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Coastal Protection Amendment
Bill 2012
No     , 2012

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Coastal Protection Act 1979 to make further provision with
respect to the use and occupation of the coastal region and to facilitate the carrying
out of certain temporary coastal protection works; and for other purposes.
Clause 1      Coastal Protection Amendment Bill 2012

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                        1

 1    Name of Act                                                                 2

           This Act is the Coastal Protection Amendment Act 2012.                 3

 2    Commencement                                                                4

           This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.   5

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Coastal Protection Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of Coastal Protection Act 1979 No 13                         Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendment of Coastal Protection Act                              1
                       1979 No 13                                                       2

[1]   The whole Act (except as otherwise amended by this Act)                           3

      Omit "emergency coastal protection works" and "Emergency coastal                  4
      protection works" wherever occurring.                                             5

      Insert instead "temporary coastal protection works" and "Temporary coastal        6
      protection works", respectively.                                                  7

[2]   Section 4 Definitions                                                             8

      Omit the definition of emergency coastal protection works from section 4 (1).     9

      Insert in alphabetical order:                                                    10

                    temporary coastal protection works--see Division 1 of Part 4C.     11

[3]   Section 4 (1), definition of "emergency works authorised officer"                12

      Omit the definition.                                                             13

[4]   Section 4 (1), definition of "relevant local council"                            14

      Omit "emergency coastal protection works".                                       15

      Insert instead "temporary coastal protection works".                             16

[5]   Section 55K Breach of coastal zone management plan: offence                      17

      Insert at the end of the section:                                                18

             (2)    However, if:                                                       19
                     (a) a person commits the offence under subsection (1) by          20
                           placing material on a beach, or a sand dune adjacent to a   21
                           beach, and                                                  22
                    (b) the material is material of the kind referred to in            23
                           section 55P (1) (a) or (b),                                 24
                    the maximum penalty for the offence is 2,250 penalty units (in     25
                    the case of a corporation) or 1,125 penalty units (in any other    26
                    case).                                                             27

[6]   Section 55O Regulatory approvals not required for temporary coastal              28
      protection works                                                                 29

      Omit "if the works are authorised by a certificate under Division 2".            30

      Insert instead "that comply with the requirements for those works set out in     31
      this Act".                                                                       32

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                Coastal Protection Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 1         Amendment of Coastal Protection Act 1979 No 13

 [7]   Section 55O, note                                                                       1
       Omit the note. Insert instead:                                                          2
                      Note. This means that planning and associated approvals are not          3
                      required for the placement and maintenance of temporary coastal          4
                      protection works that comply with the requirements for such works set    5
                      out in this Act--see section 55W.                                        6

 [8]   Section 55P Meaning of "temporary coastal protection works"                             7

       Omit section 55P (2) (a), (b) and (c). Insert instead:                                  8
                    (a) the material must be placed by or on behalf of an owner of             9
                         land to reduce the impact or likely impact from wave                 10
                         erosion on that land,                                                11

 [9]   Section 55Q Maximum period allowed for emergency coastal protection                    12
       works                                                                                  13

       Omit the section.                                                                      14

[10]   Section 55R Maintenance requirements for temporary coastal protection                  15
       works                                                                                  16

       Omit section 55R (1) (a).                                                              17

[11]   Section 55S Emergency coastal protection works may be placed only                      18
       once                                                                                   19

       Omit the section.                                                                      20

[12]   Part 4C, Division 2, heading                                                           21

       Omit the heading. Insert instead:                                                      22

       Division 2           Temporary coastal protection works and                            23
                            public land                                                       24

[13]   Section 55T Certificates relating to temporary coastal protection works                25
       on public land                                                                         26

       Omit section 55T (1) and (2). Insert instead:                                          27

             (1)      A certificate under this Division authorises the certificate holder     28
                      to use and occupy public land for the placing and maintaining of        29
                      the temporary coastal protection works to mitigate the effects of       30
                      wave erosion on the holder's land (without obtaining a lease,           31
                      licence or permit in respect of, or an easement or right-of-way in      32
                      relation to, the public land).                                          33

             (2)      An owner of land (or a person acting on behalf of, and with the         34
                      written authority of, the owner of land) may apply to the relevant      35

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Coastal Protection Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of Coastal Protection Act 1979 No 13                             Schedule 1

                    local council or to the Director-General for a certificate under this     1
                    Division.                                                                 2

            (2A)    An issuing authority must not issue a certificate unless the              3
                    authority is satisfied that all reasonable measures have been taken       4
                    and will be taken:                                                        5
                    (a) to avoid using or occupying the public land for the placing           6
                          and maintaining of the works, and                                   7
                    (b) to ensure reasonable public access (including access for              8
                          local and public authorities) to and through the beach              9
                          concerned is maintained.                                           10

[14]   Section 55T (3A)                                                                      11

       Insert after section 55T (3):                                                         12

            (3A)    It is a condition of a certificate under this Division that the holder   13
                    of the certificate must take all reasonable measures:                    14
                     (a) to avoid damage to assets and vegetation on the public              15
                            land, and                                                        16
                    (b) to minimise risks to the public on the public land, and              17
                     (c) to minimise disruption of the public use of the beach               18
                            concerned.                                                       19

