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New South Wales Data Sharing (Government Sector) Bill 2015 Explanatory note This explanatory note relates to this Bill as introduced into Parliament. Overview of Bill The objects of this Bill are: (a) to enable government sector agencies to agree to share government sector data with the Data Analytics Centre (the DAC) in the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation (the Department) or other government sector agencies for certain purposes, and (b) to enable the Minister to give directions in certain circumstances to require government sector agencies to share government sector data with the DAC, and (c) to enable the Minister to obtain information for the DAC from government sector agencies about the kinds of data sets that they control, and (d) to specify safeguards (including in relation to the collection, use, disclosure, protection, keeping, retention or disposal of health information or personal information of individuals) to be complied with by the DAC and other government sector agencies in connection with data sharing under the proposed Act. Outline of provisions Part 1 Preliminary Clause 1 sets out the name (also called the short title) of the proposed Act. Clause 2 provides for the commencement of the proposed Act on the date of assent to the proposed Act. b2015-056.d28 Data Sharing (Government Sector) Bill 2015 [NSW] Explanatory note Clause 3 states the objects of the proposed Act. Clause 4 defines certain words and expressions used in the proposed Act. The DAC is defined to mean the DAC or such other government sector agency (or part of a government sector agency) as may be prescribed by the regulations. Data is defined to mean any facts, statistics, instructions, concepts or other information in a form that is capable of being communicated, analysed or processed (whether by an individual or by a computer or other automated means). Data analytics work is defined to mean the examination and analysis of data for the purpose of drawing conclusions about that data (including, for example, conclusions about the efficacy of Government policies or service delivery by government sector agencies). A government sector agency is defined to mean each of the following: (a) the DAC, (b) a government sector agency within the meaning of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013, (c) a statutory body representing the Crown, (d) a council or county council within the meaning of the Local Government Act 1993, (e) a State owned corporation, (f) a body (whether incorporated or unincorporated) established or continued for a public purpose by or under the provisions of an Act or statutory instrument, (g) a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Crown in right of the State or an agency, council, corporation or other body referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) or (f), (h) a person or body exercising public official functions declared by the regulations to be a government sector agency for the purposes of the proposed Act. Government sector data is defined to mean any data that a government sector agency controls, but does not include data of a kind excluded by the regulations. The privacy legislation is defined to mean: (a) the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 or the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002, and (b) any regulation or code of practice made, and any public interest directions or guidelines issued, under either of those Acts. Clause 5 provides that a disclosure of government sector data by a government sector agency to the DAC or another government sector agency that is authorised by the proposed Act is lawful for the purposes of any other Act or law that would otherwise operate to prohibit that disclosure (whether or not the prohibition is subject to specified qualifications or exceptions). However, the proposed section also makes it clear that nothing in the proposed Act authorises, permits or requires the DAC or another government sector agency: (a) to collect, use, disclose, protect, keep, retain or dispose of any government sector data that is health information or personal information otherwise than in compliance with the privacy legislation, or (b) to disclose any government sector data that is: (i) excluded information of specified agencies referred to in Schedule 2 to the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, or (ii) information of a kind described in Schedule 1 to that Act, or (c) to deal with any government sector data to which the State Records Act 1998 applies after it is shared under the proposed Act otherwise than in compliance with the State Records Act 1998. Page 2 Data Sharing (Government Sector) Bill 2015 [NSW] Explanatory note Part 2 Facilitating government sector data sharing Clause 6 authorises a government sector agency (other than the DAC) to agree to share government sector data with the DAC or with any other government sector agency for any of the following purposes: (a) to enable data