New South Wales Bills

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                                 New South Wales

Child Protection (Working with
Children) Bill 2012


Part 1         Preliminary
                   1   Name of Act                                               2
                   2   Commencement                                              2
                   3   Object of Act                                             2
                   4   Safety and welfare of children to be paramount
                       consideration                                             2
                   5   Definitions                                               2

Part 2         Restrictions on child-related work
               Division 1       Child-related work
                   6   Child-related work                                        5
                   7   Additional child-related work                             6

Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012



              Division 2        Mandatory requirements for child-related work
                8    Restrictions on engaging in child-related work                7
                9    Employers must require clearance or current application       8

              Division 3        Additional persons who must obtain
               10    Adult persons residing with authorised carers or approved
                     providers must hold clearances                                8
               11    Potential adoptive parents                                    9

Part 3        Working with children check clearances
              Division 1        Classes of clearances
               12    Classes of clearances                                        10

              Division 2        Applications for clearances
               13    Applications for clearances                                  10

              Division 3        Risk assessment of applicants and holders
               14    Assessment requirements                                      11
               15    Assessment of applicants and holders                         11
               16    Request for further information                              12
               17    Interim bars                                                 12

              Division 4        Determination of applications for clearances
               18    Determination of applications for clearances                 13
               19    Notice of proposed refusal of application                    13
               20    Notice of final decision granting or refusing clearance      13
               21    Embargo on further applications after refusal                14

              Division 5        Duration and termination of clearances
               22    Duration of clearances                                       14
               23    Cancellation of clearances                                   14
               24    Surrender of clearances                                      15

              Division 6        Working with children register
               25    Working with children register                               15

Part 4        Reviews and appeals
               26    No appeal in certain cases                                   16
               27    Applications to Administrative Decisions Tribunal for
                     reviews of clearance decisions                               16
               28    Orders relating to disqualified and ineligible persons       16

Contents page 2
Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012


               29    Further review of persons who obtain enabling orders          17
               30    Determination of applications and other matters               18

Part 5        Provision of information
               31    Powers of Commission to compel production of information      19
               32    Incidental disclosure of information by DPP authorised        20
               33    Notification of offences and other information                20
               34    Notification of information relating to criminal history
                     for interstate child-related work screening                   21
               35    Notification by reporting bodies of conduct constituting
                     assessment requirement trigger                                22
               36    Enforcement notices                                           23

Part 6        Functions of Commission
               37    Database functions of Commission                              24
               38    Commission's public awareness and advice functions            24
               39    Commission's monitoring and auditing functions                24
               40    Power to compel production of information for monitoring
                     or auditing purposes                                          24

Part 7        Miscellaneous
               41    Act to bind Crown                                             26
               42    Effect of Act on other rights and procedures                  26
               43    Protection of persons relating to child-related employment    26
               44    Evidentiary certificate                                       27
               45    Unauthorised disclosure or dishonest collection of
                     information                                                   27
               46    Obtaining information on disciplinary matters under
                     Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009               27
               47    Relationship with other Acts and laws                         28
               48    Information about old offences may be given                   28
               49    Nature of proceedings for offences                            28
               50    Offences by corporations                                      28
               51    Service of documents                                          29
               52    Regulations                                                   29
               53    Review of Act                                                 30

Schedule 1           Assessment requirement triggers                               31
Schedule 2           Disqualifying offences                                        33
Schedule 3           Savings, transitional and other provisions                    35
Schedule 4           Amendment of other Acts                                       38

                                                                     Contents page 3
                           New South Wales

Child Protection (Working with
Children) Bill 2012
No     , 2012

A Bill for

An Act with respect to checks and clearances for the purposes of working with
children; and for other purposes.
Clause 1          Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Part 1            Preliminary

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                                           1

Part 1         Preliminary                                                                           2

  1      Name of Act                                                                                 3

               This Act is the Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012.                    4

  2      Commencement                                                                                5

               This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.                  6

  3      Object of Act                                                                               7

               The object of this Act is to protect children:                                        8
               (a) by not permitting certain persons to engage in child-related work,                9
                     and                                                                            10
               (b) by requiring persons engaged in child-related work to have                       11
                     working with children check clearances.                                        12
                       Note. For other legislation relating to the safety, welfare and well-being   13
                       of children and the related functions of the Commission, see the             14
                       Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998. In particular, see        15
                       sections 10, 11, 14 and 16 of that Act.                                      16

  4      Safety, welfare and well-being of children to be paramount consideration                   17

               The safety, welfare and well-being of children and, in particular,                   18
               protecting them from child abuse, is the paramount consideration in the              19
               operation of this Act.                                                               20

  5      Definitions                                                                                21

         (1)   In this Act:                                                                         22
               adult means a person who is 18 years of age or older.                                23
               approved provider means an approved provider under the Children                      24
               (Education and Care Services) National Law (NSW) or the Children                     25
               (Education and Care Services) Supplementary Provisions Act 2011.                     26
               assessment requirement--see section 14.                                              27
               authorised carer has the same meaning as in the Children and Young                   28
               Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998.                                              29
               certified supervisor means a certified supervisor under the Children                 30
               (Education and Care Services) National Law (NSW) or the Children                     31
               (Education and Care Services) Supplementary Provisions Act 2011.                     32
               child-related work--see sections 6 and 7.                                            33
               children means persons under the age of 18 years.                                    34

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Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012                      Clause 5

Preliminary                                                             Part 1

              Commission means the Commission for Children and Young People               1
              constituted by the Commission for Children and Young People Act             2
              1998.                                                                       3
              Commissioner means the Commissioner for the Commission for                  4
              Children and Young People.                                                  5
              conviction includes a finding that the charge for an offence is proven,     6
              or that a person is guilty of an offence, even though the court does not    7
              proceed to a conviction.                                                    8
              current application for a working with children check clearance means       9
              an application that has not been finally determined or withdrawn or        10
              terminated.                                                                11
              designated agency has the same meaning as in the Children and Young        12
              Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998.                                    13
              disqualified person--see section 18 (1).                                   14
              education and care service means an education and care service within      15
              the meaning of the Children (Education and Care Services) National         16
              Law (NSW) or a State regulated education and care service within the       17
              meaning of the Children (Education and Care Services) Supplementary        18
              Provisions Act 2011.                                                       19
              employer includes:                                                         20
               (a) a person who, in the course of business, arranges for the             21
                     placement of a person in employment with others, or                 22
              (b) a person who engages a person under a contract to perform work,        23
                     or                                                                  24
               (c) a person who engages a worker to perform work as a volunteer          25
                     for the person under an agreement (whether written or unwritten).   26
              enabling order--see section 28.                                            27
              exercise a function includes perform a duty.                               28
              function includes a power, authority or duty.                              29
              government agency includes any public or local authority.                  30
              interim bar--see section 17 (1).                                           31
              reporting body--see section 35 (4).                                        32
              Tribunal means the Administrative Decisions Tribunal.                      33
              worker means any person who is engaged in work in any of the               34
              following capacities:                                                      35
               (a) as an employee,                                                       36
              (b) as a self-employed person or as a contractor or subcontractor,         37
               (c) as a volunteer,                                                       38

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Clause 5          Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Part 1            Preliminary

               (d)   as a person undertaking practical training as part of an               1
                     educational or vocational course (other than as a school student       2
                     undertaking work experience),                                          3
               (e) as a minister, priest, rabbi, mufti or other like religious leader or    4
                     spiritual officer of a religion or other member of a religious         5
                     organisation.                                                          6
               working with children check clearance or clearance means an                  7
               authorisation that is in force under this Act to engage in child-related     8
               work.                                                                        9
               working with children check number means the number given for a             10
               working with children check clearance under this Act.                       11

         (2)   Notes included in this Act do not form part of this Act.                    12

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Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012                        Clause 6

Restrictions on child-related work                                        Part 2

Part 2        Restrictions on child-related work                                            1

Division 1           Child-related work                                                     2

  6    Child-related work                                                                   3

       (1)    A worker is engaged in child-related work for the purposes of this Act        4
              if:                                                                           5
               (a) the worker is engaged in work referred to in subsection (2) that         6
                   involves direct contact by the worker with children, or                  7
              (b) the worker is engaged in work in a child-related role referred to         8
                   in subsection (3).                                                       9

       (2)    The work referred to is work for, or in connection with, any of the          10
              following that is declared by the regulations to be child-related work:      11
               (a) child development                                                       12
                    mentoring and counselling services for children,                       13
              (b) child protection                                                         14
                    child protection services,                                             15
               (c) children's health services                                              16
                    the provision of health care in wards of hospitals where children      17
                    are treated and the direct provision of other child health services,   18
              (d) clubs or other bodies providing services for children                    19
                    clubs, associations, movements, societies or other bodies              20
                    (including bodies of a cultural, recreational or sporting nature)      21
                    providing programs or services for children,                           22
               (e) disability services                                                     23
                    respite care or other support services for children with a             24
                    disability,                                                            25
               (f) early education and child care                                          26
                    education and care services, child care centres, nanny services        27
                    and other child care,                                                  28
              (g) education                                                                29
                    schools or other educational institutions (other than universities)    30
                    and private coaching or tuition of children,                           31
              (h) entertainment for children                                               32
                    sporting, cultural or other entertainment venues used primarily        33
                    by children and entertainment services for children,                   34

                                                                               Page 5
Clause 7              Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Part 2                Restrictions on child-related work

                (i)      justice services                                                    1
                         detention centres (within the meaning of the Children (Detention    2
                         Centres) Act 1987) and juvenile correctional centres (within the    3
                         meaning of the Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999),      4
                (j)      religious services                                                  5
                         any religious organisation,                                         6
               (k)       residential services                                                7
                         refuges used by children, long term home stays for children,        8
                         boarding houses or other residential services for children and      9
                         overnight camps for children,                                      10
                (l)      transport services for children                                    11
                         transport services especially for children, including school bus   12
                         services and taxi services for children with a disability and      13
                         supervision of school road crossings,                              14
               (m)       other                                                              15
                         any other service for children prescribed by the regulations.      16

         (3)   The following roles are referred to:                                         17
               (a) an approved provider or manager of an education and care                 18
                     service,                                                               19
               (b) a certified supervisor of an education and care service,                 20
               (c) an authorised carer,                                                     21
               (d) an assessment officer (within the meaning of section 27A of the          22
                     Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998),            23
               (e) the principal officer of a designated agency,                            24
               (f) the principal officer of an accredited adoption service provider         25
                     within the meaning of the Adoption Act 2000,                           26
               (g) any other role with respect to children prescribed by the                27
                     regulations.                                                           28

         (4)   In this section:                                                             29

               direct contact with children means:                                          30
               (a) physical contact, or                                                     31
               (b) face to face contact.                                                    32

