New South Wales Bills

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                                     New South Wales

Coal Seam and Other Unconventional Gas
Moratorium Bill 2015

Explanatory note
This explanatory note relates to this Bill as introduced into Parliament.

Overview of Bill
The object of this Bill is to place a moratorium on prospecting for, or the mining of, coal seam gas
or other unconventional gas.

Outline of provisions
Part 1          Preliminary
Clause 1 sets out the name (also called the short title) of the proposed Act.
Clause 2 provides for the commencement of the proposed Act on the date of assent to the
proposed Act.
Clause 3 defines certain words and expressions used in the proposed Act. Words and expressions
used in the proposed Act that are defined in the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 have the same
meaning as in that Act, except in so far as they are defined differently in the proposed Act or the
context or subject-matter otherwise indicates or requires.

Part 2          Moratorium on coal seam or other unconventional gas
                prospecting or mining
Clause 4 prohibits prospecting for or mining of coal seam or other unconventional gas in an
onshore area from the commencement of the proposed Act until the day, if any, specified in a
moratorium lifting order published by the Minister in the Gazette (the moratorium period) for
the area. Any petroleum title (other than an existing production lease) relating to coal seam or

Coal Seam and Other Unconventional Gas Moratorium Bill 2015 [NSW]
Explanatory note

other unconventional gas ceases to have effect during the moratorium period for an area and the
Minister must not grant or renew any such title. The proposed section makes it clear that any
person who prospects or mines coal seam or other unconventional gas during the moratorium
period for an area has committed an offence under section 7 of the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991.
Clause 5 provides for no go zones for coal seam or other unconventional gas to be those areas
listed in Schedule 1.
Clause 6 provides that the Minister may make a moratorium lifting order, by order published in
the Gazette, to specify a day (being a day that is no earlier than 21 days after the order is published)
on which the moratorium period for a specified onshore area is to end. The Minister may only
make an order if:
(a) the Minister is satisfied that no part of the area is within the no go zone for coal seam or
        other unconventional gas, and
(b) the Standing Expert Advisory Body on Coal Seam Gas or Other Unconventional Gas (the
        Standing Expert Advisory Body) has provided the Minister with a certificate to the effect
        that, in its opinion, the moratorium regulatory framework under proposed section 8 is in
        effect and being complied with, and
(c) the Minister has published a certificate in the Gazette, prepared by the NSW Chief Scientist
        and Engineer and the Standing Expert Advisory Body, to the effect that any extraction of
        coal seam gas or other unconventional gas would be safe and not cause permanent harm to
        water sources and the environment and would not result in an increase of the net greenhouse
        gas emissions for the State during the life of the proposed petroleum title or titles for the
Clause 7 provides that the Minister is to establish the Standing Expert Advisory Body. The
proposed section establishes the functions of the body, which include making recommendations
to the Minister, providing an annual report to the Minister and designating areas for the purposes
of proposed Schedule 1.
Clause 8 provides that the regulations may make provision for or with respect to the creation,
administration and enforcement of the moratorium regulatory framework. The moratorium
regulatory framework is to provide for the regulation of petroleum mining operations that are
conducted under the authority of an existing production lease or a petroleum title granted over a
part of an onshore area for which a moratorium period has ended.

Part 3       Miscellaneous
Clause 9 provides that any person may bring proceedings in the Land and Environment Court for
an order to remedy or restrain a convention of the proposed Act.
Clause 10 provides that the State is not required to pay compensation in connection with the
enactment or operation of the proposed Act, but may nevertheless voluntarily choose to do so.
Clause 11 provides that the proposed Act operates despite the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 or
any other law.
Clause 12 enables the Governor to make regulations for the purposes of the proposed Act.

Schedule 1              No go zones for coal seam or other
                        unconventional gas extraction
Schedule 1 lists the areas that are no go zones for coal seam or other unconventional gas and are
excluded from the making of moratorium lifting orders under proposed section 6. These areas
include certain local government areas, core drinking water catchment areas, the recharge zone of
the Great Artesian Basin, certain reserved land and other significant areas, certain residential areas
and areas within 2 kilometres of a critical industry cluster or prime agricultural land, as designated
by the Standing Expert Advisory Body.

