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                        New South Wales

Children Legislation Amendment
(Child Death Review Team) Bill 2011


           1   Name of Act                                         2
           2   Commencement                                        2
  Schedule 1   Amendment of Community Services (Complaints,
               Reviews and Monitoring) Act 1993 No 2               3
  Schedule 2   Amendment of other legislation                     16
I certify that this public bill, which originated in the Legislative Assembly, has
finally passed the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of New
South Wales.

                                                Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
                                                Legislative Assembly,
                                                Sydney,                     , 2011

                             New South Wales

Children Legislation Amendment
(Child Death Review Team) Bill 2011
Act No      , 2011

An Act to amend the Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring)
Act 1993 with respect to the Child Death Review Team; and for other purposes.

I have examined this bill and find it to correspond in all respects with the bill as
finally passed by both Houses.

                                   Assistant Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.
Clause 1      Children Legislation Amendment (Child Death Review Team) Bill 2011

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:
 1    Name of Act
           This Act is the Children Legislation Amendment (Child Death Review
           Team) Act 2011.
 2    Commencement
           This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.

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Children Legislation Amendment (Child Death Review Team) Bill 2011

Amendment of Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring)   Schedule 1
Act 1993 No 2

Schedule 1             Amendment of Community Services
                       (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring)
                       Act 1993 No 2
[1]   Section 4 Definitions
      Insert in alphabetical order in section 4 (1):
                    Child Death Review Team or Team means the Child Death
                    Review Team established under Part 5A.
                    Commission for Children and Young People means the
                    Commission for Children and Young People constituted under
                    the Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998.
                    Commissioner for Children and Young People means the
                    Commissioner for the Commission for Children and Young
                    People appointed under the Commission for Children and Young
                    People Act 1998.
[2]   Part 5A
      Insert after Part 5:

      Part 5A Child Death Review Team
      Division 1             Preliminary
      34A    Object of Part
                    The object of this Part is to prevent and reduce the deaths of
                    children in New South Wales through the constitution of the
                    Child Death Review Team which is to exercise the functions
                    conferred or imposed on it under this Part.
      34B    Definitions
                    In this Part:
                    child means a person under the age of 18 years.
                    Convenor means the Convenor of the Child Death Review Team.
                    court includes any tribunal or person having power to require the
                    production of documents or the answering of questions.
                    member means a member of the Child Death Review Team.
                    produce includes permit access to.
                    Team-related person means the following:
                     (a) a member of the Team,

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               Children Legislation Amendment (Child Death Review Team) Bill 2011

Schedule 1     Amendment of Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring)
               Act 1993 No 2

                   (b)   a member of staff of the Ombudsman's Office who is
                         supporting and assisting the Team in the exercise of its
                   (c)   any person engaged to assist the Team in the exercise of its
                         functions, including persons appointed under section 34E.

      Division 2         Constitution and functions of the Team
     34C     Establishment and composition of the Team
             (1)   The Child Death Review Team is established by this Act.
             (2)   The Team is to consist of the following members:
                   (a) the Ombudsman, who is to be the Convenor of the Team,
                   (b) the Commissioner for Children and Young People,
                   (c) the Community and Disability Services Commissioner,
                   (d) such other persons as may be appointed by the Minister.
             (3)   The Team is to be supported and assisted in the exercise of its
                   functions by members of staff of the Ombudsman's Office.
             (4)   The Team is to include representatives of each of the following:
                   (a) that part of the Department of Family and Community
                        Services comprising the group of staff who are principally
                        involved in the administration of the Children and Young
                        Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998,
                   (b) the Ministry of Health,
                   (c) the NSW Police Force,
                   (d) the Department of Education and Communities,
                   (e) the Department of Attorney General and Justice,
                    (f) the Office of the NSW State Coroner, within the
                        Department of Attorney General and Justice,
                   (g) that part of the Department of Family and Community
                        Services comprising the group of staff who are principally
                        involved in the administration of the Disability Services
                        Act 1993.
             (5)   Each representative referred to in subsection (4) is to be
                   nominated by the Minister responsible for the organisation

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Children Legislation Amendment (Child Death Review Team) Bill 2011

