New South Wales Bills

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                        New South Wales

Criminal Organisations Legislation
Amendment Bill 2009


           1   Name of Act                                              2
           2   Commencement                                             2
  Schedule 1   Amendment of Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control)
               Act 2009 No 6                                            3
  Schedule 2   Amendment of Law Enforcement (Powers and
               Responsibilities) Act 2002 No 103 (as amended by Act
               2009, No 8)                                              6
  Schedule 3   Amendment of other Acts                                 12
I certify that this public bill, which originated in the Legislative Assembly, has
finally passed the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of New
South Wales.

                                                 Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
                                                 Legislative Assembly,
                                                 Sydney,                     , 2009

                             New South Wales

Criminal Organisations Legislation
Amendment Bill 2009
Act No      , 2009

An Act to amend the Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2009 to make
further provision with respect to the control of criminal organisations and to amend
various other Acts with respect to associates of such organisations; to amend the Law
Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 to make further provision with
respect to search powers; and for other purposes.

I have examined this bill and find it to correspond in all respects with the bill as
finally passed by both Houses.

                                   Assistant Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.
Clause 1         Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:
 1    Name of Act
               This Act is the Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment
               Act 2009.
 2    Commencement
         (1)   This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act, except as
               provided by subsection (2).
         (2)   Schedule 2 commences on a day or days to be appointed by

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Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Amendment of Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2009 No 6       Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendment of Crimes (Criminal
                       Organisations Control) Act 2009 No 6
[1]   Section 16A
      Insert after section 16:
      16A    Service of notice of interim control order
             (1)    If notice of an interim control order cannot practicably be served
                    on the person to whom it relates in accordance with section
                    16 (1), the Court may, by order, direct that:
                     (a) service of the notice of the order be postponed for a period
                           (not exceeding 28 days) after the period within which it is
                           required to be served under that subsection as specified by
                           the Court, or
                    (b) instead of personal service, such steps be taken as are
                           specified by the Court in the order for the purpose of
                           bringing the interim control order to the attention of the
             (2)    The Court must not make an order under subsection (1) unless it
                    is satisfied that the Commissioner has taken all reasonable steps
                    possible to personally serve the person within the period and as
                    required by section 16.
             (3)    An order of the Court under subsection (1) (b) may direct that the
                    notice of the interim control order be taken to have been served
                    on the person to whom it relates on the happening of a specified
                    event or on the expiry of a specified time.
             (4)    If the Court is satisfied that steps specified in an order under
                    subsection (1) (b) have not (despite the best endeavours of the
                    Commissioner) brought an interim control order to the attention
                    of the person to whom it relates, the Court may specify that the
                    notice of the interim control order be published in the Gazette, a
                    daily newspaper circulating generally in the State or by some
                    other form of public notification.
             (5)    Service in accordance with an order of the Court under this
                    section is taken to constitute personal service for the purposes of
                    sections 15 and 16 (1).

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                    Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Schedule 1          Amendment of Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2009 No 6

[2]   Section 26A
      Insert after section 26:
      26A     Recruiting persons to become member of declared organisation
              (1)      A controlled member of a declared organisation who recruits
                       another person to become a member of the organisation is guilty
                       of an offence.
                       Maximum penalty: Imprisonment for 5 years.
              (2)      In this section:
                       recruit includes counsel, procure, solicit, incite or induce.
[3]   Section 30 Criminal organisations register
      Omit "until after the last day on which the person to whom the order relates
      may appeal against the making of the order" from section 30 (3).
      Insert instead "before the expiration of the period of 28 days after the control
      order is made".
[4]   Section 30 (3)
      Insert "before the expiration of that period" after "does appeal".
[5]   Section 30 (3A)
      Insert after section 30 (3):
             (3A)      Information published on the register is to be removed from the
                       register if leave is sought after the 28-day period and is not to be
                       restored to the register unless leave is refused or, if leave is
                       allowed, the appeal is determined or withdrawn.
                       Note. Leave may be given outside the 28-day period under section 24.

[6]   Section 30A
      Insert after section 30:
      30A     Provision of information relating to criminal organisations
              (1)      In this section:
                       authorisation includes the licensing, registration, approval,
                       certification or any other form of authorisation of a person
                       required by or under legislation for the carrying on of an
                       occupation or activity.
                       occupation means an occupation, trade, profession or calling of
                       any kind that may only be carried on by a person holding an

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Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Amendment of Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2009 No 6       Schedule 1

                    regulatory authority means the person or body having the
                    function conferred by legislation of authorising persons in
                    connection with the carrying on of an occupation or activity.
                    regulatory legislation means the legislation requiring the
                    authorisation of persons in connection with the carrying on of an
                    occupation or activity.
             (2)    A regulatory authority and the Commissioner may enter into
                    arrangements for the supply to the regulatory authority of
                    information that is contained in the records of the NSW Police
                    Force and concerns:
                     (a) any organisation that is a declared organisation, and
                    (b) any controlled member of that organisation who is an
                           applicant for, or holder of, an authorisation under the
                           regulatory legislation, and
                     (c) any person who is an applicant for, or holder of, an
                           authorisation under the regulatory legislation and who is a
                           member, or associates with any member, of that
                    and that is reasonably necessary for the proper exercise of any
                    function of the regulatory authority relating to authorisations and
                    disciplinary proceedings under the regulatory legislation.
             (3)    Those arrangements are sufficient authority for the supply of that
             (4)    The regulatory authority is to take steps to maintain the
                    confidentiality of any information provided by the Commissioner
                    under subsection (2) that is criminal intelligence and must not
                    disclose the information to any person unless authorised to do so
                    by the Commissioner.
             (5)    Nothing in this section limits or affects any other power or duty
                    conferred or imposed on the Commissioner or the regulatory
                    authority under the regulatory legislation.