analytics work to be carried out on the data to identify issues and solutions regarding Government policy making, program management and service planning and delivery by the government sector agencies, (b) to enable related agencies (such as branches, offices and other agencies within or otherwise related to a Public Service agency) to develop better Government policy making, program management and service planning and delivery by the agencies, (c) such other purposes as may be prescribed by the regulations. Clause 7 enables the Minister to direct a government sector agency (other than a university) to provide specified government sector data that it controls to the DAC within 14 days or such longer period specified in the direction if the Premier has advised the Minister that the data is required for the purpose of advancing a Government policy. Clause 8 enables the Minister to direct a government sector agency to provide the DAC with information about the government sector data that it controls so as to enable the DAC to determine the number and kinds of sets of data that the agency controls and the kind of information collected in those data sets. Clause 9 authorises the DAC to share with government sector agencies the results of data analytics work that it has carried out on data provided to it by a government sector agency under the proposed Act, but is not authorised to share that data with any other agency, person or body. Clause 10 provides that the Minister may give a direction under this proposed Part to a State owned corporation only with the approval of the Premier and after consulting the portfolio Minister of the corporation. The proposed section also enables a State owned corporation to be reimbursed for certain costs it incurs when complying with a direction that is not in its commercial interests. Part 3 Data sharing safeguards Clause 11 declares that the data sharing safeguards set out in the proposed Part are the safeguards that the DAC and other government sector agencies must comply with in connection with data sharing with the DAC or other government sector agencies under the proposed Act. Clause 12 sets out the privacy safeguards that require health information and personal information to be dealt with in compliance with privacy legislation. Clause 13 sets out safeguards in relation to confidential or commercial-in-confidence information. Clause 14 sets out data custody and control safeguards. Clause 15 enables other safeguards to be prescribed by regulations. Part 4 Miscellaneous Clause 16 provides that the proposed Act binds the Crown in all of its capacities. Clause 17 enables the Secretary of the Department to report failures by government sector agencies to comply with the proposed Act, the regulations or directions under the proposed Act. Clause 18 enables the Minister to delegate the Minister's functions under the proposed Act to the Secretary of the Department. Clause 19 enables the Governor to make regulations for the purposes of the proposed Act. Clause 20 provides for the review of the proposed Act in 5 years. Page 3 Data Sharing (Government Sector) Bill 2015 [NSW] Explanatory note Schedule 1 Savings, transitional and other provisions Schedule 1 enables the Governor to make regulations of a savings or transitional nature consequent on the enactment of the proposed Act or any other Act that amends the proposed Act. Page 4 First print New South Wales Data Sharing (Government Sector) Bill 2015 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary 1 Name of Act 2 2 Commencement 2 3 Objects of Act 2 4 Definitions 2 5 Relationship of Act with other laws 4 Part 2 Facilitating government sector data sharing 6 Voluntary data sharing with DAC or between other government sector agencies 5 7 Minister may give directions for data sharing with DAC 5 8 Minister may obtain information for DAC concerning government sector data sets 5 9 Sharing of results of data analytics work carried out by the DAC 6 10 Directions to State owned corporations 6 Part 3 Data sharing safeguards 11 The data sharing safeguards 7 12 Privacy safeguards 7 13 Confidentiality and commercial-in-confidence 7 14 Data custody and control safeguards 7 b2015-056.d28 Data Sharing (Government Sector) Bill 2015 [NSW] Contents Page 15 Other data sharing safeguards 8 Part 4 Miscellaneous 16 Act binds the Crown 9 17 Reports by Secretary of Department about compliance 9 18 Delegation 9 19 Regulations 9 20 Review of Act 9 Schedule 1 Savings, transitional and other provisions 10 Page 2 New South Wales Data Sharing (Government Sector) Bill 2015 No , 2015 A Bill for An Act with respect to the sharing of government sector data with a government data analytics centre and between other government sector agencies and to the privacy and other safeguards that apply to the sharing of that data. Data Sharing (Government Sector) Bill 2015 [NSW] Part 1 Preliminary The Legislature of New South Wales enacts: 1 Part 1 Preliminary 2 1 Name of Act 3 This Act is the Data Sharing (Government Sector) Act 2015. 