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                                     New South Wales

City of Sydney Amendment (Elections)
Bill 2014

Explanatory note
This explanatory note relates to this Bill as introduced into Parliament.

Overview of Bill
The objects of this Bill are:
(a) to require the general manager of the Council of the City of Sydney (the general manager)
      to keep and maintain a register of all persons entitled to be enrolled (including persons who
      may be taken to be entitled to be enrolled) on the roll of non-resident owners of rateable
      land or the roll of occupiers and ratepaying lessees (the non-residential rolls) under the City
      of Sydney Act 1988 (the CoS Act), and
(b) to revise and update provisions relating to entitlement to enrolment on those non-residential
      rolls, and
(c) to provide for the general manager to automatically enrol persons onto those non-residential
      rolls, and
(d) to provide that if a corporation is the owner, ratepaying lessee or occupier of rateable land
      in the City of Sydney, the corporation may nominate 2 natural persons to be enrolled as
      electors instead of the corporation, and
(e) to provide that if a corporation fails to make such a nomination at least 28 days before the
      closing date for an election, the first 2 company secretaries or directors of the corporation
      (taken alphabetically) are to be deemed to have been so nominated and are to be enrolled as
      electors instead of the corporation, and
(f)   to provide that no more than 2 owners, 2 ratepaying lessees or 2 occupiers are entitled to be
      enrolled as electors in respect of any one parcel of rateable land, and

City of Sydney Amendment (Elections) Bill 2014 [NSW]
Explanatory note

(g)   to provide that if it appears to the general manager that there are more than 2 owners,
      2 ratepaying lessees or 2 occupiers of any one parcel of rateable land, the general manager
      is to enrol:
      (i)    2 of those owners, ratepaying lessees or occupiers in accordance with a written
             nomination signed by the majority of those owners, ratepaying lessees or occupiers
             submitted to the general manager at least 28 days before the closing date for an
             election, or
      (ii) if no such nomination is made, the first 2 persons from a list of those owners,
             ratepaying lessees or occupiers (taken alphabetically), and
(h)   to provide that regulations made under the Local Government Act 1993 may apply one or
      more of the provisions of Part 3 (Elections) of the CoS Act (with any specified
      modifications) to elections for such other local government areas as may be specified in
      those regulations.

Outline of provisions
Clause 1 sets out the name (also called the short title) of the proposed Act.
Clause 2 provides for the commencement of the proposed Act on a day or days to be appointed
by proclamation.

Schedule 1             Amendment of City of Sydney Act 1988 No 48
Non-residential roll electoral information register--object (a)
Schedule 1 [10] inserts proposed section 18D into the CoS Act to give effect to object (a) set out
in the Overview. The proposed section:
(a) requires the general manager to keep and maintain a register of all persons entitled to be
       enrolled (including persons who may be taken to be entitled to be enrolled) on the roll of
       non-resident owners of rateable land or the roll of occupiers and ratepaying lessees under
       the CoS Act, and
(b) sets out what information is to be included on that register, and
(c) allows the register to be kept in an electronic form, and
(d) requires the general manager to maintain and regularly revise the register to ensure that it
       is accurate, and
(e) requires the general manager to ensure that the register is not available for public
       inspection, and
(f)    empowers the general manager, or a member of staff of the Council of the City of Sydney
       who is authorised by the general manager, to require certain persons to answer questions
       regarding the enrolment of persons under the CoS Act and provides that a refusal or failure
       to answer such a question (or giving an answer to such a question that the person knows is
       false or misleading in a material particular) is an offence, and
(g) enables the general manager to request the assistance of the Electoral Commissioner, and
       requires the Electoral Commissioner to provide that assistance, in ascertaining certain
       information concerning a person who the general manager believes is entitled to be enrolled
       as an elector for the City of Sydney.

Entitlement to enrolment--object (b)
Schedule 1 [2] substitutes the definitions of ratepaying lessee and occupier in section 14 (1) of
the CoS Act to give effect to object (b) set out in the Overview. These provisions define which
persons are ratepaying lessees and occupiers for the purposes of enrolment under the CoS Act. The
substituted definitions remove the requirement that the person be liable to pay annual rent and