Amendment of Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring)    Schedule 1
Act 1993 No 2

             (6)    In addition, the Team is to include persons recommended by the
                    Convenor and who, in the opinion of the Minister, are:
                     (a) experts in health care, research methodology, child
                          development or child protection, or
                    (b) persons who, because of their qualifications or experience,
                          or both, are likely to make a valuable contribution to the
                          work of the Team.
             (7)    The Minister is to appoint 2 persons who are Aboriginal persons
                    (within the meaning of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983) as
                    members of the Team.
             (8)    The Team must consist of not less than 14 members (in addition
                    to the Convenor, Commissioner for Children and Young People
                    and the Community and Disability Services Commissioner) and
                    not more than 20 members (in addition to the Convenor and those
                    Commissioners) at any one time.
             (9)    A person who is a member of the Legislative Council or the
                    Legislative Assembly is not eligible to be a member of the Team.
            (10)    Schedule 2 contains provisions relating to the members and
                    procedure of the Team.
     34D     Functions of the Team
             (1)    The Team has the following functions:
                    (a) to maintain the register of child deaths occurring in New
                         South Wales that has recorded such deaths since
                         1 January 1996,
                    (b) to classify those deaths according to cause, demographic
                         criteria and other relevant factors,
                    (c) to analyse data to identify patterns and trends relating to
                         those deaths,
                    (d) to undertake, alone or with others, research that aims to
                         help prevent or reduce the likelihood of child deaths,
                    (e) to make recommendations, arising from the Team's
                         maintenance of the register of child deaths and from its
                         research, as to legislation, policies, practices and services
                         for implementation by government and non-government
                         agencies and the community to prevent or reduce the
                         likelihood of child deaths,
                     (f) to identify areas requiring further research by the Team or
                         other agencies or persons.

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               Children Legislation Amendment (Child Death Review Team) Bill 2011

Schedule 1     Amendment of Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring)
               Act 1993 No 2

             (2)   Any function of the Team with respect to child deaths occurring
                   in New South Wales may also be exercised by the Team in
                   connection with the death of a child dying outside the State while
                   ordinarily resident in the State.
             (3)   The Convenor may enter into an agreement or other arrangement
                   for the exchange of information between the Team and a person
                   or body having functions under the law of another State or a
                   Territory that are substantially similar to the functions of the
                   Team, being information relevant to the exercise of the functions
                   of the Team or that person or body.
             (4)   The Team may not undertake a review of a reviewable death
                   (within the meaning of Part 6) but may:
                    (a) include a reviewable death in research that examines a
                         sample or population of child deaths, and
                   (b) with the approval of the Minister, conduct research about
                         reviewable deaths.
             (5)   The Team may exercise functions with respect to the death of a
                   child even though the death is or may be the subject of a review
                   by the Domestic Violence Death Review Team established under
                   the Coroners Act 2009.
     34E     Appointment of expert advisers
             (1)   The Convenor may, otherwise than under a contract of
                   employment, appoint persons with relevant qualifications and
                   experience to advise the Team in the exercise of its functions.
             (2)   A person so appointed is entitled to be paid such remuneration
                   and allowances (including travelling and subsistence allowances)
                   as may be determined by the Convenor in respect of the person.
     34F     Annual report to Parliament
             (1)   The Team is required to prepare, within the period of 4 months
                   after 30 June in each year, a report of its operations during the
                   year that ended on that 30 June and to provide the report to the
                   Presiding Officer of each House of Parliament.
             (2)   A report by the Team under this section must include the
                    (a) a description of its activities during that year in relation to
                         each of its functions,
                   (b) details of the extent to which its previous
                         recommendations have been accepted,

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Children Legislation Amendment (Child Death Review Team) Bill 2011

Amendment of Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring)     Schedule 1
Act 1993 No 2