  7      Additional child-related work                                                      33

         (1)   A worker is taken to be engaged in child-related work if the worker is       34
               engaged, or proposes to engage, in work (other than as a volunteer) that     35
               is the subject of a requirement under this section.                          36

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Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012                          Clause 8

Restrictions on child-related work                                          Part 2

       (2)    The employer or proposed employer of a worker engaged in work for               1
              which a working with children check clearance is not required that              2
              involves access to confidential records or information about children           3
              may, by notice in writing to the worker, require the worker to obtain a         4
              clearance for the purposes of engaging in the work concerned.                   5

       (3)    The employer, or proposed employer, may at any time, by notice in               6
              writing given to the worker, revoke a requirement made under this               7
              section.                                                                        8

       (4)    An employer may make or revoke a requirement under this section only            9
              with the approval of the Commission.                                           10

Division 2           Mandatory requirements for child-related work                           11

  8    Restrictions on engaging in child-related work                                        12

       (1)    A worker must not engage in child-related work unless:                         13
              (a) the worker holds a working with children check clearance of a              14
                    class applicable to the work, or                                         15
              (b) there is a current application by the worker to the Commission for         16
                    a clearance of a class applicable to that work.                          17
              Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units, or imprisonment for 2 years, or            18
              both.                                                                          19

       (2)    A worker must not engage in child-related work at any time that the            20
              worker is subject to an interim bar.                                           21
              Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units, or imprisonment for 2 years, or            22
              both.                                                                          23

       (3)    It is a defence to proceedings for an offence against this section if the      24
              accused person establishes that:                                               25
               (a) the accused person did not know, at the time the offence was              26
                      committed, that the work concerned was child-related work, or          27
              (b) the accused person was exempted by the regulations from the                28
                      requirement to hold a clearance.                                       29
                     Note. Division 3 also requires adult persons residing with authorised   30
                     carers or approved providers of education and care services and         31
                     potential adoptive parents to hold clearances or to have a current      32
                     application for a clearance.                                            33

                                                                                 Page 7
Clause 9          Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Part 2            Restrictions on child-related work

  9      Employers must require clearance or current application                              1
         (1)   An employer must not commence employing, or continue to employ, a              2
               worker in child-related work if the employer knows or has reasonable           3
               cause to believe that:                                                         4
               (a) the worker is not the holder of a working with children check              5
                     clearance that authorises that work and that there is no current         6
                     application by the worker to the Commission for a clearance of a         7
                     class applicable to that work, or                                        8
               (b) the worker is subject to an interim bar.                                   9
               Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units, in the case of a corporation, and         10
               50 penalty units in any other case.                                           11

         (2)   It is a defence to proceedings for an offence against this section if the     12
               accused person establishes that, at the time the offence was committed:       13
                (a) the accused person had been advised by the Commission that the           14
                       worker was the holder of a clearance or that there was a current      15
                       application by the accused person for a clearance, or                 16
               (b) the accused person was exempted by the regulations from the               17
                       requirement to hold a clearance.                                      18

Division 3           Additional persons who must obtain clearances                           19

10       Adult persons residing with authorised carers or approved providers                 20
         must hold clearances                                                                21

         (1)   An adult person (other than an authorised carer or an approved provider       22
               of an education and care service) who resides at the home of an               23
               authorised carer or an approved provider of an education and care             24
               service where such a service is provided must hold a working with             25
               children check clearance (of any class) or have made a current                26
               application to the Commission for a clearance.                                27
               Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units, or imprisonment for 2 years, or           28
               both.                                                                         29

         (2)   The designated agency that authorises the authorised carer in whose           30
               home an adult person resides, or the approved provider of the education       31
               and care service provided at the home where an adult person resides as        32
               referred to in subsection (1), must ensure that the adult person complies     33
               with that subsection.                                                         34
               Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units, in the case of a corporation, and         35
               50 penalty units in any other case.                                           36

         (3)   It is a defence to proceedings for an offence against subsection (1) if the   37
               accused person establishes that the accused person did not know, at the       38

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Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012                       Clause 11

Restrictions on child-related work                                       Part 2

              time the offence was committed, that the home was the home of an             1
              authorised carer or an approved provider of an education or care service.    2

       (4)    It is a defence to proceedings for an offence under subsection (1) or (2)    3
              if the accused person establishes that:                                      4
               (a) at the time of the offence, the adult person had been living at the     5
                      home on a regular basis for a period of less than 3 weeks, or        6
              (b) the adult person was exempted by the regulations from the                7
                      requirement to hold a clearance.                                     8

       (5)    For the purposes of the application of this Act (other than section 9) to    9
              an adult person required by this section to hold a clearance, the           10
              designated agency or approved provider referred to in subsection (2) is     11
              to be treated as the employer of the adult person.                          12

11     Potential adoptive parents                                                         13

       (1)    This section applies to any person who submits an application under the     14
              Adoption Act 2000 to adopt a child.                                         15

       (2)    The person assessing the application under that Act may request a           16
              person to whom this section applies to be screened by the Commission        17
              as if the person were an applicant for a working with children check        18
              clearance of any class.                                                     19

       (3)    The Commission is to treat such a request as if the person had applied      20
              for a clearance for child-related work.                                     21

                                                                               Page 9
Clause 12         Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Part 3            Working with children check clearances

Part 3         Working with children check clearances                                       1

Division 1           Classes of clearances                                                  2

12       Classes of clearances                                                              3

         (1)   There are to be the following classes of working with children check         4
               clearances:                                                                  5
               (a) volunteer--authorising workers to engage in unpaid child-related         6
                     work,                                                                  7
               (b) non-volunteer--authorising workers to engage in paid and                 8
                     unpaid child-related work.                                             9

         (2)   Despite section 8, the holder of a volunteer clearance may engage in        10
               paid child-related work if the person has been engaged in that work for     11
               a period of 30 consecutive days or less.                                    12

Division 2           Applications for clearances                                           13

13       Applications for clearances                                                       14

         (1)   A person may apply to the Commission for a working with children            15
               check clearance.                                                            16

         (2)   An application must:                                                        17
               (a) be in the form approved by the Commission, and                          18
               (b) be accompanied by any other information required by the                 19
                    Commission, and                                                        20
               (c) specify the class of clearance applied for.                             21

         (3)   The approved form must provide for the authorisation by the applicant       22
               of, and the consent by the applicant to, the following in connection with   23
               the application or any application under Part 4 and at any time while a     24
               clearance is in force:                                                      25
                (a) the conduct of a criminal record check in respect of the applicant,    26
               (b) the disclosure of the applicant's criminal history,                     27
                (c) other inquiries about the applicant relevant to the application or     28
                      clearance,                                                           29
               (d) without limiting paragraphs (b) and (c), disclosure of information      30
                      about the applicant relevant to whether the applicant may be         31
                      subject to an assessment requirement.                                32

         (4)   The regulations may:                                                        33
               (a) prescribe the fee payable for an application and the manner in          34
                     which it is to be paid, and                                           35

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Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012                      Clause 14

Working with children check clearances                                  Part 3

              (b)    require proof of identity to be provided by an applicant for a      1
                     clearance in the manner prescribed by the regulations or            2
                     approved by the Commission.                                         3

       (5)    An applicant may, at any time before the final determination of an         4
              application (including after receipt of notice of a proposed refusal),     5
              withdraw the application by notice in writing to the Commission.           6

Division 3           Risk assessment of applicants and holders                           7

14     Assessment requirements                                                           8

              A person is subject to an assessment requirement under this Act if any     9
              of the matters specified in Schedule 1 apply to the person.               10

15     Assessment of applicants and holders                                             11

       (1)    The Commission must conduct a risk assessment of an applicant for a       12
              working with children check clearance, or the holder of a clearance, to   13
              determine whether the applicant or holder poses a risk to the safety of   14
              children if the Commission becomes aware that the applicant or holder     15
              is subject to an assessment requirement.                                  16

       (2)    The Commission may conduct a risk assessment of the holder of a           17
              clearance if the Commission becomes aware that the decision to grant      18
              the clearance was based on wrong or incomplete information.               19

       (3)    Subsections (1) and (2) do not limit the circumstances in which the       20
              Commission may conduct a risk assessment of an applicant or holder.       21

       (4)    In making an assessment, the Commission may consider the following:       22
               (a) the seriousness of any matters that caused the assessment in         23
                    relation to the person,                                             24
              (b) the period of time since those matters occurred and the conduct       25
                    of the person since they occurred,                                  26
               (c) the age of the person at the time the matters occurred,              27
              (d) the age of each victim of any relevant offence or conduct at the      28
                    time it occurred and any matters relating to the vulnerability of   29
                    the victim,                                                         30
               (e) the difference in age between the victim and the person and the      31
                    relationship (if any) between the victim and the person,            32
               (f) whether the person knew, or could reasonably have known, that        33
                    the victim was a child,                                             34
              (g) the person's present age,                                             35
              (h) the seriousness of the person's total criminal record and the         36
                    conduct of the person since the matters occurred,                   37

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Clause 16         Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Part 3                Working with children check clearances

               (i)       the likelihood of any repetition by the person of the offences or        1
                         conduct or of any other matters that caused the assessment and           2
                         the impact on children of any such repetition,                           3
                (j)      any information given in, or in relation to, the application,            4
               (k)       any other matters that the Commission considers necessary.               5

         (5)   The Commission may, but is not required to, notify the holder of a                 6
               clearance in writing if the Commission decides to conduct a risk                   7
               assessment of the holder.                                                          8

16       Request for further information                                                          9

         (1)   The Commission may, by notice in writing to an applicant for a working            10
               with children check clearance or the holder of a clearance, request the           11
               applicant or holder to provide further information about an offence or            12
               other matter related to the application or clearance.                             13

         (2)   The Commission may terminate an application for a clearance if the                14
               applicant fails, without reasonable excuse, to provide the further                15
               information within 6 months of the request being made and the                     16
               Commission has not withdrawn the request.                                         17

17       Interim bars                                                                            18

         (1)   The Commission may, at any time after receiving an application for a              19
               working with children check clearance or commencing an assessment                 20
               of an applicant for or holder of a clearance, determine that the applicant        21
               or holder is subject to an interim bar on engaging in child-related work.         22

         (2)   The Commission may make a determination under this section if it is of            23
               the opinion that it is likely that there is a risk to the safety of children if   24
               the applicant or holder engages in child-related work pending the                 25
               determination of the application or assessment.                                   26

         (3)   The Commission must, as soon as practicable after imposing an interim             27
               bar, notify in writing the applicant or holder, and any employer or               28
               proposed employer of the applicant or holder in child-related work (if            29
               known to the Commissioner), that the applicant or holder is subject to            30
               an interim bar on engaging in child-related work.                                 31

