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Compensation to Relatives Legislation
Amendment (Dust Diseases) Bill 2012
No     , 2012

A Bill for

An Act to amend certain legislation to give effect to the recommendations of the
NSW Law Reform Commission in its Report 131 Compensation to Relatives.
              Compensation to Relatives Legislation Amendment (Dust Diseases) Bill
Clause 1      2012

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:                                           1

 1    Name of Act                                                                    2

           This Act is the Compensation to Relatives Legislation Amendment           3
           (Dust Diseases) Act 2012.                                                 4

 2    Commencement                                                                   5

           This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.                     6

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Compensation to Relatives Legislation Amendment (Dust Diseases) Bill

Amendments                                                                    Schedule 1

Schedule 1             Amendments                                                                1

1.1 Compensation to Relatives Act 1897 No 31                                                     2

[1]   Section 3 An action to be maintainable against any person causing death                    3
      through neglect despite the death of the person injured                                    4

      Insert at the end of section 3 (3) (c):                                                    5
                           , or                                                                  6
                     (d) any damages recovered or recoverable for the benefit of                 7
                           the estate of the deceased person under section 12B of the            8
                           Dust Diseases Tribunal Act 1989.                                      9

[2]   Section 3 (4)                                                                             10

      Insert after section 3 (3):                                                               11

             (4)    Section 3 (3) (d), as inserted by the Compensation to Relatives             12
                    Legislation Amendment (Dust Diseases) Act 2012, extends to an               13
                    action for damages that arises before the commencement of that              14
                    Act but not so as to affect any decision of a court or tribunal made        15
                    before that commencement.                                                   16

1.2 Dust Diseases Tribunal Act 1989 No 63                                                       17

[1]   Section 12B                                                                               18

      Omit the section. Insert instead:                                                         19

      12B    Damages for non-economic loss after death of plaintiff                             20

             (1)    The purpose of this section is to enable the estate of a person             21
                    whose death has been caused by a dust-related condition to                  22
                    recover damages for the person's pain or suffering, or for any              23
                    bodily or mental harm suffered by the person, or for curtailment            24
                    of the person's expectation of life, provided:                              25
                     (a) proceedings commenced by the person were pending                       26
                           before the Tribunal at the person's death, or                        27
                    (b) proceedings are, by the filing and service of the statement             28
                           of claim and the statement of particulars, commenced by              29
                           the estate of the person no later than 12 months after the           30
                           person's death.                                                      31
                    Note. Section 17 (5) enables parties to be joined at any stage during the   32
                    proceedings.                                                                33

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               Compensation to Relatives Legislation Amendment (Dust Diseases) Bill

Schedule 1     Amendments

             (2)   Section 2 (2) (d) of the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions)       1
                   Act 1944 does not apply in relation to:                              2
                   (a) proceedings commenced by a person before his or her              3
                         death and pending before the Tribunal at his or her death,     4
                         or                                                             5
                   (b) proceedings commenced by the estate of the person, by the        6
                         filing and service of the statement of claim and the           7
                         statement of particulars, no later than 12 months after the    8
                         person's death,                                                9

                   where the cause of action is for damages in respect of a            10
                   dust-related condition.                                             11

             (3)   This section, as substituted by the Compensation to Relatives       12
                   Legislation Amendment (Dust Diseases) Act 2012, extends to          13
                   proceedings in the Tribunal commenced before the                    14
                   commencement of that Act but not so as to affect any decision of    15
                   a court or tribunal made before that commencement.                  16

[2]   Schedule 3 Savings, transitional and other provisions                            17

      Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):                                               18
                    Compensation to Relatives Legislation Amendment (Dust              19
                    Diseases) Act 2012                                                 20

1.3 Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1944 No 28                               21

[1]   Section 2 Effect of death on certain causes of action                            22

      Insert at the end of section 2 (2) (a) (ii):                                     23
                                 , or                                                  24
                          (iii) any damages for the loss of the capacity of the        25
                                 person to provide domestic services during such       26
                                 time after the person's death as the person would     27
                                 have survived but for the act or omission which       28
                                 gives rise to the cause of action,                    29

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Compensation to Relatives Legislation Amendment (Dust Diseases) Bill

Amendments                                                             Schedule 1

[2]   Section 2 (3)                                                                    1
      Insert after section 2 (2):                                                      2

             (3)    Section 2 (2) (a) (iii), as inserted by the Compensation to        3
                    Relatives Legislation Amendment (Dust Diseases) Act 2012,          4
                    extends to an action for damages that arises before the            5
                    commencement of that Act but not so as to affect any decision of   6
                    a court or tribunal made before that commencement.                 7

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