence".                                                                       10

[4]   Section 50 Prosecutor may make detention application                                                     11

      Insert after section 50 (5):                                                                             12

             (6)    To avoid doubt, a prosecutor may oppose a release application made by an                   13
                    accused person to a court or authorised justice without making a detention                 14
                    application.                                                                               15

[5]   Section 64 Powers specific to Local Court and authorised justices                                        16

      Insert after section 64 (4) (after the note):                                                            17

             (5)    An authorised justice may hear a variation application for an offence if a bail            18
                    decision has been made by a court and the variation application relates to bail            19
                    conditions that are reviewable by a justice (within the meaning of section 52).            20
                    Note. Section 52 limits the powers that can be exercised by an authorised justice when     21
                    hearing a variation application in relation to a bail decision made by a court. See also   22
                    sections 57 and 58.                                                                        23

[6]   Section 88 Return of bail money and security                                                             24

      Omit "must consider whether to make an order for the return of".                                         25

      Insert instead "must ensure that consideration is given to returning".                                   26

[7]   Section 88 (2)                                                                                           27

      Insert at the end of section 88:                                                                         28

             (2)    The regulations may make further provision for the return of bail money and                29
                    bail security.                                                                             30

[8]   Section 98 Regulations                                                                                   31

      Insert after section 98 (1):                                                                             32

           (1A)     In particular, the regulations may make provision for the forms to be used for             33
                    the purposes of this Act.                                                                  34

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Bail (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendment of other Acts

Schedule 2             Amendment of other Acts                                                         1

2.1 Child Protection (Offenders Registration) Act 2000 No 42                                           2

[1]    Section 3G Child protection registration orders made after grant of bail under Mental           3
       Health (Forensic Provisions) Act 1990                                                           4

       Omit section 3G (5). Insert instead:                                                            5

             (5)    A decision to make an order under this section is taken to be part of a bail       6
                    decision for the purposes of the Bail Act 2013 and can be varied in accordance     7
                    with that Act.                                                                     8

[2]    Section 3G (6) (c)                                                                              9

       Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:                                                            10
                    (c) the bail decision is varied under the Bail Act 2013 and, on that variation,   11
                         the order is quashed or set aside.                                           12

2.2 Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 No 157                                  13

[1]    Section 3 Definitions                                                                          14

       Omit "Bail Act 1978" from paragraph (c) of the definition of Registrar.                        15

       Insert instead "Bail Act 2013".                                                                16

[2]    Sections 109U and 109V                                                                         17

       Omit the sections. Insert instead:                                                             18

      109U   Bail decision may be made under Bail Act 2013                                            19

             (1)    The Children's Court, a Children's Magistrate or a Registrar may make a bail      20
                    decision under the Bail Act 2013 in respect of a person who is brought before     21
                    the Court, Magistrate or Registrar after being arrested on a warrant issued       22
                    under this Part in relation to proceedings before the Children's Court.           23

             (2)    The Bail Act 2013 applies in respect of the person as if:                         24
                    (a) the person were accused of an offence, and                                    25
                    (b) the proceedings before the Children's Court were proceedings for that         26
                         offence.                                                                     27

             (3)    For the purpose of applying the Bail Act 2013:                                    28
                    (a) the Children's Court or a Children's Magistrate has the same functions        29
                          as the Local Court under that Act, and                                      30
                    (b) a Registrar has the same functions as an authorised justice under that        31
                          Act, and                                                                    32
                    (c) section 74 of the Bail Act 2013 (Multiple release or detention                33
                          applications to same court not permitted) does not apply.                   34

             (4)    A power to issue a warrant of commitment under this Part is subject to the        35
                    provisions of the Bail Act 2013, as applied by this section.                      36

             (5)    Without limiting section 9, in taking any action or making any decision under     37
                    the Bail Act 2013, as applied by this section, concerning a particular child or   38
                    young person, the safety, welfare and well-being of the child or young person     39
                    must be the paramount consideration.                                              40

