New South Wales Bills

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                                     New South Wales

Crimes and Anti-Discrimination Legislation
Amendment (Vilification) Bill 2016

Explanatory note
This explanatory note relates to this Bill as introduced into Parliament.

Overview of Bill
The object of this Bill is to make amendments to the Crimes Act 1900 and the Anti-Discrimination
Act 1977 in relation to racial, transgender, homosexual and HIV/AIDS vilification. This Bill has
been prepared in response to the report of the Legislative Council Standing Committee on Law
and Justice entitled Racial vilification law in New South Wales.
The Bill deals with the following:
(a) moves the offence of serious racial, transgender, homosexual or HIV/AIDS vilification by
      means of threat or incitement of physical harm into the Crimes Act 1900 from the
      Anti-Discrimination Act 1977,
(b) in doing so, removes the requirement that the Attorney General must give consent to a
      prosecution for that offence,
(c) extends the time within which prosecutions for such offences may be commenced to not
      later than 12 months from the date when the offence was alleged to have been committed
      (rather than 6 months, which is the limitation period that currently applies under the
      Criminal Procedure Act 1986),
(d) brings together into a new Part (proposed Part 4H) all the provisions of the
      Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 dealing with racial, transgender, homosexual and HIV/AIDS
      vilification and makes those provisions consistent,
(e) clarifies that unlawful vilification under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 occurs when a
      person, by a public act, intentionally or recklessly promotes (rather than incites) hatred
      towards, serious contempt for, or severe ridicule of, a person or group of persons on racial,
      transgender, homosexual and HIV/AIDS grounds,

Crimes and Anti-Discrimination Legislation Amendment (Vilification) Bill 2016 [NSW]
Explanatory note

(f)    clarifies which public acts constitute such unlawful vilification,
(g)    provides that the proposed Part applies whether or not the person or members of the group
       vilified have the characteristic that was the ground for the promotion of hatred, contempt or
       ridicule concerned,
(h)    provides that the President of the Anti-Discrimination Board, after accepting a vilification
       complaint under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977, is to refer the complaint to the
       Commissioner of Police if the President considers that the offence of serious racial,
       transgender, homosexual or HIV/AIDS vilification may have been committed (rather than
       investigating the complaint first and then referring such a complaint to the Attorney

Outline of provisions
Clause 1 sets out the name (also called the short title) of the proposed Act.
Clause 2 provides for the commencement of the proposed Act on the date of assent to the
proposed Act.

Schedule 1              Amendment of Crimes Act 1900 No 40
Schedule 1 inserts proposed Division 15C (proposed section 91N) into Part 3 of the Crimes Act
1900 to give effect to the objectives outlined in paragraphs (a)-(c) above.

Schedule 2              Amendment of Anti-Discrimination Act 1977
                        No 48
Schedule 2 [5] inserts proposed Part 4H (proposed sections 50AA and 50AB) into the
Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 to give effect to the objectives outlined in paragraphs (d)-(g) above.
Schedule 2 [12] inserts proposed section 94D into the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 to give effect
to the objective outlined in paragraph (h) above.
Schedule 2 [14] amends Schedule 1 to the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 to enable regulations of
a savings or transitional nature consequent on the enactment of any Act that amends that Act to be
Schedule 2 [1]-[4], [6]-[11] and [13] make consequential amendments.

Page 2
Introduced by The Hon P G Lynch, MP                                   First print

                                  New South Wales

Crimes and Anti-Discrimination Legislation
Amendment (Vilification) Bill 2016

                1   Name of Act                                                2
                2   Commencement                                               2
Schedule 1          Amendment of Crimes Act 1900 No 40                         3
Schedule 2          Amendment of Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 No 48            4

                                New South Wales

Crimes and Anti-Discrimination Legislation
Amendment (Vilification) Bill 2016

No     , 2016

A Bill for
An Act to amend the Crimes Act 1900 and the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 to make further
provision with respect to racial or certain other vilification.
Crimes and Anti-Discrimination Legislation Amendment (Vilification) Bill 2016 [NSW]

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                            1

