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Crimes Legislation Amendment
Bill 2012
No     , 2012

A Bill for

An Act to amend certain legislation with respect to criminal offences and procedure;
and for other purposes.
Clause 1      Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2012

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                          1

 1    Name of Act                                                   2

           This Act is the Crimes Legislation Amendment Act 2012.   3

 2    Commencement                                                  4

           This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.    5

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Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of Crimes Act 1900 No 40                                      Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendment of Crimes Act 1900 No 40                               1

[1]   Section 66F Sexual offences--cognitive impairment                                 2

      Omit "an established de facto partner" from section 66F (7) (a) (ii).             3

      Insert instead "the de facto partner".                                            4

[2]   Section 73 Sexual intercourse with child between 16 and 18 under                  5
      special care                                                                      6

      Insert "or the de facto partner of a parent, guardian or foster parent of the     7
      victim" after "victim" in section 73 (3) (a).                                     8

[3]   Section 86 Kidnapping                                                             9

      Insert after section 86 (1) (a):                                                 10
                    (a1) with the intention of committing a serious indictable         11
                           offence, or                                                 12

[4]   Schedule 3 Abolished common law offences and rules                               13

      Insert after clause 6:                                                           14

        7    Person who fails to disclose crime committed by the person's              15
             husband or wife or de facto partner                                       16

             (1)   Any common law rule that a person cannot be found guilty of an      17
                   offence involving failing to disclose a crime committed by the      18
                   person's husband or wife or de facto partner is abolished.          19

             (2)   This clause applies only to or in respect of an offence involving   20
                   failing to disclose such a crime if the offence is committed, or    21
                   alleged to have been committed, on or after the commencement        22
                   of this clause.                                                     23

[5]   Schedule 11 Savings and transitional provisions                                  24

      Insert at the end of the Schedule with appropriate Part and clause numbering:    25

      Part         Crimes Legislation Amendment Act 2012                               26

             Application of amendments                                                 27

                   An amendment to section 73 or 86 made by the Crimes                 28
                   Legislation Amendment Act 2012 applies only in respect of an        29
                   offence committed, or alleged to have been committed, on or         30
                   after the commencement of the amendment.                            31

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                    Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 2          Amendment of Criminal Procedure Act 1986 No 209

Schedule 2                Amendment of Criminal Procedure Act                            1
                          1986 No 209                                                    2

[1]   Section 281B Sensitive evidence--meaning                                           3

      Insert after section 281B (1):                                                     4

             (1A)      For the purposes of this Part, an audio recording of a person     5
                       committing an offence against another person (the protected       6
                       person) is sensitive evidence if:                                 7
                       (a) the contents of the audio recording are obscene or            8
                             indecent, or                                                9
                       (b) providing a copy of the audio recording to another person    10
                             without the protected person's consent would interfere     11
                             with the protected person's privacy.                       12

             (1B)      The contents of an audio recording are not obscene or indecent   13
                       merely because they include obscene or indecent language.        14

[2]   Section 281B (2)                                                                  15

      Insert "or (1A)" after "subsection (1)".                                          16

[3]   Section 281B (2) (b)                                                              17

      Omit "a video, held or seized by a prosecuting authority, showing".               18

      Insert instead "a video or audio recording, held or seized by a prosecuting       19
      authority, of".                                                                   20

[4]   Section 281D Procedures for giving access to sensitive evidence to                21
      accused person                                                                    22

      Insert "or listen to" after "view" in section 281D (2) (d).                       23

[5]   Section 281D (2) (e)                                                              24

      Omit "such a viewing".                                                            25

      Insert instead "the viewing of, or listening to, the thing".                      26

[6]   Section 281D (4)                                                                  27

      Insert "or listen to" after "view".                                               28

[7]   Schedule 2 Savings, transitional and other provisions                             29

      Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                30
                    Crimes Legislation Amendment Act 2012                               31

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Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of Criminal Procedure Act 1986 No 209                       Schedule 2

[8]   Schedule 2                                                                      1
      Insert at the end of the Schedule with appropriate Part and clause numbering:   2

      Part         Provision consequent on enactment of                               3
                   Crimes Legislation Amendment Act 2012                              4

             Sensitive evidence--audio recordings                                     5

                   The amendments made to Part 2A of Chapter 6 by the Crimes          6
                   Legislation Amendment Act 2012 extend to a criminal                7
                   investigation instituted, or criminal proceedings instituted or    8
                   partly heard, before the commencement of Schedule 2 to that Act.   9

