New South Wales Bills

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                        New South Wales

Children and Young Persons (Care and
Protection) Amendment Bill 2006


          1    Name of Act                                           2
          2    Commencement                                          2
          3    Amendment of Children and Young Persons (Care and
               Protection) Act 1998 No 157                           2
           4   Repeal of Act                                         2
  Schedule 1   Amendments                                            3
I certify that this PUBLIC BILL, which originated in the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY,
has finally passed the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL and the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY of

                                                  Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
                                                  Legislative Assembly,
                                                  Sydney,                     , 2006

                              New South Wales

Children and Young Persons (Care and
Protection) Amendment Bill 2006
Act No      , 2006

An Act to amend the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998
to make further provision with respect to the care and protection of, and the provision
of services to, children and young persons; and for other purposes.

I have examined this Bill, and find it to correspond in all respects with the Bill
as finally passed by both Houses.

                            Chairman of Committees of the Legislative Assembly.
Clause 1          Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment Bill 2006

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:
 1    Name of Act
               This Act is the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection)
               Amendment Act 2006.
 2    Commencement
               This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.
 3    Amendment of Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act
      1998 No 157
               The Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 is
               amended as set out in Schedule 1.
 4    Repeal of Act
         (1)   This Act is repealed on the day following the day on which all of the
               provisions of this Act have commenced.
         (2)   The repeal of this Act does not, because of the operation of section 30
               of the Interpretation Act 1987, affect any amendment made by this Act.

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Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment Bill 2006

Amendments                                                             Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendments
                                                                          (Section 3)
[1]   Section 3 Definitions
      Insert in alphabetical order:
                   high level identification information, in relation to a child or
                   young person who is in the care responsibility of the
                   Director-General (whether under a temporary care arrangement
                   or otherwise) or who is in out-of-home care, means the following:
                   (a) the surnames of the authorised carer of the child or young
                          person and of any other person living in the household of
                          the authorised carer,
                   (b) the street address and locality of the authorised carer of the
                          child or young person,
                   (c) the landline telephone number of the authorised carer of
                          the child or young person,
                   (d) details of the employment or activities of the authorised
                          carer of the child or young person that would be sufficient
                          to identify the authorised carer,
                   (e) the name of the school that the child or young person is
                    (f) any other type of information prescribed by the
                   non-court proceedings means any aspect of care proceedings
                   that is not conducted before the Children's Court and includes,
                   but is not limited to, the following:
                    (a) any counselling,
                   (b) any preliminary conference under section 65,
                    (c) any alternative dispute resolution process.
[2]   Section 29 Protection of persons who make reports or provide certain
      Insert "or body" after "any person" in section 29 (1) (f).

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                    Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment Bill 2006

Schedule 1          Amendments

 [3]   Section 29 (3A)
       Insert after section 29 (3):
             (3A)      The protections given by this section to a person who makes a
                       report apply to:
                        (a) any person who provided information on the basis of
                              which the report was made, in good faith, to the person,
                       (b) any person who otherwise was in good faith concerned in
                              making such a report or causing such a report to be made,
                       in the same way as they apply in respect of the person who
                       actually made the report.
 [4]   Section 29 (6), definition of "report"
       Omit "and 122". Insert instead ", 120, 121 and 122".
 [5]   Section 43 Removal of children and young persons without warrant
       Omit "care and protection" from section 43 (5).
       Insert instead "care responsibility".
 [6]   Section 45 Prompt application to Children's Court for care order
       Omit "assumption of care and protection" from section 45 (1).
       Insert instead "assumption of care responsibility by the Director-General".
 [7]   Section 45 (4)
       Omit "and 70". Insert instead ", 70 and 90A".
 [8]   Section 45, note
       Omit "from care and protection".
       Insert instead "from the care responsibility of the Director-General".
 [9]   Section 46 Emergency care and protection orders
       Insert after section 46 (4):
              (5)      If an application is made for the extension of an order under this
                       section before the order expires, the order remains in force until
                       the Children's Court makes a final determination on the
                       application, even if that occurs after the original expiry date.
[10]   Section 47 Order prohibiting action
       Omit the section.

