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                            New South Wales

Children and Young Persons (Care and
Protection) Amendment (Children's
Services) Bill 2010


              1    Name of Act                                             2
              2    Commencement                                            2
     Schedule 1    Amendment of Children and Young Persons (Care and
                   Protection) Act 1998 No 157                             3
     Schedule 2    Amendment of other Acts                                33

                              New South Wales

Children and Young Persons (Care and
Protection) Amendment (Children's
Services) Bill 2010
No      , 2010

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998
to make further provision with respect to the regulation of children's services, and to
make consequential amendments to other legislation.
              Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment (Children's
Clause 1      Services) Bill 2010

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                             1

 1    Name of Act                                                                      2

           This Act is the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection)            3
           Amendment (Children's Services) Act 2010.                                   4

 2    Commencement                                                                     5

           This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.        6

Page 2
Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment (Children's
Services) Bill 2010

Amendment of Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998    Schedule 1
No 157

Schedule 1             Amendment of Children and Young                                      1
                       Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998                               2
                       No 157                                                               3

[1]   Section 3 Definitions                                                                 4

      Insert in alphabetical order:                                                         5
                    children's service approval--see section 199.                           6
                    service provider licence--see section 199.                              7
                    supervisor approval--see section 199.                                   8

[2]   Section 199 Definitions                                                               9

      Omit the definitions of authorised supervisor, licence and licensee from             10
      section 199 (1).                                                                     11

      Insert in alphabetical order:                                                        12
                    approval means a children's service approval or a supervisor           13
                    approval.                                                              14
                    approved children's service means a children's service the             15
                    operation of which is authorised by a children's service approval.     16
                    authorised supervisor means a person who holds a supervisor            17
                    approval.                                                              18
                    children's service approval means a children's service approval        19
                    granted under this Chapter and which is in force.                      20
                    children's services register means the children's services             21
                    register kept under Part 7.                                            22
                    compliance notice--see Division 1 of Part 5.                           23
                    licensed service provider means a licensee under a service             24
                    provider licence.                                                      25
                    licensee under a service provider licence means a person or            26
                    persons specified in the service provider licence as the licensee or   27
                    any person appointed as licensee by variation of the licence.          28
                    service provider licence or licence means a service provider           29
                    licence granted under this Chapter and which is in force.              30
                    supervisor approval means a supervisor approval granted under          31
                    this Chapter and which is in force.                                    32

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                Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment (Children's
                Services) Bill 2010

Schedule 1      Amendment of Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998
                No 157

[3]   Section 199 (3)                                                                         1
      Insert after section 199 (2):                                                           2

             (3)    In this Chapter, a reference to the licensee of a children's service,     3
                    or of an approved children's service, is a reference to the licensed      4
                    service provider that provides the children's service.                    5

[4]   Section 202                                                                             6

      Omit the section. Insert instead:                                                       7

      202    Principles underlying the provision of children's services                       8

                    The provision of children's services should be based on the               9
                    following principles:                                                    10
                     (a) the paramount consideration in the provision of children's          11
                          services is the best interests of children,                        12
                    (b) children should receive services that meet their individual          13
                          needs (including the needs of children with a disability)          14
                          and enhance their physical, emotional, cognitive, social           15
                          and cultural development,                                          16
                     (c) children's services should assist the development and               17
                          education of the children who attend them,                         18
                    (d) children's services should be planned and operated in a              19
                          manner that recognises the diversity of the children who           20
                          attend them and of the communities that they serve,                21
                     (e) parents have a right to information about the children's            22
                          services which their children attend,                              23
                     (f) parents have both a right and a responsibility to be                24
                          involved in the making of decisions by a children's service        25
                          in so far as those decisions affect their children.                26
                    Note. Children's services must also be operated in accordance with any   27
                    relevant provisions of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977.                 28

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Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment (Children's
Services) Bill 2010

Amendment of Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998    Schedule 1
No 157

[5]   Chapter 12, Parts 3-8                                                                 1
      Omit Parts 3-5. Insert instead:                                                       2

      Part 3        Regulation of children's services                                       3

      Division 1           Service provider licences                                        4

      204    Prescribed children's services to be provided only by licensed                 5
             service providers                                                              6

                    A prescribed children's service may be provided only by a person        7
                    who is authorised to provide the type of service concerned by a         8
                    service provider licence.                                               9
                    Note. For offences see Division 4.                                     10

      205    Service provider licences                                                     11

             (1)    The Director-General may, on application, grant a licence (a           12
                    service provider licence) that authorises a person or persons to       13
                    provide a specified type or types of prescribed children's service.    14

             (2)    A service provider licence is to specify the person or persons to      15
                    whom the licence is granted.                                           16

             (3)    Any person so specified is a licensee under the service provider       17
                    licence.                                                               18
                    Note. The regulations may provide for information and evidence to      19
                    accompany an application for a licence and the probity checks to be    20
                    conducted in respect of the application.                               21

      206    Refusal to grant licence                                                      22

             (1)    The Director-General may refuse to grant a service provider            23
                    licence:                                                               24
                     (a) if the Director-General is of the opinion that a person           25
                          proposed as licensee or any relevant person in relation to       26
                          the application is not a suitable person to be involved in the   27
                          provision of children's services, or                             28
                    (b) on any other grounds prescribed by the regulations.                29

             (2)    Each of the following persons is a relevant person in relation to      30
                    an application:                                                        31
                    (a) if the proposed licensee is not a natural person--any              32
                          person involved in the control or management of the              33
                          proposed licensee (such as a chief executive officer,            34
                          director or majority shareholder of a corporation),              35

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                Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment (Children's
                Services) Bill 2010

Schedule 1      Amendment of Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998
                No 157

                   (b)    if the proposed licensee applies for the licence for or on      1
                          behalf of an association, partnership or trust--a member of     2
                          the management committee or other office holder of the          3
                          association, a member of the partnership or a trustee of the    4
                          trust (as the case requires),                                   5
                   (c)    any other person prescribed by the regulations.                 6

     207     Duration of licence                                                          7

             (1)   A service provider licence may be granted for a fixed term or for      8
                   no fixed term.                                                         9

             (2)   If a service provider licence is granted for a fixed term, the        10
                   licence remains in force for the term specified in the licence,       11
                   unless sooner revoked.                                                12

             (3)   If a service provider licence is granted for no fixed term, it        13
                   remains in force until it is revoked.                                 14

             (4)   In any case, a service provider licence ceases to have effect         15
                   during any period in which it is suspended.                           16

     208     Conditions of licences                                                      17

             (1)   A service provider licence is subject to the following conditions:    18
                   (a) any conditions imposed by this Act or prescribed by the           19
                         regulations,                                                    20
                   (b) any conditions imposed by the Director-General.                   21

             (2)   The Director-General may impose conditions on a licence:              22
                   (a) at the time of the grant of the licence, or                       23
                   (b) subsequent to the grant of the licence by variation of the        24
                        licence.                                                         25

             (3)   A licensee under a service provider licence must not contravene       26
                   a condition of the licence.                                           27
                   Maximum penalty: 200 penalty units.                                   28

     209     Variation of licence                                                        29

             (1)   The Director-General may, by notice in writing, vary a service        30
                   provider licence (including any conditions of the licence imposed     31
                   by the Director-General).                                             32

