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                               New South Wales

Crimes (Administration of Sentences)
Amendment Bill 2022

             1   Name of Act                                                       2
             2   Commencement                                                      2
Schedule 1       Amendment of Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999 No
                 93                                                                3
Schedule 2       Amendment of Crimes (High Risk Offenders) Act 2006 No 7          10
Schedule 3       Consequential amendments to other legislation                    11
I certify that this public bill, which originated in the Legislative Assembly, has finally passed
the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales.

                                                 Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
                                                 Legislative Assembly,
                                                 Sydney,                                    , 2022

                                    New South Wales

Crimes (Administration of Sentences)
Amendment Bill 2022

Act No        , 2022

An Act to amend the Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999, the Crimes (High Risk
Offenders) Act 2006 and other Acts in relation to the Victims Register and high risk offenders; and
for related purposes.

I have examined this bill and find it to correspond in all respects with the bill as finally
passed by both Houses.

                                                 Assistant Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.
Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Bill 2022 [NSW]

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts--
  1   Name of Act
             This Act is the Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Act 2022.
  2   Commencement
             This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.

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Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Bill 2022 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999 No 93

Schedule 1             Amendment of Crimes (Administration of
                       Sentences) Act 1999 No 93
[1]   Section 3 Interpretation
      Omit the definitions of Chief Executive Officer, Justice Health and Justice Health from
      section 3(1).
      Insert instead in alphabetical order--
                    Chief Executive, Justice Health means the person for the time being holding
                    office or acting as the chief executive of the Justice Health and Forensic
                    Mental Health Network under the Health Services Act 1997.
                    Justice Health means the statutory health corporation named the Justice
                    Health and Forensic Mental Health Network constituted under the Health
                    Services Act 1997.
[2]   Section 3(1), definition of "Victims Register"
      Omit "section 256 of the names of victims of offenders who have requested that they be
      given notice of the possible parole of the offender concerned".
      Insert instead "Part 16 in which certain victims of offenders are recorded".
[3]   Sections 41C(6), 73(1) and (4), 106F(3), 106G(3), 106U(2), 154A(3)(a), 236B, 236C(1),
      (3) and (5), 236D(1), and 244(1) and (2)(a)
      Omit "Chief Executive Officer" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Chief Executive".
[4]   Sections 67(1) and 276(4)(b)
      Omit "whose name" wherever occurring. Insert instead "who".
[5]   Sections 106F(3), 106G(3) and 236D(1)
      Omit "Chief Executive Officer's" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Chief Executive's".
[6]   Section 135 General duty of Parole Authority relating to release of offender
      Insert after section 135(3)(i)--
                    (i1) that the High Risk Offenders Assessment Committee under the Crimes
                           (High Risk Offenders) Act 2006 has recommended that an application be
                           made for an extended supervision order or continuing detention order
                           under that Act or the Terrorism (High Risk Offenders) Act 2017 in
                           relation to the offender,
                         Note-- Under the Crimes (High Risk Offenders) Act 2006, section 24AC(a) and
                         the Terrorism (High Risk Offenders) Act 2017, section 63(a) the High Risk
                         Offenders Assessment Committee may make recommendations to the
                         Commissioner about the taking of action by the State in relation to offenders
                         under those Acts.

[7]   Section 135(7)
      Omit the subsection. Insert instead--
             (7)   The Parole Authority, and the Review Council when giving advice for the
                   purposes of subsection (5), must not have regard to the fact that an application
                   for a continuing detention order under the Commonwealth Criminal Code,
                   Part 5.3, Division 105A may be made in relation to the offender.
[8]   Section 141A Submissions by Commissioner
      Insert after section 141A(1)--

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Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Bill 2022 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999 No 93

                    Note-- The Crimes (High Risk Offenders) Act 2006 authorises the use by the
                    Commissioner of certain information obtained under that Act in parole proceedings
                    under this Act, but only with the consent of the provider of the information.

 [9]   Sections 145(1) and 146(5)(b)
       Omit "those victims of the offender (if any) whose names" wherever occurring.
       Insert instead "the victims of the offender who".
[10]   Section 153 Submissions by State
       Omit the note to section 153(1). Insert instead--
                    Note-- The Crimes (High Risk Offenders) Act 2006 and the Terrorism (High Risk
                    Offenders) Act 2017 authorise the use by the State of certain information obtained
                    under those Acts in parole proceedings under this Act, but only with the consent of the
                    provider of the information.