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                 Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Schedule 2       Amendment of Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002
                 No 103 (as amended by Act 2009, No 8)

Schedule 2              Amendment of Law Enforcement
                        (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002
                        No 103 (as amended by Act 2009, No 8)
[1]    Section 3 Interpretation
       Insert in alphabetical order in section 3 (1):
                     criminal organisation search warrant means a search warrant
                     issued under Division 2 of Part 5 in relation to an organised crime
[2]    Section 46 Interpretation
       Insert at the end of paragraph (b) of the definition of eligible applicant in
       section 46 (1):
                          , or
                     (c) if it is a criminal organisation search warrant--a police
                          officer authorised to apply for such a warrant under
                          section 46D.
[3]    Section 46 (1), definition of "eligible issuing officer"
       Insert "or a criminal organisation search warrant" after "covert search
       warrant" wherever occurring in paragraphs (a) and (b).
[4]    Section 46 (1)
       Insert in alphabetical order:
                     organised criminal activity--see section 46AA.
[5]    Section 46AA
       Insert before section 46A:
      46AA   Organised criminal activity
              (1)   In this Part:
                    organised criminal activity means any activity that:
                     (a) is carried out on an organised basis, and
                    (b) is carried out to advance any one or more of the following
                            (i) obtaining material benefits from conduct
                                  constituting a serious indictable offence,
                           (ii) obtaining material benefits from conduct engaged in
                                  outside New South Wales (including outside

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Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Amendment of Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002       Schedule 2
No 103 (as amended by Act 2009, No 8)

                                   Australia) that, if it occurred in New South Wales,
                                   would constitute a serious indictable offence,
                          (iii) committing serious violence offences,
                          (iv) engaging in conduct outside New South Wales
                                   (including outside Australia) that, if it occurred in
                                   New South Wales, would constitute a serious
                                   violence offence.
                    serious violence offence means an offence punishable by
                    imprisonment for life or for a term of 10 years or more, where the
                    conduct constituting the offence involves:
                     (a) loss of a person's life or serious risk of loss of a person's
                           life, or
                    (b) serious injury to a person or serious risk of serious injury
                           to a person, or
                     (c) serious damage to property in circumstances endangering
                           the safety of any person, or
                    (d) perverting the course of justice (within the meaning of
                           Part 7 of the Crimes Act 1900) in relation to any conduct
                           that, if proved, would constitute a serious violence offence
                           as referred to in paragraph (a), (b) or (c).
             (2)    For the purposes of this section, an activity is carried out on an
                    organised basis if it is planned, organised, structured or
                    otherwise carried out in such a manner as to indicate that the
                    activity is carried out on more than one occasion and involves
                    more than one participant.
[6]   Section 46A Searchable offences
      Insert at the end of section 46A (1) (b):
                           , and
                     (c) if the warrant is a criminal organisation search warrant--
                           means an organised crime offence.
[7]   Section 46A (2)
      Insert in alphabetical order:
                    organised crime offence means any serious indictable offence
                    arising from, or occurring as a result of, organised criminal

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                    Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Schedule 2          Amendment of Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002
                    No 103 (as amended by Act 2009, No 8)

 [8]   Section 46D
       Insert after section 46C:
       46D    Authority to apply for criminal organisation search warrant
              (1)      An application for a criminal organisation search warrant may be
                       made by a police officer authorised to make the application by a
                       police officer holding the rank of Superintendent or above.
              (2)      An authorisation to apply for a criminal organisation search
                       warrant in respect of a searchable offence may be given in
                       accordance with this section if the person giving the authorisation
                       suspects on reasonable grounds that there is, or within 7 days
                       there will be, in or on the premises a thing of a kind connected
                       with the searchable offence.
 [9]   Section 47 Power to apply for search warrants
       Insert "(other than a criminal organisation search warrant)" after "search
       warrant" in section 47 (1).
[10]   Section 47 (3A)
       Insert after section 47 (3):
             (3A)      An eligible applicant may apply to an eligible issuing officer for
                       a criminal organisation search warrant in respect of premises if
                       the eligible applicant has reasonable grounds to suspect that there
                       is, or within 7 days there will be, in or on the premises a thing
                       connected with a searchable offence in relation to the warrant.
[11]   Section 62 Information in, and consideration of, application for warrant
       Insert after section 62 (2):
             (2A)      In addition, an eligible issuing officer must not issue a criminal
                       organisation search warrant unless the application for the warrant
                       includes the following information:
                        (a) the name of the following persons:
                              (i) the occupier (if known) of those premises,
                             (ii) any person believed to have committed, or to be
                                    intending to commit, the searchable offence in
                                    respect of which the application is made,
                       (b) whether the occupier is believed to be knowingly
                             concerned with the commission of the searchable offence.

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Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Amendment of Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002      Schedule 2
No 103 (as amended by Act 2009, No 8)

[12]   Section 73 Expiry of warrant
       Insert after section 73 (2A):
            (2B)    The time so specified for a criminal organisation search warrant
                    is the date that is 7 days after the date on which the warrant is
[13]   Section 73 (3)
       Insert "or a criminal organisation search warrant" after "covert search
[14]   Section 73 (5)
       Omit "or a covert search warrant".
       Insert instead ", a covert search warrant or a criminal organisation search
[15]   Section 73 (7)
       Insert after section 73 (6):
              (7)   If no time of expiry is specified in a criminal organisation search
                    warrant, the warrant expires 7 days after issue.
[16]   Section 73A Extension of warrant
       Insert ", a criminal organisation search warrant" after "covert search warrant"
       in section 73A (1).
[17]   Section 242 Monitoring of operation of certain provisions of Act by
       Omit "under this section" from section 242 (3).
       Insert instead "under subsection (1)".
[18]   Section 242 (3A)-(3C)
       Insert after section 242 (3):
            (3A)    The Ombudsman must inspect the records of the NSW Police
                    Force under Part 5 in relation to criminal organisation search
                    warrants every 2 years after the commencement of this
                    subsection for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not the
                    requirements of that Part (in so far as they relate to criminal
                    organisation search warrants) are being complied with.
            (3B)    For that purpose, the Ombudsman may require the Commissioner
                    of Police to provide access to the relevant records.

