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Civil Procedure Amendment (Transfer
of Proceedings) Bill 2009
No     , 2009

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Civil Procedure Act 2005 to enable the transfer of proceedings
between the Supreme Court and the Land and Environment Court.
Clause 1      Civil Procedure Amendment (Transfer of Proceedings) Bill 2009

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                       1

 1    Name of Act                                                                2

           This Act is the Civil Procedure Amendment (Transfer of Proceedings)   3
           Act 2009.                                                             4

 2    Commencement                                                               5

           This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.                 6

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Civil Procedure Amendment (Transfer of Proceedings) Bill 2009

Amendment of Civil Procedure Act 2005 No 28                              Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendment of Civil Procedure Act 2005                               1
                       No 28                                                               2

      Part 9 Transfer of proceedings between courts                                        3

      Omit Division 2A of Part 9. Insert instead:                                          4

      Division 2A          Transfer of proceedings between Supreme                         5
                           Court and Land and Environment Court                            6

    149A     Definitions                                                                   7

             (1)    In this Division:                                                      8
                    transfer order means an order referred to in section 149B (1)          9
                    or (2).                                                               10
                    transferee court means the court to which proceedings are to be       11
                    transferred pursuant to a transfer order.                             12
                    transferor court means the court from which proceedings are           13
                    transferred pursuant to a transfer order.                             14

             (2)    For the purposes of this Division, proceedings are related if the     15
                    matters with which they deal are so closely associated as to form     16
                    part of the same controversy.                                         17

    149B     Transfer of proceedings between Supreme Court and Land and                   18
             Environment Court                                                            19

             (1)    If either the Supreme Court or the Land and Environment Court         20
                    is satisfied, in relation to proceedings before it, that it is more   21
                    appropriate for the proceedings to be heard in the other court, it    22
                    may, on application by a party to the proceedings or of its own       23
                    motion, order that the proceedings be transferred to the other        24
                    court.                                                                25

             (2)    If either the Supreme Court or the Land and Environment Court         26
                    is satisfied, in relation to proceedings before it, that:             27
                     (a) there are related proceedings pending in the other court,        28
                            and                                                           29
                    (b) it is more appropriate for the proceedings to be heard,           30
                            together with the related proceedings, in the other court,    31
                    it may, on application by a party to the proceedings or of its own    32
                    motion, order that the proceedings be transferred to the other        33
                    court and heard together with the related proceedings.                34

             (3)    No appeal lies against a decision of the transferor court to make,    35
                    or not to make, an order under this section.                          36

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               Civil Procedure Amendment (Transfer of Proceedings) Bill 2009

Schedule 1         Amendment of Civil Procedure Act 2005 No 28

    149C     Transfer orders                                                                   1
             (1)      A transfer order takes effect when it is made.                           2

             (2)      A transfer order does not invalidate any order made or other thing       3
                      done in the proceedings before the order was made.                       4

             (3)      Any order made by the transferor court (other than the transfer          5
                      order) may be varied or revoked by an order of the transferee            6
                      court.                                                                   7

    149D     Proceedings after transfer                                                        8

             (1)      Subject to the rules of court applicable in the transferee court:        9
                      (a) any proceedings with respect to which a transfer order              10
                            takes effect continue in the transferee court:                    11
                             (i) as if the proceedings had been duly commenced in             12
                                   the transferee court on the date on which they were        13
                                   commenced in the transferor court, and                     14
                            (ii) as if any cross-claim in the proceedings had been            15
                                   duly made in the transferee court on the date on           16
                                   which it was made in the transferor court, and             17
                      (b) any proceedings with respect to which a transfer order              18
                            under section 149B (2) takes effect are to be heard together      19
                            with, and are taken to form part of, the related proceedings      20
                            in the transferee court.                                          21

             (2)      For the purposes of any proceedings continued in the transferee         22
                      court:                                                                  23
                      (a) any admission duly made in the transferor court is to be            24
                             treated as if it had been made in the transferee court, and      25
                      (b) in the case of proceedings affected by a transfer order             26
                             under section 149B (2), any process or other                     27
                             documentation before the transferee court may be                 28
                             amended so as to reflect the merger of the proceedings           29
                             concerned.                                                       30

             (3)      Subject to the rules of court applicable in the transferee court, the   31
                      power of the transferee court to make orders as to costs includes       32
                      a power to make orders with respect to the costs of:                    33
                      (a) the application for, and the making of, the transfer order,         34
                            and                                                               35
                      (b) any step taken in the proceedings before the transfer order         36
                            was made.                                                         37

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Civil Procedure Amendment (Transfer of Proceedings) Bill 2009

Amendment of Civil Procedure Act 2005 No 28                              Schedule 1

    149E     Jurisdiction of transferee court                                             1
                    The transferee court has, and may exercise, all of the jurisdiction   2
                    of the transferor court in relation to any proceedings to which a     3
                    transfer order relates, including jurisdiction to determine any       4
                    question arising in any such proceedings.                             5

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