4 2 Commencement 5 This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act. 6 3 Objects of Act 7 The objects of this Act are: 8 (a) to promote, in a manner that recognises the protection of privacy as an integral 9 component, the management and use of government sector data as a public 10 resource that supports good Government policy making, program 11 management and service planning and delivery, and 12 (b) to remove barriers that impede the sharing of government sector data with the 13 DAC or between other government sector agencies, and 14 (c) to facilitate the expeditious sharing of government sector data with the DAC 15 or between other government sector agencies, and 16 (d) to provide protections in connection with data sharing under this Act by: 17 (i) specifying the purposes for, and the circumstances in, which data 18 sharing is permitted or required, and 19 (ii) ensuring that data sharing involving health information or personal 20 information continues to be in compliance with the requirements of the 21 privacy legislation concerning the collection, use, disclosure, 22 protection, keeping, retention or disposal of such information, and 23 (iii) requiring compliance with data sharing safeguards in connection with 24 data sharing. 25 4 Definitions 26 (1) In this Act: 27 control in relation to data--see subsection (2). 28 DAC means that part of the Department known as the Data Analytics Centre or such 29 other government sector agency (or part of a government sector agency) as may be 30 prescribed by the regulations. 31 data means any facts, statistics, instructions, concepts or other information in a form 32 that is capable of being communicated, analysed or processed (whether by an 33 individual or by a computer or other automated means). 34 data analytics work means the examination and analysis of data for the purpose of 35 drawing conclusions about that data (including, for example, conclusions about the 36 efficacy of Government policies, program management or service planning and 37 delivery by government sector agencies). 38 data provider means the government sector agency that controls government sector 39 data that is provided under this Act to a data recipient. 40 data recipient means the government sector agency to which government sector data 41 is provided under this Act. 42 data sharing safeguards--see Part 3. 43 Department means the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation. 44 Page 2 Data Sharing (Government Sector) Bill 2015 [NSW] Part 1 Preliminary function includes a power, authority or duty, and exercise a function includes 1 perform a duty. 2 government sector agency means each of the following: 3 (a) the DAC, 4 (b) a government sector agency within the meaning of the Government Sector 5 Employment Act 2013, 6 (c) a statutory body representing the Crown, 7 (d) a council or county council within the meaning of the Local Government Act 8 1993, 9 (e) a State owned corporation, 10 (f) a body (whether incorporated or unincorporated) established or continued for 11 a public purpose by or under the provisions of an Act or statutory instrument, 12 (g) a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Crown in right of the State or an agency, 13 council, corporation or other body referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) 14 or (f), 15 (h) a person or body exercising public official functions declared by the 16 regulations to be a government sector agency for the purposes of this Act. 17 government sector data means any data that a government sector agency controls, 18 but does not include data of a kind excluded by the regulations. 19 head of a government sector agency means: 20 (a) in the case of a government sector agency within the meaning of the 21 Government Sector Employment Act 2013--the head of the agency within the 22 meaning of that Act, and 23 (b) in the case of any other government sector agency: 24 (i) the chief executive officer or other principal officer of the agency, or 25 (ii) any other person who is declared by the regulations to be the head of the 26 agency for the purposes of this definition. 27 health information has the same meaning as in the Health Records and Information 28 Privacy Act 2002. 29 personal information has the same meaning as in the Privacy and Personal 30 Information Protection Act 1998. 31 Note. Section 4A of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 excludes health 32 information from the definition of personal information in section 4 of that Act. 33 privacy legislation means: 34 (a) the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 or the Health 35 Records and Information Privacy Act 2002, and 36 (b) any regulation or code of practice made, and any public interest directions or 37 guidelines issued, under either of those Acts. 38 share, in relation to government sector data, means to provide (or be provided with) 39 the data. 40 (2) For the purposes of this Act, a person or body is taken to have control of data if: 41 (a) the person or body has possession or custody of the data, or 42 (b) the person or body has the data in the possession or custody of some other 43 person or body. 44 A person or body is, for example, taken to have control of data held by the person or 45 body in storage with a commercial storage provider (including a storage provider 46 who provides cloud storage facilities). 