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                    Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Schedule 2          Amendment of Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002
                    No 103 (as amended by Act 2009, No 8)

             (3C)      The Ombudsman must, as soon as practicable after the expiration
                       of each 2 years after the commencement of subsection (3A),
                       prepare a report of the Ombudsman's work and activities under
                       that subsection and furnish a copy of the report to the Attorney
                       General and the Minister for Police.
[19]   Section 242 (4)
       Insert "under subsection (3) or (3C)" after "copy of the report".
[20]   Section 242A Annual reports to be given to Attorney General and
       Minister for Police
       Insert after section 242A (1):
             (1A)      The Commissioner of Police must report annually on the exercise
                       of powers under Part 5 with respect to criminal organisation
                       search warrants by police officers.
[21]   Section 242A (3)
       Insert "under subsection (1)" after "report".
[22]   Section 242A (3A)
       Insert after section 242A (3):
             (3A)      The report under subsection (1A) is to specify the following
                       matters in relation to the year ended on that 30 June:
                       (a) the number of applications for criminal organisation
                             search warrants made under Part 5 and the number of those
                             applications granted,
                       (b) the number of applications for telephone criminal
                             organisation search warrants and the number of those
                             applications granted,
                       (c) the number of criminal organisation search warrants
                       (d) the number of criminal organisation search warrants under
                             which any things were seized,
                       (e) the number of criminal organisation search warrants under
                             which the powers referred to in sections 75A and 75B were
                        (f) the number of criminal organisation search warrants under
                             which any things were tested,
                       (g) the number of arrests made in connection with searchable
                             offences in respect of which criminal organisation search
                             warrants were executed and the number of those arrests

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Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Amendment of Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002     Schedule 2
No 103 (as amended by Act 2009, No 8)

                           that have led to the laying of charges in relation to the
                           searchable offences concerned,
                    (h)    the number of complaints that are made under any Act
                           about conduct relating to the execution of a criminal
                           organisation search warrant by an executing officer and the
                           number of those complaints that are, or have been, the
                           subject of an investigation under any Act,
                     (i)   any other matters requested by the Minister for Police or
                           the Attorney General.
[23]   Schedule 5 Savings, transitional and other provisions
       Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):
                     Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Act 2009

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                    Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Schedule 3          Amendment of other Acts

Schedule 3                Amendment of other Acts
3.1 Commercial Agents and Private Inquiry Agents Act 2004
    No 70
[1]   Section 4 Definitions
      Insert in alphabetical order in section 4 (1):
                    criminal intelligence means information classified by the
                    Commissioner as criminal intelligence within the meaning of the
                    Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2009.
[2]   Section 4 (1), definition of "disqualified individual"
      Insert "(whether because of subsection (2A) or otherwise)" after "fit and
      proper person" in paragraph (c).
[3]   Section 4 (1), definition of "disqualified individual"
      Insert at the end of paragraph (f):
                           , or
                     (g) an individual who is a controlled member of a declared
                           organisation within the meaning of the Crimes (Criminal
                           Organisations Control) Act 2009.
                              Note. Controlled members are prohibited from applying for
                              licences--see section 27 of the Crimes (Criminal Organisations
                              Control) Act 2009.

[4]   Section 4 (2A)
      Insert after section 4 (2):
             (2A)      For the purposes of paragraph (c) of the definition of disqualified
                       individual, an individual is not a fit and proper person to hold a
                       licence under this Act if the Commissioner has reasonable
                       grounds to believe from information held in relation to the
                        (a) that the individual is a member of, or regularly associates
                              with one or more members of, a declared organisation
                              within the meaning of the Crimes (Criminal Organisations
                              Control) Act 2009, and
                       (b) that the nature and circumstances of the individual's
                              relationship with the declared organisation or its members
                              are such that it could reasonably be inferred that improper
                              conduct that would further the criminal activities of the
                              declared organisation is likely to occur if the individual
                              were to hold or continue to hold a licence under this Act.

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Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Amendment of other Acts                                                        Schedule 3

[5]   Section 6 Application to master licences of Licensing and Registration
      (Uniform Procedures) Act 2002
      Insert at the end of the section:
                    Note. Section 7 (3) of this Act provides that the Commissioner is not,
                    under this or any other Act or law, required to give any reasons for not
                    granting a master licence if the giving of those reasons would disclose
                    any criminal intelligence. Accordingly, Part 2 of Chapter 5 of the
                    Administrative Decisions Tribunal Act 1997 does not apply to any
                    decision to refuse to grant a licence based on such information to the
                    extent that it would require disclosure of any criminal intelligence.