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Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment (Children's
Services) Bill 2010

Amendment of Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998     Schedule 1
No 157

             (2)    A variation includes the imposition of new conditions on a               1
                    licence, the substitution of a condition, or the omission or             2
                    amendment of a condition.                                                3
                    Note. The regulations may make provision for the grounds on which a      4
                    licence may be varied, and the manner in which the variation is to be    5
                    notified.                                                                6

      210    Appointment of additional or substitute licensee                                7

             (1)    The Director-General may vary a service provider licence to              8
                    appoint a person as licensee under the service provider licence in       9
                    place of, or in addition to, the existing licensee.                     10

             (2)    Any such variation may be made only:                                    11
                    (a) if the licence was granted to authorise the provision of            12
                         children's services by a person for or on behalf of an             13
                         association, partnership or trust and, as a result of a change     14
                         in circumstances, it is no longer appropriate for the person       15
                         to be the licensee for or on behalf of that association,           16
                         partnership or trust, or                                           17
                    (b) if the existing licensee has died, or                               18
                    (c) in other circumstances prescribed by the regulations.               19

             (3)    A person appointed by the Director-General as licensee is taken         20
                    to be a licensee under the licence for the period (if any) specified    21
                    by the Director-General in the appointment.                             22

      211    Revocation or suspension of licences                                           23

             (1)    The Director-General may revoke or suspend a service provider           24
                    licence:                                                                25
                     (a) if the Director-General is of the opinion that a licensee          26
                          under the licence or any relevant person in relation to the       27
                          licence is no longer a suitable person to be involved in the      28
                          provision of children's services, or                              29
                    (b) if the Director-General is of the opinion that the continued        30
                          provision of children's services by a licensee under the          31
                          licence would constitute an unacceptable risk to the safety,      32
                          welfare or well-being of any child or class of children           33
                          attending the service, or                                         34
                     (c) on any other grounds specified in the regulations.                 35

             (2)    Each of the following persons is a relevant person in relation to       36
                    a licence:                                                              37
                    (a) if the licensee is not a natural person--any person involved        38
                           in the control or management of the licensee (such as a          39

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               Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment (Children's
               Services) Bill 2010

Schedule 1     Amendment of Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998
               No 157

                          chief executive officer, director or majority shareholder of    1
                          a corporation),                                                 2
                   (b)    if the licence authorises the provision of children's           3
                          services by a person for or on behalf of an association,        4
                          partnership or trust--a member of the management                5
                          committee, or other office holder, of the association, a        6
                          member of the partnership or a trustee of the trust (as the     7
                          case requires),                                                 8
                   (c)    any other person prescribed by the regulations.                 9

     212     Special condition--home based children's service                            10

                   It is a condition of a service provider licence for a home based      11
                   children's service that the licensee under the licence provide that   12
                   children's service only at the licensee's home.                       13

      Division 2          Approval of operation of children's services                   14

     213     Prescribed children's service to be operated only with approval             15

             (1)   A prescribed children's service may be provided only if the           16
                   operation of the particular children's service is authorised by a     17
                   children's service approval.                                          18

             (2)   An approved children's service (other than a home based               19
                   children's service) may be provided by any licensed service           20
                   provider authorised by its service provider licence to provide the    21
                   type of children's service concerned.                                 22

             (3)   A home based children's service may be provided only by a             23
                   licensed service provider authorised by a service provider licence    24
                   to provide that particular home based children's service.             25
                   Note. For offences see Division 4.                                    26

     214     Children's service approval                                                 27

                   The Director-General may, on application, grant an approval (a        28
                   children's service approval) that authorises the operation of a       29
                   particular prescribed children's service.                             30

     215     Refusal to grant approval                                                   31

                   The Director-General may refuse to grant a children's service         32
                   approval:                                                             33
                   (a) if the Director-General is of the opinion that the operation      34
                         of the children's service would constitute an unacceptable      35

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Services) Bill 2010

Amendment of Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998   Schedule 1
No 157

                          risk to the safety, welfare or well-being of children who       1
                          would attend the service, or                                    2
                    (b)   on any grounds prescribed by the regulations.                   3

      216    Duration of approval                                                         4

             (1)    A children's service approval may be granted for a fixed term or      5
                    for no fixed term.                                                    6

             (2)    If a children's service approval is granted for a fixed term, the     7
                    approval remains in force for the term specified in the approval,     8
                    unless sooner revoked.                                                9

             (3)    If a children's service approval is granted for no fixed term, the   10
                    approval remains in force until it is revoked.                       11

             (4)    In any case, a children's service approval ceases to have effect     12
                    during any period in which it is suspended.                          13

      217    Conditions of approvals                                                     14

             (1)    A children's service approval is subject to the following            15
                    conditions:                                                          16
                    (a) any conditions imposed by this Act or prescribed by the          17
                          regulations,                                                   18
                    (b) any conditions imposed by the Director-General.                  19

             (2)    The Director-General may impose conditions on a children's           20
                    service approval:                                                    21
                    (a) at the time of the grant of the approval, or                     22
                    (b) subsequent to the grant of the approval by varying the           23
                          children's service approval.                                   24

             (3)    A licensee of a children's service must not contravene a condition   25
                    of the children's service approval relating to the children's        26
                    service.                                                             27
                    Maximum penalty: 200 penalty units.                                  28

      218    Variation to approval                                                       29

             (1)    The Director-General may, by notice in writing, vary a children's    30
                    service approval (including any conditions of the approval           31
                    imposed by the Director-General).                                    32

             (2)    A variation includes the imposition of new conditions on an          33
                    approval, the substitution of a condition, or the omission or        34
                    amendment of a condition.                                            35

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               Services) Bill 2010

Schedule 1     Amendment of Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998
               No 157

                   Note. The regulations may make provision for the grounds on which an      1
                   approval may be varied, and the manner in which the variation is to be    2
                   notified.                                                                 3

     219     Revocation and suspension of approvals                                          4

                   The Director-General may revoke or suspend a children's service           5
                   approval:                                                                 6
                   (a) if the Director-General is of the opinion that the continued          7
                         operation of the children's service would constitute an             8
                         unacceptable risk to the safety, welfare or well-being of           9
                         any child or class of children attending the service, or           10
                   (b) if exceptional circumstances arise as a result of which the          11
                         Director-General considers it contrary to the best interests       12
                         of the children attending the service for the service to           13
                         continue, or                                                       14
                   (c) if the Director-General revokes or suspends the licence of           15
                         the licensed service provider that is providing the                16
                         children's service, or                                             17
                   (d) on any other grounds specified in the regulations.                   18

      Division 3          Approval of supervisors                                           19

    219A     Children's services to be operated under supervision of                        20
             authorised supervisor                                                          21

             (1)   A licensee of an approved children's service must ensure that at         22
                   least one authorised supervisor is appointed by the licensee as          23
                   authorised supervisor of the approved children's service.                24

             (2)   The person appointed must be a person authorised by his or her           25
                   supervisor approval to supervise the operation of the approved           26
                   children's service or type of approved children's service                27
                   concerned.                                                               28