  1    Name of Act                                                                    2

              This Act is the Crimes and Anti-Discrimination Legislation Amendment    3
              (Vilification) Act 2016.                                                4

  2    Commencement                                                                   5

              This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.                   6

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Crimes and Anti-Discrimination Legislation Amendment (Vilification) Bill 2016 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Crimes Act 1900 No 40

Schedule 1              Amendment of Crimes Act 1900 No 40                                        1

       Part 3, Division 15C                                                                       2

       Insert after Division 15B of Part 3:                                                       3

       Division 15C         Racial, transgender, homosexual and HIV/AIDS                          4
                            vilification                                                          5

      91N     Offence of serious racial, transgender, homosexual or HIV/AIDS vilification by      6
              means of threat or incitement of physical harm                                      7

              (1)    A person who contravenes section 50AB of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977    8
                     by means which include:                                                      9
                      (a) threatening physical harm towards, or towards any property of, the     10
                            person or group of persons concerned, or                             11
                     (b) inciting others to threaten physical harm towards, or towards any       12
                            property of, the person or group of persons concerned,               13
                     is guilty of an offence.                                                    14
                     Maximum penalty:                                                            15
                      (a) in the case of an individual--50 penalty units or imprisonment for      16
                            6 months, or both, or                                                17
                     (b) in the case of a corporation--100 penalty units.                         18

              (2)    An offence against subsection (1) is a summary offence.                     19

              (3)    Proceedings for an offence against subsection (1) must be commenced not     20
                     later than 12 months from when the offence was alleged to have been         21
                     committed.                                                                  22

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Crimes and Anti-Discrimination Legislation Amendment (Vilification) Bill 2016 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendment of Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 No 48

Schedule 2              Amendment of Anti-Discrimination Act 1977                                       1
                        No 48                                                                           2

[1]    Part 2, Division 3A Racial vilification                                                          3

       Omit the Division.                                                                               4

[2]    Part 3A, Division 5 Transgender vilification                                                     5

       Omit the Division.                                                                               6

[3]    Part 4C, Division 4 Homosexual vilification                                                      7

       Omit the Division.                                                                               8

[4]    Part 4F HIV/AIDS vilification                                                                    9

       Omit the Part.                                                                                  10

[5]    Part 4H                                                                                         11

       Insert after Part 4G:                                                                           12

       Part 4H Prohibition of racial, transgender, homosexual and                                      13
               HIV/AIDS vilification                                                                   14

      50AA    Definition of "public act"                                                               15

              (1)    In this Part, public act includes:                                                16
                      (a) any form of communication (including speaking, writing, displaying           17
                            notices, playing of recorded material, broadcasting and communicating      18
                            through social media and other electronic methods) to the public, and      19
                     (b) any conduct (including actions and gestures and the wearing or display        20
                            of clothing, signs, flags, emblems and insignia) observable by the         21
                            public, and                                                                22
                      (c) the distribution or dissemination of any matter to the public.               23

              (2)    For the avoidance of doubt, an act may be a public act even if it occurs on       24
                     private land.                                                                     25

              (3)    Despite subsection (1), in any proceedings under this Act or in relation to the   26
                     offence under section 91N of the Crimes Act 1900, an act is not a public act if   27
                     the person concerned establishes that the person engaged in the conduct in        28
                     circumstances that may reasonably be taken to indicate that the parties to the    29
                     conduct desired it to be heard or seen only by themselves.                        30

              (4)    Subsection (3) does not apply in relation to conduct in any circumstances in      31
                     which the parties to the conduct ought reasonably to expect that it may be        32
                     heard or seen by someone else.                                                    33

      50AB    Serious vilification unlawful                                                            34

              (1)    It is unlawful for a person, by a public act, to intentionally or recklessly      35
                     promote hatred towards, serious contempt for, or severe ridicule of, a person     36
                     or group of persons:                                                              37
                      (a) on the ground of the race of the person or members of the group, or          38
                     (b) on the ground that the person is, or members of the group are,                39
                            transgender (within the meaning of Part 3A), or                            40

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Crimes and Anti-Discrimination Legislation Amendment (Vilification) Bill 2016 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendment of Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 No 48