                    (c)   whether any information has been authorised to be
                          disclosed by the Convenor as referred to in
                          section 34L (1) (b),
                    (d)   if the Team has not presented a report to Parliament under
                          section 34H within the previous 3 years, the reasons why
                          such a report has not been presented.
             (3)    A report by the Team under this section may include, in relation
                    to any details referred to in subsection (2) (b), comment on the
                    extent to which those recommendations have been implemented
                    in practice.
     34G     Annual child death review report
             (1)    The Team is required to prepare, within the period of 4 months
                    after 30 June in each year, a report consisting of data collected
                    and analysed in relation to child deaths registered during the
                    previous calendar year and provide the report to the Presiding
                    Officer of each House of Parliament.
             (2)    A report by the Team under this section may include any
                    recommendations made for the purposes of section 34D (1) (e)
                    or (f).
     34H     Other reports
                    The Team may, at any time, make a report containing the results
                    of research undertaken in the exercise of its research functions
                    under this Part and provide the report to the Presiding Officer of
                    each House of Parliament.
      34I    Preparation and presentation of reports
             (1)    Each report prepared by the Team is to be provided to the
             (2)    A report provided to the Presiding Officer of a House of
                    Parliament under this Part is to be laid before that House within
                    15 sitting days of that House after it is received by the Presiding
             (3)    The Team may include in a report a recommendation that the
                    report be made public as soon as practicable.
             (4)    If a report includes a recommendation by the Team that the report
                    be made public as soon as practicable, a Presiding Officer of a
                    House of Parliament may make it public whether or not that
                    House is in session and whether or not the report has been laid
                    before that House.

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               Children Legislation Amendment (Child Death Review Team) Bill 2011

Schedule 1     Amendment of Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring)
               Act 1993 No 2

             (5)   If such a report is made public by a Presiding Officer of a House
                   of Parliament before it is laid before that House, it attracts the
                   same privileges and immunities as if it had been laid before that
             (6)   A Presiding Officer need not inquire whether all or any
                   conditions precedent have been satisfied as regards a report
                   purporting to have been made and provided in accordance with
                   this Part.
             (7)   A report of the Team under this Part may be presented separately
                   from any other such report or together with any other such report.
     34J     Application of Ombudsman Act 1974
             (1)   The provisions of section 31B (1) (a)-(c) and (e), (2) (a) and (3)
                   of the Ombudsman Act 1974 apply to and in respect of the
                   exercise of functions by the Team and reports prepared by the
                   Team in the same way as those provisions apply to and in respect
                   of the exercise of functions by the Ombudsman and reports made
                   by the Ombudsman.
                   Note. Section 31B of the Ombudsman Act 1974 provides for the
                   monitoring of the exercise of functions by the Ombudsman and review of
                   reports of the Ombudsman by the Committee on the Office of the
                   Ombudsman and the Police Integrity Commission.
             (2)   In addition to the functions that the Committee on the Office of
                   the Ombudsman and the Police Integrity Commission has in
                   relation to the Team under subsection (1), the Committee has the
                   function of examining trends and changes in services and issues
                   affecting children, and reporting to both Houses of Parliament
                   any changes that the Committee thinks desirable to the functions
                   and procedures of the Team.

      Division 3          Access to and confidentiality of information
     34K     Duty of persons to assist the Team
             (1)   It is the duty of each of the following persons to provide the Team
                   with full and unrestricted access to records that are under the
                   person's control, or whose production the person may, in an
                   official capacity, reasonably require, being records to which the
                   Team reasonably requires access for the purpose of exercising its
                    (a) the Director-General, the Department Head, chief
                           executive officer or senior member of any department of
                           the government, statutory body or local authority,
                   (b) the Commissioner of Police,

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Children Legislation Amendment (Child Death Review Team) Bill 2011

Amendment of Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring)     Schedule 1
Act 1993 No 2