             (3)   A contravention of this section is a contravention of a provision        29
                   of this Chapter.                                                         30
                   Note. Under Part 5, the Director-General may serve a compliance notice   31
                   on a person requiring the person to remedy a contravention of a          32
                   provision of this Chapter.                                               33

             (4)   In this Chapter, a reference to the authorised supervisor of a           34
                   children's service, or of an approved children's service, is a           35
                   reference to the authorised supervisor appointed for the time            36
                   being as authorised supervisor of the approved children's service,       37
                   in accordance with any requirements of the regulations.                  38

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Services) Bill 2010

Amendment of Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998   Schedule 1
No 157

             (5)    An authorised supervisor is not required in respect of a home          1
                    based children's service.                                              2

    219B     Supervisor approvals                                                          3

                    The Director-General may, on application, grant an approval (a         4
                    supervisor approval) that authorises a person to supervise the         5
                    operation of a specified children's service or a specified type or     6
                    types of children's services.                                          7

    219C     Refusal to grant approval                                                     8

                    The Director-General may refuse to grant a supervisor approval:        9
                    (a) if the Director-General is of the opinion that the applicant      10
                         is not a suitable person to be involved in the supervision or    11
                         operation of children's services, or                             12
                    (b) on any grounds prescribed by the regulations.                     13

    219D     Duration of approval                                                         14

             (1)    A supervisor approval may be granted for a fixed term or for no       15
                    fixed term.                                                           16

             (2)    If a supervisor approval is granted for a fixed term, the approval    17
                    remains in force for the term specified in the approval, unless       18
                    sooner revoked.                                                       19

             (3)    If a supervisor approval is granted for no fixed term, the approval   20
                    remains in force until it is revoked.                                 21

             (4)    In any case, a supervisor approval ceases to have effect during       22
                    any period in which it is suspended.                                  23

    219E     Conditions of approvals                                                      24

             (1)    A supervisor approval is subject to the following conditions:         25
                    (a) any conditions imposed by this Act or prescribed by the           26
                          regulations,                                                    27
                    (b) any conditions imposed by the Director-General.                   28

             (2)    The Director-General may impose conditions on an approval:            29
                    (a) at the time of the grant of the approval, or                      30
                    (b) subsequent to the grant of the approval by variation to the       31
                         approval.                                                        32

             (3)    A person who is an authorised supervisor must not contravene a        33
                    condition of the person's supervisor approval.                        34
                    Maximum penalty: 200 penalty units.                                   35

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               Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment (Children's
               Services) Bill 2010

Schedule 1     Amendment of Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998
               No 157

    219F     Variation to approval                                                           1
             (1)   The Director-General may, by notice in writing, vary a supervisor         2
                   approval (including any conditions of the approval imposed by             3
                   the Director-General).                                                    4

             (2)   A variation includes the imposition of new conditions on an               5
                   approval, the substitution of a condition, or the omission or             6
                   amendment of a condition.                                                 7
                   Note. The regulations may make provision for the grounds on which an      8
                   approval may be varied, and the manner in which the variation is to be    9
                   notified.                                                                10

    219G     Revocation and suspension of approval                                          11

                   The Director-General may revoke or suspend a supervisor                  12
                   approval:                                                                13
                   (a) if the Director-General is of the opinion that the authorised        14
                         supervisor is no longer a suitable person to be involved in        15
                         the supervision or operation of a children's service, or           16
                   (b) on any other grounds specified in the regulations.                   17

    219H     Special provision for school-based children's services                         18

             (1)   For an approved children's service that is provided by a                 19
                   government school or registered non-government school, the               20
                   principal of the school for the time being, or a person acting in the    21
                   position of principal:                                                   22
                   (a) is taken to hold a supervisor approval that authorises the           23
                          principal or acting principal to supervise the operation of       24
                          the children's service, and                                       25
                   (b) is taken to have been appointed to supervise the operation           26
                          of the approved children's service.                               27

             (2)   In this section:                                                         28
                   government school has the same meaning as it has in the                  29
                   Education Act 1990.                                                      30
                   registered non-government school has the same meaning as it              31
                   has in the Education Act 1990.                                           32

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Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment (Children's
Services) Bill 2010

Amendment of Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998   Schedule 1
No 157

      Division 4          Offences                                                        1

     219I    Unauthorised provision of children's service                                 2

             (1)    A person must not provide a prescribed children's service unless:     3
                    (a) the person is a licensee under a service provider licence         4
                          that authorises the person to provide the children's service    5
                          or type of children's service, and                              6
                    (b) the children's service is an approved children's service.         7
                    Maximum penalty: 200 penalty units.                                   8

             (2)    An authorised supervisor of a children's service who is not the       9
                    licensee of the children's service does not commit an offence        10
                    against this section in respect of anything done in the course of    11
                    supervising that service in accordance with the person's             12
                    supervisor approval.                                                 13

             (3)    An employee or other person who provides or assists in providing     14
                    a children's service (other than an authorised supervisor of the     15
                    children's service) does not commit an offence against this          16
                    section if the employee or other person is acting in accordance      17
                    with directions given by the licensee of the children's service or   18
                    an authorised supervisor of the children's service.                  19

    219J     Advertising of unauthorised children's services                             20

             (1)    A person must not advertise or hold out that the person is willing   21
                    to provide a prescribed children's service unless:                   22
                     (a) the person is a licensee under a service provider licence       23
                          that authorises the person to provide the type of children's   24
                          service concerned, and                                         25
                    (b) the particular children's service being advertised is an         26
                          approved children's service.                                   27
                    Maximum penalty: 5 penalty units.                                    28

             (2)    A person must not knowingly publish any advertisement inviting       29
                    the attendance of children at a prescribed children's service that   30
                    is not an approved children's service.                               31
                    Maximum penalty: 5 penalty units.                                    32

             (3)    A person is not guilty of an offence under this section if:          33
                    (a) the prescribed children's service is a service that is           34
                          proposed to be provided in the future, and                     35

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                Services) Bill 2010

Schedule 1      Amendment of Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998
                No 157

                   (b)    the person has duly applied for any service provider            1
                          licence or children's service approval required to authorise    2
                          the person to provide the proposed children's service, and      3
                   (c)    the application has not been finally determined.                4

      Part 4       Investigation powers                                                   5

    219K     Definition--person involved in provision of children's services              6

             (1)   In this Part, a person involved in the provision of children's         7
                   services means:                                                        8
                    (a) a person who is, or was formerly, a licensed service              9
                          provider, or                                                   10
                   (b) a person who is, or was formerly, an authorised supervisor        11
                          of a children's service, or                                    12
                    (c) a person who is, or was formerly, an employee of a               13
                          licensed service provider or otherwise engaged to provide      14
                          or assist in providing a prescribed children's service, or     15
                   (d) a person who, under the regulations, is, or was formerly, a       16
                          family day care carer, or                                      17
                    (e) a person who is, or was formerly, involved in the control        18
                          or management of a licensed service provider (such as a        19
                          director, chief executive officer or majority shareholder),    20
                          or                                                             21
                    (f) a person who is, or was formerly, a member of a                  22
                          management committee or other office holder of an              23
                          association, or a member of a partnership, involved in the     24
                          provision of children's services, or                           25
                   (g) a person who is, or was formerly, a trustee of a trust            26
                          involved in the provision of children's services, or           27
                   (h) any other person the Director-General has reasonable              28
                          cause to believe is involved, or has formerly been             29
                          involved, in the provision, management or operation of a       30
                          prescribed children's service.                                 31