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Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment Bill 2006

Amendments                                                                     Schedule 1

[11]   Chapter 5, Part 1, Division 5
       Omit "care and protection" from the note to the Division.
       Insert instead "care responsibility".
[12]   Section 51 Duty of Director-General to give information to certain
       Omit "care and protection" wherever occurring in section 51 (1).
       Insert instead "care responsibility".
[13]   Section 51 (1) (b)
       Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
                    (b) must, in the case of a child, ensure that the child's parents
                         are kept informed of the whereabouts of the child:
                          (i) if the Director-General has no reason to believe that
                                the disclosure of the child's whereabouts would be
                                prejudicial to the safety, welfare, well-being or
                                interests of the child--by disclosing the
                                whereabouts of the child, or
                         (ii) if the Director-General has reason to believe that the
                                disclosure of the child's whereabouts would be
                                prejudicial to the safety, welfare, well-being or
                                interests of the child--by disclosing only
                                information about the whereabouts of the child that
                                is not high level identification information.
[14]   Section 51 (2)
       Omit "whose whereabouts have".
       Insert instead "high level identification information about whom has".
[15]   Section 51 (2)
       Omit "the whereabouts of".
       Insert instead "such of the high level identification information about".
[16]   Section 51, note
       Insert after section 51 (3):
                    Note. If a child or young person is in the care responsibility of the
                    Director-General, high level identification information about the child or
                    young person may be released only on an order of the Children's Court
                    under this section (or under section 154, if it is a temporary care

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                 Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment Bill 2006

Schedule 1       Amendments

[17]   Section 61 Applications for care orders
       Omit section 61 (3). Insert instead:
              (3)   The order sought may be varied:
                    (a) without the leave of the Children's Court at any time
                          before a determination is made under section 72 in relation
                          to the care application concerned, and
                    (b) after such a determination is made--only with the leave of
                          the Children's Court.
[18]   Section 63 Evidence of prior alternative action
       Omit "care and protection" wherever occurring in section 63 (2) (b).
       Insert instead "care responsibility".
[19]   Section 64 Notification of care applications
       Insert after section 64 (6) before the note:
              (7)   Notification not to be given in certain circumstances
                    Despite the other provisions of this section, the Children's Court
                    (a) order the Director-General:
                           (i) not to notify a child or young person of any
                                 application, or
                          (ii) not to serve a copy of an application or any
                                 supporting documentary evidence on a particular
                                 parent of any child or young person, or
                    (b) order a parent not to show an application or documents, or
                          any particular information in the application or documents,
                          to the parent's child or young person and not to tell the
                          child or young person about the application or document or
                          any particular information in it.
              (8)   The Children's Court may make an order under subsection (7)
                    only if the Children's Court is of the opinion that:
                    (a) the prejudicial effect of the child's or young person's being
                           unaware of the application or information is outweighed
                           by the psychological harm that is likely to be caused to the
                           child or young person if the child or young person is
                           notified or becomes aware of the application, or
                    (b) it would otherwise be detrimental to the safety, welfare or
                           well-being of the child or young person to notify that child
                           or young person of the application.

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Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment Bill 2006

Amendments                                                                Schedule 1

              (9)   Subsection (7) does not limit the power of the Children's Court
                    to make orders under section 256A otherwise than in relation to
                    care applications.
[20]   Section 68
       Omit the section. Insert instead:
       68    Leave to file further documentary evidence
              (1)   A party to proceedings may, with the leave of the Children's
                    Court, file further documentary evidence in connection with a
                    care application.
              (2)   In particular, if documentary evidence has been filed in
                    proceedings and the Children's Court subsequently determines
                    under section 93 (3) that the rules of evidence, or specified rules
                    of evidence, are to apply to the proceedings, the party that filed
                    the documentary evidence may, with the leave of the Children's
                    Court and for the purpose of complying with the relevant rules,
                    file further evidence or may withdraw all or part of the evidence
                    filed and file alternative evidence.
              (3)   Before granting leave under this section, the Court must be
                    satisfied that the grant of leave will not result in undue delay in
                    the matter being finalised.
              (4)   Section 64 applies in respect of any further documentary
                    evidence filed under this section in the same way as it applies to
                    the making of the care application concerned.
[21]   Section 71 Grounds for care orders
       Insert "or primary care-givers" after "parents" in section 71 (1) (d).
[22]   Section 71 (2) (a)
       Insert "or primary care-giver's" after "parent's".
[23]   Section 71 (3)
       Insert after section 71 (2) before the note:
              (3)   In this section:
                    primary care-giver, in relation to a child or young person, means
                    the person primarily responsible for the care and control,
                    including the day-to-day care and control, of the child or young
                    person (whether or not that person is the person with parental
                    responsibility or care responsibility for the child or young