         (4)   An interim bar ceases to have effect:                                             32
               (a) on notification in writing by the Commission to the applicant or              33
                     holder that the interim bar is revoked, or                                  34
               (b) in the case of an applicant for a clearance, if the applicant is              35
                     granted a clearance, or                                                     36
               (c) 12 months after the interim bar takes effect,                                 37
               whichever occurs first.                                                           38

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Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012                          Clause 18

Working with children check clearances                                      Part 3

Division 4           Determination of applications for clearances                              1

18     Determination of applications for clearances                                            2

       (1)    The Commission must not grant a working with children check                      3
              clearance to the following persons (disqualified persons):                       4
              (a) a person convicted before, on or after the commencement of this              5
                    section of an offence specified in Schedule 2, if the offence was          6
                    committed as an adult,                                                     7
              (b) a person against whom proceedings for any such offence have                  8
                    been commenced, if the offence was committed as an adult,                  9
                    pending determination of the proceedings for the offence.                 10

       (2)    The Commission must grant a clearance to a person who is subject to a           11
              risk assessment under Division 3 unless the Commission is satisfied that        12
              the person poses a risk to the safety of children.                              13

       (3)    The Commission must grant a clearance to a person if it is satisfied that       14
              the person is not a disqualified person and the person is not subject to a      15
              risk assessment under Division 3.                                               16

19     Notice of proposed refusal of application                                              17

       (1)    If the Commission proposes not to grant a working with children check           18
              clearance to a person, the Commission must notify the person in writing         19
              of the proposed decision and that the person may make a submission to           20
              the Commission within the period specified in the notice.                       21

       (2)    The Commission must consider any submission made by an applicant                22
              within that period before finally deciding the application.                     23

       (3)    This section does not apply to an application for a clearance that is made      24
              by a disqualified person.                                                       25

20     Notice of final decision granting or refusing clearance                                26

       (1)    The Commission must notify the applicant in writing of the                      27
              Commission's decision to grant or refuse to grant a working with                28
              children check clearance.                                                       29

       (2)    Notice of a decision to grant a clearance must include the working with         30
              children check number.                                                          31

       (3)    Notice of a decision not to grant a clearance must set out the reasons for      32
              the refusal and the right to seek a review under Part 4.                        33

       (4)    The Commission must notify the employer or proposed employer of an              34
              applicant in writing of the refusal of an application for a clearance, if the   35
              employer or proposed employer is known to the Commission.                       36

                                                                                 Page 13
Clause 21         Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Part 3            Working with children check clearances

21       Embargo on further applications after refusal                                        1
         (1)   A person who is refused a working with children check clearance is not         2
               entitled to make a further application for a clearance:                        3
               (a) until 5 years after the date notice of the refusal was given to the        4
                      person, or                                                              5
               (b) unless there has been a change of circumstances under which a              6
                      further early application is permitted under this section.              7

         (2)   A further early application is permitted if any of the following occurs:       8
               (a) proceedings that were pending at the date of the refusal are               9
                     withdrawn or dealt with without the person being found guilty of        10
                     the offence,                                                            11
               (b) a finding of guilt is quashed or set aside after the date of the          12
                     refusal,                                                                13
               (c) a finding the subject of an assessment requirement is quashed or          14
                     set aside or otherwise expressly or impliedly ceases to have effect     15
                     after the date of the refusal,                                          16
               (d) the Commission permits a person to make such an application.              17

Division 5           Duration and termination of clearances                                  18

22       Duration of clearances                                                              19

         (1)   A working with children check clearance ceases to have effect 5 years         20
               after the date it is granted, unless it is sooner cancelled or surrendered.   21

         (2)   The holder of a clearance may apply for a new clearance at any time           22
               within the period beginning 3 months before the expiry of the clearance.      23

23       Cancellation of clearances                                                          24

         (1)   The Commission must cancel the working with children check                    25
               clearance of a person if the Commission becomes aware that the person         26
               is a disqualified person or the Commission is satisfied that the person       27
               poses a risk to the safety of children.                                       28

         (2)   The Commission must notify the holder of the clearance in writing of          29
               the Commission's decision to cancel the clearance.                            30

         (3)   Notice of a decision to cancel a clearance must set out the reasons for       31
               the cancellation and the right to seek a review under Part 4.                 32

         (4)   The Commission must notify the employer of the person in writing of           33
               the cancellation of the clearance, if the employer is known to the            34
               Commission.                                                                   35
               Note. The holder of a clearance may also be made subject to an interim bar    36
               (see section 17).                                                             37

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Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012                       Clause 24

Working with children check clearances                                   Part 3

24     Surrender of clearances                                                             1
       (1)    The holder of a working with children check clearance may, at any time,      2
              notify the Commission in writing that the holder wishes to surrender the     3
              clearance.                                                                   4

       (2)    The Commission must cancel the clearance on receiving the notice.            5

       (3)    The Commission must notify the employer of the person concerned in           6
              writing of the cancellation of the clearance, if the employer is known to    7
              the Commission.                                                              8

Division 6           Working with children register                                        9

25     Working with children register                                                     10

       (1)    The Commission must establish a working with children register.             11

       (2)    The register must contain the following:                                    12
              (a) particulars of applications for working with children check             13
                    clearances, including the application number and the status of the    14
                    applications,                                                         15
              (b) particulars of persons holding clearances, including the class and      16
                    expiry date of the clearances and their working with children         17
                    check numbers.                                                        18

       (3)    The register is to be maintained in the manner and form approved by the     19
              Commission.                                                                 20

       (4)    The Commission must ensure that information kept on the register is         21
              accurate and up-to-date.                                                    22

       (5)    The regulations may provide for information on the register to be made      23
              publicly available in accordance with the regulations.                      24

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Clause 26         Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Part 4            Reviews and appeals

Part 4         Reviews and appeals                                                          1

26       No appeal in certain cases                                                         2

               A person may not make an application under this Part:                        3
               (a) if the person has been convicted of the murder of a child, or            4
               (b) if the person's application for a working with children check            5
                     clearance has been refused wholly or partly on the grounds that        6
                     the person has been charged with an offence and proceedings            7
                     related to that offence have not been finally determined.              8

27       Applications to Administrative Decisions Tribunal for reviews of                   9
         clearance decisions                                                               10

         (1)   A person who has been refused a working with children check clearance       11
               by the Commission may apply to the Tribunal for a review of the             12
               decision within 28 days after notice of the decision was given to the       13
               person.                                                                     14

         (2)   A person whose clearance is cancelled by the Commission may apply           15
               to the Tribunal for a review of the decision within 28 days after notice    16
               of the decision was given to the person.                                    17

         (3)   A person who is subject to an interim bar imposed by the Commission         18
               may apply to the Tribunal for a review of the decision, but only if the     19
               interim bar has been in force for more than 6 months.                       20

         (4)   An applicant must fully disclose to the Tribunal any matters relevant to    21
               the application.                                                            22

         (5)   The Tribunal may not award costs.                                           23

         (6)   An appeal lies on a question of law to the Supreme Court by any party       24
               to the proceedings.                                                         25

         (7)   Section 53 of the Administrative Decisions Tribunal Act 1997 does not       26
               apply to a decision that may be reviewed by the Tribunal under this         27
               section.                                                                    28

28       Orders relating to disqualified and ineligible persons                            29

         (1)   The Tribunal may, on the application of a disqualified person, make an      30
               order declaring that the person is not to be treated as a disqualified      31
               person for the purposes of this Act in respect of an offence specified in   32
               the order (an enabling order). Any such order has effect according to its   33
               tenor.                                                                      34

         (2)   The Tribunal may, on the application of a person who is not eligible to     35
               apply for a clearance because the person has been previously refused a      36
               clearance, make an order declaring that the person is to be treated as a    37

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Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012                       Clause 29

Reviews and appeals                                                      Part 4

              person who is eligible to apply for a clearance (an enabling order). Any     1
              such order has effect according to its tenor.                                2

       (3)    A disqualified person may make an application under this section only        3
              if:                                                                          4
               (a) the person has been refused a working with children check               5
                    clearance, or                                                          6
              (b) the person's clearance has been cancelled,                               7
              because the person is a disqualified person.                                 8

       (4)    The Commission is to be a party to any proceedings for an order under        9
              this section and may make submissions in opposition to or support of        10
              the making of the order.                                                    11

       (5)    An applicant must fully disclose to the Tribunal any matters relevant to    12
              the application.                                                            13

       (6)    If the Tribunal makes an enabling order, the Tribunal may order the         14
              Commission to revoke an interim bar or to grant the person a clearance.     15

       (7)    In any proceedings where an enabling order is sought, it is to be           16
              presumed, unless the applicant proves to the contrary, that the applicant   17
              poses a risk to the safety of children.                                     18

       (8)    An enabling order may not be made subject to conditions.                    19

       (9)    An appeal lies on a question of law to the Supreme Court by any party       20
              to the proceedings.                                                         21

29     Further review of persons who obtain enabling orders                               22

       (1)    The Commission may apply to the Tribunal to revoke or vary an               23
              enabling order made by the Tribunal.                                        24

       (2)    The Tribunal may:                                                           25
              (a) revoke an enabling order, if it is satisfied, on the basis of fresh     26
                   evidence provided by the Commission, that the person the subject       27
                   of the order poses a risk to the safety of children, or                28
              (b) confirm an enabling order, if it is satisfied that the person is not    29
                   likely to pose such a risk.                                            30

       (3)    The Tribunal may consider fresh evidence provided by the                    31
              Commission.                                                                 32

       (4)    An appeal lies to the Supreme Court by any party to the proceedings.        33

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Clause 30         Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Part 4            Reviews and appeals

30       Determination of applications and other matters                                           1
         (1)   The Tribunal must consider the following in determining an application              2
               under this Part:                                                                    3
               (a) the seriousness of the offences with respect to which the person                4
                     is a disqualified person or any matters that caused a refusal of a            5
                     clearance or imposition of an interim bar,                                    6
               (b) the period of time since those offences or matters occurred and                 7
                     the conduct of the person since they occurred,                                8
               (c) the age of the person at the time the offences or matters occurred,             9
               (d) the age of each victim of any relevant offence or conduct at the               10
                     time they occurred and any matters relating to the vulnerability of          11
                     the victim,                                                                  12
               (e) the difference in age between the victim and the person and the                13
                     relationship (if any) between the victim and the person,                     14
                (f) whether the person knew, or could reasonably have known, that                 15
                     the victim was a child,                                                      16
               (g) the person's present age,                                                      17
               (h) the seriousness of the person's total criminal record and the                  18
                     conduct of the person since the offences occurred,                           19
                (i) the likelihood of any repetition by the person of the offences or             20
                     conduct and the impact on children of any such repetition,                   21
                (j) any information given by the applicant in, or in relation to, the             22
                     application,                                                                 23
               (k) any other matters that the Commission considers necessary.                     24

