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Community Justice Centres Amendment Bill 2007 No , 2007 A Bill for An Act to amend the Community Justice Centres Act 1983 with respect to the staff and administration of Community Justice Centres, the abolition of the Community Justice Centres Council and the conduct of certain mandatory mediation; and for other purposes. Clause 1 Community Justice Centres Amendment Bill 2007 The Legislature of New South Wales enacts: 1 1 Name of Act 2 This Act is the Community Justice Centres Amendment Act 2007. 3 2 Commencement 4 (1) Except as provided by subsection (2), this Act commences on the date 5 of assent. 6 (2) Schedule 1 [4], [7], [8], [17], [18], [20], [30], [32] and [33] and 7 Schedule 2.1 and 2.2 commence on a day or days to be appointed by 8 proclamation. 9 3 Amendment of Community Justice Centres Act 1983 No 127 10 The Community Justice Centres Act 1983 is amended as set out in 11 Schedule 1. 12 4 Amendment of other Acts and Regulation 13 Each Act and Regulation specified in Schedule 2 is amended as set out 14 in that Schedule. 15 5 Repeal of Act 16 (1) This Act is repealed on the day following the day on which all of the 17 provisions of this Act have commenced. 18 (2) The repeal of this Act does not, because of the operation of section 30 19 of the Interpretation Act 1987, affect any amendment made by this Act. 20 Page 2 Community Justice Centres Amendment Bill 2007 Amendment of Community Justice Centres Act 1983 Schedule 1 Schedule 1 Amendment of Community Justice 1 Centres Act 1983 2 (Section 3) 3 [1] Section 3 4 Insert after section 2: 5 3 Object of Act 6 The object of this Act is to provide for the establishment and 7 operation of Community Justice Centres for the purpose of: 8 (a) providing dispute resolution and conflict management 9 services, including the mediation of disputes, and 10 (b) training persons to be mediators, and 11 (c) promoting alternative dispute resolution, and 12 (d) contributing to the development of alternative dispute 13 resolution in New South Wales by entering into 14 connections and partnerships with the legal profession, 15 courts, tribunals, the academic sector and other providers 16 of alternative dispute resolution services, and 17 (e) undertaking other matters incidental to the provision of 18 dispute resolution and conflict management services. 19 [2] Section 4 Definitions 20 Omit the definitions of Council, Deputy Director and member from section 4 21 (1). 22 [3] Section 4 (1), definition of "Director" 23 Omit the definition. Insert instead: 24 Director means the person holding the office of the Director of 25 Community Justice Centres under Chapter 1A of the Public 26 Sector Employment and Management Act 2002. 27 [4] Section 4 (1), definition of "mediator" 28 Omit paragraph (b) of the definition. Insert instead: 29 (b) a person employed under Chapter 1A of the Public Sector 30 Employment and Management Act 2002 as a mediator for 31 Community Justice Centres. 32 [5] Part 2, Division 1 The Council 33 Omit the Division. 34 Page 3 Community Justice Centres Amendment Bill 2007 Schedule 1 Amendment of Community Justice Centres Act 1983 [6] Section 10 Director 1 Omit the section. 2 [7] Section 11 3 Omit the section. 4 [8] Section 12 5 Omit the section. Insert instead: 6 12 Staff 7 The Director and the staff of Community Justice Centres 8 (including mediators) are to be employed under and in 9 accordance with Chapter 1A of the Public Sector Employment 10 and Management Act 2002. 11 [9] Section 13 Delegation by Director 12 Omit "the Deputy Director or" from section 13 (1). 13 [10] Section 13A 14 Insert after section 13: 15 13A Director may seek advice relating to Director's functions and 16 object of Act 17 (1) The Director may consult any other person or body the Director 18 considers appropriate in relation to the carrying out of the 19 Director's functions under this Act and the achievement of the 20 object of this Act. 21 (2) Without limiting subsection (1), the Director may establish 22 advisory committees to give advice in relation to the exercise of 23 the Director's functions under this Act and the achievement of 24 the object of this Act. 25 (3) Any or all of the members of an advisory committee may be 26 persons who are not members of staff of Community Justice 27 Centres. 28 (4) The procedure for the calling of meetings of an advisory 29 committee established by the Director and for the conduct of 30 business at those meetings is to be as determined by the 31 committee (subject to any determination of the Director). 32 (5) The Minister may determine the remuneration (if any) and the 33 term of office of members of an advisory committee established 34 under this section. 35 Page 4 Community Justice Centres Amendment Bill 2007 Amendment of Community Justice Centres Act 1983 Schedule 1 [11] Section 14 Establishment of Community Justice Centres 1 Omit "providing mediation services". 2 Insert instead "achieving the purposes referred to in section 3 (a)-(e)". 3 [12] Section 15 Premises of Community Justice Centres 4 Omit "published in the Gazette". 5 [13] Section 16 Place of operation of Community Justice Centres 6 Omit ", subject to the policy guidelines determined by, and any directions of, 7 the Council," from section 16 (2). 8 [14] Section 17 Records 9 Omit the section. 