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                                New South Wales

Crimes (Administration of Sentences)
Amendment Bill 2008


                   1   Name of Act                                                  2
                   2   Commencement                                                 2
                   3   Amendment of Crimes (Administration of Sentences)
                       Act 1999 No 93                                               2
              4        Amendment of other Acts                                      2
              5        Repeal of Act                                                2
     Schedule 1        Amendment of Crimes (Administration of Sentences)
                       Act 1999                                                     3
     Schedule 2        Amendment of other Acts                                     13

                               New South Wales

Crimes (Administration of Sentences)
Amendment Bill 2008
No      , 2008

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999 and certain
other Acts to make further provision for the establishment, control and management
of correctional centres and other residential facilities for offenders, the detention of
offenders and the administration of sentences.
Clause 1          Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Bill 2008

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                                1

 1    Name of Act                                                                         2

               This Act is the Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment             3
               Act 2008.                                                                  4

 2    Commencement                                                                        5

               This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.       6

 3    Amendment of Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999 No 93                    7

               The Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999 is amended as set        8
               out in Schedule 1.                                                         9

 4    Amendment of other Acts                                                            10

               The Acts specified in Schedule 2 are amended as set out in that           11
               Schedule.                                                                 12

 5    Repeal of Act                                                                      13

         (1)   This Act is repealed on the day following the day on which all of the     14
               provisions of this Act have commenced.                                    15

         (2)   The repeal of this Act does not, because of the operation of section 30   16
               of the Interpretation Act 1987, affect any amendment made by this Act.    17

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Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Bill 2008

Amendment of Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999                Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendment of Crimes (Administration                                  1
                       of Sentences) Act 1999                                               2

                                                                             (Section 3)    3

[1]   Section 3 Interpretation                                                              4

      Omit "or (c1)" from the definition of convicted inmate in section 3 (1).              5

      Insert instead ", (c1), (d1) or (d2)".                                                6

[2]   Section 3 (1)                                                                         7

      Insert in alphabetical order:                                                         8
                    residential facility means any premises declared to be a                9
                    residential facility by a proclamation in force under section 236L.    10

[3]   Section 4 Application of Part                                                        11

      Insert after section 4 (1) (d1):                                                     12
                   (d2) any person who is the subject of a warrant under section           13
                           170 (1) (a) of the Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 of the     14
                           Commonwealth by which an authorised officer under that          15
                           Act has committed the person to a correctional centre           16
                           pursuant to a punishment of imprisonment imposed under          17
                           that Act, and                                                   18
                   (d3) any person who is a detainee within the meaning of the             19
                           Migration Act 1958 of the Commonwealth and who is held          20
                           in a correctional centre as referred to in paragraph (b) (ii)   21
                           of the definition of immigration detention in section 5 of      22
                           that Act, and                                                   23

[4]   Section 4 (3)                                                                        24

      Omit "or (c1)". Insert instead ", (c1), (d1) or (d2)".                               25

[5]   Section 6 Work performed by inmates                                                  26

      Omit section 6 (2). Insert instead:                                                  27

             (2)    The general manager may direct a convicted inmate, or such             28
                    classes or groups of convicted inmates as the Commissioner may         29
                    from time to time determine, to carry out community service            30
                    work, or any work for the Department or a public or local              31
                    authority:                                                             32
                     (a) within the correctional centre in which the inmate is             33
                          imprisoned, or                                                   34

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                 Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Bill 2008

Schedule 1       Amendment of Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999

                    (b)    within the correctional complex in which the inmate is           1
                           imprisoned but outside the correctional centre, or               2
                    (c)    outside the correctional complex in which the inmate is          3
                           imprisoned.                                                      4

 [6]   Section 75 Confiscation of property                                                  5

       Insert "destroyed or otherwise" after "to be" in section 75 (2).                     6

 [7]   Section 76A Inmates' money                                                           7

       Insert "(other than money that it is unlawful for the inmate to acquire or retain    8
       possession of while in custody)" after "behalf" in section 76A (1) (c).              9

 [8]   Section 79 Regulations                                                              10

       Insert "(including money)" after "property" in section 79 (h).                      11

 [9]   Section 79 (h2) and (h3)                                                            12

