New South Wales Bills

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Community Protection (Closure of
Illegal Brothels) Bill 2006
No      , 2006

A Bill for

An Act to amend the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 to make
provision with respect to the protection of the community from the operation of
illegal brothels; and for related purposes.
Clause 1          Community Protection (Closure of Illegal Brothels) Bill 2006

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                                1

 1    Name of Act                                                                         2

               This Act is the Community Protection (Closure of Illegal Brothels)         3
               Act 2006.                                                                  4

 2    Commencement                                                                        5

               This Act commences on the date of assent.                                  6

 3    Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979                         7
      No 203                                                                              8

               The Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 is amended as           9
               set out in Schedule 1.                                                    10

 4    Repeal of Act                                                                      11

         (1)   This Act is repealed on the day following the day on which this Act       12
               commences.                                                                13

         (2)   The repeal of this Act does not, because of the operation of section 30   14
               of the Interpretation Act 1987, affect any amendment made by this Act.    15

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Community Protection (Closure of Illegal Brothels) Bill 2006

Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979                    Schedule 1

Schedule 1                Amendment of Environmental Planning                                    1
                          and Assessment Act 1979                                                2

                                                                                  (Section 3)    3

[1]    Section 4 Definitions                                                                     4

       Insert in alphabetical order in section 4 (1):                                            5
                     brothel has the same meaning as in the Restricted Premises                  6
                     Act 1943.                                                                   7

[2]    Section 39A                                                                               8

       Insert after section 39:                                                                  9

      39A     Application of SEPP No 1 in relation to brothels                                  10

                     State Environmental Planning Policy No 1--Development                      11
                     Standards does not apply to or in respect of development for the           12
                     purposes of a brothel.                                                     13

[3]    Section 121B What orders may be given by a consent authority?                            14

       Insert after order No 18 in the Table to section 121B (1):                               15

                     19    To cease using      (a)    Premises are       Owner of premises
                           premises, or               being used for     or person by whom
                           causing premises           the purposes of    premises are being
                           to be used, for the        a brothel and      used for the
                           purposes of an             that use is        purposes of a
                           illegal brothel            prohibited         brothel
                                               (b)    Premises are
                                                      being used for
                                                      the purposes of
                                                      a brothel and
                                                      consent is
                                                      required but has
                                                      not been

[4]    Section 121BA                                                                            16

       Insert after section 121B:                                                               17

  121BA       Community protection from the operation of illegal brothels                       18

              (1)    In enacting the Community Protection (Closure of Illegal                   19
                     Brothels) Act 2006, Parliament endorses the underlying principle           20

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               Community Protection (Closure of Illegal Brothels) Bill 2006

Schedule 1         Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

                      behind the amendments made by that Act, namely, the                    1
                      recognition of the danger to public health and safety caused by        2
                      the operation of illegal brothels in inappropriate locations within    3
                      the community.                                                         4

             (2)      Accordingly, the objects of the amendments made by the                 5
                      Community Protection (Closure of Illegal Brothels) Act 2006 are        6
                      taken for all purposes to be as follows:                               7
                       (a) to protect the community from the operation of illegal            8
                             brothels,                                                       9
                      (b) to encourage the restriction and regulation of brothels           10
                             under instruments and policies made or adopted by              11
                             councils,                                                      12
                       (c) to facilitate the prompt closure of illegal brothels by          13
                             councils.                                                      14

[5]   Section 121D Circumstances in which compliance with secs 121F-121K                    15
      is required                                                                           16

      Insert "or No 19" after "No 8" in section 121D (a).                                   17

[6]   Section 121M Period for compliance with order                                         18

      Insert after section 121M (2):                                                        19

             (3)      An order in the terms of order No 19 in the Table to section 121B     20
                      must require compliance with its terms within 48 hours after the      21
                      order is given.                                                       22

[7]   Sections 121ZJA and 121ZJB                                                            23

      Insert after section 121ZJ:                                                           24

 121ZJA      Failure to comply with order No 19--council authorised to prevent              25
             access to illegal brothels                                                     26

             (1)      If:                                                                   27
                       (a)   a council gives an order in the terms of order No 19 in the    28
                             Table to section 121B, and                                     29
                      (b) the council is satisfied that the order is not being complied     30
                             with,                                                          31
                      the council may, at any time while the order is in force, take such   32
                      action as the council considers necessary or appropriate in order     33
                      to prevent persons from entering the premises to which the order      34
                      relates.                                                              35

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Community Protection (Closure of Illegal Brothels) Bill 2006

Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979                Schedule 1

              (2)    Without limiting the action that may be taken by a council under        1
                     subsection (1), the council, or any person acting on behalf of the      2
                     council, may:                                                           3
                     (a) enter the premises and secure any door, window or gate in           4
                           or on the premises, and                                           5
                     (b) erect hoardings on or over any such door or window, and             6
                     (c) change the locks on any such door, window or gate.                  7

              (3)    In taking any action under this section, the council, or any person     8
                     acting on behalf of the council:                                        9
                      (a) may be assisted or accompanied by a police officer, and           10
                     (b) is not liable for any damage to any property caused as a           11
                            consequence of the action being taken (so long as the           12
                            action taken was reasonable in the circumstances).              13

              (4)    Any reasonable costs incurred by a council in taking any action        14
                     under this section may be recovered by the council from the            15
                     person required to comply with the order.                              16

              (5)    A council may take action under this section irrespective of           17
                     whether the person required to comply with the order has been          18
                     prosecuted for an offence against this Act.                            19

              (6)    This section does not limit the operation of section 121ZJ.            20

 121ZJB       Recovery of certain costs                                                     21

                     If a council gives an order in the terms of order No 19 in the Table   22
                     to section 121B, any reasonable costs incurred by the council in       23
                     connection with making the order (including the costs of any           24
                     investigatory services) may be recovered by the council from the       25
                     person required to comply with the order.                              26

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