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Bail (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendment of other Acts

      109V   Powers of District Court and Children's Court to hear fresh bail application                          1
             (1)    If the Children's Court or a Children's Magistrate makes a bail decision under                 2
                    section 109U, the District Court has power to hear a fresh bail application in                 3
                    relation to the matter.                                                                        4

             (2)    If a Registrar makes a bail decision under section 109U, the Children's Court                  5
                    has power to hear a fresh bail application in relation to the matter.                          6

             (3)    A power to hear a bail application conferred by this section may be exercised                  7
                    only if the bail application is made by:                                                       8
                    (a) the person who is the subject of the bail decision, or                                     9
                    (b) the Director-General (who is taken to be the prosecutor for the purposes                  10
                           of the bail application).                                                              11
                    Note. Section 75 of the Bail Act 2013 provides that a fresh bail application is to be dealt   12
                    with as a new hearing.                                                                        13

             (4)    If bail is refused or revoked on an application under this section, the District              14
                    Court or Children's Court may:                                                                15
                     (a) if the person is an adult--issue a warrant in accordance with Division 5                 16
                           committing the person to a correctional centre or other place of security,             17
                           or                                                                                     18
                    (b) if the person is a child or young person--issue a warrant in accordance                   19
                           with Division 5 committing the person to a detention centre,                           20
                    and order the person to be brought before the Children's Court at the date, time              21
                    and place specified in the warrant.                                                           22

             (5)    The regulations may make provision for bail applications, and the powers of                   23
                    the District Court and Children's Court in respect of bail applications, under                24
                    this Division.                                                                                25

             (6)    A detention application or variation application under the Bail Act 2013 cannot               26
                    be made in relation to a matter after a bail decision in relation to that matter is           27
                    made under section 109U, except as provided for by this section.                              28

             (7)    Nothing in this section limits the rights of a person held in custody under this              29
                    Part to make a release application under the Bail Act 2013.                                   30

             (8)    In this section:                                                                              31
                    bail application has the same meaning as in the Bail Act 2013.                                32

2.3 Children (Community Service Orders) Act 1987 No 56                                                            33

       Section 21A Revocation of children's community service order                                               34

       Omit "Bail Act 1978" from section 21A (1) (b). Insert instead "Bail Act 2013".                             35

2.4 Children (Criminal Proceedings) Act 1987 No 55                                                                36

[1]    Section 9 Expedition where child in custody                                                                37

       Omit "released on bail under the Bail Act 1978".                                                           38

       Insert instead "released (with or without bail under the Bail Act 2013)".                                  39

[2]    Sections 20 (2) (a), 27 (3), 29 (1A) (b), 50 and 50A (1) (a)                                               40

       Omit "Bail Act 1978" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Bail Act 2013".                                   41

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Bail (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendment of other Acts

[3]   Section 30 Adjournments                                                                          1
      Omit "grant bail under the Bail Act 1978".                                                       2

      Insert instead "make a bail decision under the Bail Act 2013".                                   3

[4]   Section 33 Penalties                                                                             4

      Omit section 33 (1) (c2). Insert instead:                                                        5
                 (c2) it may make an order adjourning proceedings against the person to a              6
                         specified date (not later than 12 months from the date of the finding of      7
                         guilt) for any of the following purposes (but only if bail for the offence    8
                         is or has been granted or dispensed with under the Bail Act 2013):            9
                          (i) for the purpose of assessing the person's capacity and prospects        10
                                 for rehabilitation,                                                  11
                         (ii) for the purpose of allowing the person to demonstrate that              12
                                 rehabilitation has taken place,                                      13
                        (iii) for any other purpose the Children's Court considers appropriate        14
                                 in the circumstances,                                                15

[5]   Section 48F Summary of operation of scheme                                                      16

      Omit "the requirement for" from section 48F (1) (c).                                            17