[15]   Section 55T (6), note                                                                 20

       Omit the note.                                                                        21

[16]   Section 55T (7A)                                                                      22

       Insert after section 55T (7):                                                         23

            (7A)    An issuing authority may delegate the exercise of any function of        24
                    the authority under this section to:                                     25
                     (a) an authorised officer, or                                           26
                    (b) any person, or any class of persons, authorised for the              27
                           purposes of this section by the regulations.                      28

[17]   Section 55T (8)                                                                       29

       Omit the definition of emergency works authorised officer.                            30

[18]   Section 55V Notification of other issuing authority                                   31

       Omit "emergency works authorised officer who".                                        32

       Insert instead "person or body that".                                                 33

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                 Coastal Protection Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 1          Amendment of Coastal Protection Act 1979 No 13

[19]    Section 55V (a) and (b)                                                               1
        Omit the paragraphs. Insert instead:                                                  2
                     (a) the relevant council--if the certificate was issued by the           3
                          Director-General,                                                   4
                     (b) the Director-General--if the certificate was issued by a             5
                          council,                                                            6

[20]    Sections 55VA and 55VB                                                                7

        Insert after section 55V:                                                             8

       55VA   Maximum period allowed for temporary coastal protection works                   9
              on public land                                                                 10

              (1)      The maximum period allowed for temporary coastal protection           11
                       works on public land is 2 years commencing on the placement of        12
                       the works.                                                            13

              (2)      Despite subsection (1), if at the expiry of the 2-year period         14
                       referred to in that subsection, a development application is          15
                       pending under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act           16
                       1979 for consent to development for the purposes of coastal           17
                       protection works on the public land, the maximum period               18
                       allowed for the works ends:                                           19
                        (a) where, on the final determination of that development            20
                              application (including any appeals relating to that            21
                              application), the application is refused--21 days after that   22
                              final determination, or                                        23
                       (b) where, on the final determination of that development             24
                              application (including any appeals relating to that            25
                              application), the application is granted--such further         26
                              period as is specified in the consent.                         27

              (3)      Works cease to be temporary coastal protection works for the          28
                       purposes of this Act if the works remain in place for longer than     29
                       the maximum period allowed for temporary coastal protection           30
                       works under this section.                                             31

       55VB   Public authorities not to unreasonably refuse access to public                 32
              land                                                                           33

                       A public authority must not unreasonably refuse a person access       34
                       to the public authority's public land to enable the person to         35
                       lawfully place temporary coastal protection works on the land or      36
                       on other public or private land.                                      37

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Coastal Protection Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of Coastal Protection Act 1979 No 13                         Schedule 1

[21]   Section 55X Notice to council and others of placement of temporary                1
       coastal protection works                                                          2

       Omit "in reliance on section 55Z" from section 55X (1) (b).                       3

[22]   Section 55X (2)                                                                   4

       Omit the subsection. Insert instead:                                              5

             (2)    The notification under subsection (1) is to be made in the manner    6
                    and to the person or persons specified by the regulations for the    7
                    purposes of this subsection.                                         8
                    Maximum penalty:                                                     9
                    (a) in the case of a corporation--100 penalty units, or             10
                    (b) in any other case--50 penalty units.                            11

[23]   Section 55Y Removal of temporary coastal protection works from public            12
       land                                                                             13

       Omit "on land" from section 55Y (1). Insert instead "on public land".            14

[24]   Section 55Y (1)                                                                  15

       Omit the following:                                                              16
                    Maximum penalty:                                                    17
                    (a) in the case of a corporation--4,500 penalty units and           18
                         400 penalty units for each day the offence continues, or       19
                    (b) in any other case--2,250 penalty units and 200 penalty          20
                         units for each day the offence continues.                      21

       Insert instead:                                                                  22
                     Maximum penalty:                                                   23
                     (a) in the case of a corporation--2,250 penalty units and          24
                          200 penalty units for each day the offence continues, or      25
                     (b) in any other case--1,125 penalty units and 100 penalty         26
                          units for each day the offence continues.                     27

[25]   Section 55Y (as amended by this Act)                                             28

       Renumber the section as section 55VC and move it to its appropriate location     29
       in Division 2 of Part 4C.                                                        30

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                 Coastal Protection Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 1          Amendment of Coastal Protection Act 1979 No 13

[26]   Section 55Z                                                                          1
       Omit the section. Insert instead:                                                    2

       55Z    Use and occupation of adjacent private land with permission                   3

                       An owner of land may use and occupy adjacent land (other than        4
                       public land) for the placing, maintaining and removal of             5
                       temporary coastal protection works, but only if that landowner       6
                       has obtained a lease, easement, right-of-way or other interest in    7
                       land from the owner of the adjacent land to use and occupy the       8
                       adjacent land for that purpose.                                      9

[27]   Section 55ZC Orders relating to temporary coastal protection works                  10

       Insert "on public land" before "or the works are not being maintained" in           11
       section 55ZC (1) (d).                                                               12

[28]   Section 55ZC (3) (a) and (d)                                                        13