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City of Sydney Amendment (Elections) Bill 2014 [NSW]
Explanatory note

local government rates (in relation to a ratepaying lessee) or annual rent (in relation to an occupier)
of at least $5,000.
Schedule 1 [3] updates a reference in the definition of rateable land in section 14 (1) of the CoS
Act. The amendment makes it clear that rateable land does not include a utility lot within the
meaning of the Strata Schemes Management Act 1996, which is a lot designed to be used primarily
for storage or accommodation of boats, motor vehicles or goods and not for human occupation as
a residence, office, shop or the like.
Schedule 1 [5] substitutes section 14 (2) of the CoS Act to provide that a person is not an owner,
ratepaying lessee or occupier of rateable land, for the purposes of the enrolment provisions of that
Act, merely because the person owns, holds or occupies:
(a) a parcel of land designed, constructed or used solely or principally for the parking of no
        more than 2 motor vehicles, or
(b) a self-storage unit used for the storage of boats, motor vehicles or goods.
Schedule 1 [5] also removes the requirement that, in order to be enrolled, a ratepaying lessee or
occupier of rateable land must have his or her primary place of residence within New South Wales.
It is noted that section 15 (2) of the CoS Act provides that a person is not entitled to be enrolled
unless the person is entitled to vote at an election of members of the Legislative Assembly or an
election of members of the Commonwealth House of Representatives.

Automatic enrolment of persons on non-residential rolls--object (c)
Schedule 1 [10] inserts proposed sections 18A-18C into the CoS Act to give effect to object (c)
set out in the Overview.
Proposed section 18A (which is substituted for current section 18A) provides that not later than
the closing date for an election, the general manager is to prepare the following rolls for the
(a) the roll of non-resident owners of rateable land, being a roll of persons who are entitled to
       be enrolled as electors as owners of rateable land in the City of Sydney,
(b) the roll of occupiers and ratepaying lessees, being a roll of persons who are entitled to be
       enrolled as electors as ratepaying lessees or occupiers of rateable land in the City of Sydney.
An owner, ratepaying lessee or occupier is not required to make an application for enrolment to
be included on those rolls.
Proposed section 18B provides that, as soon as practicable after the closing date for an election for
the City of Sydney, the Electoral Commissioner is to review those rolls and notify the general
manager of any necessary corrections.
Proposed section 18C provides that as soon as practicable after correcting the roll of non-resident
owners of rateable land and the roll of occupiers and ratepaying lessees (if required), the general
manager is to confirm the rolls for the purpose of the election.
Schedule 1 [4] makes a consequential amendment.

Enrolment of nominee electors for corporations--objects (d) and (e)
Schedule 1 [8] inserts proposed sections 16AA-16AC into the CoS Act to give effect to
objects (d) and (e) set out in the Overview.
Proposed section 16AA provides that if a corporation is the owner, ratepaying lessee or occupier
of any rateable land, the corporation may submit a nomination in writing to the general manager
of the names of 2 natural persons to be enrolled as electors instead of the corporation.
The provision also provides that if the joint owners, ratepaying lessees or occupiers of any rateable
land consist of corporations or a combination of persons and corporations (of at least one person
and one corporation), the joint owners, ratepaying lessees or occupiers may submit a nomination
in writing to the general manager of the names of 2 natural persons to be enrolled as electors
instead of the joint owners, ratepaying lessees or occupiers.

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City of Sydney Amendment (Elections) Bill 2014 [NSW]
Explanatory note

Proposed section 16AB contains provisions regarding the making and revocation of those
nominations. A person may not be nominated under proposed section 16AA unless the person, at
the time of the nomination:
(a) is a director or company secretary of the corporation (or if the joint owners, ratepaying
        lessees or occupiers of any rateable land consist of a combination of corporations and
        natural persons, is a director or company secretary of the corporations or one of those
        natural persons), and
(b) has reached 18 years of age or will attain the age of 18 years on or before the date of the
        next ordinary election of councillors, and
(c) has consented in writing to be nominated, and
(d) is entitled to vote at an election of members of the Legislative Assembly or an election of
        members of the Commonwealth House of Representatives, and
(e) is not for any other reason already entitled to be enrolled as an elector for the City of
Proposed section 16AC provides that if a corporation is the sole owner, ratepaying lessee or
occupier of any rateable land in the City of Sydney and the general manager has not at least
28 days before the closing date for an election received a nomination in writing made by the
corporation of 2 natural persons who are to be enrolled as an elector instead of the corporation, the
first 2 of the following persons are taken to have been nominated by the corporation:
(a) the company secretaries (however styled) of the corporation (taken alphabetically),
(b) the directors (however styled) of the corporation (taken alphabetically).
(Proposed section 16AC (2) deals with the situation where a corporation validly nominates only
one person.)
Proposed section 16AC (4) provides that if a person is:
(a) otherwise entitled to be enrolled, or
(b) not entitled to vote at an election of members of the Legislative Assembly or an election of
        members of the Commonwealth House of Representatives,
that person is to be disregarded for the purposes of deeming a nomination under this proposed
The general manager must advise the corporation in writing of any person who has been enrolled
as a nominee of the corporation under this proposed section.
Schedule 1 [6] and [7] make consequential amendments.

