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New South Wales Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Amendment (Administrative Funding) Bill 2013 Contents Page 1 Name of Act 2 2 Commencement 2 Schedule 1 Amendment of Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Act 1981 No 78 3 Schedule 2 Amendment of Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures (Adjustable Amounts) Notice 9 b2012-165-06.d14 New South Wales Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Amendment (Administrative Funding) Bill 2013 No , 2013 A Bill for An Act to amend the Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Act 1981 with respect to claims on the Administration Fund; and for other purposes. Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Amendment (Administrative Clause 1 Funding) Bill 2013 The Legislature of New South Wales enacts: 1 1 Name of Act 2 This Act is the Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures 3 Amendment (Administrative Funding) Act 2013. 4 2 Commencement 5 This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act. 6 Page 2 Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Amendment (Administrative Funding) Bill 2013 Amendment of Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Act 1981 Schedule 1 No 78 Schedule 1 Amendment of Election Funding, 1 Expenditure and Disclosures Act 1981 2 No 78 3 [1] Section 97E Public funding of eligible parties for administrative 4 expenditure 5 Omit section 97E (3). Insert instead: 6 (3) The annual amount to be distributed from the Administration 7 Fund to any such eligible party is the amount of actual 8 administrative expenditure incurred by or on behalf of the party 9 during the calendar year to which the payment relates, but not 10 exceeding: 11 (a) $200,000 if there is only one elected member endorsed by 12 the party, or 13 (b) $350,000 if there are only 2 elected members endorsed by 14 the party, or 15 (c) $450,000 if there are only 3 elected members endorsed by 16 the party, or 17 (d) $450,000 if there are more than 3 elected members 18 endorsed by the party plus $83,000 for each such member 19 in excess of 3 up to a maximum of 22 members in excess 20 of 3. 21 [2] Section 97F Public funding of Independent members for administrative 22 expenditure 23 Omit "$80,000" from section 97F (3). Insert instead "$200,000". 24 [3] Section 97GA 25 Insert after section 97G: 26 97GA Quarterly payments 27 (1) A party or an elected member is, subject to and in accordance 28 with this Act, eligible for quarterly payments from the 29 Administration Fund for actual administrative expenditure 30 incurred by or on behalf of the party or elected member in a 31 calendar year (the relevant calendar year) determined in 32 accordance with this section. 33 (2) A quarterly payment may be made in respect of each of the first 34 three quarters of the relevant calendar year. 35 Page 3 Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Amendment (Administrative Funding) Bill 2013 Schedule 1 Amendment of Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Act 1981 No 78 (3) A quarterly payment must not exceed: 1 (a) 25% of the annual amount if the payment is in respect of 2 the first quarter, and 3 (b) 50% of the annual amount if the payment is in respect of 4 the second quarter, less any amounts paid in respect of the 5 first quarter, and 6 (c) 75% of the annual amount if the payment is in respect of 7 the third quarter, less any amounts paid in respect of the 8 first and second quarters. 9 (4) The annual amount is the maximum amount of annual payment 10 for which the party concerned would be eligible under 11 section 97E (3), or the elected member concerned would be 12 eligible under section 97F (3), in respect of the relevant calendar 13 year. 14 (5) The annual amount is to be determined on the assumption that: 15 (a) in the case of a party, the number of elected members 16 endorsed by the party at the end of the relevant calendar 17 year will be the same as the number of elected members 18 endorsed by the party at the date on which the claim for the 19 quarterly payment is determined, and 20 (b) in the case of a person who is an elected member, the 21 person will continue to be an elected member at the end of 22 the relevant calendar year. 23 (6) All amounts paid to a party or an elected member by way of 24 quarterly payments under this section in respect of a calendar 25 year are to be deducted from the annual payment to which the 26 party or elected member is entitled under section 97E or 97F in 27 respect of that year. 28 (7) If a party or elected member receives amounts by way of 29 quarterly payment under this section in respect of a calendar year 30 in excess of the amount (if any) to which the party or elected 31 member becomes eligible under section 97E or 97F in respect of 32 that year, the amount of the excess must be repaid to the 33 Authority within 60 days after the party or elected member (or 34 agent of the party or elected member) receives notice in writing 35 from the Authority of the amount of the excess payment. 36 Page 4 Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Amendment (Administrative Funding) Bill 2013 Amendment of Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Act 1981 Schedule 1 No 78 (8) All amounts received by a party or elected member by way of 1 quarterly payments under this section in respect of a calendar 2 year must be repaid, on demand by the Authority, to the 3 Authority if the party or elected member is not eligible under 4 section 97E or 97F for an annual payment from the 5 Administration Fund in relation to that year. 6 [4] Section 97J Claims for payment 7 Omit "a payment under this Part for a calendar year" from section 97J (1). 8 Insert instead "an annual payment for a calendar year, or a quarterly payment, 9 under this Part". 10 [5] Section 97J (2) 11 Omit the subsection. Insert instead: 12 (2) A claim must: 13 (a) be lodged with the Authority and be in writing, and 14 (b) be accompanied by a declaration and such information or 15 evidence as the Authority may require under this Division, 16 including (but not limited to) information or evidence that 17 the Authority requires to establish the eligibility of the 18 party or elected member to make the claim, and 19 (c) be made within 6 months after the end of the calendar year 20 for which payment is to be made, unless the claim is for a 21 quarterly payment. 