Page 2
Introduced by the Hon. Adam Searle                                                First print

                                      New South Wales

Coal Seam and Other Unconventional Gas
Moratorium Bill 2015

Part 1          Preliminary
                 1   Name of Act                                                            2
                 2   Commencement                                                           2
                 3   Interpretation                                                         2

Part 2          Moratorium on coal seam or other unconventional gas
                prospecting or mining
                 4   Moratorium on coal seam or other unconventional gas prospecting or
                     mining                                                                 3
                 5   No go zones for coal seam or other unconventional gas extraction       3
                 6   Moratorium lifting orders                                              3
                 7   Standing Expert Advisory Body on Coal Seam or Other Unconventional
                     Gas                                                                    4
                 8   Moratorium regulatory framework                                        6

Part 3          Miscellaneous
                 9   Restraint of contraventions of this Act and regulations                7
                10   Compensation not payable                                               7
                11   Relationship of Act with other laws                                    7
                12   Regulations                                                            8

Schedule 1           No go zones for coal seam or other unconventional
                     gas extraction                                                         9

                                 New South Wales

Coal Seam and Other Unconventional Gas
Moratorium Bill 2015

No     , 2015

A Bill for
An Act to place a moratorium on prospecting for, or the mining of, coal seam gas or other
unconventional gas.
Coal Seam and Other Unconventional Gas Moratorium Bill 2015 [NSW]
Part 1 Preliminary

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                                                 1

Part 1         Preliminary                                                                                 2

 1    Name of Act                                                                                          3
               This Act is the Coal Seam and Other Unconventional Gas Moratorium Act 2015.                 4

 2    Commencement                                                                                         5
               This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.                                       6

 3    Interpretation                                                                                       7
         (1)   In this Act:                                                                                8
               coal seam or other unconventional gas means any petroleum in a gaseous state that            9
               is extracted (whether by drilling, hydraulic fracturing or other means) from:               10
                (a) coal seams or beds, or                                                                 11
               (b) layers of shale rock, or                                                                12
                (c) tight sands such as sandstone or limestone.                                            13
               existing production lease means a production lease that was in force immediately            14
               before the day on which this Act commenced.                                                 15
               greenhouse gas emissions means emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous                16
               oxide, a perfluorocarbon gas or any other gas prescribed by the regulations for the         17
               purposes of this definition.                                                                18
               moratorium lifting order--see section 6.                                                     19
               moratorium period for an onshore area of the State is the period:                           20
                (a) commencing at the start of the day on which this Act commenced, and                    21
               (b) ending at the start of the day (if any) specified in a moratorium lifting order as      22
                      the day on which the moratorium period for the area ends.                            23
               Note. All onshore areas will have a moratorium period on the commencement of this Act.      24
               no go zone for coal seam or other unconventional gas extraction--see section 5.              25
               petroleum title relating to coal seam or other unconventional gas means any of the          26
               following:                                                                                  27
                (a) an exploration licence granting the holder the exclusive right to prospect for         28
                     coal seam or other unconventional gas on the land comprised in the licence,           29
               (b) an assessment lease granting the holder the exclusive right to prospect for coal        30
                     seam or other unconventional gas and to assess any coal seam gas deposit on           31
                     the land comprised in the lease,                                                      32
                (c) a production lease granting the holder the exclusive right to conduct petroleum        33
                     mining operations for coal seam or other unconventional gas in and on the land        34
                     included in the lease,                                                                35
               (d) a special prospecting authority granting the holder the exclusive right to              36
                     conduct speculative geological, geophysical or geochemical surveys or                 37
                     scientific investigations in relation to coal seam or other unconventional gas        38
                     on and in respect of the land comprised in the authority.                             39
               Standing Expert Advisory Body--see section 7.                                                40
         (2)   Words and expressions used in this Act that are defined in the Petroleum (Onshore)          41
               Act 1991 have the same meaning as in that Act, except in so far as they are defined         42
               differently in this Act or the context or subject-matter otherwise indicates or requires.   43
         (3)   Notes included in this Act do not form part of this Act.                                    44

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Coal Seam and Other Unconventional Gas Moratorium Bill 2015 [NSW]
Part 2 Moratorium on coal seam or other unconventional gas prospecting or mining

Part 2         Moratorium on coal seam or other unconventional gas                                           1
               prospecting or mining                                                                         2

