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                                  New South Wales

Crimes and Other Legislation Amendment
(Assault and Intoxication) Bill 2014

              1    Name of Act                                                       2
              2    Commencement                                                      2
     Schedule 1    Amendment of Crimes Act 1900 No 40                                3
     Schedule 2    Amendment of Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities)
                   Act 2002 No 103                                                   6
     Schedule 3    Amendment of Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 No 92         8
     Schedule 4    Amendment of Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act 1985 No 226          9
     Schedule 5    Amendment of Summary Offences Act 1988 No 25 and Criminal
                   Procedure Regulation 2010                                        11
     Schedule 6    Consequential amendment of other Acts                            12

This public bill which originated in the Legislative Assembly, has passed and is now ready
for presentation to the Legislative Council for its concurrence.

                                               Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
                                               Legislative Assembly,
                                               Sydney,                                  , 2014

                                     New South Wales

Crimes and Other Legislation Amendment
(Assault and Intoxication) Bill 2014

Act No      , 2014

An Act to amend the Crimes Act 1900, the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act
2002, the Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 and other legislation relating to assaults and
intoxication and to other matters.

See also the Liquor Amendment Bill 2014.


                                               Assistant Speaker
Crimes and Other Legislation Amendment (Assault and Intoxication) Bill 2014 [NSW]

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                                         1

  1   Name of Act                                                                                  2

               This Act is the Crimes and Other Legislation Amendment (Assault and Intoxication)   3
               Act 2014.                                                                           4

  2   Commencement                                                                                 5

         (1)   This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act, except as provided by         6
               subsection (2).                                                                     7

         (2)   Schedule 5 commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.              8

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Crimes and Other Legislation Amendment (Assault and Intoxication) Bill 2014 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Crimes Act 1900 No 40

Schedule 1             Amendment of Crimes Act 1900 No 40                                                1

[1]   Section 4 Definition of "Intoxication"                                                             2

      Insert after the definition of Intoxicating substance in section 4 (1):                            3
                     Intoxication has the same meaning it has in Part 11A.                               4

[2]   Sections 25A and 25B                                                                               5

      Insert at the end of Division 1 of Part 3:                                                         6

      25A    Assault causing death                                                                       7

             (1)    A person is guilty of an offence under this subsection if:                           8
                    (a) the person assaults another person by intentionally hitting the other            9
                          person with any part of the person's body or with an object held by the       10
                          person, and                                                                   11
                    (b) the assault is not authorised or excused by law, and                            12
                    (c) the assault causes the death of the other person.                               13
                    Maximum penalty: Imprisonment for 20 years.                                         14

             (2)    A person who is of or above the age of 18 years is guilty of an offence under       15
                    this subsection if the person commits an offence under subsection (1) when the      16
                    person is intoxicated.                                                              17
                    Maximum penalty: Imprisonment for 25 years.                                         18

             (3)    For the purposes of this section, an assault causes the death of a person           19
                    whether the person is killed as a result of the injuries received directly from     20
                    the assault or from hitting the ground or an object as a consequence of the         21
                    assault.                                                                            22

             (4)    In proceedings for an offence under subsection (1) or (2), it is not necessary to   23
                    prove that the death was reasonably foreseeable.                                    24

             (5)    It is a defence in proceedings for an offence under subsection (2):                 25
                     (a) if the intoxication of the accused was not self-induced (within the            26
                            meaning of Part 11A), or                                                    27
                    (b) if the accused had a significant cognitive impairment at the time the           28
                            offence was alleged to have been committed (not being a temporary           29
                            self-induced impairment).                                                   30

             (6)    In proceedings for an offence under subsection (2):                                 31
                     (a) evidence may be given of the presence and concentration of any                 32
                          alcohol, drug or other substance in the accused's breath, blood or urine      33
                          at the time of the alleged offence as determined by an analysis carried       34
                          out in accordance with Division 4 of Part 10 of the Law Enforcement           35
                          (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002, and                                   36
                    (b) the accused is conclusively presumed to be intoxicated by alcohol if the        37
                          prosecution proves in accordance with an analysis carried out in              38
                          accordance with that Division that there was present in the accused's         39
                          breath or blood a concentration of 0.15 grams or more of alcohol in 210       40
                          litres of breath or 100 millilitres of blood.                                 41

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Crimes and Other Legislation Amendment (Assault and Intoxication) Bill 2014 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Crimes Act 1900 No 40

             (7)    If on the trial of a person for murder or manslaughter the jury is not satisfied     1
                    that the offence is proven but is satisfied that the person has committed an         2
                    offence under subsection (1) or (2), the jury may acquit the person of murder        3
                    or manslaughter and find the person guilty of an offence under subsection (1)        4
                    or (2). The person is liable to punishment accordingly.                              5