                     (c)    on the ground of the homosexuality of the person or members of the           1
                            group, or                                                                    2
                     (d)    on the ground that the person is (or members of the group are) infected      3
                            with HIV or has (or have) AIDS.                                              4

              (2)    This section applies whether or not the person has, or members of the group         5
                     have, the characteristic that was the ground for the promotion of hatred,           6
                     contempt or ridicule concerned.                                                     7

              (3)    Nothing in this section renders unlawful:                                           8
                     (a) a fair report of a public act referred to in this section, or                   9
                     (b) a communication or the distribution or dissemination of any matter on          10
                           an occasion that would be subject to a defence of absolute privilege in      11
                           proceedings for defamation, or                                               12
                     (c) a public act, done reasonably and in good faith for:                           13
                            (i) academic, artistic, scientific or research purposes, or                 14
                           (ii) other purposes (including discussion or debate) in the public           15
                                  interest.                                                             16

 [6]   Section 87 Definitions                                                                           17

       Omit "section 20C, 38S, 49ZT or 49ZXB" from the definition of vilification complaint.            18

       Insert instead "section 50AB".                                                                   19

 [7]   Section 88                                                                                       20

       Omit the section. Insert instead:                                                                21

         88   Vilification complaints                                                                   22

                     A vilification complaint cannot be made unless:                                    23
                     (a) each person on whose behalf the complaint is made:                             24
                             (i) has the characteristic that was the ground for the conduct that        25
                                   constitutes the alleged contravention, or                            26
                            (ii) claims to have that characteristic and there is no sufficient reason   27
                                   to doubt that claim, or                                              28
                     (b) the complaint claims that the person who is alleged to have contravened        29
                            Part 4H believed that each person on whose behalf the complaint is          30
                            made has that characteristic (whether or not the person actually had the    31
                            characteristic) and there is no sufficient reason to doubt that claim.      32

 [8]   Section 89B Acceptance or declining of complaints by the President                               33

       Omit "(not including section 20D, 38T, 49ZTA or 49ZXC)" from section 89B (2) (c).                34

 [9]   Section 90A Investigation of vilification complaints                                             35

       Omit "section 20D, 38T, 49ZTA or 49ZXC" from section 90A (1).                                    36

       Insert instead "section 91N of the Crimes Act 1900 has been committed".                          37

[10]   Section 91 Prosecution for serious vilification                                                  38

       Omit the section.                                                                                39

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Crimes and Anti-Discrimination Legislation Amendment (Vilification) Bill 2016 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendment of Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 No 48

[11]   Section 93A Referral of complaints to Tribunal at requirement of complainant                      1
       Omit "91 (4) or 92" from section 93A (1). Insert instead "92 or 94D (3)".                         2

[12]   Section 94D                                                                                       3

       Insert after section 94C:                                                                         4

       94D    Referral of possible commission of offence of serious racial, transgender,                 5
              homosexual or HIV/AIDS vilification                                                        6

              (1)    The President, after accepting a complaint (in whole or in part), is to consider    7
                     whether an offence may have been committed under section 91N of the                 8
                     Crimes Act 1900 in respect of the matter the subject of the complaint.              9

              (2)    If the President considers that an offence may have been so committed, the         10
                     President is to refer the complaint to the Commissioner of Police.                 11

              (3)    On making the referral, the President is to give notice in writing to the          12
                     complainant of:                                                                    13
                     (a) the making of the referral, and                                                14
                     (b) the rights of the complainant under section 93A.                               15

              (4)    The Tribunal may stay proceedings relating to the complaint until the              16
                     conclusion of proceedings for the alleged offence.                                 17

              (5)    If the President becomes aware of information (otherwise than by way of a          18
                     complaint) and considers that an offence under section 91N of the Crimes Act       19
                     1900 may have been committed, the President may refer the information to the       20
                     Commissioner of Police.                                                            21

[13]   Section 96 Leave of Tribunal required for inquiry into certain matters                           22

       Omit "91 (2)" from section 96 (1). Insert instead "94D (2)".                                     23

[14]   Schedule 1 Savings and transitional provisions                                                   24

       Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                               25

                     any other Act that amends this Act                                                 26

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