[6]   Section 48I Granting of bail for suitability assessments and charging procedure                 18

      Omit "section 36, 36A or 36B of the Bail Act 1978" from section 48I (1).                        19

      Insert instead "the Bail Act 2013".                                                             20

[7]   Section 48L Youth conduct orders                                                                21

      Omit section 48L (7) (c). Insert instead:                                                       22
                   (c) the Children's Court is taken to have dispensed with bail for the offence      23
                        under the Bail Act 2013.                                                      24

2.5 Children (Detention Centres) Act 1987 No 57                                                       25

[1]   Section 3 Definitions                                                                           26

      Omit "Bail Act 1978" wherever occurring in the definition of person on remand in                27
      section 3 (1).                                                                                  28

      Insert instead "Bail Act 2013".                                                                 29

[2]   Section 28A Certain children may be remanded in correctional centres                            30

      Omit "Bail Act 1978" from section 28A (2) (b). Insert instead "Bail Act 2013".                  31

[3]   Section 42A Admission to detention centre following arrest or apprehension for                  32
      breach of bail                                                                                  33

      Omit section 42A (1). Insert instead:                                                           34

             (1)   A child who is arrested or apprehended under the Bail Act 2013 for a failure,      35
                   or threatened failure, to comply with a bail acknowledgment or bail condition,     36
                   and who is to be detained before being taken before a court, must be detained      37
                   in a detention centre rather than in a police station.                             38

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Bail (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendment of other Acts

2.6 Community Protection Act 1994 No 77                                                           1

      Section 29 Bail Act 2013 does not apply                                                     2

      Omit "Bail Act 1978". Insert instead "Bail Act 2013".                                       3

2.7 Conveyancing Act 1919 No 6                                                                    4

[1]   Section 186 Writs and orders under judgments or relating to legal proceedings               5

      Omit section 186 (4). Insert instead:                                                       6

             (4)   In this section, recognisance includes a bail security agreement within the    7
                   meaning of the Bail Act 2013.                                                  8

[2]   Section 189 Judgments not to be a charge on land until writ or order registered             9

      Omit section 189 (3). Insert instead:                                                      10

             (3)   In this section, recognisance includes a bail security agreement within the   11
                   meaning of the Bail Act 2013.                                                 12

2.8 Coroners Act 2009 No 41                                                                      13

[1]   Section 71 Arrest of witness under arrest warrant                                          14

      Omit "Bail Act 1978" from section 71 (3) (a). Insert instead "Bail Act 2013".              15

[2]   Section 71 (4)-(8)                                                                         16

      Omit section 71 (4) and (5). Insert instead:                                               17

             (4)   A coroner or authorised justice may make a bail decision in respect of the    18
                   person under the Bail Act 2013.                                               19

             (5)   The Bail Act 2013 applies to the person as if:                                20
                   (a) the person were accused of an offence, and                                21
                   (b) the proceedings in which the person is required to be examined or         22
                        produce a document or thing were proceedings for that offence.           23

             (6)   Bail may be granted for the period between:                                   24
                   (a) the person's being brought before a coroner under a warrant for the       25
                         purpose of being examined as a witness or producing a document or       26
                         thing, and                                                              27
                   (b) the person's being examined as a witness or producing the document or     28
                         thing.                                                                  29

             (7)   For the purpose of applying the Bail Act 2013, a coroner has the same         30
                   functions as the Local Court under that Act.                                  31

             (8)   In this section:                                                              32
                   authorised justice has the same meaning as in the Bail Act 2013.              33

2.9 Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999 No 93                                          34

[1]   Section 106X Arrest warrants                                                               35

      Omit "Bail Act 1978" from section 106X (3). Insert instead "Bail Act 2013".                36

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Bail (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendment of other Acts

[2]   Section 249 Definitions                                                                            1
      Omit section 249 (2). Insert instead:                                                              2