         (2)   On an application under section 28 or 29, the Tribunal may, by order,              25
               stay the operation of a determination by the Commission under this Act             26
               relating to the applicant pending the determination of the matter.                 27
               Note. Division 2 of Part 3 of Chapter 5 of the Administrative Decisions Tribunal   28
               Act 1997 enables a decision the subject of an application under section 27 of      29
               this Act to be stayed by the Tribunal.                                             30

         (3)   Part 1 of Chapter 7 of the Administrative Decisions Tribunal Act 1997              31
               does not apply in respect of a decision of the Tribunal under this Part.           32

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Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012                       Clause 31

Provision of information                                                 Part 5

Part 5        Provision of information                                                     1

31     Powers of Commission to compel production of information                            2

       (1)    The Commission may, by notice in writing, require any government             3
              agency to provide the Commission with information (including                 4
              documents) relevant to an assessment of whether a person poses a risk        5
              to the safety of children.                                                   6

       (2)    A notice under subsection (1) may be given for the purposes of:              7
              (a) preparing submissions to the Tribunal under this Act or                  8
                    section 16 of the Child Protection (Offenders Registration) Act        9
                    2000, or                                                              10
              (b) determining an application for a working with children check            11
                    clearance or an assessment of an applicant or the holder of a         12
                    clearance.                                                            13

       (3)    A government agency to which any such notice is given is by this            14
              section authorised and required to provide the Commission with the          15
              information sought by the notice.                                           16

       (4)    The Commission may, by notice in writing, request a person other than       17
              a government agency to provide the Commission with a statement              18
              setting out information specified by the notice relevant to an assessment   19
              of whether a person poses a risk to the safety of children for the          20
              purposes of this Act.                                                       21

       (5)    A person other than a government agency to whom any such request is         22
              given is by this section authorised to provide the Commission with the      23
              information requested.                                                      24

       (6)    A notice under this section may specify a day on or before which the        25
              notice is to be complied with.                                              26

       (7)    If documents are given to the Commission under this section, the            27
              Commission:                                                                 28
               (a) may take possession of, and make copies of or take extracts from,      29
                    the documents, and                                                    30
              (b) may keep possession of the documents for such period as is              31
                    necessary for the purposes of preparing the submission or             32
                    considering an application, and                                       33
               (c) during that period must permit them to be inspected at all             34
                    reasonable times by the persons who would be entitled to inspect      35
                    them if they were not in the possession of the Commission.            36

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Clause 32         Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Part 5            Provision of information

32       Incidental disclosure of information by DPP authorised                            1
         (1)   The Director of Public Prosecutions is, on receipt of a notice under        2
               section 31, authorised to disclose to the Commission information or         3
               other documents that may contain information in addition to the             4
               information required by the notice, whether or not that information or      5
               those documents are subject to legal professional privilege or other        6
               restrictions on disclosure.                                                 7

         (2)   This section has effect despite any other Act or law.                       8

33       Notification of offences and other information                                    9

         (1)   The Commissioner of Police is authorised at any time, in accordance        10
               with this Part and the regulations, to disclose (or arrange for a member   11
               of the NSW Police Force to disclose) to the Commission the following       12
               information:                                                               13
                (a) information relating to any matter that may cause a person to be      14
                      a disqualified person or result in an assessment requirement        15
                      affecting a person,                                                 16
               (b) information relating to the criminal history of a person, including    17
                      (but not limited to) information about offences that cause or may   18
                      cause the person to be a disqualified person or result in an        19
                      assessment requirement affecting the person,                        20
                (c) without limiting paragraph (a) or (b), information relating to the    21
                      circumstances of an offence or other matter disclosed under this    22
                      section.                                                            23

         (2)   Information that may be disclosed under this section includes:             24
                (a) information relating to spent convictions, despite anything to the    25
                     contrary in the Criminal Records Act 1991, and                       26
               (b) information relating to criminal charges, whether or not heard,        27
                     proven, dismissed, withdrawn or discharged, and                      28
                (c) information relating to offences, despite anything to the contrary    29
                     in section 579 of the Crimes Act 1900.                               30

         (3)   This section does not limit the persons to whom, or the circumstances      31
               in which, information relating to the criminal history, including the      32
               criminal record, of persons may be disclosed apart from this Act.          33

         (4)   Information about a person's criminal history may be disclosed under       34
               this Act whether or not the information relates to events that occurred    35
               when the person was under the age of 18 years.                             36

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Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012                        Clause 34

Provision of information                                                  Part 5

34     Notification of information relating to criminal history for interstate              1
       child-related work screening                                                         2

       (1)    The Commissioner of Police may disclose (or arrange for a member of           3
              the NSW Police Force to disclose) information relating to any criminal        4
              history of persons to the following persons for the purposes of interstate    5
              child-related work screening:                                                 6
               (a) CrimTrac,                                                                7
              (b) a police force or service of the Commonwealth or another State            8
                     or Territory,                                                          9
               (c) an approved interstate screening agency.                                10

       (2)    A person to whom information is disclosed may disclose that                  11
              information to an approved interstate screening agency for the purposes      12
              of interstate child-related work screening undertaken by the agency.         13

       (3)    The Commissioner of Police may disclose (or arrange for a member of          14
              the NSW Police Force to disclose) to an approved interstate screening        15
              agency, at the request of the agency, information relating to the            16
              circumstances of an offence or alleged offence disclosed under this          17
              section for the purposes of interstate child-related work screening.         18

       (4)    Information that may be disclosed under this section includes:               19
               (a) information relating to convictions, including spent convictions,       20
                    quashed convictions and offences for which a pardon has been           21
                    given, despite anything to the contrary in the Criminal Records        22
                    Act 1991,                                                              23
              (b) information relating to criminal charges, whether heard or not           24
                    heard, proven, dismissed, withdrawn or discharged,                     25
               (c) information relating to offences, despite anything to the contrary      26
                    in section 579 of the Crimes Act 1900.                                 27

       (5)    This section does not limit the persons to whom, or the circumstances        28
              in which, information relating to the criminal history, including the        29
              criminal record of, persons may be disclosed apart from this Act.            30

       (6)    In this section:                                                             31
              approved interstate screening agency means:                                  32
               (a) a person or body prescribed by the regulations, or                      33
              (b) a body that is authorised under a law of the Commonwealth,               34
                     another State or a Territory to conduct interstate child-related      35
                     work screening and is approved by the Minister for the purposes       36
                     of this section.                                                      37

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Clause 35         Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Part 5            Provision of information

               interstate child-related work screening means using information about      1
               persons who work, or seek to work, with children in a way that is          2
               authorised or required under a law of the Commonwealth, another State      3
               or a Territory, for the purpose of estimating the risk to the safety of    4
               children posed by any such person if working with children.                5

35       Notification by reporting bodies of conduct constituting assessment              6
         requirement trigger                                                              7

         (1)   It is the duty of a reporting body to notify the Commission of the name    8
               and other identifying particulars of any child-related worker against      9
               whom the reporting body has made a finding that the worker has            10
               engaged in conduct specified in clause 2 of Schedule 1.                   11

         (2)   Notification under this section extends to findings made before the       12
               commencement of this section.                                             13

         (3)   The regulations may make provision for or with respect to the             14
               following:                                                                15
                (a) the form of any such notification,                                   16
               (b) the provision by reporting bodies of further particulars of any       17
                     such matter, or any potential such matter, if requested by the      18
                     Commission,                                                         19
                (c) the keeping of records by reporting bodies of information about      20
                     such matters or potential such matters supplied to the              21
                     Commission,                                                         22
               (d) the amendment or withdrawal of a notification by a reporting          23
                     body.                                                               24

         (4)   In this section:                                                          25
               reporting body means the following:                                       26
                (a) a NSW Government agency,                                             27
               (b) a Department or public sector agency within the meaning of the        28
                      Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002,                  29
                (c) a registration or other licensing authority constituted under an     30
                      Act,                                                               31
               (d) a designated government agency or designated non-government           32
                      agency within the meaning of Part 3A of the Ombudsman Act          33
                      1974 that has been granted an exemption under section 25CA of      34
                      that Act,                                                          35
                (e) any other employer or professional or other body that supervises     36
                      the conduct of an employee prescribed by the regulations for the   37
                      purposes of this section.                                          38

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Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012                        Clause 36

Provision of information                                                  Part 5

36     Enforcement notices                                                                  1
       (1)    The Commission may, by notice in writing served on a reporting body           2
              or an officer of a reporting body, require the reporting body to comply       3
              with obligations of the reporting body under section 35 within the            4
              period specified in the notice.                                               5

       (2)    The Commission may serve a notice under this section if it is of the          6
              opinion that the reporting body has failed to comply with any provision       7
              of section 35.                                                                8

       (3)    The notice must set out the reasons for the notice being given.               9

       (4)    The period specified in a notice is to be not less than 28 days.             10

       (5)    The Commission may revoke a notice at any time.                              11

       (6)    A person who fails, without reasonable excuse, to comply with a notice       12
              in force under this section is guilty of an offence.                         13
              Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units, in the case of a corporation, or         14
              50 penalty units in any other case.                                          15

       (7)    In any proceedings for an offence against this section, the onus of          16
              proving that a person had a reasonable excuse lies with the defendant.       17

       (8)    Nothing in this section prevents the Commission from contacting              18
              reporting bodies for the purpose of informing them of their obligations      19
              under this Act or requesting any information that reporting bodies are       20
              required to provide to the Commission under this Act.                        21

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Clause 37         Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Part 6            Functions of Commission

Part 6         Functions of Commission                                                       1

37       Database functions of Commission                                                    2

               The Commission may exercise the following functions:                          3
               (a) collecting and maintaining a database of orders by the Tribunal           4
                    under this Act, and other orders and proceedings completed               5
                    against a person that result in assessment requirements, including       6
                    updating, correcting and removing entries on the database,               7
               (b) collecting and maintaining a database of notifications to the             8
                    Commission of matters that constitute or might constitute the            9
                    basis of an assessment requirement, including updating,                 10
                    correcting and removing entries on the database,                        11
               (c) collecting and maintaining a database of employers who seek              12
                    information about working with children check clearances for            13
                    child-related work purposes, including updating, correcting and         14
                    removing entries on the database.                                       15

38       Commission's public awareness and advice functions                                 16

               The Commission may promote public awareness of and provide advice            17
               on requirements for working with children check clearances and related       18
               matters concerning child-related work.                                       19

39       Commission's monitoring and auditing functions                                     20

         (1)   The Commission is to monitor and audit compliance with the                   21
               requirements of this Act and the regulations.                                22

         (2)   The Minister may give the Commission a written direction on the              23
               exercise of its functions under this section, and the Commission is to       24
               comply with the direction.                                                   25

40       Power to compel production of information for monitoring or auditing               26
         purposes                                                                           27