             (8)    If on the trial of a person for an offence under subsection (2) the jury is not      6
                    satisfied that the offence is proven but is satisfied that the person has            7
                    committed an offence under subsection (1), the jury may acquit the person of         8
                    the offence under subsection (2) and find the person guilty of an offence under      9
                    subsection (1). The person is liable to punishment accordingly.                     10

             (9)    Section 18 does not apply to an offence under subsection (1) or (2).                11

            (10)    In this section, cognitive impairment includes an intellectual disability, a        12
                    developmental disorder (including an autistic spectrum disorder), a                 13
                    neurological disorder, dementia, a mental illness or a brain injury.                14

      25B    Assault causing death when intoxicated--mandatory minimum sentence                         15

             (1)    A court is required to impose a sentence of imprisonment of not less than           16
                    8 years on a person guilty of an offence under section 25A (2). Any non-parole      17
                    period for the sentence is also required to be not less than 8 years.               18

             (2)    If this section requires a person to be sentenced to a minimum period of            19
                    imprisonment, nothing in section 21 (or any other provision) of the Crimes          20
                    (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 or in any other Act or law authorises a court       21
                    to impose a lesser or no sentence (or to impose a lesser non-parole period).        22

             (3)    Nothing in this section (apart from subsection (2)) affects the provisions of the   23
                    Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 or any other Act or law relating to          24
                    the sentencing of offenders.                                                        25

             (4)    Nothing in this section affects the prerogative of mercy.                           26

[3]   Section 428E Intoxication in relation to murder, manslaughter and assault causing                 27
      death                                                                                             28

      Insert "or for an offence under section 25A" after "manslaughter" wherever occurring.             29

[4]   Section 428E                                                                                      30

      Insert at the end of the section:                                                                 31

             (2)    An offence under section 25A is not an offence of specific intent for the           32
                    purposes of this Part.                                                              33

[5]   Schedule 11 Savings and transitional provisions                                                   34

      Insert at the end of the Schedule with appropriate Part and clause numbering:                     35

      Part          Crimes and Other Legislation Amendment (Assault                                     36
                    and Intoxication) Act 2014                                                          37

             Review of operation of amendments made by amending Act                                     38

             (1)    For the purposes of this clause, the relevant Ministers are the Attorney            39
                    General and the Minister for Police and Emergency Services.                         40

             (2)    The relevant Ministers are to review the operation of the amendments made by        41
                    the Crimes and Other Legislation Amendment (Assault and Intoxication) Act           42
                    2014. The Ministers may engage persons to assist in the review.                     43

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Crimes and Other Legislation Amendment (Assault and Intoxication) Bill 2014 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Crimes Act 1900 No 40

             (3)    The review is to be undertaken as soon as practicable and within 3 years after   1
                    the date of assent to that Act.                                                  2

             (4)    The relevant Ministers are to report to the Premier on the outcome of the        3
                    review as soon as practicable after the review is completed.                     4

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Crimes and Other Legislation Amendment (Assault and Intoxication) Bill 2014 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendment of Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 No 103

Schedule 2             Amendment of Law Enforcement (Powers and                                         1
                       Responsibilities) Act 2002 No 103                                                2

      Part 10, Division 4                                                                               3

      Insert after Division 3:                                                                          4

      Division 4          Testing of certain offenders for intoxication                                 5

    138D    Persons to whom Division applies and purpose of exercise of powers                          6

             (1)   This Division applies to a person who has been arrested by a police officer:         7
                   (a) for an alleged offence under section 25A (2) of the Crimes Act 1900, or          8
                   (b) for any other offence that involves the assault of another person if the         9
                         police officer believes that the person would be liable to be charged with    10
                         an offence under section 25A (2) of the Crimes Act 1900 if the other          11
                         person dies.                                                                  12

             (2)   A police officer may exercise the powers conferred by this Division for the         13
                   purpose of confirming whether the person had consumed or taken alcohol, a           14
                   drug or other intoxicating substance before the alleged offence and the likely      15
                   amount consumed or taken.                                                           16

    138E    Definitions                                                                                17

                   In this Division, breath test, breath analysis and other words and expressions      18
                   used in this Division and in Schedule 3 to the Road Transport Act 2013 have         19
                   the same meanings as they have in that Schedule.                                    20

    138F    Breath testing and breath analysis for presence of alcohol                                 21

             (1)   A police officer may require a person to whom this Division applies to              22
                   undertake a breath test, either at or near the scene of the alleged offence or at   23
                   a police station or other place at which the person is detained in connection       24
                   with the alleged offence.                                                           25

             (2)   A police officer may require a person to whom this Division applies to              26
                   undertake a breath analysis at a police station or other place at which the         27
                   person is detained in connection with the alleged offence.                          28

             (3)   A breath test or breath analysis may only be required to be undertaken under        29
                   this section within 2 hours after the commission of the alleged offence.            30