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                    Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment Bill 2006

Schedule 1          Amendments

[24]   Section 72 Determination as to care and protection
       Omit ", on the balance of probabilities," from section 72 (1).
[25]   Section 75 Order to attend therapeutic or treatment program
       Insert after section 75 (1):
             (1A)      An order under this section may be made only in respect of a
                       child who has exhibited sexually abusive behaviour.
[26]   Section 75 (2)
       Omit "the subject of". Insert instead "convicted in".
[27]   Section 79 Order allocating parental responsibility
       Insert "or persons" after "person" wherever occurring in section 79 (1) (a) (ii)
       and (iii).
[28]   Section 90 Rescission and variation of care orders
       Insert after section 90 (1):
             (1A)      The Children's Court may order a person who makes an
                       application under this section to notify those persons whom the
                       Children's Court specifies of the making of the application.
                       Note. Section 256A sets out the circumstances in which the Children's
                       Court may dispense with service.

[29]   Section 90 (5) (b)
       Insert "or opposed" after "made".
[30]   Section 90 (5)
       Insert ", or of opposition to a fresh application," after "fresh application".
[31]   Section 90A
       Insert after section 90:
       90A    Order prohibiting action
                       The Children's Court may, at any stage in care proceedings,
                       make an order prohibiting any person, including a parent of a
                       child or young person, in accordance with such terms as are
                       specified in the order, from doing anything that could be done by
                       the parent in carrying out his or her parental responsibility.

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Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment Bill 2006

Amendments                                                                 Schedule 1

[32]   Section 93 General nature of proceedings
       Insert after section 93 (3):
              (4)   In any proceedings before the Children's Court, the standard of
                    proof is proof on the balance of probabilities.
              (5)   Without limiting subsection (4), any requirement under this Act
                    that the Children's Court be satisfied as to a particular matter is a
                    requirement that the Children's Court be satisfied on the balance
                    of probabilities.
[33]   Section 96 Attendance of child or young person and parents
       Insert after section 96 (2):
            (2A)    The fact that a child or young person is presumed by section 99
                    (3) to have the capacity to instruct his or her legal representative
                    does not of itself mean that the child or young person is required
                    to attend the Children's Court to give those instructions. Such a
                    child or young person is required to attend only if required under
                    this section.
[34]   Section 98 Right of appearance
       Insert after section 98 (2):
            (2A)    If the Children's Court is of the opinion that a party to the
                    proceedings is incapable of giving proper instructions to a legal
                    representative, the Children's Court is to appoint a guardian ad
                    litem for the person under section 100 or 101 (as the case may
[35]   Section 99 Legal representation
       Omit "10 years" wherever occurring from section 99 (3), (4) and (5).
       Insert instead "12 years".
[36]   Section 99 (4) (a)
       Insert "(if a guardian ad litem has not been appointed for the child or young
       person)" after "instructions and".
[37]   Section 99 (5) (a)
       Insert "and there is no declaration in force under subsection (4) (b) in respect
       of the child" after "age".
[38]   Section 99 (5)
       Insert "unless a guardian ad litem has been appointed for the child or young
       person" after "separate representative".