             (2)   In this section:                                                      32
                   employee includes a person engaged under a contract for               33
                   services.                                                             34

    219L     Power to require provision of documents                                     35

             (1)   The Director-General may, by notice in writing served on a            36
                   person involved in the provision of children's services, require      37

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Services) Bill 2010

Amendment of Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998   Schedule 1
No 157

                    the person to provide to the Director-General such relevant           1
                    documents as the Director-General specifies in the notice.            2

             (2)    The following documents are relevant documents:                       3
                    (a) any record that a person is required to keep by or under this     4
                          Chapter (including under the regulations),                      5
                    (b) such other documents as the Director-General reasonably           6
                          requires for the purposes of the administration or              7
                          enforcement of this Chapter.                                    8

             (3)    A notice under this section must specify the manner in which the      9
                    documents are required to be provided and a reasonable time by       10
                    which the documents are required to be provided.                     11

             (4)    A notice under this section may only require a person to provide     12
                    existing documents that are in the person's possession or that are   13
                    within the person's power to obtain lawfully.                        14

             (5)    If any document required to be provided under this section is in     15
                    electronic, mechanical or other form, the notice requires the        16
                    document to be provided in written form, unless the notice           17
                    otherwise provides.                                                  18

             (6)    If any document required to be provided under this section is not    19
                    in the English language, the notice requires a written translation   20
                    of its content to be provided with the document, unless the notice   21
                    otherwise provides.                                                  22

             (7)    The Director-General may take copies of any documents                23
                    provided under this section.                                         24

             (8)    If the Director-General has reason to believe that any documents     25
                    provided under this section are evidence of an offence against       26
                    this Act or the regulations, the Director-General may retain the     27
                    documents until proceedings for the offence have been heard and      28
                    determined.                                                          29

    219M     Power to require answers to questions                                       30

             (1)    The Director-General may, by notice in writing served on a           31
                    person involved in the provision of children's services, require     32
                    the person to answer questions about any matters in respect of       33
                    which information is required for the administration or              34
                    enforcement of this Chapter.                                         35

             (2)    The Director-General may, by notice in writing, require a            36
                    corporation to nominate, in writing within the time specified in     37
                    the notice, a director or officer of the corporation to be the       38

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                   corporation's representative for the purpose of answering              1
                   questions under this section.                                          2

             (3)   Answers given by a person nominated by the corporation bind the        3
                   corporation.                                                           4

             (4)   The Director-General may, by notice in writing, require a person       5
                   to attend at a specified place and time to answer questions under      6
                   this section if attendance at that place is reasonably required in     7
                   order that the questions can be properly put and answered.             8

             (5)   The place and time at which a person may be required to attend         9
                   to answer questions under this section is to be:                      10
                    (a) a place or time nominated by the person, or                      11
                   (b) if the place or time nominated is not reasonable in the           12
                         circumstances or a place or time is not nominated by the        13
                         person, a place and time nominated by the                       14
                         Director-General that is reasonable in the circumstances.       15

    219N     Functions may be exercised outside this State                               16

             (1)   A notice may be given under this Part to a person involved in the     17
                   provision of children's services even though the person is outside    18
                   the State, as long as the children's services concerned are or were   19
                   provided in this State.                                               20

             (2)   The Director-General, or a delegate of the Director-General, may      21
                   attend at a place outside this State for the purpose of obtaining     22
                   answers to questions asked of a person under this Part.               23

    219O     Revocation or variation of notices                                          24

             (1)   A notice given under this Part may be revoked or varied by the        25
                   Director-General by further notice in writing served on the           26
                   person to whom the notice was issued.                                 27

             (2)   A notice may be varied by modification of, or addition to, its        28
                   terms and specifications.                                             29

             (3)   The revocation or variation has effect when notice of the             30
                   revocation or variation is given to the person to whom the notice     31
                   was issued.                                                           32

             (4)   Without limiting the above, a notice may be varied by extending       33
                   the time for complying with the notice.                               34

             (5)   The revocation of a notice does not prevent the issue of another      35
                   notice.                                                               36

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    219P     Failure to comply with requirement to provide documents or                      1
             information or answer questions                                                 2

                    A person who, without reasonable excuse, fails to comply with a          3
                    requirement made of the person under this Part is guilty of an           4
                    offence.                                                                 5
                    Maximum penalty: 200 penalty units.                                      6

    219Q     False and misleading information                                                7

             (1)    A person who provides any document or information or does any            8
                    other thing in purported compliance with a requirement made              9
                    under this Part, knowing that it is false or misleading in a material   10
                    particular, is guilty of an offence.                                    11
                    Maximum penalty: 200 penalty units.                                     12

             (2)    A person cannot be found guilty of both an offence against this         13
                    section and an offence against section 253 in respect of the same       14
                    act or omission.                                                        15

    219R     Provisions relating to requirements to provide documents or                    16
             information or answer questions                                                17

             (1)    Warning to be given on each occasion                                    18

                    A person is not guilty of an offence of failing to comply with a        19
                    requirement under this Part to provide documents or information         20
                    or to answer a question unless the person was warned on that            21
                    occasion that a failure to comply is an offence.                        22

             (2)    Self-incrimination not an excuse                                        23

                    A person is not excused from a requirement under this Part to           24
                    provide documents or information or to answer a question on the         25
                    ground that the document, information or answer might                   26
                    incriminate the person or make the person liable to a penalty.          27

             (3)    Information or answer not admissible if objection made                  28

                    However, any information provided or answer given by a natural          29
                    person in compliance with a requirement under this Part is not          30
                    admissible in evidence against the person in criminal proceedings       31
                    (except proceedings for an offence under this Part) if:                 32
                     (a) the person objected at the time to doing so on the ground          33
                          that it might incriminate the person, or                          34
                    (b) the person was not warned on that occasion that the person          35
                          may object to providing the information or giving the             36
                          answer on the ground that it might incriminate the person.        37

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             (4)   Documents admissible                                                   1
                   Any document provided by a person in compliance with a                 2
                   requirement under this Part is not inadmissible in evidence            3
                   against the person in criminal proceedings on the ground that the      4
                   document might incriminate the person.                                 5

             (5)   Further information                                                    6

                   Further information obtained as a result of a document or              7
                   information provided or an answer given in compliance with a           8
                   requirement under this Part is not inadmissible on the ground:         9
                    (a) that the document or information had to be provided or the       10
                         answer had to be given, or                                      11
                   (b) that the document or information provided or answer given         12
                         might incriminate the person.                                   13

    219S     Effect on other functions                                                   14

             (1)   This Part does not affect any functions conferred by any other        15
                   provision of this Act or by any other Act.                            16

             (2)   In particular, this Part does not affect the functions conferred by   17
                   Chapter 15.                                                           18

             (3)   This Part does not limit the conditions that can be attached to a     19
                   licence or approval.                                                  20

      Part 5       Enforcement and compliance                                            21

      Division 1         Compliance notices                                              22

    219T     Issue of compliance notices by Director-General                             23