         (1)   For the purposes of exercising its monitoring or auditing functions          28
               under this Act, the Commission may, by notice in writing, require an         29
               officer of a government agency, an employer or a body that supervises,       30
               represents or has other functions with respect to an employer to do any      31
               one or more of the following:                                                32
                (a) to provide to the Commission, on or before a day specified in the       33
                      notice, a statement setting out such information as is so specified   34
                      relating to the matters being monitored or audited,                   35
               (b) to provide to the Commission, on or before a day specified in the        36
                      notice, such documents as are so specified relating to the matters    37
                      being monitored or audited.                                           38

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Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012                     Clause 40

Functions of Commission                                                Part 6

       (2)    A person who:                                                             1
               (a) fails, without reasonable excuse, to comply with a requirement of    2
                     a notice under this section, or                                    3
              (b) provides the Commission with information that the person knows        4
                     is false or misleading in a material particular,                   5
              is guilty of an offence.                                                  6
              Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units, in the case of a corporation, and     7
              50 penalty units in any other case.                                       8

       (3)    A notice may specify the manner in which a statement or documents         9
              may be given to the Commission.                                          10

       (4)    If documents are given to the Commission under this section, the         11
              Commission:                                                              12
               (a) may take possession of, and make copies of or take extracts from,   13
                    the documents, and                                                 14
              (b) may keep possession of the documents for such period as is           15
                    necessary for the purposes of exercising its monitoring or         16
                    auditing functions, and                                            17
               (c) during that period must permit them to be inspected at all          18
                    reasonable times by the persons who would be entitled to inspect   19
                    them if they were not in the possession of the Commission.         20

       (5)    In any proceedings for an offence against this section, the onus of      21
              proving that a person had a reasonable excuse lies with the defendant.   22

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Clause 41         Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Part 7            Miscellaneous

Part 7         Miscellaneous                                                               1

41       Act to bind Crown                                                                 2

               This Act binds the Crown in right of New South Wales and, in so far as      3
               the legislative power of the Parliament of New South Wales permits, the     4
               Crown in all its other capacities.                                          5

42       Effect of Act on other rights and procedures                                      6

         (1)   An assessment under this Act or interstate child-related work screening     7
               (as referred to in section 34) may be conducted, and information            8
               disclosed or obtained, in accordance with this Act despite any other Act    9
               or law to the contrary.                                                    10

         (2)   Nothing in this Act affects any statutory right that an employee may       11
               have in relation to employment or termination of employment.               12

         (3)   However, any court or tribunal exercising jurisdiction with respect to     13
               any such right must have regard to the results of any determination of     14
               an application for a working with children check clearance or              15
               assessment carried out under this Act in connection with the work          16
               concerned and the welfare of children as the paramount consideration in    17
               that determination or assessment.                                          18

         (4)   Nothing in this Act affects the operation of Part 2 of Chapter 9 of the    19
               Health Services Act 1997.                                                  20

         (5)   This section is subject to section 47.                                     21

43       Protection of persons relating to child-related work                             22

         (1)   Anything done or omitted to be done by a person in good faith and with     23
               reasonable care:                                                           24
                (a) for the purpose of the determination of an application for a          25
                     working with children check clearance or an assessment of the        26
                     holder of a clearance, or                                            27
               (b) for the purpose of exercising a function under this Act,               28
               does not subject the person to any action, liability, claim or demand.     29

         (2)   Without limiting subsection (1):                                           30
               (a) a person has qualified privilege in proceedings for defamation in      31
                    respect of anything done or omitted to be done by the person for      32
                    the purposes of the determination of an application for a             33
                    clearance or an assessment or otherwise exercising a function         34
                    under this Act, and                                                   35
               (b) damages or compensation (whether for breach of contract or             36
                    otherwise) are not payable in respect of a decision not to grant a    37

Page 26
Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012                         Clause 44

Miscellaneous                                                              Part 7

                     clearance or to cancel a clearance, or to impose an interim bar, as     1
                     a result of an assessment carried out in good faith and with            2
                     reasonable care for the purposes of this Act or a review                3
                     application.                                                            4

       (3)    This section does not limit or affect any other right, privilege or            5
              immunity that a person has as a defendant in any proceedings.                  6

44     Evidentiary certificate                                                               7

              A certificate issued by the Commission that states that, on a specified        8
              date or during a specified period:                                             9
               (a) a specified person was or was not the holder of a working with           10
                     children check clearance, or                                           11
              (b) a specified person had or had not made an application for a               12
                     clearance, or                                                          13
               (c) a clearance was or was not in force, or                                  14
              (d) a specified person was or was not subject to an interim bar,              15
              is admissible in legal proceedings as evidence of the matters so stated.      16

45     Unauthorised disclosure or dishonest collection of information                       17

       (1)    A person who discloses any information obtained by the person in              18
              connection with the exercise of functions under this Act or the               19
              regulations is guilty of an offence unless the disclosure:                    20
               (a) is made in good faith for the purposes of the exercise of a function     21
                    under this Act or the regulations, or                                   22
              (b) is made with the consent of the person to whom the information            23
                    relates, or                                                             24
               (c) is ordered by a court, or any other body or person exercising            25
                    judicial functions, for the purposes of the hearing or                  26
                    determination by the court, body or person of any matter, or            27
              (d) is made with other lawful excuse.                                         28

       (2)    A person who dishonestly obtains confidential information relating to         29
              the exercise of functions under this Act or the regulations is guilty of an   30
              offence.                                                                      31
              Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units, or imprisonment for 6 months, or           32
              both.                                                                         33

46     Obtaining information on disciplinary matters under Government                       34
       Information (Public Access) Act 2009                                                 35

       (1)    A person against whom a finding referred to in clause 2 of Schedule 1         36
              has been made is, subject to this section, entitled to apply for access       37

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Clause 47         Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Part 7            Miscellaneous

               under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 to any             1
               information about the finding. That Act applies to the determination of      2
               any such application for access.                                             3

         (2)   Any provision of that Act relating to fees or charges payable by             4
               applicants does not apply to such an application for access.                 5

         (3)   The provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act             6
               2009 apply for the purposes of this section whether or not the agency is     7
               an agency to which those provisions apply.                                   8

         (4)   The regulations under this Act may modify any provisions of that Act         9
               in its application under this section.                                      10

47       Relationship with other Acts and laws                                             11

         (1)   A prohibition on employment under this Act prevails to the extent of        12
               any inconsistency between it and any other Act or law.                      13

         (2)   The Industrial Relations Commission or any other court or tribunal does     14
               not have jurisdiction under any Act or law to order the re-instatement or   15
               re-employment of a person or worker contrary to a prohibition on            16
               employment imposed by this Act, or to order the payment of damages          17
               or compensation for any removal from employment of a person from            18
               employment prohibited under this Act.                                       19

48       Information about old offences may be given                                       20

               For the purposes of this Act, section 579 of the Crimes Act 1900 does       21
               not apply to or in respect of an offence referred to in Schedule 1 or 2.    22

49       Nature of proceedings for offences                                                23

               Proceedings for an offence under this Act or the regulations may be         24
               dealt with summarily before the Local Court.                                25

50       Offences by corporations                                                          26

         (1)   If a corporation contravenes, whether by act or omission, any provision     27
               of this Act, each person who is a director of the corporation or who is     28
               concerned in the management of the corporation is taken to have             29
               contravened the same provision if the person knowingly authorised or        30
               permitted the contravention.                                                31

         (2)   Subsection (1) does not apply in respect of a contravention of a            32
               provision of the regulations that is declared by the regulations to be an   33
               excluded provision for the purposes of this section.                        34

         (3)   A person may be proceeded against and convicted under a provision           35
               pursuant to subsection (1) whether or not the corporation has been          36
               proceeded against or has been convicted under the provision.                37

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Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012                        Clause 51

Miscellaneous                                                             Part 7

       (4)    Nothing in this section affects any liability imposed on a corporation for    1
              an offence committed by the corporation under this Act.                       2

       (5)    This section applies only to offences against Part 2.                         3

51     Service of documents                                                                 4

       (1)    A document that is authorised or required by this Act or the regulations      5
              to be given to any person may be given by:                                    6
               (a) in the case of a natural person:                                         7
                      (i) delivering it to the person personally, or                        8
                     (ii) sending it by post to the address specified by the person for     9
                           the giving or service of documents or, if no such address is    10
                           specified, the residential or business address of the person    11
                           last known to the person giving or serving the document,        12
                           or                                                              13
                    (iii) sending it by facsimile transmission to the facsimile            14
                           number of the person or by email to the email address of        15
                           the person, or                                                  16
              (b) in the case of a body corporate:                                         17
                      (i) leaving it with a person apparently of or above the age of       18
                           16 years at, or by sending it by post to, the head office, a    19
                           registered office or a principal office of the body corporate   20
                           or to an address specified by the body corporate for the        21
                           giving or service of documents, or                              22
                     (ii) sending it by facsimile transmission to the facsimile            23
                           number of the body corporate or by email to the email           24
                           address of the body corporate.                                  25

       (2)    Notice of a working with children check number may be given to a             26
              person by sending it by SMS message to the person's last known mobile        27
              telephone number.                                                            28

       (3)    Nothing in this section affects the operation of any provision of a law or   29
              of the rules of a court authorising a document to be served on a person      30
              in any other manner.                                                         31

52     Regulations                                                                         32

       (1)    The Governor may make regulations, not inconsistent with this Act, for       33
              or with respect to any matter that by this Act is required or permitted to   34
              be prescribed or that is necessary or convenient to be prescribed for        35
              carrying out or giving effect to this Act.                                   36

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Clause 53         Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Part 7            Miscellaneous

         (2)   In particular, the regulations may make provision for or with respect to    1
               the following:                                                              2
                (a) the information to be provided by the Commission to applicants         3
                      for or holders of working with children check clearances,            4
               (b) the exemption of persons or classes of persons from all or any          5
                      requirements of this Act, unconditionally or subject to              6
                      conditions.                                                          7

         (3)   The regulations may amend Schedule 1 or Schedule 2.                         8

         (4)   The regulations may create offences punishable by a penalty not             9
               exceeding 20 penalty units.                                                10

53       Review of Act                                                                    11

         (1)   The Minister is to review this Act to determine whether the policy         12
               objectives of the Act remain valid and whether the terms of the Act        13
               remain appropriate for securing those objectives.                          14

         (2)   The review is to be undertaken as soon as possible after the period of     15
               5 years from the date of assent to this Act.                               16

         (3)   A report on the outcome of the review is to be tabled in each House of     17
               Parliament within 12 months after the end of the period of 5 years.        18

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Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Assessment requirement triggers                                          Schedule 1

Schedule 1               Assessment requirement triggers                                   1