Multiple owners, ratepaying lessees or occupiers--objects (f) and (g)
Schedule 1 [9] inserts proposed section 16B into the CoS Act to give effect to objects (f) and (g)
set out in the Overview.
Proposed section 16B provides that no more than 2 owners, 2 ratepaying lessees and 2 occupiers
are entitled to be enrolled as electors in respect of any one parcel of rateable land.
The proposed section provides that if there are more than 2 owners, ratepaying lessees or
occupiers of any one parcel of rateable land, the general manager is to enrol:
(a) 2 of those owners, ratepaying lessees or occupiers in accordance with a written nomination
       made by the majority of those owners, ratepaying lessees or occupiers, or
(b) if no such nomination is made--the first 2 persons from an alphabetical list of the names of
       the owners, ratepaying lessees or occupiers.
The proposed section also contains provisions dealing with the making and revocation of
Schedule 1 [5] also makes a consequential amendment by omitting current section 14 (1A)-(3) of
the CoS Act which dealt with multiple ratepaying lessees and occupiers by determining an elector

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City of Sydney Amendment (Elections) Bill 2014 [NSW]
Explanatory note

entitlement based on the amount of annual rent and local government rates (in relation to a
ratepaying lessees) or annual rent (in relation to occupiers) divided by $5,000.

Extension of provisions to other councils--object (h)
Schedule 1 [11] inserts proposed section 25 into the CoS Act to give effect to object (h) set out in
the Overview. The proposed section provides that regulations may be made under the Local
Government Act 1993 to apply one or more of the provisions of Part 3 (Elections) of the CoS Act,
and any regulations made under that Part, (with any specified modifications) to elections for such
other local government areas as may be specified in those regulations.

Schedule 1 [1], [12] and [14] provide a definition of general manager for the purposes of the CoS
Act and make consequential amendments.
Schedule 1 [10] also inserts proposed section 18E into the CoS Act to provide that the general
manager must, at least 90 days before the closing date for an election for the City of Sydney, send
enrolment letters to each person who the general manager believes is entitled to be enrolled (and
each corporation that the general manager believes, if it were a natural person, would be entitled
to be enrolled) under the CoS Act. The letters are required to contain information about the
election and the enrolment of the person (or nominees for the corporation) for the purposes of the
Schedule 1 [13] inserts provisions into section 58 (Regulations) of the CoS Act to enable
regulations to be made for or with respect to elections for the City of Sydney generally and, more
specifically, postal voting by electors enrolled on the non-residential rolls at those elections.

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Introduced by the Hon Robert Borsak, MLC                        First print

                                  New South Wales

City of Sydney Amendment (Elections)
Bill 2014

              1    Name of Act                                          2
              2    Commencement                                         2
     Schedule 1    Amendment of City of Sydney Act 1988 No 48           3

                                    New South Wales

City of Sydney Amendment (Elections)
Bill 2014

No     , 2014

A Bill for
An Act to amend the City of Sydney Act 1988 to make further provision in relation to elections for
the Council of the City of Sydney; and for other purposes.
City of Sydney Amendment (Elections) Bill 2014 [NSW]

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                          1

  1   Name of Act                                                                   2

             This Act is the City of Sydney Amendment (Elections) Act 2014.         3

  2   Commencement                                                                  4

             This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.   5

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City of Sydney Amendment (Elections) Bill 2014 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of City of Sydney Act 1988 No 48

Schedule 1             Amendment of City of Sydney Act 1988 No 48                                          1

[1]   Section 4 Definitions                                                                                2

      Insert in alphabetical order in section 4 (1):                                                       3
                    general manager means the general manager of the City Council.                         4

[2]   Section 14 Definitions                                                                               5

      Omit section 14 (1) (b) and (c). Insert instead:                                                     6
                   (b) ratepaying lessee means a person who has been continuously, during                  7
                         the period of 3 months preceding the relevant date, the lessee (whether           8
                         jointly or severally) of rateable land and who is liable, under a lease in        9
                         writing or other document of title relating to the land, to pay to any           10
                         person the whole or any part of any local government rates which may             11
                         be made or levied in respect of the land,                                        12
                   (c) occupier means a person who has a legally enforceable right (jointly or            13
                         severally, but not as owner or ratepaying lessee) to continuous                  14
                         occupation of rateable land, during the period of 3 months preceding the         15
                         relevant date,                                                                   16

[3]   Section 14 (1) (e)                                                                                  17

      Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:                                                                 18
                   (e) rateable land includes all land in the City of Sydney on which any rate            19
                        is leviable or levied under the Principal Act, but does not include a             20
                        utility lot within the meaning of the Strata Schemes Management                   21
                        Act 1996,                                                                         22
                           Note. Utility lot is defined in the Strata Schemes Management Act 1996 to be   23
                           a lot designed to be used primarily for storage or accommodation of boats,     24
                           motor vehicles or goods and not for human occupation as a residence, office,   25
                           shop or the like.                                                              26

