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Constitution Amendment (Restoration of Oaths of Allegiance) Bill 2011 No , 2011 A Bill for An Act to amend the Constitution Act 1902 to provide that Members of Parliament and Ministers may make an oath or affirmation of allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Her heirs and successors as an alternative to the current pledge of loyalty to Australia and the people of New South Wales. Clause 1 Constitution Amendment (Restoration of Oaths of Allegiance) Bill 2011 The Legislature of New South Wales enacts: 1 1 Name of Act 2 This Act is the Constitution Amendment (Restoration of Oaths of 3 Allegiance) Act 2011. 4 2 Commencement 5 This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act. 6 Page 2 Constitution Amendment (Restoration of Oaths of Allegiance) Bill 2011 Amendment of Constitution Act 1902 No 32 Schedule 1 Schedule 1 Amendment of Constitution Act 1902 1 No 32 2 [1] Section 12 No member to sit or vote until pledge of loyalty or oath of 3 allegiance taken 4 Insert "or oath of allegiance" after "pledge of loyalty" in section 12 (1). 5 [2] Section 12 (4)-(4B) 6 Omit section 12 (4). Insert instead: 7 (4) The oath of allegiance is to be in the following form (with the 8 name of the reigning Sovereign substituted, where appropriate): 9 I swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her 10 Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Her heirs and successors according 11 to law. So help me God. 12 (4A) A Member may, instead of taking an oath of allegiance, make an 13 affirmation to the same effect. 14 (4B) It is not necessary for a Member who has taken or made an oath 15 or affirmation of allegiance to take or make that oath or 16 affirmation again after any demise of the Crown, including by or 17 on abdication. 18 [3] Section 35CA Executive Councillor's pledge of loyalty or oath of 19 allegiance and oath of office 20 Insert "or oath of allegiance" after "pledge of loyalty" in section 35CA (1) (a). 21 [4] Section 35CA (3A) 22 Insert after section 35CA (3): 23 (3A) The oath of allegiance is to be in the following form (with the 24 name of the reigning Sovereign substituted, where appropriate): 25 I swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her 26 Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Her heirs and successors according 27 to law. So help me God. 28 Page 3 Constitution Amendment (Restoration of Oaths of Allegiance) Bill 2011 Schedule 1 Amendment of Constitution Act 1902 No 32 [5] Section 35CA (5) 1 Omit "the Executive Councillor's oath". 2 Insert instead "an oath under this section". 3 Page 4
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