             (1)   If the Director-General is of the opinion that a person is            24
                   contravening a provision of this Chapter or the regulations under     25
                   this Chapter, the Director-General may serve on the person a          26
                   notice (a compliance notice) requiring the person to remedy the       27
                   contravention within the period specified in the notice.              28

             (2)   A compliance notice must:                                             29
                   (a) give particulars of the alleged contravention, and                30
                   (b) include information about rights to seek a review of the          31
                        Director-General's decision to issue the notice.                 32

             (3)   A compliance notice may include directions as to the measures to      33
                   be taken to remedy any contravention to which the notice relates      34
                   or to otherwise comply with the notice.                               35

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             (4)    A compliance notice may offer the person to whom it is issued a       1
                    choice of ways in which to remedy the contravention or to             2
                    comply with the notice.                                               3

             (5)    A compliance notice is to be in a form approved by the                4
                    Director-General.                                                     5

    219U     Revocation and variation of compliance notices                               6

             (1)    A compliance notice may be revoked or varied by the                   7
                    Director-General by further notice in writing given to the person     8
                    to whom the compliance notice was issued.                             9

             (2)    The revocation or variation has effect when notice of the            10
                    revocation or variation is given to the person to whom the notice    11
                    was issued.                                                          12

             (3)    A notice may be varied by modification of, or addition to, its       13
                    terms and specifications.                                            14

             (4)    Without limiting the above, a notice may be varied by extending      15
                    the time for complying with the notice.                              16

             (5)    The revocation of a compliance notice does not prevent the issue     17
                    of another compliance notice.                                        18

    219V     Failure to comply with compliance notice                                    19

                    A person who, without reasonable excuse, fails to comply with a      20
                    requirement imposed by a compliance notice issued to the person      21
                    is guilty of an offence.                                             22
                    Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.                                  23

   219W      Proceedings for offences not affected by compliance notices                 24

             (1)    The issue, variation or revocation of a compliance notice does not   25
                    affect any proceedings for an offence against this Act or the        26
                    regulations in connection with any matter in respect of which the    27
                    notice was issued.                                                   28

             (2)    However, a person cannot be convicted of both an offence of          29
                    failing to comply with a compliance notice and another offence       30
                    against this Act or the regulations in respect of the same act or    31
                    omission.                                                            32

      Division 2          Enforceable undertakings                                       33

    219X     Enforceable undertakings                                                    34

             (1)    The Director-General may accept a written undertaking given by       35
                    a person for the purposes of this section in connection with a       36

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                   matter in relation to which the Director-General has a function        1
                   under this Chapter.                                                    2

             (2)   The person may withdraw or vary the undertaking at any time,           3
                   but only with the consent in writing of the Director-General. The      4
                   consent of the Director-General is required even if the                5
                   undertaking purports to authorise withdrawal or variation of the       6
                   undertaking without that consent.                                      7

             (3)   The Director-General may apply to the District Court for an order      8
                   under this section if the Director-General considers that the          9
                   person who gave the undertaking has contravened any of its            10
                   terms.                                                                11

             (4)   The District Court may make all or any of the following orders if     12
                   it is satisfied that the person has contravened a term of the         13
                   undertaking:                                                          14
                    (a) an order directing the person to comply with that term of        15
                          the undertaking,                                               16
                   (b) an order suspending or revoking any licence or approval           17
                          that authorises the person to provide or supervise a           18
                          children's service,                                            19
                    (c) an order directing the person to pay to the State an amount      20
                          not exceeding the amount of any financial benefit that the     21
                          person has obtained directly or indirectly and that is         22
                          reasonably attributable to the contravention,                  23
                   (d) any order that the Court thinks appropriate directing the         24
                          person to compensate any other person who has suffered         25
                          loss or damage as a result of the contravention,               26
                    (e) any other order the Court considers appropriate.                 27

             (5)   Proceedings in the District Court under this section are to be        28
                   heard in its civil jurisdiction.                                      29

             (6)   The maximum total amount that the District Court may direct a         30
                   person to pay to the State or as compensation is the jurisdictional   31
                   limit of the Court (within the meaning of the District Court Act      32
                   1973).                                                                33

      Division 3          Other enforcement powers                                       34

    219Y     Advice to parents using illegal children's services                         35

                   If the Director-General has reason to believe that a children's       36
                   service is being provided or operated in contravention of this        37
                   Chapter or the regulations under this Chapter, the                    38
                   Director-General may inform the parent of a child enrolled in the     39

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                    children's service that it is inadvisable for the child to continue to    1
                    attend the service.                                                       2

    219Z     Exclusion of persons from premises of children's service                         3

             (1)    The Director-General may, by notice in writing (an exclusion              4
                    notice) served on a person involved in, or connected with, the            5
                    provision of an approved children's service (whether as an                6
                    owner, manager, licensee, authorised supervisor, employee,                7
                    contractor, volunteer, parent or otherwise) direct the person to          8
                    refrain from entering the premises on which the service is                9
                    provided.                                                                10

             (2)    The Director-General may give a person an exclusion notice only          11
                    if the Director-General is of the opinion that the continued             12
                    presence of the person on those premises would constitute an             13
                    unacceptable risk to the safety, welfare or well-being of a child or     14
                    class of children enrolled with the service.                             15

             (3)    The exclusion notice must specify the reasons for the                    16
                    Director-General's opinion.                                              17

             (4)    An exclusion notice has effect for a period not exceeding 28 days.       18

             (5)    A person must not enter any premises in contravention of an              19
                    exclusion notice.                                                        20
                    Maximum penalty: 200 penalty units.                                      21

  219ZA      Information to licensee concerning exclusion notice                             22

             (1)    The Director-General is to give a copy of any exclusion notice to        23
                    the licensee of the children's service to which the notice relates.      24

             (2)    The Director-General may impose a condition on a licence or              25
                    approval, or revoke a licence or approval, following the issue of        26
                    an exclusion notice.                                                     27

      Part 6        Rights and responsibilities of parents                                   28

  219ZB      Information to be provided by licensee                                          29

             (1)    The licensee of an approved children's service must provide              30
                    parents of children enrolled in the service with ready access to the     31
                    following information (service information):                             32
                     (a) all written policies required to be provided by the                 33
                          regulations and other policies and procedures relating to          34
                          the conduct of the service developed by the licensee,              35
                    (b) details of procedures for dealing with parents' concerns             36
                          and complaints about the service,                                  37

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                   (c)    such other information relating to the service, or to the             1
                          safety, welfare or well-being of children who attend the              2
                          service, as the Director-General, by notice in writing to the         3
                          licensee, requires the licensee to provide.                           4

             (2)   Service information is to be provided in a language and manner               5
                   that can be understood by the parents of the children enrolled in            6
                   the service.                                                                 7

             (3)   The licensee of an approved children's service must inform                   8
                   parents of the availability of service information.                          9
                   Maximum penalty: 2 penalty units.                                           10

  219ZC      Parental contact with children                                                    11

             (1)   A licensee of an approved children's service must afford any                12
                   parent contact with his or her child at any time that the service is        13
                   being provided to the child.                                                14