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                Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 3         Amendment of other legislation

Schedule 3               Amendment of other legislation                                        1

3.1 Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2007 No 80                                     2

[1]   Section 48 Making of application for an order                                            3

      Insert after section 48 (2) (a):                                                         4
                    (a1) the guardian of the person for whose protection the order             5
                           would be made, in the case of a person in respect of whom           6
                           a guardianship order within the meaning of the                      7
                           Guardianship Act 1987 is in force, or                               8

[2]   Section 48 (7)                                                                           9

      Insert after section 48 (6):                                                            10

             (7)      A reference in sections 52, 55 (2), 73 (4), 77 (7), 78 (1) and 84 (6)   11
                      to a protected person includes a reference to the guardian of the       12
                      person in the case of an application for an order made by the           13
                      guardian of a person on the person's behalf (as referred to in          14
                      subsection (2) (a1)).                                                   15

[3]   Section 72 Application for variation or revocation of final apprehended                 16
      violence orders                                                                         17

      Insert after section 72 (2) (a):                                                        18
                    (a1) the guardian of the protected person, in the case of a               19
                           protected person in respect of whom a guardianship order           20
                           within the meaning of the Guardianship Act 1987 is in              21
                           force, or                                                          22

3.2 Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 No 92                                              23

[1]   Sections 32 (4) (c) and 35A (3)                                                         24

      Insert "or by a person, or a person belonging to a class of persons, prescribed         25
      by the regulations" after "Prosecutions" wherever occurring.                            26

[2]   Section 32 (5)                                                                          27

      Omit the subsection. Insert instead:                                                    28

             (5)      A list of additional charges is taken to be signed on behalf of the     29
                      Director of Public Prosecutions if it is signed by a person who is      30
                      authorised to do so by means of a written order signed by the           31
                      Director of Public Prosecutions or who belongs to a class of            32
                      persons so authorised.                                                  33

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Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of other legislation                                            Schedule 3

[3]   Section 35A (4)                                                                      1
      Omit the subsection. Insert instead:                                                 2

              (4)   A certificate is taken to be signed on behalf of the Director of       3
                    Public Prosecutions if it is signed by a person who is authorised      4
                    to do so by means of a written order signed by the Director of         5
                    Public Prosecutions or who belongs to a class of persons so            6
                    authorised.                                                            7

3.3 Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Regulation 2010                                          8

[1]   Clause 4 Lists of additional charges                                                 9

      Omit "section 32 (5) (b)" from clause 4 (2). Insert instead "section 32 (4) (c)".   10

[2]   Clause 4 (2) (k)                                                                    11

      Insert after clause 4 (2) (j):                                                      12
                     (k) the Chief Executive Officer of the Food Authority.               13

[3]   Clause 7A Consultation with victim and police in relation to charge                 14
      negotiations                                                                        15

      Omit "section 35A (4) (b)". Insert instead "section 35A (3)".                       16

3.4 Crimes (Serious Sex Offenders) Act 2006 No 7                                          17

[1]   Section 5 Definitions of "serious sex offence" and "offence of a sexual             18
      nature"                                                                             19

      Omit "111, 112 or 113" from section 5 (1) (b).                                      20

      Insert instead "86 (1) (a1), 111, 112, 113 or 114 (1) (a), (c) or (d)".             21

[2]   Schedule 2 Savings, transitional and other provisions                               22

      Omit clause 1 (1). Insert instead:                                                  23

              (1)   The regulations may contain provisions of a savings or                24
                    transitional nature consequent on the enactment of this Act or any    25
                    Act that amends this Act.                                             26

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                Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 3         Amendment of other legislation

[3]   Schedule 2, Part 6                                                                    1
      Insert after Part 5:                                                                  2

      Part 6          Provision consequent on enactment of                                  3
                      Crimes Legislation Amendment Act 2012                                 4

         9   Application of amendment                                                       5

                      The amendment made to section 5 by the Crimes Legislation             6
                      Amendment Act 2012 applies only to and in respect of an offence       7
                      committed on or after the commencement of Schedule 3.4 to that        8
                      Act.                                                                  9

3.5 Young Offenders Act 1997 No 54                                                         10

[1]   Sections 4 (definition of "Director-General"), 46 (1), 47 (2) (e), 62A and           11
      66 (2) (e) and (4) (definition of "authorised officer of the Department of           12
      Human Services")                                                                     13