[11]   Sections 236B, 236D and 244, headings
       Omit "CEO" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Chief Executive".
[12]   Section 236D(2)
       Omit the subsection.
[13]   Sections 256, 256A and 256B
       Omit the sections.
[14]   Part 16
       Insert after Part 15--

       Part 16 Victims Register
       277   Definitions
                    In this Part--
                    adult offender means an offender who is an adult, whether or not the offender
                    committed the relevant offence as an adult.
                    convicted NSW terrorist offender has the same meaning as in the Terrorism
                    (High Risk Offenders) Act 2017.
                    convicted NSW underlying terrorism offender has the same meaning as in the
                    Terrorism (High Risk Offenders) Act 2017.
                    high risk offender means an offender referred to in section 278(1)(b) or (c).
                    victim--see section 278.
       278   Meaning of "victim"
             (1)    In this Part, victim means the following--
                     (a) a victim, in relation to an offender within the meaning of this Act, of--
                            (i) an offence for which the offender is serving a sentence of
                                   imprisonment, or
                           (ii) an offence taken into account under the Crimes (Sentencing
                                   Procedure) Act 1999, Part 3, Division 3 at the time the offender
                                   was sentenced for the offence referred to in subparagraph (i),
                    (b) a victim of a serious offence, if the offender is--

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Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Bill 2022 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999 No 93

                          (i)   an offender within the meaning of the Crimes (High Risk
                                Offenders) Act 2006, and
                         (ii) serving, or has at any time served, a sentence of imprisonment for
                                the serious offence,
                   (c)   a victim of an offence of a sexual nature, if the offender is--
                          (i) an offender within the meaning of the Crimes (High Risk
                                Offenders) Act 2006, and
                         (ii) serving a sentence of imprisonment for the offence of a sexual
                   (d)   a victim of an indictable offence, if the offence resulted in the offender
                         being a convicted NSW terrorist offender or convicted NSW underlying
                         terrorism offender.
             (2)   A victim includes a person who, as a direct result of an act committed, or
                   apparently committed, by an offender or high risk offender in the course of an
                   (a) suffers actual physical bodily harm, mental illness or nervous shock, or
                   (b) has property deliberately taken, destroyed or damaged.
             (3)   In this section, a reference to a sentence of imprisonment includes a sentence
                   of imprisonment served by intensive correction, whether or not subject to a
                   home detention condition.
             (4)   In this section--
                   offence of a sexual nature has the same meaning as in the Crimes (High Risk
                   Offenders) Act 2006.
                   serious offence has the same meaning as in the Crimes (High Risk Offenders)
                   Act 2006.
     279    Victims Register
             (1)   There is to be a Victims Register.
             (2)   The following are to be recorded in the Victims Register--
                   (a) a victim of an offender within the meaning of this Act if--
                          (i) the offender is serving a sentence of imprisonment by full-time
                               detention, and
                         (ii) the victim requests to be recorded in the Victims Register,
                   (b) a victim of an offender within the meaning of this Act if--
                          (i) the offender is serving a sentence of imprisonment for a personal
                               violence offence by intensive correction, whether or not subject
                               to a home detention condition, and
                         (ii) the victim requests to be recorded in the Victims Register,
                   (c) a victim of a high risk offender who requests to be given notice if an
                         application for an order is made in relation to the offender under the
                         Crimes (High Risk Offenders) Act 2006,
                   (d) a victim of a convicted NSW terrorist offender or convicted NSW
                         underlying terrorism offender who requests to be given notice of an
                         application for an order in relation to the offender under the Terrorism
                         (High Risk Offenders) Act 2017, Part 2 or 3.
             (3)   In this section--

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Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Bill 2022 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999 No 93

                   personal violence offence has the same meaning as in the Crimes (Domestic
                   and Personal Violence) Act 2007.
     280    Family representatives of victims
             (1)   The family representative of a victim must be recorded in the Victims Register
                   instead of the victim--
                    (a) if the victim is dead or under an incapacity, or
                   (b) if the victim is less than 18 years of age, or
                    (c) in circumstances prescribed by the regulations.
             (2)   If a victim is 16 or 17 years of age, the Commissioner may direct that the
                   victim is recorded in the Victims Register instead of the family representative
                   of the victim.
             (3)   In determining whether to record the victim in the Victims Register under
                   subsection (2), the Commissioner must consider the victim's individual
             (4)   If the family representative of a victim is recorded in the Victims Register
                   under this section, a reference in this Part, other than in this section and section
                   278, to a victim is to be read as a reference to the family representative.
     281    Victims may nominate representatives
             (1)   A victim who is recorded in the Victims Register under this Part may nominate
                   to the Commissioner an individual who, for the purposes of this Part, may--
                    (a) act on the victim's behalf, and
                   (b) receive information on the victim's behalf.
             (2)   The Commissioner may refuse to accept the nomination of an individual if the
                   Commissioner considers it is not appropriate in the circumstances, taking into
                   account the following--
                   (a) the security, discipline and good order of a correctional centre,
                   (b) the safety and welfare of offenders and other persons,
                   (c) the risks of unauthorised disclosure of information,
                   (d) the safety of the community.
     282    Administration of Victims Register
             (1)   Subject to the regulations, the Victims Register must be kept by a government
                   agency as directed by the Minister.
             (2)   Members of staff of the government agency that keeps the Victims Register
                   may assist--
                   (a) the Review Council and the Parole Authority to give notices to victims
                        under this Part or section 67 or 145, and
                   (b) the Parole Authority to give a victim of a serious offender or a victim's
                        authorised agent access to documents specified by the Parole Authority
                        for the purposes of section 193A, and
                   (c) the Review Council and the Parole Authority to carry out other ancillary
                        functions relating to the matters referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b).
             (3)   The Review Council or the Parole Authority may delegate to members of staff
                   of the government agency that keeps the Victims Register the functions of the
                   Review Council or the Parole Authority specified in subsection (2), but only