             (2)   However, a licensee of an approved children's service may deny              15
                   a parent contact with his or her child (until the parent's right to         16
                   contact has been established):                                              17
                   (a) if the licensee has reason to believe that a court has denied           18
                         the parent that contact, or                                           19
                   (b) if the licensee is requested to do so by the                            20
                         Director-General, an officer of the Department of Health,             21
                         a police officer, or any other appropriate authority.                 22

             (3)   This section applies to an authorised supervisor of an approved             23
                   children's service in the same way as it applies to the licensee of         24
                   the children's service.                                                     25
                   Note. The regulations may require, as a condition of a children's service   26
                   approval, the development of policies and procedures relating to            27
                   parental contact with children enrolled with the service.                   28

      Part 7       Children's services register                                                29

  219ZD      Register of children's services                                                   30

             (1)   The Director-General is to keep a register of information about             31
                   children's services (the children's services register).                     32

             (2)   The children's services register may be kept in such form as the            33
                   Director-General considers appropriate.                                     34

             (3)   The Director-General must ensure that information on the                    35
                   children's services register is kept accurate and up-to-date.               36

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   219ZE     Information to be recorded on register                                         1
             (1)    The Director-General may record any of the following                    2
                    information in the children's services register in relation to each     3
                    approved children's service:                                            4
                     (a) particulars of the children's service approval applying to         5
                          the children's service,                                           6
                    (b) the name and address of the place of business of the                7
                          licensee of the approved children's service,                      8
                     (c) particulars of the service provider licence under which the        9
                          licensee is authorised to provide children's services,           10
                    (d) the name of any person who is an authorised supervisor of          11
                          the children's service and particulars of that person's          12
                          supervisor approval,                                             13
                     (e) particulars of any compliance notices issued against the          14
                          licensee or authorised supervisor of the approved                15
                          children's service (whether in connection with the               16
                          children's service to which the entry relates or in              17
                          connection with another children's service),                     18
                     (f) particulars of any other power exercised by the                   19
                          Director-General under this Chapter in relation to the           20
                          approved children's service, or in relation to the licensee of   21
                          the approved children's service or an authorised supervisor      22
                          of the approved children's service (whether in connection        23
                          with the children's service to which the entry relates or in     24
                          connection with another children's service),                     25
                    (g) if the licensee or authorised supervisor of the approved           26
                          children's service has been convicted of an offence under        27
                          this Chapter or the regulations under this Chapter,              28
                          particulars of that offence,                                     29
                    (h) such other matters as may be prescribed by the regulations.        30

             (2)    The children's services register may also contain such                 31
                    information of a general nature as the Director-General considers      32
                    appropriate in relation to licensing and approval of children's        33
                    services, compliance with this Chapter and the enforcement of          34
                    this Chapter.                                                          35

             (3)    Information relating to a conviction for a particular offence is not   36
                    to be published on the children's services register until after the    37
                    last day on which an appeal may be made against the conviction.        38

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             (4)   If an appeal is made against the conviction, information relating       1
                   to the conviction is not to be published on the children's services     2
                   register unless a final order has been made on appeal affirming         3
                   the conviction.                                                         4

             (5)   The Director-General must remove information about a                    5
                   conviction for a particular offence from the children's services        6
                   register as soon as practicable if the Director-General becomes         7
                   aware that the conviction has been quashed or annulled or has           8
                   become spent (within the meaning of the Criminal Records Act            9
                   1991).                                                                 10

             (6)   For the purposes of this section:                                      11
                   (a) a conviction for an offence includes a finding that an             12
                         offence has been proved, or that a person is guilty of an        13
                         offence, without proceeding to a conviction, and                 14
                   (b) section 8 (2) and (4) of the Criminal Records Act 1991 do          15
                         not apply.                                                       16

   219ZF     Publication of information on register                                       17

             (1)   The children's services register is to be made available for public    18
                   inspection on the Internet.                                            19

             (2)   Information recorded in the children's services register may also      20
                   be provided to members of the public in any other manner               21
                   approved by the Director-General.                                      22

      Part 8       Miscellaneous                                                          23

  219ZG      Special condition--family day care and home based children's                 24
             services                                                                     25

             (1)   It is a condition of a children's service approval for a family day    26
                   care children's service or a home based children's service that the    27
                   licensee of the children's service must notify the                     28
                   Director-General if any person (other than the relevant children's     29
                   service provider) who is of or above the age of 18 years is            30
                   residing at the children's service provider's home on a regular        31
                   basis and has been doing so for a period of at least 3 months.         32
                   Note. See section 45 of the Commission for Children and Young People   33
                   Act 1998 which provides for background checks to be carried out in     34
                   relation to adult household members of children's service providers.   35

             (2)   Without limiting the above, any such requirement to notify the         36
                   Director-General applies even though the adult person who is           37
                   residing at the children's service provider's home was at any time     38
                   residing at that home as a minor.                                      39

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             (3)    In this section, children's service provider means:                   1
                     (a) in the case of a family day care children's service--the         2
                           person who, under the regulations, is the family day care      3
                           carer for the service, or                                      4
                    (b) in the case of a home based children's service--the               5
                           licensee of the children's service.                            6

  219ZH      Records                                                                      7

             (1)    A licensee of an approved children's service must keep such           8
                    records as the regulations require in relation to the approved        9
                    children's service.                                                  10

             (2)    The licensee must keep the records in such a manner that they are    11
                    readily accessible if the licensed service provider is required to   12
                    produce them to the Director-General, or to any other person who     13
                    is authorised to inspect them, under this Act.                       14

             (3)    It is a condition of a service provider licence that the licensee    15
                    comply with this section.                                            16

    219ZI    Application of State Records Act 1998 to certain children's                 17
             services                                                                    18

             (1)    The State Records Act 1998 does not apply to a private children's    19
                    service and such a service is not a public office for the purposes   20
                    of that Act.                                                         21

             (2)    In this section:                                                     22
                    private children's service means a person or body providing a        23
                    children's service to the community, being a person or body other    24
                    than:                                                                25
                     (a) a department, office, commission, board, corporation,           26
                           agency, service or instrumentality exercising any function    27
                           of any branch of the Government of the State, or              28
                    (b) a council or county council under the Local Government           29
                           Act 1993.                                                     30

      220    Regulations relating to children's services                                 31
             General                                                                     32

             (1)    The regulations may make provision for or with respect to the        33
                    matters set out in this section.                                     34

             (2)    This section does not limit the generality of section 264            35
                    (Regulations).                                                       36

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             Licences and approvals                                                            1
              (3)      Classes of licences and approvals.                                      2

              (4)      The matters to be specified in a licence or approval.                   3

              (5)      Prescribed conditions of licences and approvals.                        4

             Applications for licences and approvals                                           5

              (6)      The persons who may apply for licences and approvals.                   6

              (7)      The form and manner in which, and the time within which, an             7
                       application for a licence or approval may be made.                      8

              (8)      The information and evidence required to be provided in                 9
                       connection with an application (which may include, without             10
                       limitation, personal information about the applicant and proposed      11
                       staff and any relevant person in relation to the application).         12

              (9)      Requiring that an application (and its supporting documents and        13
                       information) be lodged in stages as specified in the regulations.      14