             (2)   For the removal of doubt, person in custody in subsection (1) includes a              3
                   person in lawful custody:                                                             4
                   (a) refused bail by a police officer with power to make a bail decision under         5
                         the Bail Act 2013, or                                                           6
                   (b) granted bail by a police officer with power to make a bail decision under         7
                         the Bail Act 2013 but not released, or                                          8
                   (c) arrested with or without warrant under section 77 of the Bail Act 2013            9
                         for a failure or threatened failure to comply with a bail acknowledgment       10
                         or a bail condition.                                                           11

2.10 Crimes (Appeal and Review) Act 2001 No 120                                                         12

[1]   Section 63 Stay of execution of sentence pending determination of appeal                          13

      Omit section 63 (2) (c). Insert instead:                                                          14
                   (c) in the case of an appellant who is in custody when the appeal is made or         15
                         leave to appeal is granted, when the appellant is entitled to be released      16
                         from custody on bail under section 14 of the Bail Act 2013 or bail is          17
                         dispensed with under that Act.                                                 18

[2]   Sections 107 (6) and 117                                                                          19

      Omit "Bail Act 1978" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Bail Act 2013".                          20

[3]   Section 110 Bail                                                                                  21

      Omit the section.                                                                                 22

2.11 Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2007 No 80                                             23

[1]   Section 83 Application of Bail Act 2013                                                           24

      Omit "Bail Act 1978" where firstly occurring. Insert instead "Bail Act 2013".                     25

[2]   Section 83 (b)                                                                                    26

      Omit "to which section 8 of the Bail Act 1978 applies".                                           27

      Insert instead "for which there is a right to release under Part 3 of the Bail Act 2013".         28

[3]   Section 85 Presumption against stay of order                                                      29

      Omit section 85 (5). Insert instead:                                                              30

             (5)   A stay on the operation of the order does not have effect if the appellant is in     31
                   custody when the appeal is made, unless and until the appellant is entitled to       32
                   be released on bail under section 14 of the Bail Act 2013 or bail is dispensed       33
                   with under that Act. In the application of the Bail Act 2013 to the appellant, the   34
                   appellant is taken to be an accused person who, because of the prohibitions and      35
                   restrictions imposed by the order, is in custody.                                    36

2.12 Crimes (High Risk Offenders) Act 2006 No 7                                                         37

      Section 28 Bail Act 2013 does not apply                                                           38

      Omit "Bail Act 1978". Insert instead "Bail Act 2013".                                             39

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Bail (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendment of other Acts

2.13 Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 No 92                                                     1

[1]   Section 11 Deferral of sentencing for rehabilitation, participation in an intervention          2
      program or other purposes                                                                       3

      Omit ", and granting bail to the offender in accordance with the Bail Act 1978" from            4
      section 11 (1).                                                                                 5

[2]   Section 11 (1A)                                                                                 6

      Insert after section 11 (1):                                                                    7

            (1A)    Proceedings must not be adjourned under this section unless bail for the          8
                    offence is or has been granted or dispensed with under the Bail Act 2013.         9

[3]   Section 11 (2A), note                                                                          10

      Omit the note.                                                                                 11

[4]   Section 80 Referral of offender for assessment                                                 12

      Omit "Bail Act 1978" from section 80 (2) (b). Insert instead "Bail Act 2013".                  13

2.14 Criminal Appeal Act 1912 No 16                                                                  14

      Sections 8A (2), 24, 25A (5) and 29                                                            15

      Omit "Bail Act 1978" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Bail Act 2013".                       16

2.15 Criminal Procedure Act 1986 No 209                                                              17

[1]   Sections 3 (1) (definition of "bail"), 21 (5) (c), 58 (2), 109 (note), 125 (2) (f), 317 and    18
      352 (1)                                                                                        19

      Omit "Bail Act 1978" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Bail Act 2013".                       20