47 Page 3 Data Sharing (Government Sector) Bill 2015 [NSW] Part 1 Preliminary (3) Notes included in this Act do not form part of this Act. 1 5 Relationship of Act with other laws 2 (1) Subject to subsection (2), a disclosure of government sector data by a government 3 sector agency to the DAC or to another government sector agency is lawful for the 4 purposes of any other Act or law that would otherwise operate to prohibit that 5 disclosure (whether or not the prohibition is subject to specified qualifications or 6 exceptions) if: 7 (a) this Act provides that the agency is authorised to share the data with the DAC 8 or other government sector agency, and 9 (b) the agency provides the data to the data recipient only for the purpose to which 10 the authorisation to share relates. 11 (2) Nothing in this Act authorises, permits or requires the DAC or another government 12 sector agency: 13 (a) to collect, use, disclose, protect, keep, retain or dispose of any government 14 sector data that is health information or personal information otherwise than in 15 compliance with the privacy legislation, or 16 (b) to disclose any government sector data that is: 17 (i) excluded information of an agency specified in Schedule 2 to the 18 Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (being any 19 information that relates to any function specified in that Schedule in 20 relation to the agency), or 21 (ii) information of a kind described in Schedule 1 to that Act, or 22 (c) to deal with any government sector data to which the State Records Act 1998 23 applies after it is shared under this Act otherwise than in compliance with the 24 State Records Act 1998. 25 (3) This Act is not intended to prevent or discourage the sharing of government sector 26 data by government sector agencies as permitted or required by or under any Act or 27 other law (apart from this Act). 28 Page 4 Data Sharing (Government Sector) Bill 2015 [NSW] Part 2 Facilitating government sector data sharing Part 2 Facilitating government sector data sharing 1 6 Voluntary data sharing with DAC or between other government sector agencies 2 (1) A government sector agency (other than the DAC) is, subject to section 5 (2), 3 authorised to share government sector data that it controls with the DAC or with 4 another government sector agency for any of the following purposes: 5 (a) to enable data analytics work to be carried out on the data to identify issues and 6 solutions regarding Government policy making, program management and 7 service planning and delivery by the government sector agencies, 8 (b) to enable related government sector agencies (such as branches, offices and 9 other agencies within or otherwise related to a Public Service agency) to 10 develop better Government policy making, program management and service 11 planning and delivery by the agencies, 12 (c) such other purposes as may be prescribed by the regulations. 13 (2) If government sector data is shared under this section, the data provider and the data 14 recipient must comply with all data sharing safeguards that are applicable to them in 15 connection with the sharing. 16 7 Minister may give directions for data sharing with DAC 17 (1) The Minister may direct a government sector agency in writing to provide specified 18 government sector data that it controls to the DAC within 14 days or such longer 19 period specified in the direction, but only if the Premier has advised the Minister that 20 the data concerned is required to be shared for the purpose of advancing a 21 Government policy. 22 (2) A copy of a direction given under this section must be provided to the head of the 23 government sector agency to which the direction is given. 24 (3) If a direction is given under this section: 25 (a) the specified data provider is, subject to section 5 (2), authorised and required 26 to provide the specified government sector data in compliance with the 27 direction, and 28 (b) the specified data provider and the DAC must comply with all data sharing 29 safeguards that are applicable to them in connection with the sharing of the 30 data. 31 (4) The Premier may certify, in writing, that the Premier has advised the Minister that a 32 specified provision of government sector data by a government sector agency is 33 required for the purpose of advancing a Government policy. The certificate is 34 conclusive evidence of the matter stated in the certificate. 35 (5) The head of a government sector agency to which a direction is given under this 36 section must ensure that the direction is complied with in accordance with 37 subsection (3). 38 (6) A direction cannot be given under this section to a government sector agency that is 39 a university. 