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New South Wales Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Amendment Bill 2010 Contents Page 1 Name of Act 2 2 Commencement 2 Schedule 1 Amendment of Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Act 1995 No 63 3 b2010-083-42.d09 New South Wales Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Amendment Bill 2010 No , 2010 A Bill for An Act to amend the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Act 1995 to make further provision for the enforcement of the classification scheme for publications, films and computer games; and for other purposes. Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Clause 1 Amendment Bill 2010 The Legislature of New South Wales enacts: 1 1 Name of Act 2 This Act is the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer 3 Games) Enforcement Amendment Act 2010. 4 2 Commencement 5 This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act. 6 Page 2 Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Amendment Bill 2010 Amendment of Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Schedule 1 Enforcement Act 1995 No 63 Schedule 1 Amendment of Classification 1 (Publications, Films and Computer 2 Games) Enforcement Act 1995 No 63 3 [1] Section 4 Definitions 4 Omit the definition of submittable publication from section 4 (1). 5 Insert instead: 6 submittable publication has the same meaning as in the 7 Commonwealth Act, and includes a publication called in by the 8 Director under: 9 (a) section 46 of this Act, or 10 (b) a provision of an Act of another State or a Territory that 11 corresponds to that section. 12 [2] Section 40 Advertisements with feature films 13 Omit section 40 (1) and (2). Insert instead: 14 (1) A person must not, during a program for the exhibition of a 15 classified film (the feature film), publicly exhibit an 16 advertisement for another film or a computer game unless the 17 advertised film or advertised computer game has the same 18 classification as (or has a lower classification than) the feature 19 film. 20 Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units for an individual, 21 100 penalty units for a corporation. 22 (2) A person must not sell a film that contains a classified film 23 (the feature film) and an advertisement for another film or a 24 computer game unless the advertised film or advertised computer 25 game has the same classification as (or has a lower classification 26 than) the feature film. 27 Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units for an individual, 28 100 penalty units for a corporation. 29 [3] Section 40 (3) 30 Omit "film". 31 [4] Section 41 Advertisements with computer games 32 Omit section 41 (1). Insert instead: 33 (1) A person must not sell, or publicly demonstrate, a computer game 34 that contains a classified computer game (the main computer 35 game) and an advertisement for another computer game or a film 36 Page 3 Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Amendment Bill 2010 Schedule 1 Amendment of Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Act 1995 No 63 unless the advertised game or advertised film has the same 1 classification as (or has a lower classification than) the main 2 computer game. 3 Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units for an individual, 4 100 penalty units for a corporation. 5 [5] Section 41 (2) 6 Omit the subsection. Insert instead: 7 (2) The hierarchy of classification is as follows: 8 (a) G is a lower classification than PG, M, MA 15+ or R 18+, 9 (b) PG is a lower classification than M, MA 15+ or R 18+, 10 (c) M is a lower classification than MA 15+ or R 18+, 11 (d) MA 15+ is a lower classification than R 18+. 12 Note. The highest classification for computer games under the National 13 Classification Code is MA 15+. The highest classification for films under 14 that Code is R 18+. 15 [6] Section 58 Evidence 16 Omit "section 87 of" from section 58 (1). 17 [7] Section 58A 18 Insert after section 58: 19 58A Proof of classification by agreement 20 (1) Subject to subsection (2), if a person is charged with an offence 21 under this Act, the prosecution may, prior to the trial, give the 22 accused a notice: 23 (a) setting out: 24 (i) the title or apparent title (if any) of the publication, 25 film or computer game, and 26 (ii) particulars of the offence in relation to which the 27 notice is served, and 28 (b) stating that the accused is entitled to view the publication, 29 film or computer game, and 30 (c) inviting the accused to indicate, by completing and signing 31 a statement to that effect set out in the notice and returning 32 the notice to an address set out in the notice, that the 33 accused agrees that, on a specified date, the publication, 34 film or computer game: 35 (i) was classified at the specified classification, or 36 Page 4 Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Amendment Bill 2010 Amendment of Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Schedule 1 Enforcement Act 1995 No 63 (ii) was unclassified but would, if classified, have been 1 of the specified classification, 2 as the case may require, and 3 (d) stating that if the accused does not indicate his or her 4 agreement in accordance with paragraph (c) within the 5 period specified in the notice (being not less than the 6 prescribed period), the accused will, if found guilty of the 7 offence specified in the notice, be liable to pay an amount 8 equal to: 9 (i) if the offence in relation to which the notice is 10 served involves an allegation that, on a specified 11 date, a publication, film or computer game was 12 unclassified but would, if classified, have been of a 13 particular classification--the fee for classification 14 of the publication, film or computer game, or 15 (ii) if the offence in relation to which the notice is 16 served involves an allegation that, on a specified 17 date, a publication, film or computer game was 18 classified at a particular classification--the fee for 19 obtaining a certificate of a kind described in 20 section 58 specifying the classification of the 21 publication, film or computer game at that date. 22 (2) This section does not apply where the offence with which a 23 person is charged involves an allegation that a publication, film 24 or computer game was unclassified but would, if classified, be 25 classified at a classification other than X 18+ or RC. 26 (3) A person served with a notice under this section must, on making 27 a written request to the prosecution within 14 days from the date 28 of service of the notice, be allowed to view the publication, film 29 or computer game the subject of the notice at a time and place 30 fixed by the prosecution. 31 (4) In proceedings for an offence under this Act, a notice under this 32 section containing a statement, completed and signed by the 33 accused, that the accused agrees that, on a specified date, the 34 publication, film or computer game: 35 (a) was classified at the specified classification, or 36 (b) was unclassified but would, if classified, have been of a 37 specified classification, 38 is evidence of, and in the absence of evidence to the contrary is 39 proof of, the matter agreed. 40 Page 5 Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Amendment Bill 2010 Schedule 1 Amendment of Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Act 1995 No 63 (5) If: 1 (a) a person served with a notice under this section does not 2 deliver the notice, duly completed and signed, to the 3 address specified in the notice within the period specified 4 in the notice, and 5 (b) the person is found guilty of the offence specified in the 6 notice, 7 the prosecution is entitled, on application to the court making the 8 finding of guilt, to recover from the person an amount equal to the 9 fee described in the notice. 10 (6) In proceedings in which an application referred to in 11 subsection (5) is made, a certificate signed or purporting to be 12 signed by the Commissioner of Police and stating that: 13 (a) a person was served with a notice set out in the certificate 14 and did not return the notice, duly completed and signed, 15 to the address specified in the notice within the period 16 specified in the notice, and 17 (b) a specified amount was paid as the fee described in the 18 notice, 19 is evidence of, and in the absence of evidence to the contrary is 20 proof of, the facts stated in the certificate. 21 (7) If: 22 (a) a notice is served under this section in relation to an 23 offence involving an allegation that a publication, film or 24 computer game was unclassified but would, if classified, 25 have been of a specified classification, and 26 (b) the person served with the notice does not return the 27 notice, duly completed and signed, to the address specified 28 in the notice within the period specified in the notice, and 29 (c) the publication, film or computer game is subsequently 30 classified at a higher classification than the classification 31 specified in the notice, 32 this section applies as if the notice had specified that higher 33 classification. 34 (8) In this section, prescribed period means 14 days from the date of 35 service of the notice or, if the person served with the notice 36 requests that he or she be allowed to view the publication, film or 37 computer game the subject of the notice, 14 days from the time 38 fixed by the prosecution for the viewing. 39 Page 6 Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Amendment Bill 2010 Amendment of Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Schedule 1 Enforcement Act 1995 No 63 [8] Section 59 Commencement of proceedings 1 Omit section 59 (1). Insert instead: 2 (1) Proceedings for an offence under this Act in relation to a film, 3 publication or computer game that is unclassified at the time of 4 the alleged offence: 5 (a) are not to be commenced until: 6 (i) the film, publication or computer game has been 7 classified, or 8 (ii) the accused, by notice under section 58A, agrees 9 that the publication, film or computer game if 10 classified would have been the classification agreed, 11 and 12 (b) are not to be commenced later than 12 months after the 13 date on which: 14 (i) the film, publication or computer game was 15 classified, or 16 (ii) the accused returned the notice under section 58A, 17 whichever is relevant. 18 [9] Schedule 1 Savings and transitional provisions 19 Insert at the end of clause 1 (1): 20 Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) 21 Enforcement Amendment Act 2010 22 Page 7
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