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New South Wales Baptist Churches of New South Wales Property Trust Amendment Bill 2013 Contents Page 1 Name of Act 2 2 Commencement 2 Schedule 1 Amendment of Baptist Churches of New South Wales Property Trust Act 1984 No 4 3 b2012-136-11.d11 New South Wales Baptist Churches of New South Wales Property Trust Amendment Bill 2013 No , 2013 A Bill for An Act to amend the Baptist Churches of New South Wales Property Trust Act 1984 to make further provision in relation to property held on trust for a congregation; and for other purposes. Clause 1 Baptist Churches of New South Wales Property Trust Amendment Bill 2013 The Legislature of New South Wales enacts: 1 1 Name of Act 2 This Act is the Baptist Churches of New South Wales Property Trust 3 Amendment Act 2013. 4 2 Commencement 5 This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act. 6 Page 2 Baptist Churches of New South Wales Property Trust Amendment Bill 2013 Amendment of Baptist Churches of New South Wales Property Trust Act Schedule 1 1984 No 4 Schedule 1 Amendment of Baptist Churches of New 1 South Wales Property Trust Act 1984 2 No 4 3 [1] Section 4 Definitions 4 Omit "church or other building" from paragraph (c) of the definition of 5 congregation in section 4 (1). 6 Insert instead "church building or in any other building". 7 [2] Section 4 (1) 8 Insert in alphabetical order: 9 deacon, in relation to a congregation, means: 10 (a) a person elected to a position of deacon of the congregation 11 by the Baptist Union, or 12 (b) a person elected to a position of leadership in the 13 congregation by the Baptist Union (whether the holder of 14 the position is described as an elder or by any other term). 15 district means an area of land that the Executive Committee has 16 determined in writing is a district for the purposes of this Act. 17 secretary, in relation to a congregation, means: 18 (a) a person elected to the position of secretary of the 19 congregation, or 20 (b) if no person has been elected to a position of that title--a 21 person elected to a position that exercises the 22 responsibilities of a secretary of the congregation (whether 23 the holder of the position is described as a Church 24 secretary, an administrator or a public officer, or by any 25 other term). 26 [3] Section 22 General functions of Trust 27 Insert "building" after "church" wherever occurring in section 22 (2) (d) 28 and (5) (b) (ii). 29 Page 3 Baptist Churches of New South Wales Property Trust Amendment Bill 2013 Schedule 1 Amendment of Baptist Churches of New South Wales Property Trust Act 1984 No 4 [4] Section 22 (2) (e) 1 Omit the paragraph. Insert instead: 2 (e) despite paragraph (d), permit an occasional minister or 3 other person to officiate in any such church building, but 4 only if: 5 (i) the pastor or the deacons of the congregation that for 6 the time being worships in the church building 7 concurs or concur, or 8 (ii) where there is no pastor and there are no deacons of 9 that congregation--the officer who is a member of 10 that congregation and who is nominated by that 11 congregation for the purposes of this subparagraph 12 concurs, 13 [5] Section 22 (2) (f) (iii) 14 Omit the subparagraph. Insert instead: 15 (iii) a qualifying corporation, 16 [6] Section 22 (2) (h) (iii) 17 Omit the subparagraph. Insert instead: 18 (iii) a qualifying corporation, and 19 [7] Section 22 (4) 20 Omit the subsection. Insert instead: 21 (4) A church building, school or manse on land vested in the Trust 22 may be repaired, altered, enlarged, demolished, rebuilt or 23 substituted by another building, and another building may be 24 erected on land so vested, by the Trust only if the Trust has been 25 directed to do so: 26 (a) in the case of a church building, school or land--by the 27 congregation that is entitled to use the church building, 28 school or land, or 29 (b) in the case of a manse--by the congregation whose pastor 30 is entitled to use the manse, or 31 (c) if the Executive Committee has determined in writing that 32 the matter is minor and that the secretary of a congregation 33 can give such a direction in the particular circumstances-- 34 by the secretary of the congregation that is entitled to use 35 the church building, school or land, or of the congregation 36 whose pastor is entitled to use the manse, as the case may 37 be. 38 Page 4 Baptist Churches of New South Wales Property Trust Amendment Bill 2013 Amendment of Baptist Churches of New South Wales Property Trust Act Schedule 1 1984 No 4 [8] Section 22 (8) 1 Insert after section 22 (7): 2 (8) In this section: 3 qualifying corporation, in relation to a direction given under 4 subsection (2) (f) or (h), means a corporation: 5 (a) that has objects that are not inconsistent with the general 6 objects of the Baptist Union, and 7 (b) the constitution of which provides: 8 (i) that a person is not eligible for membership of the 9 corporation unless that person is a member of the 10 specific congregation giving the direction, and 11 (ii) that a person ceases to be a member of the 12 corporation if that person ceases to be a member of 13 the specific congregation giving the direction, and 14 (iii) that no