40 8 Minister may obtain information for DAC concerning government sector data sets 41 (1) The Minister may direct a government sector agency in writing to provide the DAC 42 with such information concerning the government sector data that it controls as the 43 Minister may require so as to enable the DAC to determine the number and kinds of 44 sets of data that the agency controls and the kind of information collected in those 45 data sets. 46 Page 5 Data Sharing (Government Sector) Bill 2015 [NSW] Part 2 Facilitating government sector data sharing (2) A copy of a direction given under this section must be provided to the head of the 1 government sector agency to which the direction is given. 2 (3) The government sector agency is (subject to section 5 (2)) authorised and required to 3 comply with a direction given to it under this section. 4 (4) This section does not require a government sector agency to provide government 5 sector data to the DAC. 6 (5) Nothing in this section affects or limits the functions of the Privacy Commissioner 7 under the privacy legislation. 8 9 Sharing of results of data analytics work carried out by the DAC 9 The DAC is, subject to section 5 (2), authorised to share with government sector 10 agencies the results of data analytics work that it has carried out on data provided to 11 it by a government sector agency under this Act, but is not authorised to share that 12 data with any other agency, person or body. 13 10 Directions to State owned corporations 14 (1) A direction may be given under this Part to a State owned corporation only if: 15 (a) the direction is given with the approval of the Premier, and 16 (b) where the portfolio Minister of the State owned corporation is neither the 17 Premier nor the Minister administering this Act--the Minister administering 18 this Act has consulted the portfolio Minister about the direction before it is 19 given. 20 (2) If the direction to provide the government sector data is given in circumstances where 21 the board of the State owned corporation considers that it is not in the commercial 22 interests of the State owned corporation to provide the data, a State owned 23 corporation is entitled to be reimbursed for the activity of providing the data in 24 accordance with the provisions of section 20N (3)-(5) of the State Owned 25 Corporations Act 1989. 26 (3) In this section: 27 portfolio Minister, in relation to a State owned corporation, has the same meaning as 28 in the State Owned Corporations Act 1989. 29 Page 6 Data Sharing (Government Sector) Bill 2015 [NSW] Part 3 Data sharing safeguards Part 3 Data sharing safeguards 1 11 The data sharing safeguards 2 This Part sets out the data sharing safeguards for the purposes of this Act that are 3 applicable to the sharing of government sector data under this Act with the DAC or 4 between other government sector agencies. 5 12 Privacy safeguards 6 (1) Without limiting section 5 (2), a data provider and data recipient must ensure that 7 health information or personal information contained in government sector data that 8 is shared is not collected, used, disclosed, protected, kept, retained or disposed of 9 otherwise than in compliance with the privacy legislation. 10 (2) If a data recipient that is provided with government sector data that contains health 11 information or personal information becomes aware that the privacy legislation has 12 been (or is likely to have been) contravened in relation to that information while in 13 the recipient's control, the data recipient must, as soon as is practicable after 14 becoming aware of it, inform the data provider of the contravention or likely 15 contravention. 16 13 Confidentiality and commercial-in-confidence 17 (1) A data recipient that is provided with government sector data that contains 18 confidential or commercially sensitive information must ensure that the information 19 is dealt with in a way that complies with any contractual or equitable obligations of 20 the data provider concerning how it is to be dealt with. 21 (2) In this section: 22 confidential or commercially sensitive information means: 23 (a) information a person or body controls that the person or body is required to 24 keep confidential because of a contractual or equitable obligation, or 25 (b) without limiting paragraph (a), information about commercial-in-confidence 26 provisions of a contract (within the meaning of the Government Information 27 (Public Access) Act 2009), or 28 (c) any other information the disclosure of which would prejudice any person's 29 legitimate business, commercial, professional or financial interests. 