[4]   Section 14 (1) (f) (i)                                                                              27

      Omit "the claim for enrolment". Insert instead "that determination".                                28

[5]   Section 14 (2)                                                                                      29

      Omit section 14 (1A)-(4). Insert instead:                                                           30

             (2)   Despite subsection (1), a person is not an owner, ratepaying lessee or occupier        31
                   of rateable land for the purposes of this Division merely because the person           32
                   owns, holds or occupies:                                                               33
                   (a) a parcel of land designed, constructed or used solely or principally for           34
                          the parking of no more than 2 motor vehicles, or                                35
                   (b) a self-storage unit used for the storage of boats, motor vehicles or goods.        36

[6]   Section 15 Right to be enrolled as an elector                                                       37

      Omit "the person nominated" from section 15 (2).                                                    38

      Insert instead "a person nominated or taken to have been nominated".                                39

[7]   Section 16 Provisions relating to right to be enrolled as an elector                                40

      Omit section 16 (1), (3) and (5).                                                                   41

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City of Sydney Amendment (Elections) Bill 2014 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of City of Sydney Act 1988 No 48

[8]    Sections 16AA-16AC                                                                                1
       Insert after section 16:                                                                          2

      16AA   Corporations                                                                                3

              (1)   If a corporation is the sole owner, ratepaying lessee or occupier of any rateable    4
                    land, the corporation may submit a nomination in writing to the general              5
                    manager of the names of 2 natural persons to be enrolled as electors instead of      6
                    the corporation.                                                                     7

              (2)   If the joint owners, ratepaying lessees or occupiers of any rateable land consist    8
                    of corporations or a combination of natural persons and corporations (of at          9
                    least one natural person and one corporation), the majority of the joint owners,    10
                    ratepaying lessees or occupiers may submit a nomination in writing to the           11
                    general manager of the names of 2 natural persons to be enrolled as electors        12
                    instead of the joint owners, ratepaying lessees or occupiers.                       13

              (3)   A corporation may make a nomination or be part of a majority of joint owners,       14
                    ratepaying lessees or occupiers making a nomination under this section only         15
                    once, regardless of how many parcels of rateable land it owns, leases or            16
                    occupies or jointly owns, leases or occupies.                                       17

              (4)   A natural person nominated under this section is entitled to be enrolled as an      18
                    elector on the relevant roll.                                                       19

      16AB   Nominations of electors by corporations                                                    20

              (1)   A person may not be nominated under section 16AA unless the person, at the          21
                    time of the nomination:                                                             22
                     (a) in relation to a nomination under section 16AA (1)--is a director or           23
                          company secretary (however styled) of the corporation, and                    24
                    (b) in relation to a nomination under section 16AA (2)--is a director or            25
                          company secretary (however styled) of the corporation (or any of the          26
                          corporations concerned) or is a joint owner, ratepaying lessee or             27
                          occupier of the rateable land (as relevant), and                              28
                     (c) has reached 18 years of age or will attain the age of 18 years on or before    29
                          the date of the next ordinary election of councillors, and                    30
                    (d) has consented in writing to be nominated, and                                   31
                     (e) is entitled to vote at an election of members of the Legislative Assembly      32
                          or an election of members of the Commonwealth House of                        33
                          Representatives, and                                                          34
                     (f) is not, for any other reason, already entitled to be enrolled as an elector    35
                          for the City of Sydney.                                                       36

              (2)   A nomination under section 16AA is revoked if:                                      37
                    (a) the person nominated:                                                           38
                           (i) in relation to a nomination under section 16AA (1)--ceases to be         39
                               a director or company secretary of the corporation, or                   40
                          (ii) in relation to a nomination under section 16AA (2)--ceases to be         41
                               a director or company secretary of the corporation (or any of the        42
                               corporations concerned) or a joint owner, ratepaying lessee or           43
                               occupier of the rateable land (as relevant), or                          44
                         (iii) dies, or                                                                 45

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City of Sydney Amendment (Elections) Bill 2014 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of City of Sydney Act 1988 No 48

                         (iv)   submits a notice of resignation to the general manager containing      1
                                the details required by the regulations (if any), or                   2
                         (v) for any other reason becomes entitled to be enrolled as an elector        3
                                for the City of Sydney, or                                             4
                   (b)   a notice of revocation is submitted by the corporation (or the majority       5
                         of the joint owners, ratepaying lessees or occupiers concerned) to the        6
                         general manager containing the details required by the regulations (if        7
                         any), or                                                                      8
                   (c)   the entitlement to be enrolled under section 16AA ceases to exist.            9

