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Child Protection Legislation
Amendment (Children's Guardian) Bill
No     , 2013

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012 to transfer
the functions relating to working with children check clearances to the Children's
Guardian; and for other purposes.
Clause 1      Child Protection Legislation Amendment (Children's Guardian) Bill 2013

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                             1

 1    Name of Act                                                                      2

           This Act is the Child Protection Legislation Amendment (Children's          3
           Guardian) Act 2013.                                                         4

 2    Commencement                                                                     5

           This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act, or 15 June 2013,      6
           whichever is the later.                                                     7

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Child Protection Legislation Amendment (Children's Guardian) Bill 2013

Amendment of Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012 No 51           Schedule 1

Schedule 1              Amendment of Child Protection                                             1
                        (Working with Children) Act 2012 No 51                                    2

[1]   Section 3 Object of Act                                                                     3

      Omit the Note. Insert instead:                                                              4
                    Note. For other legislation relating to the safety, welfare and well-being    5
                    of children, and the related functions of the Children's Guardian, see the    6
                    Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998. In                 7
                    particular, see section 181 and Chapter 13 of that Act.                       8

[2]   Section 5 Definitions                                                                       9

      Insert in alphabetical order in section 5 (1):                                             10
                    Children's Guardian means the Children's Guardian appointed                  11
                    under section 178 of the Children and Young Persons (Care and                12
                    Protection) Act 1998.                                                        13
                    family day care service has the same meaning as it has in the                14
                    Children (Education and Care Services) National Law (NSW).                   15
                    home based education and care service has the same meaning as                16
                    it has in the Children (Education and Care Services)                         17
                    Supplementary Provisions Act 2011.                                           18

[3]   Section 5 (1), definitions of "Commission" and "Commissioner"                              19

      Omit the definitions.                                                                      20

[4]   Sections 7 (4), 8 (1) (b), 9, 10 (1), 11, 13, 15-20, 21 (2) (d), 23-25, 27-31,             21
      32 (1), 33 (1), 35-40, 44 and 52 (2) (a)                                                   22

      Omit "Commission" wherever occurring.                                                      23

      Insert instead "Children's Guardian".                                                      24

[5]   Section 10 Adult persons residing with authorised carers or persons                        25
      providing home care services                                                               26

      Omit "(other than an authorised carer or an approved provider of an education              27
      and care service) who resides at the home of an authorised carer or an                     28
      approved provider of an education and care service where such a service" from              29
      section 10 (1).                                                                            30

      Insert instead "(other than a person who is required under another provision of            31
      this Act to, or is exempt from the requirement to, hold a working with children            32
      check clearance) who resides at the home of an authorised carer or at a home               33
      where a home based education and care service or family day care service".                 34

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                 Child Protection Legislation Amendment (Children's Guardian) Bill 2013

Schedule 1       Amendment of Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012 No 51

 [6]   Section 10 (2)                                                                        1
       Omit "education and care service".                                                    2

       Insert instead "home based education and care service or family day care              3
       service".                                                                             4

 [7]   Section 10 (3)                                                                        5

       Omit "the home of an authorised carer or an approved provider of an education         6
       or care service".                                                                     7

       Insert instead "a home where care or a service referred to in that subsection         8
       was provided".                                                                        9

 [8]   Section 17 Interim bars                                                              10

       Omit "Commissioner" from section 17 (3).                                             11

       Insert instead "Children's Guardian".                                                12

 [9]   Sections 20 (1) and 23 (2)                                                           13

       Omit "Commission's" wherever occurring.                                              14

       Insert instead "Children's Guardian's".                                              15

[10]   Sections 31 and 37                                                                   16

       Omit "Commission" from the headings wherever occurring.                              17

       Insert instead "Children's Guardian".                                                18

[11]   Part 6                                                                               19

       Omit "Commission" from the heading.                                                  20

       Insert instead "Children's Guardian".                                                21

[12]   Section 38 Children's Guardian's public awareness and advice functions               22

       Insert ", including encouraging organisations to develop their capacity to be        23
       safe for children" after "child-related work".                                       24

[13]   Section 38, note                                                                     25

       Insert at the end of the section:                                                    26
                    Note. For the Children's Guardian's other child-related employment      27
                    functions, see Chapter 13 of the Children and Young Persons (Care and   28
                    Protection) Act 1998.                                                   29

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Child Protection Legislation Amendment (Children's Guardian) Bill 2013