alteration or amendment to its constitution 15 can take effect without the consent in writing of the 16 Trust, and 17 (c) whose directors and other officers are: 18 (i) members of the corporation (and accordingly 19 members of the congregation giving the direction), 20 or 21 (ii) members of another congregation, or 22 (iii) persons whom the Executive Committee is satisfied 23 are committed adherents of evangelical doctrines or 24 committed members of an evangelical church or 25 party, and 26 (d) that has a proportion of directors or other officers who are 27 neither members of the corporation nor of a congregation 28 that is no more than that determined by the Executive 29 Committee in writing from time to time. 30 [9] Section 28 Reimbursement of Trust 31 Omit "of a congregation" from section 28 (1) (a) (i). 32 Insert instead "given by or on behalf of a congregation". 33 [10] Section 28 (3) (b) (i) and (ii) 34 Insert "building" after "church" wherever occurring. 35 Page 5 Baptist Churches of New South Wales Property Trust Amendment Bill 2013 Schedule 1 Amendment of Baptist Churches of New South Wales Property Trust Act 1984 No 4 [11] Sections 29 and 29AA 1 Omit section 29. Insert instead: 2 29 Baptist Union temporarily has trust property functions of 3 dissolved congregations 4 (1) This section applies if, while any trust property situated in a 5 district is vested in the Trust, a congregation which is or was 6 established in the district is dissolved or dispersed so that there 7 are no members of a congregation in that district meeting 8 together for the public worship of God according to the usages of 9 the Baptist denomination. 10 (2) Until a congregation having 10 members or more is again formed 11 in that district, the Baptist Union is to have and may exercise all 12 of the functions with respect to the trust property that the 13 dissolved or dispersed congregation would otherwise have had 14 and would otherwise have been capable of exercising. 15 (3) However, for the first 6 months after the dissolution or dispersal: 16 (a) the Baptist Union may not direct the Trust to sell or 17 dispose of any trust property held by it on behalf of the 18 dissolved or dispersed congregation, and 19 (b) the Trust must not sell or dispose of any such trust 20 property. 21 29AA Baptist Union temporarily has trust property functions of 22 congregations with small membership 23 (1) This section applies if, while any trust property situated in a 24 district is vested in the Trust, a congregation which is or was 25 established in the district consists of less than 10 members. 26 (2) Until the congregation increases in membership to 10 members 27 or more: 28 (a) the Baptist Union is to have and may exercise all of the 29 functions with respect to the trust property that the 30 congregation would otherwise have had and would 31 otherwise have been capable of exercising, and 32 (b) the congregation does not have those functions and is not 33 capable of exercising them. 34 (3) The Baptist Union must not exercise any function pursuant to 35 subsection (2) with respect to trust property held on behalf of a 36 congregation unless the Baptist Union has first consulted the 37 members of the congregation. 38 Page 6 Baptist Churches of New South Wales Property Trust Amendment Bill 2013 Amendment of Baptist Churches of New South Wales Property Trust Act Schedule 1 1984 No 4 (4) However, for the first 2 years during which the congregation 1 consists of less than 10 members: 2 (a) the Baptist Union may not direct the Trust to sell or 3 dispose of any trust property held by it on behalf of the 4 congregation unless the members of the congregation 5 consent, and 6 (b) the Trust must not sell or dispose of any trust property held 7 by it on behalf of the congregation unless the members of 8 the congregation consent. 9 [12] Section 42 Directions of congregation to Trust 10 Omit section 42 (1) and (2). Insert instead: 11 (1) A direction of a congregation is, for the purposes of this Act, 12 given when: 13 (a) a resolution in favour of the direction has been passed by 14 the required majority at a meeting of the congregation of 15 which notice has been given in accordance with this 16 section, and 17 (b) in the case only of a congregation with between 10 and 18 20 members--the Executive Committee has consented to 19 the direction being given. 20 [13] Section 42 (4A) 21 Insert after section 42 (4): 22 (4A) For the purposes of this section, a resolution is passed by the 23 required majority if it is passed: 24 (a) by a majority of not less than 75% of the personal votes of 25 such of the members of the congregation as are of or above 26 the age of 18 years and as are present and vote at the 27 meeting, and 28 (b) by at least 10 persons. 29 Page 7 Baptist Churches of New South Wales Property Trust Amendment Bill 2013 Schedule 1 Amendment of Baptist Churches of New South Wales Property Trust Act 1984 No 4 [14] Section 43 Meetings of District Associations for purpose of giving 1 directions to Trust 2 Omit "Subject to subsection (2), the" from section 43 (1). Insert instead "A". 3 [15] Section 43 (2) 4 Omit the subsection. 5 Page 8
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