[6]   Section 7 Grounds for refusing master licence
      Insert after section 7 (2):
             (3)    The Commissioner is not, under this or any other Act or law,
                    required to give any reasons for refusing an application for a
                    master licence where the applicant is a disqualified individual
                    because of section 4 (2A) to the extent that the giving of those
                    reasons would disclose any criminal intelligence.
[7]   Section 10 Cancellation of master licence
      Insert after section 10 (2):
            (2A)    The Commissioner is not, under this or any other Act or law,
                    required to give any reasons for cancelling a master licence of a
                    licensee who is a disqualified individual because of section
                    4 (2A) to the extent that the giving of those reasons would
                    disclose any criminal intelligence.
[8]   Section 12 Application to operator licences of Licensing and
      Registration (Uniform Procedures) Act 2002
      Insert at the end of the section:
                    Note. Section 13 (3) of this Act provides that the Commissioner is not,
                    under this or any other Act or law, required to give any reasons for not
                    granting an operator licence if the giving of those reasons would disclose
                    any criminal intelligence. Accordingly, Part 2 of Chapter 5 of the
                    Administrative Decisions Tribunal Act 1997 does not apply to any
                    decision to refuse to grant a licence based on such information to the
                    extent that it would require disclosure of any criminal intelligence.

[9]   Section 13 Grounds for refusing operator licence
      Insert after section 13 (2):
             (3)    The Commissioner is not, under this or any other Act or law,
                    required to give any reasons for refusing an application for an
                    operator licence where the applicant is a disqualified individual
                    because of section 4 (2A) to the extent that the giving of those
                    reasons would disclose any criminal intelligence.

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                 Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Schedule 3          Amendment of other Acts

[10]   Section 17 Cancellation of operator licence
       Insert after section 17 (2):
             (2A)      The Commissioner is not, under this or any other Act or law,
                       required to give any reasons for cancelling an operator licence of
                       a licensee who is a disqualified individual because of section
                       4 (2A) to the extent that the giving of those reasons would
                       disclose any criminal intelligence.
[11]   Section 20 Commissioner's determinations reviewable by
       Administrative Decisions Tribunal
       Insert at the end of the section:
              (2)      In determining an application for a review of any decision to
                       refuse to grant or cancel a licence under this Act, the
                       Administrative Decisions Tribunal (and any Appeal Panel in
                       determining any appeal against such a review under the
                       Administrative Decisions Tribunal Act 1997):
                        (a) is to ensure that it does not, in the reasons for its decision
                             or otherwise, disclose any criminal intelligence without
                             the approval of the Commissioner, and
                       (b) in order to prevent the disclosure of any such criminal
                             intelligence, is to receive evidence and hear argument in
                             the absence of the public, the applicant for review, the
                             applicant's representative and any other interested party,
                             unless the Commissioner approves otherwise.
[12]   Schedule 4 Savings, transitional and other provisions
       Insert after clause 12:

       Part 3          Provisions consequent on enactment of
                       Criminal Organisations Legislation
                       Amendment Act 2009
       13     Grant and cancellation of licences
              (1)      In this clause:
                       amending Act means the Criminal Organisations Legislation
                       Amendment Act 2009.
              (2)      An application for a licence made, but not determined, before the
                       commencement of this clause is to be dealt with under this Act as
                       amended by the amending Act.

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Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Amendment of other Acts                                                    Schedule 3

             (3)    Sections 10 and 17, as amended by the amending Act, extend to
                    a licence in force immediately before the commencement of this

3.2 Criminal Procedure Act 1986 No 209
      Schedule 1 Indictable offences triable summarily
      Insert "or 26A" after "section 26" in the matter relating to the Crimes
      (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2009 in Part 4 of Table 1.

3.3 Liquor Act 2007 No 90
[1]   Section 4 Definitions
      Insert in alphabetical order in section 4 (1):
                    criminal intelligence means information classified by the
                    Commissioner of Police as criminal intelligence within the
                    meaning of the Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act
[2]   Section 40 Licence applications
      Insert at the end of section 40 (3) (b):
                           , or
                     (c) an individual who is a controlled member of a declared
                           organisation within the meaning of the Crimes (Criminal
                           Organisations Control) Act 2009.
                           Note. Controlled members are prohibited from applying for
                           licences--see section 27 of the Crimes (Criminal Organisations
                           Control) Act 2009.

[3]   Section 45 Decision of Authority in relation to licence application
      Insert after section 45 (4):
             (5)    Without limiting subsection (3) (a), a person is not a fit and
                    proper person to carry on the business or activity to which a
                    proposed licence relates if the Authority has reasonable grounds
                    to believe from information provided by the Commissioner of
                    Police in relation to the person:
                     (a)    that the person:
                            (i) is a member of, or
                           (ii) is a close associate of, or

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                    Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Schedule 3          Amendment of other Acts

                             (iii) regularly associates with one or more members of,
                              a declared organisation within the meaning of the Crimes
                              (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2009, and
                       (b)    that the nature and circumstances of the person's
                              relationship with the organisation or its members are such
                              that it could reasonably be inferred that improper conduct
                              that would further the criminal activities of the declared
                              organisation is likely to occur if the person is granted a
              (6)      The Authority is not, under this or any other Act or law, required
                       to give any reasons for not granting a licence because of
                       subsection (5) to the extent that the giving of those reasons would
                       disclose any criminal intelligence.
[4]   Section 68 Approval of persons to manage licensed premises
      Insert after section 68 (4):
             (4A)      Without limiting subsection (4) (a), a person is not a fit and
                       proper person to manage licensed premises if the Authority has
                       reasonable grounds to believe from information provided by the
                       Commissioner of Police in relation to the person:
                        (a) that the person:
                               (i) is a member of, or
                              (ii) is a close associate of, or
                             (iii) regularly associates with one or more members of,
                              a declared organisation within the meaning of the Crimes
                              (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2009, and
                       (b) that the nature and circumstances of the person's
                              relationship with the organisation or its members are such
                              that it could reasonably be inferred that improper conduct
                              that would further the criminal activities of the declared
                              organisation is likely to occur if the person is granted an
             (4B)      The Authority is not, under this or any other Act or law, required
                       to give any reasons for not granting an approval because of
                       subsection (4A) to the extent that the giving of those reasons
                       would disclose any criminal intelligence.
[5]   Section 139 Grounds for making complaint
      Omit section 139 (3) (i). Insert instead:
                   (i) that the licensee is not a fit and proper person to be the
                         holder of a licence (whether for the same reason as that set