             (10)      The consideration and determination of applications, including         15
                       (but not limited to) the following:                                    16
                        (a) the time within which an application (or a particular stage       17
                             of an application) is to be dealt with,                          18
                       (b) the grounds on which an application (or a particular stage         19
                             of an application) may be rejected,                              20
                        (c) the grounds on which the Director-General may refuse to           21
                             grant a licence or approval,                                     22
                       (d) the way in which the rejection or determination of the             23
                             application (or a particular stage of an application) is to be   24
                             communicated to the applicant.                                   25

             Probity checks                                                                   26

             (11)      The probity checks that may be made on all persons who are, or         27
                       who are proposed to be, engaged in the operation or management         28
                       of a children's service (or a proposed children's service), other      29
                       than those persons who are employed in child-related                   30
                       employment within the meaning of section 33 of the Commission          31
                       for Children and Young People Act 1998.                                32

             Variation, suspension and revocation of licences and approvals                   33

             (12)      The grounds on which a licence or approval may be varied,              34
                       suspended or revoked.                                                  35

             (13)      Requiring the giving of notice of an intention to vary, suspend or     36
                       revoke a licence or approval.                                          37

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            (14)    Allowing a licensed service provider or an authorised supervisor       1
                    time to make submissions in relation to any such intention.            2

            (15)    The effect of a variation, suspension or revocation of a licence or    3
                    approval.                                                              4

            (16)    The restoration of a licence or approval that has been suspended       5
                    or revoked.                                                            6

            (17)    The manner in which the variation, suspension or revocation of a       7
                    licence or approval is to be notified.                                 8

             Licensed service providers                                                    9

            (18)    Functions of licensed service providers.                              10

            (19)    Requiring a licensed service provider to notify the                   11
                    Director-General of the particular approved children's service or     12
                    services that the licensed service provider provides or intends to    13
                    provide.                                                              14

            (20)    The appointment by the Director-General of a person as licensee       15
                    under a service provider licence in addition to, or in substitution   16
                    for, an existing licensee.                                            17

             Authorised supervisors                                                       18

            (21)    The appointment and functions of authorised supervisors.              19

            (22)    The maximum number of approved children's services in respect         20
                    of which the same authorised supervisor may be appointed as           21
                    authorised supervisor.                                                22

            (23)    The maximum number of persons who may be appointed as                 23
                    authorised supervisor of an approved children's service.              24

            (24)    The authorisation by the Director-General of another person to        25
                    act as the authorised supervisor of an approved children's service    26
                    during the absence (because of illness or otherwise) of the           27
                    authorised supervisor of the approved children's service.             28

             Compliance notices                                                           29

            (25)    The internal review of a decision to issue a compliance notice.       30

            (26)    The stay of a decision to issue a compliance notice pending the       31
                    determination of such an internal review.                             32

             Records                                                                      33

            (27)    The records that are to be kept by licensed service providers,        34
                    including (but not limited to) the following:                         35
                     (a) the information that the records are to contain,                 36

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Schedule 1          Amendment of Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998
                    No 157

                       (b)    the form in which they are to be made,                          1
                       (c)    the person responsible for making and maintaining them,         2
                       (d)    the persons who may inspect them,                               3
                       (e)    the period for which they are to be retained.                   4

             Children's services register                                                     5

             (28)      The particulars to be recorded in the children's services register.    6

             (29)      Providing for applications to the Director-General for the             7
                       correction of information recorded on the children's services          8
                       register.                                                              9

             Exemptions                                                                      10

             (30)      Exempting specified centre based children's services, or centre       11
                       based children's services of a specified class, from the              12
                       requirement that they be provided by a licensed service provider      13
                       or the subject of a children's service approval (or both).            14

             (31)      Regulating the services so exempted (including, without               15
                       limitation, establishing standards to be met by those services).      16

             Fees                                                                            17

             (32)      The charging of fees in connection with the administration of this    18
                       Chapter.                                                              19

             (33)      The waiver, reduction, deferral or refund of fees charged in          20
                       connection with the administration of this Chapter.                   21

[6]   Section 245 Decisions that are reviewable by Administrative Decisions                  22
      Tribunal                                                                               23

      Insert after section 245 (1) (k):                                                      24
                      (l) a decision of the Director-General to refuse to grant a            25
                           service provider licence, children's service approval or          26
                           supervisor approval,                                              27
                    (m) a decision of the Director-General to impose a condition             28
                           on the grant of a service provider licence, children's            29
                           service approval or supervisor approval (not being a              30
                           condition imposed by this Act or the regulations),                31
                     (n) a decision of the Director-General to vary, refuse to vary,         32
                           suspend or revoke a service provider licence, children's          33
                           service approval or supervisor approval.                          34

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Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment (Children's
Services) Bill 2010

Amendment of Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998     Schedule 1
No 157

[7]    Section 259A                                                                          1
       Insert after section 259:                                                             2

      259A   Penalty notices                                                                 3

              (1)   An authorised officer may serve a penalty notice on a person if it       4
                    appears to the officer that the person has committed an offence          5
                    against this Act or the regulations, being an offence prescribed by      6
                    the regulations as a penalty notice offence.                             7

              (2)   A penalty notice is a notice to the effect that, if the person served    8
                    does not wish to have the matter determined by a court, the              9
                    person can pay, within the time and to the person specified in the      10
                    notice, the amount of the penalty prescribed by the regulations for     11
                    the offence if dealt with under this section.                           12

              (3)   A penalty notice under this section is declared to be a penalty         13
                    notice for the purposes of the Fines Act 1996.                          14

              (4)   A penalty notice may be served personally or by post.                   15

              (5)   If the amount of penalty prescribed for an alleged offence is paid      16
                    under this section, no person is liable to any further proceedings      17
                    for the alleged offence.                                                18

              (6)   Payment under this section is not to be regarded as an admission        19
                    of liability for the purpose of, and does not in any way affect or      20
                    prejudice, any civil claim, action or proceeding arising out of the     21
                    same occurrence.                                                        22

              (7)   The regulations may:                                                    23
                    (a) prescribe an offence for the purposes of this section by            24
                          specifying the offence or by referring to the provision           25
                          creating the offence, and                                         26
                    (b) prescribe the amount of penalty payable for the offence if          27
                          dealt with under this section, and                                28
                    (c) prescribe different amounts of penalties for different              29
                          offences or classes of offences.                                  30

              (8)   The amount of a penalty prescribed under this section for an            31
                    offence is not to exceed the maximum amount of penalty that             32
                    could be imposed for the offence by a court.                            33

              (9)   This section does not limit the operation of any other provision        34
                    of, or made under, this or any other Act relating to proceedings        35
                    that may be taken in respect of offences.                               36

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                Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment (Children's
                Services) Bill 2010

Schedule 1      Amendment of Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998
                No 157

             (10)   In this section, authorised officer means:                            1
                     (a) an employee of the Department authorised in writing by           2
                           the Director-General as an authorised officer for the          3
                           purposes of this section, or                                   4
                    (b) a police officer.                                                 5

[8]   Schedule 3 Savings, transitional and other provisions                               6

      Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                  7

                    Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment            8
                    (Children's Services) Act 2010                                        9

[9]   Schedule 3, Part 7                                                                 10

      Insert after Part 6:                                                               11

      Part 7        Provisions consequent on enactment of                                12
                    Children and Young Persons (Care and                                 13
                    Protection) Amendment (Children's                                    14
                    Services) Act 2010                                                   15