  4   Moratorium on coal seam or other unconventional gas prospecting or mining                              3
         (1)   The following provisions apply during the moratorium period for each onshore area:            4
               (a) prospecting for or mining coal seam or other unconventional gas is prohibited             5
                     in the area except in accordance with an existing production lease (as modified         6
                     by subsection (2)),                                                                     7
               (b) any petroleum title (other than an existing production lease) relating to coal             8
                     seam or other unconventional gas that is in force immediately before the                 9
                     commencement of this Act ceases to have effect to the extent to which it                10
                     authorises prospecting for or mining coal seam or other unconventional gas in           11
                     the area,                                                                               12
               (c) the Minister must not (and cannot) grant or renew any petroleum title relating            13
                     to coal seam or other unconventional gas for the area.                                  14
         (2)   An existing production lease that is a petroleum title relating to coal seam or other         15
               unconventional gas is taken, during the moratorium period for an onshore area, not            16
               to authorise its holder to conduct petroleum mining operations involving drilling or          17
               hydraulic fracturing for the purpose of increasing or extending the holder's capacity         18
               to produce coal seam or other unconventional gas in the area.                                 19

         (3)   To avoid doubt, section 7 (Offence of prospecting or mining without authority) of the         20
               Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 extends to a person who prospects or mines coal seam             21
               or other unconventional gas in an onshore area during the moratorium period for the           22
               area except in accordance with an existing production lease (as modified by                   23
               subsection (2)).                                                                              24

  5   No go zones for coal seam or other unconventional gas extraction                                       25
         (1)   Each of the areas listed in Schedule 1 is a no go zone for coal seam or other                 26
               unconventional gas extraction.                                                                27
         (2)   A reference in Schedule 1 to an area designated by the Standing Expert Advisory               28
               Body is a reference to an area that is identified by the Advisory Body (whether by            29
               means of a description or maps, or both) from time to time.                                   30
               Note. The Minister must ensure that any descriptions or maps (or both) for areas designated   31
               by the Standing Expert Advisory Body from time to time for the purposes of Schedule 1 are     32
               published and publicly accessible on the website of the Department--see section 7 (5).         33
         (3)   The Minister may, by order published on the NSW legislation website, amend                    34
               Schedule 1 to add descriptions of additional areas, but only if the Standing Expert           35
               Advisory Body has recommended that the area be added to the Schedule.                         36

         (4)   An area may be added to Schedule 1 by an order under subsection (3) even if a part            37
               of the additional area already falls within a description of another area listed in the       38
               Schedule.                                                                                     39

         (5)   Sections 40 and 41 of the Interpretation Act 1987 apply to an order under this section        40
               in the same way as they apply to a statutory rule.                                            41

  6   Moratorium lifting orders                                                                              42
         (1)   The Minister may, by order published in the Gazette (a moratorium lifting order),             43
               specify a day (being a day that is no earlier than 21 days after the order is published)      44
               on which the moratorium period for a specified onshore area is to end.                        45

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Coal Seam and Other Unconventional Gas Moratorium Bill 2015 [NSW]
Part 2 Moratorium on coal seam or other unconventional gas prospecting or mining

         (2)   The Minister may make a moratorium lifting order for a specified onshore area only        1
               if:                                                                                       2
                (a) the Minister is satisfied on reasonable grounds that no part of the area is within   3
                    any of the no go zones for coal seam or other unconventional gas extraction,         4
                    and                                                                                  5
               (b) the Standing Expert Advisory Body has provided the Minister with a                     6
                    certificate to the effect that, in its opinion, the moratorium regulatory             7
                    framework referred to in section 8 is in force and any applicable requirements        8
                    of the framework are being (or are capable of being) complied with within the         9
                    area by holders (or proposed holders) of petroleum titles, and                       10
                (c) the Minister has published in the Gazette a certificate prepared by both the         11
                    NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer and the Standing Expert Advisory Body to            12
                    the effect that the extraction of coal seam or other unconventional gas, if          13
                    carried out in accordance with the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 and this Act         14
                    (and any licence conditions of a kind specified in the certificate):                 15
                     (i) would be safe and not cause permanent harm to water sources in the area         16
                           or any other part of the area's environment, and                              17
                    (ii) would not result in an increase of the net greenhouse gas emissions for         18
                           the State during the life of the proposed petroleum title or titles for the   19
                           area.                                                                         20

         (3)   The end of the moratorium period for an onshore area does not operate to revive any       21
               petroleum title to the extent to which that title ceased to have effect because of the    22
               operation of section 4.                                                                   23

         (4)   Sections 40 and 41 of the Interpretation Act 1987 apply to a moratorium lifting order     24
               published in the Gazette in the same way as they apply to a statutory rule published      25
               on the NSW legislation website.                                                           26