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Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Amendment of other Acts                                                 Schedule 3

                           out in section 45 (5) or otherwise) or the manager is not a
                           fit and proper person to be the manager of the licensed
                           premises (whether for the same reason as that set out in
                           section 68 (4A) or otherwise),
[6]   Section 140 Procedure for taking disciplinary action
      Insert after section 140 (5):
             (6)    Subsection (1) does not require the Authority to disclose any
                    criminal intelligence.
[7]   Section 141 Disciplinary powers of Authority
      Insert after section 141 (1):
            (1A)    If the Authority is satisfied that the criminal organisation
                    associate ground applies in relation to a licensee, the Authority
                    must do one or both of the following:
                     (a) disqualify the licensee from holding a licence for such
                          period as the Authority thinks fit,
                    (b) cancel the licence.
            (1B)    If the Authority is satisfied that the criminal organisation
                    associate ground applies in relation to a manager, the Authority
                    must do one or both of the following:
                     (a) disqualify the manager from being the manager of licensed
                          premises for such period as the Authority thinks fit,
                    (b) withdraw the manager's approval to manage licensed
[8]   Section 141 (2)
      Insert "(other than a criminal organisation associate ground)" after "grounds".
[9]   Section 141 (8)
      Insert after section 141 (7):
             (8)    In this section:
                    criminal organisation associate ground means:
                     (a) in relation to a licensee--that the licensee is not a fit and
                           proper person to be the holder of a licence for the same
                           reason as that set out in section 45 (5), or
                    (b) in relation to a manager--that the manager is not a fit and
                           proper person to be the manager of the licensed premises
                           for the same reason as that set out in section 68 (4A).

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                    Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Schedule 3          Amendment of other Acts

[10]   Section 142 Procedure for implementing disciplinary action
       Insert after section 142 (2):
             (2A)      Subsection (2) does not require the Authority to disclose any
                       criminal intelligence.
[11]   Section 144 Review by ADT of decisions by Authority under this Part
       Insert after section 144 (3):
              (4)      In determining an application for a review of any decision by the
                       Authority under section 141 (1A) or (1B), the Administrative
                       Decisions Tribunal (and any Appeal Panel in determining any
                       appeal against such a review under the Administrative Decisions
                       Tribunal Act 1997):
                        (a) is to ensure that it does not, in the reasons for its decision
                              or otherwise, disclose any criminal intelligence without
                              the approval of the Commissioner of Police, and
                       (b) in order to prevent the disclosure of any criminal
                              intelligence, is to receive evidence and hear argument in
                              the absence of the public, the applicant for review, the
                              applicant's representative and any other interested party,
                              unless the Commissioner of Police approves otherwise.
[12]   Schedule 1 Savings and transitional provisions
       Insert after clause 26:

       Part 3          Provisions consequent on enactment of
                       Criminal Organisations Legislation
                       Amendment Act 2009
       27     Grant and cancellation of licences and approvals to manage
              licensed premises
              (1)      In this clause:
                       amending Act means the Criminal Organisations Legislation
                       Amendment Act 2009.
              (2)      An application for a licence or approval to manage licensed
                       premises made, but not determined, before the commencement of
                       this clause is to be dealt with under this Act as amended by the
                       amending Act.
              (3)      Sections 139 and 141, as amended by the amending Act, extend
                       to a licence or approval to manage licensed premises in force
                       immediately before the commencement of this clause.

Page 18
Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Amendment of other Acts                                                    Schedule 3

3.4 Motor Dealers Act 1974 No 52
[1]   Section 4 Definitions
      Insert in alphabetical order in section 4 (1):
                    criminal intelligence means information classified by the
                    Commissioner of Police as criminal intelligence within the
                    meaning of the Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act
[2]   Section 12 Grounds on which application to be granted or refused
      Insert after section 12 (2) (f):
                    (f1) the applicant is a controlled member of a declared
                           organisation within the meaning of the Crimes (Criminal
                           Organisations Control) Act 2009,
                           Note. Controlled members are prohibited from applying for
                           licences--see section 27 of the Crimes (Criminal Organisations
                           Control) Act 2009.

[3]   Section 12 (3A)
      Insert after section 12 (3):
            (3A)    Without affecting the generality of subsection (2) (g), a person is
                    not a fit and proper person to be the holder of a licence if the
                    Director-General has reasonable grounds to believe from
                    information provided by the Commissioner of Police in relation
                    to the person that:
                     (a) the person is a member of, or regularly associates with one
                           or more members of, a declared organisation within the
                           meaning of the Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control)
                           Act 2009, and
                    (b) the nature and circumstances of the person's relationship
                           with the organisation or its members are such that it could
                           reasonably be inferred that improper conduct that would
                           further the criminal activities of the declared organisation
                           is likely to occur if the person is granted a licence.
[4]   Section 12 (7A)
      Insert after section 12 (7):
            (7A)    The Director-General is not, under subsection (7), Part 2 of the
                    applied Act (within the meaning of section 10) or any other Act
                    or law, required to give any reasons for refusing an application
                    for a licence because of subsection (3A) to the extent that the
                    giving of those reasons would disclose any criminal intelligence.