       Omit section 79 (h2). Insert instead:                                               13
                  (h2) the seizure, forfeiture and destruction or other disposal of        14
                          any property (including money):                                  15
                           (i) brought into a correctional centre or correctional          16
                                 complex by any person in contravention of this Act,       17
                                 the regulations or any other law, or                      18
                          (ii) found within, sent to or delivered to a correctional        19
                                 centre or correctional complex and that it is             20
                                 unlawful for an inmate to acquire or retain               21
                                 possession of under this Act, the regulations or any      22
                                 other law,                                                23
                  (h3) the seizure, forfeiture and destruction or other disposal of        24
                          any drug, or any thing reasonably suspected of being a           25
                          drug:                                                            26
                           (i) in the possession of an inmate, or                          27
                          (ii) in the possession of any other person in a                  28
                                 correctional centre or correctional complex, or           29
                         (iii) found within a correctional centre or correctional          30
                                 complex, or                                               31
                         (iv) sent to or delivered to a correctional centre or             32
                                 correctional complex,                                     33

[10]   Section 110 Duration of community service order                                     34

       Insert after section 110 (a):                                                       35
                      (b) until the expiry of the relevant maximum period, or              36

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Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Bill 2008

Amendment of Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999              Schedule 1

[11]   Section 110 (2)                                                                    1
       Insert at the end of section 110:                                                  2

              (2)   This section is subject to section 114.                               3

[12]   Section 114 Extension of period of community service order                         4

       Insert after section 114 (1):                                                      5

              (2)   Such an application may be made even if the relevant maximum          6
                    period for the community service order has expired.                   7

[13]   Section 114 (4)                                                                    8

       Insert after section 114 (3):                                                      9

              (4)   If an application to the Local Court for an extension of the         10
                    relevant maximum period is made:                                     11
                     (a) by the offender's assigned officer, or by the offender with     12
                           the written consent of the offender's assigned officer, and   13
                    (b) before the expiry of the relevant maximum period,                14
                    the community service order is taken to remain in force, even if     15
                    the relevant maximum period expires, until the application is        16
                    determined by the Local Court.                                       17

[14]   Section 115 Revocation of community service orders                                18

       Insert after section 115 (2A):                                                    19

            (2B)    For the purpose only of determining an application under this        20
                    section, a community service order is taken to be in force even if   21
                    the relevant maximum period has expired.                             22

[15]   Section 137A Consideration of parole in subsequent years                          23

       Omit "the anniversary of an offender's parole eligibility date" from section      24
       137A (1).                                                                         25

       Insert instead "an offender's annual review date".                                26

[16]   Section 137A (1A)                                                                 27

       Insert after section 137A (1):                                                    28

            (1A)    For the purposes of this section, an offender's annual review        29
                    date occurs on each anniversary of the offender's parole             30
                    eligibility date.                                                    31

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                    Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Bill 2008

Schedule 1          Amendment of Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999

[17]   Section 137A (2)                                                                  1
       Omit "the anniversary of the offender's parole eligibility date".                 2

       Insert instead "the offender's annual review date".                               3

[18]   Section 138 Release of offender on parole                                         4

       Insert after section 138 (1AA) (a):                                               5
                     (a1) if the order is made following an application by the           6
                            offender referred to in section 137A, and is made before     7
                            the offender's annual review date (within the meaning of     8
                            that section), a period beginning no earlier than the        9
                            offender's annual review date and ending no later than 35   10
                            days after that date, and                                   11

[19]   Section 143A Consideration of parole in subsequent years                         12

       Omit "the anniversary of a serious offender's parole eligibility date" from      13
       section 143A (1).                                                                14

       Insert instead "an offender's annual review date".                               15

[20]   Section 143A (1A)                                                                16

       Insert after section 143A (1):                                                   17

             (1A)      For the purposes of this section, an offender's annual review    18
                       date occurs on each anniversary of the offender's parole         19
                       eligibility date.                                                20

[21]   Section 143A (2)                                                                 21

       Omit "the anniversary of the offender's parole eligibility date".                22

       Insert instead "the offender's annual review date".                              23

[22]   Section 151 Release of serious offender on parole                                24

