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New South Wales Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Amendment Bill 2012 Contents Page 1 Name of Act 2 2 Commencement 2 Schedule 1 Amendment of Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2012 No 9 3 b2012-133-19.d20 New South Wales Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Amendment Bill 2012 No , 2012 A Bill for An Act to amend the Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2012 to make further provision with respect to the control of criminal organisations and their members. Clause 1 Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Amendment Bill 2012 The Legislature of New South Wales enacts: 1 1 Name of Act 2 This Act is the Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Amendment 3 Act 2012. 4 2 Commencement 5 This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act. 6 Page 2 Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Amendment Bill 2012 Amendment of Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2012 No 9 Schedule 1 Schedule 1 Amendment of Crimes (Criminal 1 Organisations Control) Act 2012 No 9 2 [1] Section 3 Definitions 3 Insert in alphabetical order in section 3 (1): 4 interstate control order--see section 27A. 5 interstate declaration--see section 27A. 6 registrar--see section 27A. 7 [2] Section 3 (1), definition of "serious criminal activity" 8 Omit the definition. Insert instead: 9 serious criminal activity means any of the following: 10 (a) committing a serious criminal offence within the meaning 11 of section 6 of the Criminal Assets Recovery Act 1990, 12 (b) obtaining material benefits from conduct that constitutes 13 any such offence, 14 (whether or not any person has been charged or convicted of any 15 such offence). 16 [3] Section 3 (1), definition of "serious violence offence" 17 Omit the definition. 18 [4] Section 8 Submissions at the hearing 19 Insert "(personally or through a legal representative)" after "submissions" 20 wherever occurring in section 8 (1) and (2). 21 [5] Sections 8A and 8B 22 Insert after section 8: 23 8A Examination of submissions 24 (1) The eligible Judge may, so far as the eligible Judge thinks proper, 25 question any person (including a legal representative) who makes 26 a submission in relation to an application under this Part on any 27 matter that the eligible Judge thinks relevant, or allow a legal 28 representative of a person to do so. 29 (2) The eligible Judge may require a person present at the hearing to 30 produce a document or other thing that the eligible Judge 31 considers may be relevant. 32 (3) The eligible Judge may summon any other person whom the 33 eligible Judge considers may have relevant information in 34 Page 3 Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Amendment Bill 2012 Schedule 1 Amendment of Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2012 No 9 relation to an application under this Part to be present at the 1 hearing of the application to be questioned and to produce such 2 documents or other things (if any) as are referred to in the 3 summons. 4 (4) The eligible Judge may, at the hearing, take evidence on oath or 5 affirmation and for that purpose: 6 (a) the eligible Judge may require a person being questioned 7 at the hearing to either take an oath or make an affirmation 8 in a form approved by the eligible Judge, and 9 (b) the eligible Judge may administer an oath or affirmation to 10 the person. 11 (5) The eligible Judge has power to do all things necessary to be done 12 for or in connection with, or reasonably incidental to, the exercise 13 of the eligible Judge's functions with respect to the hearing of an 14 application, and any specific powers conferred on the eligible 15 Judge by this Act must not be taken to limit by implication the 16 generality of this subsection. 17 8B Contempt of eligible Judge 18 (1) The eligible Judge may report the following matters to the Court: 19 (a) if a person fails to be present at a hearing of an application 20 under this Part after having been served with a summons 21 under section 8A, 22 (b) if a person fails to produce any document or other thing in 23 the person's custody or control that the person is required 24 by such a summons to produce, 25 (c) if a person refuses to be sworn or to make an affirmation 26 or refuses or otherwise fails to answer any question that is 27 put to the person by the eligible Judge at the hearing of an 28 application under this Part, 29 (d) if a person wilfully threatens or insults the eligible Judge 30 or any other person present at such a hearing, 31 (e) if a person misbehaves himself or herself before the 32 eligible Judge, 33 (f) if a person interrupts the proceedings of the hearing, 34 (g) if a person obstructs or attempts to obstruct the eligible 35 Judge, 36 (h) if a person does any other thing that, if the eligible Judge 37 were a court of law having power to commit for contempt, 38 would be contempt of that court. 