New South Wales Bills

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                        New South Wales

Coal Acquisition Amendment (Fair
Compensation) Bill 2005


           1   Name of Act                                          2
           2   Commencement                                         2
           3   Amendment of Coal Acquisition Act 1981 No 109        2
  Schedule 1   Amendments                                           3
I certify that this PUBLIC BILL, which originated in the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY,
has finally passed the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL and the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY of

                                               Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
                                               Legislative Assembly,
                                               Sydney,                     , 2005

                            New South Wales

Coal Acquisition Amendment (Fair
Compensation) Bill 2005
Act No      , 2005

An Act to amend the Coal Acquisition Act 1981 to make further provision for the
payment of compensation under that Act; and for other purposes.

I have examined this Bill, and find it to correspond in all respects with the Bill
as finally passed by both Houses.

                          Chairman of Committees of the Legislative Assembly.
Clause 1      Coal Acquisition Amendment (Fair Compensation) Bill 2005

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:
 1    Name of Act
           This Act is the Coal Acquisition Amendment (Fair Compensation)
           Act 2005.
 2    Commencement
           This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.
 3    Amendment of Coal Acquisition Act 1981 No 109
           The Coal Acquisition Act 1981 is amended as set out in Schedule 1.

Page 2
Coal Acquisition Amendment (Fair Compensation) Bill 2005

Amendments                                                                Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendments
                                                                             (Section 3)
[1]   Section 3 Definitions
      Insert in alphabetical order:
                    Coal Compensation Board means the New South Wales Coal
                    Compensation Board established under the Coal Acquisition
                    (Compensation) Arrangements 1985.
[2]   Section 5B Acquisition of coal on behalf of the Crown otherwise than by
      Omit "New South Wales Coal Compensation Board established under the
      Coal Acquisition (Compensation) Arrangements 1985" from section 5B (3).
      Insert instead "Coal Compensation Board".
[3]   Section 6 Arrangements by the Governor
      Insert "(taking into account section 6A)" after "subsection (1)" in section 6 (2).
[4]   Section 6A
      Insert after section 6:
       6A    Special provisions relating to compensation
             (1)    Section 6, and any arrangements made under that section, are
                    subject to the provisions of this section.
             (2)    If royalty is to be included in the determination of compensation
                    under section 6 in relation to any claim, the royalty is to be
                    calculated in accordance with the provisions of the Mining Act
                    1992 and the Mining Regulation 2003 relating to the payment of
                    royalty, as those provisions were in force immediately before
                    1 July 2004.
             (3)    Despite subsection (2), the determination of compensation
                    payable under section 6 in relation to any claim must not include
                    an additional amount in respect of royalty under section 283 (1)
                    (b) of the Mining Act 1992 (or any provision of or made under the
                    former Coal Mining Act 1973 relating to the payment of
                    additional royalty) unless the Coal Compensation Board
                    considers it appropriate and the amount relates to a period
                    occurring before 1 July 2004.

                                                                               Page 3
                   Coal Acquisition Amendment (Fair Compensation) Bill 2005

Schedule 1         Amendments

             (4)      Any additional amount of royalty referred to in subsection (3) is
                      to be calculated in accordance with the provisions of section 283
                      (1) (b) of the Mining Act 1992, and the relevant provisions of the
                      Mining Regulation 2003, as in force immediately before 1 July
             (5)      The determination of compensation payable under section 6 in
                      relation to any claim must not include any amount in respect of
                      any contract or other arrangement that:
                       (a) was entered into by an applicant or tenderer for, or the
                             holder of, any lease, licence or other authorisation under
                             the Coal Mining Act 1973 (as in force before its repeal) or
                             the Mining Act 1992, and
                      (b) was entered into for the purpose of fulfilling a requirement
                             relating to the grant of the lease, licence or other
                             authorisation or a condition of the lease, licence or other
                             authorisation, and
                       (c) related to the price at which coal was to be supplied to
                             another party to the contract or arrangement.
             (6)      The provisions of this section extend to any compensation in
                      relation to a claim that has not been finally determined at the
                      commencement of this section, including a claim that is the
                      subject of any appeal, judicial review or redetermination.
             (7)      However, the provisions of this section:
                      (a) do not affect any payment of compensation under section
                          6 made before the commencement of this section if the
                          payment was in respect of a claim that had been finally
                          determined before that commencement, or
                      (b) do not entitle any person who has received a payment
                          referred to in paragraph (a) in respect of a claim to any
                          further payment of compensation under section 6 in
                          respect of the claim.

Page 4
Coal Acquisition Amendment (Fair Compensation) Bill 2005

Amendments                                                              Schedule 1

             (8)    The arrangements made under section 6 may (but need not) make
                    provision with respect to the circumstances in which a claim is
                    taken to have been finally determined for the purposes of this
             (9)    In this section, a reference to a claim includes a reference to an

                                                                              Page 5


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