             (4)   The following provisions of Schedule 3 to the Road Transport Act 2013 apply         31
                   in relation to a breath test or breath analysis under this section (with any        32
                   necessary or prescribed modifications):                                             33
                    (a) the police officers authorised to carry out a breath analysis,                 34
                   (b) the provision of a statement to the person undertaking the breath               35
                          analysis as to the concentration of alcohol determined by the analysis,      36
                    (c) the issue of evidentiary certificates relating to the breath analysis,         37
                   (d) any other provisions prescribed by the regulations.                             38

             (5)   Evidence of the presence or concentration of any alcohol in an accused's            39
                   breath as determined by a breath analysis carried out in accordance with this       40
                   section may be used only in proceedings for an offence under section 25A (2)        41
                   of the Crimes Act 1900.                                                             42

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Crimes and Other Legislation Amendment (Assault and Intoxication) Bill 2014 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendment of Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 No 103

    138G    Blood and urine samples for analysis for presence of alcohol or drugs                        1
             (1)   A police officer may require a person to whom this Division applies to provide        2
                   samples of the person's blood and urine (taken by an authorised sample taker)         3
                   at a police station or other place at which the person is detained in connection      4
                   with the alleged offence.                                                             5

             (2)   A blood or urine sample may only be required to be provided under this section        6
                   if the person has refused to undertake (or cannot be required to undertake) a         7
                   breath analysis pursuant to a requirement under section 138F or if the police         8
                   officer has a reasonable belief that the person is under the influence of a           9
                   substance other than alcohol. The person may also request that blood or urine        10
                   samples be taken under this section if the person has undertaken such a breath       11
                   analysis.                                                                            12

             (3)   A blood or urine sample may only be required to be provided under this section       13
                   within 4 hours after the commission of the alleged offence.                          14

             (4)   A person may be taken to and detained at a hospital for the purpose of the           15
                   taking of a blood or urine sample required to be provided under this section.        16

             (5)    The following provisions of Schedule 3 to the Road Transport Act 2013 apply         17
                   in relation to blood or urine samples taken under this section (with any             18
                   necessary or prescribed modifications):                                              19
                    (a) the procedures for taking the blood or urine samples,                           20
                   (b) the procedures for analysing the blood or urine samples (including the           21
                          independent analysis of a portion of a blood or urine sample at the           22
                          request of the person providing the sample),                                  23
                    (c) offences relating to sample handling and the use of samples,                    24
                   (d) the issue of evidentiary certificates relating to the blood or urine             25
                          samples and their analysis,                                                   26
                    (e) the protection from liability of authorised sample takers in relation to        27
                          the taking of blood or urine samples,                                         28
                    (f) any other provisions prescribed by the regulations.                             29

             (6)   Evidence of the presence or concentration of any alcohol, drug or other              30
                   substance in an accused's blood or urine as determined by an analysis carried        31
                   out in accordance with this section may be used only in proceedings for an           32
                   offence under section 25A (2) of the Crimes Act 1900.                                33

    138H    Offences relating to testing                                                                34

             (1)   A person who refuses to provide a blood or urine sample pursuant to a                35
                   requirement under section 138G is guilty of an offence.                              36
                   Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units or imprisonment for 2 years, or both.              37

             (2)   It is a defence to a prosecution for an offence under subsection (1) if the person   38
                   was unable on medical grounds to comply with the requirement.                        39

             (3)   A person who commits an offence under the provisions of Schedule 3 to the            40
                   Road Transport Act 2013 that are applied by this Division is taken to be guilty      41
                   of an offence under this Division.                                                   42

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Crimes and Other Legislation Amendment (Assault and Intoxication) Bill 2014 [NSW]
Schedule 3 Amendment of Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 No 92

Schedule 3             Amendment of Crimes (Sentencing Procedure)                                      1
                       Act 1999 No 92                                                                  2

[1]   Section 21A Aggravating, mitigating and other factors in sentencing                              3

      Insert after section 21A (5A):                                                                   4

          (5AA)     Special rule for self-induced intoxication                                         5

                    In determining the appropriate sentence for an offence, the self-induced           6
                    intoxication of the offender at the time the offence was committed is not to be    7
                    taken into account as a mitigating factor.                                         8

[2]   Section 21A (5B)                                                                                 9

      Omit "Subsection (5A) has effect". Insert instead "Subsections (5A) and (5AA) have              10
      effect".                                                                                        11

[3]   Section 21A (6)                                                                                 12

      Insert in alphabetical order:                                                                   13
                    self-induced intoxication has the same meaning it has in Part 11A of the          14
                    Crimes Act 1900.                                                                  15

[4]   Schedule 2 Savings, transitional and other provisions                                           16

      Insert at the end of the Schedule with appropriate Part and clause numbers:                     17