       Omit the paragraphs.                                                                14

[29]   Section 55ZC (6)                                                                    15

       Insert "on public land" after "protection works" where firstly occurring.           16

[30]   Section 55ZC (6), note                                                              17

       Omit the note.                                                                      18

[31]   Section 55ZF Failure to comply with order                                           19

       Omit "under this Part" from section 55ZF (1).                                       20

       Insert instead "under section 55ZA or 55ZB".                                        21

[32]   Section 55ZF (1A)                                                                   22

       Insert after section 55ZF (1):                                                      23

             (1A)      A person who does not comply with an order under section 55ZC       24
                       is guilty of an offence.                                            25
                       Maximum penalty:                                                    26
                        (a) in the case of a corporation--2,250 penalty units and          27
                              200 penalty units for each day the offence continues, or     28
                       (b) in any other case--1,125 penalty units and 100 penalty          29
                              units for each day the offence continues.                    30

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Coastal Protection Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of Coastal Protection Act 1979 No 13                             Schedule 1

[33]   Section 55ZH Successors in title and temporary coastal protection                     1
       works                                                                                 2

       Omit section 55ZH (1) and (2). Insert instead:                                        3

              (1)   If an original owner of private land to whom a certificate under         4
                    Division 2 of Part 4C has been issued ceases, before placing             5
                    temporary coastal protection works on public land, to be the             6
                    owner of the private land, a successor in title is taken for the         7
                    purposes of this Act to be the original owner. Such a successor in       8
                    title may place and maintain those authorised temporary coastal          9
                    protection works on the public land in accordance with that             10
                    certificate.                                                            11
                    Note. A person who places temporary coastal protection works may be     12
                    made the subject of an order under this Part--see section 55ZC.         13

              (2)   If an original owner of land, after placing temporary coastal           14
                    protection works on that land, but before the works are removed         15
                    and the land restored in accordance with this Act, ceases to be the     16
                    owner of that land, a successor in title is taken for the purposes of   17
                    this Act to be the original owner. Such a successor in title may be     18
                    made the subject of an order under this Part as if the successor in     19
                    title were the original owner.                                          20

[34]   Section 55ZH (3)                                                                     21

       Omit "in accordance with a certificate under Division 2 of Part 4C".                 22

       Insert instead "in accordance with this Act".                                        23

[35]   Section 56B Categorisation of coastal risks to land                                  24

       Omit the section.                                                                    25

[36]   Section 59 Proceedings for offences                                                  26

       Omit "55Y" wherever occurring in section 59 (1) and (2).                             27

       Insert instead "55VC".                                                               28

[37]   Schedule 1 Savings, transitional and other provisions                                29

       Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                   30

                    Coastal Protection Amendment Act 2012                                   31

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               Coastal Protection Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 2     Amendment of Coastal Protection Regulation 2011

Schedule 2             Amendment of Coastal Protection                1
                       Regulation 2011                                2

[1]   The whole Regulation                                            3

      Omit "emergency coastal protection works" wherever occurring.   4

      Insert instead "temporary coastal protection works".            5

[2]   Clauses 9 and 12                                                6

      Omit "55Y" wherever occurring. Insert instead "55VC".           7

[3]   Part 4 Categorisation of coastal risks to land                  8

      Omit the Part.                                                  9

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Coastal Protection Amendment Bill 2012

Amendment of other legislation                                     Schedule 3

Schedule 3              Amendment of other legislation                              1

3.1 Conveyancing (Sale of Land) Regulation 2010                                     2

      Schedule 3 Prescribed warranties                                              3

      Omit "emergency coastal protection works" from clause 22 of the Schedule.     4

      Insert instead "temporary coastal protection works".                          5

3.2 Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000                           6

[1]   Schedule 4 Planning certificates                                              7

      Omit "emergency coastal protection works" wherever occurring in clause 4A     8
      of the Schedule.                                                              9

      Insert instead "temporary coastal protection works".                         10

[2]   Schedule 4, clause 4A (3)                                                    11

      Omit the subclause.                                                          12

3.3 Local Government Act 1993 No 30                                                13

[1]   Section 733 Exemption from liability--flood liable land, land subject to     14
      risk of bush fire and land in coastal zone                                   15

      Omit "emergency coastal protection works authorised by a certificate under   16
      Division 2 of Part 4C of the Coastal Protection Act 1979" from               17
      section 733 (3) (f6).                                                        18

      Insert instead "temporary coastal protection works".                         19

[2]   Section 733 (8), definition of "coastal management works"                    20

      Omit "emergency coastal protection works".                                   21

      Insert instead "temporary coastal protection works".                         22

[3]   Dictionary                                                                   23

      Omit "emergency coastal protection works" from the definition of coastal     24
      protection service.                                                          25

      Insert instead "temporary coastal protection works".                         26

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                Coastal Protection Amendment Bill 2012

Schedule 3      Amendment of other legislation

[4]   Dictionary                                                                   1
      Omit the definition of emergency coastal protection works.                   2

      Insert in appropriate order:                                                 3

                   temporary coastal protection works has the same meaning as in   4
                   the Coastal Protection Act 1979.                                5

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