39 Page 4 Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Amendment Bill 2012 Amendment of Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2012 No 9 Schedule 1 (2) If the eligible Judge reports a matter to the Court under 1 subsection (1), the Court may deal with the matter as if it were a 2 contempt of the Court. However, a person is not liable to be 3 punished for contempt under this subsection if the person 4 establishes that there was a reasonable excuse for the act or 5 omission concerned. 6 [6] Section 9 Eligible Judge may make declaration 7 Insert "in New South Wales" after "organisation" in section 9 (1) (a). 8 [7] Section 9 (1) (b) 9 Omit the paragraph. Insert instead: 10 (b) the continued existence of the organisation represents a 11 risk to public safety and order in this State, 12 [8] Section 9 (2) (a) 13 Insert "in New South Wales" after "activity". 14 [9] Section 9 (2) (b) and (c) 15 Insert "in New South Wales" after "organisation" wherever occurring. 16 [10] Section 9 (4) (a) 17 Omit the paragraph. Insert instead: 18 (a) whether or not all the members in New South Wales 19 associate for that purpose or only some of the members 20 (provided that, if the eligible Judge is satisfied that only 21 some of the members in New South Wales associate for 22 that purpose, the eligible Judge must be satisfied that those 23 members constitute a significant group within the 24 organisation in New South Wales, either in terms of their 25 numbers or in terms of their capacity to influence the 26 organisation or its members in New South Wales), and 27 [11] Section 9 (4) (b) and (c) 28 Insert "in New South Wales" after "members" wherever occurring. 29 [12] Section 11 Duration of declaration 30 Omit "3 years" from section 11 (2). Insert instead "5 years". 31 [13] Section 12 Revocation of declaration 32 Insert "in New South Wales" after "organisation" in section 12 (4) (a). 33 Page 5 Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Amendment Bill 2012 Schedule 1 Amendment of Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2012 No 9 [14] Section 12 (4) (b) 1 Insert "continued existence of the" before "organisation". 2 [15] Section 13 Conduct of hearings of applications for declarations under 3 this Part 4 Insert after section 13 (2): 5 (3) The eligible Judge is to prepare and sign a written statement of 6 reasons for the decision. 7 (4) The eligible Judge must, as soon as practicable, provide a copy of 8 the statement to the Commissioner and the registrar. 9 (5) The Commissioner is to ensure that the written statement is 10 published in the Gazette. 11 (6) Nothing in this section authorises or requires the disclosure of 12 information by an eligible Judge where an obligation to maintain 13 the confidentiality of the information otherwise exists (whether 14 under section 28 or 29 or some other Act or law). 15 [16] Section 20A 16 Insert after section 20: 17 20A Proof of certain matters 18 (1) A copy of a written statement of reasons for making a declaration 19 under Part 2 in respect of an organisation identified in the 20 declaration that was signed in accordance with section 13 (3) by 21 the eligible Judge who made the declaration is admissible in 22 proceedings under this Division with respect to an application for 23 a control order and is evidence of the following facts: 24 (a) that the organisation is a declared organisation, 25 (b) that a person identified as a member of that organisation is 26 a member of that organisation, 27 (c) that: 28 (i) members of that organisation in New South Wales 29 associate for the purpose of organising, planning, 30 facilitating, supporting or engaging in serious 31 criminal activity, and 32 (ii) the continued existence of that organisation 33 represents a risk to public safety and order in this 34 State. 35 Page 6 Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Amendment Bill 2012 Amendment of Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2012 No 9 Schedule 1 (2) Except for the purpose of proceedings under this Division, a 1 finding or opinion in the written statement that specified persons: 2 (a) are members of the declared organisation identified in the 3 declaration, and 4 (b) associate for the purpose of organising, planning, 5 facilitating, supporting or engaging in serious criminal 6 activity, 7 is not in itself a finding or opinion that the persons are guilty of 8 or have committed, or are about to commit, criminal offences. 9 [17] Part 3A 10 Insert after Part 3: 11 Part 3A Reciprocal recognition and enforcement of 12 declarations and orders 13 Division 1 Preliminary 14 27A Definitions 15 In this Act: 16 interstate control order means an order made under a provision 17 of a law of another State or Territory that is prescribed by the 18 regulations for the purposes of this definition. 19 interstate declaration means a declaration made under a 20 provision of a law of another State or Territory that is prescribed 21 by the regulations for the purposes of this definition. 