       Insert after section 151 (1) (a):                                                25
                     (a1) if the order is made following an application by the          26
                            offender referred to in section 143A, and is made before    27
                            the offender's annual review date (within the meaning of    28
                            that section), a period beginning no earlier than the       29
                            offender's annual review date and ending no later than 35   30
                            days after that date, and                                   31

[23]   Section 193A Access to documents held by Parole Authority                        32

       Insert ", or a victim's authorised agent," after "serious offender" in section   33
       193A (2).                                                                        34

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Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Bill 2008

Amendment of Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999                  Schedule 1

[24]    Section 193A (3) and (4)                                                               1
        Insert after section 193A (2):                                                         2

               (3)   In this section, authorised agent means a person who is                   3
                     authorised in writing by a victim and by the Commissioner to act          4
                     as agent for that victim.                                                 5

               (4)   A victim may revoke an authorisation under this section at any            6
                     time by notice in writing to the Commissioner.                            7

[25]    Section 197 Functions of Review Council                                                8

        Omit section 197 (3).                                                                  9

[26]    Section 197A                                                                          10

        Insert after section 197:                                                             11

       197A   Review Council constituted by Chairperson alone in certain                      12
              circumstances                                                                   13

               (1)   The regulations may require any of the Review Council's                  14
                     functions under Division 2 (Segregated and protective custody)           15
                     of Part 2, in relation to a specified class of inmate, to be exercised   16
                     by the Chairperson.                                                      17

               (2)   Accordingly, in such a case, the Review Council is taken to be           18
                     constituted by the Chairperson alone.                                    19

               (3)   Any functions of the Review Council under Division 2 of Part 2           20
                     that are not required by the regulations to be exercised by the          21
                     Chairperson may be delegated by the Review Council to the                22
                     Chairperson or a judicial member nominated by the Chairperson.           23

[27]    Section 232 Commissioner                                                              24

        Omit "and periodic detention centres" from section 232 (1) (a).                       25

        Insert instead ", periodic detention centres and residential facilities".             26

[28]    Section 236E Definitions                                                              27

        Insert in alphabetical order in section 236E (1):                                     28
                      steroid means anabolic and androgenic steroidal agents included         29
                      in Schedule 4 of the Poisons List under the Poisons and                 30
                      Therapeutic Goods Act 1966.                                             31

[29]    Section 236F Testing of staff for alcohol, prohibited drugs and steroids              32

        Insert "or steroids" after "drugs" wherever occurring in section 236F (1) (b)         33
        and (3) (b).                                                                          34

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                  Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Bill 2008

Schedule 1           Amendment of Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999

[30]    Section 236H Protection from liability                                                  1
        Insert "or steroid" after "drug" in section 236H (1).                                   2

[31]    Section 236I Regulations                                                                3

        Insert "or steroids" after "drugs" wherever occurring in section 236I (e), (g)          4
        and (k).                                                                                5

[32]    Part 11, Division 7                                                                     6

        Insert after Division 6:                                                                7

        Division 7            Residential facilities                                            8

       236L   Residential facilities                                                            9

               (1)      The Governor may, by proclamation, declare any premises                10
                        specified or described in the proclamation to be a residential         11
                        facility for the purposes of this Act.                                 12

               (2)      The Governor may, by the proclamation by which any premises            13
                        are declared to be a residential facility or by a subsequent           14
                        proclamation, give a name to the residential facility.                 15

               (3)      The Governor may, by proclamation, vary or revoke any                  16
                        proclamation under this section.                                       17

       236M   Accommodation of offenders in residential facilities                             18

               (1)      The Commissioner may approve the use of a residential facility         19
                        for any of the following purposes:                                     20
                         (a) accommodating inmates (or an approved class of inmates)           21
                              prior to release from custody,                                   22
                        (b) accommodating other persons who are the subject of                 23
                              non-custodial orders (referred to as non-custodial               24
                              residents).                                                      25

               (2)      Part 2, and the regulations relating to that Part, apply to a          26
                        residential facility in the same way as they apply to a correctional   27
                        centre, subject to this section and any modifications prescribed       28
                        by the regulations.                                                    29

               (3)      For the purposes of the application of Part 2 to a residential         30
                        facility:                                                              31
                         (a) a reference in that Part to an inmate includes an inmate          32
                               residing in a residential facility, but does not include a      33
                               non-custodial resident, and                                     34