      23     Definitions                                                                 16

                    In this Part:                                                        17
                    amending Act means the Children and Young Persons (Care and          18
                    Protection) Amendment (Children's Services) Act 2010.                19
                    existing licence means a licence for a children's service granted    20
                    under Part 3 of Chapter 12 before the commencement of the new        21
                    licensing scheme, and which was in force immediately before the      22
                    commencement of the new licensing scheme.                            23
                    new licensing scheme means Part 3 of Chapter 12, as substituted      24
                    by the amending Act.                                                 25

      24     Pending licence applications                                                26

                    An application for a licence that was made under Chapter 12          27
                    before the commencement of the new licensing scheme, and             28
                    which has not been granted or refused by that commencement, is       29
                    to be treated as:                                                    30
                     (a) an application for a service provider licence by the            31
                           applicant in respect of the type of children's service to     32
                           which the application relates, and                            33

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Services) Bill 2010

Amendment of Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998    Schedule 1
No 157

                    (b)   an application for a children's service approval in respect       1
                          of the children's service to which the application relates,       2
                          and                                                               3
                    (c)   an application for a supervisor approval in respect of any        4
                          person nominated in the application as the proposed               5
                          supervisor for the service.                                       6

       25    Conversion of existing licences                                                7

             (1)    An existing licence is taken, on the commencement of the new            8
                    licensing scheme:                                                       9
                     (a) to be a service provider licence that authorises the licensee     10
                           under the licence to provide the children's services to         11
                           which the existing licence relates (a corresponding service     12
                           provider licence), and                                          13
                    (b) to be a children's service approval that authorises the            14
                           operation of the children's service to which the existing       15
                           licence relates (a corresponding children's service             16
                           approval), and                                                  17
                     (c) to be a supervisor approval that authorises any person            18
                           specified in the existing licence as an authorised supervisor   19
                           to supervise the children's service to which the existing       20
                           licence relates (a corresponding supervisor approval).          21

             (2)    A licensee under an existing licence is taken to be the licensee       22
                    under a corresponding service provider licence.                        23

             (3)    A person specified in an existing licence as an authorised             24
                    supervisor for a children's service is taken:                          25
                    (a) to be the holder of a corresponding supervisor approval,           26
                          and                                                              27
                    (b) to have been appointed as the authorised supervisor of the         28
                          children's service to which the existing licence relates.        29

             (4)    If an existing licence was granted for a specified period of           30
                    5 years, a corresponding service provider licence, children's          31
                    service approval or supervisor approval remains in force until it      32
                    is revoked by the Director-General under the new licensing             33
                    scheme.                                                                34

             (5)    If an existing licence was granted for a specified period of less      35
                    than 5 years, a corresponding service provider licence, children's     36
                    service approval or supervisor approval remains in force for the       37
                    balance of that period, unless sooner revoked by the                   38
                    Director-General under the new licensing scheme.                       39

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               Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment (Children's
               Services) Bill 2010

Schedule 1     Amendment of Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998
               No 157

             (6)   A corresponding service provider licence, children's service          1
                   approval or supervisor approval has effect subject to any             2
                   conditions that applied to the existing licence immediately before    3
                   the commencement of the new licensing scheme. This subclause          4
                   does not prevent the imposition of new conditions or the variation    5
                   of conditions.                                                        6

             (7)   Chapter 12, as amended by the amending Act, applies to a              7
                   corresponding service provider licence, children's service            8
                   approval or supervisor approval, subject to this Part and to any      9
                   modifications prescribed by the regulations.                         10

             (8)   This clause does not prevent the Director-General from issuing a     11
                   new service provider licence, children's service approval or         12
                   supervisor approval for the purpose of replacing a corresponding     13
                   service provider licence, children's service approval or             14
                   supervisor approval.                                                 15

      26     Suspended licences                                                         16

             (1)   A licence for a children's service granted under Part 3 of           17
                   Chapter 12 before the commencement of the new licensing              18
                   scheme that was the subject of a suspension on that                  19
                   commencement is taken to be an existing licence for the purposes     20
                   of this Part.                                                        21

             (2)   However, the suspension continues to apply in respect of a           22
                   corresponding service provider licence, children's service           23
                   approval or supervisor approval.                                     24

      27     Other applications                                                         25

                   An application to vary an existing licence that was made before      26
                   the commencement of the new licensing scheme, and which has          27
                   not been granted or refused by that commencement, may be dealt       28
                   with by the Director-General as an application or notification       29
                   under the new licensing scheme, as the Director-General              30
                   considers appropriate.                                               31

      28     References to former licence or approval holders                           32

                   In Chapter 12, a reference to a person who was formerly a            33
                   licensed service provider or authorised supervisor of a children's   34
                   service includes a reference to a person who was formerly a          35
                   licensee or authorised supervisor under Chapter 12 as in force       36
                   before the commencement of the new licensing scheme.                 37

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Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment (Children's
Services) Bill 2010

Amendment of other Acts                                                  Schedule 2

Schedule 2             Amendment of other Acts                                          1

2.1 Children and Young Persons Legislation (Repeal and                                  2
    Amendment) Act 1998 No 158                                                          3

[1]   Schedule 2 Amendment of other Acts                                                4

      Omit Schedule 2.9.                                                                5

[2]   Schedule 2.13                                                                     6

      Omit the subschedule.                                                             7

[3]   Schedule 2.26                                                                     8

      Omit the subschedule.                                                             9

2.2 Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998 No 146                           10

[1]   Section 45 Application of background checking provisions to adult                11
      persons residing with authorised carers or children's service providers          12

      Omit "licensed" wherever occurring in the definition of children's service       13
      provider in section 45 (1).                                                      14

      Insert instead "approved".                                                       15

[2]   Section 45 (3) (a)                                                               16

      Insert "provider" after "licensed service".                                      17

2.3 Companion Animals Act 1998 No 87                                                   18

      Section 14 Dogs prohibited in some public places                                 19

      Omit "a child care service as defined in the Children (Care and Protection)      20
      Act 1987" from section 14 (1) (f).                                               21

      Insert instead "an approved children's service within the meaning of             22
      Chapter 12 of the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act           23
      1998".                                                                           24

2.4 Criminal Records Act 1991 No 8                                                     25

      Section 15 Employment in certain occupations                                     26

      Omit ", teachers aide or a provider of child care services under Part 3 of the   27
      Children (Care and Protection) Act 1987" from section 15 (1).                    28

      Insert instead "or teachers aide".                                               29

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                Services) Bill 2010

Schedule 2      Amendment of other Acts

2.5 Ombudsman Act 1974 No 68                                                              1

      Section 25A Definitions                                                             2

      Omit "a licensed children's service within the meaning of" from paragraph (b)       3
      of the definition of designated non-government agency.                              4

      Insert instead "an approved children's service within the meaning of                5
      Chapter 12 of".                                                                     6

2.6 Young Offenders Act 1997 No 54                                                        7

      Section 68 Interventions not to be disclosed as criminal history                    8

      Omit ", teachers aide or a provider of child care services under Part 3 of the      9
      Children (Care and Protection) Act 1987" from section 68 (2) (a).                  10

      Insert "or teachers aide".                                                         11

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