             (3)   If the general manager receives a nomination under section 16AA in respect         10
                   of any rateable land in respect of which 2 persons have already been               11
                   nominated and the corporation (or the joint owners, ratepaying lessees or          12
                   occupiers concerned):                                                              13
                    (a) nominates one natural person but does not revoke the nomination of            14
                          either of the 2 people previously nominated--the general manager must       15
                          refuse to accept the nomination, or                                         16
                   (b) nominates 2 natural persons--the nomination is taken to revoke all             17
                          previous nominations.                                                       18

             (4)   If the general manager refuses to accept a nomination under subsection (3) (a),    19
                   he or she must advise the corporation (or the joint owners, ratepaying lessees     20
                   or occupiers concerned) that submitted the nomination of that refusal and give     21
                   reasons for the refusal.                                                           22

   16AC     Deeming of nomination of electors on behalf of corporations                               23

             (1)   This section applies if a corporation is the sole owner, ratepaying lessee or      24
                   occupier of any rateable land in the City of Sydney and the general manager        25
                   has not received by the nomination cut-off date for an election a nomination in    26
                   writing under section 16AA made by the corporation of 2 natural persons who        27
                   are to be taken to be entitled to be enrolled as an elector instead of the         28
                   corporation.                                                                       29

             (2)   If the corporation has validly nominated one natural person by that nomination     30
                   cut-off date, the following person is taken to have been nominated by the          31
                   corporation under section 16AA as the second natural person who is to be           32
                   entitled to be enrolled as an elector instead of the corporation:                  33
                    (a) the company secretary (however styled) of the corporation or, if there is     34
                           more than one company secretary, the company secretary whose name          35
                           appears first in an alphabetical list of the names of the company          36
                           secretaries (however styled) of the corporation,                           37
                   (b) if the corporation's sole eligible company secretary is the validly            38
                           nominated person or no company secretary is entitled to be enrolled as     39
                           an elector--the director (however styled) of the corporation whose         40
                           name appears first in an alphabetical list of the names of the directors   41
                           (however styled) of the corporation.                                       42

             (3)   If the corporation has not validly nominated any natural persons by that           43
                   nomination cut-off date, the first 2 persons from a list comprised in the          44
                   following manner are taken to have been nominated by the corporation under         45
                   section 16AA:                                                                      46
                    (a) first, the name of the company secretary or the names of the company          47
                          secretaries (however styled) of the corporation listed in alphabetical      48
                          order,                                                                      49

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City of Sydney Amendment (Elections) Bill 2014 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of City of Sydney Act 1988 No 48

                    (b)   then, the names of the directors (however styled) of the corporation          1
                          listed in alphabetical order.                                                 2

             (4)   Despite subsections (2) and (3), if a person who is taken to have been               3
                   nominated by the corporation under one of those subsections is:                      4
                    (a) otherwise entitled to be enrolled under this Act, or                            5
                   (b) not entitled to vote at an election of members of the Legislative                6
                          Assembly or an election of members of the Commonwealth House of               7
                          Representatives,                                                              8
                   that person is to be disregarded for the purposes of the subsection.                 9

             (5)   Information that is available from the Australian Securities and Investments        10
                   Commission concerning the name, address and age of the persons specified in         11
                   subsections (2) and (3) may be collected and used for the purposes of this          12
                   section.                                                                            13

             (6)   The general manager must advise the corporation in writing of any person who        14
                   has been enrolled as a nominee of the corporation under this section.               15

             (7)   In any alphabetical list of names for the purposes of this section, surnames are    16
                   to be considered before given names.                                                17

             (8)   In this section, nomination cut-off date, for an election, means the date that is   18
                   28 days before the closing date for the election.                                   19

[9]   Section 16B                                                                                      20

      Insert after section 16A:                                                                        21

      16B   Entitlement to enrolment where more than 2 owners, ratepaying lessees or                   22
            occupiers--other than corporations                                                         23

             (1)   No more than 2 owners, 2 ratepaying lessees and 2 occupiers are entitled to be      24
                   enrolled as electors in respect of any one parcel of rateable land.                 25

             (2)   If it appears to the general manager that there are more than 2 owners,             26
                   2 ratepaying lessees or 2 occupiers of any one parcel of rateable land, the         27
                   general manager is to enrol:                                                        28
                    (a) 2 of those owners, ratepaying lessees or occupiers in accordance with a        29
                          written nomination made by the majority of those owners, ratepaying          30
                          lessees or occupiers submitted to the general manager before the             31
                          nomination cut-off date for an election, or                                  32
                   (b) if no such nomination is made before that date--the first 2 persons from        33
                          an alphabetical list of the names of the owners, ratepaying lessees or       34
                          occupiers (considering surname first, then given names).                     35