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                 Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Schedule 3           Amendment of other Acts

[5]   Section 20D Notices to show cause
      Insert ", (3A)" after "section 12 (2)" in section 20D (1) (f).
[6]   Section 20D (4)
      Insert after section 20D (3):
               (4)      Subsection (1) does not require the Director-General to disclose
                        any criminal intelligence in a notice served on the holder of a
                        licence because of the matter referred to in section 12 (3A).
[7]   Section 20E Determination of disciplinary measures by the
      Insert after section 20E (1B):
              (1C)      Despite subsection (1), the Director-General must cancel the
                        licence concerned if satisfied that the matter referred to in section
                        12 (3A) has been established.
[8]   Section 20F Reviews by the Administrative Decisions Tribunal
      Insert after section 20F (2):
               (3)      In determining an application for a review of any decision to
                        refuse to grant a licence because of section 12 (3A) or to cancel a
                        licence because of section 20E (1C), the Administrative
                        Decisions Tribunal (and any Appeal Panel in determining any
                        appeal against such a review under the Administrative Decisions
                        Tribunal Act 1997):
                         (a) is to ensure that it does not, in the reasons for its decision
                               or otherwise, disclose any criminal intelligence, and
                        (b) in order to prevent the disclosure of any criminal
                               intelligence, is to receive evidence and hear argument in
                               the absence of the public, the applicant for review and the
                               applicant's representative and any other interested party,
                        unless the Commissioner of Police approves otherwise.
[9]   Schedule 2 Savings and transitional provisions
      Insert after clause 5:
          6    Grant and cancellation of licences
               (1)      In this clause:
                        amending Act means the Criminal Organisations Legislation
                        Amendment Act 2009.

Page 20
Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Amendment of other Acts                                                    Schedule 3

             (2)    An application for a licence made, but not determined, before the
                    commencement of this clause is to be dealt with under this Act as
                    amended by the amending Act.
             (3)    Sections 20D and 20E, as amended by the amending Act, extend
                    to a licence in force immediately before the commencement of
                    this clause.

3.5 Motor Vehicle Repairs Act 1980 No 71
[1]   Section 4 Definitions
      Insert in alphabetical order in section 4 (1):
                    criminal intelligence means information classified by the
                    Commissioner of Police as criminal intelligence within the
                    meaning of the Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act
[2]   Section 18 Refusal of application for licence
      Insert at the end of section 18 (1) (j):
                           , or
                     (k) the applicant is a controlled member of a declared
                           organisation within the meaning of the Crimes (Criminal
                           Organisations Control) Act 2009.
                           Note. Controlled members are prohibited from applying for
                           licences--see section 27 of the Crimes (Criminal Organisations
                           Control) Act 2009.

[3]   Section 18 (2A) and (2B)
      Insert after section 18 (2):
            (2A)    Without affecting the generality of subsection (1) (i), an applicant
                    is not a fit and proper person to be the holder of a licence if the
                    Authority has reasonable grounds to believe from information
                    provided by the Commissioner of Police in relation to the
                    applicant that:
                     (a) the applicant is a member of, or regularly associates with
                           one or more members of, a declared organisation within
                           the meaning of the Crimes (Criminal Organisations
                           Control) Act 2009, and
                    (b) the nature and circumstances of the applicant's
                           relationship with the organisation or its members are such
                           that it could reasonably be inferred that improper conduct
                           that would further the criminal activities of the declared

                                                                               Page 21
                    Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Schedule 3          Amendment of other Acts

                              organisation is likely to occur if the applicant is granted a
             (2B)      The Authority is not, under this or any other Act or law, required
                       to give any reasons for refusing an application for a licence
                       because of subsection (2A) to the extent that the giving of those
                       reasons would disclose any criminal intelligence.
[4]   Section 24 Grant of tradesperson's certificate
      Insert after section 24 (3):
              (4)      Without affecting the generality of subsection (3) (a), an
                       individual is not a fit person to be the holder of a tradesperson's
                       certificate if the Authority has reasonable grounds to believe
                       from information provided by the Commissioner of Police in
                       relation to the individual that:
                        (a) the individual is a member of, or regularly associates with
                              one or more members of, a declared organisation within
                              the meaning of the Crimes (Criminal Organisations
                              Control) Act 2009, and
                       (b) the nature and circumstances of the individual's
                              relationship with the organisation or its members are such
                              that it could reasonably be inferred that improper conduct
                              that would further the criminal activities of the declared
                              organisation is likely to occur if the individual is granted a
              (5)      The Authority is not, under this or any other Act or law, required
                       to give any reasons for not granting a certificate because of
                       subsection (4) to the extent that the giving of those reasons would
                       disclose any criminal intelligence.
[5]   Section 41 Show cause notices
      Insert after section 41 (2):
             (2A)      Subsection (2) does not require the Authority to disclose any
                       criminal intelligence in a notice served on the holder of a licence
                       or certificate because of the matter referred to in section 42 (1)
                       (na) or 43 (fa).
[6]   Section 42 Grounds on which a licence holder may be dealt with under
      this Part
      Insert after section 42 (1) (n):
                    (na) that the holder is not a fit and proper person to continue to
                           hold a licence for the same reason as that set out in section
                           18 (2A) in relation to the grant of a licence,

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Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Amendment of other Acts                                                    Schedule 3