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                  Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment Bill 2006

Schedule 1        Amendments

[39]    Section 100 Guardian ad litem--child or young person
        Insert "or that the child or young person is, for any reason, not capable of
        giving proper instructions to a legal representative" after "illness" in section
        100 (2).
[40]    Sections 104-104C
        Omit section 104. Insert instead:
        104   Exclusion of child or young person from proceedings
              (1)    At any time while the Children's Court is hearing proceedings
                     with respect to a child or young person, the Children's Court may
                     direct the child or young person to leave the place where the
                     proceedings are being heard.
              (2)    If any non-court proceedings are to be held with respect to a child
                     or young person, the Children's Court may direct that the child or
                     young person is not to be present at the place where the non-court
                     proceedings are to be held at any particular time during the
              (3)    The Children's Court may give a direction under this section only
                     if it is of the opinion that the prejudicial effect of excluding the
                     child or young person is outweighed by the psychological harm
                     that is likely to be caused to the child or young person if the child
                     or young person were to remain or be present.
              (4)    If the Children's Court gives a direction under subsection (1)
                     with respect to a child or young person, and if it is of the opinion
                     that it is in the interests of the child or young person to do so, it
                     must also give a direction with respect to all persons who are
                     engaged in preparing reports of the proceedings for
                     dissemination through a public news medium to leave the place
                     where the proceedings are being heard.
       104A   Exclusion of particular persons from proceedings
              (1)    At any time while the Children's Court is hearing proceedings
                     with respect to a child or young person, the Children's Court may
                     direct any person (other than the child or young person) to leave
                     the place where the proceedings are being heard.
              (2)    If any non-court proceedings are to be held with respect to a child
                     or young person, the Children's Court may direct any person
                     (other than the child or young person) not to be present at the
                     place where the proceedings are to be held at any time during the
                     proceedings concerned.

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Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment Bill 2006

Amendments                                                                     Schedule 1

              (3)    The Children's Court may give a direction under this section only
                     if it is of the opinion that it is in the interests of the child or young
                     person that such a direction should be given.
              (4)    The powers exercisable by the Children's Court under this
                     section may be exercised even if the person to whom a direction
                     is given is directly interested in the proceedings concerned.
       104B   Exclusion of general public from proceedings
                     At any time while the Children's Court is hearing proceedings
                     with respect to a child or young person, any person who is not
                     directly interested in the proceedings must, unless the Children's
                     Court otherwise directs, be excluded from the place where the
                     proceedings are being heard.
       104C   Entitlement of media to hear proceedings
                     At any time while the Children's Court is hearing proceedings
                     with respect to a child or young person, any person who is
                     engaged in preparing a report of the proceedings for
                     dissemination through a public news medium is, unless the
                     Children's Court otherwise directs, entitled to enter and remain
                     in the place where the proceedings are being heard.
[41]    Section 105 Publication of names and identifying information
        Insert after section 105 (1) (a):
                      (a1) who is involved, or is reasonably likely to be involved, in
                             any capacity in any non-court proceedings, or
[42]    Section 105 (1) (c)
        Insert "or in any non-court proceedings" after "Court".
[43]    Section 105 (1) (d)
        Insert at the end of section 105 (1) (c):
                       (d) who is the subject of a report under section 24, 25, 27, 120,
                             121 or 122,
[44]    Section 105 (1)
        Omit "before the proceedings are commenced or after the proceedings have
        been commenced and before they are disposed of".
        Insert instead "whether the publication or broadcast occurs before any
        proceedings have commenced, during the proceedings or after they are
        disposed of".

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                    Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment Bill 2006

Schedule 1          Amendments

[45]   Section 105 (1A)
       Insert after section 105 (1):
             (1A)      The prohibition in subsection (1) applies to the publication or
                       broadcast of the name of the child or young person concerned
                       (a) the child or young person attains the age of 25 years, or
                       (b) the child or young person dies,
                       whichever occurs first.
[46]   Section 105 (3) (b) (iv)
       Insert at the end of section 105 (3) (b) (iii):
                                  , or
                           (iv) in any case--if the child or young person has died.
[47]   Section 116 Application for order for alternative parenting plan
       Insert after section 116 (3):
              (4)      The Children's Court may order a person who makes an
                       application under this section to notify those persons whom the
                       Children's Court specifies of the making of the application.
                       Note. Section 256A sets out the circumstances in which the Children's
                       Court may dispense with service.

[48]   Section 123 What is "compulsory assistance"?
       Omit "care and protection" from section 123 (a).
       Insert instead "care responsibility".
[49]   Section 142 Application of Part
       Insert "or young person" after "child".
[50]   Section 149 Order for sole parental responsibility
       Insert after section 149 (4):
             (4A)      The Children's Court may order a person who makes an
                       application under this section to notify those persons whom the
                       Children's Court specifies of the making of the application.
                       Note. Section 256A sets out the circumstances in which the Children's
                       Court may dispense with service.

