New South Wales Bills

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                                New South Wales

Crimes (Forensic Procedures)
Amendment Bill 2008


                   1   Name of Act                                              2
                   2   Commencement                                             2
                   3   Amendment of Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Act 2000
                       No 59                                                    2
              4        Repeal of Act                                            2
     Schedule 1        Amendments                                               3

                           New South Wales

Crimes (Forensic Procedures)
Amendment Bill 2008
No     , 2008

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Act 2000 with respect to the
matching of DNA profiles and the sharing of DNA information with other
jurisdictions; and for other purposes.
Clause 1          Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill 2008

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                                1

 1    Name of Act                                                                         2

               This Act is the Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Act 2008.           3

 2    Commencement                                                                        4

               This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.                      5

 3    Amendment of Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Act 2000 No 59                            6

               The Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Act 2000 is amended as set out in         7
               Schedule 1.                                                                8

 4    Repeal of Act                                                                       9

         (1)   This Act is repealed on the day following the day on which this Act       10
               commences.                                                                11

         (2)   The repeal of this Act does not, because of the operation of section 30   12
               of the Interpretation Act 1987, affect any amendment made by this Act.    13

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Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill 2008

Amendments                                                                          Schedule 1

Schedule 1                    Amendments                                                               1

                                                                                        (Section 3)    2

[1]   Section 93 Permissible matching of DNA profiles                                                  3

      Omit section 93 (1) and (2) (including the table to section 93 (2)).                             4

      Insert instead:                                                                                  5

               (1)         A matching of a DNA profile on an index of the DNA database                 6
                           system specified at the top of a column of the table to this                7
                           subsection with a DNA profile on an index of the system                     8
                           specified in column 1 of a row of the table:                                9
                           (a) is not permitted by this Part if "no" is shown at the                  10
                                  intersection of the relevant row and column, and                    11
                           (b) is permitted by this Part if "yes" is shown at the                     12
                                  intersection of the relevant row and column, and                    13
                           (c) is permitted by this Part in connection with the volunteers            14
                                  (limited purposes) index if "only if within purpose" is             15
                                  shown at the intersection of the relevant row and column,           16
                                  but only if the matching is for a purpose for which the             17
                                  relevant DNA profile was placed on that index.                      18

       Index of                                  Is matching permitted?
       to be
       column 1 column 2 column 3 column 4 column 5 column 6 column 7 column 8
                     crime       suspects   volunteers volunteers offenders   missing   unknown
                     scene                  (limited   (unlimited             persons   deceased
                                            purposes) purposes)                         persons
       crime         yes         yes        only if    yes        yes         yes       yes
       scene                                within
       suspects      yes         yes        no         no         yes         yes       yes
       volunteers only if        no         no         no         only if     only if   only if
       (limited   within                                          within      within    within
       purposes) purpose                                          purpose     purpose   purpose
       volunteers yes            no         no         no         yes         yes       yes
       offenders     yes         yes        only if    yes        yes         yes       yes

                                                                                          Page 3
                     Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill 2008

Schedule 1           Amendments

         Index of                                  Is matching permitted?
         to be
         column 1 column 2 column 3 column 4 column 5 column 6 column 7 column 8
         missing         yes          yes       only if   yes       yes       yes       yes
         persons                                within
         unknown         yes          yes       only if   yes       yes       yes       yes
         deceased                               within
         persons                                purpose

[2]   Section 95 Definitions                                                                          1

      Omit the definition of responsible authority. Insert in alphabetical order:                     2
                  CrimTrac means the Commonwealth agency of that name.                                3
                  responsible authority, in relation to a participating jurisdiction,                 4
                  means any one or more of the following:                                             5
                   (a) the Minister having responsibility for a corresponding law                     6
                         within that jurisdiction,                                                    7
                   (b) a public authority that administers a corresponding law                        8
                         within that jurisdiction,                                                    9
                   (c) a person or body prescribed by the regulations,                               10
                  and includes, in relation to the Commonwealth, CrimTrac.                           11

[3]   Section 97 Database information                                                                12

      Omit section 97 (1) and (1A). Insert instead:                                                  13