  1    Offences                                                                            2

       (1)    Proceedings have been commenced against a person:                            3
              (a) for an offence specified in clause 1 of Schedule 2, if the offence       4
                    was committed as a child (whatever the outcome of the                  5
                    proceedings), or                                                       6
              (b) for an offence specified in clause 1 of Schedule 2, if the offence       7
                    was committed as an adult, and the person is not because of those      8
                    proceedings a disqualified person.                                     9

       (2)    Proceedings have been commenced against a person for any of the             10
              following offences (whatever the outcome of those proceedings):             11
               (a) an offence involving intentional wounding of or causing bodily         12
                    harm to a child by an adult (other than an offence specified in       13
                    clause 1 of Schedule 2),                                              14
              (b) any sexual offence committed against, with or in the presence of        15
                    a child, other than an offence specified in clause 1 of Schedule 2,   16
               (c) an offence under section 38 or 38A of the Crimes Act 1900              17
                    committed against a child,                                            18
              (d) an offence under section 45 of the Crimes Act 1900 committed            19
                    against a child,                                                      20
               (e) an offence under section 60E of the Crimes Act 1900,                   21
               (f) an offence under section 13 of the Crimes (Domestic and                22
                    Personal Violence) Act 2007 committed against a child,                23
              (g) an offence under section 6 of the Prevention of Cruelty to              24
                    Animals Act 1979.                                                     25

       (3)    Proceedings have been commenced against a person for any of the             26
              following offences (other than where a person has been found not guilty     27
              of the offence concerned):                                                  28
               (a) an offence under section 43A of the Crimes Act 1900,                   29
              (b) an offence under section 44 of the Crimes Act 1900 committed            30
                     against a child,                                                     31
               (c) an offence under section 227, 228 or 231 of the Children and           32
                     Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998,                        33
              (d) an offence under section 530 of the Crimes Act 1900,                    34
               (e) an offence under section 23A, 24 (1A) or (2A) or 25 (1A) of the        35
                     Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act 1985,                                36

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                Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Schedule 1         Assessment requirement triggers

             (f)      any other offence, whether under the law of New South Wales or       1
                      elsewhere, prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this    2
                      subclause.                                                           3

      (4)    A person has been convicted of an offence under section 61 of the             4
             Crimes Act 1900 committed against a child.                                    5

      (5)    Subclauses (1), (2), (3) and (4) apply to:                                    6
              (a) an offence an element of which is an intention to commit an              7
                   offence of a kind listed in those subclauses, and                       8
             (b) an offence under a law other than a law of New South Wales that           9
                   is an offence similar to an offence listed in those subclauses, and    10
              (c) an offence of attempting, or of conspiracy or incitement, to            11
                   commit an offence listed in those subclauses,                          12
             in the same way that they apply to the offences listed in those              13
             subclauses.                                                                  14

      (6)    A person has been convicted of, or proceedings have been commenced           15
             against a person for, offences involving violence or sexual misconduct       16
             (whether or not listed in this Schedule or Schedule 2) sufficient to         17
             indicate a pattern of behaviour that warrants investigation as to whether    18
             it may cause a risk to the safety of children.                               19

      (7)    An offence is not specified for the purposes of this clause if it was an     20
             offence specified in this clause at the time of its commission and the       21
             conduct has ceased to be an offence in New South Wales.                      22

 2    Findings of misconduct involving children                                           23

             A person has been the subject of a finding by a reporting body that the      24
             person engaged in the following conduct:                                     25
             (a) sexual misconduct committed against, with or in the presence of          26
                   a child, including grooming of a child,                                27
             (b) any serious physical assault of a child.                                 28

 3    Application of Schedule                                                             29

             This Schedule applies to offences and other matters whether occurring        30
             before, on or after the commencement of this Schedule.                       31

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Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Disqualifying offences                                                  Schedule 2

Schedule 2               Disqualifying offences                                           1

  1    Specified offences                                                                 2

       (1)    The following offences are specified:                                       3
               (a) murder of a child,                                                     4
               (b) manslaughter of a child (other than as a result of a motor vehicle     5
                    accident),                                                            6
               (c) an offence involving intentional wounding or causing grievous          7
                    bodily harm to a child by an adult who is more than 3 years older     8
                    than the victim,                                                      9
               (d) an offence under section 61B, 61C, 61D, 61E or 61F of the             10
                    Crimes Act 1900,                                                     11
               (e) an offence under section 61I, 61J, 61JA, 61K, 61L, 61M, 61N,          12
                    61O or 61P of the Crimes Act 1900,                                   13
               (f) the common law offence of rape or attempted rape,                     14
               (g) an offence under section 65A or 66 of the Crimes Act 1900,            15
               (h) an offence under section 66A, 66B, 66C, 66D, 66EA, 66EB, 66F          16
                    or 73 of the Crimes Act 1900,                                        17
                (i) an offence under section 73 (before its substitution by the Crimes   18
                    Amendment (Sexual Offences) Act 2003), 74 or 76 of the Crimes        19
                    Act 1900,                                                            20
                (j) an offence under section 78A, 78B or 79 of the Crimes Act 1900,      21
               (k) an offence under section 78H, 78I, 78K, 78L, 78N, 78O, 78Q or         22
                    81 of the Crimes Act 1900,                                           23
                (l) an offence under section 80A, 80D or 80E of the Crimes Act           24
                    1900,                                                                25
              (m) an offence under section 86 of the Crimes Act 1900 where the           26
                    person against whom the offence is committed is a child, except      27
                    where the person found guilty of the offence was, when the           28
                    offence was committed or at some earlier time, a parent or carer     29
                    of the child,                                                        30
               (n) an offence under section 91D, 91E, 91F, 91G or 91H of the             31
                    Crimes Act 1900 (other than an offence committed by a child          32
                    prostitute),                                                         33
               (o) an offence under section 42 or 43 of the Crimes Act 1900,             34
               (p) an offence under section 91J, 91K or 91L of the Crimes Act 1900,      35
               (q) an offence under section 21G of the Summary Offences Act 1988         36
                    or section 91M of the Crimes Act 1900 where the person intended      37
                    to be observed or filmed was a child,                                38

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                    Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Schedule 2          Disqualifying offences

              (r)      an offence against section 272.8, 272.10 (if it relates to an        1
                       underlying offence against section 272.8) or 272.11 of the           2
                       Criminal Code of the Commonwealth,                                   3
              (s)      an offence against section 272.9, 272.10 (if it relates to an        4
                       underlying offence against section 272.9), 272.14 or 272.15 of       5
                       the Criminal Code of the Commonwealth,                               6
              (t)      an offence against section 272.18, 272.19 or 272.20 of the           7
                       Criminal Code of the Commonwealth if it relates to another           8
                       offence listed in this Schedule,                                     9
              (u)      an offence against section 270.6 or 270.7 of the Criminal Code of   10
                       the Commonwealth where the person against whom the offence          11
                       is committed is a child,                                            12
              (v)      an offence against section 233BAB of the Customs Act 1901 of        13
                       the Commonwealth involving items of child pornography or of         14
                       child abuse material,                                               15
             (w)       an offence against section 471.16, 471.17, 471.19, 471.20 or        16
                       471.22 of the Criminal Code of the Commonwealth,                    17
              (x)      an offence against section 471.24, 471.25 or 471.26 of the          18
                       Criminal Code of the Commonwealth,                                  19
              (y)      an offence under section 91H, 578B or 578C (2A) of the Crimes       20
                       Act 1900,                                                           21
              (z)      an offence under a law other than a law of New South Wales that,    22
                       if committed in New South Wales, would be an offence listed in      23
                       this clause,                                                        24
             (aa)      an offence an element of which is an intention to commit an         25
                       offence of a kind listed in this clause,                            26
             (ab)      an offence of attempting, or of conspiracy or incitement, to        27
                       commit an offence of a kind listed in this clause.                  28

      (2)    This clause applies to convictions or proceedings for offences whether        29
             occurring before, on or after the commencement of this clause.                30

 2    Excluded offences                                                                    31

             An offence is not specified for the purposes of this Schedule if it was an    32
             offence specified in this Schedule at the time of its commission and the      33
             conduct has ceased to be an offence in New South Wales.                       34

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Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Savings, transitional and other provisions                                 Schedule 3

Schedule 3               Savings, transitional and other                                     1
                         provisions                                                          2

Part 1        General                                                                        3

  1    Regulations                                                                           4

       (1)    The regulations may contain provisions of a savings or transitional            5
              nature consequent on the enactment of this Act or any Act that amends          6
              this Act.                                                                      7

       (2)    Any such provision may, if the regulations so provide, take effect from        8
              the date of assent to the Act concerned or a later date.                       9

       (3)    To the extent to which any such provision takes effect from a date that       10
              is earlier than the date of its publication on the NSW legislation website,   11
              the provision does not operate so as:                                         12
               (a) to affect, in a manner prejudicial to any person (other than the         13
                      State or an authority of the State), the rights of that person        14
                      existing before the date of its publication, or                       15
              (b) to impose liabilities on any person (other than the State or an           16
                      authority of the State) in respect of anything done or omitted to     17
                      be done before the date of its publication.                           18

Part 2        Provisions consequent on enactment of this                                    19
              Act                                                                           20

  2    Definitions                                                                          21

              In this Part:                                                                 22
              existing child-related worker means a worker who was engaged in               23
              child-related work immediately before the commencement of Part 2 of           24
              this Act.                                                                     25
              existing employer means the employer of an existing child-related             26
              worker immediately before the commencement of Part 2 of this Act.             27
              existing resident means an adult who was residing at the home of an           28
              authorised carer or a provider of an education and care service where         29
              foster care or an education and care service was provided immediately         30
              before the commencement of Part 2 of this Act.                                31
              former provisions means Part 7 of the Commission for Children and             32
              Young People Act 1998, as in force immediately before its repeal by this      33
              Act.                                                                          34

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                Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Schedule 3      Savings, transitional and other provisions

 3    Existing employees and residents                                                        1
      (1)    An existing child-related worker is not required to obtain or have a             2
             working with children check clearance while the worker continues in              3
             the employment of an existing employer.                                          4
             Note. Regulations under clause 5 may provide for the application of the          5
             requirements under this Act to existing child-related workers and existing       6
             residents.                                                                       7

      (2)    For the purposes of this clause, a person in the Government Service or           8
             the NSW Health Service is taken to have ceased to be employed by an              9
             existing employer if the person becomes a member of staff of a                  10
             Government Department or agency that has a different ABN.                       11

      (3)    An existing resident is not required to obtain or have a clearance while        12
             the resident continues to reside in the place where the resident resided        13
             immediately before the commencement of Part 2 of this Act.                      14

      (4)    This clause does not apply to an existing child-related worker or an            15
             existing resident who was a disqualified person on the commencement             16
             of this clause or who subsequently becomes a disqualified person.               17

