New South Wales Bills

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                        New South Wales

Consumer Credit (New South Wales)
Amendment (Maximum Annual
Percentage Rate) Bill 2005


          1    Name of Act                                            2
          2    Commencement                                           2
          3    Amendment of Consumer Credit (New South Wales) Act
               1995 No 7                                              2
          4    Amendment of Consumer Credit (New South Wales)
               Special Provisions Regulation 2002                     2
  Schedule 1   Amendment of Consumer Credit (New South Wales) Act
               1995                                                   3
  Schedule 2   Amendment of Consumer Credit (New South Wales)
               Special Provisions Regulation 2002                     4
I certify that this PUBLIC BILL, which originated in the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY,
has finally passed the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL and the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY of

                                               Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
                                               Legislative Assembly,
                                               Sydney,                     , 2005

                            New South Wales

Consumer Credit (New South Wales)
Amendment (Maximum Annual
Percentage Rate) Bill 2005
Act No      , 2005

An Act to amend the Consumer Credit (New South Wales) Act 1995 and the
Consumer Credit (New South Wales) Special Provisions Regulation 2002 with
respect to the inclusion of fees and charges in the calculation of maximum annual
percentage rates for credit contracts; and for other purposes.

I have examined this Bill, and find it to correspond in all respects with the Bill
as finally passed by both Houses.

                          Chairman of Committees of the Legislative Assembly.
              Consumer Credit (New South Wales) Amendment (Maximum Annual
Clause 1      Percentage Rate) Bill 2005

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:
 1    Name of Act
           This Act is the Consumer Credit (New South Wales) Amendment
           (Maximum Annual Percentage Rate) Act 2005.
 2    Commencement
           This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.
 3    Amendment of Consumer Credit (New South Wales) Act 1995 No 7
           The Consumer Credit (New South Wales) Act 1995 is amended as set
           out in Schedule 1.
 4    Amendment of Consumer Credit (New South Wales) Special Provisions
      Regulation 2002
           The Consumer Credit (New South Wales) Special Provisions
           Regulation 2002 is amended as set out in Schedule 2.

Page 2
Consumer Credit (New South Wales) Amendment (Maximum Annual
Percentage Rate) Bill 2005

Amendment of Consumer Credit (New South Wales) Act 1995                        Schedule 1

Schedule 1            Amendment of Consumer Credit (New
                      South Wales) Act 1995
                                                                                  (Section 3)
[1]   Section 10B Disclosure of cost of credit as annual percentage rate
      Omit section 10B (1).
[2]   Section 11
      Omit the section. Insert instead:
      11    Maximum annual percentage rate
            (1)    The regulations may prescribe a maximum annual percentage
                   rate for a credit contract or class of credit contracts to which the
                   Consumer Credit (New South Wales) Code applies.
            (2)    The regulations may require interest charges and all credit fees
                   and charges under a credit contract or class of credit contracts to
                   be included for the purpose of calculating the maximum annual
                   percentage rate under the credit contract for the purposes of
                   subsection (1).
            (3)    Division 2 of Part 2 of the Consumer Credit (New South Wales)
                   Code applies in relation to such a maximum annual percentage
                   rate as if that rate had been prescribed by that Code.
                   Note. The effect of subsection (3) is that a contract is void to the extent
                   it imposes a monetary liability prohibited under subsection (1) and that
                   any amount paid under the contract may be recovered. In addition the
                   credit provider is guilty of an offence for entering into such a contract.
            (4)    Nothing in this section affects the powers of the Court under
                   Division 3 of Part 4 of the Consumer Credit (New South Wales)
                   Code in relation to a contract that is not, by reason of this section,
                   Note. Division 3 of Part 4 of the Code allows (among other things) the
                   Court to re-open unjust transactions.

[3]   Section 14 Special savings and transitional regulations for New South
      Insert ", the Consumer Credit (New South Wales) Amendment (Maximum
      Annual Percentage Rate) Act 2005" after "the Consumer Credit (New South
      Wales) Amendment (Pay Day Lenders) Act 2001" in section 14 (1).