  7   Standing Expert Advisory Body on Coal Seam or Other Unconventional Gas                             27
         (1)   The Minister is to establish the Standing Expert Advisory Body on Coal Seam or            28
               Other Unconventional Gas (the Standing Expert Advisory Body).                             29
         (2)   The Standing Expert Advisory Body:                                                        30
               (a) is to consist of at least the following 3 members:                                    31
                      (i) one member who, in the opinion of the Minister, has qualifications and         32
                           expertise in an earth, environmental or biological science,                   33
                     (ii) one member who, in the opinion of the Minister, has engineering                34
                           qualifications and expertise concerning the conduct of petroleum              35
                           mining operations,                                                            36
                    (iii) one member who, in the opinion of the Minister, has qualifications and         37
                           expertise in relation to water management, and                                38
               (b) may include no more than 2 additional members who, in the opinion of the              39
                     Minister, have qualifications and expertise in medicine or the social sciences.     40
         (3)   The regulations may make provision for or with respect to the following:                  41
               (a) terms of office of members of the Standing Expert Advisory Body,                      42
               (b) the appointment of a Chairperson of the Standing Expert Advisory Body and             43
                     the appointment of deputies for members,                                            44
               (c) vacation of office of members (including by removal),                                 45
               (d) remuneration of members,                                                              46
               (e) the procedure for meetings and decisions of the Standing Expert Advisory              47
                     Body (including quorum requirements).                                               48

Page 4
Coal Seam and Other Unconventional Gas Moratorium Bill 2015 [NSW]
Part 2 Moratorium on coal seam or other unconventional gas prospecting or mining

         (4)   The Standing Expert Advisory Body has each of the following functions:                    1
               (a) to advise, and provide recommendations to, the Minister in connection with            2
                      the following:                                                                     3
                       (i) whether petroleum mining operations for coal seam or other                    4
                             unconventional gas should be permitted in any onshore area and, if so,      5
                             the regulatory system that should apply to the area (including conditions   6
                             that should be imposed on petroleum titles relating to coal seam or other   7
                             unconventional gas granted for the area),                                   8
                      (ii) the establishment and contents of, and analysis of the data held in, the       9
                             Whole of Environment Data Repository referred to in section 8 (2) (d),      10
                     (iii) the development and updating of a risk management and prediction tool         11
                             with respect to the effects of petroleum mining operations for coal seam    12
                             or other unconventional gas and its use in connection with the lifting of   13
                             the moratorium period for an onshore area and the granting of               14
                             petroleum titles relating to such gas,                                      15
                     (iv) the processes for characterising and modelling the sedimentary basis of        16
                             the State,                                                                  17
                      (v) the planning implications for the State if petroleum mining operations         18
                             for coal seam or other unconventional gas are permitted to be conducted     19
                             in an onshore area,                                                         20
                     (vi) any scientific and technological developments concerning the conduct           21
                             of petroleum mining operations for coal seam or other unconventional        22
                             gas (including whether such developments should be incorporated into        23
                             the regulatory system for such operations),                                 24
                    (vii) research that should be undertaken with respect to the conduct of              25
                             petroleum mining operations for coal seam or other unconventional gas       26
                             in the State,                                                               27
                   (viii) the development with the private sector and public sector bodies (both         28
                             national and international) of joint or harmonised approaches to            29
                             research, data collection, modelling and scale issues (such as              30
                             subsidence) in connection with petroleum mining operations for coal         31
                             seam or other unconventional gas,                                           32
               (b) to designate areas for the purposes of the provisions of Schedule 1 that provide      33
                      for designation by the Standing Expert Advisory Body (including the                34
                      preparation of descriptions or maps, or both, to assist in the identification of   35
                      such areas),                                                                       36
               (c) to provide an annual report to the Minister, based on data contained in the           37
                      Whole of Environment Data Repository referred to in section 8 (2) (d), on the      38
                      environmental impacts on the State during the year concerned of coal seam or       39
                      other unconventional gas,                                                          40
               (d) such other functions as may be imposed or conferred on it by or under this or         41
                      any other Act.                                                                     42

         (5)   The Minister must ensure that the following are published and publicly accessible on      43
               the website of the Department:                                                            44
                (a) any descriptions or maps (or both) for areas designated by the Standing Expert       45
                     Advisory Body from time to time for the purposes of Schedule 1,                     46
               (b) any annual report referred to in subsection (4) (c) that is provided to the           47
                     Minister by the Standing Expert Advisory Body.                                      48