                    (c)   the State Coroner,
                    (d)   a medical practitioner or health care professional who, or
                          the head of a body which, delivers health services to
                    (e)   a person who, or the head of a body which, delivers
                          welfare services to children (including family support
                          services, children's services, foster care or residential
                          out-of-home care, and disability services),
                    (f)   the principal of a non-government school (within the
                          meaning of the Education Act 1990).
             (2)    Access to which the Team is entitled under subsection (1)
                    includes the right to inspect and, on request, to be provided with
                    copies of, any record referred to in that subsection and to inspect
                    any non-documentary evidence associated with any such record.
             (3)    A provision of any Act or law that restricts or denies access to
                    records does not prevent a person to whom subsection (1) applies
                    from complying, or affect the person's duty to comply, with that
             (4)    In this section, record means any document or other source of
                    information compiled, recorded or stored in written form or on
                    film, or by electronic process, or in any other manner or by any
                    other means.
     34L     Confidentiality of information
             (1)    A Team-related person must not make a record of, or directly or
                    indirectly disclose to any person, any information (including the
                    contents of any document) that was acquired by the person by
                    reason of being a Team-related person, unless:
                     (a) the record or disclosure is made in good faith for the
                           purpose of exercising a function under this Part, or
                    (b) the record or disclosure is authorised to be made by the
                           Convenor in connection with research that is undertaken
                           for the purpose of helping to prevent or reduce the
                           likelihood of deaths of children in New South Wales, or
                     (c) the record or disclosure is made by the Convenor for the
                           purpose of:
                            (i) providing information to the Commissioner of
                                  Police in connection with a possible criminal
                                  offence, or

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               Children Legislation Amendment (Child Death Review Team) Bill 2011

Schedule 1     Amendment of Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring)
               Act 1993 No 2

                          (ii)  reporting to the Director-General of the Department
                                of Family and Community Services that a child or
                                class of children may be at risk of harm, or
                        (iii) providing information to the State Coroner that may
                                relate to a death that is within the jurisdiction of the
                                State Coroner, whether or not the death has been the
                                subject of an inquest under the Coroners Act 2009,
                        (iv) providing information to the Domestic Violence
                                Death Review Team established under the Coroners
                                Act 2009 in connection with that Team's functions,
                         (v) providing information to the Ombudsman
                                concerning the death of a child that is relevant to the
                                exercise of any of the Ombudsman's functions, or
                        (vi) giving effect to any agreement or other arrangement
                                entered into under section 34D (3), or
                   (d) the record or disclosure is made by a member of the Team
                         to a Minister, or to a Department Head, chief executive
                         officer or senior member of any department of the
                         government or a statutory body, in connection with a draft
                         report prepared for the purpose of this Part, or
                   (e) the record or disclosure is made by a member of the Team
                         to any person, body or organisation for the purpose of
                         obtaining information or advice, or enabling comments to
                         be made to the Team, in connection with a draft report or
                         part of a draft report prepared for the purposes of this Part.
                   Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units or imprisonment for
                   12 months, or both.
             (2)   A Team-related person is not required:
                   (a) to produce to any court any document or other thing that
                         has come into the person's possession, custody or control,
                   (b) to reveal to any court any information that has come to the
                         person's notice,
                   by reason of being a Team-related person.
             (3)   Any authority or person to whom any information referred to in
                   subsection (1) is revealed, and any person or employee under the
                   control of that authority or person:
                   (a) is subject to the same obligations and liabilities under
                         subsection (1), and

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Children Legislation Amendment (Child Death Review Team) Bill 2011

Amendment of Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring)       Schedule 1
Act 1993 No 2

                    (b) enjoys the same rights and privileges under subsection (2),
                    in respect of that information as if he or she were a Team-related
                    person who had acquired the information for the purpose of the
                    exercise of the functions of the Team. Failure to comply with
                    obligations and liabilities referred to in this subsection is taken to
                    be a contravention of subsection (1).
      34M    Dishonestly obtaining information
                    A person who dishonestly obtains information (including the
                    contents of any document) that was acquired by a person by
                    reason of being a Team-related person is guilty of an offence.
                    Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units or imprisonment for
                    12 months, or both.