Amendment of Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012 No 51     Schedule 1

[14]   Section 39                                                                         1
       Omit "Commission's" from the heading.                                              2

       Insert instead "Children's Guardian's".                                            3

[15]   Section 40A                                                                        4

       Insert after section 40:                                                           5

       40A   Power to audit declarations made by exempt workers                           6

              (1)   This section applies to a statutory declaration provided to an        7
                    employer by an exempt worker that contains information relating       8
                    to the offences specified in Schedule 2.                              9

              (2)   The Children's Guardian may audit the accuracy of the statutory      10
                    declaration, or may authorise a person to carry out such an audit.   11

              (3)   The Children's Guardian may authorise a person under this            12
                    section only if the Privacy Commissioner advises the Children's      13
                    Guardian, in writing, that the Privacy Commissioner is satisfied     14
                    that the person is able to adequately provide for the security of    15
                    any information obtained in the exercise of functions pursuant to    16
                    the authorisation.                                                   17

              (4)   The Commissioner of Police is authorised to disclose (or arrange     18
                    for a member of the NSW Police Force to disclose) the following      19
                    information for the purposes of this section:                        20
                     (a) information relating to spent convictions, despite anything     21
                           to the contrary in the Criminal Records Act 1991,             22
                    (b) information relating to offences, despite anything to the        23
                           contrary in section 579 of the Crimes Act 1900.               24

              (5)   If a person authorised under this section reasonably believes that   25
                    a statutory declaration is inaccurate, the person must, as soon as   26
                    practicable, inform the Children's Guardian and provide any          27
                    information relevant to that belief to the Children's Guardian.      28

              (6)   The Children's Guardian may disclose information obtained            29
                    under this section to the following persons:                         30
                    (a) the person who made the statutory declaration,                   31
                    (b) the employer of that person,                                     32
                    (c) a police officer of the State or of the Commonwealth or          33
                          another State or Territory,                                    34
                    (d) the Ombudsman,                                                   35
                    (e) any other investigative agency that the Children's               36
                          Guardian considers appropriate,                                37

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                 Child Protection Legislation Amendment (Children's Guardian) Bill 2013

Schedule 1          Amendment of Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012 No 51

                        (f)   the Department of Family and Community Services,                 1
                       (g)    the Director of Public Prosecutions,                             2
                       (h)    a court or tribunal,                                             3
                        (i)   an approved interstate screening agency,                         4
                        (j)   the Minister,                                                    5
                       (k)    the Privacy Commissioner,                                        6
                        (l)   any other person approved by the Privacy Commissioner            7
                              and prescribed in the regulations.                               8

              (7)      The Minister may give the Children's Guardian a written                 9
                       direction on the exercise of functions under this section and the      10
                       Children's Guardian is to comply with the direction.                   11

              (8)      In this section, exempt worker means a worker who is exempted          12
                       by the regulations from the requirement to hold a clearance.           13

[16]   Section 48A                                                                            14

       Insert after section 48:                                                               15

       48A   Reports under Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection)                   16
             Act 1998                                                                         17

              (1)      Any information obtained by the Children's Guardian in the             18
                       course of exercising functions under this Act may be used for the      19
                       purposes of making a report to the Director-General of the             20
                       Department of Family and Community Services under section 24           21
                       (Report concerning child or young person at risk of significant        22
                       harm) or 27 (Mandatory reporting) of the Children and Young            23
                       Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998.                                24

              (2)      A report referred to in section 29 of the Children and Young           25
                       Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 may be provided to the          26
                       Children's Guardian for the purpose of the exercise of the             27
                       Children's Guardian's functions under this Act. Any such report        28
                       may not be subsequently dealt with by the Children's Guardian          29
                       in a manner that contravenes that section, except to the extent that   30
                       it is necessary for the Children's Guardian to do so in the exercise   31
                       of functions under this Act.                                           32

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Child Protection Legislation Amendment (Children's Guardian) Bill 2013

Amendment of Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998       Schedule 2
No 157

Schedule 2              Amendment of Children and Young                                         1
                        Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998                                  2
                        No 157                                                                  3

[1]   Section 3 Definitions                                                                     4

      Omit "Minister" from the definition of employer's authority.                              5

      Insert instead "Children's Guardian".                                                     6

[2]   Section 137 Authorised carers                                                             7

      Omit section 137 (3) and (4). Insert instead:                                             8