             (3)   A person may not be nominated under subsection (2) (a) unless the person:           36
                   (a) has reached 18 years of age or will attain the age of 18 years on or before     37
                         the date of the next ordinary election of councillors, and                    38
                   (b) has consented in writing to be nominated, and                                   39
                   (c) is entitled to vote at an election of members of the Legislative Assembly       40
                         or an election of members of the Commonwealth House of                        41
                         Representatives, and                                                          42
                   (d) is not, for any other reason, already entitled to be enrolled as an elector     43
                         for the City of Sydney.                                                       44

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City of Sydney Amendment (Elections) Bill 2014 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of City of Sydney Act 1988 No 48

             (4)   A nomination under subsection (2) (a) is revoked if:                                 1
                   (a) a person nominated:                                                              2
                          (i) dies, or                                                                  3
                         (ii) submits a notice of resignation to the general manager containing         4
                               the details required by the regulations (if any), or                     5
                        (iii) for any other reason becomes entitled to be enrolled as an elector        6
                               for the City of Sydney, or                                               7
                   (b) a notice of revocation made by the majority of the joint owners,                 8
                         ratepaying lessees or occupiers is submitted to the general manager            9
                         containing the details required by the regulations (if any), or               10
                   (c) the entitlement under section 15 ceases to exist.                               11

             (5)   If the general manager receives a nomination under subsection (2) (a) in            12
                   respect of any rateable land in respect of which 2 persons have already been        13
                   nominated and the nomination:                                                       14
                    (a) nominates one person but does not revoke the nomination of either of           15
                          the 2 people previously nominated--the general manager must refuse to        16
                          accept the nomination, or                                                    17
                   (b) nominates 2 persons--the nomination is taken to revoke all previous             18
                          nominations.                                                                 19

             (6)   If the general manager refuses to accept a nomination under subsection (5) (a),     20
                   he or she must advise the owners, ratepaying lessees or occupiers concerned         21
                   of that refusal and give reasons for the refusal.                                   22

             (7)   Despite subsection (2) (b), if a person referred to in that paragraph is:           23
                    (a) otherwise entitled to be enrolled under this Act, or                           24
                   (b) not entitled to vote at an election of members of the Legislative               25
                          Assembly or an election of members of the Commonwealth House of              26
                          Representatives,                                                             27
                   that person is to be disregarded for the purposes of that paragraph.                28

             (8)   In this section, nomination cut-off date, for an election, means the date that is   29
                   28 days before the closing date for the election.                                   30

             (9)   For the avoidance of doubt, subsections (2)-(8) do not apply in relation to         31
                   cases where the joint owners, ratepaying lessees or occupiers of rateable land      32
                   consist of corporations or a combination of natural persons and corporations        33
                   (of at least one natural person and one corporation).                               34
                   Note. See section 16AA (2) in relation to those cases.                              35

[10]   Sections 18A-18E                                                                                36

       Omit sections 18A-18C. Insert instead:                                                          37

       18A   General manager to prepare roll of non-resident owners and roll of occupiers              38
             and ratepaying lessees                                                                    39

             (1)   Not later than the closing date for an election, the general manager is to          40
                   prepare the following rolls for the election:                                       41
                   (a) the roll of non-resident owners of rateable land, being a roll of persons       42
                         who are entitled to be enrolled as electors as owners of rateable land in     43
                         the City of Sydney,                                                           44

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                   (b)   the roll of occupiers and ratepaying lessees, being a roll of persons           1
                         who are entitled to be enrolled as electors as ratepaying lessees or            2
                         occupiers of rateable land in the City of Sydney.                               3

             (2)   Sections 299 and 300 of the Principal Act do not apply to any election for the        4
                   City of Sydney.                                                                       5

             (3)   The general manager must ensure that the address of a person who is a silent          6
                   elector under a law of the State or of the Commonwealth is not entered on any         7
                   roll prepared under this section.                                                     8

     18B    Electoral Commissioner to verify non-residential rolls of electors                           9

             (1)   As soon as practicable after the closing date for an election for the City of        10
                   Sydney, the general manager must provide the Electoral Commissioner with             11
                   the roll of non-resident owners of rateable land and the roll of occupiers and       12
                   ratepaying lessees.                                                                  13