                                                                                    Page 3
                Consumer Credit (New South Wales) Amendment (Maximum Annual
                Percentage Rate) Bill 2005

Schedule 2      Amendment of Consumer Credit (New South Wales) Special Provisions
                Regulation 2002

Schedule 2              Amendment of Consumer Credit (New
                        South Wales) Special Provisions
                        Regulation 2002
                                                                              (Section 4)
[1]   Clause 7 Maximum annual percentage rate
      Insert at the end of the clause (before the note):
             (2)     For the purposes of section 11 (2) of the Act, interest charges and
                     all credit fees and charges under a credit contract are to be
                     included for the purpose of calculating the maximum annual
                     percentage rate under any credit contract to which the Consumer
                     Credit (New South Wales) Code applies.
             (3)     The maximum annual percentage rate is to be calculated in
                     accordance with clause 8.
             (4)     Despite subclause (2), any credit fees or charges arising from the
                     establishment or maintenance of a temporary credit facility are
                     not required to be included for the purposes of calculating the
                     maximum annual percentage rate if:
                     (a) the credit provider is an authorised deposit-taking
                            institution, and
                     (b) the debtor has or had an existing credit contract or debit
                            account with the authorised deposit-taking institution at
                            the time the temporary credit facility is or was established,
                     (c) the temporary credit facility is related to the existing credit
                            contract or debit account.
             (5)     In this clause, a temporary credit facility includes, but is not
                     limited to, an overdraft facility and a short term extension of the
                     total amount of credit available under an existing credit contract.
[2]   Clause 8 Maximum annual percentage rate for certain credit contracts
      Omit clause 8 (1) and (8).
[3]   Clause 8 (2)
      Omit the subclause. Insert instead:
             (2)     For the purposes of calculating the maximum annual percentage
                     rate under a credit contract, the rate must be calculated as a
                     nominal rate per annum, together with the compounding
                     frequency, in accordance with this clause.

Page 4
Consumer Credit (New South Wales) Amendment (Maximum Annual
Percentage Rate) Bill 2005

Amendment of Consumer Credit (New South Wales) Special Provisions        Schedule 2
Regulation 2002

[4]   Clause 8 (5)
      Insert "precise" before "calculation".
[5]   Clause 8 (6A)
      Insert after clause 8 (6):
           (6A)      If the credit contract is a continuing credit contract (within the
                     meaning of the Consumer Credit (New South Wales) Code), the
                     following assumptions also apply to the calculation of the
                     maximum annual percentage rate:
                      (a) that the debtor has drawn down the maximum amount of
                            credit that the credit provider has agreed to provide under
                            the contract,
                     (b) that the debtor will pay the minimum repayments specified
                            in the contract,
                      (c) if credit is provided in respect of payment by the credit
                            provider to a third person in relation to goods or services
                            or cash supplied by that third person to the debtor from
                            time to time--that the debtor will not be supplied with any
                            further goods or services or cash,
                     (d) if credit is provided in respect of cash supplied by the
                            credit provider to the debtor from time to time--that the
                            debtor will not be supplied with any further cash.
[6]   Clause 9 Short term credit
      Omit the clause.
[7]   Clause 10 Disclosure of cost of credit as annual percentage rate
      Omit the clause.
[8]   Part 4, heading
      Omit the heading. Insert instead:

      Part 4         Transitional provisions

                                                                               Page 5
                Consumer Credit (New South Wales) Amendment (Maximum Annual
                Percentage Rate) Bill 2005

Schedule 2      Amendment of Consumer Credit (New South Wales) Special Provisions
                Regulation 2002

[9]   Clause 12
      Insert after clause 11:
         12   Consumer Credit (New South Wales) Amendment (Maximum
              Annual Percentage Rate) Act 2005
              (1)   An amendment made by the Consumer Credit (New South Wales)
                    Amendment (Maximum Annual Percentage Rate) Act 2005
                    applies to a credit contract whether the credit contract was
                    established before or after the commencement of the amendment.
              (2)   This clause does not affect anything duly done in connection with
                    such a contract before the commencement of any such
              (3)   Despite subclause (1), the Consumer Credit (New South Wales)
                    Special Provisions Regulation 2002 (as in force immediately
                    before the commencement of Schedule 2 [1] to the Consumer
                    Credit (New South Wales) Amendment (Maximum Annual
                    Percentage Rate) Act 2005) continues to apply in respect of a
                    credit contract if the credit contract was established before that
              (4)   However, subclause (3) ceases to have effect in respect of a credit
                    contract and the method prescribed for calculating the maximum
                    annual percentage rate in clauses 7 and 8 applies if, after that
                    (a) the interest charges or credit fees or charges under the
                          contract are increased, or a new fee or charge is imposed
                          (whether or not such an increase is made, or a new fee or
                          charge is imposed, pursuant to the provisions of the
                          contract), or
                    (b) the period of the credit contract is extended (whether or not
                          pursuant to the provisions of the contract), other than under
                          section 66 of the Consumer Credit (New South Wales)

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