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Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment Bill 2006

Amendments                                                                     Schedule 1

[51]   Section 154 Effect of temporary care arrangements
       Omit section 154 (2) (c). Insert instead:
                    (c) must, in the case of a child, ensure that the child's parents
                          are kept informed of the whereabouts of the child:
                           (i) if the Director-General has no reason to believe that
                                 the disclosure of the child's whereabouts would be
                                 prejudicial to the safety, welfare, well-being or
                                 interests of the child--by disclosing the
                                 whereabouts of the child, or
                          (ii) if the Director-General has reason to believe that the
                                 disclosure of the child's whereabouts would be
                                 prejudicial to the safety, welfare, well-being or
                                 interests of the child--by disclosing only
                                 information about the whereabouts of the child that
                                 is not high level identification information.
[52]   Section 154 (3)
       Omit "the whereabouts of".
       Insert instead "high level identification information about".
[53]   Section 154, note
       Insert after section 154 (3):
                    Note. If a child or young person is in the care responsibility of the
                    Director-General, high level identification information about the child or
                    young person may be released only on an order of the Children's Court
                    under section 51 (or under this section, if it is a temporary care

[54]   Section 157 Care responsibility
       Omit "and dental" wherever occurring in section 157 (1) (a) and (b).
[55]   Section 157 (1) (a) and (b)
       Omit "or dentist" wherever occurring.
[56]   Section 157 (1) (b1) and (b2)
       Insert after section 157 (1) (b):
                    (b1) to consent to dental treatment (including treatment
                            involving minor dental surgery) that a dentist has advised
                            needs to be carried out for the child or young person,
                    (b2) to consent to dental treatment involving dental surgery
                            other than minor dental surgery that a dentist certifies in

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                 Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment Bill 2006

Schedule 1       Amendments

                           writing needs to be carried out as a matter of urgency in the
                           best interests of the child or young person,
[57]   Section 157 (5)
       Insert after section 157 (4):
              (5)   In this section:
                    minor dental surgery means a tooth extraction, the filling of a
                    decayed tooth, root canal work or a repair to a broken or chipped
                    Note. Section 177 gives protection to medical and dental practitioners in
                    relation to children in respect of whom consent is given by the authorised
                    carer under this section, but not in relation to young persons in respect
                    of whom such consent is given. In the case of young persons, the young
                    person's consent is also required.

[58]   Section 161 Financial assistance for children and young persons in
       out-of-home care
       Omit "care and protection" from section 161 (2) (c) (i).
       Insert instead "care responsibility".
[59]   Section 164 Responsibility of Minister to accommodate certain children
       and young persons
       Omit "parental responsibility".
       Insert instead "sole parental responsibility or parental responsibility in relation
       to residence".
[60]   Section 165 Provision of assistance after leaving out-of-home care
       Insert after the note to section 165 (3):
              (4)   The Minister may cause to be published guidelines specifying the
                    circumstances in which assistance may be granted under this
[61]   Section 168 Access to personal information
       Insert at the end of section 168 (1) (b):
                            , or
                      (c) the Director-General, if the child or young person was
                            under the parental responsibility of the Minister and the
                            Department was not the designated agency that had
                            supervisory responsibility for the child or young person.

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Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment Bill 2006

Amendments                                                                 Schedule 1

[62]    Section 168 (3)
        Insert after section 168 (2):
               (3)   Information under this section is to be provided orally or in
                     writing, as the child or young person concerned elects.
[63]    Section 169 Entitlement to certain documents
        Omit "or his or her authorised carer".
        Insert ", by his or her authorised carer or by the Director-General, if the child
        or young person was under the parental responsibility of the Minister,".
[64]    Section 170 Retention of records
        Insert after section 170 (2):
              (2A)   The Director-General must ensure that the designated agency that
                     was responsible for supervising a child or young person in
                     out-of-home care is given access to the records of that child or
                     young person:
                      (a) that have been delivered to the Director-General, or
                     (b) that have been authorised by the Director-General to be
                            deposited in the records repository nominated by the
                     if the designated agency requests the records in order to comply
                     with a request under section 168 or 169.
[65]    Section 170A
        Insert after section 170:
       170A    Application of State Records Act 1998
               (1)   This Part has effect despite the provisions of the State Records
                     Act 1998.
               (2)   Accordingly, the provision of information or documents in
                     accordance with this Part does not constitute an offence under
                     that Act.
[66]    Section 177 Ordinary medical and dental treatment
        Omit "or young person" wherever occurring in section 177 (1) and (2).
[67]    Section 208 Licences
        Omit "one person as an authorised supervisor" from section 208 (4).
        Insert instead "two persons as authorised supervisors".