22 registrar means a person who is: 23 (a) appointed in accordance with section 120 of the Supreme 24 Court Act 1970, and 25 (b) nominated by the Principal Registrar of the Court for the 26 purposes of this Act. 27 respondent means the organisation the subject of an interstate 28 declaration or the person the subject of an interstate control order 29 (as the case may be). 30 Page 7 Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Amendment Bill 2012 Schedule 1 Amendment of Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2012 No 9 Division 2 Registration of interstate declaration in New 1 South Wales 2 27B Application for registration of interstate declaration in New South 3 Wales 4 (1) The Commissioner may apply to the registrar for the registration 5 of an interstate declaration. 6 (2) An application for registration must: 7 (a) be made in writing, and 8 (b) be accompanied by an affidavit from the Commissioner 9 including or accompanied by the following: 10 (i) a copy of the interstate declaration, 11 (ii) enough information to satisfy the registrar that the 12 declaration is an interstate declaration that is in 13 force. 14 (3) An application for registration of an interstate declaration does 15 not need to be served on the respondent. 16 27C When interstate declaration cannot be registered 17 An application for registration of an interstate declaration cannot 18 be made, and an interstate declaration cannot be registered, if any 19 of the following apply to the declaration: 20 (a) the law of the jurisdiction in which the declaration was 21 made specifies a period within which the respondent may 22 appeal against the declaration, and that period is still 23 running, 24 (b) the determination of an application by the respondent for 25 leave to appeal against the declaration (whether made 26 before or after any appeal period has expired) is pending, 27 (c) the determination of an appeal by the respondent against 28 the declaration is pending. 29 27D Registration of interstate declaration 30 The registrar must register an interstate declaration that is the 31 subject of an application under this Division if the registrar is 32 satisfied of the following: 33 (a) that the declaration is in force, 34 (b) if the law of the jurisdiction in which the declaration was 35 made requires notice of the declaration to be published-- 36 that the requirement has been complied with, 37 Page 8 Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Amendment Bill 2012 Amendment of Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2012 No 9 Schedule 1 (c) if the law of the jurisdiction in which the declaration was 1 made requires notice of the declaration to be served on any 2 organisation, person or group of persons--that the 3 requirement has been complied with or is taken to have 4 been complied with, 5 (d) that section 27C does not prevent registration of the 6 declaration. 7 27E Period of registration 8 (1) On registering an interstate declaration, the registrar is to specify 9 the date on which the registration expires. 10 (2) The date specified by the registrar is to be the date on which the 11 interstate declaration would cease to be in force in the jurisdiction 12 in which it was made if it were not sooner revoked. 13 (3) The registration of the interstate declaration expires on the 14 specified date. 15 (4) Subsections (1)-(3) do not apply if, under the law of the 16 jurisdiction in which the interstate declaration was made, the 17 interstate declaration remains in force for an indefinite period, in 18 which case: 19 (a) on registering the declaration--the registrar is to specify 20 that the registration is in force for an indefinite period, and 21 (b) the registration of the interstate declaration does not 22 expire. 23 27F Notice of registration 24 (1) Not later than 2 working days after registering an interstate 25 declaration, the registrar must give the Commissioner a 26 certificate of the registration with a copy of the registered 27 interstate declaration attached. 28 (2) As soon as practicable after receiving a copy of the registered 29 interstate declaration, the Commissioner must: 30 (a) publish notice of the registration of the interstate 31 declaration in the Gazette and in at least one newspaper 32 circulating throughout the State, and 33 (b) give notice of the registration to the commissioner (by 34 whatever name called) of the police force or police service 35 of the State or Territory in which the interstate declaration 36 was made and, if the interstate declaration was made by a 37 court, a registrar of that court. 38 Page 9 Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Amendment Bill 2012 Schedule 1 Amendment of Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2012 No 9 27G Commencement and duration of registered interstate declaration 1 A registered interstate declaration: 2 (a) comes into force in New South Wales on the day after the 3 day on which notice of registration of the declaration is 4 published in the Gazette under section 27F, and 5 (b) remains in force in New South Wales until one of the 6 following occurs: 7 (i) the registration of the declaration expires in 8 accordance with section 27E, 9 (ii) the registration of the declaration is cancelled under 10 this Part. 11 27H Effect of registration of interstate declaration 12 (1) A registered interstate declaration that has come into force under 13 section 27G operates in New South Wales as if it were a 14 declaration made under section 9. 