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Biofuels Further Amendment Bill 2012
No     , 2012

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Biofuels Act 2007 to make further provision regarding
minimum ethanol and biodiesel content requirements in respect of petrol and diesel
fuel sales in the State; and for related purposes.
Clause 1      Biofuels Further Amendment Bill 2012

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                        1

 1    Name of Act                                                                 2

           This Act is the Biofuels Further Amendment Act 2012.                   3

 2    Commencement                                                                4

           This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.   5

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Biofuels Further Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of Biofuels Act 2007 No 23                                   Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendment of Biofuels Act 2007 No 23                             1

[1]   Section 3 Definitions                                                             2

      Omit the definitions of Department and Director-General from section 3 (1).       3

      Insert instead, respectively:                                                     4

                    Department means the Department of Trade and Investment,            5
                    Regional Infrastructure and Services.                               6

                    Director-General    means    the   Director-General     of   the    7
                    Department.                                                         8

[2]   Section 3 (1)                                                                     9

      Insert in alphabetical order:                                                    10

                    investigator means a person appointed as an investigator under     11
                    section 18.                                                        12

[3]   Section 10 Offence--failure to comply with minimum biofuel                       13
      requirements                                                                     14

      Omit the following from section 10 (1):                                          15
                   Maximum penalty:                                                    16
                   (a) in the case of a first offence--100 penalty units, or           17
                   (b) in the case of a second or subsequent offence--                 18
                        1,000 penalty units.                                           19

      Insert instead:                                                                  20
                    Maximum penalty:                                                   21
                    (a) in the case of a first offence--500 penalty units, or          22
                    (b) in the case of a second or subsequent offence--                23
                         5,000 penalty units.                                          24

[4]   Section 13 Offence--failure to furnish returns or keep records                   25

      Omit the following wherever occurring in section 13 (1) and (2):                 26
                   Maximum penalty:                                                    27
                   (a) in the case of a first offence--100 penalty units, or           28
                   (b) in the case of a second or subsequent offence--                 29
                        1,000 penalty units.                                           30

      Insert instead:                                                                  31
                    Maximum penalty:                                                   32
                    (a) in the case of a first offence--500 penalty units, or          33

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                    Biofuels Further Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 1          Amendment of Biofuels Act 2007 No 23

                       (b)    in the case of a second or subsequent offence--                1
                              5,000 penalty units.                                           2

[5]   Section 15 Exemptions from minimum biofuel requirements                                3

      Omit section 15 (1). Insert instead:                                                   4

              (1)      The Minister may by order in writing exempt a specified person        5
                       from compliance with a minimum biofuel requirement if the             6
                       Minister is satisfied that one or more of the following               7
                       circumstances exist and that those circumstances, separately or in    8
                       combination, justify the grant of the exemption:                      9
                        (a) it is uneconomic for the person to comply with the              10
                             requirement because of the price at which the person is        11
                             reasonably able to obtain ethanol or biodiesel,                12
                       (b) the person has taken, is taking or will take all reasonable      13
                             steps to comply with the requirement,                          14
                        (c) other circumstances as are prescribed by the regulations        15
                             for the purposes of this section.                              16

             (1A)      The Minister, for the purpose of determining whether he or she is    17
                       satisfied that a person has taken, is taking or will take all        18
                       reasonable steps to comply with a minimum biofuel requirement,       19
                       may have regard to whether the person has taken the actions          20
                       prescribed under section 10 (3) (if any).                            21

[6]   Section 15 (2)                                                                        22

      Omit the subsection. Insert instead:                                                  23

              (2)      The Minister is not to grant an exemption unless the proposed        24
                       exemption has been referred to the Expert Panel and the Minister     25
                       has considered any advice of the Panel on the proposed               26
                       exemption.                                                           27

[7]   Section 15 (3A)                                                                       28

      Insert after section 15 (3):                                                          29

             (3A)      A person must not contravene a condition of an exemption.            30
                       Maximum penalty:                                                     31
                       (a) in the case of a first offence--500 penalty units, or            32
                       (b) in the case of a second or subsequent offence--                  33
                             5,000 penalty units.                                           34