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Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Bill 2008

Amendment of Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999                Schedule 1

                    (b)   a reference in that Part to the general manager of a              1
                          correctional centre is taken to be a reference to the             2
                          manager of the residential facility, and                          3
                    (c)   the functions of a Visiting Magistrate under that Part with       4
                          respect to a residential facility may be exercised by any         5
                          Visiting Magistrate appointed under section 227.                  6

             (4)    The regulations may provide for the application to residential          7
                    facilities of other provisions of this Act that apply in respect of     8
                    correctional centres.                                                   9

             (5)    In this section, a non-custodial order means an order under            10
                    Division 3 of Part 2 of the Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act          11
                    1999 or a parole order.                                                12

    236N     Managers of residential facilities                                            13

             (1)    A manager of each residential facility is to be employed under         14
                    Chapter 1A of the Public Sector Employment and Management              15
                    Act 2002.                                                              16

             (2)    The manager of a residential facility:                                 17
                    (a) has the care, direction, control and management of the             18
                         residential facility, and                                         19
                    (b) has all other functions conferred or imposed on the                20
                         manager by or under this or any other Act or law.                 21

             (3)    In the exercise of the functions referred to in subsection (2) (a)     22
                    and (b), the manager is subject to the direction and control of the    23
                    Commissioner.                                                          24

             (4)    The manager of a residential facility may delegate to any person       25
                    any of the manager's functions, other than this power of               26
                    delegation and other than any function delegated to the manager        27
                    by the Commissioner.                                                   28

    236O     Residential facility officers                                                 29

             (1)    The Commissioner may appoint any member of staff of the                30
                    Department to supervise persons residing at a residential facility     31
                    or to exercise other functions in relation to a residential facility   32
                    (referred to as a residential facility officer).                       33

             (2)    The functions of residential facility officers are to be as            34
                    determined from time to time by the Commissioner.                      35

             (3)    Those functions may include functions of a correctional officer.       36

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                 Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Bill 2008

Schedule 1          Amendment of Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999

              (4)      To the extent that the functions of a residential facility officer      1
                       include the functions of a correctional officer, the residential        2
                       facility officer has all the immunities of a correctional officer.      3

              (5)      A residential facility officer may exercise a function of a             4
                       correctional officer only in respect of the residential facility        5
                       where the residential facility officer is employed.                     6

              (6)      Residential facility officers must at all times exercise their          7
                       functions in such manner as the Commissioner, having regard to          8
                       current circumstances, may from time to time direct.                    9

              (7)      A residential facility officer may be appointed as a compliance        10
                       and monitoring officer under section 235G in relation to any           11
                       offenders (within the meaning of that section) who are residing in     12
                       the residential facility.                                              13

[33]   Section 252 Places where persons in custody may be kept during                         14
       transfer                                                                               15

       Insert at the end of the section:                                                      16

              (2)      If a person being transferred is under the age of 18 years, the        17
                       person may also be accommodated in a detention centre (within          18
                       the meaning of the Children (Detention Centres) Act 1987) if it is     19
                       necessary or convenient to do so.                                      20

              (3)      A person detained in a detention centre under this section is taken    21
                       to be a detainee (within the meaning of the Children (Detention        22
                       Centres) Act 1987), as if the person were a person on remand, for      23
                       the period during which the person is detained in a detention          24
                       centre under this section.                                             25

[34]   Section 260 Evidentiary certificates                                                   26

       Insert ", or in the custody of the manager of a residential facility" after            27
       "periodic detention centre" in section 260 (a).                                        28

[35]   Section 261 Address of warrant                                                         29

       Insert after section 261 (5):                                                          30

              (6)      This section applies in respect of a residential facility and a        31
                       manager of a residential facility in the same way as it applies to a   32
                       correctional centre and a general manager of a correctional            33
                       centre.                                                                34

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Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Bill 2008

Amendment of Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999              Schedule 1

[36]   Schedule 1 Parole Authority                                                        1
       Omit "3 years" from clause 4.                                                      2

       Insert instead "a period (not exceeding 3 years) specified in the member's         3
       instrument of appointment".                                                        4