15 (2) A change in the name or the membership of an organisation that 16 is the subject of a registered interstate declaration does not affect 17 its registration or effect in this State. 18 27I Cancellation of registration of interstate declaration on revocation 19 in jurisdiction where originally made 20 (1) This section applies to a registered interstate declaration if: 21 (a) the declaration is revoked in the jurisdiction in which it 22 was made, and 23 (b) the registrar receives notice of the revocation. 24 (2) On receiving notice of the revocation of the registered interstate 25 declaration, the registrar must: 26 (a) cancel the registration of the declaration without delay, 27 and the cancellation takes effect immediately, and 28 (b) give the Commissioner written notice of the cancellation. 29 27J Cancellation of registration of interstate declaration at request of 30 Commissioner 31 (1) The Commissioner may, at any time while an interstate 32 declaration is registered under this Part, apply to the registrar to 33 cancel the registration of the declaration. 34 (2) On receiving an application under this section, the registrar must: 35 (a) cancel the registration of the declaration without delay, 36 and the cancellation takes effect immediately, and 37 Page 10 Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Amendment Bill 2012 Amendment of Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2012 No 9 Schedule 1 (b) give the Commissioner written notice of the cancellation. 1 27K Cancellation of registration of interstate declaration by Court 2 (1) The Court may, on application by the respondent, cancel the 3 registration of an interstate declaration if satisfied that the 4 declaration should not have been registered in accordance with 5 this Part. 6 (2) The Commissioner is a party to the application. 7 (3) If the registration of an interstate declaration is cancelled under 8 this section, any control order made under this Act relating to a 9 member of the organisation that is the subject of the interstate 10 declaration on the basis of the declaration ceases to have effect. 11 (4) Nothing in this section authorises the Court to reconsider the 12 merits of the interstate declaration. 13 27L Notice of cancellation or expiry of registration of interstate 14 declaration 15 As soon as practicable after the registration of an interstate 16 declaration is cancelled under this Part or expires, the 17 Commissioner must: 18 (a) publish notice of the cancellation or expiration in the 19 Gazette and in at least one newspaper circulating 20 throughout the State, and 21 (b) give notice of the cancellation or expiration to the 22 commissioner (by whatever name called) of the police 23 force or police service of the State or Territory in which the 24 declaration was made and, if the declaration was made by 25 a court, a registrar of that court. 26 Division 3 Registration of interstate control order in 27 New South Wales 28 27M Application for registration of interstate control order in New 29 South Wales 30 (1) The Commissioner may apply to the registrar for the registration 31 of an interstate control order. 32 (2) An application for registration must: 33 (a) be made in writing, and 34 (b) be accompanied by an affidavit from the Commissioner 35 including or accompanied by the following: 36 (i) a copy of the interstate control order, 37 Page 11 Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Amendment Bill 2012 Schedule 1 Amendment of Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2012 No 9 (ii) enough information to satisfy the registrar that the 1 order is an interstate control order that is in force. 2 (3) The application must state: 3 (a) whether the Commissioner believes it is necessary for the 4 interstate control order to be adapted or modified for its 5 effective operation in New South Wales, and 6 (b) if so, the details of the adaptation or modification that the 7 Commissioner believes to be necessary. 8 (4) An application for the registration of an interstate control order 9 does not need to be served on the respondent. 10 27N When interstate control order cannot be registered 11 An application for registration of an interstate control order 12 cannot be made, and an interstate control order cannot be 13 registered, if: 14 (a) the respondent is subject to a control order or interim 15 control order under Part 3, or 16 (b) any of the following apply to the order: 17 (i) the law of the jurisdiction in which the order was 18 made specifies a period within which the respondent 19 may appeal against the order, and that period is still 20 running, 21 (ii) the determination of an application by the 22 respondent for leave to appeal against the order 23 (whether made before or after any appeal period has 24 expired) is pending, 25 (iii) the determination of an appeal by the respondent 26 against the order is pending. 