22 [6] Section 97J (3) 23 Omit the subsection. Insert instead: 24 (3) Entitlement to an annual payment under this Part is to be 25 determined as at the end of the calendar year for which the 26 payment is to be made. 27 [7] Section 97J (5)-(7) 28 Insert after section 97J (4): 29 (5) A payment under this Part for which a party or elected member is 30 eligible is required to be made within the period of 6 weeks after 31 the Authority receives all of the following: 32 (a) a claim for the payment that complies with this Division, 33 (b) all other documentation that is required to be provided 34 under this Division in connection with the claim, 35 Page 5 Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Amendment (Administrative Funding) Bill 2013 Schedule 1 Amendment of Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Act 1981 No 78 (c) information or evidence required by the Authority under 1 this Division in connection with the claim. 2 (6) Any amount required to be repaid to the Authority under this Part 3 or to which the recipient is not entitled may be recovered by the 4 Authority as a debt in any court of competent jurisdiction. 5 (7) The Authority may deduct from any payment due under this Part 6 in respect of a party or elected member any amount that the 7 Authority is authorised by this Part to recover as a debt from the 8 party or elected member or agent of the party or elected member. 9 [8] Schedule 1 Adjustment for inflation of monetary caps 10 Omit clause 4 (1). Insert instead: 11 (1) Each of the adjustable amounts specified in a provision of 12 Division 2 of Part 6A applies for the year 2012 and is to be 13 adjusted for inflation for subsequent calendar years as provided 14 by this clause. 15 (1A) Each of the adjustable amounts specified in a provision of 16 Division 3 of Part 6A applies for the first calendar year to which 17 the provision applies and is to be adjusted for inflation for 18 subsequent calendar years as provided by this clause. 19 [9] Schedule 2, heading 20 Omit the heading. Insert instead: 21 Schedule 2 Savings, transitional and other 22 provisions 23 [10] Schedule 2, clause 1A (1) 24 Omit the subclause. Insert instead: 25 (1) The regulations may contain provisions of a savings or 26 transitional nature consequent on the enactment of any Act that 27 amends this Act. 28 Page 6 Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Amendment (Administrative Funding) Bill 2013 Amendment of Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Act 1981 Schedule 1 No 78 [11] Schedule 2, Part 8 1 Insert after Part 7: 2 Part 8 Provisions consequent on enactment of 3 Election Funding, Expenditure and 4 Disclosures Amendment (Administrative 5 Funding) Act 2013 6 23 Definition 7 In this Part, amending Act means the Election Funding, 8 Expenditure and Disclosures Amendment (Administrative 9 Funding) Act 2013. 10 24 Payments from Administration Fund in respect of 2012 calendar 11 year 12 (1) The amendments made to sections 97E and 97F by the amending 13 Act are taken to have effect in respect of the 2012 calendar year. 14 (2) The Authority may, on application by a party or elected member, 15 redetermine any payment that has been made to the party or 16 elected member under Division 2 of Part 6A, or any claim for 17 payment under that Division, in respect of the 2012 calendar year 18 that was determined under section 97E or 97F as in force before 19 its amendment by the amending Act. 20 (3) If the amount of any payment for which the party or elected 21 member was eligible would have been more if the amendments 22 made to sections 97E and 97F by the amending Act had been in 23 force at the time the payment or claim was made, the Authority is 24 to redetermine the amount to which the party or elected member 25 is eligible under those sections as so amended. 26 (4) Sections 97K-97M apply to an application for redetermination of 27 a payment or claim under this clause and the payment of an 28 additional amount under this clause in the same way as they apply 29 to a claim for payment under Part 6A and a payment from the 30 Administration Fund under that Part. 31 (5) Any amount that is required to be paid to a party or elected 32 member on a redetermination of a payment or claim under this 33 clause is to be paid within 6 weeks after the Authority receives 34 the application for redetermination. 35 Page 7 Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Amendment (Administrative Funding) Bill 2013 Schedule 1 Amendment of Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Act 1981 No 78 (6) Section 97J (5) (as inserted by the amending Act): 1 (a) applies to a payment for which a claim is made after the 2 commencement of that subsection, and 3 (b) applies to a payment in respect of the 2012 calendar year 4 that has not been made but for which a claim (including the 5 required supporting documentation and information) was 6 made before that commencement as if the claim had been 7 received by the Authority on that commencement. 8 25 Notice of adjustable amounts 9 The adjustable amounts for 2013 inserted in the Election 10 Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures (Adjustable Amounts) 11 Notice by the amendment made by Schedule 2 to the amending 12 Act are taken to have been determined and published by the 13 Authority in accordance with Schedule 1 to this Act. 14 Page 8 Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Amendment (Administrative Funding) Bill 2013 Amendment of Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures (Adjustable Schedule 2 Amounts) Notice Schedule 2 Amendment of Election Funding, 1 Expenditure and Disclosures 2 (Adjustable Amounts) Notice 3 Schedule 1 Notice of adjustable amounts 4 Omit clauses 3 and 4. Insert instead: 5 3 Public funding of eligible parties for administrative expenditure 6 (section 97E of the Act) 7 Table 8 Column 1 Column 2 First day of calendar year Adjustable amount 1 January 2013 (a) $204,700 if there is only one elected member endorsed by the party, or (b) $358,100 if there are only 2 elected members endorsed by the party, or (c) $460,400 if there are only 3 elected members endorsed by the party, or (d) $460,400 if there are more than 3 elected members endorsed by the party plus $85,000 for each such member in excess of 3 up to a maximum of 22 members in excess of 3. 4 Public funding of Independent members for administrative 9 expenditure (section 97F of the Act) 10 Table 11 Column 1 Column 2 First day of calendar year Adjustable amount 1 January 2013 $204,700 Page 9
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