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Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Bill 2022 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999 No 93

                   in relation to the victim of an adult offender, whether or not the offender
                   committed the relevant offence as an adult.
     283    Regulations
             (1)   The regulations may provide for the following--
                   (a) the keeping of the Victims Register,
                   (b) the way in which notice to victims may or must be given under--
                           (i) this Act, or
                          (ii) the Crimes (High Risk Offenders) Act 2006, or
                         (iii) the Terrorism (High Risk Offenders) Act 2017,
                   (c) the circumstances, if any, in which notice referred to in paragraph (b) is
                          not required to be given,
                   (d) the identification of persons who are victims for the purposes of this
                          Act, the Crimes (High Risk Offenders) Act 2006 or the Terrorism (High
                          Risk Offenders) Act 2017, including--
                           (i) the determination of the persons who are family representatives
                                 of victims, and
                          (ii) the provision, by a person claiming to be a victim, of evidence of
                                 the person's identity and the circumstances by which the person
                                 claims to be a victim.
             (2)   A regulation under subsection (1) must not be inconsistent with--
                   (a) the Crimes (High Risk Offenders) Act 2006, section 21A, or
                   (b) the Terrorism (High Risk Offenders) Act 2017, section 51.
     284    Notice to victims of re-integration home detention and parole consideration
             (1)   The Parole Authority must give notice to a victim of an offender who is
                   recorded in the Victims Register if--
                    (a) the offender is due for consideration of whether the offender should be
                         released under a re-integration home detention order or on parole, or
                   (b) the offender is eligible for or has applied for release on parole.
             (2)   The notice must be given subject to and in accordance with the regulations.
             (3)   Without limiting subsection (2), the notice must contain the following
                    (a) the matter being notified,
                   (b) that the victim may make a submission to the Parole Authority about the
                    (c) the form a submission may take,
                   (d) the period within which a submission must be made,
                    (e) that the Parole Authority will consider a submission made before the
                         end of that period.
             (4)   The Parole Authority must consider submissions made in accordance with this
             (5)   The Parole Authority is not required to give notice to a victim under this
                   section of a matter if the matter is included in another requirement to give
                   notice to the victim under this Act.

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Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Bill 2022 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999 No 93

             (6)   A failure by the Parole Authority to comply with this section does not affect
                   the validity of a decision or order made by the Parole Authority.
     285    Information to be given to victims by Commissioner
             (1)   The Commissioner may give written notice of the following to a victim of an
                   adult offender who is recorded in the Victims Register--
                   (a) a change to the offender's earliest possible release date,
                   (b) the death of the offender while serving a sentence or released on parole,
                   (c) the name of the correctional centre in which the offender is serving a
                   (d) the escape of the offender while serving a sentence,
                   (e) the security classification of the offender,
                    (f) a decision by the Commissioner to reclassify a serious offender to a low
                          security classification,
                   (g) a decision by the Commissioner to issue a local leave permit for the
                   (h) the exercise, by the Governor, of the prerogative of mercy in relation to
                          the offender,
                    (i) a transfer of the offender into the custody of another State, a Territory
                          or the Commonwealth.
             (2)   The Commissioner may also give written notice of the following to a victim
                   of a high risk offender who is recorded in the Victims Register--
                   (a) if the offender is the subject of an extended supervision order under the
                          Crimes (High Risk Offenders) Act 2006 or the Terrorism (High Risk
                          Offenders) Act 2017--the release of the offender from custody at the
                          commencement of the extended supervision order or the return of the
                          offender to custody following a failure to comply with the requirements
                          of the order,
                   (b) if the offender is the subject of a continuing detention order under the
                          Crimes (High Risk Offenders) Act 2006 or the Terrorism (High Risk
                          Offenders) Act 2017--the expiry of the order and the release of the
                          offender from custody.
             (3)   The Commissioner may also give written notice to a victim of an adult
                   offender who is recorded in the Victims Register under section 279(2)(b) if the
                   offender is returned to custody while serving a sentence of imprisonment by
                   intensive correction.
             (4)   The Commissioner may exercise the Commissioner's functions under
                   subsections (1)-(3)--
                   (a) at the request of the victim, or
                   (b) at the Commissioner's discretion.
             (5)   The Commissioner is not required to give notice to a victim under this section
                   of a matter if the matter is included in another requirement to give notice to the
                   victim under this Act.
     286    Information to be given to victims by Parole Authority
             (1)   The Parole Authority must give written notice to a victim of an adult offender
                   who is recorded in the Victims Register of the following matters relating to the