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                  Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment Bill 2006

Schedule 1        Amendments

[68]    Section 208 (4)
        Insert "However, if a licence specifies two persons, the licence must provide
        that, on any given day or at any given time, one authorised supervisor is to
        have overall responsibility for the service." after "relates."
[69]    Section 220 Regulations
        Insert after section 220 (a):
                      (a1) the probity checks that may be made on all persons over
                             the age of 14 years who, or who are proposed to, reside at
                             the home of a person who provides a family day care
                             children's service or a home based children's service,
[70]    Chapter 12A
        Insert after section 220:

        Chapter 12A Out of school hours care services
       220A   Meaning of "out of school hours care service"
               (1)   In this Chapter:
                     children who are at school means children who ordinarily attend
                     school and includes children enrolled at a school but not yet
                     attending the school by reason of the fact that the first term of the
                     school year has not commenced.
                     out of school hours care service means a service that provides,
                     outside school hours on school days, or at any time during school
                     vacations, care to children who are at school.
                     school means a government school established under, or a
                     non-government school registered under, the Education Act
               (2)   However, out of school hours care service does not include any
                     of the following:
                     (a) a service provided by a designated agency,
                     (b) a babysitting, playgroup or child-minding service that is
                            organised informally by the parents of the children
                     (c) a service provided for fewer than 5 children (disregarding
                            any children who are related to the person providing the
                            service) at the premises at which at least one of the
                            children resides, being a service that is not advertised to
                            the general public,

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Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment Bill 2006

Amendments                                                               Schedule 1

                    (d)    a regular child-minding service:
                            (i) that is provided in connection with a hospital, health
                                  service or a recreational or commercial facility
                                  (such as a gymnasium or a casino), and
                           (ii) that is provided by or on behalf of the person
                                  conducting the hospital, health service or facility,
                          (iii) that is provided to care for children only:
                                  (A) while the children are being treated at the
                                         hospital or health service, or
                                  (B) while the children's parents or authorised
                                         carers are visiting or being treated at the
                                         hospital or health service or are using the
                                         recreational or commercial facility,
                    (e)    a service that is concerned primarily with the provision of:
                            (i) lessons or coaching in, or providing for participation
                                  in, a cultural, recreational, religious or sporting
                                  activity, or
                           (ii) private tutoring,
                    (f)    a service under which formal education in accordance with
                           the school curriculum set out in Part 3 of the Education Act
                           1990 is provided by a government school or a registered
                           non-government school within the meaning of that Act,
                    (g)    a service provided at exempt premises.
             (3)   In this section, exempt premises means:
                    (a) any premises belonging to a class of premises prescribed
                          by the regulations for the purposes of this section, or
                   (b) in relation to any provision of this Act or the regulations,
                          any premises declared to be exempt premises for the
                          purposes of that provision by an order of the Minister
                          published in the Gazette, being an order that is in force.
             (4)   The Minister may make orders of the kind referred to in
                   subsection (3) (b).

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                Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment Bill 2006