      Part          Provision consequent on enactment of Crimes and                                   18
                    Other Legislation Amendment (Assault and                                          19
                    Intoxication) Act 2014                                                            20

             Existing offences and proceedings                                                        21

                    The amendments made to this Act by the Crimes and Other Legislation               22
                    Amendment (Assault and Intoxication) Act 2014 apply to the determination of       23
                    a sentence for an offence whenever committed, unless:                             24
                    (a) the court has convicted the person being sentenced of the offence, or         25
                    (b) a court has accepted a plea of guilty and the plea has not been               26
                           withdrawn,                                                                 27
                    before the commencement of the amendments.                                        28

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Crimes and Other Legislation Amendment (Assault and Intoxication) Bill 2014 [NSW]
Schedule 4 Amendment of Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act 1985 No 226

Schedule 4              Amendment of Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act                          1
                        1985 No 226                                                           2

      Schedule 1                                                                              3

      Insert each of the following in alphabetical order:                                     4

      Anabolic and androgenic steroidal 500g       50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      agents, other than in implant
      preparations for use in animals
      Atamestane                         500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Bolandiol                          500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Bolasterone                        500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Bolazine                           500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Boldenone                          500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Bolenol                            500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Calusterone                        500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Chlorandrostenolone                500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Clostebol                          500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Danazol                            500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Dihydrolone                        500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Dimethandrostanolone               500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Drostanolone                       500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Enestebol                          500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Epitiostanol                       500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Ethyldienolone                     500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Ethyloestrenol                     500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Fluoxymesterone                    500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Formebolone                        500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Furazabol                          500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Hydroxystenozol                    500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Mebolazine                         500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Mepitiostane                       500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Mesabolone                         500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Mestanolone                        500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Mesterolone                        500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Methandienone                      500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Methandriol                        500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Methenolone                        500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Methylclostebol                    500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Methyltestosterone                 500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --

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Crimes and Other Legislation Amendment (Assault and Intoxication) Bill 2014 [NSW]
Schedule 4 Amendment of Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act 1985 No 226

      Methyltrienolone                   500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Metribolone                        500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Mibolerone                         500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Nandrolone                         500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Norandrostenolone                  500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Norbolethone                       500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Norclostebol                       500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Norethandrolone                    500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Normethandrone                     500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Ovandrotone                        500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Oxabolone                          500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Oxandrolone                        500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Oxymesterone                       500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Oxymetholone                       500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Prasterone                        500g       50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      (dehydroepiandrosterone (dhea) or
      dehydroisoandrosterone (dhia))
      Propetandrol                       500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Quinbolone                         500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Roxibolone                         500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Silandrone                         500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Stanolone                          500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Stanozolol                         500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Stenbolone                         500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Testolactone                       500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Testosterone, other than in implant 500g     50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      preparations for use in animals
      Thiomesterone                      500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      Trenbolone, other than in implant 500g       50g       750g       5kg         --   --
      preparations for use in animals
      Trestolone                         500g      50g       750g       5kg         --   --

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Crimes and Other Legislation Amendment (Assault and Intoxication) Bill 2014 [NSW]
Schedule 5 Amendment of Summary Offences Act 1988 No 25 and Criminal Procedure Regulation 2010

Schedule 5             Amendment of Summary Offences Act 1988 No                                    1
                       25 and Criminal Procedure Regulation 2010                                    2

5.1 Summary Offences Act 1988 No 25                                                                 3

      Section 9 Continuation of intoxicated and disorderly behaviour following move on              4
      direction                                                                                     5

      Omit "6 penalty units" from section 9 (1). Insert instead "15 penalty units".                 6

5.2 Criminal Procedure Regulation 2010                                                              7

      Schedule 3 Penalty notice offences                                                            8

      Omit the matter relating to sections 4 (1), 4A (1) and 9 of the Summary Offences Act 1988.    9

      Insert instead, respectively:                                                                10

      section 4 (1)                                 $500
      section 4A (1)                                $500
      section 9                                     $1,100

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Crimes and Other Legislation Amendment (Assault and Intoxication) Bill 2014 [NSW]
Schedule 6 Consequential amendment of other Acts

Schedule 6             Consequential amendment of other Acts                                      1

6.1 Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2007 No 80                                        2

[1]   Section 4 Meaning of "personal violence offence"                                            3

      Insert "25A," after "24," in section 4 (a).                                                 4

[2]   Sections 39 (1) and 40 (5) (b)                                                              5

      Omit "or manslaughter" wherever occurring. Insert instead ", manslaughter or an offence     6
      under section 25A of the Crimes Act 1900".                                                  7

6.2 Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 No 92                                                  8

      Section 76 Home detention not available for certain offences                                9

      Omit "or manslaughter" from section 76 (a). Insert instead ", manslaughter or an offence   10
      under section 25A of the Crimes Act 1900".                                                 11

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