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Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Bill 2022 [NSW]
Schedule 1 Amendment of Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999 No 93

                    (a)   that the Authority has made a re-integration home detention order
                          releasing the offender and the date of the release,
                    (b)   any additional conditions placed on the re-integration home detention
                    (c)   that the conditions of the re-integration home detention order have been
                          changed, and particulars of the change,
                    (d)   that the offender's re-integration home detention order has been
              (2)   The Parole Authority must give written notice to a victim of an adult offender
                    who is recorded in the Victims Register of the following matters relating to the
                    (a) that the Parole Authority or the Governor has made a parole order
                          releasing the offender on parole and the date of the release,
                    (b) any additional conditions placed on the parole order,
                    (c) that the conditions of the parole order have been changed, and
                          particulars of the change,
                    (d) that the offender's parole has been revoked.
              (3)   Notice of the revocation of an order is not required to be given under this
                    section until a review of the order has been finally determined.
              (4)   The Parole Authority is not required to give notice to a victim under this
                    section of a matter if the matter is included in another requirement to give
                    notice to the victim under this Act.
[15]   Schedule 5 Savings, transitional and other provisions
       Insert at the end of the Schedule, with appropriate Part and clause numbering--

       Part         Provisions consequent on enactment of Crimes
                    (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Act
              Victims Register
              (1)   The Victims Register constituted under section 279, as inserted by the
                    amending Act, is a continuation of the Victims Register in force immediately
                    before the repeal of section 256 by the amending Act.
              (2)   A person is a victim for the purposes of the Act, Part 16, as inserted by the
                    amending Act, whether the relevant offence was committed by the offender
                    before or after the insertion of Part 16.
              (3)   In this clause--
                    amending Act means the Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment
                    Act 2022.

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Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Bill 2022 [NSW]
Schedule 2 Amendment of Crimes (High Risk Offenders) Act 2006 No 7

Schedule 2            Amendment of Crimes (High Risk Offenders) Act
                      2006 No 7
[1]   Section 21A Victim statements
      Omit "in respect of the offender for the purposes of section 256(2)(b) of the Crimes
      (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999" from section 21A(8), definition of victim.
      Insert instead "in relation to the offender under the Crimes (Administration of Sentences)
      Act 1999, section 279(2)(c)".
[2]   Section 25 Provision of certain information to Attorney General
      Insert after section 25(3)--
             (4)   The State and the Commissioner of Corrective Services are authorised to use
                   information provided to the Attorney General under this section in
                   proceedings before the State Parole Authority under the Crimes
                   (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999 concerning the parole of an offender,
                   but only with the consent of the provider of the information.
             (5)   Subsection (4) applies despite anything to the contrary in this or another Act.
[3]   Schedule 2 Savings, transitional and other provisions
      Insert at the end of the Schedule, with appropriate Part and clause numbering--

      Part         Provision consequent on enactment of Crimes
                   (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Act
             Application of amendments
                   Section 25(4), as inserted by the Crimes (Administration of Sentences)
                   Amendment Act 2022, extends to information that was provided to the
                   Attorney General before the commencement of the subsection.

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Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Bill 2022 [NSW]
Schedule 3 Consequential amendments to other legislation

Schedule 3             Consequential amendments to other legislation
3.1 Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 No 52
      Schedule 1 Information for which there is conclusive presumption of overriding
      public interest against disclosure
      Omit "section 256 (Victims Register)" from clause 1(1), matter relating to the Crimes
      (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999.
      Insert instead "section 283 (Regulations)".

3.2 Terrorism (High Risk Offenders) Act 2017 No 68
      Section 51 Victim statements
      Omit "in respect of the offender for the purposes of section 256(2)(c) of the Crimes
      (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999" from section 51(12), definition of victim.
      Insert instead "in relation to the offender under the Crimes (Administration of Sentences)
      Act 1999, section 279(2)(d)".

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