              (3)   In the case of an authorised carer who is authorised by a                   9
                    designated agency, it is a condition of the authorisation that the         10
                    carer must, as soon as practicable, notify the designated agency if        11
                    any person (other than the carer) who is of or above the age of            12
                    18 years commences to reside at the carer's home and will                  13
                    continue to do so on a regular basis.                                      14
                    Note. See section 10 of the Child Protection (Working with Children) Act   15
                    2012 which requires that an adult person residing at the home of an        16
                    authorised carer hold a working with children check clearance.             17

              (4)   Without limiting subsection (3), the requirement to notify the             18
                    designated agency also applies when a minor residing at the                19
                    carer's home attains the age of 18 years.                                  20

[3]   Section 181 Principal functions of Children's Guardian                                   21

      Omit section 181 (1). Insert instead:                                                    22

              (1)   The principal functions of the Children's Guardian are as                  23
                    follows:                                                                   24
                     (a) to exercise functions relating to persons engaged in                  25
                          child-related work, including working with children check            26
                          clearances, under the Child Protection (Working with                 27
                          Children) Act 2012,                                                  28
                    (b) to promote the best interests of all children and young                29
                          persons in out-of-home care,                                         30
                     (c) to ensure that the rights of all children and young persons           31
                          in out-of-home care are safeguarded and promoted,                    32
                    (d) to establish a register for the purpose of the authorisation           33
                          of individuals as authorised carers, and to maintain that            34
                          register, in accordance with the regulations,                        35
                     (e) to accredit designated agencies and to monitor their                  36
                          responsibilities under this Act and the regulations,                 37

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                 Child Protection Legislation Amendment (Children's Guardian) Bill 2013

Schedule 2       Amendment of Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998
                 No 157

                     (f)   to register organisations that provide or arrange voluntary     1
                           out-of-home care and to monitor their responsibilities          2
                           under this Act and the regulations,                             3
                     (g)   to exercise functions relating to the employment of             4
                           children, including the making and revocation of                5
                           exemptions from the requirement to hold an employer's           6
                           authority,                                                      7
                     (h)   to develop and administer a voluntary accreditation             8
                           scheme for persons working with persons who have                9
                           committed sexual offences against children,                    10
                     (i)   to develop and administer a voluntary accreditation            11
                           scheme for programs for persons who have committed             12
                           sexual offences against children.                              13

[4]    Section 183                                                                        14

       Insert after section 182:                                                          15

       183   Appointment of advisory committees                                           16

              (1)    The Children's Guardian may appoint such advisory committees         17
                     as the Children's Guardian considers appropriate to assist the       18
                     Children's Guardian in the exercise of the Children's Guardian's     19
                     functions. The Children's Guardian may disband any such              20
                     advisory committee at any time.                                      21

              (2)    The procedure of such an advisory committee is to be determined      22
                     by the Children's Guardian or (subject to any determination of       23
                     the Children's Guardian) by the committee.                           24

              (3)    A member of such an advisory committee is entitled to such           25
                     allowances in connection with the work of the committee as the       26
                     Minister approves in respect of the member.                          27

[5]    Sections 186A and 186B                                                             28

       Insert after section 186:                                                          29

      186A   Referral of matters to police and other investigative agencies               30

              (1)    This section applies to any information obtained by the              31
                     Children's Guardian in the course of exercising any functions        32
                     (other than information obtained in the course of exercising         33
                     functions under section 40A of the Child Protection (Working         34
                     with Children) Act 2012), being information relating to a possible   35
                     criminal offence under any law or to grounds for possible            36
                     disciplinary action under any law.                                   37

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Child Protection Legislation Amendment (Children's Guardian) Bill 2013

Amendment of Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998    Schedule 2
No 157

               (2)   The Children's Guardian may refer any such information to the         1
                     Commissioner of Police, the Ombudsman, the Director-General           2
                     of the Department of Family and Community Services or any             3
                     other investigative or government agency that the Children's          4
                     Guardian considers appropriate.                                       5

               (3)   Nothing in this section limits or affects the operation of            6
                     Chapter 16A.                                                          7

       186B   Protection from liability                                                    8

                     A matter or thing done or omitted to be done by the Children's        9
                     Guardian, an advisory committee of the Children's Guardian, a        10
                     member of any such advisory committee or any person acting           11
                     under the direction of the Children's Guardian or the advisory       12
                     committee does not, if the matter or thing was done or omitted in    13
                     good faith for the purposes of executing this or any other Act,      14
                     subject the Children's Guardian, member of the advisory              15
                     committee or a person so acting personally to any action,            16
                     liability, claim or demand.                                          17