      Division 4           Miscellaneous
      34N    Execution of documents
                    A document required to be executed by the Team in the exercise
                    of its functions is sufficiently executed if it is signed by the
                    Convenor or another member authorised by the Convenor.
      34O    Proceedings for offences under Part
                    Despite any other law, proceedings for an offence under this Part
                    must be commenced not later than 2 years from when the offence
                    was alleged to have been committed.
      34P    Review of Part
             (1)    The Minister is to review this Part to determine whether the
                    policy objectives of this Part remain valid and whether the terms
                    of this Part remain appropriate for securing those objectives.
             (2)    The review is to be undertaken as soon as possible after the period
                    of 5 years from the commencement of this Part.
             (3)    A report on the outcome of the review is to be tabled in each
                    House of Parliament within 12 months after the end of the period
                    of 5 years.
[3]   Section 48 Exclusion of personal liability
      Insert at the end of section 48 (b):
                     (c) the Child Death Review Team, a member of the Team or
                           any person acting under the direction of the Team,

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                    Children Legislation Amendment (Child Death Review Team) Bill 2011

Schedule 1          Amendment of Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring)
                    Act 1993 No 2

[4]   Section 48
      Insert ", the officer, a member of the Team" after "Ombudsman" where thirdly
[5]   Section 52 Regulations
      Insert after section 52 (1):
             (1A)      Without limiting subsection (1), the regulations may make
                       provision for or with respect to the constitution, functions,
                       procedure and other matters relating to the Child Death Review
[6]   Schedule 1 Savings and transitional provisions
      Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):
                    Children Legislation Amendment (Child Death Review Team)
                    Act 2011
[7]   Schedule 1, Part 4
      Insert after clause 14:

      Part 4           Children Legislation Amendment (Child
                       Death Review Team) Act 2011
      15      Continuation of existing entity
                       The Child Death Review Team established by section 34C is
                       taken to be a continuation of, and the same legal entity as, the
                       Child Death Review Team established under section 45B of the
                       Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998.
      16      Continuation of existing members
                       A person who, immediately before the commencement of this
                       clause held office as a member of the Team under section 45C of
                       the Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998, is
                       taken to have been appointed under section 34C of this Act for the
                       balance of the term for which he or she was appointed under that
                       section 45C, subject to clauses 5 and 6 of Schedule 2 to this Act.
      17      Annual reports of Child Death Review Team
                       The reference to section 34H in section 34F (2) (d) includes a
                       reference to section 45P of the Commission for Children and
                       Young People Act 1998.

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Children Legislation Amendment (Child Death Review Team) Bill 2011

Amendment of Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring)     Schedule 1
Act 1993 No 2

[8]   Schedule 2
      Insert after Schedule 1:

      Schedule 2              Provisions relating to the Child
                              Death Review Team
                                                                     (Section 34C (10))
        1    Definitions
                    In this Schedule:
                    appointed member means a member of the Team appointed by
                    the Minister under section 34C (2) (d).
                    Convenor means the Convenor of the Team.
                    member means a member of the Team.
        2    Deputy Convenor
             (1)    The members of the Team are to elect one member as the Deputy
                    Convenor of the Team.
             (2)    The member so elected holds office as Deputy Convenor for the
                    balance of the member's term of office, subject to subclause (3).
             (3)    A person holding the office of Deputy Convenor vacates that
                    office if the person:
                    (a) is removed from that office by the Minister under clause 6,
                    (b) resigns that office by instrument in writing addressed to
                           the Minister, or
                    (c) ceases to be a member.
        3    Term of office of members
                    An appointed member holds office for such period (not
                    exceeding 3 years) as is specified in the member's instrument of
                    appointment, but is eligible (if otherwise qualified) for
        4    Remuneration
                    An appointed member other than a representative of a department
                    of the government, the NSW Police Force or a statutory body, is
                    entitled to be paid such remuneration and allowances (including
                    travelling or subsistence allowances) as the Minister may from
                    time to time determine in respect of the member.

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                 Children Legislation Amendment (Child Death Review Team) Bill 2011

Schedule 1       Amendment of Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring)
                 Act 1993 No 2