[2]   Section 61 Discharge of accused person if prosecutor not present for taking of                 21
      evidence                                                                                       22

      Omit section 61 (3) and the note. Insert instead:                                              23

             (3)    Subsection (2) does not apply if the accused person is refused bail and          24
                    section 41 of the Bail Act 2013 (which provides for a maximum adjournment        25
                    period) applies.                                                                 26

[3]   Section 110                                                                                    27

      Omit the section. Insert instead:                                                              28

      110    Bail acknowledgment to be notified                                                      29

                    If an accused person committed to a correctional centre on committal for trial   30
                    or sentence is released on bail, the person who accepts the bail                 31
                    acknowledgment must transmit to the registrar of the relevant court:             32
                     (a) the bail acknowledgment, and                                                33
                    (b) any cash or other thing deposited in compliance with a bail condition.       34

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Bail (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendment of other Acts

[4]   Section 230                                                                                         1
      Omit the section. Insert instead:                                                                   2

      230    Application of Bail Act 2013                                                                 3

             (1)    A court may make a bail decision under the Bail Act 2013 in respect of a              4
                    person brought before the court after having been arrested under a warrant            5
                    referred to in section 229.                                                           6

             (2)    The Bail Act 2013 applies to the person as if:                                        7
                    (a) the person were accused of an offence, and                                        8
                    (b) the proceedings in which the person is required to be examined or                 9
                         produce a document or thing were proceedings for that offence.                  10

             (3)    Bail may be granted for the period between:                                          11
                    (a) the person's being brought before a court under a warrant for the                12
                          purpose of being examined as a witness or producing a document or              13
                          thing, and                                                                     14
                    (b) the person's being examined as a witness or producing the document or            15
                          thing.                                                                         16

[5]   Section 231 Action that may be taken if witness refuses to give evidence                           17

      Omit "the requirement for" from section 231 (5).                                                   18

[6]   Section 241 Power to commit person to correctional centre subject to Bail Act 2013                 19

      Omit "Bail Act 1978" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Bail Act 2013".                           20

[7]   Section 241, note                                                                                  21

      Omit "by a Magistrate". Insert instead "by a court".                                               22

[8]   Section 247 Notices to be given to prosecutor                                                      23

      Omit "is given or sent (as referred to in section 34 of the Bail Act 1978)" from                   24
      section 247 (2).                                                                                   25

      Insert instead "of a requirement to appear is given or sent (as referred to in section 33 of the   26
      Bail Act 2013)".                                                                                   27

[9]   Section 308                                                                                        28

      Omit the section. Insert instead:                                                                  29

      308    Bail decision may be made in respect of witness who fails to attend trial                   30

             (1)    An authorised officer may make a bail decision in respect of a person who is         31
                    bound by a bail acknowledgment under the Bail Act 2013, or is served with a          32
                    subpoena, to attend as a witness in any court at a trial if the person:              33
                    (a) fails to appear when called in open court, either at such trial, or on the       34
                          day appointed for such trial, and                                              35
                    (b) is arrested under a warrant issued by the court.                                 36

             (2)    The Bail Act 2013 applies to the person (not being an accused person) as if:         37
                    (a) the person were accused of an offence, and                                       38
                    (b) the proceedings in which the person is required to be examined or                39
                         produce a document or thing were proceedings for that offence.                  40

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Bail (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendment of other Acts

              (3)   For the purpose of applying the Bail Act 2013, an authorised officer has the                1
                    same functions as an authorised justice under that Act.                                     2

[10]   Section 312 Persons arrested under bench warrants                                                        3

       Omit "(within the meaning of the Bail Act 1978)" from section 312 (1).                                   4

[11]   Section 312 (2)-(2C)                                                                                     5

       Omit section 312 (2). Insert instead:                                                                    6

              (2)   A Magistrate, authorised officer or authorised justice may make a bail decision             7
                    in respect of the person under the Bail Act 2013.                                           8