 [7]   Section 43 Grounds on which a certificate holder may be dealt with
       under this Part
       Insert after section 43 (f):
                     (fa) that the holder is not a fit person to continue to hold a
                            certificate for the same reason as that set out in section 24
                            (4) in relation to the grant of a certificate,
 [8]   Section 44 Determination of disciplinary measures by Authority
       Insert after section 44 (3):
            (3A)    Despite subsection (1), the Authority must cancel the licence or
                    certificate concerned if satisfied that the matter referred to in
                    section 42 (1) (na) or 43 (fa), respectively, has been established.
 [9]   Section 45 Reviews by Administrative Decisions Tribunal
       Insert after section 45 (1):
            (1A)    In determining an application for a review of any decision to
                    refuse to grant a licence or certificate on the grounds referred to
                    in section 18 (2A) or 24 (4) or cancel such a licence or certificate
                    under section 44, the Administrative Decisions Tribunal (and any
                    Appeal Panel in determining any appeal against such a review
                    under the Administrative Decisions Tribunal Act 1997):
                     (a) is to ensure that it does not, in the reasons for its decision
                           or otherwise, disclose any criminal intelligence, and
                    (b) in order to prevent the disclosure of any criminal
                           intelligence, is to receive evidence and hear argument in
                           the absence of the public, the applicant for review and the
                           applicant's representative and any other interested party,
                    unless the Commissioner of Police approves otherwise.
[10]   Schedule 5 Savings and transitional provisions
       Insert after clause 14:

       Part 6       Provisions consequent on enactment of
                    Criminal Organisations Legislation
                    Amendment Act 2009
       15    Grant and cancellation of licences and certificates
              (1)   In this clause:
                    amending Act means the Criminal Organisations Legislation
                    Amendment Act 2009.

                                                                               Page 23
                    Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Schedule 3          Amendment of other Acts

              (2)      An application for a licence or certificate made, but not
                       determined, before the commencement of this clause is to be
                       dealt with under this Act as amended by the amending Act.
              (3)      Sections 42, 43 and 44, as amended by the amending Act, extend
                       to a licence or certificate in force immediately before the
                       commencement of this clause.

3.6 Pawnbrokers and Second-hand Dealers Act 1996 No 13
[1]   Section 3 Definitions
      Insert in alphabetical order in section 3 (1):
                    criminal intelligence means information classified by the
                    Commissioner of Police as criminal intelligence within the
                    meaning of the Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act
[2]   Section 8 Eligibility for licence
      Insert at the end of section 8 (1) (c):
                           , and
                     (d) he or she is not a controlled member of a declared
                           organisation within the meaning of the Crimes (Criminal
                           Organisations Control) Act 2009.
                              Note. Controlled members are prohibited from applying for
                              licences--see section 27 of the Crimes (Criminal Organisations
                              Control) Act 2009.

[3]   Section 8A Disqualified persons
      Omit "subsection (2) or (3)" from section 8A (1) (a).
      Insert instead "subsection (2), (2A) or (3)".
[4]   Section 8A (2A)
      Insert after section 8A (2):
             (2A)      An individual is disqualified from holding a licence if the
                       Director-General has reasonable grounds to believe from
                       information provided by the Commissioner of Police in relation
                       to the individual that:
                        (a) the individual is a member of, or regularly associates with
                              one or more members of, a declared organisation within
                              the meaning of the Crimes (Criminal Organisations
                              Control) Act 2009, and

Page 24
Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Amendment of other Acts                                                  Schedule 3

                    (b)    the nature and circumstances of the individual's
                           relationship with the organisation or its members are such
                           that it could reasonably be inferred that improper conduct
                           that would further the criminal activities of the declared
                           organisation is likely to occur if the individual is not
                           disqualified from holding a licence.
[5]   Section 9 Application to licences of Licensing and Registration (Uniform
      Procedures) Act 2002
      Insert after section 9 (4):
             (5)    Nothing in Part 2 of the applied Act requires the Director-General
                    to give any reasons for refusing an application for a licence
                    because of section 8A (2A) to the extent that the giving of those
                    reasons would disclose any criminal intelligence.
[6]   Section 36 Disciplinary action by Director-General
      Insert after section 36 (1):
            (1A)    Despite subsection (1), the Director-General must revoke the
                    licence if satisfied that the licensee has become a disqualified
                    person because of section 8A (2A).
[7]   Section 39 Reviews of decisions of Director-General
      Insert after section 39 (1A):
            (1B)    In determining an application for review of any decision of the
                    Director-General to refuse to grant a licence to a person because
                    the person is disqualified under section 8A (2A) or revoking a
                    licence because the person has become disqualified under section
                    36 (1A), the Administrative Decisions Tribunal (and any Appeal
                    Panel in determining any appeal against such a review under the
                    Administrative Decisions Tribunal Act 1997):
                     (a) is to ensure that it does not, in the reasons for its decision
                          or otherwise, disclose any criminal intelligence, and
                    (b) in order to prevent the disclosure of any criminal
                          intelligence, is to receive evidence and hear argument in
                          the absence of the public, the applicant for review and the
                          applicant's representative and any other interested party,
                    unless the Commissioner of Police approves otherwise.

                                                                             Page 25
                Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Schedule 3         Amendment of other Acts

[8]   Schedule 2 Savings and transitional provisions
      Insert after clause 21:

      Part 5          Provisions consequent on enactment of
                      Criminal Organisations Legislation
                      Amendment Act 2009
      22     Grant and cancellation of licences
             (1)      In this clause:
                      amending Act means the Criminal Organisations Legislation
                      Amendment Act 2009.
             (2)      An application for a licence made, but not determined, before the
                      commencement of this clause is to be dealt with under this Act as
                      amended by the amending Act.
             (3)      Section 36, as amended by the amending Act, extends to a licence
                      in force immediately before the commencement of this clause.

3.7 Surveillance Devices Act 2007 No 64
      Section 4 Definitions
      Insert after paragraph (o) of the definition of relevant proceeding in
      section 4 (1):
                     (p) any proceeding in respect of a declaration under Part 2, or
                         a control order under Division 1 or 2 of Part 3, of the
                         Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2009.