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Biofuels Further Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of Biofuels Act 2007 No 23                                       Schedule 1

 [8]   Section 15 (5)-(9)                                                                    1
       Omit section 15 (5) and (6). Insert instead:                                          2

              (5)   An exemption may:                                                        3
                    (a) apply generally or be limited in its application by reference        4
                         to specified exceptions or factors, and                             5
                    (b) apply differently according to different factors of a                6
                         specified kind, and                                                 7
                    (c) be granted for a specified period or for an indefinite period,       8
                         and                                                                 9
                    (d) if granted for a specified period, be granted before, during        10
                         or after that period.                                              11

              (6)   An exemption that is granted for:                                       12
                    (a) a specified period remains in force for that period, and            13
                    (b) an indefinite period remains in force until it is revoked.          14

                    A condition of an exemption may, according to its terms,                15
                    continue in force after the exemption has ceased to be in force.        16

              (7)   The Minister may vary or revoke an exemption (including by              17
                    imposing, varying or revoking a condition of the exemption) at          18
                    any time by notice in writing to the volume fuel seller concerned.      19

              (8)   However, the Minister is not to vary or revoke an exemption             20
                    unless the proposed variation or revocation has been referred to        21
                    the Expert Panel and the Minister has considered any advice of          22
                    the Panel on the proposed variation or revocation.                      23

              (9)   The regulations may make provision for or with respect to               24
                    applications for exemptions.                                            25

 [9]   Section 19 Power of investigator to obtain information, records and                  26
       evidence                                                                             27

       Insert "ethanol, biodiesel," before "petrol or diesel fuel" in section 19 (2) (b).   28

[10]   Section 19 (2) (c)                                                                   29

       Insert after section 19 (2) (b):                                                     30
                      (c) any person whom the investigator reasonably believes has          31
                            supplied a volume fuel seller with ethanol, biodiesel, petrol   32
                            or diesel fuel.                                                 33

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                 Biofuels Further Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 1       Amendment of Biofuels Act 2007 No 23

[11]   Section 20 Powers of investigators                                                  1
       Insert at the end of section 20 (2) (b):                                            2
                            , or                                                           3
                      (c) used for the conduct of a business by a person whom the          4
                            investigator reasonably believes has supplied a volume         5
                            fuel seller with ethanol, biodiesel, petrol or diesel fuel.    6

[12]   Section 20 (3) (a) and (c)                                                          7

       Insert "ethanol, biodiesel," before "petrol or diesel fuel" wherever occurring.     8

[13]   Section 20 (3) (c1)                                                                 9

       Insert after section 20 (3) (c):                                                   10
                     (c1) take for analysis or examination samples of ethanol,            11
                            biodiesel, petrol or diesel fuel,                             12

[14]   Section 24 Expert Panel                                                            13

       Omit section 24 (1) (a). Insert instead:                                           14
                    (a) the Director-General of the Department of Trade and               15
                          Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services or the         16
                          Director-General's nominee,                                     17
                  (a1) an officer of the Department of Trade and Investment,              18
                          Regional Infrastructure and Services with expertise in          19
                          regional industry development nominated by the                  20
                          Director-General of the Department,                             21
                  (a2) the Chief Executive of the Office of Environment and               22
                          Heritage or the Chief Executive's nominee,                      23
                  (a3) the Director-General of the Department of Primary                  24
                          Industries or the Director-General's nominee,                   25
                  (a4) the Commissioner for Fair Trading or the Commissioner's            26
                          nominee,                                                        27
                  (a5) the Director-General of the Department of Finance and              28
                          Services or the Director-General's nominee,                     29

[15]   Section 24 (1) (c)                                                                 30

       Insert after section 24 (1) (b):                                                   31
                      (c) up to 3 persons appointed by the Minister who have recent       32
                            experience or expertise in the petroleum or biofuels          33
                            industry.                                                     34

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Biofuels Further Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of Biofuels Act 2007 No 23                                  Schedule 1

[16]   Section 24 (2) and (2A)                                                         1
       Omit section 24 (2). Insert instead:                                            2

              (2)   The Director-General of the Department is to be the Chairperson    3
                    of the Expert Panel.                                               4