          5   Vacancy in office of appointed member
              (1)   The office of an appointed member becomes vacant if the
                    (a) dies, or
                    (b) completes a term of office and is not re-appointed, or
                    (c) resigns the office by instrument in writing addressed to the
                         Minister, or
                    (d) is absent from 4 consecutive meetings of the Team of
                         which reasonable notice has been given to the member
                         personally or in the ordinary course of post, except on
                         leave granted by the Team or unless, before the expiration
                         of 4 weeks after the last of those meetings, the member is
                         excused by the Minister for having been absent from those
                         meetings, or
                    (e) becomes bankrupt, applies to take the benefit of any law
                         for the relief of bankrupt or insolvent debtors, compounds
                         with his or her creditors or makes an assignment of his or
                         her remuneration for their benefit, or
                     (f) becomes a mentally incapacitated person, or
                    (g) is convicted in New South Wales of an offence that is
                         punishable by imprisonment for 12 months or more or is
                         convicted elsewhere than in New South Wales of an
                         offence that, if committed in New South Wales, would be
                         an offence so punishable, or
                    (h) is removed from office by the Minister under clause 6, or
                     (i) is the subject of a communication in writing to the Minister
                         by the Minister that nominated the member, stating that he
                         or she no longer represents that organisation.
              (2)   If the office of an appointed member becomes vacant, another
                    person is, subject to this Schedule, to be appointed to fill the
          6   Removal from office
                    The Minister may remove an appointed member from office for
                    incapacity, incompetence or misbehaviour.
          7   Effect of certain other Acts
              (1)   Chapter 2 of the Public Sector Employment and Management Act
                    2002 does not apply to or in respect of the appointment of a
                    person as a member.

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Children Legislation Amendment (Child Death Review Team) Bill 2011

Amendment of Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring)    Schedule 1
Act 1993 No 2

             (2)    If by or under any Act provision is made:
                     (a) requiring a person who is the holder of a specified office to
                           devote the whole of his or her time to the duties of that
                           office, or
                    (b) prohibiting the person from engaging in employment
                           outside the duties of that office,
                    that provision does not operate to disqualify that person from
                    holding that office and also the office of a member or from
                    accepting and retaining any remuneration payable to the person
                    under this Schedule as a member.
        8    General procedure
             (1)    Subject to the regulations, the procedure for the calling of
                    meetings of the Team and for the conduct of business at those
                    meetings is to be as determined by the Convenor.
             (2)    The Team is to meet not less than 4 times in each calendar year.
        9    Quorum for meetings
                    The quorum for a meeting of the Team is a majority of its
                    members for the time being.
       10    Presiding member
             (1)    The Convenor, or in the absence of the Convenor, the Deputy
                    Convenor, is to preside at any meeting of the Team.
             (2)    If both the Convenor and the Deputy Convenor are absent from
                    any meeting, a member elected by the members present at the
                    meeting is to preside at that meeting.
             (3)    The presiding member has a deliberative vote and, in the event of
                    an equality of votes, has a second or casting vote.
       11    Voting
                    A decision supported by a majority of the votes cast at a meeting
                    of the Team at which a quorum is present is the decision of the

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               Children Legislation Amendment (Child Death Review Team) Bill 2011

Schedule 2     Amendment of other legislation

Schedule 2             Amendment of other legislation
2.1 Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998 No 146
[1]   Section 3 Definitions
      Omit the definitions of Child Death Review Team and Convenor from
      section 3 (1).
[2]   Section 28 Functions of Committee
      Omit section 28 (4).
[3]   Part 7A Child Death Review Team
      Omit the Part.
[4]   Section 48 Protection from liability
      Omit ", or the Child Death Review Team, a member of the Team or a person
      acting under the direction of the Team".
[5]   Section 48
      Omit ", member of the Team".
[6]   Section 51 Regulations
      Omit section 51 (1A).
[7]   Schedule 3 Savings, transitional and other provisions
      Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):
                    Children Legislation Amendment (Child Death Review Team)
                    Act 2011

2.2 Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring)
    Regulation 2004
      Clause 8 Reports required to be prepared by Child Death Review Team
      Omit "Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998" from
      clause 8 (3).
      Insert instead "Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring)
      Act 1993".

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Children Legislation Amendment (Child Death Review Team) Bill 2011

Amendment of other legislation                                       Schedule 2

2.3 Coroners Act 2009 No 41
      Section 101B Interpretation
      Omit "Part 7A of the Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998"
      from the definition of Child Death Review Team in section 101B (1).
      Insert instead "Part 5A of the Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and
      Monitoring) Act 1993".

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