             (2)   The Electoral Commissioner is to review those rolls and is to notify the general     14
                   manager if any person on either of those rolls:                                      15
                   (a) will not be of or above the age of 18 years on the polling day of the            16
                         election, or                                                                   17
                   (b) is not entitled to vote at an election of members of the Legislative             18
                         Assembly or an election of members of the Commonwealth House of                19
                         Representatives, or                                                            20
                   (c) is a silent elector under a law of the State or of the Commonwealth, or          21
                   (d) does not reside at the address shown for the person on the roll                  22
                         concerned, but resides at another address, or                                  23
                   (e) without limiting paragraph (d), does not reside at the address shown for         24
                         the person on the roll concerned, but resides at an address in the City of     25
                         Sydney and, for that reason, is entitled to be enrolled as a resident of the   26
                         City of Sydney.                                                                27

             (3)   If the general manager receives such a notification from the Electoral               28
                   Commissioner, the general manager is to correct the roll:                            29
                    (a) in the case of a person who will not be of or above the age of 18 years         30
                         on the polling day of the election or who is not entitled to vote at an        31
                         election of members of the Legislative Assembly or an election of              32
                         members of the Commonwealth House of Representatives--by                       33
                         removing the name of the person, and                                           34
                   (b) in the case of a person who is a resident of the City of Sydney--by              35
                         removing the name of the person, and                                           36
                    (c) in the case of a person who is a silent elector--by removing the                37
                         residential address of the silent elector, and                                 38
                   (d) in the case of a person who does not reside at the address shown for the         39
                         person on the roll concerned, but resides at another address--by               40
                         replacing the incorrect residential address with the correct residential       41
                         address of the person.                                                         42

             (4)   For the avoidance of doubt, if the general manager removes the name of a             43
                   person under subsection (3) (a) or (b) that was recorded on a roll by operation      44
                   of section 16AC or 16B (2) (b), the general manager is not to insert the name        45
                   of any other person on that roll in that person's place.                             46

             (5)   The costs of the Electoral Commissioner with respect to the carrying out of          47
                   any function under this section are to be met by the City Council and are            48

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                   recoverable from the City Council as a debt. Any dispute as to the amount of          1
                   those costs is to be determined by the Chief Executive of the Office of Local         2
                   Government.                                                                           3

     18C    Confirmation of non-residential rolls of electors                                            4

             (1)   As soon as practicable after correcting the roll of non-resident owners of            5
                   rateable land and the roll of occupiers and ratepaying lessees under                  6
                   section 18B (3) (if required), the general manager is to confirm the rolls.           7

             (2)   References in section 301 of the Principal Act to the non-residential roll            8
                   prepared and confirmed under section 299 for the area and the roll of occupiers       9
                   and ratepaying lessees prepared and confirmed under section 300 for the area         10
                   are, in the operation of that section in respect of the City of Sydney, to be read   11
                   as references to, respectively, the roll of non-resident owners of rateable land     12
                   and the roll of occupiers and ratepaying lessees prepared and confirmed under        13
                   this Act.                                                                            14

             (3)   A roll prepared and confirmed under this Act lapses after the election for           15
                   which it is prepared and confirmed.                                                  16

     18D    Non-residential roll electoral information register                                         17

             (1)   The general manager is to keep and maintain records of the following in a            18
                   non-residential roll electoral information register (the Register):                  19
                   (a) persons entitled to be enrolled under section 15 (1) (a) and (b),                20
                   (b) persons nominated to be enrolled under section 16AA,                             21
                   (c) persons who may be taken to be entitled to be enrolled under                     22
                         section 16AC,                                                                  23
                   (d) persons entitled to be enrolled under section 16B.                               24

             (2)   The Register is to include:                                                          25
                   (a) the surname, given name or names, date of birth and sex of each such             26
                        person, and                                                                     27
                   (b) the residential address of the person, and                                       28
                   (c) whether the person is a silent elector under a law of the State or of the        29
                        Commonwealth, and                                                               30
                   (d) any other particulars that the general manager considers necessary to            31
                        carry out his or her functions under this Act, and                              32
                   (e) any other particulars of a kind as are prescribed by the regulations.            33

             (3)   The Register is to be kept in an electronic form.                                    34

             (4)   The general manager must maintain and regularly revise the Register to ensure        35
                   that it is accurate.                                                                 36

             (5)   The general manager must ensure that the Register is not available for public        37
                   inspection.                                                                          38

             (6)   The general manager, or a member of staff of the City Council who is                 39
                   authorised by the general manager, may require any of the following persons          40
                   to answer questions regarding the enrolment of persons under this Act:               41
                    (a) an owner of rateable land in the City of Sydney,                                42
                   (b) a ratepaying lessee or an occupier of rateable land in the City of Sydney,       43
                    (c) a person in charge of, or who is the agent for the owner of, rateable land      44
                         in the City of Sydney,                                                         45

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                   (d)    a resident of the City of Sydney.                                                1