                   (1)         The Minister may enter into arrangements for any of the purposes      14
                               set out in subsection (1A) with the responsible authority of one or   15
                               more participating jurisdictions under which:                         16
                               (a) information from the DNA database of this State may be            17
                                      transmitted to any jurisdiction that is a party to the         18
                                      arrangements, and                                              19
                               (b) information from any such jurisdiction may be transmitted         20
                                      to this State.                                                 21

              (1A)             Information that is transmitted under this section must not be        22
                               used except for the following purposes:                               23
                                (a) the investigation of, or the conduct of proceedings for, an      24
                                     offence against the law of this State or the law of a           25
                                     jurisdiction that is a party to the arrangements,               26
                               (b) the identification of missing or deceased persons,                27

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Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill 2008

Amendments                                                                Schedule 1

                    (c)      if arrangements are entered into with CrimTrac--              1
                             CrimTrac comparing the transmitted information with           2
                             information transmitted from a participating jurisdiction     3
                             and then notifying this State and that jurisdiction of any    4
                             matches that it finds.                                        5

[4]   Section 97 (1B)                                                                      6

      Omit "Such an arrangement".                                                          7

      Insert instead "Arrangements under this section".                                    8

[5]   Section 109 Disclosure of information                                                9

      Omit "(1) or (1A)" from section 109 (2) (c1).                                       10

[6]   Schedule 2 Savings, transitional and other provisions                               11

      Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                  12
                    Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Act 2008                       13

[7]   Schedule 2, Part 5                                                                  14

      Insert after Part 4:                                                                15

      Part 5        Provisions consequent on enactment of                                 16
                    Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Amendment                                17
                    Act 2008                                                              18

       12    Ministerial arrangements under section 97                                    19

                    Each of the following arrangements is taken to have been validly      20
                    entered into under section 97 (1), as substituted by the Crimes       21
                    (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Act 2008, on and from the             22
                    date the arrangement was entered into:                                23
                     (a) the arrangement entitled "Section 97 (1) New South               24
                           Wales/Commonwealth Arrangement" signed by the                  25
                           Attorney General and the Minister for Justice and Customs      26
                           of the Commonwealth and dated 25 November 2003,                27
                    (b) the arrangement entitled "Crimes (DNA Database)                   28
                           (Reciprocal Access--New South Wales and Queensland)            29
                           Arrangement" signed by the Attorney General and the            30
                           Minister for Police and Corrective Services of Queensland      31
                           and dated 16 May 2005,                                         32
                     (c) the arrangement entitled "Arrangement for the                    33
                           Transmission of DNA Database Information to and from           34
                           New South Wales and the CrimTrac Agency of the                 35

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             Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill 2008

Schedule 1   Amendments

                       Commonwealth" signed by the Attorney General and the         1
                       Chief Executive Officer of CrimTrac and dated                2
                       28 February 2007,                                            3
                (d)    the arrangement entitled "New South Wales and Western        4
                       Australia Ministerial Arrangement for the Transmission of    5
                       DNA Database Information" signed by the Attorney             6
                       General and the Minister for Police and Emergency            7
                       Services of Western Australia and dated 19 July 2007,        8
                (e)    the arrangement entitled "New South Wales and                9
                       Australian Capital Territory Ministerial Arrangement for    10
                       the Transmission of DNA Database Information" signed        11
                       by the Attorney General and the Attorney General of the     12
                       Australian Capital Territory and dated 20 July 2007,        13
                 (f)   the arrangement entitled "New South Wales and Victoria      14
                       Ministerial Arrangement for the Transmission of DNA         15
                       Database Information" signed by the Attorney General and    16
                       the Attorney General of Victoria and dated 13 August        17
                       2007,                                                       18
                (g)    the arrangement entitled "New South Wales and Tasmania      19
                       Ministerial Arrangement for the Transmission of DNA         20
                       Database Information" signed by the Attorney General and    21
                       the Minister for Justice and Workplace Relations of         22
                       Tasmania and dated 17 September 2007,                       23
                (h)    the arrangement entitled "New South Wales and South         24
                       Australia Ministerial Arrangement for the Transmission of   25
                       DNA Database Information" signed by the Attorney            26
                       General and the Attorney General of South Australia and     27
                       dated 19 February 2008.                                     28

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