            (2A)    The Bail Act 2013 applies to the person (not being an accused person) as if:                9
                    (a) the person were accused of an offence, and                                             10
                    (b) the proceedings before the court out of which the bench warrant was                    11
                         issued were proceedings for that offence.                                             12

            (2B)    Bail may be granted for the period between:                                                13
                    (a) the person's being brought before the Magistrate, authorised officer or                14
                          authorised justice, and                                                              15
                    (b) the person's appearance before the court out of which the bench warrant                16
                          was issued.                                                                          17

            (2C)    For the purpose of applying the Bail Act 2013, an authorised officer has the               18
                    same functions as an authorised justice under that Act.                                    19

[12]   Section 312 (3)                                                                                         20

       Insert in alphabetical order:                                                                           21
                     authorised justice has the same meaning as in the Bail Act 2013.                          22

[13]   Chapter 7, Part 4, note                                                                                 23

       Omit paragraph (a) of the note. Insert instead:                                                         24
                     (a)   a court that grants bail to a person may impose a bail condition requiring the      25
                           person to be assessed for, or to participate in, an intervention program or other   26
                           program,                                                                            27

[14]   Section 350 Court may adjourn proceedings to allow accused person to be assessed                        28
       for or to participate in intervention program                                                           29

       Omit ", and granting bail to the person in accordance with the Bail Act 1978," from                     30
       section 350 (1).                                                                                        31

[15]   Section 350 (1), note                                                                                   32

       Omit the note.                                                                                          33

[16]   Section 350 (1A)                                                                                        34

       Insert after section 350 (1):                                                                           35

            (1A)    Proceedings must not be adjourned under this section unless bail for the                   36
                    offence is or has been granted or dispensed with under the Bail Act 2013.                  37

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Bail (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendment of other Acts

[17]   Schedule 1 Indictable offences triable summarily                                                      1
       Omit item 17 of Table 1. Insert instead:                                                              2

        17   Bail Act 2013                                                                                   3

                     An offence under section 86 of the Bail Act 2013.                                       4

2.16 Drug Court Act 1998 No 150                                                                              5

 [1]   Section 14 Arrest warrants                                                                            6

       Omit "Bail Act 1978" from section 14 (3). Insert instead "Bail Act 2013".                             7

 [2]   Section 24 Jurisdiction of Drug Court                                                                 8

       Omit "the Bail Act 1978" from section 24 (2) (b).                                                     9

       Insert instead "by the Local Court under the Bail Act 2013".                                         10

2.17 Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act 1985 No 226                                                            11

       Section 36N Exemption from criminal liability for users of licensed injecting centre                 12

       Omit "Bail Act 1978" from section 36N (3) (b). Insert instead "Bail Act 2013".                       13

2.18 Evidence Act 1995 No 25                                                                                14

 [1]   Section 4 Courts and proceedings to which Act applies                                                15

       Insert ", subject to Division 4 of Part 3 of the Bail Act 2013" after "bail" in section 4 (1) (a).   16

 [2]   Section 194 Witnesses failing to attend proceedings                                                  17

       Omit section 194 (4). Insert instead:                                                                18

              (4)    In this section, recognisance includes a bail acknowledgment within the                19
                     meaning of the Bail Act 2013.                                                          20

2.19 Fines Act 1996 No 99                                                                                   21

 [1]   Section 111                                                                                          22

       Omit the section. Insert instead:                                                                    23

       111   Definitions                                                                                    24

                     In this Part:                                                                          25
                     appeal means:                                                                          26
                      (a) an application to the Local Court to have a forfeiture order set aside duly       27
                            made under Part 3 of Schedule 2 to the Bail Act 2013, or                        28
                     (b) an appeal to the District Court against the Local Court's determination            29
                            of an objection to a forfeiture order or of an application to set aside a       30
                            forfeiture order duly made under Part 4 of Schedule 2 to the Bail Act           31
                            2013.                                                                           32
                     forfeited bail money means unpaid bail money the subject of a forfeiture order         33
                     under Schedule 2 to the Bail Act 2013.                                                 34
                     forfeited bail security means bail security given in relation to bail money the        35
                     subject of a forfeiture order under Schedule 2 to the Bail Act 2013.                   36