Schedule 1      Amendments

    220B     Regulations for or with respect to out of school hours care
                   Without limiting section 264 (Regulations), the regulations may
                   make provision for or with respect to the following:
                         Standards for out of school hours care services
                          (a)   imposing standards for out of school hours care
                                services, creating the offence of failure to meet
                                those standards and creating defences to that
                          (b)   the evidence that may be required to be provided to
                                prove compliance with any such standard,
                         Registration of out of school hours care services
                          (c)   imposing a prohibition on the provision of an out of
                                school hours care service unless the service is
                                registered, and creating the offence of breaching
                                that prohibition,
                         Applications for registration
                          (d)    the persons who may apply for registration,
                          (e)    the manner in which, and the time within which, an
                                 application may be made,
                          (f)    fees payable for an application and the waiver,
                                 reduction, deferral and refund of such fees,
                          (g)    requiring that supporting documents and
                                 information in relation to an application be lodged
                                 (before or after the time of registration),
                          (h)    the consideration and determination of applications,
                                 including (but not limited to) the following:
                                  (i) the time within which an application (or a
                                        particular stage of an application) is to be
                                        dealt with,
                                 (ii) the grounds on which an application (or a
                                        particular stage of an application) may be
                                (iii) the grounds on which an application may be
                                (iv) the way in which the rejection or
                                        determination of the application (or a
                                        particular stage of an application) is to be
                                        communicated to the applicant,

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Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment Bill 2006

Amendments                                                               Schedule 1

                          Probity checks
                           (i)   the probity checks that may be made on all persons
                                 who are, or who are proposed to be, managing an
                                 out of school hours care service (or proposed out of
                                 school hours care service) or who will have
                                 unsupervised direct access to children,
                           (j)   the fees that may be charged for carrying out such
                          (k)     the duration of registration,
                           (l)    providing for the imposition of conditions on out of
                                  school hours care services, including the following
                                   (i) conditions regulating the premises from
                                         which the service is to be provided,
                                  (ii) conditions regulating the times during which
                                         the service is to be available,
                                 (iii) conditions regulating the number of children,
                                         and the age groups of the children, for whom
                                         the service may be provided,
                                 (iv) conditions requiring the provision of
                                         information to parents or authorised carers,
                          (m)     creating penalties for breach of a condition,
                          Variation, suspension and revocation of registration
                          (n)    the grounds on which registration may be
                                 suspended, varied (including by the imposition,
                                 amendment or withdrawal of conditions) or
                          (o)    requiring the giving of notice of an intention to
                                 suspend, vary or revoke registration,
                          (p)    allowing a registered out of school hours care
                                 service provider time to make submissions in
                                 relation to any such intention,
                          (q)    the effect of a suspension, variation or revocation of
                           (r)   the restoration of registration that has been
                                 suspended or revoked,
                           (s)   the fees payable for the variation of registration,
                          Registered providers
                           (t)   the functions of the registered out of school hours
                                 care service provider under registration,

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             Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment Bill 2006

Schedule 1   Amendments

                       (u)   the carrying out of self-assessments by registered
                             out of school hours care service providers,
                       (v)   the supervision of volunteers who assist registered
                             out of school hours care service providers,
                      (w)     the records that are to be maintained in relation to an
                              out of school hours care service that a person is
                              registered to provide, including (but not limited to)
                              the following:
                               (i) the information that the records are to
                              (ii) the format in which they are to be made,
                             (iii) the person responsible for making and
                                     maintaining them,
                             (iv) the persons who may inspect them,
                              (v) the period for which they are to be retained,
                             (vi) creating penalties for failure to maintain
                       (x)   the investigative power of the authority responsible
                             for issuing registration, including the power to
                             inspect premises, require the production of
                             documents or information and to require questions
                             to be answered or required,
                      OSHCS co-ordinator
                       (y)   requiring the appointment of a person to act as the
                             Out of School Hours Care Service co-ordinator of
                             the provider of out of school hours care service the
                             subject of registration,
                       (z)   the qualifications and experience of the person to be
                             so appointed,
                      Registration authority
                      (za)   the person or body that will issue registrations and
                             give effect to the regulations,
                      Applying other provisions
                      (zb)   applying provisions of Chapter 12, or the
                             regulations made under Chapter 12, to out of school
                             hours care services.