      (5)    This clause does not apply to a person in respect of work carried out by        18
             the person as a self-employed person.                                           19

 4    Application of Act to existing self-employed persons                                   20

      (1)    This clause applies to a person:                                                21
             (a) who was engaged in child-related work as a self-employed                    22
                   person immediately before the commencement of Part 2 of this              23
                   Act, and                                                                  24
             (b) who was, immediately before the commencement of this clause,                25
                   required to hold a child-related employment certificate.                  26

      (2)    A person to whom this clause applies who held a child-related                   27
             employment certificate immediately before the commencement of this              28
             clause is not, until the expiry date of the person's certificate, required to   29
             comply with Division 2 of Part 2 of this Act in respect of child-related        30
             work undertaken by the person as a self-employed person.                        31

      (3)    A person to whom this clause applies who did not hold a child-related           32
             employment certificate on the commencement of this clause is not                33
             required to comply with Division 2 of Part 2 of this Act in respect of          34
             child-related work undertaken by the person as a self-employed person           35
             until the day prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this            36
             clause.                                                                         37

      (4)    This clause does not apply to a person who was a disqualified person on         38
             the commencement of this clause or who subsequently becomes a                   39
             disqualified person.                                                            40

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Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Savings, transitional and other provisions                                Schedule 3

       (5)    In this clause:                                                               1
              child-related employment certificate means a certificate issued under         2
              Part 2 of the Commission for Children and Young People Regulation             3
              2009 to a self-employed person in which the Commission certified that         4
              the person was not a prohibited person (within the meaning of Part 7 of       5
              the Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998).                       6

  5    Staged implementation of new scheme                                                  7

              The regulations may make provision for or with respect to the                 8
              following:                                                                    9
               (a) the application of this Act (or provisions of this Act) to classes of   10
                    existing child-related workers or existing residents, and other        11
                    persons who become child-related workers or residents subject to       12
                    section 10 on or after the commencement of Part 2 of this Act, on      13
                    and from a specified date or dates,                                    14
              (b) the obligations of persons who are child-related workers or such         15
                    residents pending the application of this Act to those persons,        16
               (c) the exemption from this Act (or provisions of this Act) of, or the      17
                    application of provisions of this Act to, classes of persons who       18
                    are existing child-related workers or existing residents,              19
              (d) the application of the former provisions to existing child-related       20
                    workers or existing residents, and other persons, pending the          21
                    application of provisions of this Act to those persons.                22

  6    Existing prohibited persons declarations                                            23

       (1)    This clause applies to a person who is the subject of an order containing    24
              a declaration (in force immediately before the repeal of the former          25
              provisions) by a tribunal under section 33H of the former provisions         26
              that Division 2 of those provisions is not to apply to the person in         27
              respect of a specified offence (an existing declaration).                    28

       (2)    On the application of this Act to a person to whom this clause applies:      29
              (a) a person who is the subject of an unconditional existing                 30
                    declaration is taken to be the subject of an order under Part 4 of     31
                    this Act declaring that the person concerned is not to be treated as   32
                    a disqualified person in respect of the offence, and                   33
              (b) any other person to whom this clause applies is to be treated as a       34
                    disqualified person for the purposes of this Act.                      35

  7    Part subject to regulations                                                         36

              This Part is subject to the regulations.                                     37

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               Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Schedule 4     Amendment of other Acts

Schedule 4            Amendment of other Acts                                                  1

4.1 Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998                                  2
    No 157                                                                                     3

[1]   Section 29 Protection of persons who make reports or provide certain                     4
      information                                                                              5

      Omit paragraph (a) of the definition of reportable conduct in section 29 (6).            6
      Insert instead:                                                                          7
                    (a) reportable conduct within the meaning of Part 3A of the                8
                        Ombudsman Act 1974 or conduct referred to in clause 2 of               9
                        Schedule 1 to the Child Protection (Working with                      10
                        Children) Act 2012, or                                                11

[2]   Section 137 (3), note                                                                   12

      Omit the note. Insert instead:                                                          13
                   Note. See section 10 of the Child Protection (Working with Children) Act   14
                   2012 which requires adult household members of authorised carers to        15
                   hold authorisations required for child-related work.                       16

4.2 Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998 No 146                                  17

[1]   Long title                                                                              18

      Omit "; to provide for safeguards and impose prohibitions relating to                   19
      child-related employment".                                                              20

[2]   Section 3 Definitions                                                                   21

      Omit the definitions of background checking and review application from                 22
      section 3 (1).                                                                          23

[3]   Section 11 Principal functions of Commission                                            24

      Omit section 11 (h1) and (i). Insert instead:                                           25
                   (i) to exercise functions relating to persons engaged in                   26
                         child-related work, including checking, clearance and                27
                         other functions, under the Child Protection (Working with            28
                         Children) Act 2012,                                                  29

[4]   Section 14A Powers of Commission for Children and Young People to                       30
      compel production of information                                                        31

      Omit the section.                                                                       32

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Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Amendment of other Acts                                                   Schedule 4

 [5]   Section 15B Power to compel production of information for monitoring                 1
       or auditing purposes                                                                 2

       Omit the section.                                                                    3

 [6]   Part 7 Child-related employment                                                      4

       Omit the Part.                                                                       5

 [7]   Section 48A Protection of persons relating to child-related employment               6

       Omit the section.                                                                    7

 [8]   Section 48B Unauthorised disclosure or dishonest collection of                       8
       information                                                                          9

       Omit the section.                                                                   10

 [9]   Section 50 Offences by corporations                                                 11

       Omit the section.                                                                   12

[10]   Section 52 Relationship with other Acts and laws                                    13

       Omit the section.                                                                   14

[11]   Schedule 3 Savings, transitional and other provisions                               15

       Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                  16

                     any other Act that amends this Act.                                   17

4.3 Criminal Records Act 1991 No 8                                                         18

       Section 15 Employment in certain occupations                                        19

       Omit section 15 (1A). Insert instead:                                               20

            (1A)     Section 12 does not apply in relation to an application by a person   21
                     for a working with children check clearance under the Child           22
                     Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012, or to the                23
                     assessment of the holder of a clearance under that Act.               24

4.4 Education Act 1990 No 8                                                                25

 [1]   Section 47 Registration requirements for non-government schools                     26

       Omit "Division 2 of Part 7 of the Commission for Children and Young People          27
       Act 1998" from section 47 (g) (ii).                                                 28

       Insert instead "Part 2 of the Child Protection (Working with Children) Act          29
       2012".                                                                              30

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                Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Schedule 4         Amendment of other Acts

[2]   Section 47 (g) (iii)                                                                  1
      Omit "Part 7 of the Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998".               2

      Insert instead "the Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012".               3

4.5 Education (School Administrative and Support Staff) Act                                 4
    1987 No 240                                                                             5

[1]   Section 32D Suspension of permanent employees from duty pending                       6
      certain decisions or on lapsing of clearance                                          7

      Omit section 32D (2). Insert instead:                                                 8

             (2)      If a permanent employee:                                              9
                       (a) is charged with an offence referred to in section 32C, or       10
                      (b) is the subject of an interim bar, or                             11
                       (c) is refused a working with children check clearance and the      12
                             period for an application under Part 4 of the Child           13
                             Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012 has not           14
                             elapsed or an application has been made under that Part       15
                             and has not been determined, or                               16
                      (d) is not the holder of a clearance and is eligible to apply, but   17
                             has not applied, for a clearance,                             18

                      the Director-General may suspend the employee from duty until        19
                      the employee is notified by the Director-General that the            20
                      suspension has been lifted.                                          21

[2]   Section 32D (5)                                                                      22

      Insert after section 32D (4):                                                        23

             (5)      Words and expressions used in this section have the same             24
                      meaning as they have in the Child Protection (Working with           25
                      Children) Act 2012.                                                  26

[3]   Part 6A, heading                                                                     27

      Omit "prohibited persons".                                                           28

      Insert instead "persons barred from working with children".                          29

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Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Amendment of other Acts                                                 Schedule 4

 [4]   Section 32I Definitions                                                           1
       Omit the definitions of child-related employment, Commission and                  2
       prohibited person and the note to the section. Insert instead:                    3
                   unauthorised person means:                                            4
                    (a) a person whose working with children check clearance is          5
                          cancelled, or                                                  6
                    (b) any other person who is required to hold a clearance but is      7
                          not the holder of a clearance, other than a person referred    8
                          to in section 32D (2) (b)-(d) or a person who is exempt        9
                          from the requirement to hold a clearance.                     10

 [5]   Section 32I (2)                                                                  11

       Insert at the end of section 32I:                                                12

              (2)    Words and expressions used in this Part have the same meaning      13
                     as they have in the Child Protection (Working with Children) Act   14
                     2012.                                                              15

 [6]   Section 32J Operation of this Part                                               16

       Omit "a prohibited person" from section 32J (2).                                 17

       Insert instead "an unauthorised person".                                         18

 [7]   Section 32K Termination of employment of unauthorised persons                    19

       Omit "a prohibited person" from section 32K (1) and where firstly occurring      20
       in section 32K (2) (a) and (c) and (4).                                          21

       Insert instead "an unauthorised person".                                         22

 [8]   Section 32K (1) and (4)                                                          23

       Omit "child-related employment" wherever occurring.                              24

       Insert instead "child-related work".                                             25

 [9]   Section 32K (2) (a) and (c) and (4)                                              26

       Omit "a prohibited person" where secondly occurring.                             27

       Insert instead "a person".                                                       28

[10]   Section 32K (2) (b)                                                              29

       Omit the paragraph.                                                              30

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                 Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Schedule 4          Amendment of other Acts

[11]   Section 32L Unauthorised person status to be notified to                            1
       Director-General                                                                    2

       Omit section 32L (1). Insert instead:                                               3

              (1)      A permanent or temporary employee who becomes an                    4
                       unauthorised person must immediately report that fact to the        5
                       Director-General.                                                   6

[12]   Section 32L (2)                                                                     7

       Omit "has been charged with an offence referred to in subsection (1), or is a       8
       prohibited person".                                                                 9

       Insert instead "has become an unauthorised person".                                10

[13]   Section 32L (4)                                                                    11

       Omit the subsection.                                                               12

[14]   Section 32M                                                                        13

       Omit the section. Insert instead:                                                  14

       32M   Review of failure to obtain authorisation or of unauthorised status          15

              (1)      If an application is made by a person under Part 4 of the Child    16
                       Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012, the Administrative    17
                       Decisions Tribunal is to notify the Director-General of the        18
                       application if it appears to the Tribunal that the person is a     19
                       member (or former member) of the school administrative and         20
                       support staff.                                                     21

              (2)      The Director-General is entitled to appear and be represented at   22
                       any proceedings arising out of any such application.               23