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Bail (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendment of other Acts

[2]   Section 112 Enforcement of forfeited bail money                                                  1
      Omit "an application or appeal duly made under section 53K or 53N of the Bail Act 1978"          2
      from section 112 (2) (b1).                                                                       3

      Insert instead "an appeal".                                                                      4

[3]   Section 112A Enforcement of forfeited bail security                                              5

      Omit "an application or appeal duly made under section 53K or 53N of the Bail Act 1978"          6
      from section 112A (2) (a).                                                                       7

      Insert instead "an appeal".                                                                      8

2.20 Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 No 52                                             9

      Schedule 1 Information for which there is conclusive presumption of overriding                  10
      public interest against disclosure                                                              11

      Omit the matter relating to the Bail Act 1978 from clause 1 (1). Insert instead:                12
                  Bail Act 2013--section 89 (Restrictions on publication of association               13
                  conditions)                                                                         14

2.21 Intoxicated Persons (Sobering Up Centres Trial) Act 2013 No 15                                   15

      Section 27 Relationship with other laws                                                         16

      Insert at the end of the section:                                                               17

             (2)     The Bail Act 2013 does not require a police officer who detains an intoxicated   18
                     person under this Act for behaviour that constitutes an offence to make a bail   19
                     decision in respect of the offence while the person is so detained.              20

2.22 Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 No 103                                    21

[1]   Part 8, note                                                                                    22

      Omit "section 50 of the Bail Act 1978, to arrest a person who breaches bail undertakings or     23
      agreements".                                                                                    24

      Insert instead "the Bail Act 2013, to arrest a person who fails to comply with a bail           25
      acknowledgment or a bail condition".                                                            26

[2]   Sections 104 (4) (b), 113 (2) (e) and 114 (5)                                                   27

      Omit "Bail Act 1978" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Bail Act 2013".                        28

[3]   Section 104 (6)                                                                                 29

      Omit "undertaking" wherever occurring. Insert instead "acknowledgment".                         30

[4]   Schedule 1 Acts not affected by this Act                                                        31

      Omit "Bail Act 1978 No 161". Insert instead "Bail Act 2013 No 26".                              32

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Bail (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendment of other Acts

2.23 Local Court Act 2007 No 93                                                                     1

[1]   Section 65 Arrest of respondent during proceedings                                            2

      Insert after section 65 (1):                                                                  3

           (1A)    A Magistrate, registrar or authorised officer before whom the respondent is      4
                   brought after having been arrested under the warrant may make a bail decision    5
                   in respect of the respondent under the Bail Act 2013.                            6

           (1B)    The Bail Act 2013 applies to the respondent as if:                               7
                   (a) the respondent were accused of an offence, and                               8
                   (b) the proceedings at which the respondent is required to appear were           9
                        proceedings for that offence.                                              10

           (1C)    Bail may be granted for the period between:                                     11
                   (a) the respondent's being brought before the Magistrate, registrar or          12
                         authorised officer, and                                                   13
                   (b) the respondent's appearance before the Court in the proceedings at          14
                         which he or she is required to appear.                                    15

[2]   Section 65 (4)                                                                               16

      Insert after section 65 (3):                                                                 17

             (4)   For the purpose of applying the Bail Act 2013, an authorised officer has the    18
                   same functions as an authorised justice under that Act.                         19

2.24 Local Government Act 1993 No 30                                                               20

[1]   Section 680 Demanding name of offender                                                       21

      Omit "within the meaning of the Criminal Procedure Act 1986" from section 680 (3).           22

[2]   Section 680 (4) and (4A)                                                                     23