 [6]    Sections 221 (2) (b), 224 (other than section 224 (5) (a)) and 245 (1) (d)-(f)    18

        Omit "Minister" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Children's Guardian".         19

 [7]    Section 236 Entry without warrant into premises--places of employment             20

        Omit "Director-General" from section 236 (1).                                     21

        Insert instead "Children's Guardian".                                             22

 [8]    Section 245 Decisions that are reviewable by Administrative Decisions             23
        Tribunal                                                                          24

        Insert ", the Children's Guardian" after "the Minister" in section 245 (1) (g).   25

 [9]    Schedule 2 Provisions relating to employers' authorities                          26

        Omit "Minister" wherever occurring in clauses 1 (1), 2 (b), 5 (b), 6 (1) and 7.   27

        Insert instead "Children's Guardian".                                             28

[10]    Schedule 2, clause 2 Grant or refusal of authority                                29

        Insert at the end of the clause:                                                  30

               (2)   When a person applies to the Children's Guardian for an              31
                     employer's authority, the Children's Guardian must within            32
                     14 days:                                                             33
                     (a) grant the authority to the applicant, or                         34

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                Child Protection Legislation Amendment (Children's Guardian) Bill 2013

Schedule 2      Amendment of Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998
                No 157

                    (b)   refuse the authority and cause to be served on the applicant    1
                          a notice stating the ground on which the authority has been     2
                          refused.                                                        3

             (3)   The period of 14 days referred to in this clause may be varied or      4
                   waived by agreement between the Children's Guardian and the            5
                   applicant.                                                             6

[11]   Schedule 2, clause 3                                                               7

       Omit the clause.                                                                   8

[12]   Schedule 2, clause 7 (3)                                                           9

       Omit "Minister's". Insert instead "Children's Guardian's".                        10

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Child Protection Legislation Amendment (Children's Guardian) Bill 2013

Amendment of other Acts                                                  Schedule 3

Schedule 3              Amendment of other Acts                                         1

3.1 Administrative Decisions Tribunal Act 1997 No 76                                    2

      Schedule 2 Composition and functions of Divisions                                 3

      Omit "Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998" from clause 2            4
      of Part 1.                                                                        5

      Insert in alphabetical order "Child Protection (Working with Children) Act        6
      2012".                                                                            7

3.2 Child Protection (Offenders Registration) Act 2000 No 42                            8

[1]   Section 9 Relevant personal information to be reported                            9

      Omit section 9 (1) (f). Insert instead:                                          10
                   (f) if the person is a worker:                                      11
                           (i) the nature of the person's work, and                    12
                          (ii) the name of the person's employer (if any), and         13
                         (iii) the address of each of the premises at which the        14
                                 person generally works or, if the person does not     15
                                 generally work at any particular premises, the name   16
                                 of each of the localities in which the person         17
                                 generally works,                                      18

[2]   Section 9 (3)                                                                    19

      Omit the subsection. Insert instead:                                             20

              (3)   In this section, employer and worker have the same meanings as     21
                    they have in the Child Protection (Working with Children) Act      22
                    2012.                                                              23

[3]   Section 16 ADT may exempt persons from compliance with reporting                 24
      obligations                                                                      25

      Omit "The Commission for Children and Young People" from section 16 (6).         26

      Insert instead "The Children's Guardian".                                        27

[4]   Section 16 (6)                                                                   28

      Omit "The Commission". Insert instead "The Children's Guardian".                 29

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                Child Protection Legislation Amendment (Children's Guardian) Bill 2013

Schedule 3          Amendment of other Acts

[5]   Section 16 (7)                                                                               1
      Omit "the Commissioner for the Commission for Children and Young                             2
      People".                                                                                     3

      Insert instead "the Children's Guardian".                                                    4

[6]   Section 16 (12)                                                                              5

      Insert after section 16 (11):                                                                6

             (12)      In this section, Children's Guardian means the Children's                   7
                       Guardian appointed under section 178 of the Children and Young              8
                       Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998.                                     9

3.3 Children (Education and Care Services National Law                                            10
    Application) Act 2010 No 104                                                                  11

      Section 15 Working with children law                                                        12

      Omit "the Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998".                               13

      Insert instead "the Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012".                     14