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Coal Seam and Other Unconventional Gas Moratorium Bill 2015 [NSW]
Part 2 Moratorium on coal seam or other unconventional gas prospecting or mining

  8   Moratorium regulatory framework                                                                          1
         (1)   The regulations may make provision for or with respect to the creation,                         2
               administration and enforcement of the moratorium regulatory framework.                          3
               Note. The Minister cannot begin to make moratorium lifting orders until the Standing Expert     4
               Advisory Body has certified certain matters concerning the establishment and operation of the   5
               moratorium regulatory framework--see section 6 (2).                                              6
         (2)   The moratorium regulatory framework is to provide for the following:                            7
               (a) the establishment of an accreditation or certification system for workers                    8
                    conducting permissible petroleum mining operations for coal seam or other                   9
                    unconventional gas (including mandatory training requirements for such                     10
                    workers),                                                                                  11
               (b) the inspection and auditing of permissible petroleum mining operations for                  12
                    coal seam or other unconventional gas to determine compliance with                         13
                    requirements of this Act and the regulations and conditions of petroleum titles,           14
               (c) the reporting, collection and publication of data concerning the conduct of                 15
                    permissible petroleum mining operations for coal seam or other                             16
                    unconventional gas,                                                                        17
               (d) the establishment of a publicly accessible repository of data (to be called the             18
                    "Whole of Environment Data Repository") containing data that has been                      19
                    collected under legislation of the State concerning activities involving water             20
                    management, gas extraction, mining, manufacturing and chemical processing                  21
                    in the State,                                                                              22
               (e) the manner in which permissible petroleum mining operations for coal seam                   23
                    or other unconventional gas are to be conducted,                                           24
                (f) the provision to the Minister by a holder of a petroleum title relating to coal            25
                    seam or other unconventional gas of information concerning potential impacts               26
                    (and the likelihood of potential impacts) on water sources in the area as a                27
                    precondition to commencing to conduct permissible petroleum mining                         28
                    operations under the authority of that title.                                              29

         (3)   It is sufficient compliance with subsection (2) if a requirement referred to in that            30
               subsection that is or can be applicable to the holder of a petroleum title relating to          31
               coal seam or other unconventional gas is imposed by way of a condition of the title             32
               prescribed by the regulations.                                                                  33

         (4)   In this section:                                                                                34
               permissible petroleum mining operations for coal seam or other unconventional gas               35
               means petroleum mining operations that are conducted under the authority of:                    36
                (a) an existing production lease, or                                                           37
               (b) a petroleum title granted over a part of an onshore area for which the                      38
                      moratorium period has ended.                                                             39

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Coal Seam and Other Unconventional Gas Moratorium Bill 2015 [NSW]
Part 3 Miscellaneous

Part 3         Miscellaneous                                                                                1

 9    Restraint of contraventions of this Act and regulations                                               2
         (1)   In this section, contravention includes threatened or apprehended contravention.             3
         (2)   Any person may bring proceedings in the Land and Environment Court for an order              4
               to remedy or restrain a contravention of this Act (or regulations made under this Act),      5
               whether or not any right of that person has been or may be infringed by or as a              6
               consequence of that contravention.                                                           7
         (3)   Proceedings under this section may be brought by a person on the person's own                 8
               behalf or on behalf of that person and on behalf of other persons (with their consent),       9
               or a body corporate or unincorporate (with the consent of its committee or other             10
               controlling or governing body), having like or common interests in those                     11
               proceedings.                                                                                 12
         (4)   Any person on whose behalf proceedings are brought is entitled to contribute to or           13
               provide for the payment of the legal costs and expenses incurred by the person               14
               bringing the proceedings.                                                                    15
         (5)   If the Court is satisfied that a contravention has occurred, or that a contravention will,   16
               unless restrained by order of the Court, be committed, it may make such order as it          17
               thinks fit to remedy or restrain the contravention.                                          18

10    Compensation not payable                                                                              19
         (1)   Compensation is not payable by or on behalf of the State:                                    20
               (a) because of the enactment or operation of this Act or any Act that amends this            21
                   Act (or any regulations made under this Act), or                                         22
               (b) because of any direct or indirect consequence of any such enactment or                   23
                   operation (including any conduct under the authority of any such enactment),             24
                   or                                                                                       25
               (c) because of any conduct relating to any such enactment or operation.                      26

         (2)   This section extends to conduct and any other matter occurring before the                    27
               commencement of this section.                                                                28