3.8 Tow Truck Industry Act 1998 No 111
[1]   Section 3 Definitions
      Insert in alphabetical order in section 3 (1):
                    criminal intelligence means information classified by the
                    Commissioner of Police as criminal intelligence within the
                    meaning of the Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act

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Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Amendment of other Acts                                                    Schedule 3

[2]   Section 18 Restrictions on granting licence
      Insert after section 18 (2) (c):
                     (d) that the applicant is a controlled member of a declared
                           organisation within the meaning of the Crimes (Criminal
                           Organisations Control) Act 2009,
                           Note. Controlled members are prohibited from applying for
                           licences--see section 27 of the Crimes (Criminal Organisations
                           Control) Act 2009.
                    (e)     that the RTA has reasonable grounds to believe from
                            information provided by the Commissioner of Police in
                            relation to the applicant that the applicant:
                             (i) is a member of, or
                            (ii) is a close associate of, or
                           (iii) regularly associates with, one or more members of,
                            a declared organisation within the meaning of the Crimes
                            (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2009, and the nature
                            and circumstances of the applicant's relationship with the
                            organisation or its members are such that it could
                            reasonably be inferred that improper conduct that would
                            further the criminal activities of the declared organisation
                            is likely to occur if the applicant is granted a licence.
[3]   Section 18 (6)
      Insert after section 18 (5):
             (6)    The RTA is not, under this or any other Act or law, required to
                    give any reasons for refusing to grant an application for a licence
                    because of subsection (2) (e) to the extent that the giving of those
                    reasons would disclose any criminal intelligence.
[4]   Section 26 Restrictions on granting drivers certificate
      Insert after section 26 (2) (d):
                     (e) that the applicant is a controlled member of a declared
                           organisation within the meaning of the Crimes (Criminal
                           Organisations Control) Act 2009,
                           Note. Controlled members are prohibited from applying for
                           drivers certificates--see section 27 of the Crimes (Criminal
                           Organisations Control) Act 2009.
                     (f)   that the RTA has reasonable grounds to believe from
                           information provided by the Commissioner of Police in
                           relation to the applicant that the applicant:
                            (i) is a member of, or

                                                                               Page 27
                    Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Schedule 3          Amendment of other Acts

                              (ii) is a close associate of, or
                             (iii) regularly associates with, one or more members of,
                              a declared organisation within the meaning of the Crimes
                              (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2009, and the nature
                              and circumstances of the applicant's relationship with the
                              organisation or its members are such that it could
                              reasonably be inferred that improper conduct that would
                              further the criminal activities of the declared organisation
                              is likely to occur if the applicant is granted a drivers
[5]   Section 26 (3A)
      Insert after section 26 (3):
             (3A)      The RTA is not, under this or any other Act or law, required to
                       give any reasons for refusing to grant an application for a drivers
                       certificate because of subsection (2) (f) to the extent that the
                       giving of those reasons would disclose any criminal intelligence.
[6]   Section 41 Disciplinary action
      Insert after section 41 (2):
             (2A)      Despite subsection (2), the RTA must cancel a licence or drivers
                       certificate if disciplinary action is taken on the grounds referred
                       to in section 42 (2).
[7]   Section 42 Grounds for taking disciplinary action
      Insert at the end of the section:
              (2)      The RTA must take disciplinary action under this Division
                       against a licensee or certified driver if the RTA has reasonable
                       grounds to believe from information held in relation to the
                       licensee or certified driver:
                        (a) that the licensee or certified driver is a member of, a close
                              associate of, or regularly associates with one or more
                              members of, a declared organisation within the meaning of
                              the Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2009,
                       (b) that the nature and circumstances of the licensee's or
                              certified driver's relationship with the organisation or its
                              members are such that it could reasonably be inferred that
                              improper conduct that furthers the criminal activities of the
                              declared organisation is occurring or is likely to occur if
                              the licensee or certified driver continues to hold the licence
                              or drivers certificate, respectively.

Page 28
Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Amendment of other Acts                                                    Schedule 3

 [8]   Section 43 Procedure for implementing disciplinary action
       Insert after section 43 (2):
            (2A)    The RTA is not, under this or any other Act or law, required to
                    give any reasons for cancelling a licence or drivers certificate
                    under section 41 (2A) to the extent that the giving of those
                    reasons would disclose any criminal intelligence.
 [9]   Section 45 Application to Administrative Decisions Tribunal for review
       Insert after section 45 (1):
            (1A)    In determining an application for a review of a decision to refuse
                    to grant an application for a licence or a drivers certificate on the
                    grounds referred to in section 18 (2) (e) or 26 (2) (f), respectively,
                    or to cancel a licence or drivers certificate under section 41 (2A),
                    the Administrative Decisions Tribunal (and any Appeal Panel in
                    determining any appeal against such a review under the
                    Administrative Decisions Tribunal Act 1997):
                     (a) is to ensure that it does not, in the reasons for its decision
                           or otherwise, disclose any criminal intelligence, and
                    (b) in order to prevent the disclosure of any criminal
                           intelligence, is to receive evidence and hear argument in
                           the absence of the public, the applicant for review and the
                           applicant's representative and of any other interested
                    unless the Commissioner of Police approves otherwise.
[10]   Schedule 2 Savings and transitional provisions
       Insert after clause 20:

       Part 6       Provisions consequent on enactment of
                    Criminal Organisations Legislation
                    Amendment Act 2009
       21    Grant and cancellation of licences and drivers certificates
              (1)   In this clause:
                    amending Act means the Criminal Organisations Legislation
                    Amendment Act 2009.
              (2)   An application for a licence or drivers certificate made, but not
                    determined, before the commencement of this clause is to be
                    dealt with under this Act as amended by the amending Act.

                                                                                Page 29
               Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

Schedule 3         Amendment of other Acts

             (3)      Sections 41 and 42, as amended by the amending Act, extend to
                      a licence or drivers certificate in force immediately before the
                      commencement of this clause.

Page 30


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