10 [15] Section 18 11 Omit the section. Insert instead: 12 18 Centres to be part of Attorney General's Department 13 Community Justice Centres are taken for all purposes to form 14 part of the Attorney General's Department. 15 [16] Section 19 Use of certain words or letters 16 Omit "Council" from section 19 (1) (b). Insert instead "Director". 17 [17] Section 19 (1A) 18 Omit "person holding a current accreditation as a mediator under section 11". 19 Insert instead "mediator". 20 [18] Section 19 (1A) 21 Omit "holds a current accreditation as a mediator". 22 Insert instead "is a mediator". 23 [19] Section 20 Provision of mediation services generally 24 Omit ", subject to the policy guidelines determined by, and any directions of, 25 the Council," from section 20 (1). 26 Page 5 Community Justice Centres Amendment Bill 2007 Schedule 1 Amendment of Community Justice Centres Act 1983 [20] Section 20A 1 Insert after section 20: 2 20A Provision of mandatory mediation services 3 (1) This section applies to a dispute that has been referred to 4 Community Justice Centres for mediation by an order of a court 5 or tribunal under a provision of another Act or of a statutory rule 6 and without the consent of all of the parties to the dispute. 7 (2) The Director may accept, or decline to accept, a dispute to which 8 this section applies for mediation under this Act. 9 (3) If the Director accepts a dispute to which this section applies for 10 mediation: 11 (a) the Director may assign the mediator or mediators who are 12 to conduct the mediation sessions in relation to the dispute, 13 and 14 (b) a mediator assigned by the Director to conduct the 15 mediation sessions in relation to the dispute is taken to be 16 the mediator appointed by the court or tribunal that made 17 the order referring the dispute for mediation or the 18 mediator specified in the order, as the case may be. 19 (4) Unless otherwise provided by the regulations: 20 (a) the provisions of this Act (except sections 23 (1) and (3), 21 27, 28 and 29) apply to the mediation under this Act of a 22 dispute to which this section applies and to the mediators 23 conducting the mediation sessions in relation to the 24 dispute, and 25 (b) the provisions of the Act or statutory rule under which an 26 order was made referring such a dispute for mediation 27 under this Act, and the terms of the order: 28 (i) apply to the mediation of the dispute under this Act 29 and to the mediators conducting the mediation 30 sessions in relation to the dispute in the same way as 31 they apply to mediation under the Act or statutory 32 rule under which the referring order was made and 33 mediators conducting mediation under that Act or 34 statutory rule, and 35 (ii) so apply except to the extent to which they are 36 inconsistent with subsection (3) or the other 37 provisions of this Act applied by paragraph (a). 38 (5) If the Director accepts a dispute to which this section applies for 39 mediation under this Act, the Director is to provide a written 40 Page 6 Community Justice Centres Amendment Bill 2007 Amendment of Community Justice Centres Act 1983 Schedule 1 report on the outcome of the mediation or attempted mediation to 1 the court or tribunal that referred the matter for mediation. 2 (6) If the Director declines to accept a dispute to which this section 3 applies for mediation under this Act, the Director is to give the 4 court or tribunal that referred the matter for mediation notice in 5 writing of the Director's decision and the reason for the decision. 6 [21] Section 21 Conduct of mediation sessions 7 Omit "shall, subject to the policy guidelines determined by, and any directions 8 of, the Council," from section 21 (1). 9 Insert instead "is to". 10 [22] Section 22 Disputes 11 Omit "Council" from section 22 (1). Insert instead "Director". 12 [23] Section 26 Evaluations 13 Insert at the end of the section: 14 (2) The Director is to ensure that such records relating to the 15 activities of Community Justice Centres are made and kept as are 16 necessary or appropriate to enable a proper evaluation of 17 Community Justice Centres to be made under this section. 18 [24] Section 27 Exoneration from liability 19 Omit section 27 (1) (a) and (b). 20 [25] Section 27 (1) (d) 21 Omit ", the Deputy Director". 22 [26] Section 27 (4) 23 Omit "or Deputy Director" wherever occurring. 24 [27] Section 28 Privilege 25 Omit section 28 (6) (a). Insert instead: 26 (a) where the persons in attendance at the mediation session 27 consent to admission of the evidence or document, or 28 [28] Section 28 (7) 29 Omit "A member of the Council or a sub-committee of the Council, a 30 mediator, the Director, the Deputy Director". 31 Insert instead "A mediator, the Director". 32 Page 7 Community Justice Centres Amendment Bill 2007 Schedule 1 Amendment of Community Justice Centres Act 1983 [29] Section 29 Secrecy 1 Omit "a member of the Council or a sub-committee of the Council," from 2 section 29 (2). 3 [30] Section 29 (2) (c1) 4 Insert after section 29 (2) (c): 5 (c1) where the disclosure is made for the purposes of section 6 29A, 7 [31] Section 29 (2) (e) 8 Omit "Council". Insert instead "Director". 9 [32] Section 29A 10 Insert after section 29: 11 29A Mandatory reporting 12 If a mediator has reasonable grounds to suspect that a child is at 13 risk of harm (within the meaning of section 23 of the Children 14 and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998) and those 15 grounds arise during the course of or from the mediator's work as 16 a mediator, it is the duty of the mediator to make a report, as soon 17 as practicable, under section 24 of that Act. 18 [33] Section 30 Power to accept appointment 19 Omit the section. 