             (2A)   Schedule 2 contains provisions relating to the constitution and    5
                    procedure of the Expert Panel.                                     6

[17]   Section 24 (3) (a) and (b)                                                      7

       Omit section 24 (3) (a). Insert instead:                                        8
                    (a) a proposed exemption from, or a proposed suspension of,        9
                          the operation of a minimum biofuel requirement, and         10
                    (b) a proposed variation or revocation of such an exemption,      11
                          and                                                         12

[18]   Section 27 Proceedings for offences                                            13

       Omit "100 penalty units" from section 27 (2).                                  14

       Insert instead "500 penalty units".                                            15

[19]   Section 27 (3)                                                                 16

       Insert after section 27 (2):                                                   17

              (3)   Proceedings for an offence against this Act or the regulations    18
                    must be commenced within 2 years of the date of the alleged       19
                    offence.                                                          20

[20]   Schedule 1 Savings, transitional and other provisions                          21

       Insert at the end of the Schedule:                                             22

       Part 4       Provision consequent on enactment of                              23
                    Biofuels Further Amendment Act 2012                               24

         5    Pending exemption applications                                          25

                    Section 15, as amended by the Biofuels Further Amendment Act      26
                    2012, extends to an application for an exemption that has been    27
                    made but not determined before that section was so amended.       28

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                Biofuels Further Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 1      Amendment of Biofuels Act 2007 No 23

[21]   Schedule 2                                                                         1
       Insert after Schedule 1:                                                           2

       Schedule 2             Constitution and procedure of                               3
                              Expert Panel                                                4

                                                                     (Section 24 (2A))    5

       Part 1       General                                                               6

         1    Definitions                                                                 7

                    In this Schedule:                                                     8
                    appointed member means a person who is appointed by the               9
                    Minister as a member of the Expert Panel.                            10
                    Chairperson means the Chairperson of the Expert Panel.               11
                    member means any member of the Expert Panel.                         12

       Part 2       Constitution                                                         13

         2   Terms of office of members                                                  14

                    Subject to this Schedule and the regulations, an appointed           15
                    member holds office for such period (not exceeding 4 years) as is    16
                    specified in the member's instrument of appointment, but is          17
                    eligible (if otherwise qualified) for re-appointment.                18

         3   Part-time appointments                                                      19

                    Appointed members hold office as part-time members.                  20

         4   Remuneration                                                                21

                    An appointed member is entitled to be paid such remuneration         22
                    (including travelling and subsistence allowances) as the Minister    23
                    may from time to time determine in respect of the member.            24

         5   Vacancy in office of member                                                 25

             (1)    The office of an appointed member becomes vacant if the              26
                    member:                                                              27
                    (a) dies, or                                                         28
                    (b) completes a term of office and is not re-appointed, or           29
                    (c) resigns the office by instrument in writing addressed to the     30
                         Minister, or                                                    31

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Biofuels Further Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of Biofuels Act 2007 No 23                                       Schedule 1

                    (d)    is removed from office by the Minister under this clause,          1
                           or                                                                 2
                    (e)    is absent from 3 consecutive meetings of the Expert Panel          3
                           of which reasonable notice has been given to the member            4
                           personally or by post, except on leave granted by the              5
                           Minister or unless the member is excused by the Minister           6
                           for having been absent from those meetings, or                     7
                     (f)   becomes bankrupt, applies to take the benefit of any law           8
                           for the relief of bankrupt or insolvent debtors, compounds         9
                           with his or her creditors or makes an assignment of his or        10
                           her remuneration for their benefit, or                            11
                    (g)    becomes a mentally incapacitated person, or                       12
                    (h)    is convicted in New South Wales of an offence that is             13
                           punishable by imprisonment for 12 months or more or is            14
                           convicted elsewhere than in New South Wales of an                 15
                           offence that, if committed in New South Wales, would be           16
                           an offence so punishable.                                         17

             (2)    The Minister may remove an appointed member from office at               18
                    any time.                                                                19