[37]   Schedule 1, clause 14                                                              5

       Omit "4" wherever occurring in clause 14 (1) and (2). Insert instead "2".          6

[38]   Schedule 5 Savings, transitional and other provisions                              7

       Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                 8
                     Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Act 2008              9

[39]   Schedule 5                                                                        10

       Insert with appropriate Part and clause numbering at the end of the Schedule:     11

       Part         Provisions consequent on enactment of                                12
                    Crimes (Administration of Sentences)                                 13
                    Amendment Act 2008                                                   14

              Definition                                                                 15

                    In this Part, amending Act means the Crimes (Administration of       16
                    Sentences) Amendment Act 2008.                                       17

              Community service orders                                                   18

                    An amendment made to Subdivision 1 or 3 of Division 1 of Part 5      19
                    of this Act by the amending Act extends to a community service       20
                    order made before the commencement of the amendment but              21
                    does not extend to an application for an extension of the relevant   22
                    maximum period made before the commencement of the                   23
                    amendment.                                                           24

              Parole orders                                                              25

                    An amendment made to Subdivision 2 or 3 of Division 2 of             26
                    Part 6 of this Act by the amending Act applies only to an order      27
                    made by the Parole Authority on or after the commencement of         28
                    the amendment.                                                       29

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               Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Bill 2008

Schedule 1     Amendment of Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999

             Term of office for appointed members of Parole Authority                 1
                  An appointed member who was appointed before, and who held          2
                  office immediately before, the commencement of the amendment        3
                  made to clause 4 of Schedule 1 by the amending Act, is taken to     4
                  have been appointed for a period of 3 years from the date of the    5
                  member's original appointment (or most recent re-appointment,       6
                  if applicable).                                                     7

             Delegation of Review Council functions                                   8

                  Any delegation made under section 197 (3) that was in force         9
                  immediately before the repeal of that subsection by the amending   10
                  Act, is taken, on that repeal, to be a delegation made under       11
                  section 197A (3), as inserted by the amending Act.                 12

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Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Bill 2008

Amendment of other Acts                                                     Schedule 2

Schedule 2             Amendment of other Acts                                                 1

                                                                                (Section 4)    2

2.1 Children (Detention Centres) Act 1987 No 57                                                3

[1]   Section 9A Certain persons not to be detained in detention centres                       4

      Insert "or order" after "arrest warrant" in section 9A (2).                              5

[2]   Section 9A (2) (d)                                                                       6

      Omit "his or her arrest". Insert instead "a warrant issued".                             7

[3]   Section 9A (2) (f) and (g)                                                               8

      Insert at the end of section 9A (2) (e):                                                 9
                           , or                                                               10
                      (f) a warrant issued under section 172A (1) (b), 180 (1) (b) or         11
                           181 (1) (a) of the Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act        12
                           1999, or                                                           13
                     (g) an order or warrant issued under section 38.                         14

[4]   Section 29 Application of Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999                 15
      to detainees                                                                            16

      Insert at the end of the section:                                                       17

             (2)    If a detainee who is being detained as a result of the revocation or      18
                    suspension of a parole order by the Children's Court is                   19
                    transferred to a correctional centre, this section (subsection            20
                    (1) (a) excluded) continues to apply in relation to the parole order      21
                    as if the transferred detainee were still a detainee. Accordingly,        22
                    the Children's Court is to continue to exercise the functions of the      23
                    Parole Authority under Division 4 of Part 7 of the Crimes                 24
                    (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999 with respect to the                25
                    detainee's parole order.                                                  26

[5]   Section 38 Arrest of escapees etc                                                       27

      Insert after section 38 (6):                                                            28

             (7)    This section is subject to section 9A.                                    29
                    Note. Under section 9A, a person who is of or above the age of 18 years   30
                    who is arrested under this section is not to be detained in a detention   31
                    centre. Part 13 of the Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999      32
                    provides that such a person may be detained in a correctional centre.     33

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                Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Bill 2008

Schedule 2      Amendment of other Acts

2.2 Summary Offences Act 1988 No 25                                                    1

      Section 27A Definitions                                                          2

      Omit "or periodic detention centre" from the definition of place of detention.   3

      Insert instead ", periodic detention centre or residential facility".            4

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