30 14 Data custody and control safeguards 31 (1) A data provider and data recipient must ensure that the government sector data that 32 is shared is maintained and managed in compliance with any legal requirements 33 concerning its custody and control (including, for example, requirements under the 34 Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 or State Records Act 1998) that 35 are applicable to them. 36 (2) If a data recipient that arranges for a person or body (other than another government 37 sector agency) to conduct data analytics work using government sector data with 38 which it has been provided, the head of the data recipient is to ensure that appropriate 39 contractual arrangements are in place before the data is provided to ensure that the 40 person or body deals with the data in compliance with any requirements of the 41 privacy legislation, the State Records Act 1998 and any Government data security 42 policies that are applicable to the data recipient. 43 Note. See, also, the offences in Part 6 of the Crimes Act 1900 in connection with unauthorised 44 access to, or the modification or impairment of, data held in computers. 45 Page 7 Data Sharing (Government Sector) Bill 2015 [NSW] Part 3 Data sharing safeguards 15 Other data sharing safeguards 1 (1) A data provider and data recipient must comply with such other requirements as may 2 be prescribed by the regulations for the provider or recipient in connection with the 3 sharing of government sector data. 4 (2) Without limiting subsection (1), a requirement prescribed by the regulations for the 5 purposes of that subsection may require a data provider or data recipient to comply 6 with any of the following in connection with the sharing of government sector data: 7 (a) specified instruments, or specified provisions of instruments, forming part of 8 the privacy legislation (for example, codes of practice, guidelines or 9 directions), 10 (b) any other codes of practice, guidelines, directions or publications specified (or 11 issued, made or published as provided) by the regulations. 12 Page 8 Data Sharing (Government Sector) Bill 2015 [NSW] Part 4 Miscellaneous Part 4 Miscellaneous 1 16 Act binds the Crown 2 This Act binds the State and, in so far as the legislative power of the Parliament of 3 New South Wales permits, the other States, the Territories and the Commonwealth. 4 17 Reports by Secretary of Department about compliance 5 (1) The Secretary of the Department may report to the Minister responsible for a 6 government sector agency or the Public Service Commissioner any failure by the 7 agency to comply with the requirements of this Act or the regulations or any other 8 matter of concern to the Secretary with regard to the agency's obligations under this 9 Act or the regulations. 10 (2) The Secretary of the Department can include in the annual report of the Department 11 under the Annual Reports (Departments) Act 1985 a report of any incidences of 12 failure by government sector agencies to comply with the requirements of this Act or 13 the regulations. A report of any such incident is to include any response provided to 14 the Secretary by the agency concerned about the matter. 15 18 Delegation 16 The Minister may delegate to the Secretary of the Department any function of the 17 Minister under this Act, except this power of delegation. 18 19 Regulations 19 (1) The Governor may make regulations, not inconsistent with this Act, for or with 20 respect to any matter that by this Act is required or permitted to be prescribed or that 21 is necessary or convenient to be prescribed for carrying out or giving effect to this 22 Act. 23 (2) The regulations may apply, adopt or incorporate (with or without changes) any 24 publication (including any guidelines or standards) as in force at a particular time or 25 from time to time. 26 20 Review of Act 27 (1) The Minister is to review this Act to determine whether the policy objectives of the 28 Act remain valid and whether the terms of the Act remain appropriate for securing 29 those objectives. 30 (2) The review is to be undertaken as soon as possible after the period of 5 years from 31 the date of assent to this Act. 32 (3) A report on the outcome of the review is to be tabled in each House of Parliament 33 within 12 months after the end of the period of 5 years. 34 Page 9 Data Sharing (Government Sector) Bill 2015 [NSW] Schedule 1 Savings, transitional and other provisions Schedule 1 Savings, transitional and other provisions 1 Part 1 General 2 1 Regulations 3 (1) The regulations may contain provisions of a savings or transitional nature consequent 4 on the enactment of this Act or any Act that amends this Act. 5 (2) Any such provision may, if the regulations so provide, take effect from the date of 6 assent to the Act concerned or a later date. 7 (3) To the extent to which any such provision takes effect from a date that is earlier than 8 the date of its publication on the NSW legislation website, the provision does not 9 operate so as: 10 (a) to affect, in a manner prejudicial to any person (other than the State or an 11 authority of the State), the rights of that person existing before the date of its 12 publication, or 13 (b) to impose liabilities on any person (other than the State or an authority of the 14 State) in respect of anything done or omitted to be done before the date of its 15 publication. 16 Page 10
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