        6    Disclosure of pecuniary interests                                               20

             (1)    If:                                                                      21
                     (a)   a member has a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in a         22
                           matter being considered or about to be considered at a            23
                           meeting of the Expert Panel, and                                  24
                    (b) the interest appears to raise a conflict with the proper             25
                           performance of the member's duties in relation to the             26
                           consideration of the matter,                                      27
                    the member must, as soon as possible after the relevant facts have       28
                    come to the member's knowledge, disclose the nature of the               29
                    interest at a meeting of the Expert Panel.                               30

             (2)    A disclosure by a member at a meeting of the Expert Panel that           31
                    the member:                                                              32
                     (a) is a member, or is in the employment, of a specified                33
                           company or other body, or                                         34
                    (b) is a partner, or is in the employment, of a specified person,        35
                           or                                                                36
                     (c) has some other specified interest relating to a specified           37
                           company or other body or to a specified person,                   38
                    is a sufficient disclosure of the nature of the interest in any matter   39
                    relating to that company or other body or to that person which           40

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                 Biofuels Further Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 1          Amendment of Biofuels Act 2007 No 23

                       may arise after the date of the disclosure and which is required to    1
                       be disclosed under subclause (1).                                      2

              (3)      Particulars of any disclosure made under this clause must be           3
                       recorded by the Expert Panel in a book kept for the purpose and        4
                       that book must be open at all reasonable hours to inspection by        5
                       any person on payment of the fee determined by the Expert Panel.       6

              (4)      After a member has disclosed the nature of an interest in any          7
                       matter, the member must not, unless the Minister or the Expert         8
                       Panel otherwise determines:                                            9
                       (a) be present during any deliberation of the Expert Panel with       10
                             respect to the matter, or                                       11
                       (b) take part in any decision of the Expert Panel with respect        12
                             to the matter.                                                  13

              (5)      For the purposes of the making of a determination by the Expert       14
                       Panel under subclause (4), a member who has a direct or indirect      15
                       pecuniary interest in a matter to which the disclosure relates must   16
                       not:                                                                  17
                       (a) be present during any deliberation of the Expert Panel for        18
                             the purpose of making the determination, or                     19
                       (b) take part in the making by the Expert Panel of the                20
                             determination.                                                  21

              (6)      A contravention of this clause does not invalidate any decision of    22
                       the Expert Panel.                                                     23

              (7)      This clause applies to a member of a committee of the Expert          24
                       Panel and the committee in the same way as it applies to a            25
                       member of the Expert Panel and the Expert Panel.                      26

          7   Effect of certain other Acts                                                   27

              (1)      Chapter 2 of the Public Sector Employment and Management              28
                       Act 2002 does not apply to or in respect of the appointment of an     29
                       appointed member.                                                     30

              (2)      If by or under any Act provision is made:                             31
                        (a) requiring a person who is the holder of a specified office to    32
                              devote the whole of his or her time to the duties of that      33
                              office, or                                                     34
                       (b) prohibiting the person from engaging in employment                35
                              outside the duties of that office,                             36
                       the provision does not operate to disqualify the person from          37
                       holding that office and also the office of an appointed member or     38

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Biofuels Further Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of Biofuels Act 2007 No 23                                      Schedule 1

                    from accepting and retaining any remuneration payable to the            1
                    person under this Act as a member.                                      2

        8    Personal liability                                                             3

                    A matter or thing done or omitted to be done by the Expert Panel,       4
                    a member of the Expert Panel or a person acting under the               5
                    direction of the Expert Panel does not, if the matter or thing was      6
                    done or omitted to be done in good faith for the purpose of             7
                    executing this or any other Act, subject a member or a person so        8
                    acting personally to any action, liability, claim or demand.            9

      Part 3        Procedure                                                              10

        9    General procedure                                                             11

                    The procedure for the calling of meetings of the Expert Panel and      12
                    for the conduct of business at those meetings is, subject to this      13
                    Act and the regulations, to be as determined by the Expert Panel.      14

       10    Quorum                                                                        15

                    The quorum for a meeting of the Expert Panel is a majority of its      16
                    members for the time being.                                            17

       11    Presiding member                                                              18

             (1)    The Chairperson or, in the absence of the Chairperson, the             19
                    Director-General's nominee, is to preside at a meeting of the          20
                    Expert Panel.                                                          21