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Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment Bill 2006

Amendments                                                                  Schedule 1

[71]    Section 229 Unauthorised removal of children and young persons
        subject to NSW Act
        Insert "or care responsibility" after "protection" in section 229 (1) (a).
[72]    Section 232 Persons under the parental responsibility of the Minister
        leaving or being removed from care
        Omit "care and protection" wherever occurring.
        Insert instead "care responsibility".
[73]    Section 234 Reasons for removal and other information to be given to
        certain persons
        Omit "care and protection" where secondly occurring in section 234 (1).
        Insert instead "care responsibility".
[74]    Section 246 Separation of children and young persons from offenders
        Omit "care and protection of the Director-General or the Minister".
        Insert instead "care responsibility of the Director-General or in the parental
        responsibility of the Minister".
[75]    Section 256 Service of notices
        Insert after section 256 (1) (b):
                     (b1) if a notice of address for service has been filed in
                             accordance with the rules of the Children's Court--
                             delivered, or sent by pre-paid post, to that address, or
[76]    Section 256 (2) (a)
        Insert "or (b1)" after "(b)".
[77]    Section 256A
        Insert after section 256:
       256A   Children's Court may dispense with service
               (1)   If the Children's Court is satisfied that an unacceptable threat to
                     the physical safety, welfare or well-being of a child or young
                     person or a party to any proceedings would arise if any notice or
                     other instrument required or authorised by this Act was given to,
                     or any document served on, a particular person, the Children's
                     Court may make an order dispensing with the giving of notice or
                     instrument to, or service on, the person concerned.

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                 Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment Bill 2006

Schedule 1       Amendments

              (2)   An order under this section excuses every other person from the
                    requirement to comply with any provision of this Act that
                    requires notification to, or service on, that person.
[78]   Section 259 Proceedings for offences
       Omit "100 penalty units" from section 259 (3).
       Insert instead "200 penalty units".
[79]   Schedule 3 Savings, transitional and other provisions
       Insert before clause 1:

       Part 1       Regulations
[80]   Schedule 3, clause 1 (1)
       Insert at the end of the subclause:
                    Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment
                    Act 2006
[81]   Schedule 3, Part 2, heading
       Insert before clause 2:

       Part 2       Provision consequent on enactment of
                    Children and Young Persons (Care and
                    Protection) Amendment Act 2005
[82]   Schedule 3, Part 3
       Insert after clause 2:

       Part 3       Provisions consequent on enactment of
                    Children and Young Persons (Care and
                    Protection) Amendment Act 2006
          3   Definition
                    In this Part:
                    amending Act means the Children and Young Persons (Care and
                    Protection) Amendment Act 2006.

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Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment Bill 2006

Amendments                                                             Schedule 1

        4    Protection of persons who make reports or provide certain
             (1)   The amendment made to section 29 (1) (f) by the amending Act
                   extends to any information disclosed to a body before the
                   commencement of the amendment.
             (2)   Section 29 (3A) extends to reports made, actions taken or
                   information provided before the commencement of the
             (3)   Section 29 extends to any report made under section 120 or 121
                   before the amendment of section 29 (6) by the amending Act.
        5    Emergency care and protection orders
                   Section 46 (5) extends to an application made before the
                   commencement of the subsection.
        6    Variation of care orders
                   Section 61 (3), as repealed and re-enacted by the amending Act,
                   extends to any order sought before that repeal and re-enactment.
        7    Notification of care applications
                   Section 64 (7) and (8) extend to any application made before the
                   commencement of the subsections.
        8    Leave to file further documentary evidence or amend application
                   Section 68 (2) extends to documentary evidence filed before the
                   commencement of the subsection.
        9    Care proceedings
                   The amendments made to sections 71, 75, 79 and 90 by the
                   amending Act extend to care proceedings not finally determined
                   when the respective amendments commence.
       10    Court procedure
             (1)   The amendments made to sections 93, 96 and 99, and section 104
                   as repealed and re-enacted, by the amending Act extend to
                   proceedings not finally determined when the respective
                   amendments and section 104 as re-enacted commence.
             (2)   The amendments made to section 105 by the amending Act
                   extend to proceedings conducted before the commencement of
                   the amendments.

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                Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment Bill 2006

Schedule 1      Amendments

      11     Application for order for alternative parenting plan
                   Section 116 (4) extends to any application made before the
                   commencement of the subsection.
      12     Order for sole parental responsibility
                   Section 149 (4A) extends to any application made before the
                   commencement of the subsection.
      13     Regulations concerning probity checks
                   A regulation for or with respect to probity checks referred to in
                   section 220 (a1) may apply so as to require probity checks on
                   persons residing at a certain home immediately before the
                   regulation commences.

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