27 27O Registration of interstate control order 28 (1) The registrar must register an interstate control order that is the 29 subject of an application under this Division if the registrar is 30 satisfied of the following: 31 (a) that the order is in force, 32 (b) that the order was served, or taken to be served, on the 33 respondent under the law of the jurisdiction where the 34 order was made, 35 (c) that section 27N does not prevent registration of the order, 36 (d) that the order does not need to be adapted or modified for 37 its effective operation in New South Wales. 38 Page 12 Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Amendment Bill 2012 Amendment of Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2012 No 9 Schedule 1 (2) If the registrar considers that the order needs to be adapted or 1 modified for its effective operation in New South Wales, the 2 registrar must refer the application to the Court. 3 27P Referral of application to Court for adaptation or modification 4 (1) If an application is referred to the Court under section 27O, the 5 Commissioner must serve a copy of the application, with any 6 accompanying affidavit, and an appearance notice, personally on 7 the respondent. 8 (2) The application may be heard in the respondent's absence if the 9 Court is satisfied that a copy of the application and an appearance 10 notice were served on the respondent under subsection (1). 11 (3) In this section: 12 appearance notice means a notice in writing stating the 13 following in relation to an interstate control order: 14 (a) that an application for the registration of the interstate 15 control order has been referred to the Court, 16 (b) when and where the application is to be heard, 17 (c) that the respondent is required to appear at the hearing, 18 (d) that the interstate control order, or the interstate control 19 order as varied by the Court, may be registered in the 20 respondent's absence if the respondent fails to appear at 21 the hearing. 22 27Q Determination of application for registration 23 (1) On hearing an application referred to it under section 27O the 24 Court may direct the registrar to register the order: 25 (a) with any adaptations or modifications that the Court 26 considers necessary or desirable for its effective operation 27 in New South Wales, or 28 (b) without any adaptations or modifications. 29 (2) Before giving a direction under subsection (1), the Court must: 30 (a) be satisfied of the matters set out in section 27O (1) (a)-(c), 31 and 32 (b) consider: 33 (i) anything that could be considered by the Court if the 34 application were an application for a control order 35 under this Act, and 36 (ii) any changes in the respondent's circumstances since 37 the interstate control order was made. 38 Page 13 Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Amendment Bill 2012 Schedule 1 Amendment of Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2012 No 9 (3) The registrar must register the interstate control order in 1 accordance with the direction of the Court. 2 27R Period of registration 3 (1) On registering an interstate control order, the registrar is to 4 specify the date on which the registration expires. 5 (2) The date specified by the registrar is to be the date on which the 6 interstate control order would cease to be in force in the 7 jurisdiction in which it was made if it were not sooner revoked. 8 (3) The registration of the interstate control order expires on the 9 specified date. 10 (4) Subsections (1)-(3) do not apply if, under the law of the 11 jurisdiction in which the interstate control order was made, the 12 interstate control order remains in force for an indefinite period, 13 in which case: 14 (a) on registering the order--the registrar is to specify that the 15 registration is in force for an indefinite period, and 16 (b) the registration of the interstate control order does not 17 expire. 18 27S Notice of registration 19 (1) Not later than 2 working days after registering an interstate 20 control order, the registrar must give the Commissioner a 21 certificate of the registration with a copy of the registered 22 interstate control order attached. 23 (2) As soon as practicable after receiving a copy of the registered 24 interstate control order, the Commissioner must: 25 (a) serve a copy of the order personally on the respondent, and 26 (b) publish notice of the registration of the interstate control 27 order in the Gazette and in at least one newspaper 28 circulating throughout the State. 