             (2)    In the absence of both the Chairperson and the                         22
                    Director-General's nominee, another member of the Expert Panel         23
                    elected by the members of the Expert Panel who are present is to       24
                    preside at a meeting of the Expert Panel.                              25

             (3)    The presiding member has a deliberative vote and, in the event of      26
                    an equality of votes, has a second or casting vote.                    27

       12    Voting                                                                        28

                    A decision supported by a majority of the votes cast at a meeting      29
                    of the Expert Panel at which a quorum is present is the decision       30
                    of the Expert Panel.                                                   31

       13    Transaction of business outside meetings or by telephone                      32

             (1)    The Expert Panel may, if it thinks fit, transact any of its business   33
                    by the circulation of papers among all the members of the Expert       34
                    Panel for the time being, and a resolution in writing approved in      35

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               Biofuels Further Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 1         Amendment of Biofuels Act 2007 No 23

                      writing by a majority of those members is taken to be a decision        1
                      of the Expert Panel.                                                    2

             (2)      The Expert Panel may, if it thinks fit, transact any of its business    3
                      at a meeting at which members (or some members) participate by          4
                      telephone, closed-circuit television or other means, but only if        5
                      any member who speaks on a matter before the meeting can be             6
                      heard by the other members.                                             7

             (3)      For the purposes of:                                                    8
                      (a) the approval of a resolution under subclause (1), or                9
                      (b)    a meeting held in accordance with subclause (2),                10
                      each member has the same voting rights as they have at an              11
                      ordinary meeting of the Expert Panel.                                  12

             (4)      A resolution approved under subclause (1) is, subject to the           13
                      regulations, to be recorded in the minutes of the meetings of the      14
                      Expert Panel.                                                          15

             (5)      Papers may be circulated among the members for the purposes of         16
                      subclause (1) by facsimile or other transmission of the                17
                      information in the papers concerned.                                   18

      14     First meeting                                                                   19

                      The Chairperson may call the first meeting of the Expert Panel         20
                      after the commencement of this Schedule in such manner as the          21
                      Chairperson thinks fit.                                                22

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Biofuels Further Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of Biofuels Regulation 2007                                  Schedule 2

Schedule 2             Amendment of Biofuels Regulation 2007                             1

[1]   Clause 7 Reasonable steps for compliance with volumetric biofuel                   2
      requirement                                                                        3

      Insert after clause 7 (e):                                                         4
                     (f) the taking of all reasonable action (on a continuing basis)     5
                           to ensure that all E10 sold by the volume fuel seller         6
                           contains at least 9% ethanol.                                 7

[2]   Clause 9 Grounds for exemption                                                     8

      Omit "as a circumstance that justifies the exemption of a person from              9
      compliance with a minimum biofuel requirement".                                   10

[3]   Clause 9A Registration of volume fuel sellers                                     11

      Omit "10 penalty units" from clause 9A (1). Insert instead "100 penalty units".   12

[4]   Clause 9A (5A)                                                                    13

      Insert after clause 9A (5):                                                       14

            (5A)    A person must not contravene a condition of registration.           15
                    Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.                                 16

[5]   Clause 9B                                                                         17

      Insert after clause 9A:                                                           18

       9B    Applications for exemptions                                                19

             (1)    An application for an exemption under section 15 of the Act:        20
                    (a) is to be made in the manner and form approved by the            21
                         Director-General, and                                          22
                    (b) is to be accompanied by the documents specified by the          23
                         Director-General.                                              24

             (2)    Nothing in this clause prevents the Minister granting an            25
                    exemption in the absence of an application.                         26

[6]   Schedule 1 Penalty notice offences                                                27

      Omit "$1,100" wherever occurring in Column 2 of the Schedule.                     28

      Insert instead "$5,500".                                                          29

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               Biofuels Further Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 2     Amendment of Biofuels Regulation 2007

[7]   Schedule 1                                       1
      Insert at the end of the Schedule:               2
      Biofuels Regulation 2007
      Clause 9A (1)                          $1,100
      Clause 9A (5A)                         $1,100

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