             (7)   A person must not:                                                                      2
                   (a) without reasonable excuse, refuse or fail to answer such a question, or             3
                   (b) give an answer to such a question that the person knows is false or                 4
                         misleading in a material particular.                                              5
                   Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units.                                                      6

             (8)   The general manager may request the assistance of the Electoral                         7
                   Commissioner, and the Electoral Commissioner is to provide that assistance,             8
                   in ascertaining the following information concerning a person who the general           9
                   manager believes is entitled to be enrolled as an elector for the City of Sydney:      10
                    (a) the age of the person,                                                            11
                   (b) the residential address of the person,                                             12
                    (c) whether the person is entitled to vote at an election of members of the           13
                          Legislative Assembly or an election of members of the Commonwealth              14
                          House of Representatives,                                                       15
                   (d) whether the person is a silent elector under a law of the State or of the          16
                          Commonwealth,                                                                   17
                    (e) other information that the regulations may prescribe.                             18

     18E    Enrolment letters                                                                             19

             (1)   The general manager must, at least 90 days before the closing date for an              20
                   election for the City of Sydney, send enrolment letters in accordance with this        21
                   section.                                                                               22

             (2)   The general manager must send an enrolment letter addressed to each person             23
                   who the general manager believes is entitled to be enrolled on a                       24
                   non-residential roll stating the following:                                            25
                   (a) that an election for the City of Sydney is to be held,                             26
                   (b) the date the election is to be held,                                               27
                   (c) that, in the opinion of the general manager, the person the enrolment              28
                         letter is addressed to is entitled to be enrolled as an elector on the roll of   29
                         non-resident owners of rateable land or the roll of occupiers and                30
                         ratepaying lessees for the election,                                             31
                   (d) that the person will be enrolled on such a roll on the date prescribed for         32
                         the closing of the roll of electors for the election,                            33
                   (e) that, in relation to a natural person who the general manager believes is          34
                         entitled to be enrolled as nominee of a corporation under section 16AC,          35
                         the person will be enrolled on such a roll as the nominee of the                 36
                         corporation unless, at least 28 days before the date prescribed for the          37
                         closing of the roll of electors for the election, another person is              38
                         nominated by the corporation,                                                    39
                    (f) the date prescribed for the closing of the roll of electors for the election.     40

             (3)   The general manager is also to send a letter to each corporation that the general      41
                   manager believes is the sole owner, ratepaying lessee or occupier of rateable          42
                   land in the City of Sydney stating the following:                                      43
                    (a) that an election for the City of Sydney is to be held,                            44
                   (b) the date the election is to be held,                                               45

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                     (c)    that, in the opinion of the general manager, the corporation the                 1
                            enrolment letter is addressed to is entitled to nominate 2 natural persons       2
                            to be enrolled instead of the corporation,                                       3
                    (d)     if the corporation has not already made such a nomination--that                  4
                            2 natural persons who the general manager believes are entitled to be            5
                            enrolled as nominees of a corporation under section 16AC will be                 6
                            enrolled unless, at least 28 days before the date prescribed for the             7
                            closing of the roll of electors for the election, 2 natural persons are          8
                            nominated by the corporation,                                                    9
                     (e)    the date prescribed for the closing of the roll of electors for the election.   10

              (4)   In this section, non-residential roll means the roll of non-resident owners of          11
                    rateable land or the roll of occupiers and ratepaying lessees.                          12

[11]   Part 3, Division 5                                                                                   13

       Insert after Division 4:                                                                             14

       Division 5           Application of provisions of this Part to other councils                        15

       25    Regulations may apply provisions of this Part to other councils                                16

              (1)   Regulations made under the Principal Act may apply one or more of the                   17
                    provisions of this Part, or any regulations made under this Part, (with any             18
                    specified modifications) to elections for such other local government areas as          19
                    may be specified in those regulations.                                                  20

              (2)   The provisions of any regulation referred to in subsection (1) prevail to the           21
                    extent of any inconsistency with the provisions of the Principal Act or any             22
                    other regulations made under the Principal Act.                                         23

[12]   Sections 40 (4) and 51J (3) (b) and clause 4 (1) of Schedule 1                                       24

       Omit "general manager of the City Council" wherever occurring.                                       25

       Insert instead "general manager".                                                                    26

[13]   Section 58 Regulations                                                                               27

       Insert after section 58 (2) (g):                                                                     28
                      (h) elections for the City of Sydney,                                                 29
                       (i) without limiting paragraph (h), postal voting by electors enrolled on the        30
                            roll of non-resident owners of rateable land or the roll of occupiers and       31
                            ratepaying lessees at elections for the City of Sydney.                         32

[14]   Schedule 1 The Planning Committee                                                                    33

       Omit "general manager of the City of Sydney" in clause 18.                                           34

       Insert instead "general manager".                                                                    35

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