      Omit section 680 (4). Insert instead:                                                        24

             (4)   A Magistrate or authorised officer before whom a person is taken under          25
                   subsection (3) may make a bail decision under the Bail Act 2013 in respect of   26
                   the person.                                                                     27

           (4A)    If the person has not been charged with an offence, the Bail Act 2013 applies   28
                   to the person as if the person were accused of an offence.                      29

[3]   Section 680 (6) and (7)                                                                      30

      Insert after section 680 (5):                                                                31

             (6)   For the purpose of applying the Bail Act 2013, an authorised officer has the    32
                   same functions as an authorised justice under that Act.                         33

             (7)   In this section:                                                                34
                   authorised officer means an authorised officer under the Criminal Procedure     35
                   Act 1986.                                                                       36

2.25 Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act 1990 No 10                                            37

      Sections 10 (3) (b), 14 (b) (ii), 17 (2), 31 (1), 32 (2) (b) and 33 (1) and (1D) and         38
      Schedule 1, clause 20                                                                        39

      Omit "Bail Act 1978" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Bail Act 2013".                     40

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Bail (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendment of other Acts

2.26 NSW Trustee and Guardian Act 2009 No 49                                                        1

      Section 68 Security may be required in respect of estate management                           2

      Omit "Part 7A of the Bail Act 1978" from section 68 (5).                                      3

      Insert instead "Schedule 2 to the Bail Act 2013".                                             4

2.27 Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 No 156                                       5

[1]   Section 204 Power of authorised officers to demand name and address                           6

      Omit "authorised officer within the meaning of the Criminal Procedure Act 1986" from          7
      section 204 (3).                                                                              8

      Insert instead "court officer".                                                               9

[2]   Section 204 (4)-(4B)                                                                         10

      Omit section 204 (4). Insert instead:                                                        11

             (4)   Bail                                                                            12

                   A Magistrate or court officer before whom a person is taken under               13
                   subsection (3) may make a bail decision under the Bail Act 2013 in respect of   14
                   the person.                                                                     15

           (4A)    If the person has not been charged with an offence, the Bail Act 2013 applies   16
                   as if the person were accused of an offence.                                    17

           (4B)    For the purpose of applying the Bail Act 2013, a court officer has the same     18
                   functions as an authorised justice under that Act.                              19

[3]   Section 204 (6)                                                                              20

      Insert after section 204 (5):                                                                21

             (6)   In this section:                                                                22
                   court officer means an authorised officer under the Criminal Procedure Act      23
                   1986.                                                                           24

2.28 Supreme Court Act 1970 No 52                                                                  25

      Section 69C Stay of execution of conviction, order or sentence pending review                26

      Omit "enters into a bail undertaking in accordance with the Bail Act 1978" from              27
      section 69C (3).                                                                             28

      Insert instead "is entitled to be released on bail under the Bail Act 2013".                 29

2.29 Water Management Act 2000 No 92                                                               30

[1]   Section 338D Power of authorised officers to demand name and address                         31

      Omit "authorised officer within the meaning of the Criminal Procedure Act 1986" from         32
      section 338D (3).                                                                            33

      Insert instead "court officer".                                                              34

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Bail (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendment of other Acts

[2]   Section 338D (4)-(7)                                                                          1
      Omit section 338D (4). Insert instead:                                                        2

             (4)   A Magistrate or court officer before whom a person is taken under                3
                   subsection (3) may make a bail decision under the Bail Act 2013 in respect of    4
                   the person.                                                                      5

             (5)   If the person has not been charged with an offence, the Bail Act 2013 applies    6
                   as if the person were accused of an offence.                                     7

             (6)   For the purpose of applying the Bail Act 2013, a court officer has the same      8
                   functions as an authorised justice under that Act.                               9

             (7)   In this section:                                                                10
                   court officer means an authorised officer under the Criminal Procedure Act      11
                   1986.                                                                           12

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