         (3)   To avoid doubt, nothing in this section prevents the State from voluntarily providing        29
               compensation, in such circumstances as it considers appropriate, for any conduct or          30
               other matter of a kind referred to in subsection (1) (a), (b) or (c).                        31

         (4)   In this section:                                                                             32
               compensation includes damages or any other form of compensation.                             33
               conduct includes any statement, or any act or omission:                                      34
                (a) whether unconscionable, negligent, false, misleading, deceptive or otherwise,           35
                      and                                                                                   36
               (b) whether constituting an offence, tort, breach of contract, breach of statute or          37
                      otherwise.                                                                            38
               statement includes a representation of any kind, whether made orally or in writing.          39
               the State means the Crown within the meaning of the Crown Proceedings Act 1988               40
               or an officer, employee or agent of the Crown.                                               41

11    Relationship of Act with other laws                                                                   42
               This Act has effect despite the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 or any other law.               43

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Coal Seam and Other Unconventional Gas Moratorium Bill 2015 [NSW]
Part 3 Miscellaneous

12    Regulations                                                                                      1
            The Governor may make regulations, not inconsistent with this Act, for or with             2
            respect to any matter that by this Act is required or permitted to be prescribed or that   3
            is necessary or convenient to be prescribed for carrying out or giving effect to this      4
            Act.                                                                                       5

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Coal Seam and Other Unconventional Gas Moratorium Bill 2015 [NSW]
Schedule 1 No go zones for coal seam or other unconventional gas extraction

Schedule 1             No go zones for coal seam or other                                                  1
                       unconventional gas extraction                                                       2

                                                                              (Sections 5 and 7 (4) (b))   3

  1   Northern rivers of New South Wales                                                                   4
             Each of the following local government areas:                                                 5
             (a) Ballina,                                                                                  6
             (b) Byron,                                                                                    7
             (c) Clarence Valley,                                                                          8
             (d) Kyogle,                                                                                   9
             (e) Lismore,                                                                                  10
              (f) Richmond Valley,                                                                         11
             (g) Tweed.                                                                                    12

  2   Core drinking water catchment areas                                                                  13
             Each of the following areas:                                                                  14
             (a) a special area under the Water NSW Act 2014, but only to the extent that it is            15
                   located in the Sydney catchment area within the meaning of that Act,                    16
             (b) an area identified as a water catchment area (however described) under an                 17
                   environmental planning instrument (within the meaning of the Environmental              18
                   Planning and Assessment Act 1979),                                                      19
             (c) each catchment area referred to in clause 4 of the Hunter Water Regulation                20
                   2015,                                                                                   21
             (d) without limiting paragraph (a), (b) or (c), the Mangrove Creek water                      22
                   catchment area or any other water catchment area (as designated by the                  23
                   Standing Expert Advisory Body), including for each of the following dams:               24
                    (i) Avon,                                                                              25
                   (ii) Cordeaux,                                                                          26
                  (iii) Warragamba,                                                                        27
                  (iv) Woronora.                                                                           28

  3   Recharge zone of the Great Artesian Basin                                                            29
             An area that is within the recharge zone of the Great Artesian Basin (as designated           30
             by the Standing Expert Advisory Body).                                                        31

  4   National parks and other environmentally significant areas                                           32
             Each of the following areas (or any area within 2 kilometres of each of the following         33
             areas):                                                                                       34
             (a) land declared as a wilderness area under the Wilderness Act 1987 or the                   35
                    National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974,                                                  36
             (b) land reserved under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974,                             37
             (c) an area listed as a wetland under the Convention on Wetlands of International             38
                    Importance done at Ramsar, Iran on 2 February 1971,                                    39
             (d) the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area.                                           40

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Coal Seam and Other Unconventional Gas Moratorium Bill 2015 [NSW]
Schedule 1 No go zones for coal seam or other unconventional gas extraction

  5   Residential areas                                                                                 1
             Land that is zoned or otherwise designated for use under an environmental planning         2
             instrument (within the meaning of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act            3
             1979) for, or principally for, residential purposes (or land within 2 kilometres of such   4
             land).                                                                                     5

  6   Critical industry clusters                                                                        6
             An area designated by the Standing Expert Advisory Body to be a critical industry          7
             cluster (or an area within 2 kilometres of such an area).                                  8

  7   Prime agricultural land                                                                           9
             An area designated by the Standing Expert Advisory Body to be prime agricultural           10
             land (or an area within 2 kilometres of such an area).                                     11

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