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Commission for Children and Young
People Amendment Bill 2009
No     , 2009

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998 and the
Criminal Records Act 1991 with respect to the disclosure of information relating to
criminal history; and for other purposes.
Clause 1      Commission for Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2009

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                        1

 1    Name of Act                                                                 2

           This Act is the Commission for Children and Young People Amendment     3
           Act 2009.                                                              4

 2    Commencement                                                                5

           This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.   6

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Commission for Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2009

Amendment of Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998 No     Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendment of Commission for Children                             1
                       and Young People Act 1998 No 146                                 2

[1]   Section 15 Referral of matters to police and other investigative agencies         3

      Omit "Department of Community Services" from section 15 (2).                      4

      Insert instead "Department of Human Services".                                    5

[2]   Section 15A Reports under Children and Young Persons (Care and                    6
      Protection) Act 1998                                                              7

      Omit "Department of Community Services" from section 15A (1).                     8

      Insert instead "Department of Human Services".                                    9

[3]   Section 33 Definitions                                                           10

      Omit "Department of Community Services" from section 33 (3).                     11

      Insert instead "Department of Human Services".                                   12

[4]   Section 38 Notification of information relating to relevant criminal             13
      records or other orders                                                          14

      Omit "Police Service" from section 38 (1). Insert instead "NSW Police Force".    15

[5]   Section 38 (5)                                                                   16

      Omit the subsection.                                                             17

[6]   Section 38A                                                                      18

      Insert after section 38:                                                         19

      38A   Notification of information relating to criminal history for interstate    20
            child-related employment screening                                         21

             (1)   The Commissioner of Police may disclose (or arrange for a           22
                   member of the NSW Police Force to disclose) information             23
                   relating to any criminal history of persons to the following        24
                   persons for the purposes of interstate child-related employment     25
                   screening:                                                          26
                    (a) CrimTrac,                                                      27
                   (b) a police force or service of the Commonwealth or another        28
                          State or Territory,                                          29
                    (c) an approved interstate screening agency.                       30

             (2)   A person to whom information is disclosed under subsection (1)      31
                   may disclose that information to an approved interstate screening   32

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               Commission for Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2009

Schedule 1     Amendment of Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998 No

                   agency for the purposes of interstate child-related employment          1
                   screening undertaken by the agency.                                     2

             (3)   The Commissioner of Police may disclose (or arrange for a               3
                   member of the NSW Police Force to disclose) to an approved              4
                   interstate screening agency, at the request of the agency,              5
                   information relating to the circumstances of an offence or alleged      6
                   offence disclosed under this section for the purposes of interstate     7
                   child-related employment screening.                                     8

             (4)   Subsection (3) applies:                                                 9
                   (a) for the period of 12 months after the commencement of              10
                        this section, or                                                  11
                   (b) for such further period or periods as may be prescribed by         12
                        the regulations.                                                  13

             (5)   Information that may be disclosed under this section includes:         14
                    (a) information relating to convictions, including spent              15
                         convictions, quashed convictions and offences for which a        16
                         pardon has been given, despite anything to the contrary in       17
                         the Criminal Records Act 1991,                                   18
                   (b) information relating to criminal charges, whether heard or         19
                         not heard, proven, dismissed, withdrawn or discharged,           20
                    (c) information relating to offences, despite anything to the         21
                         contrary in section 579 of the Crimes Act 1900.                  22

             (6)   This section does not limit the persons to whom, or the                23
                   circumstances in which, information relating to the criminal           24
                   history, including the criminal record of persons, may be              25
                   disclosed apart from this Act.                                         26

             (7)   In this section:                                                       27
                   approved interstate screening agency means:                            28
                    (a) a person or body prescribed by the regulations, or                29
                   (b) a body that is authorised under a law of the                       30
                          Commonwealth, another State or a Territory to conduct           31
                          interstate child-related employment screening and is            32
                          approved by the Minister for the purposes of this section.      33
                   interstate child-related employment screening means using              34
                   information about persons who work, or seek to work with               35
                   children, in a way that is authorised or required under a law of the   36
                   Commonwealth, another State or a Territory, for the purpose of         37
                   estimating the risk to the safety of children posed by any such        38
                   person if working with children.                                       39

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Commission for Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2009

Amendment of Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998 No    Schedule 1

 [7]   Section 44 Effect of Division on other rights and procedures                   1
       Insert "or interstate child-related employment screening (as referred to in    2
       section 38A)" after "Background checking" in section 44 (1).                   3

 [8]   Section 45C Composition of the Team                                            4

       Omit "Department of Community Services" from section 45C (2) (a).              5

       Insert instead "Department of Human Services".                                 6

 [9]   Section 45C (2) (e)-(g)                                                        7

       Omit the paragraphs. Insert instead:                                           8
                    (e) the Department of Justice and Attorney General,               9
                     (f) the Office of the NSW State Coroner, within the             10
                         Department of Justice and Attorney General,                 11
                    (g) Ageing, Disability and Home Care, within the Department      12
                         of Human Services.                                          13

[10]   Section 45U Confidentiality of information                                    14

       Omit "Community Services" from section 45U (1) (c) (ii).                      15

       Insert instead "Human Services".                                              16

[11]   Schedule 3 Savings, transitional and other provisions                         17

       Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                            18

                    Commission for Children and Young People Amendment Act           19
                    2009                                                             20

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               Commission for Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2009

Schedule 2     Amendment of Criminal Records Act 1991 No 8

Schedule 2            Amendment of Criminal Records Act                       1
                      1991 No 8                                               2

      Section 13 Unlawful disclosure of information concerning spent          3
      convictions                                                             4

      Insert "or 38A" after "section 38" in section 13 (4A).                  5

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