      Omit "Department of Human Services" wherever occurring.                              14

      Insert instead "Department of Attorney General and Justice".                         15

[2]   Section 17 Records of warnings                                                       16

      Insert after section 17 (3) and the note:                                            17

             (4)      This section does not require a record made under this section and   18
                      held by the Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research to be            19
                      destroyed or expunged if the record was divulged to the Bureau       20
                      in accordance with section 66.                                       21

[3]   Section 66 Disclosure of records                                                     22

      Insert after section 66 (2) (e):                                                     23
                     (f) records of, or relating to, warnings, cautions and                24
                           conferences under this Act may (subject to any regulations      25
                           made for the purposes of subsection (3)) be divulged to a       26
                           person employed in the Bureau of Crime Statistics and           27
                           Research.                                                       28

[4]   Section 66 (3)                                                                       29

      Insert "or (f)" after "subsection 2 (e)".                                            30

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Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of other legislation                                          Schedule 3

[5]   Schedule 3 Savings and transitional provisions                                      1
      Omit clause 1 (1). Insert instead:                                                  2

              (1)   The regulations may contain provisions of a savings or                3
                    transitional nature consequent on the enactment of this Act or any    4
                    Act that amends this Act.                                             5

[6]   Schedule 3, Part 4                                                                  6

      Insert after Part 3:                                                                7

      Part 4        Provision consequent on enactment of                                  8
                    Crimes Legislation Amendment Act 2012                                 9

        7    Destruction and disclosure of records                                       10

              (1)   Anything done or omitted to be done before the commencement          11
                    of Schedule 3.5 to the Crimes Legislation Amendment Act 2012         12
                    in relation to the destruction of records of warnings or the         13
                    disclosure of records of, or relating to, warnings, cautions and     14
                    conferences to the Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research that      15
                    could have been validly done or omitted to be done if the            16
                    amendments made to this Act by that Subschedule had been in          17
                    force when it was done or omitted to be done, is taken to have       18
                    been validly done or omitted to be done.                             19

              (2)   Section 17 (4), as inserted by Schedule 3.5 to the Crimes            20
                    Legislation Amendment Act 2012, extends to records of warnings       21
                    divulged to the Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research before       22
                    the commencement of that Subschedule.                                23

3.6 Young Offenders Regulation 2010                                                      24

[1]   Clauses 14 and 16                                                                  25

      Omit "Department of Human Services" wherever occurring.                            26

      Insert instead "Department of Attorney General and Justice".                       27

[2]   Clause 15 Disclosure of records relating to cautions and conferences to            28
      Department of Attorney General and Justice                                         29

      Omit "Department of Human Services" wherever occurring.                            30

      Insert instead "Department of Attorney General and Justice".                       31

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                Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 3      Amendment of other legislation

[3]   Clause 15A                                                                         1
      Insert after clause 15:                                                            2

      15A    Disclosure of records relating to warnings, cautions and                    3
             conferences to Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research                      4

                   For the purposes of section 66 (2) (f) of the Act, a record of, or    5
                   relating to, a warning, caution or conference under the Act may       6
                   be divulged to a person employed in the Bureau of Crime               7
                   Statistics and Research if:                                           8
                    (a) the information contained in the record will only be used        9
                          in research by that Bureau, the production of statistics by   10
                          that Bureau and the publication of those statistics and of    11
                          reports relating to that research, and                        12
                   (b) any such publication does not name or otherwise identify         13
                          the child to whom the record relates.                         14

[4]   Clause 16 Authorised officers                                                     15

      Insert after clause 16 (b):                                                       16
                   (b1) an Assistant Regional Director,                                 17

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Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2012

Repeal of legislation and consequential amendments                     Schedule 4

Schedule 4             Repeal of legislation and consequential                          1
                       amendments                                                       2

4.1 Crimes (Appeal and Review) Act 2001 No 120                                          3

      Section 3 Definitions                                                             4

      Omit paragraph (f) from the definition of sentence in section 3 (1).              5

4.2 Criminal Appeal Act 1912 No 16                                                      6

      Section 2 Definitions                                                             7

      Omit paragraph (j) from the definition of Sentence in section 2 (1).              8

4.3 Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities)                                       9
    Amendment (Detained Person's Property) Act 2008 No 88                              10

      The Act is repealed.                                                             11

4.4 Sporting Venues (Offenders Banning Orders) Act 2005 No 67                          12

      The Act is repealed.                                                             13

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