20 [34] Section 31 21 Omit the section. Insert instead 22 31 Regulations 23 (1) The Governor may make regulations, not inconsistent with this 24 Act, for or with respect to any matter that by this Act is required 25 or permitted to be prescribed or that is necessary or convenient to 26 be prescribed for carrying out or giving effect to this Act. 27 (2) In particular, regulations may be made for or with respect to the 28 following: 29 (a) fees and charges for services provided by Community 30 Justice Centres and mediators, 31 Page 8 Community Justice Centres Amendment Bill 2007 Amendment of Community Justice Centres Act 1983 Schedule 1 (b) without limiting paragraph (a), fees and charges for 1 services relating to mediation referred to in section 20A 2 (whether or not requested or agreed to), 3 (c) the waiver or refund of the whole or part of any such fee or 4 charge. 5 [35] Schedule 1 Constitution and procedure of Community Justice Centres 6 Council 7 Omit the Schedule. 8 [36] Schedule 4 Savings and transitional provisions 9 Insert before clause 1: 10 Part 1 Preliminary 11 1A Regulations 12 (1) The regulations may contain provisions of a savings or 13 transitional nature consequent on the enactment of the following 14 Acts: 15 Community Justice Centres Amendment Act 2007 16 (2) Any such provision may, if the regulations so provide, take effect 17 from the date of assent to the Act concerned or a later date. 18 (3) To the extent to which any such provision takes effect from a date 19 that is earlier than the date of its publication in the Gazette, the 20 provision does not operate so as: 21 (a) to affect, in a manner prejudicial to any person (other than 22 the State or an authority of the State), the rights of that 23 person existing before the date of its publication, or 24 (b) to impose liabilities on any person (other than the State or 25 an authority of the State) in respect of anything done or 26 omitted to be done before the date of its publication. 27 Part 2 Provisions consequent on enactment of 28 this Act 29 [37] Schedule 4, clause 1 30 Omit "this Schedule" wherever occurring. Insert instead "this Part". 31 Page 9 Community Justice Centres Amendment Bill 2007 Schedule 1 Amendment of Community Justice Centres Act 1983 [38] Schedule 4, Part 3, heading 1 Insert after clause 16: 2 Part 3 Provision consequent on enactment of 3 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) 4 Act (No 3) 1992 5 [39] Schedule 4, Part 4 6 Insert after clause 17: 7 Part 4 Provisions consequent on enactment of 8 Community Justice Centres Amendment 9 Act 2007 10 18 Community Justice Centres Council 11 On the repeal of Division 1 of Part 2 by the Community Justice 12 Centres Amendment Act 2007, the Community Justice Centres 13 Council is abolished. 14 19 Existing accredited mediators 15 (1) On the repeal of section 11 by the Community Justice Centres 16 Amendment Act 2007 and despite section 12, a person accredited 17 as a mediator under section 11 whose accreditation is in force 18 immediately before that repeal is taken to be appointed as a 19 mediator for the remainder of the period for which the person was 20 accredited. 21 (2) Despite subclause (1), the Director may revoke the appointment 22 of a person who is taken by that subclause to have been appointed 23 as a mediator. 24 (3) No application may be made to the Administrative Decisions 25 Tribunal in relation to a person because of the operation of this 26 clause or anything done under this clause. 27 (4) No compensation is payable to any person because of the 28 operation of this clause or anything done under this clause. 29 20 Reporting by mediators 30 Section 29A does not apply in relation to the work of a mediator 31 occurring before the commencement of that section. 32 Page 10 Community Justice Centres Amendment Bill 2007 Amendment of other Acts and Regulation Schedule 2 Schedule 2 Amendment of other Acts and 1 Regulation 2 (Section 4) 3 2.1 Civil Procedure Act 2005 No 28 4 [1] Section 26 Referral by court 5 Insert after section 26 (2): 6 (2A) Without limiting subsections (1) and (2), the court may refer 7 proceedings or part of proceedings for mediation under the 8 Community Justice Centres Act 1983. 9 [2] Section 34 Mediation otherwise than under this Part 10 Insert "without having being referred under section 26" after "Community 11 Justice Centres Act 1983" in section 34 (b). 12 2.2 Consumer, Trader and Tenancy Tribunal Act 2001 No 82 13 [1] Section 59 Referral by Tribunal 14 Insert after section 59 (2): 15 (3) Without limiting subsections (1) and (2), the Tribunal may refer 16 a matter arising in proceedings for mediation under the 17 Community Justice Centres Act 1983. 18 [2] Section 64 Other measures not precluded 19 Insert "without having being referred under section 59" after "Community 20 Justice Centres Act 1983" in section 64 (b). 21 Page 11 Community Justice Centres Amendment Bill 2007 Schedule 2 Amendment of other Acts and Regulation 2.3 Freedom of Information Regulation 2005 1 Schedule 3 Public authorities 2 Omit the matter relating to the Community Justice Centres Council from 3 Part 3. 4 Page 12
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