[15]   Section 32N Effect of person obtaining working with children check                 24
       clearance                                                                          25

       Omit section 32N (1) and the note to the subsection. Insert instead:               26

              (1)      This section applies to a person who is dismissed under            27
                       section 32K and who subsequently obtains a working with            28
                       children check clearance.                                          29

[16]   Section 32N (2)                                                                    30

       Omit "ceases to be a prohibited person because the conviction for the offence      31
       in respect of which the person is a prohibited person is overturned by a court     32
       on appeal".                                                                        33

       Insert instead "is granted a clearance (other than as referred to in               34
       subsection (3))".                                                                  35

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Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Amendment of other Acts                                                     Schedule 4

[17]   Section 32N (3) (a)                                                                    1
       Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:                                                    2
                    (a) the person is granted a clearance after an order under Part 4         3
                         of the Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012,            4
                         and                                                                  5

[18]   Section 32N (7)                                                                        6

       Omit the subsection.                                                                   7

[19]   Section 32O Disciplinary action may be taken against person who                        8
       ceases to be an unauthorised person                                                    9

       Omit "a prohibited person" wherever occurring.                                        10

       Insert instead "an unauthorised person".                                              11

[20]   Section 32R Protection for exercise of functions in connection with Part              12

       Omit "Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998" from                         13
       section 32R (6).                                                                      14

       Insert instead "Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012".                   15

[21]   Section 32S Transitional provision                                                    16

       Omit the section.                                                                     17

[22]   Schedule 1 Savings, transitional and other provisions                                 18

       Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                                    19

                     any other Act that amends this Act.                                     20

4.6 Industrial Relations Act 1996 No 17                                                      21

       Section 164A Powers of Commission as to disclosure of matters before                  22
       the Commission                                                                        23

       Omit section 164A (3). Insert instead:                                                24

              (3)    The Commission (other than in Court Session) may make any               25
                     non-disclosure order if it is satisfied that it is necessary to do so   26
                     in the interests of justice.                                            27

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                 Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Schedule 4          Amendment of other Acts

4.7 Institute of Teachers Act 2004 No 65                                                       1

       Section 24 General grounds for revocation of accreditation                              2

       Omit section 24 (2) (a). Insert instead:                                                3

              (a)      the authority is satisfied that the person is an unauthorised person    4
                       within the meaning of section 93R of the Teaching Service Act           5
                       1980,                                                                   6

4.8 Ombudsman Act 1974 No 68                                                                   7

       Section 25DA                                                                            8

       Insert after section 25D:                                                               9

      25DA   Disclosures to CCYP                                                              10

                       The Ombudsman may disclose the following information to the            11
                       Commission for Children and Young People:                              12
                       (a) information about an employee of a designated                      13
                            government or non-government agency that the                      14
                            Ombudsman believes may cause that employee to be a                15
                            disqualified person under the Child Protection (Working           16
                            with Children) Act 2012, or to be subject to an assessment        17
                            requirement under that Act,                                       18
                       (b) information about exemptions under section 25CA,                   19
                       (c) information about reports of investigations into reportable        20
                            conduct by the Ombudsman or a designated government or            21
                            non-government agency.                                            22

4.9 Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Act 1912 No 41                                    23

[1]    Section 81K Definitions                                                                24

       Omit the definition of relevant apprehended violence order from section                25
       81K (1). Insert instead:                                                               26
                    relevant apprehended violence order means (subject to                     27
                    subsection (5)) a final apprehended violence order made under             28
                    the Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2007, or a final          29
                    order made under Part 15A of the Crimes Act 1900 before its               30
                    repeal, being an order made on the application of a police officer        31
                    or other public official for the protection of a child from sexual        32
                    activity or acts of indecency.                                            33

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Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Amendment of other Acts                                                Schedule 4

[2]    Section 81K (5)                                                                  1
       Insert after section 81K (4):                                                    2

              (5)    The following are not relevant apprehended violence orders:        3
                     (a) an apprehended violence order made by a court before           4
                           3 July 1995 under Part 15A of the Crimes Act 1900,           5
                     (b) an external protection order (within the meaning of            6
                           section 562RA of the Crimes Act 1900) made before 3 July     7
                           1995,                                                        8
                     (c) an external protection order (within the meaning of Part 13    9
                           of the Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2007)    10
                           that is not registered under that Part.                     11

[3]    Section 81N Duties of CYP Commission with respect to child-related              12
       conduct declarations                                                            13

       Omit section 81N (2) (a). Insert instead:                                       14
                    (a) may exercise any of the functions it has under the Child       15
                         Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012, and              16

[4]    Section 81N (2) (b)                                                             17

       Omit "by that Act".                                                             18

[5]    Section 81N (2) (b)                                                             19

       Omit "Part". Insert instead "Act".                                              20

4.10 Teaching Service Act 1980 No 23                                                   21

[1]    Section 93L Suspension of officers from duty pending certain decisions          22
       or on lapsing of working with children check clearance                          23

       Omit section 93L (2). Insert instead:                                           24

              (2)    If an officer:                                                    25
                      (a) is charged with an offence referred to in section 93K, or    26
                     (b) is the subject of an interim bar, or                          27
                      (c) is refused a working with children check clearance and the   28
                            period for an application under Part 4 of the Child        29
                            Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012 has not        30
                            elapsed or an application has been made under that Part    31
                            and has not been determined, or                            32

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                Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Schedule 4         Amendment of other Acts

                      (d)    is not the holder of a clearance and is eligible to apply, but    1
                             has not applied, for a clearance,                                 2
                      the Director-General may suspend the officer from duty until the         3
                      officer is notified by the Director-General that the suspension has      4
                      been lifted.                                                             5

[2]   Section 93L (5)                                                                          6

      Insert after section 93L (4):                                                            7

             (5)      Words and expressions used in this section have the same                 8
                      meaning as they have in the Child Protection (Working with               9
                      Children) Act 2012.                                                     10

[3]   Part 4B, heading                                                                        11

      Omit "prohibited persons".                                                              12

      Insert instead "persons barred from working with children".                             13

[4]   Section 93R Definitions                                                                 14

      Omit the definitions of child-related employment, Commission and                        15
      prohibited person and the note to the section. Insert instead:                          16
                  unauthorised person means:                                                  17
                   (a) a person whose working with children check clearance is                18
                         cancelled, or                                                        19
                   (b) any other person who is required to hold but is not the                20
                         holder of a clearance, other than a person referred to in            21
                         section 93L (2) (b)-(d) or a person who is exempt from the           22
                         requirement to hold a clearance.                                     23

[5]   Section 93R (2)                                                                         24

      Insert at the end of section 93R:                                                       25

             (2)      Words and expressions used in this Part have the same meaning           26
                      as they have in the Child Protection (Working with Children) Act        27
                      2012.                                                                   28

[6]   Section 93S Operation of this Part                                                      29

      Omit "a prohibited person" from section 93S (2).                                        30

      Insert instead "an unauthorised person".                                                31

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Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Amendment of other Acts                                                 Schedule 4

 [7]   Section 93T Termination of employment of unauthorised persons                      1
       Omit "a prohibited person" from section 93T (1) and where firstly occurring        2
       in section 93T (2) (a) and (c) and (4).                                            3

       Insert instead "an unauthorised person".                                           4

 [8]   Section 93T (1) and (4)                                                            5

       Omit "child-related employment" wherever occurring.                                6

       Insert instead "child-related work".                                               7

 [9]   Section 93T (2) (a) and (c) and (4)                                                8

       Omit "a prohibited person" where secondly occurring.                               9

       Insert instead "a person".                                                        10

[10]   Section 93T (2) (b)                                                               11

       Omit the paragraph.                                                               12

[11]   Section 93U Unauthorised person status to be notified to                          13
       Director-General                                                                  14

       Omit section 93U (1). Insert instead:                                             15

              (1)    An officer or temporary employee who becomes an unauthorised        16
                     person must immediately report that fact to the Director-General.   17

[12]   Section 93U (2)                                                                   18

       Omit "has been charged with an offence referred to in subsection (1), or is a     19
       prohibited person".                                                               20

       Insert instead "has become an unauthorised person".                               21

[13]   Section 93U (4)                                                                   22

       Omit the subsection.                                                              23

[14]   Section 93V                                                                       24

       Omit the section. Insert instead:                                                 25

       93V    Review of failure to obtain authorisation or of unauthorised status        26

              (1)    If an application is made by a person under Part 4 of the Child     27
                     Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012, the Administrative     28
                     Decisions Tribunal is to notify the Director-General of the         29
                     application if it appears to the Tribunal that the person is an     30
                     officer or temporary employee or former officer or temporary        31
                     employee.                                                           32

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                Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Schedule 4         Amendment of other Acts

             (2)      The Director-General is entitled to appear and be represented at    1
                      any proceedings arising out of any such application.                2

[15]   Section 93W Effect of person obtaining working with children check                 3
       clearance                                                                          4

       Omit section 93W (1) and the note to that subsection. Insert instead:              5

             (1)      This section applies to a person who is dismissed under             6
                      section 93T and who subsequently obtains a working with             7
                      children check clearance.                                           8

[16]   Section 93W (2)                                                                    9

       Omit "ceases to be a prohibited person because the conviction for the offence     10
       in respect of which the person is a prohibited person is overturned by a court    11
       on appeal".                                                                       12

       Insert instead "is granted a clearance (other than as referred to in              13
       subsection (3))".                                                                 14

[17]   Section 93W (3) (a)                                                               15

       Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:                                               16
                    (a) the person is granted a clearance after an order under Part 4    17
                         of the Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012,       18
                         and                                                             19

[18]   Section 93W (7)                                                                   20

       Omit the subsection.                                                              21

[19]   Section 93X Disciplinary action may be taken against person who                   22
       ceases to be unauthorised person                                                  23

       Omit "a prohibited person" wherever occurring.                                    24

       Insert instead "an unauthorised person".                                          25

[20]   Section 93ZA Protection for exercise of functions in connection with              26
       Part                                                                              27

       Omit "Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998" from                     28
       section 93ZA (6).                                                                 29

       Insert instead "Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012".               30

[21]   Section 93ZB Transitional provision                                               31

       Omit the section.                                                                 32

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Child Protection (Working with Children) Bill 2012

Amendment of other Acts                                               Schedule 4

[22]   Schedule 3 Savings and transitional provisions                                  1
       Insert at the end of clause 2 (1):                                              2

                     any other Act that amends this Act.                               3

4.11 Young Offenders Act 1997 No 54                                                    4

       Section 68 Interventions not to be disclosed as criminal history                5

       Omit section 68 (2) (d). Insert instead:                                        6
                    (d) an application by a person for a working with children         7
                          check clearance, the assessment of a person or an            8
                          application under Part 4 of the Child Protection (Working    9
                          with Children) Act 2012.                                    10

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