3.4 Children (Education and Care Services) Supplementary                                          15
    Provisions Act 2011 No 70                                                                     16

      Section 34 Home based education and care services--adult residents                          17

      Omit the Note to section 34 (1). Insert instead:                                            18
                       Note. See section 10 of the Child Protection (Working with Children) Act   19
                       2012 which requires that an adult person residing at a home where a        20
                       home based education and care service is provided hold a working with      21
                       children check clearance.                                                  22

3.5 Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998 No 146                                      23

[1]   Section 11 Principal functions of Commission                                                24

      Omit section 11 (i), (j), (l) and (m).                                                      25

[2]   Section 15 Referral of matters to police and other investigative agencies                   26

      Omit "Department of Human Services" from section 15 (2).                                    27

      Insert instead "Department of Family and Community Services".                               28

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Child Protection Legislation Amendment (Children's Guardian) Bill 2013

Amendment of other Acts                                                  Schedule 3

[3]   Section 28 Functions of Committee                                                1
      Insert after section 28 (1) (a):                                                 2
                    (a1) to monitor and review the exercise by the Children's          3
                           Guardian of functions under the Child Protection            4
                           (Working with Children) Act 2012,                           5

[4]   Section 28 (1) (b)                                                               6

      Insert ", or on any matter appertaining to the exercise of the Children's        7
      Guardian's functions under the Child Protection (Working with Children) Act      8
      2012," after "functions".                                                        9

3.6 Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 No 92                                      10

      Section 24A Mandatory requirements for supervision and other                    11
      prohibitions to be disregarded in sentencing                                    12

      Omit section 24A (1) (c). Insert instead:                                       13
                   (c) as a consequence of being convicted of the offence, has        14
                        become a disqualified person within the meaning of the        15
                        Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012, or         16

3.7 Criminal Records Act 1991 No 8                                                    17

      Section 13 Unlawful disclosure of information concerning spent                  18
      convictions                                                                     19

      Omit "section 38 or 38A of the Commission for Children and Young People         20
      Act 1998" from section 13 (4A).                                                 21

      Insert instead "section 33, 34 or 40A of the Child Protection (Working with     22
      Children) Act 2012".                                                            23

3.8 Ombudsman Act 1974 No 68                                                          24

[1]   Section 25DA Disclosures to Children's Guardian                                 25

      Omit "Commission for Children and Young People".                                26

      Insert instead "Children's Guardian for the purpose of the exercise of          27
      functions under the Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012".         28

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                Child Protection Legislation Amendment (Children's Guardian) Bill 2013

Schedule 3         Amendment of other Acts

[2]   Section 25DA (2)                                                                    1
      Insert at the end of the section:                                                   2

             (2)      Nothing in this section limits the information that the             3
                      Ombudsman may otherwise disclose to the Children's Guardian         4
                      under this or any other Act or law.                                 5

3.9 Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Act 1912 No 41                                6

[1]   Section 81K Definitions                                                             7

      Omit the definition of CYP Commission from section 81K (1).                         8

      Insert in alphabetical order:                                                       9
                    Children's Guardian means the Children's Guardian appointed          10
                    under section 178 of the Children and Young Persons (Care and        11
                    Protection) Act 1998.                                                12

[2]   Section 81M Duties of Electoral Commissioner with respect to                       13
      child-related conduct declarations                                                 14

      Omit "Commission for Children and Young People (the CYP Commission)"               15
      from section 81M (2).                                                              16

      Insert instead "Children's Guardian".                                              17

[3]   Section 81N Duties of Children's Guardian with respect to child-related            18
      conduct declarations                                                               19

      Omit "CYP Commission" wherever occurring.                                          20

      Insert instead "Children's Guardian".                                              21

[4]   Section 81N (2) (b), (3) and (5)                                                   22

      Omit "the Commission" wherever occurring.                                          23

      Insert instead "the Children's Guardian".                                          24

[5]   Section 81NA Duty of persons to assist the Children's Guardian                     25

      Omit "CYP Commission" wherever occurring in section 81NA (1) and (3).              26

      Insert instead "Children's Guardian".                                              27

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Child Protection Legislation Amendment (Children's Guardian) Bill 2013

Amendment of other Acts                                                  Schedule 3

[6]   Section 81P Reports presented to Presiding Officer of House of                  1
      Parliament                                                                      2

      Omit "CYP Commission" from section 81P (1).                                     3

      Insert instead "Children's Guardian".                                           4

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