29 27T Commencement and duration of registered interstate control 30 order 31 A registered interstate control order: 32 (a) comes into force in New South Wales on the day on which 33 the respondent is served personally with a copy of the 34 order, and 35 (b) remains in force in New South Wales until one of the 36 following occurs: 37 Page 14 Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Amendment Bill 2012 Amendment of Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2012 No 9 Schedule 1 (i) the registration of the order expires in accordance 1 with section 27R, 2 (ii) the registration of the order is cancelled under this 3 Part. 4 27U Effect of registration of interstate control order 5 A registered interstate control order that has come into force 6 under section 27T operates in New South Wales as if it were a 7 control order made under Part 3 but the provisions of Part 3 (other 8 than Division 3) do not apply in relation to the registered 9 interstate control order. 10 27V Variation or revocation of interstate control order in jurisdiction 11 where originally made 12 (1) If an interstate control order is varied by a court in the jurisdiction 13 in which it was made: 14 (a) the variations to the order may be registered under this Part 15 in the same way as the interstate control order is registered, 16 whether the variations were made before or after 17 registration of the interstate control order, and 18 (b) the provisions of this Part apply accordingly with all 19 necessary modifications. 20 (2) Subsection (3) applies to a registered interstate control order if: 21 (a) the order is revoked by a court in the jurisdiction in which 22 the order was made, and 23 (b) the registrar receives notice of that revocation from an 24 officer of that court or from the Commissioner. 25 (3) On receiving notice of the revocation, the registrar must: 26 (a) cancel the registration of the order without delay, and the 27 cancellation takes effect immediately, and 28 (b) give the Commissioner written notice of that cancellation. 29 (4) As soon as practicable after receiving notice of the cancellation 30 of the registration of an interstate control order, the 31 Commissioner must serve a copy of the notice personally on the 32 respondent. 33 27W Cancellation of registration of interstate control order by Court 34 (1) The Court may, on application by the respondent, cancel the 35 registration of an interstate control order if satisfied that the 36 control order should not have been registered in accordance with 37 section 27O. 38 Page 15 Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Amendment Bill 2012 Schedule 1 Amendment of Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2012 No 9 (2) The Commissioner is a party to the application. 1 (3) If the registration of an interstate control order is cancelled under 2 this section, the interstate control order ceases to have effect in 3 New South Wales and the respondent is taken not to have 4 committed any offence under Division 3 of Part 3 as a controlled 5 member. 6 (4) Nothing in this section authorises the Court to reconsider the 7 merits of the interstate control order. 8 27X Cancellation of registration of interstate control order at request of 9 Commissioner 10 (1) The Commissioner may, at any time while an interstate control 11 order is registered under this Part, apply to the registrar to cancel 12 the registration of the order. 13 (2) On receiving an application under this section, the registrar must: 14 (a) cancel the registration of the order without delay, and the 15 cancellation takes effect immediately, and 16 (b) give the Commissioner written notice of the cancellation. 17 (3) As soon as practicable after receiving notice of the cancellation 18 of the registration of an interstate control order, the 19 Commissioner must serve a copy of the notice of cancellation 20 personally on the respondent. 21 27Y Registration of interstate control order cancelled automatically in 22 certain circumstances 23 The registration of an interstate control order under this Part is 24 immediately cancelled if: 25 (a) the person to whom the order relates becomes subject to a 26 control order or interim control order under Part 3, or 27 (b) the order was made in reliance on the person to whom it 28 relates: 29 (i) being a member of a particular organisation that is 30 subject to an interstate declaration that is no longer 31 in force, or 32 (ii) associating with a member of a particular 33 organisation that is subject to an interstate 34 declaration that is no longer in force. 35 Page 16 Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Amendment Bill 2012 Amendment of Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2012 No 9 Schedule 1 [18] Section 34 Immunity from liability 1 Insert at the end of the section: 2 (2) An Australian legal practitioner representing a person who is 3 entitled to make submissions at the hearing of an application 4 under Part 2 has the same protection and immunity as a barrister 5 (within the meaning of the Legal Profession Act 2004) has in 6 appearing for a party in proceedings in the Supreme Court. 7 [19] Section 36 Proceedings for offences 8 Omit the note to the section. Insert instead: 9 Note. Offences under section 26 (1A) or (1B) or 26A remain indictable 10 offences. Chapter 5 of the Criminal Procedure Act 1986 requires those 11 offences to be dealt with summarily unless the prosecutor or defendant 12 elects to have them dealt with on indictment. 13 Page 17
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